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Cells of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides grown under saturating light conditions (30 W/m2) and then shifted to low light intensity (3 W/m2) required 2.5 h to adapt to the new lower light conditions. After the shift, cell growth, whole cell protein accumulation, and bacteriochlorophyll accumulation ceased immediately. Approximately midway into the adaptation period, bacteriochlorophyll synthesis commenced at a new, higher rate, which continued through the beginning of the low-light growth period until new steady-state levels were reached. Immediately after the downshift, the rate of cellular protein synthesis declined to 22% of its preshift rate. Pulse-labeling of protein throughout the adaptation period and comparison with a steady-state prelabel culture revealed that synthesis of two of the three light-harvesting proteins, as well as two additional high-molecular-weight photosynthetic membrane proteins, was derepressed three- to fivefold compared with bulk cellular protein. Finally, the synthesis of at least three soluble proteins showed light-dependent regulation after the light downshift. These results are discussed in terms of the light-dependent regulation of synthesis of the photosynthetic membrane macromolecular components and the division of protein synthesis between the photosynthetic membranes and the soluble cell phase.  相似文献   

A rapid, gratuitous and cell-division uncoupled induction of intracytoplasmic photosynthetic membrane formation was demonstrated in low-aeration suspensions of chemotrophically grown Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. Despite a nearly 2-fold increase in phospholipid levels, no significant increases were detected in the specific activities of CDP-1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol:sn-glycerol-3-phosphate phosphatidyltransferase (phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase, EC and CDP-1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol:L-serine O-phosphatidyltransferase (phosphatidylserine synthase, EC, the first committed enzymes of anionic and zwitterionic phospholipid biosyntheses, respectively. The distribution of phosphatidylglycerophosphate and phosphatidylserine synthase activities after rate-zone sedimentation of cell-free extracts indicated that intracytoplasmic membrane phospholipids were synthesized mainly within distinct domains of the conserved cytoplasmic membrane. Labeling studies with 32Pi and L-[3H]phenylalanine suggested that preexisting phospholipid was utilized initially as the matrix for insertion of intracytoplasmic membrane protein that was synthesized and assembled de novo during induction.Abbreviations BChl bacteriochlorophyll a - B800-850, B875 peripheral and core light-harvesting BChl-protein complexes, respectively, identified by near-IR absorption maxima This paper is dedicated to Professor Gerhart Drews on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday  相似文献   

Protein composition of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides outer membrane.   总被引:2,自引:9,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The outer membrane polypeptide profile of Rhodopseudmonas sphaeroides was characterized. Solubilization of the outer membrane at 75 or 100 degrees C as opposed to room temperature resulted in the dissociation of 75-, 72-, and 68-kilodalton (kdal) polypeptide aggregates into 29-, 26.5-, and 21.5-kdal polypeptides, respectively, and a shared 47-kdal subunit. Similarly, an 88.5-kdal polypeptide dissociates into a 45-kdal monomeric form, and the electrophoretic mobility of a 58.5-kdal polypeptide was altered to 83 kdal.Lysozyme treatment of outer membrane fractions altered the 21.5-kdal polypeptide mobility to 23 kdal. The presence of lipid in both the 47-kdal polypeptide and an 8- to 10-kdal polypeptide was demonstrated by lipid staining and [14C]acetate incorporation. The lipid component of the 47-kdal polypeptide was neither lipopolysaccharide nor phospholipid. The 8- to 10-kdal polypeptide may be the equivalent of the Braun lipoprotein. Outer membrane fractions isolated from R. sphaeroides-specific phage RS1-resistant mutants were deficient in several of the high-molecular-weight aggregates involving the 47-kdal polypeptide.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic membranes (CM) prepared from both chemotrophic and phototrophic cells of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides possess penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs), as demonstrated by binding of [125]furazlocillin to isolated membranes, the subsequent separation of the constituent PBPs by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and their detection by autoradiography. The major PBP present in CM from R. sphaeroides corresponds in molecular weight to PBP-5, the predominant PBP present in CM of Escherichia coli. In contrast, the outer membrane of R. sphaeroides shows only low-level furazlocillin-binding activity on a per milligram of protein basis compared with chemotrophic CM. The intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM) derived from phototrophic cells contains less than 5% of the furazlocillin-binding activity of the CM. Based on the specific localization of PBPs in the CM, it is possible to provide quantitative estimates of the extent of CM present in preparations of ICM. This method demonstrates that highly purified preparations of ICM contain less than 5% CM. Additionally, the assay for PBPs demonstrates that during ICM remodeling, which occurs upon a shift from phototrophic to chemotrophic growth, there is no significant insertion of PBPs into the ICM over the first two generations after a shift to chemotrophic growth.  相似文献   

The effects of cerulenin were investigated in Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides to elucidate further the mechanisms controlling the assembly of the chromatophore membrane. When this potent inhibitor of fatty acid biosynthesis was added to photosynthetically grown cultures, there was an immediate cessation of phospholipid, bacteriochlorophyll a, carotenoid, and ubiquinone formation. Concurrently, there was also a marked decrease in the rate of incorporation of protein into the chromatophore membrane. In contrast, only a small decrease in the rate of soluble and cell envelope protein synthesis was observed and, in chemotrophically grown cells, protein continued to be incorporated into both the cytoplasmic and outer membranes. The removal of delta-aminolaevulinate from mutant H-5 of R. sphaeroides, which requires this porphyrin precursor, was reexamined to determine whether cerulenin-induced cessation of chromatophore protein incorporation was due solely to blocked bacteriochlorophyll a synthesis. In the deprived H-5 cells, inhibition of [35S]methionine incorporation into chromatophores was confined mainly to apoproteins of bacteriochlorophyll a complexes. Other minor chromatophore proteins continued to be inserted to a greater extent than in cerulenin-treated wild type where phospholipid synthesis has also ceased. These results indicated that the assembly of the chromatophore membrane is under strict regulatory control involving concomitant phospholipid, pigment, and protein syntheses.  相似文献   

The facultative phototroph Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides DSM158 was incapable of either assimilating or dissimilating nitrate, although the organism could reduce it enzymatically to nitrite either anaerobically in the light or aerobically in the dark. Reduction of nitrate was mediated by a nitrate reductase bound to chromatophores that could be easily solubilized and functioned with chemically reduced viologens or photochemically reduced flavins as electron donors. The enzyme was solubilized, and some of its kinetic and molecular parameters were determined. It seemed to be nonadaptive, ammonia did not repress its synthesis, and its activity underwent a rapid decline when the cells entered the stationary growth phase. Studies with inhibitors and with metal antagonists indicated that molybdenum and possibly iron participate in the enzymatic reduction of nitrate. The conjectural significance of this nitrate reductase in phototrophic bacteria is discussed.  相似文献   

Glycerol dissimilation in Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides followed a diauxic growth curve when grown on a malate-glycerol medium, the first phase of growth being supported by malate and the second by glycerol. A soluble glycerokinase and a particulate, pyridine nucleotide-independent glycerophosphate dehydrogenase, were induced by the presence of glycerol in the medium, but neither was fully expressed nor functional until all malate had been consumed.  相似文献   

The accumulation of N-acylphosphatidylserine (NAPS) in response to the inclusion of Tris in the growth medium of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides strain M29-5 has been examined. In the accompanying paper (Donohue et al., J. Bacteriol. 152:000--000, 1982), we show that in response to Tris, NAPS accumulated to as much as 40% of the total cellular phospholipid content. NAPS accumulation began immediately upon addition of Tris and was reflected as an abrupt 12-fold increase in the apparent rate of NAPS accumulation. We suggest that Tris altered the flow of metabolites through a preexisting and previously unknown metabolic pathway. NAPS accumulation ceased immediately upon the removal of Tris; however, accumulated NAPS remained largely metabolically stable. Importantly, under conditions in which NAPS was not accumulated, the intracytoplasmic membrane was shown to be virtually devoid of newly synthesized NAPS. The significance of this observation is discussed in terms of its physiological implications on phospholipid transfer and membrane biogenesis in R. sphaeroides.  相似文献   

The asymmetric structure of the Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides chromatophore membrane was examined in detail by crossed immunoelectrophoresis techniques. Because these methods are quantitative and allow increased resolution and sensitivity, it was possible to analyze simultaneously the relative transmembrane distribution of a number of previously identified antigenic components. This was demonstrated by analysis of immunoglobulin samples that were adsorbed by preincubation with either isolated chromatophores or osmotically protected spheroplasts. The photochemical reaction center, the light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll a-protein complex, the L-lactate dehydrogenase, and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase (EC were found to be exposed on the chromatophore surface (cytoplasmic aspect of the membrane within the cell). Other antigenic components were found to be exposed on the surface of spheroplasts (periplasmic aspect of the in vivo chromatophore membrane). Antigens with determinants expressed on both sides of the chromatophore membrane were also identified. Charge shift crossed immunoelectrophoresis confirmed the suggested amphiphilic character of the pigment-protein complexes and identified several additional amphiphilic membrane components.  相似文献   

From polluted water of a lagoon pond a new type of denitrifying photosynthetic purple bacteria was isolated. With respect to morphology, fine structure, photopigments, requirement for growth factors, the range of utilization of organic substrates for phototrophic growth and DNA base ratio, the denitrifying strains show the closest resemblance to Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides and were therefore described as a subspecies named R. sphaeroides forma sp. denitrificans. The new isolates grow well with nitrate anaerobically in the dark accompanying the evolution of nitrogen gas. They cannot assimilate nitrate as the nitrogen source for growth.  相似文献   

Cells of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides were grown anaerobically with incident light levels ranging between 4,500 and 400 footcandles (ca. 48,420 and 4,304 lux). Cells grown with the higher light levels had lower contents of total bacteriochlorophyll and incorporated L-[U-14C]leucine into membrane protein at higher rates than cells grown with lower light levels. The former cells also contained relatively lower amounts of light-harvesting membrane polypeptides as compared with the latter cells. In contrast, the relative amounts of reaction center membrane polypeptides were approximately the same with varying incident light levels. The relative amounts of these membrane polypeptides were correlated with differences in rates of synthesis and assembly of the polypeptides into membrane by measuring the rates of incorporation of L-[U-14C]leucine into the membrane-bound polypeptides. No significant differences in rates of turnover of these polypeptides were detected under the varying incident light levels as measured in pulse-chase radioactive labeling experiments.  相似文献   

The purple phototrophic bacteria elaborate a specialized intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM) system for the conversion of solar energy to ATP. Previous radiolabelling and ultrastructural experiments have shown that ICM assembly in Rhodobacter sphaeroides is initiated at indentations of the cytoplasmic membrane, termed UPB. Here, we report proteomic analyses of precursor (UPB) and mature (ICM) fractions. Qualitative data identified 387 proteins, only 43 of which were found in the ICM, reflecting its specialized role within the cell, the conversion of light into chemical energy; 236 proteins were found in the significantly more complex UPB proteome. Metabolic labelling was used to quantify the relative distribution of 173 proteins between the UPB and ICM fractions. Quantification reveals new information on assembly of the RC-LH1-PufX, ATP synthase and NAD(P)H transhydrogenase complexes, as well as showing that the UPB is enriched in enzymes for lipid, carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism, tetrapyrrole biosynthesis and proteins representing a wide range of other metabolic and biosynthetic functions. Proteins involved in light harvesting, photochemistry, electron transport and ATP synthesis are all enriched in ICM, consistent with the spatial proximity of energy capturing and transducing functions. These data provide further support to the developmental precursor-product relationship between UPB and ICM.  相似文献   

Ferric iron reductase of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides.   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Partially digested chromosomal DNA of Bacillus brevis ATCC 9999, a producer of the cyclic peptide antibiotic gramicidin S, was ligated into the BamHI site of the Escherichia coli expression vector pUR2-Bam. The ligated molecules were used to transfer E. coli to ampicillin resistance. Of 5 X 10(3) colonies tested by in situ immunoassay for a cross-reaction with antibodies against the gramicidin S synthetase 2, 6 colonies were found to be immunoreactive. A clone designated MK2, which had a 3.9-kilobase insert of B. brevis DNA, directed in E. coli under the lac promoter control the synthesis of polypeptides that were cross-reactive with the antibody to the gramicidin S synthetase 2. Partial purification of the gene products by gel filtration revealed a major fraction with an approximate molecular weight of 140,000 and with specific ornithine-dependent ATP-32PPi and 2'-dATP-32PPi exchange activities. These unique activities of the gramicidin S synthetase 2 were not detected in the E. coli strain harboring the vector.  相似文献   

The antibiotic cerulenin causes the immediate cessation of phospholipid biosynthesis in both chemoheterotrophic and photoheterotrophic cultures of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. Macromolecule biosynthesis in photoheterotrophic cells was unaffected by cerulenin for the first 2 h after antibiotic addition and then continued at a reduced rate for an additional 8 h. In contrast, macromolecule biosynthesis in chemoheterotrophic cells was severely affected by cerulenin within the first 2 h of treatment. Pulse-labeling of protein after cerulenin addition revealed that all subcellular fractions were equally affected by the action of cerulenin with chemoheterotrophic cell fractions more profoundly affected than those derived from photoheterotrophic cells. Protein insertion into the intracytoplasmic membrane of photoheterotrophic cells continued for up to 6 h after the onset of cerulenin treatment. Residual macromolecule synthesis was correlated with the presence of the photosynthetic membrane system under all conditions of growth.  相似文献   

The outer membrane fraction from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides was isolated by isopycnic density centrifugation. The purity of this fraction was assayed by several methods. When the outer membrane fraction obtained after French press lysis of cells was compared with the outer membrane fragments released during spheroplast formation, the polypeptide profiles were identical. Detergent solubilization of membrane fractions showed that Triton X-100 nonselectively solubilizes both the cytoplasmic membrane and the outer membrane, whereas Deriphat 160 selectively solubilizes the cytoplasmic membrane. Several outer membrane polypeptides, including the major outer membrane protein, exhibited changes in electrophoretic mobility that depended upon the temperature of solubilization in sodium dodecyl sulfate. Solubilization at room temperature in the presence of ions reproduced the effect of thermal denaturation on the major outer membrane polypeptide.  相似文献   

Putative membrane invagination sites at which intracytoplasmic photosynthetic membrane growth is initiated in Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides can be isolated in an upper pigmented fraction by rate-zone sedimentation. The intracellular localization of membranes present in the isolated fraction was investigated with the impermeant surface-labeling reagent pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, which has been shown to diffuse into the periplasmic space and to label proteins of both the peripheral cytoplasmic membrane and the mature intracytoplasmic membrane. A comparison of the extent of labeling at 25 and 0 degrees C was consistent with the possibility that membranes present in the upper pigmented fraction arise from sites near the cell periphery. Pronase digestion of the surface-labeled membranes suggested further that the purified upper fraction consisted largely of open membrane fragments and that the majority of the intracytoplasmic membrane is labeled by this procedure. The pigmented membrane growth initiation sites were separated partially from undifferentiated respiratory cytoplasmic membrane also present in the upper fraction.  相似文献   

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