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The structurally related type XII-like collagen molecules TL-A and TL-B were recently identified in fetal bovine epiphyseal cartilage and subsequently shown to be collagen types XII and XIV, respectively. By indirect immunofluorescent staining of cartilage using monoclonal antibodies to the NC3 domains of each molecule, it was shown that type XII collagen was present predominantly around cartilage canals, the articular surface, subperichondrial margins, and the perichondrium, was less so in the remaining cartilage matrix, and was absent from the growth plate region. In the permanent cartilage of trachea, type XII stained somewhat more intensely in the margins beneath the loose connective tissue. Type XIV collagen localized more uniformly throughout the articular cartilage and was also absent from the growth plate region, whereas in tracheal cartilage, its distribution was similar to type XII. We have characterized the structure of these cartilage molecules and compared them with those from fetal bovine skin. Extraction of cartilage with 1 M NaCl and differential NaCl precipitation yields a fraction enriched for these two collagens. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting with monoclonal antibodies to the large amino-terminal non-triple-helical domain, NC3, revealed the presence in cartilage of two forms of type XII collagen: type XIIB, the molecule previously identified in chick and bovine tissues, and type XIIA, a much larger form equivalent to the molecule recently identified in WISH-transformed epithelial cell culture medium (Lunstrum, G. P., McDonough, A. M., Marinkovich, M. P., Keene, D. R., Morris, N. P., and Burgeson, R. E. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 20087-20092). Digestion with bacterial collagenase shows that the increased mass is present in the NC3A domain. Additional purification by velocity sedimentation and observation of rotary-shadowed images demonstrates molecules with extended non-triple-helical arms approximately 80 nm in length analogous to the WISH cell molecules. Electrophoretic mobilities of bands corresponding to type XIIA, but not type XIIB, are sensitive to chondroitinase ABC, indicating that type XIIA is a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan and that modification occurs predominantly within the NC3A domain distal to NC3B. Neither type XIIB from skin nor type XIIA from WISH cells are chondroitinase-sensitive. By similar analysis, a portion of the type XIV collagen chains in cartilage was also sensitive to chondroitinase digestion. Chondroitin sulfate is apparently not located on its NC3 domain. As in skin, collagen types XII and XIV have subtly different distributions within cartilage and type XII may have a tissue-specific structure.  相似文献   

Corneal transparency depends on the architecture of the stromal extracellular matrix, including fibril diameter, packing, and lamellar organization. The roles of collagen types XII and XIV in regulation of corneal fibrillogenesis and development were examined. The temporal and spatial expression patterns were analyzed using semi-quantitative RT-PCR, in situ hybridization, Western analysis, and immunohistochemistry. Expression of types XII and XIV collagens in cornea development demonstrated that type XII collagen mRNA levels are constant throughout development (10D-adult) while type XIV mRNA is highest in early embryonic stages (10D-14D), decreasing significantly by hatching. The spatial expression patterns of types XII and XIV collagens demonstrated a homogeneous signal in the stroma for type XIV collagen, while type XII collagen shows segregation to the sub-epithelial and sub-endothelial stroma during embryonic stages. The type XII collagen in the anterior stroma was an epithelial product during development while fibroblasts contributed in the adult. Type XIV collagen expression was highest early in development and was absent by hatching. Both types XII and type XIV collagen have different isoforms generated by alternative splicing that may alter specific interactions important in fibrillogenesis, fibril-fibril interactions, and higher order matrix assembly. Analysis of these splice variants demonstrated that the long XII mRNA levels were constant throughout development, while the short XII NC3 mRNA levels peaked early (12D) followed by a decrease. Both type XIV collagen NC1 splice variants are highest during early stages (12D-14D) decreasing by 17D of development. These data suggest type XII collagen may have a role in development of stromal architecture and maintenance of fibril organization, while type XIV collagen may have a role in regulation of fibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

The effects of TGF-beta 1, beta 2 and beta 3 (TGF-beta) on levels of mRNA corresponding to the alpha chains of type XII and type XIV collagens in equine tenocyte cultures were assessed using the ribonuclease protection assay (RPA). The level of alpha1(XII) mRNA in untreated monolayer cultures was approximately 50- to 100-fold greater than alpha1(XIV) mRNA level. Addition of TGF-beta resulted in an increase in the amount of alpha1(XII) present and a decrease of alpha1(XIV) mRNA in a dose-dependent manner. Specifically, the level of alpha1(XII) mRNA was doubled, but alpha1(XIV) was decreased to 30% of control by the addition of 2 ng/ml of TGF-beta 1 to the cultures. These effects were completely abrogated by neutralizing antibody specific for TGF-beta. In addition, electron microscopy demonstrated that bundled collagen fibers were formed in the intercellular spaces of multilayered tenocytes which had been cultured for 2 weeks in the presence of exogenous TGF-beta 1 together with ascorbic acid phosphate. These results suggest that type XII and/or type XIV collagens modulate the structure of ECM formed by tenocytes in culture.  相似文献   

The ontogenesis of total collagen and of different collagen types was studied in four muscle types from genetically different cattle. Hydroxyproline content was 1.2-fold higher in muscles from cross-bred foetuses with normal muscle growth compared to those of the other genetic types (pure bred with different growth rates, double-muscled breed). A similar tendency was observed for type III collagen content. In all muscles of each animal studied, type XII and XIV collagens were colocated in perimysium. Immunolabelling obtained for type XII collagen was higher during foetal life than after birth, while for type XIV collagen, the opposite result was obtained. Whatever the muscle studied, but especially in semitendinosus muscle, during the foetal and the post-natal period until 15 months of age, immunolabelling with antibody anti-type XIV collagen tended to be more intense in muscles of animals from fathers selected for a low muscle growth capacity compared to those from fathers selected for a high muscle growth capacity. In conclusion, this study shows, that during foetal life, selection according to muscle growth capacity has no significant effect on the contents of total hydroxyproline or type III collagen, but minor effects on collagen localization.  相似文献   

The collagens constitute a large group of proteins in the extracellular matrix that can be divided into several distinct families. Collagen types XII and XIV belong to a subgroup of non-fibrillar-collagens termed (fibril-associated collagens with interrupted triple-helices) (FACIT) and may be involved in basement membrane regulation providing specific molecular bridges between fibrils and other matrix components. However, the tissue distribution of the two proteins during human embryogenesis is still unclear. As a first step toward the elucidation of their possible cell biological functions, we compared the distribution of the two collagens during human organogenesis at the light microscopical level. We detected specific differences between the expression patterns of the two molecules, which may be related to their respective function within the basement membrane zones during human embryonic development. For example, in the developing intestine, collagen type-XII was present in the basement membrane zones of epithelia and endothelia. However, collagen type-XIV was restricted to the mesothelial basement membrane zones. We conclude that both collagens might well be able to serve different functions during human embryonic development although their structures are highly similar.  相似文献   

A new molecule, type XIV collagen, with domains homologous to type IX and XII collagens has been recently discovered in pepsin extracts of fetal bovine tissues (Dublet, B., and van der Rest, M. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 6853-6858). In the present study, we describe the purification and the characterization of the intact native form of this newly discovered collagen. By using only two chromatographic steps we were able to obtain pure type XIV collagen. Furthermore, minor modifications of the protocol allowed us to perform the simultaneous large scale purification of type XII and type XIV collagens from the same tissue. Intact type XIV collagen migrates on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) as two bands of 220 and 290 kDa (reducing conditions). After collagenase treatment, a single band of 190 kDa is observed, which represents the large non-collagenous domain of the molecule (NC3). Rotary shadowing electron micrographs of intact type XIV collagen show a cross-shaped structure formed by a thin tail attached through a central globule to three identical "fingers." These properties are similar to those previously described for intact chicken type XII collagen (Dublet, B., Oh, S., Sugrue, S. P., Gordon, M. K., Gerecke, D. R., Olsen, B. R., and van der Rest, M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 13150-13156), but the two molecules are different gene products and have charge and glycosylation differences. Finally, we show that the three chains of purified type XIV collagen have an apparent molecular mass of approximately 220 kDa and are not cross-linked to each other by bonds other than disulfide bridges. The same observation was made for type XII collagen. In both cases, the 290-kDa migrating band in SDS-PAGE is due to incomplete denaturation in electrophoresis sample buffer in the absence of urea.  相似文献   

We have isolated undulin, an extracellular matrix protein associated with the surface of collagen fibrils, from chicken embryos. The protein showed a molecular mass of about 600 kDa and is composed of three 210-kDa subunits linked by reducible as well as non-reducible bonds. In contrast to human undulin which reportedly is devoid of collagenous sequences, the chicken protein contained a short triple-helical segment that was sensitive to digestion by bacterial collagenase. Screening of an expression library with affinity-purified antibodies yielded two cDNA clones specific for chicken undulin. Analysis of the amino acid sequence deduced from the nucleotide sequence of these clones showed that the human and the chicken protein shared 71% sequence identity. At the amino-terminus both polypeptides contained several similar repeats related to the type III modules found in fibronectin. Towards the carboxyl terminus, however, the two sequences diverged substantially from each other. While the human sequence terminated in a proline-rich segment, the chicken sequence continued with a domain related to von Willebrand factor, with a domain similar to the noncollagenous domain NC4 of type IX collagen and with a typical collagenous triple helix. A short segment of this sequence was found to be identical with the published sequence of a bovine peptide derived from type XIV collagen. Our protein must therefore represent chicken type XIV collagen. One way to explain these results is the possibility that undulin exists in at least two alternatively spliced variants, one lacking the collagenous domain, as described initially for human undulin, and one containing the triple-helical domain, as found in type XIV collagen.  相似文献   

Skin integrity and function depends to a large extent on the composition of the extracellular matrix, which regulates tissue organization. Collagen XII is a homotrimer with short collagenous domains that confer binding to the surface of collagen I-containing fibrils and extended flexible arms, which bind to non-collagenous matrix components. Thereby, collagen XII helps to maintain collagen suprastructure and to absorb stress. Mutant or absent collagen XII leads to reduced muscle and bone strength and lax skin, whereas increased collagen XII amounts are observed in tumor stroma, scarring and fibrosis.This study aimed at uncovering in vivo mechanisms by which collagen XII may achieve these contrasting outcomes. We analyzed skin as a model tissue that contains abundant fibrils, composed of collagen I, III and V with collagen XII decorating their surface, and which is subject to mechanical stress. The impact of different collagen XII levels was investigated in collagen XII-deficient (Col12-KO) mice and in mice with collagen XII overexpression in the dermis (Col12-OE). Unchallenged skin of these mice was histologically inconspicuous, but at the ultrastructural level revealed distinct aberrations in collagen network suprastructure. Repair of excisional wounds deviated from controls in both models by delayed healing kinetics, which was, however, caused by completely different mechanisms in the two mouse lines. The disorganized matrix in Col12-KO wounds failed to properly sequester TGFβ, resulting in elevated numbers of myofibroblasts. These are, however, unable to contract and remodel the collagen XII-deficient matrix. Excess of collagen XII, in contrast, promotes persistence of M1-like macrophages in the wound bed, thereby stalling the wounds in an early inflammatory stage of the repair process and delaying healing.Taken together, we demonstrate that collagen XII is a key component that assists in orchestrating proper skin matrix structure, controls growth factor availability and regulates cellular composition and function. Together, these functions are pivotal for re-establishing homeostasis after injury.  相似文献   

Immunoidentification of type XII collagen in embryonic tissues   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have generated a monoclonal antibody against a synthetic peptide whose sequence was derived from the nucleotide sequence of a cDNA encoding alpha 1(XII) collagen. The antibody, 75d7, has been used to identify the alpha 1(XII) chain on immunoblots of SDS-PAGE tendon extracts as a 220-kD polypeptide, under reducing conditions. Amino-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of an immunopurified cyanogen bromide fragment of type XII collagen from embryonic chick tendons gave a single sequence identical to that predicted from the cDNA, thus confirming that the antibody recognizes the type XII protein. Immunofluorescence studies with the antibody demonstrate that type XII collagen is localized in type I-containing dense connective tissue structures such as tendons, ligaments, perichondrium, and periosteum. With these data, taken together with previous results showing that a portion of the sequence domains of type XII collagen is similar to domains of type IX, a nonfibrillar collagen associated with cross-striated fibrils in cartilage, we suggest that types IX and XII collagens are members of a distinct class of extracellular matrix proteins found in association with quarter-staggered collagen fibrils.  相似文献   

Metal complexing anions represent an important class of inhibitors of the metalloenzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC The first inhibition study of the transmembrane isozymes CA XII (tumor-associated) and XIV with anions is reported. These isozymes showed inhibition profiles with physiologic/non-physiologic anions quite distinct from any other cytosolic (CA I and II) or transmembrane isoforms (e.g., CA IX) investigated earlier. hCA XII has a good affinity for fluoride and bicarbonate but is not inhibited by heavier halides, perchlorate, nitrate, and nitrite. The best hCA XII inhibitors were cyanide (K(I) of 1 microM) and azide (K(I) of 80 microM). hCA XIV was on the other hand weakly inhibited by fluoride and not at all inhibited by perchlorate, but showed good affinity for most other anions investigated here. Chloride and bicarbonate showed K(I)s in the range of 0.75-0.77 mM for this isoform. The best hCA XIV anion inhibitors were sulfate, phenylarsonic, and phenylboronic acid (K(I) in the range of 10-92 microM).  相似文献   

The synovial intercellular space is the path by which water, nutrients, cytokines, and macromolecules enter and leave the joint cavity. In this study two structural factors influencing synovial permeability were quantified by morphometry (Delesse's principle) of synovial electronmicrographs (rabbit knee), namely interstitial volume fraction Vv.1 and the fraction of the interstitium obstructed by collagen fibrils. Mean Vv.1 across the full thickness was 0.66 +/- 0.03 SEM (n = 11); but Vv.1 actually varied systematically with depth normal to the surface, increasing nonlinearly from 0.40 +/- 0.04 (n = 5 joints) near the free surface to 0.92 +/- 0.02 near the subsynovial interface. Tending to offset this increase in transport space, however, the space "blocked" by collagen fibrils also increased nonlinearly with depth. Bundles of collagen fibrils occupied 13.6 +/- 2.4% of interstitial volume close to the free surface but 49 +/- 4.8% near the subsynovial surface (full-thickness average, 40.5 +/- 3.5%), with fibrils accounting for 48.6-57.1% of the bundle space. Because of the two counteracting compositional gradients, the space available for fibril-excluded transport (hydraulic flow and macromolecular diffusion) was relatively constant > 4 microns below the surface but constricted at the synovium-cavity interface. The space available to extracellular polymers was only 51-53% of tissue volume, raising their effective concentration and hence the lining's resistance to flow and ability to confine the synovial fluid.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,130(4):1005-1014
Collagen XII has a short collagenous tail and a very large, three-armed NC3 domains consisting primarily of fibronectin type III repeats. Differential splicing within this domain gives rise to a large (320 kD) and a small (220 kD) subunit; the large but not the small can carry glycosaminoglycan. To investigate whether collagen XII variants have distinct expression patterns and functions, we generated antibody and cDNA probes specific for the alternatively spliced domain. We report here that the large variant has a more restricted expression in embryonic tissue than the small. For example, whereas the small variant is widespread in the dermis, the large is limited to the base of feather buds. Distinct proportions of mRNA for the two variants were detected depending on the tissue. Monoclonal antibodies allowed us to separate collagen XII variants, and to show that homo- and heterotrimers exist. Collagen XII variants differ in ligand binding. Small subunits interact weakly with heparin via their COOH-terminal domain. Large subunits have additional, stronger heparin-binding site(s) in their NH2-terminal extra domain. In vivo, both large and small collagen XII are associated with interstitial collagen. Here we show biochemically and ultrastructurally that collagen XII can be incorporated into collagen I fibrils when it is present during, but not after, fibril formation. Removal of the collagenous domain of collagen XII reduces its coprecipitation with collagen I. Our results indicate that collagen XII is specifically associated with fibrillar collagen, and that the large variant has binding sites for extracellular ligands not present in the small variant.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that type V collagen plays a role in organizing collagen fibrils, thus maintaining fibril size and spatial organization uniform. In this study we sought to characterize the importance of type V collagen morphological disorganization and to study the relationship between type V collagen, active remodeling of the pulmonary vascular/parenchyma (fibroblastic foci), and other collagen types in usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP). We examined type V collagen and several other collagens in 24 open lung biopsies with histological pattern of UIP from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). We used immunofluorescence, morphometry, and three-dimensional reconstruction to evaluate the amount of collagen V and its interaction with the active remodeling progression in UIP, as well as types I and III collagen fibers. Active remodeling progression was significantly related to type V collagen density (p<0.05), showing a gradual and direct increase to minimal, moderate, and severe fibrosis degree in UIP and in the three different areas: normal, intervening, and mural-organizing fibrosis in UIP. Parenchymal changes were characterized by morphological disorganization of fibrillar collagen with diverse disarray and thickness when observed by three-dimensional reconstruction. We concluded that in the different temporal stages of UIP, vascular/parenchyma collagen type V is increased, in disarray, and is the most important predictor of survival.  相似文献   

A large, alternate form of type XII collagen has been identified in cultures of the human epidermoid cell line WISH. This form, designated XIIA, is comprised of alpha chains that are approximately 90 kDa larger than the 220-kDa alpha chain previously characterized in extracts of fetal chicken and bovine tissues. Results from both collagenase digestion and rotary shadow analysis of partially purified material show that the increase is due to a larger NC3 domain. While both the large (XIIA) and the small (XIIB) forms of type XII collagen are identified in pulse-chase radiolabeling of fetal bovine skin explant culture, they are not related in a precursor-product fashion. Inhibition studies with alpha, alpha'-dipyridyl indicate that proper folding of the collagen helix is required for complete assembly and secretion of type XIIA in WISH cell culture. The 310-kDa alpha 1A chain is likely to represent the bovine equivalent of a second translation product, estimated to be 340 kDa, predicted from analysis of one complete chick cDNA sequence. Additionally, the amino-terminal amino acid sequence of the 220-kDa bovine alpha 1B chain was determined. This sequence is very near a potential alternate splice site predicted from analysis of chicken type XII cDNA.  相似文献   

Periosteal-derived cells of young chicks have been reported to possess the potential to undergo terminal differentiation into osteogenic or chondrogenic phenotypes under high cell density culture conditions. In this culture, the temporal and spatial distribution of type XII collagen was immunocytochemically assessed using a monoclonal antibody. These high-density plated cells first formed a multilayer of fibroblast-like cells, in which type I and XII collagen were evenly distributed throughout the full thickness of the culture. With time, the top portion of the culture differentiated into bone tissue, while cells below this top layer differentiated into hypertrophic chondrocytes. In this transition, type XII collagen was temporally and spatially colocalized primarily with type I collagen: the top portion of bone layer was positive for both type I and XII collagens, whereas their staining intensity in the bottom portion decreased with time in culture. Using this antibody, type XII collagen was also found in developing embryonic chick tibiotarsus. These observations, taken together, suggest that type XII collagen production is a characteristic property of bone-forming cells.  相似文献   

In order to isolate candidate genes involved in bovine adipocyte differentiation, we have constructed a subtraction library from a clonal bovine intra-muscular pre-adipocyte (BIP) cell line using the suppression subtractive hybridization method. We have isolated a set of subtracted cDNA fragments whose respective mRNA levels are up-regulated during the adipogenic differentiation of BIP cells, and cloned cDNAs from a differentiated BIP-lambda ZAP II cDNA library. Two cDNA clones were highly homologous to the sequence of mouse and human type XII collagen alpha-1, determined by a BLAST homology search. As type XII collagen has been reported to have four types of splicing isoform, two clones were determined to be XII-1 and XII-2 splicing isoforms, respectively, because of a difference in the C-terminal NC1 domain. From the expression analysis of type XII collagen, the XIIA-2 isoform was mainly expressed in differentiated BIP cells and adipose tissues. Although the function of type XII collagen has not been established as yet, these results suggest that type XII collagen may be associated with adipocyte differentiation and adipose formation in cattle and is a potentially useful marker for adipogenesis.  相似文献   

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