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森林采伐对尖峰岭海南特有种子植物多样性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
特有种子植物是热带森林植物区系的一个重要组成部分,且很容易受到人为干扰的影响,但是森林采伐对特有种子植物的影响少有报道。本文基于164个25m×25m植被公里网格样地数据,分析了海南岛尖峰岭地区海南特有种子植物(以下简称特有种子植物)的组成结构、样地内特有种子植物物种数与总物种数之间的关系;并从种-面积曲线、累积种-个体关系和物种多度分布3个方面比较了原始林、径级择伐林和皆伐林样地中特有种子植物的物种多样性变化规律。结果显示:尖峰岭地区特有种子植物种类丰富,共有158种,占全岛(397种)的40%;其中木本特有种子植物达98种(藤本除外),在164个样地内共记录到胸径≥1.0cm的52种,占整个尖峰岭地区的53%,以樟科、壳斗科、茜草科种类为主。样地内特有种子植物的物种数与总物种数成正相关关系。采伐后特别是径级择伐后特有种子植物物种数略微增加,但增加的种类大多仅在1-2个样地中出现;而且种群也比较小,表现为较稀有且不稳定的种群结构特征,在后续的更新中消失的可能性较大。但是,采伐后一些特有种子植物仍具有中等大小的种群,例如毛荔枝(Nephelium topengii)、海南紫荆木(Madhucaha inanensis)和尖峰岭锥(Castanopsis jianfenglingen-sis)等。  相似文献   

对太白山巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)-糙皮桦(Betula utilis)混交林及其环境因子进行了调查,采用CCA排序法分析了环境因子与物种分布的关系,偏CCA评估了各个环境因子的重要程度,GAM拟合了物种丰富度对各个环境因子的响应。结果显示,土壤pH、海拔、岩石盖度对物种分布有显著影响(P<0.05),其影响强度为:海拔>岩石盖度>pH,其它环境因子(土壤有机质、全N、全P含量和坡度)影响不显著(P>0.05)。GAM拟合结果表明,土壤pH、岩石盖度、海拔和全N含量是影响物种丰富度的主要环境因子(P<0.01),物种丰富度随pH值升高而增加,随岩石盖度和海拔升高而减小,而随全N含量的变化较为复杂;土壤有机质、全P含量和坡度对物种丰富度没有显著影响(P>0.05)。巴山冷杉-糙皮桦混交林物种分布及多样性是由海拔、岩石盖度和土壤pH值为主的多种环境因子综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

西双版纳20公顷样地热带森林植被数量分类与排序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了区分热带森林的群落特征并了解其群落特征与地形因子之间的相互关系,以西双版纳20 hm2森林动态监测样地为研究对象,对样地内500个森林群落样方采用Cluster聚类分析方法进行分类和采用除趋势对应分析(DCA)、典范对应分析(CCA)方法进行排序。结果表明:(1)西双版纳热带森林动态监测样地森林群落分为2个类型:热带季节雨林和热带山地常绿阔叶林;(2)植被类型的划分与CCA排序的结果相吻合,CCA排序轴第一、二轴呈现了海拔和凹凸度的梯度变化,并且两者总体上可以对83.9%的植被分布格局进行解释,表明海拔和凹凸度因子对该地区植被类型的分布起着决定性作用;(3)对优势物种的DCA和CCA排序表明不同物种对地形的要求存在差异,其分布格局同样主要受海拔和凹凸度的影响;(4)聚类分析与DCA和CCA排序的结果,同时表明了该地区森林植被的垂直分布格局。此方法可有效解释植被分布格局与地形之间的内在联系,为热带森林的管理和保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

环境因子对太白山高山植被物种组成和丰富度的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
任学敏  杨改河  朱雅  王小立  王得祥 《生态学报》2014,34(23):6993-7003
高山植被是一类具有重要生态和经济价值的植被类型,了解其物种组成和丰富度与环境因子的关系对于该类型植被保护、管理以及植物资源合理开发利用策略的制订具有重要指导意义。基于太白山高山植被和环境因子野外调查及室内实验数据,采用CCA排序法探索了环境因子对物种组成的影响,偏CCA计算了各环境因子对物种组成的总效应和净效应,GLM回归模型拟合了物种丰富度对环境因子的响应。结果表明,13个环境因子共解释了物种组成变异的31.7%,其中海拔、坡度、土壤碱解氮含量、全磷含量、坡向、岩石盖度、p H值、土壤厚度、有机质含量、有效磷含量和全氮含量对物种组成的净效应达显著水平(P0.05),但其作用强度依次减小。GLM拟合结果显示,物种丰富度与环境因子存在4种显著(P0.05)关系,即物种丰富度沿海拔和土壤厚度梯度单调递增,沿坡度和土壤全氮含量梯度单调递减,沿坡向、土壤p H值、碱解氮含量和全磷含量梯度呈单峰分布,与土壤有机质含量和全钾含量呈倒单峰关系。在这些显著的环境因子中,海拔、土壤碱解氮含量,p H值、有机质含量和坡向解释的物种丰富度变异量最大。  相似文献   

黄檗(Phellodendron amurense Rupr.)为我国二级重点保护野生植物,在北京地区黄檗多散生于阔叶林中,数量稀少。为了解北京地区黄檗分布与环境因子的关系,促进种群扩繁,在北京百花山、松山和雾灵山自然保护区共设置了12个20 m×20 m的样地,利用CCA分析方法对不同地点黄檗的生长分布状况与海拔、坡度、坡向、郁闭度、土壤pH值、碱解氮和土壤有机质等11个环境因子的关系进行了分析。结果显示,CCA排序第一轴主要反映了海拔、郁闭度和坡度的变化,第二轴主要反映了有机质含量、碱解氮含量、pH值和坡向的变化,其中海拔、碱解氮和土壤有机质是影响黄檗生长分布的重要环境因子,低海拔、低碱解氮含量以及土壤有机质高的地段适宜黄檗分布。对影响黄檗分布的环境因子进行定量分离,结果发现环境因子对黄檗样地物种分布的解释能力为84.5%,显示出较好的排序效果,黄檗分布点受人为干扰较少,其所在植物群落与环境保持了良好的对应关系;环境因子与物种分布呈显著相关(P=0.03),表明CCA排序结果可以解释环境因子对物种分布的影响程度。  相似文献   

海南岛霸王岭两种典型热带季雨林群落特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘万德  臧润国  丁易 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3465-3476
热带季雨林为海南岛的隐域性植被类型,分布在与热带低地雨林相似的海拔范围但生境条件较差的局部地段,在旱季其大部分的乔木种类和个体都会落叶.海南岛霸王岭林区分布着海南岛最为典型且大都保存较为完好的热带季雨林原始林,按照其优势树种可划分为海南榄仁(Terminalia hainanensis)季雨林和枫香(Liquidambar formosana)季雨林两种群落类型.通过对霸王岭林区两种典型的热带季雨林老龄林群落的样地调查,比较分析了其物种组成、大小结构、多样性、季相变化等特征.结果表明:海南岛热带季雨林群落中物种优势度明显,具有明显的标志种--海南榄仁和枫香.海南榄仁群落具有较高的灌木物种丰富度、个体多度及较低的乔木物种丰富度、个体多度和多样性;海南榄仁群落在小径级和低高度级中具有较高的植物个体多度,同时在低高度级中具有较低的物种丰富度,但其它径级和高度级两个群落物种丰富度及个体多度差异均不显著;除灌木落叶物种丰富度海南榄仁群落显著高于枫香群落外,其余各生长型落叶物种丰富度及个体多度两个群落之间均无显著差异;在具刺木质藤本物种丰富度和个体多度上海南榄仁群落与枫香群落差异不显著,但乔木、灌木和木本植物具刺物种丰富度及个体多度海南榄仁群落均显著高于枫香群落.总体来看,海南榄仁群落比枫香群落的季雨林特征明显,是海南岛最为典型的季雨林群落类型.  相似文献   

海拔梯度是影响物种多样性格局的关键因素。为探究吊罗山热带天然林物种多样性的海拔分布格局,该研究对吊罗山245~1 130 m海拔内的6个热带天然林样地进行植被调查,从群落物种组成、物种多样性、区系组成和叶性质等方面分析沿海拔梯度吊罗山热带天然林物种多样性与群落特征变化规律。结果表明:(1)随海拔升高、温度降低、湿度升高、人为干扰减少,吊罗山热带天然林物种组成以及Margalef、Shannon-Wiener、Simpson、Pielou多样性指数均呈现先升高后降低的格局;中海拔群落水热条件最为适宜、人为干扰适中、α物种多样性最高。(2)随海拔升高,优势种重要值占比呈现先降低后升高的格局,且优势种具有明显的更替现象,中海拔群落呈现低地雨林与山地雨林的过渡性质。(3)群落间S?rensen群落相似度和海拔高度差呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。(4)区系组成以热带区分布为绝对优势,并以热带亚洲(印度-马来西亚)分布为主;热带区分布比例和海拔呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),温带区分布比例和海拔呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。(5)叶性质呈现出以中型叶、单叶、革质叶、全缘叶为主的...  相似文献   

小秦岭森林群落数量分类、排序及多样性垂直格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用分层取样的方法,沿小秦岭林区海拔梯度设立56块20 m×20 m样地,用多元回归树(MRT)方法对小秦岭森林群落进行分类,采用除趋势对应分析(DCA)进行排序,用广义可加模型(GAM)研究不同生活型物种多样性沿海拔梯度分布格局。结果表明:(1)56个样地进行MRT分类,经交叉验证并依据植物群落分类和命名原则,本区植物群落可分为5类;(2)样方DCA排序明确地揭示各群落类型生境分布范围,较好地反映小秦岭自然保护区森林群落与环境因子的关系;(3)不同生活型物种多样性指数随海拔梯度变化发生一定的波动,且呈现不同的多样性格局:丰富度指数中,乔木层呈显著的单峰分布格局,灌木层在中海拔段呈明显下降趋势,草本层随着海拔的升高总体呈下降趋势;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数中,不同生活型物种随海拔变化趋势与物种丰富度变化趋势大体相同;不同生活型物种的均匀度指数随海拔变化趋势较平缓。  相似文献   

尖峰岭热带山地雨林海南特有木本植物群落结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以海南尖峰岭4.8 hm 2的热带山地雨林原始林为研究对象, 分析了群落内海南特有乔、灌木植物(以下简称特有种)的物种组成、特有种种群的多度和径级结构特点, 分析了保留和剔除特有种对群落物种多样性指数的影响。结果表明, 在4.8 hm 2样地中, 共记录了胸径≥1.0 cm的个体36481株, 隶属于65科134属247种; 其中, 24种为特有种, 占样地内总种数的9.7%; 大多数特有种多度较小, 在群落发展中居从属地位。多数特有种对生境具有选择性, 分布区域相对狭窄, 种实以动物传播型为主。剔除特有种后, 导致群落的Margalef丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数极显著下降(p < 0.01), 对Simpson和Pielou均匀度指数影响不显著。由此可见, 特有种不仅对维持尖峰岭山地热带山地雨林的物种多样性具有重要的意义, 也具有较高的科学研究价值。  相似文献   

暖温带-北亚热带生态过渡区物种生境相关性分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
物种生境相关性分析有利于更好的理解群落构建机制。以暖温带-北亚热带过渡区的宝天曼自然保护区1 ha固定监测样地调查数据为依托,选择胸径(DBH)≥1 cm、个体数≥5的43种木本植物作为分析对象,选择4个地形因子和15个土壤因子作为两类环境因子,用典范对应分析(CCA)研究了地形因子和土壤因子对物种分布的影响,用Torus-translation检验来分析物种与不同生境的关联。结果如下:(1)CCA分析表明地形因子对物种分布的解释量为7.3%,土壤因子对物种分布的解释量为16.2%。(2)Torus-translation检验结果表明,被检验的43个物种中,23.3%的物种与地形4个生境关联,其中正相关物种数最多的是山脊,占正相关数的57%;46.5%的物种与土壤6个生境关联,正相关物种数最多的是两个主分量中的高浓度区,占正相关数的52.6%,明显高于中浓度区和低浓度区正相关的物种数,负相关物种数最多的仍是高浓度区,占负相关数的42.8%,其次为低浓度区,占26.3%。结果表明,土壤生境分化对暖温带-北亚热带过渡区物种的空间分布有着重要作用;样地内大部分物种存在生境分化,这不仅是对地形生境分化的利用,而且更多的是对土壤生境分化的利用;研究结果支持物种共存机制中的生态位理论,地形和土壤生境分化是宝天曼暖温带-北亚热带过渡区物种共存的重要机制之一,在一定程度上解释了该区物种多样性的维持机制。  相似文献   

Tropical forests account for more than half of the global carbon forest stock and much of the biological diversity on Earth. However, disturbances such as deforestation and forest degradation threaten the maintenance of these ecosystem services. This study aimed to understand how different disturbance histories affect the forest stand biomass, as well as species and functional diversity, and to what extent these differences can change the relationships between biomass and their drivers. We used data from forests with clear-cut and selectively logged disturbance histories, and from old-growth forests, situated in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Forests with logging disturbances showed significant losses in their aboveground biomass compared to those of old-growth forests (50% loss in selectively logged forests and 80% loss in clear-cut forests). Interestingly, only clear-cut secondary forests showed differences in species and functional diversity, and were dominated by species with acquisitive trait values, commonly found early in succession. Shifts in stand biomass drivers were observed in selectively logged forests. The mass-ratio hypothesis (mainly through the functional trait of maximum height) was the most important biomass driver in clear-cut secondary and old-growth forests, whereas the importance of the niche complementarity hypothesis (through functional richness and dispersion) was higher in selectively logged forests. Our study highlights that disturbance histories can affect forest aboveground biomass and its drivers. Moreover, our results reinforce the need for conservation of intact forests but highlight the importance of including degraded forests in conservation mechanisms based in carbon stocks, as these forests retain high values of species and functional diversities that are crucial to biomass and consequently carbon stock acquisition.  相似文献   


Background: Lianas are an important component of tropical forests that respond to logging disturbance. Determining liana response to selective logging chronosequence is important for understanding long-term logging effects on lianas and tropical forests.

Aims: Our objective was to quantify the response of liana communities to selective logging chronosequence in a moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana.

Methods: Liana community characteristics were determined in ten 40 m × 40 m plots randomly and homogenously distributed in each of four selectively logged forest stands that had been logged 2, 14, 40 and 68 years before the surveys and in an old-growth forest stand (ca. >200 years).

Results: Liana species composition differed significantly among the forest stands, as a function of logging time span, while species richness fluctuated along the chronosequence. The abundance of liana communities and of reproductive and climbing guilds was lower in the logged forests than in the old-growth forest. The ratio of liana abundance and basal area to those of trees was similar in the logged forests, but significantly lower than those in the old-growth forest.

Conclusions: Logging impacts on liana community structure and functional traits were largely evident, though no clear chronosequence trends were recorded, except for species composition.  相似文献   

K. S. Seshadri 《Biotropica》2014,46(5):615-623
Vast areas of tropical evergreen forests have been selectively logged in the past, and many areas continue to be logged. The impacts of such logging on amphibians are poorly understood. I examined the response of anuran communities to historical selective logging in a wet evergreen forest in south India. Anuran assemblages in unlogged forest were compared with assemblages in selectively logged forest. Forty 10 m × 10 m quadrats in forest, riparian zones, and streams of unlogged and selectively logged forests were searched at night for anurans. Species richness did not appear to be affected by logging. However, anuran density varied significantly and was 42 percent lower in selectively logged forests compared to unlogged forests. Anuran densities also varied significantly across microhabitats, with highest densities in streams of both selectively logged and unlogged forests. Patterns of niche overlap varied with selective logging as niche breadth either expanded, contracted, or remained neutral for different species. Ordination analysis explained 95 percent of the variation in species assemblage across selectively logged and unlogged forests. The assemblage in selectively logged forest was nested within unlogged forest. Among the habitat characteristics, litter thickness and water depth had the highest influence on the assemblage. This was followed by litter/water temperature, air temperature, and lastly relative humidity. It appears that species richness and composition of anurans in selectively logged forests is converging with unlogged forests, but the effects of historical logging seem to persist on anuran densities and their niche characteristics even ca 40 yr since logging ceased.  相似文献   

Making generalizations about the impact of commercial selective logging on biodiversity has so far remained elusive. Species responses to logging depend on a number of factors, many of which have not been studied in detail. These factors may include the natural forest conditions (forest types) under which logging impacts are investigated; but this question has so far remained unexamined. In a large‐scale replicate study we aimed at clarifying the relationship between logging and forest types on leaf litter frogs. We contrast three distinct and naturally occurring forest types, including wet evergreen, moist evergreen and semi‐deciduous forests. Selectively logged sites were compared with primary forest sites for each forest type. We found that the response of frog communities to logging varies in different forest types. In the wet evergreen forest, richness was higher in logged forest than primary forest, while diversity measures were not different between logged and primary forest habitats. In the moist evergreen, richness and diversity were higher in selectively logged areas compared with primary forest habitats. In the semi‐deciduous, logged forests were characterized by drastic loss of forest specialists, reduced richness, and diversity. These results indicate that the net effect of logging varies with respect to forest type. Forest types that are characterized by adverse climatic conditions (i.e., low rainfall and protracted dry seasons) are more likely to produce negative effects on leaf litter anuran communities. For comparisons of the impact of logging on species to be effective, future research must endeavor to include details of forest type.  相似文献   

Questions: How is seedling regeneration of woody species of semi‐deciduous rain forests affected by (a) historical management for combinations of logging, arboricide treatment or no treatment, (b) forest community type and (c) environmental gradients of topography, light and soil nutrients? Location: Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. Methods: Seedling regeneration patterns of trees and shrubs in relation to environmental factors and historical management types were studied using 32 0.5‐ha plots laid out in transects along a topographic gradient. We compared seedling species diversity, composition and distribution patterns along topographic gradients and within types of historical management regimes and forest communities to test whether environmental factors contributed to differences in species composition of seedlings. Results: A total of 85 624 woody seedlings representing 237 species and 46 families were recorded in this rain forest. Cynometra alexandri C.H. Wright and Lasiodiscus mildbraedii Engl. had high seedling densities and were widely distributed throughout the plots. The most species‐rich families were Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Rubiaceae, Meliaceae, Moraceae and Rutaceae. Only total seedling density was significantly different between sites with different historical management, with densities highest in logged, intermediate in logged/arboricided and lowest in the nature reserve. Forest communities differed significantly in terms of seedling diversity and density. Seedling composition differed significantly between transects and forest communities, but not between topographic positions or historical management types. Both Chao‐Jaccard and Chao‐Sørensen abundance‐based similarity estimators were relatively high in the plot, forest community and in terms of historical management levels, corroborating the lack of significant differences in species richness within these groups. The measured environmental variables explained 59.4% of variance in seedling species distributions, with the three most important being soil organic matter, total soil titanium and leaf area index (LAI). Total seedling density was positively correlated with LAI. Differences in diversity of >2.0 cm dbh plants (juveniles and adults) also explained variations in seedling species diversity. Conclusions: The seedling bank is the major route for regeneration in this semi‐deciduous tropical rain forest, with the wide distribution of many species suggesting that these species regenerate continuously. Seedling diversity, density and distribution are largely a function of adult diversity, historical management type and environmental gradients in factors such as soil nutrient content and LAI. The species richness of seedlings was higher in soils both rich in titanium and with low exchangeable cations, as well as in logged areas that were more open and had a low LAI.  相似文献   

The carbon storage and conservation value of old-growth tropical forests is clear, but the value of logged forest is less certain. Here we analyse >100,000 observations of individuals from 11 taxonomic groups and >2,500 species, covering up to 19?years of post-logging regeneration, and quantify the impacts of logging on carbon storage and biodiversity within lowland dipterocarp forests of Sabah, Borneo. We estimate that forests lost ca. 53% of above-ground biomass as a result of logging but despite this high level of degradation, logged forest retained considerable conservation value: floral species richness was higher in logged forest than in primary forest and whilst faunal species richness was typically lower in logged forest, in most cases the difference between habitats was no greater than ca. 10%. Moreover, in most studies >90% of species recorded in primary forest were also present in logged forest, including species of conservation concern. During recovery, logged forest accumulated carbon at five times the rate of natural forest (1.4 and 0.28?Mg?C?ha?1?year?1, respectively). We conclude that allowing the continued regeneration of extensive areas of Borneo??s forest that have already been logged, and are at risk of conversion to other land uses, would provide a significant carbon store that is likely to increase over time. Protecting intact forest is critical for biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation, but the contribution of logged forest to these twin goals should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

Selective logging with natural regeneration is advocated as a near‐to‐nature strategy and has been implemented in many forested systems during the last decades. However, the efficiency of such practices for the maintenance of forest species are poorly understood. We compared the species richness, abundance and composition of ground‐dwelling beetles between selectively logged and unlogged forests to evaluate the possible effects of selective logging in a subtropical broad‐leafed forest in southeastern China. Using pitfall traps, beetles were sampled in two naturally regenerating stands after clearcuts (ca. 50 years old, stem‐exclusion stage: selectively logged 20 years ago) and two mature stands (> 80 years old, understory re‐initiation stage: selectively logged 50 years ago) during 2009 and 2010. Overall, selective logging had no significant effects on total beetle richness and abundance, but saproxylic species group and some abundant forest species significantly decreased in abundance in selectively logged plots compared with unlogged plots in mature stands. Beetle assemblages showed significant differences between selectively logged and unlogged plots in mature stands. Some environmental characteristics associated with selective logging (e.g., logging strategy, stand age, and cover of shrub and moss layers) were the most important variables explaining beetle assemblage structure. Our results conclude that selective logging has no significant impacts on overall richness and abundance of ground‐dwelling beetles. However, the negative effects of selective logging on saproxylic species group and some unlogged forest specialists highlight the need for large intact forested areas for sustaining the existence of forest specialist beetles.  相似文献   

苏日古嘎  张金屯  王永霞 《生态学报》2013,33(11):3394-3403
物种多样性是群落结构和功能复杂性的一种度量,物种多样性的空间分布格局受许多环境因子的影响.运用多样性指数,多层感知器网络,分析了松山保护区森林群落物种多样性与群落类型、结构和生境之间的关系.结果表明:(1)大果榆+山杨混交林、油松+青杨混交林物种丰富度、多样性和均匀度均较高,而大果榆林、华北落叶松林的各项指数值均较低.Patrick指数和Shannon-Weiner指数在森林群落中均表现为草本层>灌木层>乔木层;Pielou指数在榆林中表现为草本层>乔木层>灌木层,而在其他森林群落中表现为灌木层>草本层>乔木层.(2)功能层物种多样性在海拔梯度上的变化趋势不同,在乔木层,丰富度、多样性和均匀度随海拔的升高逐渐降低;在灌木层,丰富度、多样性和均匀度均呈比较明显的单峰曲线变化趋势;在草本层,丰富度和多样性随海拔的升高都呈下降趋势,而在草本层,均匀度变化不大.(3)用多层感知器网络预测功能层多样性效果很好,结果发现坡向对乔木层和灌木层物种多样性的影响最大,而海拔高度对草本层物种多样性的影响最大.  相似文献   

Relationships between environmental factors and plant species-richness as well as the composition of plant species in wet grasslands from the order Molinietalia caeruleae were studied with a view to quantifying the relative contribution of different abiotic factors, such as soil chemical parameters, climatic conditions and human impact to diversity of vascular plants and floristic composition. Data and soil samples were collected from 88 plots across Slovenia from regions at the eastern edge of the Po plain, karstic and pre-Alpine mountain regions and the western part of the Pannonian plain, which are classified to sub-Mediterranean, Dinnaric, pre-Alpine and sub-Pannonian phytogeographic areas. Plant diversity was positively correlated with the content of exchangeable Ca2+ in soil and the amount of annual precipitation, while significant negative correlation was calculated in case of the plant-available phosphorous content and altitude. Moreover, plant species richness was also negatively correlated with altitude. Among the groups of environmental factors the group of soil factors revealed the strongest correlation with species richness, followed by climatic and topographic group. The order of these groups was the same in the explanation of species composition. Variance of plant species composition was best explained with altitude, soil pH, geographical gradient, frequency of flooding, mean annual temperature, date of mowing, humidity, annual amount of precipitation as well as with the content of plant-available phosphorous, total nitrogen, exchangeable Mg2+ and Ca2+ in the soil.  相似文献   

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