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Seasonal fecundity of birds is influenced by clutch sizes and the number of successful breeding attempts during a breeding season. As such, understanding the factors that determine the decision to initiate multiple broods within a season and the consequences of this reproductive tactic is important. We examined the frequency of double brooding by Southern House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon musculus) in eastern Argentina. We analyzed inter‐ and intraseasonal variation in double brooding and evaluated the effect of weather conditions and laying date on the frequency and occurrence of this behavior. Finally, we assessed the effect of double brooding on the seasonal and lifetime productivity of female Southern House Wrens. During our 8‐year study, we found that ~43% (range = 17–83% each year) of breeding pairs attempted a second brood after successfully raising a first brood. The probability of females having a second brood was affected by the laying date of the first nesting attempt, but was independent of the number of young fledged. About 65% of females that started laying eggs before the first quarter of each breeding season produced a second brood, and this percentage decreased to ~40% after this period. In addition, variation in double‐brooding frequency among years was related to weather conditions, with the proportion of pairs double brooding increasing with increased precipitation early in the breeding season. More precipitation likely contributed to an increase in insect abundance. Although double brooding increased the seasonal and lifetime productivity of female Southern House Wrens, additional study of the survival and fate of fledglings from first and second broods is needed to assess the importance of multi‐brooding in the reproductive success of these wrens.  相似文献   

Reproductive success in many avian populations declines throughout the breeding season. Two hypotheses have gained attention to explain such a decline: the "timing" hypothesis proposes that deteriorating food availability causes the decline in reproductive success (causal effect of breeding time), whereas the "quality" hypothesis proposes that individuals of lower phenotypic quality reproduce at the end of the breeding season, causing the correlation between breeding time and breeding success. We tested both of these hypotheses in a monogamous single breeder, the magpie Pica pica , by experimentally inducing some pairs to lay a replacement clutch, after removal of the first clutch. The first clutch was left in the nest of another magpie pair (matched by laying date and clutch size), and incubated and raised by these foster parents. In this way we obtained two clutches from the same magpie pair with full siblings raised in conditions of the first and second reproductive attempts. High quality pairs (with laying dates in the first half of the breeding season) reached similar breeding success in replacement clutches as compared to first clutches of the same female. In addition, experimental pairs reared significantly more offspring of similar quality in their replacement clutches as compared to late-season first clutches, thereby suggesting that late season first clutches were produced by pairs of lower phenotypic quality. Results indicate that high quality pairs trade-off clutch size for larger eggs in replacement clutches, which could help magpie pairs to partly compensate for poorer environmental conditions associated with a delayed breeding attempt.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Few investigators have examined how a female's prior history (i.e., number of clutches laid previously and whether those nesting attempts were successful or not) might influence the success of a particular clutch. Our objective was to determine the seasonal change in the mean number of fledglings successfully leaving nests in a population of Prairie Warblers ( Dendroica discolor ). To do so, we calculated the success of each clutch in the laying sequence (i.e., first, second, third, …, n th) and sorted them further by whether they were laid before (first-brood clutches) or after (second-brood clutches) the first brood fledged. In our sample population of 70 females we knew the fate of all clutches laid during a breeding season. Although the number of fledglings per successful clutch varied slightly, the probability that a clutch would be successful (i.e., produce at least one fledgling) and the number of fledglings per nest attempt increased during the breeding season. Thus, later clutches were more productive than earlier clutches. The low probability of producing a successful first clutch early in the breeding season would seem to favor selection for females that wait until later in the season to begin breeding. However, the seasonal reproductive success of females may be more dependent on breeding early (increasing the number of clutches laid in a season) than on the higher probability of success with later clutches. Our results indicate that further study of seasonal changes in reproductive success and their causes is needed.  相似文献   

Selection for synchronous breeding in the European starling   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Henrik G. Smith 《Oikos》2004,105(2):301-311
Colonial birds often demonstrate considerable breeding synchrony. In southern Sweden the semi-colonial European starling initiated the vast majority of clutches within one week. Laying dates were positively skewed so that many birds initiated clutches at similar dates early in the season. Breeding was further synchronised by a particularly strong clutch-size reduction equivalent to one third of an egg per day during the first part of the breeding season. The decline in clutch size with season also held true for separate age-classes of females, for individual females laying at different times at different years and for individual females laying at different times the same year. Trends in breeding success during nestling rearing were unlikely to explain the high degree of breeding synchrony or the seasonal decline in clutch size; nestling survival and growth were weakly related or unrelated to reproductive timing. In contrast recruitment success of fledged offspring declined sharply with season. Even within the synchronous laying period, defined as clutches initiated during the first week each year, local recruitment success declined. It is suggested that the early seasonal decline is caused by selection for synchronous fledging permitting the immediate formation of flocks after fledging, whereas the late seasonal trends may be caused by either population differences in female quality or deteriorating conditions for raising young.  相似文献   

Annual and seasonal variation in reproductive timing and performance were studied in a population of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor over 10 years in southern Sweden. The median laying date of the first egg varied by up to 17 days between years, being generally larger than the variation of laying dates within years. Neither clutch size, brood size in successful nests, fledging success in successful nests nor mean nestling weight differed significantly between years. There was no trend for mean clutch size to vary between early and late years. In spite of a more than threefold variation in population size, no reproductive variable demonstrated an apparent density-dependence. Within the season, clutch size declined steeply with increasing clutch initiation date, whereas fledging success and nesting success did not, leading to a trend in brood size almost identical to the trend in clutch size. The survival prospects of fledged young declined with increasing clutch initiation date, and it is argued that the clutch size laid is a strategic adjustment to laying date. Out of 124 breeding attempts, 34% did not produce fledged young. In 9% of the breeding attempts, pairs laid no eggs. At least 20% of the breeding attempts failed after egg-laying. The most common cause of breeding failure was loss of the breeding partner followed by nest abandonment (40% of the failures). Only 16–28% of the failures were due to predation on the nest. Most complete failures, and also partial losses from nests, occurred at the early breeding stages. It is argued that the early nestling phase may be a critical stage, which the woodpeckers adjust to coincide with the seasonal food peak, explaining the strikingly late breeding season compared with other non-migrant species.  相似文献   

Most marine turtle species are non-annual breeders and show variation in both the number of eggs laid per clutch and the number of clutches laid in a season. Large levels of inter-annual variation in the number of nesting females have been well documented in green turtle nesting populations and may be linked to environmental conditions. Other species of marine turtle exhibit less variation in nesting numbers. This inter-specific difference is thought to be linked to trophic status. To examine whether individual reproductive output is more variable in the herbivorous green turtle (Chelonia mydas Linneaeus 1758) than the carnivorous loggerhead (Caretta caretta Linneaeus 1758), we examined the nesting of both species in Cyprus over nine seasons. Green turtles showed slower annual growth rates (0.11 cm year−1 curved carapace length (CCL) and 0.27 cm year−1 curved carapace width (CCW)) than loggerhead turtles (0.36 cm year−1 CCL, 0.51 cm year−1 CCW). CCL was highly correlated to mean clutch size in both green (R2=0.51) and loggerhead turtles (R2=0.61) and maximal clutch size of green turtles (R2=0.58). Larger females did not lay a greater number of clutches or have a shorter remigration interval than smaller females of either species. On average, the size of green turtle clutches increased and that of loggerhead turtles decreased as the season progressed. Individual green turtles, however, produced more eggs per clutch through the season to a maximum in the third or fourth clutch. In loggerhead turtles, clutches 1-4 were very similar in size but the fifth clutch was 38% smaller than the first. No individuals of either species were recorded laying more than five clutches. Green turtles may not be able to achieve their maximum reproductive output with respect to clutch size throughout the season, whereas only loggerhead turtles laying five clutches (n=5) appear to become resource depleted. Green turtles nesting in years when large numbers of nests were recorded laid a greater number of clutches than females nesting in years with lower levels of nesting.  相似文献   

We examined long-term (1943–2003) variability in laying dates and clutch sizes in a Finnish population of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas, and analysed whether potential changes were explained by changes in climatic factors at the wintering area in Africa, at migration route or at breeding grounds. Among-year variation in both mean and skewness of laying dates increased, which for mean laying date appeared to be explained by variability of temperatures at the breeding grounds and for skewness by variable temperature trends along the migration route. Pied flycatchers bred earlier in warm springs, but despite a warming trend in pre-laying temperatures, the laying dates tended to delay. Laying dates became continuously later in relation to the phenology of the environment. Mean clutch size decreased with time when mean laying date was controlled for, but the climatic factors did not appear to explain the decrease. The advancement of spring phenology may have shifted some food sources needed for egg-laying, thus leading to later laying and smaller clutches. Variation in clutch size increased when wintering conditions were favourable so that clutch size distribution was skewed with a tail of small clutches when there had been lot of rainfall (more vegetation and insects) in the wintering area. We suggest that when ecological conditions during winter were good, the tail of small clutches represented low-quality individuals that were not able to breed after bad winters. Our analyses demonstrate that measures of spread and symmetry give different information about population level changes than means, and thus complement the understanding of the potential influences of climate change on populations.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of manipulation of the size of first broods in the Great Tit Parus major on the size and breeding success of second clutches and its relation to the degree of clutch overlap. The rearing of first brood fledglings always overlapped with the laying of the second clutch and in most cases also with the incubation period of the latter. The degree of clutch overlap depended on the size of the first brood, being less when the first brood was large. Clutch overlap also increased with season. Mechanisms affecting the timing of laying of second clutches are discussed. A large first brood imposed reproductive costs. It affected the size of the second clutch by causing it to be delayed; second clutch size decreases with season. It affected the post-fledging survival of second brood young as, in this population, this decreases with fledging date. The breeding success of second clutches was, however, not affected by the size of the first brood, but instead by the weight of the female when rearing the first brood.  相似文献   

The little penguin Eudyptula minor is unique among penguin species in being able to fledge chicks from two clutches in one breeding season. Pairs laying two clutches in a given season make a higher reproductive investment, and may be rewarded by a higher reproductive success as they may raise twice as many chicks as pairs laying one clutch. The higher effort made by pairs laying two clutches could correlate negatively with survival, future reproductive performance or offspring survival, indicating a cost of reproduction. Conversely, a positive relationship between the number of clutches produced in a given breeding season and survival, future reproductive performance or offspring survival would indicate that birds laying two clutches belonged to a category of birds with higher fitness, compared to birds laying only one clutch in the season. In this study we used a long‐term data set taken from an increasing population of little penguins in Otago, SE New Zealand. We modelled the relationship between the number of clutches laid in a breeding season and survival probability, reproductive performance in the next breeding season and first year survival of offspring using capture‐recapture modelling.
Birds laying two clutches produced 1.7 times more fledglings during a breeding season than pairs laying one clutch. We found that birds laying two clutches had a higher probability of breeding in the following breeding season, a higher probability of laying two clutches in the following breeding season and a higher survival probability. There was no overall difference in post‐fledging survival between the young of birds producing one clutch and the young of birds producing two clutches. However, the survival of young of single clutch breeders declined with laying date, whereas the young of double clutch breeders had the same survival rate irrespective of laying date. For a subset of data with birds of known age, we found evidence that the probability of laying two clutches increased with age. However, there were also indications for differences among birds in the tendency to lay two clutches that could not be attributed to age. We tentatively interpret our results as evidence of quality difference among little penguin breeders.  相似文献   

Production of successive clutches within the same breeding season has received less attention than many other aspects of avian reproduction. Waders are of particular interest because in these birds, multiple clutches are associated with at least three different breeding systems: double-clutching (uniparental care), monogamous double-brooding (biparental care) and polyandry (uni- or biparental care). Data from eight species and twelve breeding populations suggest that early second clutches, and thus brood overlap, are associated with parental role division and uniparental care, whereas species or populations with biparental care tend to have long intervals between successive clutches. We suggest that ecological factors influencing the relative timing of the second clutch will have consequences for the parental care system. In particular, conditions that favour early laying of the second clutch (large brood overlap) are likely to lead to parental role division, as found in double-clutching species. Factors determining the timing of second clutches are discussed, as are possibilities for testing these ideas.  相似文献   

While avian eggshell colouration has attracted biologists for decades, little is known about its variation within individuals. The main goal of this study was to explore within‐ and between‐season repeatability of eggshell appearance in the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus. To achieve this, we measured eggshell reflectance of first and replacement clutches of individual females within one breeding season, and the reflectance of their first clutches in two following breeding seasons. As environmental conditions may affect egg colouration, repeatability was estimated from linear mixed‐effects models where we initially included temperature and rainfall during egg laying, as well as year, clutch order and egg‐laying date as fixed effects, and clutch identity nested in females as random effects. Eggshell appearance within clutches showed moderate repeatability, while both within‐ and between‐season repeatability in clutch colouration for individual females was low. Our findings indicate that low intra‐clutch variation may have a function within the context of brood parasitism, i.e. in facilitating host recognition of alien eggs. With variable eggs between successive clutches, however, host females may need to relearn the appearance of their eggs with every clutch they lay. This could represent a significant constraint for host egg‐discrimination abilities. Yet, whether environmental or intrinsic physiological factors are responsible for the variation in eggshell colouration between successive clutches of the same females still remain to be discovered.  相似文献   

Upland birds are predicted to be particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, yet few studies have examined these effects on their breeding phenology and productivity. Laying dates of Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus scotica in the Scottish Highlands advanced by 0.5 days/year between 1992 and 2011 and were inversely correlated with pre‐laying temperature, with a near‐significant increase in temperature over this period. Earlier clutches were larger and chick survival was greater in earlier nesting attempts. However, chick survival was also higher in years with lower May temperatures and lower August temperatures in the previous year, the latter probably related to prey abundance in the subsequent breeding season. Although laying dates are advancing, climate change does not currently appear to be having an overall effect on chick survival of Red Grouse within the climate range recorded in this study.  相似文献   

The sizes of 1034 Great Tit clutches were studied at the Oulu area (c. 65°N, 25°30'E) in northern Finland. The average size was 9.86 eggs in the first clutch and 7.51 in the second in 13 study areas. The decrease in clutch size from the first to the second laying was most pronounced in those females laying the largest first clutches.
Irrespective of habitat, the clutch size was larger in the sparsely populated areas than in the densest area (Taskila). The clutch size decreased according to the season in all the areas, but this was not as pronounced in Taskila as in the other areas.
The annual average size of the first clutches was inversely related to the breeding density and pronouncedly so to the mean dale of laying. The latter was suggested to be an adaptation to the short season in the northern areas.
An analysis of data from 27 study areas in Europe, north of the Mediterranean region, suggests that the clutch size does not vary with latitude or longitude.  相似文献   

Time-dependent reproductive decisions in the blue tit   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Jan-Åke Nilsson 《Oikos》2000,88(2):351-361
Many breeding attempts in birds do not result in any fledged young due to predation on eggs or young. Consequently, the influence of time constraints on reproductive decisions are integrated parts of the reproductive behaviour of birds breeding within short, seasonal climate zones. In this study, I mimicked nest predation by removing blue tit (Parus caeruleus) clutches shortly after completion. Around 75% of the removed clutches were followed by a repeat clutch. Females producing their first clutch early in the season and females with an early onset of incubation in the laying sequence (an indication of high parental or territory quality) were most likely to initiate a repeat clutch. A trade‐off between the benefits of a repeat clutch and survival likely stopped late females in bad condition from investing more in the current reproductive season. Females producing a repeat clutch laid fewer eggs, had an earlier onset of incubation in the laying sequence and produced larger eggs than they did when producing their original first clutch. Eggs produced after the onset of incubation were especially large in the repeat clutches. Since food availability was presumably higher when the female produced her repeat clutch compared with her first clutch, females made a strategical decision when reducing clutch size, whereas onset of incubation and egg size may have been energetically constrained when producing the first clutch. Females that produced a relatively large clutch, had a relatively early onset of incubation, and laid relatively large eggs in their first clutch also did so when producing a repeat clutch, indicating that some of the variation in breeding parameters are due to differences in parental or territory quality. Differences between years in the temperature‐dependent development rate of caterpillars seem to affect the time constraints on breeding. A year with a predicted early seasonal decline in caterpillars resulted in short intervals between removal and relaying, small clutches and an early onset of incubation.  相似文献   

We examined inter- and intra-clutch egg-size variation in the bluethroat (Luscinia s. svecica), an open-nesting passerine breeding in the sub-alpine region in southern Norway. By removing first clutches shortly after egg-laying, we induced laying of a repeat clutch. Females significantly reduced the number of eggs from the first to the second nesting attempt, but increased mean egg size. Females in good condition laid significantly larger eggs than those in poor condition. Consistent with predictions of the brood survival hypothesis, assuming an adaptive investment in last eggs to ensure survival of all eggs in the clutch, we found that the size of the last eggs in first clutches was generally larger than the mean egg size of the clutch, and that the relative size of the last egg increased with clutch size. However, a large last egg reflected a general increase in egg size throughout the laying sequence rather than a specific investment in the last egg only. Egg size was not significantly influenced by sex or paternity (within-pair versus extra-pair) of the embryo. In repeat clutches the last egg was not consistently larger than the mean for the clutch. We conclude that female bluethroats face resource limitations during egg formation early in the season, and that the patterns of increase in egg size with laying order for first clutches, and from first to repeat clutches, can largely be explained by proximate constraints on egg formation.  相似文献   

Adaptive studies of avian clutch size variation across environmental gradients have resulted in what has become known as the fecundity gradient paradox, the observation that clutch size typically decreases with increasing breeding season length along latitudinal gradients, but increases with increasing breeding season length along elevational gradients. These puzzling findings challenge the common belief that organisms should reduce their clutch size in favor of additional nesting attempts as the length of the breeding season increases, an approach typically described as a bet‐hedging strategy. Here, we propose an alternative hypothesis—the multitasking hypothesis—and show that laying smaller clutches represents a multitasking strategy of switching between breeding and recovery from breeding. Both our individual‐based and analytical models demonstrate that a small clutch size strategy is favored during shorter breeding seasons because less time and energy are wasted under the severe time constraints associated with breeding multiply within a season. Our model also shows that a within‐generation bet‐hedging strategy is not favored by natural selection, even under a high risk of predation and in long breeding seasons. Thus, saving time—wasting less time as a result of an inability to complete a breeding cycle at the end of breeding season—is likely to be the primary benefit favoring the evolution of small avian clutch sizes during short breeding seasons. We also synthesize the seasonality hypothesis (pronounced seasonality leads to larger clutch size) and clutch size‐dependent predation hypothesis (larger clutch size causes higher predation risks) within our multitasking hypothesis to develop an integrative model to help resolve the paradox of contrasting patterns of clutch size along elevational and latitudinal gradients. Ultimately, our models provide a new perspective for understanding life‐history evolution under fluctuating environments.  相似文献   

Life-history theory predicts that parents produce the number of offspring that maximizes their fitness. In birds, natural selection on parental decisions regarding clutch size may act during egg laying, incubation or nestling phase. To study the fitness consequences of clutch size during the incubation phase, we manipulated the clutch sizes during this phase only in three breeding seasons and measured the fitness consequences on the short and the long term. Clutch enlargement did not affect the offspring fitness of the manipulated first clutches, but fledging probability of the subsequent clutch in the same season was reduced. Parents incubating enlarged first clutches provided adequate care for the offspring of their first clutches during the nestling phase, but paid the price when caring for the offspring of their second clutch. Parents that incubated enlarged first clutches had lower local survival in the 2 years when the population had a relatively high production of second clutches, but not in the third year when there was a very low production of second clutches. During these 2 years, the costs of incubation were strong enough to change positive selection, as established by brood size manipulations in this study population, into stabilizing selection through the negative effect of incubation on parental fitness.  相似文献   

Breeding biology of the Barn Owl Tyto alba in central Mali   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data were obtained on 178 clutches of African Barn Owls in central Mali from four breeding seasons during 1979–1983. Significantly more clutches were laid in 1979–1980 and significantly fewer in 1980– 1981 than the average for the 4 years and there were significantly more clutches laid in the middle period of the annual breeding season. The egg volume was significantly smaller at the beginning of the breeding season and significantly larger in the middle than the overall mean with eggs of second clutches being larger than those of first clutches. The clutch size was 605 eggs of which 479 hatched. The number of young fledged per successful nest was 319 and was 1 83 for all nesting attempts. The month was the only variable shown to affect significantly the clutch size, eggs hatched and fledging rate, the highest success rates being associated with the middle of the breeding period. The average interval between the hatching of eggs was 2–31 days. Survival rates (47'1%) to fledging were significantly affected by year (1981–1982 being the least) and month (mid-season birds the best). The order of hatching significantly affected age at death or disappearance, the first-hatched birds surviving the longest. The year significantly affected age at fledging, the young from the year in which most clutches were laid leaving the nest at the youngest age and those associated with the year having the least number of clutches remaining in the nest the longest. The month of hatching also affected fledging age, birds at the extremes of the breeding season fledging at older ages. The discussion compares these data with those from elsewhere.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to assess the consequences of single versus multiple paternity by identifying paternity of clutches per female to identify whether there were detectable costs or benefits. Multiple mating can occur when the benefits of mating outweigh the costs, but if costs and benefits are equal, no pattern is expected. Previous research on loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) populations found male‐biased breeding sex ratios and multiple mating by many females nesting in southwestern Florida. A sample of nesting loggerhead females who laid more than one nest over the course of the season and a subset of their hatchlings were examined from 36 clutches in 2016 on Sanibel Island, Florida. Males that fathered hatchlings in the first clutch sampled were identified in subsequent clutches. Interestingly, 75% of the females analyzed had mated singly. No male was represented in more than one female's clutches. The results suggest that females likely mate at the beginning of the season and use stored sperm for multiple clutches. Evidence for mating between laying events was limited. There was no consistent pattern across the subsequent multiple paternity clutches, suggesting benefits to loggerhead females likely equal their costs and subsequent mating is likely determined by female preference.  相似文献   

Tobler M  Granbom M  Sandell MI 《Oecologia》2007,151(4):731-740
Maternal hormones can have substantial phenotypic effects in the progeny of many vertebrates. It has been proposed that mothers adaptively adjust hormone levels experienced by particular young to optimize their reproductive output. In birds, systematic variation in egg hormone levels has been related to different female reproductive strategies. Because in many bird species prospects of the offspring change seasonally and with brood number, strategic adjustment of yolk androgen levels would be expected. To test this idea, we induced pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) females to nest twice during the same season by removing their first clutches shortly after clutch completion. We collected eggs of first and replacement clutches to measure yolk concentrations of androstenedione (A4) and testosterone (T) and captured the females that laid these clutches for phenotypic measurements. Although average egg androgen levels were remarkably consistent within females, hormone patterns differed considerably between first and replacement clutches. Eggs of replacement clutches were heavier with larger yolks compared to first clutches, but they contained on average lower levels of androgens. Within clutches, androgen concentration increased over the laying sequence in the first clutch, but decreased or remained more constant over the laying sequence in the replacement clutch. Mean yolk T, but not A4 levels, were negatively associated with laying date for both breeding attempts. Moreover, females in good body condition produced eggs containing lower levels of androgens than females in poor condition. Our results are consistent with the idea that differences in yolk androgen levels may be one mechanism underlying seasonal variation in reproductive success and it is possible that changes in egg androgen patterns may reflect a change in female reproductive strategy. High within-female consistency also highlights the possibility that there may be some underlying genetic variation in yolk androgen levels.  相似文献   

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