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众所周知,山黧豆起源于巴尔干半岛并传播到世界各地。在土耳其,山黧豆属作物有73个分类群(约1/3为地方特有种),在全国各地均有分布种植,但主要集中在黑海中部、东南部和安纳托利亚东部地区。该文介绍了山黧豆属作物在土耳其全国的分布和在局部地区的食用、观赏等资源利用和保存情况。通常,不同国家人民会因为文化差异形成不同的饮食习惯,但山黧豆大多被用于制作汤、面包或其他咸点。山黧豆的栽培技术则因地制宜,土耳其在边缘土地上进行旱作种植,中国和印度部分地区多采用轮作种植方法等。作为一种极“小众”的作物,山黧豆研究工作的从业人员极少,而且缺乏大型联合研究项目。因此,需要联合化学、表型和分子分析等方法,以保护世界各地包括土耳其在内的地方种质资源,尤其是培育适合土耳其、中国等世界各国的食饲兼用型低β-ODAP品种。总之,选育低β-ODAP或不含β-ODAP的山黧豆品种将有助于丰富人类在食用、饲用和观赏等方面的物种资源利用。  相似文献   

山黧豆(Lathyrus spp.)种质资源评价与筛选长期聚焦于获得低β-N-草酰-L-α,β-二氨基丙酸(β-N-oxalyl-L-α,β-diaminopropionicacid,β-ODAP)含量或低蛋白酶抑制剂活性的品种。为了研究β-ODAP含量与蛋白酶抑制剂活性之间的潜在关系,该研究利用SDS-PAGE、酶活检测和相关性分析等方法对家山黧豆(L.sativus)、扁荚山黧豆(L.cicera)等6个山黧豆品种的蛋白酶抑制剂活性、β-ODAP含量及二者之间的关系进行了分析。结果表明:(1)不同山黧豆品种的醇溶蛋白和可溶蛋白电泳图谱呈现出显著的差异。(2)不同山黧豆种子的胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性介于100~190 TIU之间,胰凝乳蛋白酶抑制剂活性介于5~9 CIU之间。(3)β-ODAP含量与丝氨酸乙酰基转移酶活性的皮尔逊相关系数可达0.76,呈显著正相关关系。(4)山黧豆转录组数据(SRP145030)中的β-ODAP生物合成关键基因与Bowman-Birk蛋白酶抑制剂(Bowman-Birk inhibitor, BBi)基因表达水平呈显著负相关关系。该研究结果为进一步探讨分析山黧豆β-ODAP和BBi生物合成的调控与平衡,改善山黧豆的含硫氨基酸水平等奠定了基础。  相似文献   

山黧豆及其神经毒素(ODAP)的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
山黧豆具有耐寒、耐旱等优良生产性状,且营养丰富,在恶劣的天气条件下仍能维持较高的产量,因此它是半干旱地区的潜在粮食作物。但长期食用山黧豆会引起中毒,这是由于山黧豆中含有的神经毒素(ODAP)所致,因此筛选无毒品系具有重要意义。本文对山黧豆神经毒素(ODAP)的生物合成毒素异构化等方面作简要综述。  相似文献   

河南山黧豆属和杭子梢属订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归并了山黧豆属1种和杭子梢属1变种。即将河南香豌豆Lathyrus henanensis S.Y.Wang作为安徽山黧豆L.anhuiensis Y.J.Zhu et R.X.Meng的新异名;白花杭子梢Campylotropis macrocarpa(Bge.) Rehd.var.alba S.Y.Wang作为杭子梢原变种C.macrocarpa (Bge.)Reehd.var.macrocarpa的新异名。  相似文献   

Eu3+对山黧豆中的氨基酸及蛋白质代谢作用的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对山黧豆(Lathyrus sativus L.)幼苗整株,喷施一定浓度的Eu3+溶液吸收后,对其相关的生理指标进行测试,结果表明与水喷比较,根中丝氨酸、甘氨酸、丙氨酸、蛋氨酸、亮氨酸、脯氨酸、胱氨酸与对照持平,缬氨酸、酪氨酸、苯丙氨酸、组氨酸略有升高外,其余均低于对照;茎中除精氨酸、脯氨酸、色氨酸略高于对照外,其余均低于对照;叶中除蛋氨酸、色氨酸略高于对照外,其余均低于对照.游离氨基酸总量增加时,茎>根>叶,减少时,根<茎<叶.蛋白质含量经Eu3+ 处理茎中减少,根和叶中增加;水解酶比活性根>茎>叶;Na+、K+-ATPase活力却表现根>茎>叶的趋势.表明Eu3+ 对山黧豆生理活性代谢起到一定的调节作用.  相似文献   

报道1种分布于浙江杭州的豆科植物--大山黧豆Lathyrus davidii Hance。经确定,该种为浙江分布新记录。凭证标本保存于杭州植物园标本馆(HHBG)。  相似文献   

针对山黧豆苗菜用特性评价体系不完善和优良品种鉴别不明确的现状,收集我国不同地区的29份山黧豆品种资源作为供试材料,模拟中农绿谷芽苗菜研究院山黧豆苗的培育工艺与条件,根据山黧豆及山黧豆苗的8项性状指标,采用基本统计量分析、K-均值聚类分析和相关性分析对山黧豆苗菜用特性进行初步评价。结果表明,各性状中苗菜产出量的变异最大,变异系数为24.42%。29份山黧豆品种资源可划分为5个类群。其中一类具有小粒、高苗菜产出量、高可溶性蛋白含量、高VC含量的特征。苗长与苗菜产出量和种皮的光滑程度极显著正相关;苗菜产出量与品种种皮光滑程度极显著正相关,与百粒重显著负相关。本研究显示,鉴定与评价山黧豆品种苗菜用特性优劣时,应重点考虑苗菜产出量并兼顾营养品质和感官品质,优先筛选苗菜产出量≥1.01的品种作为芽用备选资源。初步筛选出甘肃张掖山黧豆、白香山黧豆、阿杂山黧豆-2共3份优异资源,供进一步研究。  相似文献   

有关山黧豆毒素ODAP的生物合成途径的前体物和合成程序已经证实,但其关键合成酶尚未分离与鉴定,因而无法克隆相应基因和利用反义RNA技术以控制其生物合成。研究表明,利用相应的抑制剂控制ODAP生物合成前体物可降低ODAP的积累量。山黧豆中ODAP含量与其抗逆性之间密切相关,这与其能有效地清除山黧豆中·OH自由基有关,外源ODAP处理获同样效果。此外,因ODAP既是含氮化合物,又是游离氨基酸,极易溶于水,可在逆境胁迫下与脯氨酸和多胺一样大量而迅速地积累,推测它也可能作为细胞渗透调节物质和防脱水剂,并在氮代谢和能量代谢方面起重要作用。对今后该领域的重点研究方向也进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在全球范围内曾多次发生因过量食用山黧豆导致神经中毒事件,使得国内外对于山黧豆的种植和利用存在一定的误解和偏见,山黧豆的优良农艺价值和潜在功能食品利用价值也受到一定限制。但山黧豆适应性强、分布范围广,是全球气候变化条件下农业可持续发展和地力维持的优选作物,在食品安全、生态文明建设和乡村振兴新形势下,进一步研究和挖掘利用这一古老的优良作物具有重要的战略意义。山黧豆相关研究报道可追溯到1861年,距今已有160年的历史。在同行学者的不懈努力下,山黧豆基础研究及种质资源利用等方面均取得了显著的阶段性成果。该文系统回顾了山黧豆研究160年以来的发展历程,依托历史文献进行了梳理和分析。首先,基于山黧豆神经活性物质β ODAP的分离和鉴定、神经山黧豆中毒机制的探索、β ODAP生物合成途径解析等重要研究节点将整个山黧豆研究进程划分为山黧豆中毒因素的探索、神经山黧豆中毒机理解析和神经山黧豆中毒及β ODAP生物学功能的再认识等三个阶段。其次,总结了山黧豆在毒理学研究、种质资源利用、品质改良基础研究等方面取得的重要进展。特别是以兰州大学为代表的中国学者在β ODAP的分析检测、生物合成途径、山黧豆生理生态学研究及种质资源利用等方面进行了深入探讨,确立了中国在国际山黧豆研究中的主流地位。最后,针对目前山黧豆分子生物学基础研究相对滞后、种质资源缺乏系统利用等问题进行了展望,提出了未来的重点发展方向,为山黧豆种质资源的进一步深入挖掘和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

改变土壤根系的分布以汲取深层土壤水分的能力是植物避免干旱的主要策略。山黧豆是一种抗逆性强的豆类作物,该研究通过起垄条播控制性沟灌的方式,设置传统灌溉(FI)、交替灌溉(PRD,灌水量减少50%)和不灌溉(NI)3种处理模式,探索不同灌溉模式对播种后不同时期山黧豆土壤水分、根系分布、叶片气体交换、水分利用效率和籽粒产量的影响。结果表明:(1)在FI、PRD和NI处理下,山黧豆的根系分别有89.8%、86.9%和84.9%生长在0~20 cm的表层土壤中;干旱胁迫使PRD和NI处理下深层土壤中根系的比例提高至13.05%和15.07%。(2)在整个生育期内,土壤干旱显著降低了山黧豆叶片的净光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度;在种植后60 d时,PRD和NI处理下叶片的瞬时水分利用效率分别较FI处理显著提高了21.4%和14.9%。(3)干旱胁迫显著降低了山黧豆植株高度、第一豆荚高、平均结荚数和豆粒数以及地上部和根系的干重,但显著增加了根冠比;PRD处理对豆荚长度、豆荚重和每荚豆粒重没有显著影响;PRD和NI处理下山黧豆平均籽粒产量分别比FI处理显著降低了53%和63%。研究发现,在干旱胁迫条件下,山黧豆能够通过提高深层土壤中根系的比例、更多吸收深层土壤水分、显著增加根冠比以及显著提高生殖生长期叶片的瞬时水分利用效率,减轻干旱胁迫对自身生长的影响。该研究结果可为山黧豆在旱区推广种植提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with a comparative karyotypic study of three species in Fritillaria-F. thuncergii Miq., F. anhuiensis S. . Chen et S. F. Yin and F. hupehensis Hsiao et K. C. Hsia. The karyotype of F. anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin is first reported. The karyotypes of the three species of Fritillaria are rather similar, all with K(2n)=24= 2m+2sm+12t+4st+4m (SAT), showing a close interspecific relationship. They all have two pairs of st chromosomes, one of which is the third chromosome in all the three species studied, but the other is the seventh in F. thunbergii Miq, the eighth in F. anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin, and the fifth in F. hupehensis Hsiao et K. C. Hsia. It tells us that there are some differences in their karyotypes. All of the three species possess two pairs of satellite chromosomes with the satellites located on the long arms. A heterochromatic zone is found sometimes on long arms of No. IX chromosome in each species of Fritillaria and on one of No. I chromosomes in both F. thunbergii Miq. and F. anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin, a chromosome polymorphism occurring between populations of Fritillaria. In addition, three B chromosomes are always found in most root-tip cells of F. hupehensis Hsiao et K. C. Hsiao.  相似文献   

北苍术的细胞学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葛传吉   《广西植物》1989,9(2):105-109
本文报道了北苍术的核型分析资料;其核型公式为K(2n)=24=10m+4sm(SAT)+10sm属“3B”型,染色体相对长度组成为2n=24=6L+4M_2+2M_1+12S,笔者并将其与本属近缘种白术(A.mocrocepola Koidz.)的核型相比较.白苍术较为进化。 本文还计算了北苍术的染色体体积。  相似文献   

Meiosis and/or mitosis of six species of Fabaceae (Leguminosae) from Baoxing County, Sichuan, China, were investigated. The voucher specimens are conserved in PE. Eight pairs (n=8) and 10 chiasmata in meiosis of pollen mother cells have been observed in Medicago lupulina L. (Pl. 1, A-C). Meiotic observation on pollen mother cells in Lotus tenuis W. et K. shows 6 bivalents (n=6) in MI and 9 chiasmata in diakinesis (Pl. 1, D-E). In this species 12 somatic chromosomes (2n=12) in anther wall cells have also been observed. The chromosomal formula may be expressed as 2n=12=8m+2sm+2smSAT (Pl. 1, F-G). In pollen mother cells of Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb., 7 bivalents in MI and 7 chromosomes in A II have been observed (Pl. 2, A-B). From A II (Pl. 2, B, the inset on the right) the chromosomal formula, n=7= 2m+2sm+lstSAT+2t, may be constructed. Only three chromosomes in this karyotype may be found to have counterparts in the one reported by Srivastava (1963), which shows striking differences between these two karyotypes. Meiotic MI shows 7 pairs (n=7) in Vicia hirsuta (L.) S. F. Gray. Vicia sativa L. is very variable in its chromosomes. Our observation shows 6 pairs (n=6) in MI and in diakinesis in pollen mother cells. In Vicia villosa Roth, all the previous chromosome reports are 2n=14 or n=7, but the result of our work shows that somatic chromosomes are 2n=12 in anther wall cells (Pl. 3, D, E). The karyotype in our material (Pl. 3, E) is that the longest pair of chromosomes are metacentric, the pairs 2-4 are terminal, 5 are metacentric and last pair are submetacentric, differing vastly from the idiogram (Pl. 3, F) presented by Yamamoto (1973). Therefore both the chromosome number and structure in our material are greatly different from those in all the previous reports. The evolutionary trends of chromosomes in the genus Vicia is discussed in the work. Srivastava (1963) holds that the primitive basic number of chromosome in the genus is 6 and thus both 5 and 7 are derived. The present author would propose another possibility that 7 is the original basic number and the other numbers are derived ones. First, as shown in Table 1, x=7 occurs in 47 per cent of species in the genus, but 6 only in 28 per cent. Secondly, x=7 is predominant in the perennial and primitive section Cracca. Thirdly, in genera related to the genus under consideration, such as Lens, Pisum and Lathyrus, x=7 is also the predominant basic number. Fourthly, according to Raven (1975) 7 is the primitive basic number in the angiosperms and x= 7, 8 and 9 are the predominant in the angiosperms.  相似文献   

亚洲苦草与刺苦草的染色体数目和核型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁维政   《广西植物》1991,11(2):153-156
本文以亚洲苦草和刺苦草根尖为实验材料,对其染色体数目及核型进行了研究,结果表明,两个种均为2n=20,同属Stebbins的不对称核型,亚洲苦草为“3B”,刺苦草为“2B”。核型公式分别为:K(2n)=20=2m+12sm+6st,K(2n)=20=2M+2m+14sm+2st。  相似文献   

The present paper reports the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of eight species of Sect. Rhiziridium in Allium (Liaceae). The materials were all collected from their natural populations in east Inner Mongolia, China. The karyotype analysis is made on the basis of Li et al. (1985).The results are as follows (for chromosomes parameters, voucher specimens and localities, see Table 1 and Plate 1--2 the idiograms of the eight species in Fig. 1): (1) Auium leucocephalum Turcz. The somatic chromosome number and karyotype of this species is 2n=16=12m=2sm+2st (2SAT), in Stebbinsl(1971) kayotype classification, which belongs to 2A (Plate 1: 1; Fig. 1: 1). The range of chromosome relative length varies between 8.90--15.55%. Two small satellites are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosomes. (2) A. strictum Schrader has 2n (4x) =32=16m+4sm+12st, belonging to 2B (Plate 1: 2 & Fig. 1: 2). Satellites were not observed., and the range of chromosome relative length is between 3. 67-11.00%. (3) A. ramosum L. 2n=16=14m+ 2st (2SAT), belonging to 2A (Plate 1: 3 & Fig. 1: 3), Two small satellies are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosomes. The range of chromosome relative length is between 9.17-16.39%. The chromosome number and karyotype of this species are in accordancewith those reported by Li et al. (1982) with the material from Jinshan, Beijing. (4) A. bidentatum Fisch. ex Prokh. 2n (4x) =32=24m+4sm+4T, belonging to 2B (Plate 1: 4 & Fig. 1: 4). Satellites were not observed. A small median B-chromosome was found in root-tip cells of the population growing in sandy soil, and it is the first discovery (Plate 2: 9). The species has terminal chromosomes, which are seldom seen in Sect. Rhiziridium. The range of chromosome relative length is between 3.32—9.06%. (5) A. tenuissimu L. 2n=16= 10m+4sm+2st(2SAT), belonging to 2B(Plate 1:5 & Fig. 1:5). Two large satellites are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosome. The range of chromosome relative length is between 8.27--17.56%. (6)A. anisopodium Ledeb. 2n = 16 = l2m +2sm + 2st (2SAT), belonging to 2A (Plate 2:7 & Fig. 1: 7). Two large satellites are attached to the short arms of the 8th pair of chromosomes. In somatic cells of some plants of this species, a small submedian B-chromosome was found (Plate 2: 10, 11). The range of chromosome relative length is between 8.05-17.08 %. (7) A. anisopodium Ledeb. var. zimmermannianum (Gilg) Wang et Tang 2n (4x)=32=24m+4sm+4st( 4SAT), belonging to 2A (Plate 1: 6 & Fig. 1: 6). Four large satellites are attached to the short arms of the 15 and 16th pairs of chromosomes. The range of chromosome relative length is between 4.45--8.35%. This variety is similar to A. anisopodium Ledeb. in morphological characters, and their karyotype formulas are also very similar. The present authors consider that the variety is an allotetraploid derived from A. anisopodium Ledeb. (8) A. condensatum Turcz. 2n=16=14m+2st (2SAT), belonging to 2B (Plate 2:8 & Fig. 1:8). Two. small satellites are attached to the short arms of the 6th pair of chromosomes. In a few individuals of this species median (M) B-chromosome was discovered, and the number is stable (Plate 2: 12). The range of chromosome relative length is between 7.64--17.07%. In short, the chromosome numbers of the species studied in the present work are found to be 2n=16 or 32, and the karyotypes belong to 2A or 2B, highly symmetrical. The karyotypes of Chinese materials of these species are mostly reported for the first time. Threespecies have B-chromosomes.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of 10 species of the Liliaceae from the Qinling Range are reported as follows. I. Polygonatum Mill. (1) P. odoratum ( Mill. ) Druce was found to have the karyotype 2n=20=12m+8sm ( Plate 3, Fig. I), which belongs to Stebbins’ (1971) karyotype classification 2B. The chromosomes range from 3.88 to 11.26μm in size. Table 2 shows the karyotypes and number fundamentals (N.F.) of 13 materials from 12 different localities. The N. F. of these materials can be classified into two groups: N.F. =36 and N.F.=40, besides one (N.F. =38) from Beijing. N. F. =36 covers all the materials with 2n= 18 which have relatively symmetrical karyotypes ( all consisting of m and sm chromosomes), one with 2n=20 (10m+6sm+4st) and one with 2n=22 (14m+8st). N.F. =40 include four materials with 2n= 20 (all of m and sm chromosomes ) and 3 with 2n= 22 (10m+ 8sm+ 4st). ¥ It is considered that there are two original karyotypes, 2n= 18 with N. F. = 36 and 2n= 20 with N.F. =40, which are relatively symmetrical. All the more asymmetrical karyotypes with some st chromosomes have probably evolved from the symmetrical karyotypes without st chromosomes by centric fission. (2) P. zanlanscianense Pamp. has the karyotype 2n=30=18m(2SAT) + 4sm+ 6st+ 2t (Plate 1, Fig. 1) which belongs to 2C. The chromosomes range from 2.16 to 9.76μm. ¥ II. Asparagus filicinus Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don. The karyotype of this species is 2n = 16= 8m(2SAT )+ 6sm + 2st (Plate 1, Fig. 1 and Table 3 ) , which belongs to 2B. The chromosomes range from 2.33 to 5.30μm. Most species in Asparagus, including A.Filicinus, are reported to have basic number x= 10, and therefore 2n= 16 is a new chromosome number for A.filicinus. EL-Saded et.al.(1972) gave a report of n=8 for A. stipularis from Egypt, while Delay (1947) reported 2n = 24 for A. trichophyllus and A. verticillatus, Sinla(1972 ) gave a report of 2n=48 for A.racemosus. It is certain that there are two basic numbers in the genus Asparagus. III. Cardiocrinum giganteum (Wall.) Makino was found to have the karyotype 2n=24=4m+8st+12t (Plate 1, Fig. 1 ), which belongs to 3B. The chromosomes range from 8.71 to 20.24μm. IV. Smilax discotis Warb. was shown to have the karyotype 2n=32=4m+22sm+4st (2SAT)+2t (Plate 1, Fig. 1 and Table 3), which belongs to 3C. The first pair is much longer than others. The chromosomes range from 1.79 to 9.21μm. The chromosome number and karyotype of S. discotis are both reported for the first time. V. Reineckia carnea (Andr.) Kunth is of the karyotype 2n=38=28m+10sm (Plate 2, Fig. 1 ), which belongs to 2B. The chromosomes range from 5.65 to 12.75μm. VI. Tupistra chinensis Baker was found to have the karyotype 2n=38=25m+ 13sm (Plate 2, Fig. 1), which belongs to 2B. The chromosomes range from 8.11 to 23.82μm. A pair of heterozygous chromosomes is arranged at the end of the idiogram. The eighth pair possesses an intercalary satellite. Huang et al. (1989) reported the karyotype of T. chinensis from Yunnan as 2n = 38 = 24m+ 14sm without any intercalary satellite. Nagamatsu and Noda (1970) gave a report on the karyotype of T. nutans from Bhutan, which consists of 18 pairs of median to submedian chromosomes and one pair of subterminal chromosomes. And one pair of submedian chromosomes possess intercalary satellites on their short arms. VII. Rohdea japonica (Thunb) Roth. was found to have the karyotype 2n=38=30m+6sm+2st ( Plate 2, Fig. 1), which belongs to 2B. The chromosomes range from 7.94 to 18.29μm. Nagamatsu and Noda (1970) reported that the karyotype of R.japonica from Japan was the same as that of Tupistra nutans from Bhutan. But we have not discov ered any chromosome with an intercalary satellite. VIII. Hosta Tratt. (1) H. plantaginea (Lam.) Aschers was shown to have 2n=60. The 60 chromosomes are in 30 pairs,which can be classified into 4 pairs of large chromosomes (7.32- 8.72μm ), 3 pairs of medium-sized ones (4.72-5.60μm), and 23 pairs of small ones (1.40-3.64μm), (Plate 3 ,Table 4 ). The karyotype of H. plantaginea is reported for the first time. (2) H. ventricosa (Salisb.) Stearn was counted to have 2n=120, The 120 chromosomes are in 60 pairs, which can be classified into 8 pairs of large chromosomes (7.00- 8.40μm ), 6 pairs of medium-sized ones(4.40- 6.15um ), 46 pairs of small ones (1.20- 3.85μm), (Plate 3, Table 4). Based on the karyotypes of H. plantaginea and H. ventricosa, the latter is probably a tetraploid in the genus Hosta. Kaneko (1968b) gave a report on the karyotype of H. ventricosa, which is of8 pairs of large chromosomes, 4 pairs of medium-sized and 48 pairs of small ones.  相似文献   

中国独活属的核型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文首次报道了我国独活属10种(含1变种)的核型,其中8种的染色体数目亦为首次报道。研究表明它们的染色体数目均为2n=2x=22,为二倍体,其核型为中部着丝点和亚中部着丝点染色体组成,仅具1A和2A两种类型。有4种具随体染色体,在部分H.vicinum植株中发现有1条B染色体,在H.millefolium var.longilobum中同时存在2n=22和2n=24的非整倍体.不同种的染色体形态不同,为分类研究提供了细胞学依据。 本文在核型分析基础上讨论了该属分类群的划分、种间亲缘关系及演化,并结合我国毗邻地区该属细胞学资料和地理分布规律,提出我国西南部的横断山区是独活属的频度中心和多样性中心。  相似文献   

The present paper reports the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of five species in Polygonatum from Anhui of China. The materials used in this work are listed in Table 1, Photomicrographs of somatic metaphase and karyograms of the five species of Polygonatum in Plate 1, 2, 3, the idiograms in Fig. 1-11 and a comparison of the karyotype of them is provided in Table 2. The results are shown as follows: 1. Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.)Druce Two materials were examined. One from Mt. Huangshan, Anhui, has 2n= 16 = 10m (3sc)+ 6sm (Plate 1 :A, B). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 1. The chromosomes range in length from 2.85 to 8.85 μm, with the total length 48.63μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 3.11, The karyotype belong to Stebbins’(1971) 2B. The two chromosomes of the first pair have arm ratios 1.01 and 1.29 respectively, and The first pair has one chromosome carrying a satellite attached to the short arm, showing heterozyosity .The chromosome num ber of 2n= 16 in P. odoratum and its karyotype are reported for the first time. The other from Langyashan, Chu - xian, Anhui, is found to have 2n = 18 = 10m (Isc)+2sm+6st(2sc) (Plate 1: C, D). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 2. The chromosomes range in length from 2.43 to 8.29μm, with the total length 46.67µm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 3.41. The karyotype is also of 2B. In a somatic chromosome complement the 2nd pair have one chromosome carrying a satellite attached to the long arm, showing heterozygosity. 2. Polygonatum filipes Merr. Two materials were examined. One from the Huangshan, Anhui is found to have two cytotypes: 2n= 16 and 2n=22. This paper reports one of them. The karyotype formula is 2n=22=8m+8sm(2sc)+6st(Plate 3: Q, R). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 3. The chromosomes range in length from 2.55- 5.85μm, with the total length 45.01 μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 2.29. The karyotype belongs to 3B. The other material from the Fangchang, Anhui, is shown to have four cytitypes: 2n= 14, 2n= 16, 2n=20 (Plate 3: W) and 2n=22. This paper reports two of them. Type I: the karytype formula is 2n=14=10m+4sm (Plate 3: S, T). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 5. The chromosomes range in length from 2.59 to 7.61μm, the total length 37.44μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest is 2.94. the karyotype belongs to 2B. Type II :The karyotype formula is 2n=16=8m+4sm+4st (Plate 3: U, V). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 4. The chromosomes range in length from 2.65 to 8.21 μm, the total length 46.01 μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 3.10. The karyotype belongs to 2B. The chromosome numbers of 2n=20, 2n= 14 and 2n=22, and karyotype of 2n= 14 and 2n=22 in P. filipes are reported for the first time. 3. Polygonatum cytonema Hua Two materials were examined. One from the Langyashan, Chuxian, anhui, is found to have 2n = 18 = 8m (2sc)+ 6sm+ 4st (Plate 2: K, L). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 7. The chromosomes range in length from 3.41 to 9.21 μm, the total length 56.34μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest is 2.70. The karyotype belongs to 2B. The other material from the Huangshan, Anhui, has two cytotypes: 2n=20 and 2n= 22. Type I: The karyotype formula is 2n= 20= 8m+ 6sm+ 6st (Plate 2: M, N). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 8. The chromosomes range in length from 1.75 to 5.03μm, with the total length 32. 91μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 2. 87. The karyotype is also of 2B. Type II: The karyotype formula is 2n=22=6m+ 8sm+4st+ 4t (Plate 2: O, P ). The idiogram is Shown in Fig. 10. The chromosomes range in length from 1.75 to 4.95 μm, with total length 35.05μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 2.83. The karyotype brlongs to 3B. 4. Polygonatum desoulayi kom. The material from Xuancheng, Anhui, is found to have karyotype 2n = 22 = 10m (2sc) + 6sm (lsc) + 6st ( Plate 2. I, J). The idiogram is shown in Fig. 6. The chromosomes range in length from 1.86 to 5.61μm, with the total length 41.98μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 3.02. The karyotype is also of 3B. The first pair has one chromosome carrying a satellite attached to the long arm, showing heterozygosity. The chromosome number and karyotype of Chinese material are reported for the first time. 5. Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. The material from the Langyashan, Chuxian, Anhui is found to have two cytotypes. Type 1: the karyotype formula is 2n = 18 = 2m+ 2sm+ 10st+ 2t+ 2T (Plate 1: G, H). The idiogram is shown in Fig.9. The chromosomes range in length from 1.86 to 4.03μm, with total length 28.28μm and the ratio of the longest to the shortest 2.17. The karyotype classification belongs to 3B. Type II: The karyotype formula is 2n=24=6m+4sm+12st+2T (Plate 1: E, F). The idiogram is shown in Fig. II. The chromosomes range in length from 2.01 to 5.03μm, with total length 41.36μm and the ratio of longest to shortest 2.50. The karyotype is also of 3B. The chromosome numbers and karyotypes of Chinese material are reported for the first time.  相似文献   

Reported in the present paper are chromosome numbers and karyotypes of three genera of the Gesneriaceae, i.e. Ancylostemon Craib. , Briggsiopsis (Franch.) K. Y. Pan and Lysionotus D. Don. The former two genera are endemic to China. The karyotype of Ancylostemon aureus (Franch.) Burtt is formulated as 2n = 34 = 20m(1sat) + 14sm, with the same chromosome number as its allied species A. convexus Craib. This species is characterized by the interphase nucleus of complex chromocenter type and the proximal type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. The chromosome number of the monospecific genus Briggsiopsis is 2n = 34, the same as the lowest chromosome number reported in Briggsia. The karyotype of Briggsiopsis, which is formulated as 2n = 25m + 6sm + 3st, also seems to be primitive among the species of the two genera. Briggsiopsis is characterized by the interphase nucleus of simple-complex chromocenter type and the interstitial-gradient type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. The chromosome number of Lysionotus carnosus Hemsl. is the lowest reported in this genus. Its karyotype is formulated as 2n= 30 = 21m + 5sm + 3st + lt. Lysionotus serratus var. pterocaulis, with the karyotype being formulated as 2n= 32 = 2lm + 10sm + lt, has the same chromosome number as var. serratus. These two species show a remarkable differentiation of karyotypes and are characterized by the interphase nuclei of simple-complex chromocenter type and the gradient type of chromosomes in the mitotic prophase. _ .  相似文献   

Loricariid catfishes show a predominance of homomorphism in sex chromosomes, but cases of simple and multiple systems were also found. Here we describe two cases of multiple sex chromosome systems in loricariids from Brazilian Amazonia. Males of Ancistrus sp.1 "Balbina" have a modal number of 2n = 39 chromosomes, fundamental number (FN) of 78, and karyotypic formula of 27 m + 10 sm + 2 st; females have 2n = 38 chromosomes, FN = 76, and 26 m + 10 sm + 2 st. Ancistrus sp.2 "Barcelos" has 2n = 52 chromosomes for both sexes, FN = 80 for males and FN = 79 for females. Karyotypic formula is 12 m + 12 sm + 4 st + 24a for males and 11 m + 12 sm + 4st + 25a for females. The two species show different arrangements of constitutive heterochromatin blocks, which are coincident with NORs and absent in sex chromosomes. We suggest a XX/XY(1)Y(2) mechanism for Ancistrus sp.1 "Balbina", and a Z(1)Z(1)Z(2)Z(2)/Z(1)Z(2)W(1)W(2) mechanism for Ancistrus sp.2 "Barcelos". The XX/XY(1)Y(2) mechanism here reported is the second known occurrence of this type of multiple sex chromosomes for Loricariidae and the third for Neotropical fishes; the mechanism Z(1)Z(1)Z(2)Z(2)/Z(1)Z(2)W(1)W(2) represents the first record among fishes. The presence of different sex chromosome systems in Ancistrus indicates a probable independent origin and suggests that the differentiation of sex chromosomes is evolutionarily recent among species in this genus.  相似文献   

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