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The need to promote fertiliser use by African smallholder farmers to counteract the current decline in per capita food production is widely recognised. But soil heterogeneity results in variable responses of crops to fertilisers within single farms. We used existing databases on maize production under farmer (F-M) and researcher management (R-M) to analyse the effect of soil heterogeneity on the different components of nutrient use efficiency by maize growing on smallholder farms in western Kenya: nutrient availability, capture and conversion efficiencies and crop biomass partitioning. Subsequently, we used the simple model QUEFTS to calculate nutrient recovery efficiencies from the R-M plots and to calculate attainable yields with and without fertilisers based on measured soil properties across heterogeneous farms. The yield gap of maize between F-M and R-M varied from 0.5 to 3 t grain ha?1 season?1 across field types and localities. Poor fields under R-M yielded better than F-M, even without fertilisers. Such differences, of up to 1.1 t ha?1 greater yields under R-M conditions are attributable to improved agronomic management and germplasm. The relative response of maize to N–P–K fertilisers tended to decrease with increasing soil quality (soil C and extractable P), from a maximum of 4.4-fold to ?0.5-fold relative to the control. Soil heterogeneity affected resource use efficiencies mainly through effects on the efficiency of resource capture. Apparent recovery efficiencies varied between 0 and 70% for N, 0 and 15% for P, and 0 to 52% for K. Resource conversion efficiencies were less variable across fields and localities, with average values of 97 kg DM kg?1 N, 558 kg DM kg?1 P and 111 kg DM kg?1 K taken up. Using measured soil chemical properties QUEFTS over-estimated observed yields under F-M, indicating that variable crop performance within and across farms cannot be ascribed solely to soil nutrient availability. For the R-M plots QUEFTS predicted positive crop responses to application of 30 kg P ha?1 and 30 kg P ha?1 + 90 kg N ha?1 for a wide range of soil qualities, indicating that there is room to improve current crop productivity through fertiliser use. To ensure their efficient use in sub-Saharan Africa mineral fertilisers should be: (1) targeted to specific niches of soil fertility within heterogeneous farms; and (2) go hand-in-hand with the implementation of agronomic measures to improve their capture and utilisation.  相似文献   



We have evaluated a sensitive screening assay for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) complex organisms and a specific assay for detecting Mycobacterium bovis DNA in lymph nodes taken from cattle with evidence of bovine tuberculosis. Underlying these series of experiments was the need for a versatile DNA extraction protocol which could handle tissue samples and with the potential for automation. The target for the screening assay was the multi-copy insertion element IS1081, present in 6 copies in the MTB complex. For confirmation of M. bovis we used primers flanking a specific deletion in the genome of M. bovis known as region of difference 4 (RD4). The sensitivity and specificity of these PCRs has been tested on genomic DNA from MTB complex reference strains, mycobacteria other than tuberculosis (MOTT), spiked samples and on clinical material.


The minimum detection limits of the IS1081 method was < I genome copy and for the RD4 PCR was 5 genome copies. Both methods can be readily adapted for quantitative PCR with the use of SYBR Green intercalating dye on the RotorGene 3000 platform (Corbett Research). Initial testing of field samples of bovine lymph nodes with visible lesions (VL, n = 109) highlighted two shortfalls of the molecular approach. Firstly, comparison of IS1081 PCR with the "gold standard" of culture showed a sensitivity of approximately 70%. The sensitivity of the RD4 PCR method was 50%. Secondly, the success rate of spoligotyping applied directly to clinical material was 51% compared with cultures. A series of further experiments indicated that the discrepancy between sensitivity of detection found with purified mycobacterial DNA and direct testing of field samples was due to limited mycobacterial DNA recovery from tissue homogenates rather than PCR inhibition. The resilient mycobacterial cell wall, the presence of tissue debris and the paucibacillary nature of some cattle VL tissue may all contribute to this observation. Any of these factors may restrict application of other more discriminant typing methods. A simple means of increasing the efficiency of mycobacterial DNA recovery was assessed using a further pool of 95 cattle VL. Following modification of the extraction protocol, detection rate with the IS1081 and RD4 methods increased to 91% and 59% respectively.


The IS1081 PCR is a realistic screening method for rapid identification of positive cases but the sensitivity of single copy methods, like RD4 and also of spoligotyping will need to be improved to make these applicable for direct testing of tissue extracts.  相似文献   

Peoples  M.B.  Bowman  A.M.  Gault  R.R.  Herridge  D.F.  McCallum  M.H.  McCormick  K.M.  Norton  R.M.  Rochester  I.J.  Scammell  G.J.  Schwenke  G.D. 《Plant and Soil》2001,228(1):29-41
On-farm and experimental measures of the proportion (%Ndfa) and amounts of N2 fixed were undertaken for 158 pastures either based on annual legume species (annual medics, clovers or vetch), or lucerne (alfalfa), and 170 winter pulse crops (chickpea, faba bean, field pea, lentil, lupin) over a 1200 km north-south transect of eastern Australia. The average annual amounts of N2 fixed ranged from 30 to 160 kg shoot N fixed ha–1 yr–1 for annual pasture species, 37–128 kg N ha–1 yr–1 for lucerne, and 14 to 160 kg N ha–1 yr–1 by pulses. These data have provided new insights into differences in factors controlling N2 fixation in the main agricultural systems. Mean levels of %Ndfa were uniformly high (65–94%) for legumes growing at different locations under dryland (rainfed) conditions in the winter-dominant rainfall areas of the cereal-livestock belt of Victoria and southern New South Wales, and under irrigation in the main cotton-growing areas of northern New South Wales. Consequently N2 fixation was primarily regulated by biomass production in these areas and both pasture and crop legumes fixed between 20 and 25 kg shoot N for every tonne of shoot dry matter (DM) produced. Nitrogen fixation by legumes in the dryland systems of the summer-dominant rainfall regions of central and northern New South Wales on the other hand was greatly influenced by large variations in %Ndfa (0–81%) caused by yearly fluctuations in growing season (April–October) rainfall and common farmer practice which resulted in a build up of soil mineral-N prior to sowing. The net result was a lower average reliance of legumes upon N2 fixation for growth (19–74%) and more variable relationships between N2 fixation and DM accumulation (9–16 kg shoot N fixed/t legume DM). Although pulses often fixed more N than pastures, legume-dominant pastures provided greater net inputs of fixed N, since a much larger fraction of the total plant N was removed when pulses were harvested for grain than was estimated to be removed or lost from grazed pastures. Conclusions about the relative size of the contributions of fixed N to the N-economies of the different farming systems depended upon the inclusion or omission of an estimate of fixed N associated with the nodulated roots. The net amounts of fixed N remaining after each year of either legume-based pasture or pulse crop were calculated to be sufficient to balance the N removed by at least one subsequent non-legume crop only when below-ground N components were included. This has important implications for the interpretation of the results of previous N2 fixation studies undertaken in Australia and elsewhere in the world, which have either ignored or underestimated the N present in the nodulated root when evaluating the contributions of fixed N to rotations.  相似文献   

Data collated from around the world indicate that, for every tonne of shoot dry matter produced by crop legumes, the symbiotic relationship with rhizobia is responsible for fixing, on average on a whole plant basis (shoots and nodulated roots), the equivalent of 30–40 kg of nitrogen (N). Consequently, factors that directly influence legume growth (e.g. water and nutrient availability, disease incidence and pests) tend to be the main determinants of the amounts of N2 fixed. However, practices that either limit the presence of effective rhizobia in the soil (no inoculation, poor inoculant quality), increase soil concentrations of nitrate (excessive tillage, extended fallows, fertilizer N), or enhance competition for soil mineral N (intercropping legumes with cereals) can also be critical. Much of the N2 fixed by the legume is usually removed at harvest in high-protein seed so that the net residual contributions of fixed N to agricultural soils after the harvest of legumegrain may be relatively small.Nonetheless, the inclusion of legumes in a cropping sequence generally improves the productivity of following crops. Whilesome of these rotational effects may be associated with improvements in availability of N in soils, factors unrelated to N also play an important role. Recent results suggest that one such non-N benefit may be due to the impact on soil biology of hydrogenemitted from nodules as a by-product of N2, fixation.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports on the occurrence of a bimodal growth response by nodulated lucerne to a range of levels of combined nitrogen and considers the role of temperature and genotypic effects in varying this response. The response is characterised by a peak at low levels of combined nitrogen followed by a trough and a further peak at high levels of nitrogen. Host growth rate, rate of development of nitrogen fixing capacity and combined nitrogen uptake are factors implicated in varying this bimodal response.Any beneficial response to combined nitrogen is restricted to the pre-linear phase of growth.The need for high legume growth rates to achieve fixation at high soil nitrogen levels is also shown.  相似文献   

Quantifying below-ground nitrogen of legumes   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Khan  W Dil F.  Peoples  Mark B.  Herridge  David F. 《Plant and Soil》2002,245(2):327-334
Quantifying below-ground nitrogen (N) of legumes is fundamental to understanding their effects on soil mineral N fertility and on the N economies of following or companion crops in legume-based rotations. Methodologies based on 15N shoot-labelling with subsequent measurement of 15N in recovered plant parts (shoots and roots) and in the root-zone soil have proved promising. We report four glasshouse experiments with objectives to develop appropriate protocols for in situ 15N labelling of the four legumes, fababean (Vicia faba), chickpea (Cicer arietinum), mungbean (Vigna radiata) and pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan). Treatments included 15N-urea concentration (0.1–2.0% w/w), feeding technique (leaf-flap and petiole), leaflet/petiole position (top and bottom of shoot) and frequency of feeding (one and two occasions). 15N-labelling via the leaf-flap was best for fababean, mungbean and pigeonpea, whilst petiole feeding was best for chickpea, in all cases at the lower-stem nodes 3 or 4 using 0.2 mL volumes of 0.5% urea (98 atom% 15N excess). Fed leaflets and petioles were removed within 2 weeks of labelling. Uneven 15N enrichment of the nodulated roots because of effects of the less-enriched nodules meant that root derived N in soil would be overestimated if recovered roots were more heavily nodulated than unrecovered roots. One possible solution would be to assume crown nodulation of the plants. Thus, recovered roots would be nodulated; root-derived N remaining in soil may be without nodules. The ratios of nodulated root to unnodulated root enrichments could then be used as an adjustment in the calculations, i.e. in the case of fababean and chickpea, by dividing calculated root-derived N in soil by 1.12 (fababean) and 1.56 (chickpea).  相似文献   

Summary Fourty four species of native wild herbaceous legumes belonging to 12 genera and associated with mature fallow lands of the derived savanna were collected from seven random locations encompassing an estimated area of 10,800 km2 and containing the seven different geomorphological soil formations in Anambra State of Nigeria.The number of legume species found differed according to the dominant grass in the fallows sampled, more species being associated with Andropogon, Hyperrhenia and Pennisetum than with Imperata and Loudetia. Detailed vegetation analysis of one hectare of fallow land dominated by Loudetia in one of the locations revealed that legumes comprised about 3% of the species encountered.In greenhouse trials, all the 19 species studied nodulated. The correlation (r=0.646) between fresh weight of nodules and dry weight of tops was significant at 0.01 level. Leaf N in these species ranged from 4.27% to 1.88%.The study indicated that a large number of naturally occurring herbaceous leguminous species, some of which appear to have promising potentials for increasing the N economy of the ecosystem, exists in the fallow land of the derived savanna.  相似文献   

Welfare impacts of an intensive dairy technology package on women and their families are investigated on 32 smallholder crop-livestock farms in the sub-humid zone off Kilifi District, Coast Province, Kenya. Farms were stratified according to male or female extension contact. A female enumerator interviewed the wife or female head of household on each farm regarding her present and past household responsibilities and the affects of the intensive dairy enterprise on these duties and upon the welfare of the household. On three-quarters of the male contact farms, dairy operators were women. Across all farms, women performed half of all dairy-related activities, but only on female contact farms did income from the dairy enterprise accrue to women in proportion to their labor input. The equitable return of benefits to labor corresponded with better dairy unit performance on female contact farms, where women also indicated greater access to and autonomy over household resources and decision-making. Irrespective of extension contact, there was broad consensus among the women interviewed that intensive dairying has led to improved household welfare, primarily through increased household income and milk consumption. There was also wide agreement, however, that these gains have been achieved at the expense of more work for women. Women on female contact farms were observed spending dairy income on food for the household and childrens' schooling more often than their counterparts on male contact farms. Based on these and other findings, the study concludes that gender of the extension contact, dairy operator and farm owner were determinants of the intra-household impacts of intensive dairying on the smallholder farms in this study. Recommendations for design and delivery of livestock technologies for crop-based farming systems, with special emphasis on how to minimize negative impact on vulnerable household members, are inferred from study findings.Formerly International Livestock Research Institute, P.O. Box 30709, Nairobi, Kenya.  相似文献   

The amounts of mineral-nitrogen (NH4−N+NO3−N) extracted by 2MKCL and the net amounts of N mineralized (δ Min-N) during a 10-day incubation of field-moist soils, air-dried then rewetted samples, and chloroform-fumigated samples, were measured in a range of 20 topsoils from grasslands. Air-drying generally increased extractable-N and the δ Min-N of the remoistened soils, but decreased the Min-N flush after fumigation. The C∶N ratios (CO2−C production: net Min-N production) over 10 days decreased significantly from an average of 25 to 12 after initial air-drying, suggesting that substrates of low C∶N ratio, such as microbial cells, were contributiong to the extra N mineralized after the air-drying treatment. A procedure to quantify the contribution from microbial-N to the increased δ Min-N after air-drying was only partially successful, but indicated a large proportion of this increase was derived from microbial cells killed by desccation.  相似文献   



Sub-Saharan Africa continues to face the highest rate of mortality from diabetes in the world due to limited access to quality diabetes care. We assessed the quality of diabetes care in a rural diabetes clinic in western Kenya.


To provide a comprehensive assessment, a set of clinical outcomes, process, and structure metrics were evaluated to assess the quality of diabetes care provided in the outpatient clinic at Webuye District Hospital. The primary clinical outcome measures were the change in HbA1c and point of care blood glucose. In assessing process metrics, the primary measure was the percentage of patients who were lost to follow up. The structure metrics were assessed by evaluating different facets of the operation of the clinic and their accordance with the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) guidelines.


A total of 524 patients were enrolled into the diabetes clinic during the predefined period of evaluation. The overall clinic population demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in HbA1c and point of care blood glucose at all time points of evaluation after baseline. Patients had a mean baseline HbA1C of 10.2% which decreased to 8.4% amongst the patients who remained in care after 18?months. In terms of process measures, 38 patients (7.3%) were characterized as being lost to follow up as they missed clinic visits for more than 6?months. Through the assessment of structural metrics, the clinic met at least the minimal standards of care for 14 out of the 19 domains recommended by the IDF.


This analysis illustrates the gains made in various elements of diabetes care quality which can be used by other programs to guide diabetes care scale up across the region.

Summary Three legume species (alfalfa, red clover, and birdsfoot trefoil) in combination with five grass species (timothy, bromegrass, red fescue, tall fescue, and orchardgrass) were used to study N transfer in mixtures, using the 15N dilution technique. The advantage of grass-legume mixtures was apparent. Total herbage and protein yields of grasses in mixtures were higher than those alone, especially at the later cuts. This benefit of mixed cropping is mainly due to N transfer from legumes to associated grasses. N2-fixation and N transfer by alfalfa rated highest, red clover intermediate, and birdsfoot trefoil lowest. The importance of each pathway of N transfer from legumes appeared to differ between species. Alfalfa and red clover excreted more N than trefoil, while the latter contributed more N from decomposition of dead nodule and root tissue. The greatest advantage from a grass-legume mixture, with respect to the utilization of N released from the legume, varied with early maturing tall fescue (Kentucky 31), orchardgrass (Juno), and bromegrass (Tempo), to intermediate timothy (Climax), and least with late maturing red fescue (Carlawn). Contribution no. 817 of the Ottawa Research Station.  相似文献   

Evaluation of lifetime productivity is sensible to target interventions for improving productivity of smallholder dairy systems in the highlands of East Africa, because cows are normally not disposed of based on productive reasons. Feeding strategies and involuntary culling may have long-term effects on productive (and therefore economic) performance of dairy systems. Because of the temporal scale needed to evaluate lifetime productivity, experimentation with feedstuffs in single lactations is not enough to assess improvements in productivity. A dynamic modelling approach was used to explore the effect of feeding strategies on the lifetime productivity of dairy cattle. We used LIVSIM (LIVestock SIMulator), an individual-based, dynamic model in which performance depends on genetic potential of the breed and feeding. We tested the model for the highlands of Central Kenya, and simulated individual animals throughout their lifetime using scenarios with different diets based on common feedstuffs used in these systems (Napier grass, maize stover and dairy concentrates), with and without imposing random mortality on different age classes. The simulations showed that it is possible to maximise lifetime productivity by supplementing concentrates to meet the nutrient requirements of cattle during lactation, and during early development to reduce age at first calving and extend productive life. Avoiding undernutrition during the dry period by supplementing the diet with 0.5 kg of concentrates per day helped to increase productivity and productive life, but in practice farmers may not perceive the immediate economic benefits because the results of this practice are manifested through a cumulative, long-term effect. Survival analyses indicated that unsupplemented diets prolong calving intervals and therefore, reduce lifetime productivity. The simulations with imposed random mortality showed a reduction of 43% to 65% in all productivity indicators. Milk production may be increased on average by 1400 kg per lactation by supplementing the diet with 5 kg of concentrates during early lactation and 1 kg during late lactation, although the optimal supplementation may change according to milk and concentrate prices. Reducing involuntary culling must be included as a key goal when designing interventions to improve productivity and sustainability of smallholder dairy systems, because increasing lifetime productivity may have a larger impact on smallholders’ income than interventions targeted to only improving daily milk yields through feeding strategies.  相似文献   

We investigated the ant community structure in cocoa farms in the Centre Region of Cameroon. Ants were collected on the cocoa trees during the years 2006 and 2007 using chemical knock‐down. We tested the hypothesis of the existence of deterministic factor in the structuration of ant mosaic using C‐Score; we assessed the relationship between the numerical dominant and subdominant ant species using Spearman correlation test and discussed on the influence of vegetation structure and farm management on the ant community structure. A total of 53 ant species belonging to 20 genera and five subfamilies were identified from a set of 51,525 workers collected. C‐score analysis supported the hypothesis that ant community were structured by competition. Negative relationships were found between dominant ant species. Farming practices which were mainly pruning, chemical treatment and habitat structure appeared to influence the ecological status and distribution of dominant ant species.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - Life cycle assessment studies on smallholder farms in tropical regions generally use data that is collected at one moment in time, which could...  相似文献   

The use of exotic dairy goats in breeding programmes for smallholder production systems is popular in Eastern Africa. However, information on the performance of exotic breeds within these systems is scarce. This paper presents information on performance of Toggenburg dairy goats under smallholder production systems in a medium to high agricultural potential environment in Kenya under a community-based set-up as part of the characterization of its adaptive and productive attributes. Environmental factors affecting growth of 646 goats born in the environment, and fertility and milk production of 160 does from 1997 to 2005 were evaluated. Genetic parameters were also estimated for early growth traits. The average birth weight (BW) for 607 kids was 3.27 kg. Corrected weaning weights (CW), and average daily gain to weaning (ADG) for 646 kids were 19.12 kg and 136 g/day, respectively. The results indicated that the smallholder farmers were able to maintain comparably high levels of milk production in the first three parities (LMY), with yields of 475 ± 9 l in 201 days for 160 does in the first parity, 507 ± 9 l in 264 days from 130 does in the second parity and 513 ± 13 l in 296 days for 82 does in the third parity. Kidding intervals though initially long decreased with time to reasonable levels (302 ± 117 days). The heritability estimates obtained were low (0.23 ± 0.13 for BW, 0.18 ± 0.11 for CW and 0.14 ± 0.11 for ADG). Genetic correlations between the traits were also low. Genetic and phenotypic trends indicated little change in BW, CW and LMY over the years. The phenotypic trend in the kidding interval showed a reducing interval over time. The results demonstrated that the Toggenburg goats were able to perform and thrive reasonably well under the low-input farming conditions.  相似文献   

The response of sole and intercropped cereal to nitrogen fertilization was compared in three contrasting cropping systems, sorghum/pigeonpea, maize/groundnut, and sorghum/cowpea. The cereal in these systems responded to nitrogen similarly as in sole cropping, although different legumes affected the cereal differently. There was no current season benefit from the legume, whether it matured earlier or later than the cereal, and for high yields the cereal in intercropping needs fertilizer application. Response to nitrogen varied with the amount and distribution of seasonal rainfall. With increased nitrogen fertilizer applied to the intercropped cereal, the legume yields were suppressed. The optimum dose for the intercropped cereal was similar to that for sole cropping but it was 50% less in a dry year particularly, on a shallow Alfisol. The combined yields of both crops made intercropping more profitable than sole cropping. The relative advantage of intercropping was high in the sorghum/pigeonpea system (40 to 70%) because of the greater temporal difference between species, and moderate in the maize/groundnut (13 to 35%), and sorghum/cowpea (18 to 25%) systems. Although the relative advantage of intercropping (expressed as Land Equivalent Ratio (LER)) decreased with N, the economic value, of the advantage was little affected within the optimum N range because absolute yields increased with fertilization.  相似文献   

Bulk inorganic nitrogen deposition was monitored over a period of 3 years at the Bavella Pass (Corsica, France). Annual fluxes range between 126 and 150mol.m–2.d-–1, increasing slightly with annual rainfall. Natural background average concentrations of rain water and associated fluxes were estimated from a classification of rain events into natural (Oceanic and Saharan), polluted and composite. Long range transport of incoming polluted air masses increases the atmospheric wet nitrogen input by at least a factor of 1.6 in this Mediterranean area. Extrapolation of atmospheric dissolved inorganic nitrogen input to the Western Mediterranean leads to fluxes of 80 to l00mol.m–2.d-–1. This atmospheric input is in the same order of magnitude as the inorganic nitrogen riverine input. As a consequence, the nitrogen budget for the Mediterranean has had to be reassessed. Atmospheric wet inorganic nitrogen input is of noticeable importance to marine Mediterranean ecosystems, representing on average 10 to 25% of new production in the Western Basin, with values of up to 60% in oligotrophic zones.  相似文献   

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