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Conditions have been established for the rapid flow analysis of leaf protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi using a flow cytometer-cell sorter. A procedure based upon chlorophyll autofluorescence was devised to permit the systematic evaluation of flow conditions in order to identify those under which protoplast damage was minimized. These conditions were employed for the flow sorting of protoplasts, following which it was possible to regenerate the sorted protoplasts into complete plants. The application of flow sorting is discussed for the rapid identification and selection of somatic hybrids produced by protoplast fusion.  相似文献   

Kuhlmann I 《Cytotechnology》1995,19(2):95-105
This article describes the historical development of the prophylactic use of antibiotics in cell culture as well as their effects on cells. The influence of antibiotics on cell morphology, cellular degeneration and cell death and cellular function is summarized. Cellular DNA as well as protein synthesis are affected which can lead to interference with, or even changes in, metabolic processes. Such effects must be considered in cell culture research. As antibiotics are used in multifold ways, the otherwise standardized conditions in cell culture are no longer comparable. The prophylactic use of antibiotics is rejected for scientific reasons.  相似文献   

Summary We report the observation of a decrease in media pH caused by isolated protoplasts after alkalinization of the culture medium. Additions of other cations or anions did not produce a similar response. Dinitrophenol immediately terminated the response. The acidification response was larger in suspensions that were cultured in auxins. The responses of protoplasts to changes in external pH may provide a means for assessing viability of nondividing protoplasts.  相似文献   

An experiment using plant protoplasts has been accepted for the IML-1 mission to be flown on a space shuttle in 1991. Preparatory experiments include studies of cell wall formation, cell division, the effect of simulated weightlessness using fast and slow rotating clinostats, and the development and testing of hardware for the IML-1 mission. After 24 h at 25°C, protoplasts isolated from hypocotyls or leaves of rapeseed seedlings, or from carrot suspension cells, show 60, 20 and 15% cell wall formation, respectively. The time course of formation of the cell wall and cell division could be delayed by treatment at low temperatures or immobilization in alginate or agarose. This aspect is of importance in connection with problems of late access to the space shuttle before launch. At 4°C only 18% of the rapeseed hypocotyl protoplasts had formed cell walls after 24 h. Protoplasts immobilised in agarose or alginate gradually regain their cell division capacity and after 72 h the frequencies are 51 and 26%, respectively, compared to non-immobilised control protoplasts. A significant decrease in cell division activity is observed after rotation for 6 h on the slow clinostat. A similar effect is not observed on the fast clinostat. Protoplasts, cultured in the specially designed plant chamber for up to 14 days established cell aggregates which have further developed into plants.  相似文献   

Many applications of cereal protoplast culture systems are still limited by the difficulties of regeneration from suspension cells which are the usual protoplast source. The objective of the present study therefore was to investigate the conditions for the development of a culture system for protoplasts capable of plant regeneration isolated directly from immmature scutella of barley. The procedure developed involves a two-stage pre-culture of scutellar tissue, followed by vacuum infiltration with cell wall degrading enzymes and the culture of alginate-embedded protoplasts. The pre-culture of the scutella and the co-cultivation of protoplasts with nurse cells were the most important factors for the success of the culture system, but several other parameters affecting protoplast yield, viability and sustained division were identified, including the developmental stage of the embryo, the use of cold conditioning periods during pre-culture, the composition of the pre-culture and protoplast culture medium, and the embedding matrix. Protoplasts isolated from scutellar tissues of barley cvs Dissa, Clipper, Derkado and Puffin were capable of sustained division in culture. Macroscopic protoplast-derived tissues were obtained in all cultivars, except ev. Puffin, and fertile plants were regenerated from cvs Dissa and Clipper 3–4 months after protoplast isolation. The procedure described provides a novel approach for the isolation of totipotent protoplasts in barley which avoids the need for suspension cultures.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts of Solanum nigrum and Petunia hybrida have been treated with lethal doses of different inhibitors irreversibly affecting cell metabolism. Survival was expected in fusion products by complementation of the inhibited enzymes. After fusion, three protoplasts survived, formed cell walls and two of them underwent mitoses. One of the multicellular regenerants could be examined cytologically and revealed to be a heterokaryon.  相似文献   

A simple method is described for the electrofusion of plant protoplasts. Protoplasts were aggregated in a radio-frequency field (10 V RMS, 0.5 MHz) for 15-30 s with an inter-electrode distance of J mm. They were then fused with a 300-V DC pulse. The protoplasts were able to divide after this treatment. A trans-ferrable electrode permitted electrofusion of l-ml volumes of culture in standard tissue-culture dishes in about 20 s.  相似文献   

Protoplasts were obtained from in vitro grown plants of Solanum tuberosum L. The protoplasts were cultured in X-plate petri dishes with the culture medium joined to a reservoirmedium. When activated charcoal was added to the reservoirmedium the culture ability of the protoplasts was significantly increased. The effect of activated charcoal was mainly due to a less pronounced browning of the developing protoplasts and this technique might be of help in protoplast cultures where browning is a problem.  相似文献   

High yields of protoplasts were obtained from mesophyll tissue of Digitalis obscura L. Osmotic potential of the isolation medium and Ca2+ were important in obtaining a high viability of the preparations. In different culture techniques employed, liquid-over-agar-solidified medium was superior to liquid medium alone. Agar plating technique was ineffective. On Murashige and Skoog modified medium with casein hydrolysate and several indoleacetic acid and benzyladenine combinations, isolated protoplasts underwent sustained mitotic division and produced calli. The calli formed shoots when transferred to regeneration media. Regenerated shoots could be easily rooted and developed into whole plants on half-strength Murashige and Skoog hormone-free medium.  相似文献   

The current status of electromanipulation, that is, electrofusion and electroporation, of plant protoplasts is reviewed. Parameters for electromanipulation as well as their practical implications are discussed. Some comparisons with the use of polyethylene glycol are made and the advantages of electromanipulation are considered.  相似文献   

Summary Novel nurse culture methods have been developed for plant regeneration from protoplasts of rice (Oryza sativa). The nurse culture methods use the agarose-bead type culture in combination with actively growing nurse cells that are either in the liquid part of the culture or inside a culture plate insert placed in the centre of the dish. Protoplasts isolated from either primary seed calluses or suspension cultures of various callus origins, divided and formed colonies with a frequency of up to 10% depending on the protoplast source and the genotype. The presence of nurse cells was absolutely required for the induction of protoplast division. Plants were regenerated from protoplast-derived calluses of five tested cultivars with a frequency of 17%–50%. Close examination of the plant regeneration process suggested that plants are regenerated through somatic embryogenesis from protoplast-derived calluses. Over 300 protoplast-derived plants were transferred to either pots or the field and are being examined for karyotypic stability and various plant phenotypes.  相似文献   

Summary The regeneration of lily protoplasts isolated from suspension cells of Lilium japonicum was achieved by using the nurse culture method. The protoplasts divided only under the nurse culture application. The divided protoplasts grew into colonies and developed into visible calluses on a medium containing picloram. After the calluses were transferred to a hormone-free medium, plantlets formed from them. The highest frequency of plant regeneration was obtained on a medium containing 1 μM gibberellin 4 (GA4). The cleaved amplified polymorphie sequences (CAPS) method was used to confirm that the regenerants were not plants that had escaped from nurse cells. We were able to transplant the plantlets to soil in pots without acclimatization, and they showed normal growth.  相似文献   

The isolation and culture of lily pollen protoplasts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Methods for the enzymatic isolation of lily protoplasts and their successful culture are described. When pre-anthesis binucleate pollen (immature pollen grains) was treated in enzyme solution containing macerozyme and cellulase, up to 80% lost their exine and gave rise to intact protoplasts within 1 h. These pollen protoplasts were uniform in size and densely cytoplasmic with two prominent generative and vegetative nuclei. The isolated pollen protoplasts regenerated a cell wall within 1 day of culture and produced a structure resembling a pollen tube after 10–12 days of culture. During this culture period, dividing generative nuclei or 2 sperm nuclei were observed in many protoplasts with regenerated cell walls.  相似文献   

The isolation and regeneration of tobacco mesophyll protoplasts from fully developed leaves, an important methodological step in plant genetic engineering as well as in plant cell biology and physiology, has been proven unreliable to the extent that it has become a significant setback to basic research. This unfortunate situation is primarily due to the suboptimal physiological state of greenhouse-grown protoplast donor plants. A technically simple and inexpensive method, based on the utilization of commercial Phototron units, is described for the production of suitable tobacco donor plants. Furthermore, a modified version of such a culture unit can be used to regenerate plants from protoplast-derived calli.  相似文献   

The carbonyl-conjugated pentaenes flavofungin, nigrofungin and flavopentin exhibit considerable lytic activity toward Micrococcus lysodeikticus and Bacillus megaterium protoplasts. The antibiotics at concentrations of 5 to 14 microgram/ml cause lysis of 50% of the protoplasts within 15 min of their incubation. The antibiotics inhibit the activity of NADH oxidase and malate oxidase by 50% in the lysates of Micrococcus lysodeikticus and Bacillus megaterium protoplasts at concentrations of 30 to 50 microgram/ml; preincubation of the lysates with the antibiotics intensify the inhibiting action of the polyenes. Growth of the bacteria is inhibited when the minimal concentration of the polyenes is 75 to 100 microgram/ml. Interaction of the polyenes with bacterial membranes lacking sterols indicates that resistance of at least some bacteria to polyenes is caused by impermeability of the cell wall for these substances rather than by the absence of sterols in the membranes.  相似文献   

It has been nearly 100 years since Müller-Thurgau (26) employed cryomicroscopy to identify the cooling rate dependency of intracellular ice formation. Since that time cryomicroscopy has advanced from the “ice age” when Molisch (23) packed his microscope in ice to the “space age” of today when computer hardware developed for space satellite imagery is used for cryomicroscopic image analysis. Although interest in cryomicroscopy has been sporadic in the intervening period, current interest is at a high level—largely as a result of the refinement in the cryomicroscope design by Diller and Cravalho (9). The increased sophistication in cryostage design and precision of temperature control allow for quantitative studies of cell behavior during a freeze-thaw cycle. Not only does quantitative video image analysis facilitate this task, but it provides for increased resolution of cellular and subcellular responses during the freeze-thaw cycle. Most importantly, cryomicroscopy presents a researcher with a panorama of cellular behavior within which existing facts can be placed in perspective and from which future experiments can be more accurately focused.  相似文献   

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