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Many plants in temperate regions have a requirement for vernalization in order to initiate the reproductive growth phase. In cereals, this requirement has been linked to the VRN1 locus, which encodes an APETALA1 -like ( AP1 -like) MADS-box gene. In perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.), we have isolated two MADS-box genes that are regulated by vernalization, LpMADS1 , which co-localize to the VRN1 locus in ryegrass, and LpMADS10 , which is an SVP -like MADS-box gene. In the shoot apex, LpMADS1 is increasingly induced by cold exposure, whereas LpMADS10 is increasingly repressed. Comparison of LpMADS1 promoter regions from several ryegrass varieties, with and without vernalization requirement, suggests that a putative MADS-box protein-binding site (CArG-box) might be important for the vernalization-regulated expression of LpMADS1 . Although the LpMADS10 expression pattern suggests it to be involved in floral repression, ectopic expression of LpMADS10 did neither affect flowering time significantly in Arabidopsis thaliana nor in L. perenne . Interestingly, we found that LpMADS1 interacts with LpMADS10 in a yeast two-hybrid assay. This finding is discussed in regard to the regulation of vernalization response in perennial ryegrass.  相似文献   

Rosaceae is a large family, however, our understanding of its phylogeny is based largely on morphological observations. To understand the relationship between subfamilies Rosoideae, Amygdaloideae, Maloideae and Spiraeoideae at a molecular level, we isolated and compared the plant phosphatidyl ethanolamine-binding protein-like genes TERMINAL FLOWER1 (TFL1)-like and CENTRORADIALIS (CEN)-like, which are involved in the control of shoot meristem identity and flowering time. A comparison of gene structures and phylogenetic tree analyses by the Neighbor-Joining method showed that each of the two TFL1-like (MdTFL1-1 and MdTFL1-2) and CEN-like genes (MdCENa and MdCENb) in Maloideae were classified into two distinct clades. The TFL1-like and CEN-like genes of Gillenia in Spiraeoideae belonged to monophyletic Maloideae groups, suggesting that Gillenia and Maloideae have a common near ancestor. However, the Gillenia TFL1-like gene does not contain the insertion sequence of the third intron that is found in MdTFL1-2-like genes of the members of Maloideae such as apple, Korean whitebeam, quince, and Siberian mountain ash. Therefore, after the Maloideae ancestor genome became polyploid through hybridization between Gillenia-like species or genome doubling, an insertion sequence of the third intron of MdTFL1-2-like genes was generated.  相似文献   

The architecture of a flower is tightly linked to the way a plant pollinates, making it one of the most physiologically and ecologically important traits of angiosperms. Floral organ development is proposed to be governed by the activity of three different classes of organ identity genes (the ABC model), and the expression of those genes are regulated by a number of meristem identity genes. Here we use a transgenetic strategy to elucidate the role of one floral meristem identify gene,LEAFY (LFY), in the evolution of floral organogenesis of a self pollinatorIdahoa scapigera and a obligatory out-crosserLeavenworthia crassa in the mustard family, Brassicaceae. By introducing theLFY genes from these two types of pollination habit into the genetic model speciesArabidopsis thaliana, we provide evidence that changes inLFY influenced flower architecture probably by controlling the downstream organ identity genes.  相似文献   

Meristems may be determinate or indeterminate. In maize, the indeterminate inflorescence meristem produces three types of determinate meristems: spikelet pair, spikelet and floral meristems. These meristems are defined by their position and their products. We have discovered a gene in maize, indeterminate floral apex1 (ifa1) that regulates meristem determinacy. The defect found in ifa1 mutants is specific to meristems and does not affect lateral organs. In ifa1 mutants, the determinate meristems become less determinate. The spikelet pair meristem initiates more than a pair of spikelets and the spikelet meristem initiates more than the normal two flowers. The floral meristem initiates all organs correctly, but the ovule primordium, the terminal product of the floral meristem, enlarges and proliferates, expressing both meristem and ovule marker genes. A role for ifa1 in meristem identity in addition to meristem determinacy was revealed by double mutant analysis. In zea agamous1 (zag1) ifa1 double mutants, the female floral meristem converts to a branch meristem whereas the male floral meristem converts to a spikelet meristem. In indeterminate spikelet1 (ids1) ifa1 double mutants, female spikelet meristems convert to branch meristems and male spikelet meristems convert to spikelet pair meristems. The double mutant phenotypes suggest that the specification of meristems in the maize inflorescence involves distinct steps in an integrated process.  相似文献   

Upon floral induction, the primary shoot meristem of an Arabidopsis plant begins to produce flower meristems rather than leaf primordia on its flanks. Assignment of floral fate to lateral meristems is primarily due to the cooperative activity of the flower meristem identity genes LEAFY (LFY), APETALA1 (AP1), and CAULIFLOWER. We present evidence here that AP1 expression in lateral meristems is activated by at least two independent pathways, one of which is regulated by LFY. In lfy mutants, the onset of AP1 expression is delayed, indicating that LFY is formally a positive regulator of AP1. We have found that AP1, in turn, can positively regulate LFY, because LFY is expressed prematurely in the converted floral meristems of plants constitutively expressing AP1. Shoot meristems maintain an identity distinct from that of flower meristems, in part through the action of genes such as TERMINAL FLOWER1 (TFL1), which bars AP1 and LFY expression from the influorescence shoot meristem. We show here that this negative regulation can be mutual because TFL1 expression is downregulated in plants constitutively expressing AP1. Therefore, the normally sharp phase transition between the production of leaves with associated shoots and formation of the flowers, which occurs upon floral induction, is promoted by positive feedback interactions between LFY and AP1, together with negative interactions of these two genes with TFL1.  相似文献   

The ABC model of flower organ identity is widely recognized as providing a framework for understanding the specification of flower organs in diverse plant species. Recent studies in Arabidopsis thaliana have shown that three closely related MADS-box genes, SEPALLATA1 (SEP1), SEP2 and SEP3, are required to specify petals, stamens, and carpels because these organs are converted into sepals in sep1 sep2 sep3 triple mutants. Additional studies indicate that the SEP proteins form multimeric complexes with the products of the B and C organ identity genes. Here, we characterize the SEP4 gene, which shares extensive sequence similarity to and an overlapping expression pattern with the other SEP genes. Although sep4 single mutants display a phenotype similar to that of wild-type plants, we find that floral organs are converted into leaf-like organs in sep1 sep2 sep3 sep4 quadruple mutants, indicating the involvement of all four SEP genes in the development of sepals. We also find that SEP4 contributes to the development of petals, stamens, and carpels in addition to sepals and that it plays an important role in meristem identity. These and other data demonstrate that the SEP genes play central roles in flower meristem identity and organ identity.  相似文献   

SQUAMOSA and APETALA1 are floral meristem identity genes from snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) and Arabidopsis, respectively. Here, we characterize the floral meristem identity mutation proliferating inflorescence meristem (pim) from pea (Pisum sativum) and show that it corresponds to a defect in the PEAM4 gene, a homolog of SQUAMOSA and APETALA1. The PEAM4 coding region was deleted in the pim-1 allele, and this deletion cosegregated with the pim-1 mutant phenotype. The pim-2 allele carried a nucleotide substitution at a predicted 5' splice site that resulted in mis-splicing of pim-2 mRNA. PCR products corresponding to unspliced and exon-skipped mRNA species were observed. The pim-1 and pim-2 mutations delayed floral meristem specification and altered floral morphology significantly but had no observable effect on vegetative development. These floral-specific mutant phenotypes and the restriction of PIM gene expression to flowers contrast with other known floral meristem genes in pea that additionally affect vegetative development. The identification of PIM provides an opportunity to compare pathways to flowering in species with different inflorescence architectures.  相似文献   

The AGAMOUS-LIKE6 (AGL6)-like genes are ancient MADS-box genes and are functionally studied in a few model plants. The knowledge of these genes in wheat remains limited. Here, by studying a ‘double homoeolog mutant’ of the AGL6 gene in tetraploid wheat, we showed that AGL6 was required for the development of all four whorls of floral organs with dosage-dependent effect on floret fertility. Yeast two-hybrid analyses detected interactions of AGL6 with all classes of MADS-box proteins in the ABCDE model for floral organ development. AGL6 was found to interact with several additional proteins, including the G protein β and γ (DEP1) subunits. Analysis of the DEP1-B mutant showed a significant reduction in spikelet number per spike in tetraploid wheat, while overexpression of AGL6 in common wheat increased the spikelet number per spike and hence the grain number per spike. RNA-seq analysis identified the regulation of several meristem activity genes by AGL6, such as FUL2 and TaMADS55. Our work therefore extensively updated the wheat ABCDE model and proposed an alternative approach to improve wheat grain yield by manipulating the AGL6 gene.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The family of MADS box genes is involved in a number of processes besides controlling floral development. In addition to supplying homeotic functions defined by the ABC model, they influence flowering time and transformation of vegetative meristem into inflorescence meristem, and have functions in roots and leaves. Three Gerbera hybrida At-SOC1-like genes (Gh-SOC1–Gh-SOC3) were identified among gerbera expressed sequence tags.


Evolutionary relationships between SOC1-like genes from gerbera and other plants were studied by phylogenetic analysis. The function of the gerbera gene Gh-SOC1 in gerbera floral development was studied using expression analysis, protein–protein interaction assays and reverse genetics. Transgenic gerbera lines over-expressing or downregulated for Gh-SOC1 were obtained using Agrobacterium transformation and investigated for their floral phenotype.

Key Results

Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the closest paralogues of At-SOC1 are Gh-SOC2 and Gh-SOC3. Gh-SOC1 is a more distantly related paralogue, grouping together with a number of other At-SOC1 paralogues from arabidopsis and other plant species. Gh-SOC1 is inflorescence abundant and no expression was seen in vegetative parts of the plant. Ectopic expression of Gh-SOC1 did not promote flowering, but disturbed the development of floral organs. The epidermal cells of ray flower petals appeared shorter and their shape was altered. The colour of ray flower petals differed from that of the wild-type petals by being darker red on the adaxial side and greenish on the abaxial surface. Several protein–protein interactions with other gerbera MADS domain proteins were identified.


The At-SOC1 paralogue in gerbera shows a floral abundant expression pattern. A late petal expression might indicate a role in the final stages of flower development. Over-expression of Gh-SOC1 led to partial loss of floral identity, but did not affect flowering time. Lines where Gh-SOC1 was downregulated did not show a phenotype. Several gerbera MADS domain proteins interacted with Gh-SOC1.  相似文献   

APETALA1 (AP1) and its homologue SQUAMOSA (SQUA) are key regulatory genes specifying floral meristem identity in the model plants Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum. Despite many similarities in their sequence, expression and functions, only AP1 appears to have the additional role of specifying sepal and petal identity. No true AP1/SQUA-functional homologues from any other plant species have been functionally studied in detail, therefore the question of how the different functions of AP1-like genes are conserved between species has not been addressed. We have isolated and characterized PEAM4, the AP1/SQUA-functional homologue from pea, a plant with a different floral morphology and inflorescence architecture to that of Arabidopsis or Antirrhinum. PEAM4 encodes for a polypeptide 76% identical to AP1, but lacks the C-terminal prenylation motif, common to AP1 and SQUA, that has been suggested to control the activity of AP1. Nevertheless, constitutive expression of PEAM4 caused early flowering in tobacco and Arabidopsis. In Arabidopsis, PEAM4 also caused inflorescence-to-flower transformations similar to constitutive AP1 expression, and was able to rescue the floral organ defects of the strong ap1-1 mutant. Our results suggest that the control of both floral meristem and floral organ identity by AP1 is not restricted to Arabidopsis, but is extended to species with diverse floral morphologies, such as pea.  相似文献   

The formation of flowers starts when floral meristems develop on the flanks of the inflorescence meristem. In Arabidopsis the identity of floral meristems is promoted and maintained by APETALA1 (AP1) and CAULIFLOWER (CAL). In the ap1 cal double mutant the meristems that develop on the flanks of the inflorescence meristem are unable to establish floral meristem identity and develop as inflorescence meristems on which new inflorescence meristems subsequently proliferate. We demonstrate in contrast to previous models that AGAMOUS-LIKE 24 (AGL24) and SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) are also floral meristem identity genes since the ap1-10 agl24-2 svp-41 triple mutant continuously produces inflorescence meristems in place of flowers. Furthermore, our results explain how AP1 switches from a floral meristem identity factor to a component that controls floral organ identity.  相似文献   

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