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C2- and C3-derivatives of GA4 and GA9 were tested for biological activity in a range of plant assays. The activity of most of these derivatives was equal to, or less than, that of the parent GAs. However, 2β-methylGA4 and 2,2-dimethylGA4 had a higher activity than GA4 in some assays and the latter derivative was shown to be the most active GA known to date in the Forward oat first leaf, Tan-ginbozu dwarf rice and d5-maize assays. Two other derivatives, 12,16-cycloGA9 and 19-desoxyGA9 had less activity than GA9.  相似文献   

The plant growth-promoting activities of new gibberellins, GA30, GA30, GA32, GA33, GA34, GA35 and GA35 glucoside were evaluated in seven bioassays. In general GA30, GA30, and GA35 showed fairly high biological activities, whilst GA33, GA34 and GA35 glucoside were almost inactive. GA32 was highly active, behaving similarly to GA3. It is suggested that the C-11β and C-12α hydroxyl groups have little influence on growth-promoting activity, although the C-12α hydroxyl group reduces activity in the cucumber hypocotyl assay.  相似文献   

Castasterone, [(22R,23R,24S)-2α,3α,22,23-tetrahydroxy-24-methyl-5α-cholestan-6-one] and typhasterol (2-deoxycastasterone) have been identified in purified extracts from the shoots of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) by GC/MS.  相似文献   

K. Hannus  G. Pensar 《Phytochemistry》1974,13(11):2563-2566
A polyisoprenoid fraction was isolated from the needles of Pinus sylvestris and comprised about 1% of the dry weight. MS, IR, GLC and HPLC analyses showed that the fraction consisted of polyisoprenylacetates, with 10–19 isoprene units predominantly in the cis configuration.  相似文献   

GA12-aldehyde obtained from mevalonate via ent-kaurene, ent-kaurenol, ent-kaurenoic acid and ent-7α-hydroxykaurenoic acid in a cell-free system from immature seeds of Cucurbita maxima was converted to GA12 by the same system. When Mn2+ was omitted from the system GA12-aldehyde and GA12 were converted further to several products. Among these GA15, GA24, GA36 and GA37 were conclusively identified by GC-MS. With the exception of GA37 these GAs have not previously been found in higher plants. Another biosynthetic pathway led from ent-7α-hydroxykaurenoic acid to very polar products via what was tentatively identified as ent-6α, 7α-dihydroxykaurenoic acid. An unidentified component with an MS resembling that of a dihydroxykaurenolide was also obtained from incubations with mevalonate.  相似文献   

By GC-MS the following acidic constituents of the endosperm of Echinocystis macrocarpa were identified: abscisic acid and its trans,trans-isomer, 4′-dihydrophaseic acid, GA4, GA7, iso-GA7, GA24, GA25, two isomers of GA13, GA43, ent-6α,7α,17-trihydroxy-16αH-kauran-19-oic acid and ent-6α,7α, 16β, 17-tetrahydroxykauran- 19-oic acid. The structures of the last three new natural products were confirmed by partial synthesis. ent-Kaurene was detected in the neutral fraction.  相似文献   

The principal resin acids in the needles of Pinus resinosa are the labdane diterpenes, the new 8,13-epoxy-14-labden-19-oic acid (epimanoyl oxide acid), 8,13β-epoxy-14-labden-19-oic acid (manoyl oxide acid), 8(17),E-12,14-labdatrien-19-oic acid (communic acid) and 15-oxo-8(17)-labden-19-oic acid (imbricataloic acid). A survey of needles from representative populations of P. resinosa showed a limited variability in resin acid composition consistent with the uniformity of other traits. The composition of needle resin acids for putative P. nigra x resinosa hybrids strongly suggests the improbability of P. resinosa as the pollen parent.  相似文献   

The ambient pollution climate at the Liphook forest fumigation site, where coniferous trees were fumigated with SO2 and O3, for 4 years under field conditions, was characteristic of the fringes of the areas where pollutant effects are a problem. Experimental treatments increased SO2 concentrations to levels more characteristic of Eastern Europe, and summer O3 concentrations by 30%. Deposition of SO2 to the soil between the trees (inferred from shallow lysimeters) was significant, the deposition velocity being 2–1 mms?1. Deposition to Scots pine and Sitka spruce canopies was greater, deposition velocities being 8.5 and 9.4 mm s?1, respectively. These high values may perhaps be explained by co-deposition with NH3. Calculations assume that dry deposition was the sole source of SO42? gain in throughfall, and that there was no significant retention by the trees. There was a trend for O3 to enhance SO2 deposition to both soil and trees. Fumigation with SO2 led to a significant increase in leaching of cations from foliage. Each species neutralized about 63% of the dry-deposited SO2, predominantly by ion exchange for Ca and K. Equations are provided which allow calculation of foliar leaching given SO2 concentrations or SO42? deposition. Fumigation increased the rate of nutrient cycling considerably, without affecting foliar concentrations or damaging the trees. Ozone treatments did not enhance foliar leaching, calling into question some suggested mechanisms for the causes of forest decline.  相似文献   

A mixture of tritiated and deuterated gibberellins (GAs) was injected into elongating shoots of Sitka spruce [ Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.] grafts grown under environmental conditions that were either inductive (heat and drought, HD) or non-inductive (cool and wet, CW) for flowering. The metabolites were purified by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), detected by liquid scintillation counting of aliquots of collected fractions and identified by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Deuterated GA9 was converted to deuterated GA4, deuterated GA34, and deuterated GA1 in both treatments. Deuterated GA4 was metabolized to deuterated GA34 and deuterated GA1 in the CW material, but only deuterated GA1 was detected in the HD material. The amount of detected metabolites was higher in the HD material, caused by a higher rate of metabolism and/or smaller losses of the metabolites during sample purification. GA1 was converted to a polar unidentified metabolite in both treatments, but to a higher degree in the CW treatment.  相似文献   

Gibberellin A13 7-aldehyde, previously proposed as an intermediate in the fungal biosynthesis of gibberellin A3, has been prepared from gibbere  相似文献   

Labdane diterpene acids were found to be the major resin acid components in Pinus nigra needles of various seed sources. The major constituents have been identified as 4-epiimbricataloic acid, manoyl oxide 19-oic acid, 4-epicommunic acid, and 15-monomethyl pinifolate. A GC method was developed to analytically differentiate pinifolic acid from its monomethyl ester in an admixture of both compounds. A minor resin acid was identified as 18-acetoxy-8(17)-labden-15-oic acid. 10-Nonacosanol and isoabienol were identified as major constituents of the needle and cortex extractives, respectively.  相似文献   

Tritium labelled gibberellin A20 ([3H]-GA20) applied to etiolated shoots and germinating seeds of dwarf pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Meteor) was converted to gibberellin A29. Identifications were made by GLRC and GC-MS.  相似文献   

This paper describes the construction and performance of branch bags and a CO2 control system used to fumigate branches of mature Sitka spruce trees with air enriched in CO2 (700 μmolmol-1). It contains some examples of results obtained using the system over the course of the first two growing seasons. The branch bags have run continuously for 2 years with very few problems. CO2 concentrations were within 20 μmol mol-1 of the target concentration for more than 90% of the time. Temperatures within the bags were slightly higher than ambient (1–2 °C) and this had some effect on phenology. Attenuation of quantum flux density (photosynthetically active radiation) was 10–15%. The branch bag system has enabled investigation into the effects of elevated CO2 on mature tissue without the problems and expense of fumigating whole trees. Growth in elevated CO2 resulted in an increase in starch and a decrease in soluble protein content of needles. Stomatal conductance was higher in elevated CO2 grown needles, and there was some evidence of an increase in photosynthetic capacity.  相似文献   

Reaction of gibberellin A3 (GA3) with carrier-free tritium gas and 5% palladium on calcium carbonate as catalyst gave a complex mixture of products, several of which were isolated and identified. Three of the purified products are the radioactive forms of naturally occurring gibberellins: [3H]GA3 (1), [3H]GA1 (2) and [3H]tetrahydro GA3 (4). Another substance was isolated and tentatively identified as [3H]16,17-dihydro GA3 (3). GLC was used to determine the specific activities of 1 and 2. [3H]GA3 likely arises from palladium catalysed nonspecific exchange of GA3 alkane hydrogen atoms with tritium. [3H]GA1 is also exchange labeled but most of its radioactivity is due to tritium addition to the C-1,2 olefinic bond of GA3.  相似文献   

The native hormones from tassels of maize (Zea mays) were re-investigated. The previous identification by GC/SIM of GA1, GA8 and GA29 in normal tassels was confirmed by full GC/MS scans at the correct Kovats retention indices. In tassels of dwarf-1 mutants, GA44,?GA19, GA17, GA20 and the 16,17-dihydro, 7β,16α,17-trihydroxy derivative of ent-kaurenoic acid were identified by GC/MS. Gibberellin A1 was not found in the mutant tassels. [14C]Gibberellin A53 was fed to tassels of the dwarf-5 mutant. In the ethyl acetate-soluble acidic fraction from the feeds, [14C]GA44 was identified by GC/MS; [14C]GA19 and [14C]GA29 were identified by GC/SIM. The GA29 is probably a metabolite of the feeds because the dwarf-5 mutant is known to control the step copalyl pyrophosphate to ent-kaurene in the maize GA-biosynthetic pathway and because GA29 was not identified in a control experiment. The n-butanol fractions obtained from the feeds were shown, by GC/MS, to contain [14C]GA53 after hydrolysis, suggesting that conjugated [14C]GA53 is a major metabolite from GA53 feeds. [17-13C, 17-3H2]Gibberellin A20 was fed to normal, dwarf-1 and dwarf-5 tassels. In each case, analysis of the purified ethyl acetate-soluble acidic extracts by GC/MS led to the identification of [13C]GA29 and unmetabolized [13C]GA20 in which no 13C-isotope dilution was observed.  相似文献   

[3H]-Gibberellin A5 ([3H]-GA5) applied to seedlings of dark-grown dwarf pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Meteor), was converted to two acidic compounds, GA3 and a chromatographically similar unknown. Identification of GA3 was made by gas-liquid radiochromatography using three stationary phases.  相似文献   

The extracts of a selection of 150 foliar fungal endophytes isolated from Picea rubens (red spruce) needles were screened by LC-MS and assayed for toxicity. Three of these strains that were toxic to the forest pest Choristoneura fumiferana (eastern spruce budworm) in dietary bioassays were selected for further study. Their culture extracts were analyzed by LC-NMR spectroscopy, and the major metabolites were isolated by LC-MS-SPE or PTLC/column chromatography and characterized. The structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analyses including 2D NMR, HRMS and by comparison to literature data. Compounds 1 and 5-7 are hitherto unknown whereas compounds 2 and 3 are natural products described for the first time. Compound 4 is reported for the first time as a fungal metabolite and 8-9 were identified as known fungal metabolites in genera.  相似文献   

[3H]Gibberellin A1 ([3H]GA1)applied to seedlings of dwarf rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Tanginbozu) was metabolized to GA8. Identification of GA8, was made by gas-liquid radiochromatography using three liquid stationary phases.  相似文献   

To test the effects of preventing enzymatic 2β- and 3β-hydroxylation on the biological activities of gibberellins, the preparation of the following compounds is described: 2β-methyl- and 2,2-dimethyl-gibberellins A4 and A9; 2α-fluoro-, 2β-fluoro- and 2β-methoxy-gibberellin A9; and 3β-chloro-, 3β-fluoro-, 3β-methoxy- and 3-methylene A9.  相似文献   

3-Indole carboxylic acid (ICA) has been characterized as an endogenous constituent of Pinus sylvestris needles. Quantitative estimates of 3-indole acetic acid (IAA) and ICA, corrected for both sample losses and the conversion of IAA to ICA occurring during purification, indicate that Pinus needles contain 24.5 ± 6.5 ng IAA/g and 2.3 ± 0.4 ng ICA/g.  相似文献   

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