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The effect of substrates on potassium contracture tension of the isolated rat ventricle strip was investigated. The contracture tension magnitude of ventricle strips exposed to potassium rich medium was markedly greater with medium containing pyruvate or acetate than with glucose as the substrate. The effect of substrates on contracture tension was not related to their ability to maintain the ATP stores of the heart, for there was not a significant difference in the ATP levels in ventricle strips incubated in medium containing pyruvate, pyruvate + glucose, or glucose. Glucose reduced the K-contracture tension magnitude of heart strips suspended in medium containing pyruvate or acetate as substrate; 3-0-methylglucose and 2-deoxy-D-glucose did not have this action on K-contracture tension. The reduction of K-contracture tension by glucose was inhibited by iodoacetate and fluoride. Under anaerobic conditions, 50 mM glucose significantly reduced the K-contracture tension of ventricle strips suspended in pyruvate medium. The findings of this study suggest that glucose metabolism has an action on K-contracture tension in cardiac muscle that is not shared by acetate or pyruvate.  相似文献   

Effect of pregnancy on joint contracture in the rat knee.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
As there is evidence that ligamentous laxity is affected by the female hormones, we hypothesized that hormonal changes occurring during pregnancy could have a therapeutic role in preventing the development of a joint contracture. Knee joint contractures were created in pregnant and nonpregnant rats. After 2 wk of immobilization, the degree of contracture was measured with structural properties of the medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments and the pubic symphysis. Although not statistically significant, there was a general trend toward reduced contracture in pregnant compared with nonpregnant rats. Cutting the posterior capsule significantly decreased contracture for both the pregnant and nonpregnant groups, confirming the contribution of capsular structures to contracture. Ultimate loads of the medial collateral and anterior cruciate ligaments significantly decreased after immobilization compared with control, but there was no significant effect due to pregnancy. Stiffness and ultimate load of the pubic symphysis were not significantly different between pregnant and nonpregnant groups. The trend toward reduced contracture with pregnancy points toward a possible therapeutic role for female hormones in the prevention of postoperative and/or posttraumatic joint contracture.  相似文献   

副交感神经参与鼻黏膜腺体和血管的功能调节.当各种异物、细菌、病毒或真菌侵入机体时, 鼻黏膜微环境发生改变, 这种变化刺激副交感神经释放乙酰胆碱.后者与调节鼻腺体和血管的毒蕈碱型乙酰胆碱受体 (M-ChR) 结合,导致鼻炎流涕和鼻塞.这种整体调节反射对下呼吸道起重要的防御性保护作用. 目前发现五种M-ChR亚型(M1-至M5- ChR),鼻黏膜有M1-至 M3- ChR亚型.高密度的M1-和M3- ChR共存于黏膜下腺黏液和浆液细胞, M3-ChR主要分布于血管.M-ChR对鼻腺体和血管的直接调节作用是通过细胞内腺苷酸环化酶和磷酯酶C激活.  相似文献   

We studiedthe effects of aerosolized as well as intravenous infusion ofacetylcholine on bronchial blood flow in six anesthetized sheep.Intravenous infusion of acetylcholine, at a dose of 2 µg/kg, increased bronchial blood flow from 45 ± 15 (SE) to 74 ± 30 ml/min, and vascular conductance increased by 76 ± 22%. In contrast, aerosolized acetylcholine at doses of 2 and 20 µg/kg decreased bronchial vascular conductance by ~10%. At anaerosolized dose of 200 µg/kg, the bronchial vascular conductanceincreased by ~15%, and there was no further increase in conductancewhen the aerosolized dose was increased to 2,000 µg/kg. Pretreatmentof animals with a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor,N-nitro-L-argininemethyl ester hydrochloride, partially blocked the vasodilatory effectsof intravenous acetylcholine and completely blocked the vasodilatoryeffects of high-dose aerosolized acetylcholine. These data suggest thataerosolized acetylcholine does not readily penetrate the vascular wallof bronchial circulatory system and, therefore, has minimalvasodilatory effects on the bronchial vasculature.


Effect of 10(-4) M solution of chlorous acetylcholine (ACh) on ultrastructure of the leech (Hirudo medicinalis) cerebral synapses has been studied. ACh can produce an increased adhesion in membranes of the neuropil, nearly similar to that observed at its electrostimulation. The main manifestations of the increased membrane adhesion are: association of the electron opaque substance on the surface of organelles and in the submembrane layer, aggregation of synaptic vesicles, their adhesion with mitochondria, aggregation of the electron opaque material on the external surface of plasmalemmas (in intercellular clefts) and formation of glio-neuronal contacts. Variousness of the effects mentioned and participation of different membrane types in them demonstrate that the increased adhesion a reaction is not specific. Not only membrane (lipid-containing) structures participate in it, but also a structural matrix of cytoplasm and submembrane layer, the bases of the latter make certain proteins. It is possible to think that the leading mechanism of the adhesive changes mentioned is the reaction of membrane and cytoplasmic proteins. This coordinates with the data of previously performed intravital direct ultraviolet cytospectrophotometric and interferometric investigations.  相似文献   

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