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Besides pollution, lakes are affected by human alterations of lake-shore morphology. However, ecological effects of such alterations have rarely been studied systematically. Hence, we developed tools to assess the ecological effects of anthropogenic morphological alterations on European lake-shores based on pressure-specific response patterns of littoral macroinvertebrate community composition. Littoral invertebrates were sampled from 51 lakes in seven European countries. Sampling covered a range of natural to heavily morphologically degraded sites including natural shorelines, recreational beaches, ripraps and retaining walls. Biological data were supplemented by standardized morphological data that were collected via a Lake Habitat Survey (LHS) protocol and subsequently used to develop a morphological stressor index. Two biotic multimetric indices were developed based on habitat-specific samples (Littoral Invertebrate Multimetric based on HAbitat samples, LIMHA) and composite samples (Littoral Invertebrate Multimetric based on COmposite samples, LIMCO) through correlations with the morphological stressor index. Similarity analyses showed strong spatial differences in macroinvertebrate community composition between four main geographical regions, i.e. Western, Northern, Central and Southern Europe. The morphological stressor index as well as LIMCO and LIMHA have been developed for each geographical region specifically, thereby optimizing correlations of LIMCO and LIMHA with the respective morphological stressor index. The metric composition of LIMCO and LIMHA and their correlation coefficients with the morphological stressor index are comparable to existing national and regional methods that assess morphological lakeshore degradation via macroinvertebrate communities. Hence, LIMCO and LIMHA indices constitute a new stressor-specific assessment tool that enables comparable lake morphology assessment across Europe, as it has been developed involving a uniform methodology followed by regionalized optimization. These tools fulfil the standards of the EU Water Framework Directive and thus may complement existing assessment approaches used in lake monitoring focusing solely on lake eutrophication so far.  相似文献   

Chemical and biological data from more than 5,000 lakes in 20 European countries have been compiled into databases within the EU project REBECCA. The project’s purpose was to provide scientific support for implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). The databases contain the biological elements phytoplankton, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish, together with relevant chemistry data and station information. The common database strategy has enabled project partners to perform analyses of chemical–biological relationships and to describe reference conditions for large geographic regions in Europe. This strategy has obvious benefits compared with single-country analyses: results will be more representative for larger European regions, and the statistical power and precision will be larger. The high number of samples within some regions has also enabled analysis of type-specific relationships for several lake types. These results are essential for the intercalibration of ecological assessment systems for lakes, as required by the WFD. However, the common database approach has also involved costs and limitations. The data process has been resource-demanding, and the requirements for a flexible database structure have made it less user-friendly for project partners. Moreover, there are considerable heterogeneities among datasets from different countries regarding sampling methods and taxonomic precision; this may reduce comparability of the data and increase the uncertainty of the results. This article gives an overview of the contents and functions of the REBECCA Lakes databases, and of our experiences from constructing and using the databases. We conclude with recommendations for compilation of environmental data for future international projects.  相似文献   

1. Running waters, including associated riparian areas, are embraced by international legal frameworks outlining targets for the preservation, protection and improvement of the quality of the environment. Interactions between stream and river processes and riparian habitats have not received much attention in the management of stream ecosystems, and integrated measures that consider both the ecological status of streams and rivers (sensu EU Water Framework Directive, WFD) and the conservation status of riparian habitats and species (sensu EU Habitats Directive, HD) are rare. 2. Here, we analysed the influence of stream size, morphology and chemical water characteristics for the distribution of water‐dependent terrestrial habitat types, i.e. alkaline fens, periodically inundated meadows and meadows in riparian areas in Denmark using an extensive data set covering a total of 254 stream reaches. A species‐based classification model was used to translate species lists into a standardised interpretation of habitat types protected by the HD in Denmark. 3. No size dependency was found regarding the distribution of fen and meadow vegetation. Instead, the distribution of fen and meadow vegetation was strongly affected by the morphology of the streams. Alkaline fens, periodically inundated meadows and meadows occurred six, five and four times, respectively, less frequently along channelised compared with natural stream reaches. Our results indicate that stream channelisation strongly interfered with the natural hydrology of riparian areas, affecting conditions needed to sustain protected fen and meadow communities. 4. We also found that water chemistry strongly influenced the occurrence of fen and meadow vegetation in riparian areas. The probability of finding fen and meadow vegetation was reduced when total phosphorus (TP) concentration exceeded 40–50 μg P L?1, whereas meadow vegetation responded less strongly to TP. 5. Our findings highlight the importance of restoring hydrology of riparian areas to improve conditions for fen and meadow vegetation, but also that the water chemistry should be considered when measures that increase hydrological connectivity result in an increase in the probability of flooding.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive is the first international legislation to require European countries to establish comparable ecological assessment schemes for their freshwaters. A key element in harmonising quality classification within and between Europe's river basins is an “Intercalibration” exercise, stipulated by the WFD, to ensure that the good status boundaries in all of the biological assessment methods correspond to similar levels of anthropogenic pressure. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of this international comparison, focusing on the assessment schemes developed for freshwater lakes. Out of 82 lake ecological assessment methods reported for the comparison, 62 were successfully intercalibrated and included in the EC Decision on intercalibration, with a high proportion of phytoplankton (18), macrophyte (17) and benthic fauna (13) assessment methods. All the lake assessment methods are reviewed in this article, including the results of intercalibration. Furthermore, the current gaps and way forward to reach consistent management objectives for European lakes are discussed.  相似文献   

Highlights of large lake research and management in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lakes in Europe have a bipolar distribution by latitude with higher lake densities in the north (58–65° N) and south (38–48° N). By area, 95% of the large lakes (>100 km2) are located at altitudes lower than 100 m above sea level (ASL) and only 1% lie higher than 1,000 m ASL. Physically large lakes exhibit several similarities to seas and oceans in their thermal structure and circulation dynamics. From the chemical point of view, lakes are important accumulation sites for substances transported from the watershed or built up in the lake itself but they may contribute positively to global greenhouse gas emission. Fauna and flora of ancient large lakes such as the Caspian Sea and Lake Ohrid include large numbers of endemic species, which become endangered if conditions change because of direct human impact, alien species invasions or climate change. Large lakes offer a wide range of ecosystem services to society, the multiple use of which creates multiple pressures on these water bodies such as nutrient load and toxic pollution, modification of hydrology and shore line structure, and shifting of the food web balance by stocking or harvesting various species. Although large lakes are among the best-studied ecosystems in the world, the application to them of environmental regulations such as the European Water Framework Directive is a challenging task and requires that several natural and management aspects specific to these water bodies are adequately considered.  相似文献   

Performance assessment, impact detection, and the assessment of regulatory compliance are common scientific problems for the management of protected areas. Some habitats in protected areas, however, are rare and/or variable and are not often selected for study by ecologists because they preclude comparison with controls and high community variability makes meaningful change detection difficult. Shallow coastal saline lagoons are habitats that experience comparatively high levels of stress due to high physical variability. Lagoons are rare, declining habitats found in coastal regions throughout Europe (and elsewhere) where they are identified as one of the habitats most in need of protected area management. The infauna in the sediments of 25 lagoons were sampled. Temporal and spatial variation in three of these [protected] lagoons was investigated further over 5 years. In a multivariate analysis of community structure similarities were found between some lagoons, but in other cases communities were unique or specific to only two sites. The protected lagoons with these unique/specific communities showed significant temporal and spatial variation, yet none of the changes observed were attributed to human impacts and were interpreted as inherent variability. Multivariate control charts can operate without experimental controls and were used to assess community changes within the context of ‘normal’ lagoon variability. The aim of control chart analysis is to characterize background variability in a parameter and identify when a new observation deviates more than expected. In only 1 year was variability more than expected and corresponded with the coldest December in over 100 years. Multivariate control charts are likely to have wide application in the management of protected areas and other natural systems where variability and/or rarity preclude conventional analytical and experimental approaches but where assessments of condition, impact or regulatory compliance are nonetheless required.  相似文献   

External nutrient loading was reduced over the past decades as a measure for improving the water quality of eutrophic lakes in western Europe, and has since been accelerated by the adoption of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) in 2000 (EC, 2000). A variety of eutrophication-related metrics have indicated that the response of biological communities to this decreased nutrient loading has been diverse. Phytoplankton, a major component of the pelagic community, often responded rapidly, whereas a significant delay was observed for submerged macrophytes colonizing littoral areas. In this study we tested whether assessment methods developed for phytoplankton and macrophytes in lakes during Germany's implementation of the WFD reflect this differential response. An assessment of 263 German lakes confirmed that a lower ecological state was recorded when based on the biological quality element (BQE) for macrophytes than the BQE for phytoplankton during the investigated period (2003–2012). On average, lakes had a moderate ecological status for both phytoplankton and macrophyte BQEs, but differences of up to three classes were observed in single cases. Long-term data were available for five lowland lakes subject to strong reductions in phosphorus loading. Their phytoplankton-based assessments indicated a constant improvement of the ecological status in parallel to decreasing water phosphorus concentrations. In contrast, macrophyte-based assessments indicated a 10–20 year delay in their ecological recovery following nutrient load reduction. This delay was confirmed by detailed data on the temporal development of macrophyte species diversity and maximum colonization depths of two lakes after nutrient load reduction. We conclude that the available WFD assessment methods for phytoplankton and macrophyte BQEs are suitable to track the differential response of pelagic and littoral areas to nutrient load reductions in German lakes.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires EU Member States to assess the “ecological status” of surface waters. As a component of ecological status, many European countries are developing a classification scheme for chlorophyll concentrations as a measure of phytoplankton biomass. The chlorophyll classification must be based on the degree of divergence of a water body from an appropriate baseline or ‘reference condition’. This article describes the development of a series of regression models for predicting reference chlorophyll concentrations on a site-specific basis. For model development, a large dataset of European lakes considered to be in reference condition, 466 lakes in total, was assembled. Data were included from 12 European countries, but lakes from Northern and Western Europe dominated and made up 92% of all reference lakes. Data have been collated on chlorophyll concentration, altitude, mean depth, alkalinity, humic type, surface area and geographical region. Regression models were developed for estimating site-specific reference chlorophyll concentrations from significant predictor ‘typology’ variables. Reference chlorophyll concentrations were found to vary along a number of environmental gradients. Concentrations increased with colour and alkalinity and decreased with lake depth and altitude. Forward selection was used to identify independent explanatory variables in regression models for predicting site-specific reference chlorophyll concentrations. Depth was selected as an explanatory variable in all models. Alkalinity was included in models for low colour and humic lakes and altitude was included in models for low colour and very humic lakes. Uncertainty in the models was quite high and arises from errors in the data used to develop the models (including natural temporal and spatial variability in data) and also from additional explanatory variables not considered in the models, particularly nutrient concentrations, retention time and grazing. Despite these uncertainties, site-specific reference conditions are still recommended in preference to type-specific reference conditions, as they use the individual characteristics of a site known to influence phytoplankton biomass, rather than adopt standards set to generally represent a large population of lakes of a particular type. For this reason, site-specific reference conditions should result in reduced error in ecological status classifications, particularly for lakes close to typology boundaries.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe in detail the national macroinvertebrate sampling methods used and to compare them with a common standard, the STAR-AQEM sampling method. Information on national methods and field data were collected from 11 countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Sweden, and UK). The sampling included 22 stream types situated in 11 different Ecoregions. Within each country samples were taken in spring and one additional season (summer or autumn) using both the national method and the STAR-AQEM method. A single anthropogenic stressor was also defined for each stream type sampled within the project, with the three main stressor types being organic pollution (including eutrophication), toxic pollution and habitat degradation. In addition, not impacted reference sites were sampled in each country. A common set of metrics was calculated and compared between the methods. The majority of national methods employed had many features in common. Most of the 12 metrics analysed using the values derived from the STAR-AQEM method and the various national methods correlated significantly, and positively to each other. There was no clear pattern with respect to the differences between metric results obtained using STAR-AQEM and national methods. For some metrics, number of EPT-taxa and families, the value obtained was higher when using the majority of national methods when compared to the STAR-AQEM method. Variability in metric results between methods could not be explained from differences in sampling effort. Sorting in the field and sub-sampling appeared to affect e.g., number of taxa found negatively. The results of the present study supports that inter-calibration in Europe can be undertaken using samples collected with the existing national methods.  相似文献   

The monitoring of biodiversity at the level of habitats is becoming widespread in Europe and elsewhere as countries establish national habitat monitoring systems and various organisations initiate regional and local schemes. Parallel to this growth, it is increasingly important to address biodiversity changes on large spatial (e.g. continental) and temporal (e.g. decade-long) scales, which requires the integration of currently ongoing monitoring efforts. Here we review habitat monitoring and develop a framework for integrating data or activities across habitat monitoring schemes. We first identify three basic properties of monitoring activities: spatial aspect (explicitly spatial vs. non-spatial), documentation of spatial variation (field mapping vs. remote sensing) and coverage of habitats (all habitats or specific habitats in an area), and six classes of monitoring schemes based on these properties. Then we explore tasks essential for integrating schemes both within and across the major classes. Finally, we evaluate the need and potential for integration of currently existing schemes by drawing on data collected on European habitat monitoring in the EuMon project. Our results suggest a dire need for integration if we are to measure biodiversity changes across large spatial and temporal scales regarding the 2010 target and beyond. We also make recommendations for an integrated pan-European habitat monitoring scheme. Such a scheme should be based on remote sensing to record changes in land cover and habitat types over large scales, with complementary field mapping using unified methodology to provide ground truthing and to monitor small-scale changes, at least in habitat types of conservation importance.  相似文献   

A fish – based index for the assessment of the ecological quality of natural temperate lakes was developed, in accordance to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60/EC. As a case study, 11 natural lakes located at northern and western Greece were selected. Fish surveys were conducted during mid summer to mid autumn in 2010, 2011 and 2012 using Nordic gillnets and electrofishing. Environmental parameters and anthropogenic pressures were assessed for each lake. Fish species richness, abundance, trophic, reproductive and habitat functional guilds were used for extracting a set of 107 metrics, meeting the requirements of the WFD. All metrics were initially tested as candidates for the index development. A stepwise linear regression of each metric against environmental parameters (lake area, altitude, maximum depth, alkalinity) and anthropogenic pressures (drainage area covered by non-natural land uses – NNLC, water total phosphorus concentrations – TP, Lake Habitat Modification Score – LHMS) was initially conducted for ensuring pressure-response relationships. Reference conditions for each lake were estimated by the hindcasting procedure and the ecological quality for each lake was expressed as the ecological quality ratio (EQR) by a value ranging from 0 (poor quality) to 1 (excellent quality). Two fish fauna metrics, the relative numerical abundance of introduced species (Introduceda) and the relative biomass of omnivorous species (OMNIb) were finally extracted as the most significant, responding to LHMS and TP, respectively. The final index was expressed as the mean values of the EQRs of these two metrics. The multimetric fish index presented herein could serve as a tool for assessing the ecological quality of natural lakes at broad geographical scale and generally, in the Mediterranean temperate lakes with similar hydromorphological characteristics.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrates are one of the key components of lake ecosystems and are required to be monitored alongside other biological groups to define ecological status according to European Union legislation. Macroinvertebrate communities are highly variable and complex and respond to a diverse series of environmental conditions. The purpose of this study was to examine the relative importance of environmental variables in explaining macroinvertebrate abundance. A total of 45 sub-alpine lakes were sampled for macroinvertebrates in the shallow sublittoral. Environmental variables were grouped into four types: (1) aquatic physical and chemical parameters, (2) littoral and riparian habitat, (3) lake morphometric parameters and (4) sediment chemical characteristics. Nonparametric multiplicative regression (NPMR) was used to model the abundance of individual macroinvertebrate taxa. Significant models were produced for nine out of the 24 taxa examined. Sediment characteristics were the group most frequently included in models and also the factors to which taxa abundance was the most sensitive. Aquatic physical and chemical variables were the next group most frequently included in models although chlorophyll a was not included in any of the models and total phosphorus in only one. This indicates that many taxa may not show a direct easily interpretable response to eutrophication pressure. Lake morphometric factors were included in several of the models although the sensitivity of macroinvertebrate abundance tended to be lower than for sediment and aquatic physical and chemical factors. Habitat factors were only included in three models although riparian vegetation was found to have a significant influence on the abundance of Ephemera danica indicating that ecotone integrity is likely to play a role in its ecology. Overall, the models tended to be specific for species with limited commonality across taxa. Models produced by NPMR indicate that the response of macroinvertebrates to environmental variables can be successfully described but further research is required focussing in more detail on the response of key taxa to relevant environmental parameters and anthropogenic pressures.  相似文献   

Aapa mires are EU priority habitats that harbour unique biodiversity values but face increasing global change threats. Here, we investigate the exposure of red-listed aapa mire species inhabiting fen and flark fen habitats to the impacts of land use and climate change. Climate change-based threats were assessed across the aapa mire zone of Finland based on climate velocities (a metric describing the speed and direction of climate movement) measured for mean January temperature (TJan), growing degree days (GDD5) and mean annual water balance (WAB). Land use threats were assessed based on the cover of drainage ditches and three other adverse land use types around the species occurrences. Our results suggest that rapid changes in TJan may alter winter thermal conditions and thereby also species performance, particularly in the northernmost part of the aapa mire zone, where the most valuable concentrations of red-listed species are situated. The land use and GDD5 threats are highest in the southern regions where the red-listed aapa mire species occurrences are sparser but face severe risks to their persistence. In the central part of the aapa mire zone, a number of valuable aapa mires with red-listed species are exposed to both intermediately high TJan and GDD5 velocities and a spatially varying amount of ditching. Three conservation approaches to support the persistence of red-listed aapa mire species: (i) restoration, (ii) establishment of new protected areas, and (iii) monitoring of the key habitats, should be flexibly and complementarily applied to the preservation of aapa mires subject to accelerating climate change.  相似文献   

In freshwater streams, flooding is a typical source of natural disturbance that plays a key role in the dynamics of animal populations and communities. However, habitat degradation and fish stocking might increase the severity of its impact. We tested the effects of a flash flood on the abundance of three size classes of headwater dwelling Alpine bullhead, Cottus poecilopus, in the streams of the Carpathian Mountains in the Czech Republic, that are stocked with hatchery‐reared brown trout, Salmo trutta. We showed that the overall abundance of Alpine bullhead was highest at the sites with the least degraded habitat (i.e., natural habitat) and we caught almost no Alpine bullhead at the sites with the most degraded habitat. The flash flood had a strong negative effect on the abundance of the largest individuals of Alpine bullhead. Abundance of small and medium size Alpine bullhead was negatively affected by the abundance of adult stocked brown trout before as well as after the flash flood. However, negative effect of adult brown trout abundance on abundance of large Alpine bullhead was not significant before the flash flood, and it became significant after the flash flood. This could indicate an accumulation of negative impacts of trout stocking and flash flood on this size class. Overall, our results suggest that stocking of hatchery trout and habitat degradation can reinforce the impact of flash floods on the population of Alpine bullhead in the streams of the Carpathian Mountains.  相似文献   

Aquatic macrophytes are one of the biological quality elements in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) for which status assessments must be defined. We tested two methods to classify macrophyte species and their response to eutrophication pressure: one based on percentiles of occurrence along a phosphorous gradient and another based on trophic ranking of species using Canonical Correspondence Analyses in the ranking procedure. The methods were tested at Europe-wide, regional and national scale as well as by alkalinity category, using 1,147 lakes from 12 European states. The grouping of species as sensitive, tolerant or indifferent to eutrophication was evaluated for some taxa, such as the sensitive Chara spp. and the large isoetids, by analysing the (non-linear) response curve along a phosphorous gradient. These thresholds revealed in these response curves can be used to set boundaries among different ecological status classes. In total 48 taxa out of 114 taxa were classified identically regardless of dataset or classification method. These taxa can be considered the most consistent and reliable indicators of sensitivity or tolerance to eutrophication at European scale. Although the general response of well known indicator species seems to hold, there are many species that were evaluated differently according to the database selection and classification methods. This hampers a Europe-wide comparison of classified species lists as used for the status assessment within the WFD implementation process.  相似文献   

Investigating diversity gradients helps to understand biodiversity drivers and threats. However, one diversity gradient is rarely assessed, namely how plant species distribute along the depth gradient of lakes. Here, we provide the first comprehensive characterization of depth diversity gradient (DDG) of alpha, beta, and gamma species richness of submerged macrophytes across multiple lakes. We characterize the DDG for additive richness components (alpha, beta, gamma), assess environmental drivers, and address temporal change over recent years. We take advantage of yet the largest dataset of macrophyte occurrence along lake depth (274 depth transects across 28 deep lakes) as well as of physiochemical measurements (12 deep lakes from 2006 to 2017 across Bavaria), provided publicly online by the Bavarian State Office for the Environment. We found a high variability in DDG shapes across the study lakes. The DDGs for alpha and gamma richness are predominantly hump‐shaped, while beta richness shows a decreasing DDG. Generalized additive mixed‐effect models indicate that the depth of the maximum richness (D max) is influenced by light quality, light quantity, and layering depth, whereas the respective maximum alpha richness within the depth gradient (R max) is significantly influenced by lake area only. Most observed DDGs seem generally stable over recent years. However, for single lakes we found significant linear trends for R max and D max going into different directions. The observed hump‐shaped DDGs agree with three competing hypotheses: the mid‐domain effect, the mean–disturbance hypothesis, and the mean–productivity hypothesis. The DDG amplitude seems driven by lake area (thus following known species–area relationships), whereas skewness depends on physiochemical factors, mainly water transparency and layering depth. Our results provide insights for conservation strategies and for mechanistic frameworks to disentangle competing explanatory hypotheses for the DDG.  相似文献   

The value of an ecological indicator is no better than the uncertainty associated with its estimate. Nevertheless, indicator uncertainty is seldom estimated, even though legislative frameworks such as the European Water Framework Directive stress that the confidence of an assessment should be quantified. We introduce a general framework for quantifying uncertainties associated with indicators employed to assess ecological status in waterbodies. The framework is illustrated with two examples: eelgrass shoot density and chlorophyll a in coastal ecosystems. Aquatic monitoring data vary over time and space; variations that can only partially be described using fixed parameters, and remaining variations are deemed random. These spatial and temporal variations can be partitioned into uncertainty components operating at different scales. Furthermore, different methods of sampling and analysis as well as people involved in the monitoring introduce additional uncertainty. We have outlined 18 different sources of variation that affect monitoring data to a varying degree and are relevant to consider when quantifying the uncertainty of an indicator calculated from monitoring data. However, in most cases it is not possible to estimate all relevant sources of uncertainty from monitoring data from a single ecosystem, and those uncertainty components that can be quantified will not be well determined due to the lack of replication at different levels of the random variations (e.g. number of stations, number of years, and number of people). For example, spatial variations cannot be determined from datasets with just one station. Therefore, we recommend that random variations are estimated from a larger dataset, by pooling observations from multiple ecosystems with similar characteristics. We also recommend accounting for predictable patterns in time and space using parametric approaches in order to reduce the magnitude of the unpredictable random components and reduce potential bias introduced by heterogeneous monitoring across time. We propose to use robust parameter estimates for both fixed and random variations, determined from a large pooled dataset and assumed common across the range of ecosystems, and estimate a limited subset of parameters from ecosystem-specific data. Partitioning the random variation onto multiple uncertainty components is important to obtain correct estimates of the ecological indicator variance, and the magnitude of the different components provide useful information for improving methods applied and design of monitoring programs. The proposed framework allows comparing different indicators based on their precision relative to the cost of monitoring.  相似文献   

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