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麦长管蚜的低温适应性及陕西杨凌小麦田春季虫源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】本研究旨在探明低温条件下麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae的存活率和快速冷驯化反应,以期为该虫耐寒性的研究和准确预测预报提供依据。【方法】测定麦长管蚜实验室种群各发育阶段的过冷却点和结冰点;测定1龄若蚜和未产仔成蚜分别在-7.0~-11.0℃极端低温下暴露3 h和在0℃冷驯化1~5 h后暴露于致死温度3 h,再转移至15℃72 h后的存活率;调查自然条件下陕西杨凌小麦整个生育期麦长管蚜的种群动态。【结果】麦长管蚜1龄和2龄若蚜的过冷却点波动范围较小,分别为-27.4~-19.2℃和-27.3~-18.3℃;3龄若蚜、4龄若蚜和成蚜的过冷却点波动范围较大,分别为-27.4~-10.7℃,-26.7~-12.5℃和-26.7~-11.2℃。麦长管蚜的过冷却点和结冰点随龄期增加均显著升高,其中成蚜的过冷却点显著高于1龄和2龄若蚜。3龄若蚜、4龄若蚜和成蚜的过冷却点在不同翅型之间不存在显著性差异。低温存活率分析表明,麦长管蚜1龄若蚜和无翅成蚜的致死温度(80%死亡率)分别在-10.5℃和-8.1℃左右。0℃快速冷驯化显著提高了麦长管蚜1龄若蚜和无翅成蚜在极端低温下的存活率,其中冷驯化2 h时的存活率最高。2018-2019年小麦生育期田间调查结果表明,麦长管蚜能以孤雌生殖若蚜和成蚜在陕西杨凌越冬。【结论】麦长管蚜具有较强的低温适应能力,在陕西杨凌能以孤雌生殖蚜成功越冬。因此,其本地越冬存活个体是陕西杨凌小麦田的早春虫源之一。  相似文献   

亚洲柑橘木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama和柚喀木虱Cacopsylla citrisuga YangLi均为柑桔上的重要害虫,前者为黄龙病的主要媒介昆虫,后者也已证实为黄龙病菌的携带者。本文对这两种木虱各龄若虫和成虫的过冷却点和体液结冰点进行了测定,结果表明,柑橘木虱过冷却点和冰点均以1龄若虫最低,平均值分别为-26.32℃和-26.22℃;成虫的过冷却点和冰点最高,分别为-19.60℃和-18.71℃;其它虫态过冷却点和冰点由低到高依次为2龄若虫、4龄若虫、5龄若虫、3龄若虫。柚喀木虱过冷却点和冰点也均以1龄若虫最低,平均值分别为-25.30℃和-25.08℃;5龄若虫的过冷却点和冰点最高,平均分别为-19.50℃和-17.69℃;其它虫态过冷却点和冰点由低到高依次为2龄若虫、3龄若虫、4龄若虫、成虫。两种木虱的比较结果表明,各发育阶段的表现不一致,柚喀木虱的3龄若虫和成虫过冷却点显著低于柑桔木虱,而4龄、5龄若虫则显著高于柑桔木虱;3龄若虫体液结冰点也显著低于柑桔木虱,但1龄、4龄却显著高于柑桔木虱。柑桔木虱雌雄成虫的过冷却点和体液结冰点差异不显著。研究结果表明两种木虱的过冷却点、体液结冰点都较低,因而可能具有较强的耐寒能力。  相似文献   

桉树枝瘿姬小蜂的耐寒性测定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
桉树枝瘿姬小蜂Leptocybe invasa Fisher&LaSalle是一种新入侵的检疫性有害生物,为了明确其对极端低温的耐受性,以了解其适生范围,测定了桉树枝瘿姬小蜂幼虫、蛹、成虫及不同地区、不同寄主条件下雌雄成虫以及广东、广西、海南3省6地越冬幼虫12—3月的过冷却点和冰点。结果表明,不同虫态的过冷却点和冰点由低到高顺序为:蛹<幼虫<成虫。蛹的过冷却点和冰点分别为(-24.93±0.10)℃、(-22.81±0.14)℃,成虫的过冷却点和冰点为(-20.93±0.24)℃和(-17.33±0.27)℃。随着纬度的升高,桉树枝瘿姬小蜂的过冷却点和冰点都呈现降低的趋势。海南地区不同寄主桉树枝瘿姬小蜂过冷却点从低到高的顺序排列为:湛-201<小叶桉<广林9号。在12—3月,桉树枝瘿姬小蜂的越冬幼虫过冷却点和冰点随着环境温度的升高而升高,以广东广州地区1月份的越冬幼虫过冷却点和冰点为最低,其数值分别为(-25.44±0.17)℃和(-24.04±0.21)℃,个体过冷却点的最低值为-26.9℃。由实验结果可知,桉树枝瘿姬小蜂蛹和幼虫的耐寒力最强,以幼虫和蛹越冬。地区、寄主、温度对其耐寒力均有显著的影响,而且其有向现疫区以北的区域扩散的潜能。  相似文献   

【目的】角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis是五倍子蚜的主要生产种,深入了解角倍蚜越冬若蚜的生物学习性,揭示田间无土植藓条件下越冬若蚜的种群动态,可以为进一步降低若蚜越冬的死亡率,提高五倍子产量提供依据。【方法】在田间以无纺布为基质种植侧枝匐灯藓Plagiomnium maximoviczii培育越冬若蚜,定期采集带不同龄期角倍蚜的藓块带回实验室,利用数码显微系统连续观测和记录越冬期间若蚜的行为习性、形态特征、种群动态和龄期分布等,并连续测量越冬期间侧枝匐灯藓的藓层厚度和覆盖率。【结果】角倍蚜秋迁蚜以卵胎生方式产生若蚜,若蚜在侧枝匐灯藓的拟叶基部分泌蜡丝包裹自身并形成蜡球,在蜡球内取食和越冬。每个蜡球内通常有1头若蚜。越冬若蚜从1-4龄,体色由淡黄色逐渐加深至深褐色,体长和体宽随龄期的增加而增加,分别从1龄若蚜552.92±16.95和94.70±11.52μm增加到4龄若蚜的1 205.25±10.75和593.15±7.66 μm。越冬期间若蚜的平均种群密度从10月中旬的13.10×104头/m2降至翌年3月的1.05×104头/m2,总死亡率高达91.98%。越冬若蚜个体间的发育进度很不整齐,并与当地的气温变化密切相关。若蚜越冬期间侧枝匐灯藓的厚度和覆盖率逐步增加。【结论】越冬若蚜体长和体宽可作为角倍蚜龄期鉴别的主要指标。田间越冬期间角倍蚜若蚜的总死亡率很高,其中越冬初期和中期若蚜转移寄生期的死亡率较其他阶段高。  相似文献   

【目的】食蚜瘿蚊Aphidoletes aphidimyza(Rondani)是一种捕食性天敌,其幼虫对蚜虫具有较好的控制潜能。研究不同冷藏条件对食蚜瘿蚊耐寒能力的影响,为食蚜瘿蚊的低温冷藏技术提供了理论依据。【方法】利用热电偶原理,测定食蚜瘿蚊在不同冷藏条件下的过冷却点和结冰点。【结果】25℃条件下,食蚜瘿蚊各虫态的过冷却点及结冰点存在显著差异(P<0.05),其中2龄幼虫过冷却点(﹣26.18℃)和结冰点(﹣24.98℃)最低,雄成虫过冷却点(﹣22.95℃)和结冰点(﹣21.86℃)最高。在不同变温条件下冷藏食蚜瘿蚊蛹,其过冷却点在冷藏10、20和30 d时均上升且高于对照,冷藏40 d时低于对照;同一冷藏时长下不同冷藏方式间过冷却点的差异均不显著(P>0.05)。食蚜瘿蚊蛹在5℃条件下冷藏50d,每天定时7℃中断4h的结冰点(﹣23.09℃)最低,冷藏30d的结冰点(﹣21.15℃)最高;食蚜瘿蚊蛹在5℃条件下冷藏40 d,每天定时9℃中断4 h的结冰点(﹣22.66℃)最低,冷藏20 d时的结冰点(﹣20.95℃)最高;同一冷藏时长下3种冷藏方式间结冰点差异均不显著(P>0.05)。【结论】食蚜瘿蚊2龄幼虫的耐寒能力最强,雌成虫的耐寒能力要高于雄成虫;变温贮存和恒定低温均适合食蚜瘿蚊的低温贮存。  相似文献   

变温贮藏僵蚜对烟蚜茧蜂耐寒能力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为明确变温贮藏以麦二叉蚜为寄主的僵蚜对烟蚜茧蜂耐寒能力的影响,探究其体内的生化物质变化规律,测定了变温处理后羽化的烟蚜茧蜂雌雄成虫过冷却点、结冰点、体内含水量、脂肪、蛋白质和总糖含量的变化.结果表明:与对照(20℃)相比,经4℃22 h/20℃2h和4 ℃ 46 h/20℃2h处理1周后烟蚜茧蜂的耐寒能力显著增强.经变温处理后,烟蚜茧蜂雌雄个体的过冷却点、结冰点均出现不同程度的下降,雌蜂经4℃22 h/20℃2h处理后过冷却点和结冰点最低,分别为-26.38和-25.51 ℃;雄蜂经4 ℃ 46 h/20℃2h处理后过冷却点和结冰点最低,分别为-26.82和-26.38℃.经变温处理后烟蚜茧蜂僵蚜雌雄个体体内糖和蛋白质含量上升而脂肪和体内含水量下降,尤以经4℃22 h/20 ℃ 2 h和4℃46h/20℃2h处理后的变化最为明显.变温可以提高烟蚜茧蜂僵蚜的低温抵抗能力,且其耐寒能力的增加与其体内生化物质含量的变化密切相关.僵蚜经4℃22h/20℃2h和4℃46h/20℃2h贮藏1周后更有利于烟蚜茧蜂的生存和实践应用.  相似文献   

环境因子对角倍蚜秋迁蚜生殖和雌性蚜发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了环境因子对角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis (Bell) 秋迁蚜生殖和雌性蚜发育的影响。温、湿度单因子试验表明,秋迁蚜在26℃和80%RH条件下有最大生殖量;温、湿度对秋迁蚜生殖量的影响均符合开口向下的二次抛物线变化趋势,极端温、湿度会导致生殖量的下降。采用三元一次正交组合设计,研究了环境温度(X1)、湿度(X2)和光照强度(X3)三因子不同水平组合对雌性蚜发育的影响,表明温度是影响发育历期的主要因子,其次是光照强度,最后是湿度。因此,适当高温、强光照条件可以加快雌性蚜发育;而适当高湿条件可以降低雌性蚜的发育速率而延长其发育历期。在人工培育角倍蚜生产中,创造有利于秋迁蚜生殖的温、湿度条件可以使秋迁蚜产下较多的越冬侨蚜;在适当降低温度、增加湿度的阴暗条件下贮留雌性蚜可以适当延长其发育,以使角倍蚜与盐肤木在物候上达到最佳吻合。  相似文献   

邱明生  赵志模 《昆虫学报》1999,42(2):145-149
研究了环境因子对角倍蚜Schlechtendalia chinensis (Bell) 秋迁蚜生殖和雌性蚜发育的影响。温、湿度单因子试验表明,秋迁蚜在26℃和80%RH条件下有最大生殖量;温、湿度对秋迁蚜生殖量的影响均符合开口向下的二次抛物线变化趋势,极端温、湿度会导致生殖量的下降。采用三元一次正交组合设计,研究了环境温度(X1)、湿度(X2)和光照强度(X3)三因子不同水平组合对雌性蚜发育的影响,表明温度是影响发育历期的主要因子,其次是光照强度,最后是湿度。因此,适当高温、强光照条件可以加快雌性蚜发育;而适当高湿条件可以降低雌性蚜的发育速率而延长其发育历期。在人工培育角倍蚜生产中,创造有利于秋迁蚜生殖的温、湿度条件可以使秋迁蚜产下较多的越冬侨蚜;在适当降低温度、增加湿度的阴暗条件下贮留雌性蚜可以适当延长其发育,以使角倍蚜与盐肤木在物候上达到最佳吻合。  相似文献   

<正> 我国五倍子的产量及质量均居世界之冠,但过去由于长期处在自生自灭的状态,到目前为止,单位面积产量都很低。为了提高五倍子的产量,试验小组对人工繁育五倍子进行了探索。在突破了其寄生树木——盐肤木、提灯藓的栽培繁育后,现初步摸清了倍蚜的生活习性。发现在霜冻气温下,倍蚜的成活率仅有5%。试验证实,15—30℃是倍蚜的最适温度。另外,在摸清了倍蚜对其湿度、光照的需求条件后便进行了室内培育倍蚜的尝试,目前已取得了初步成效,基本掌握了倍好的室内饲养技术及野外释放方法,显著提高了倍蚜越冬成活率和致瘿率,五倍子获得了明显的增产效果。 1.秋迁蚜的收集 每年秋季当五倍子成熟爆裂时,里面的秋迁蚜便飞出迁往第二寄主  相似文献   

凹唇壁蜂的耐寒性及生殖潜力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏永平  袁锋  张雅林 《昆虫知识》2001,38(2):122-124
在滞育期和滞育结束后 (成虫出茧之前 ) ,分别测定凹唇壁蜂越冬成虫的耐寒性 ,结果表明 :滞育期成虫的过冷却点和体液冰点分别为 -2 6 4 8℃和 -2 0 91℃ ,解除滞育后分别为 -1 8 4 0℃和-1 1 78℃。自然条件下 ,凹唇壁蜂在我国北方大部分地区可安全越冬。在筑巢前期 ,对雌蜂的生殖系统解剖观察发现 ,卵巢由 6根卵巢管组成 ,卵母细胞总数平均为 55 9± 4 4 6个 ,卵原区在成虫筑巢期不再产生卵母细胞。  相似文献   

研究了自然条件下土壤含水量和蛹室对甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua Hübner蛹越冬的影响,发现蛹在自然蛹室中能存活30d以上(不超过60d)。处理15d,随着土壤含水量的变化,蛹的存活率分别降至80%、20%和43%。但处理30、60、90和120d时死亡率均达到100%。调查发现,随着处理时间的延长,各土壤含水量中所埋的蛹死亡特征均有一个相同趋势,即发黑、发霉——肿胀——腐烂——残留部分蛹体。不同土壤含水量条件下,蛹的过冷却点、结冰点和蛹体含水量间均存在显著性差异(P≤0.05),尤以在最低的土壤含水量条件下蛹的过冷却点、结冰点和蛹体含水量最低,分别为(-20.2±1.1)℃、(-11.95±2.5)℃和(57.6±7.7)%。在室外变温条件下,结果初步表明蛹室对蛹有一定的保护作用。  相似文献   

Cold tolerance of micro-arthropods from Alaskan taiga   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Mean supercooling points for a variety of soil and litter arthropods including mites, springtails, a heteropteran and immature spiders from a central Alaskan taiga site ranged from -6.3 to -28.5°C during autumn. Variation in supercooling ability of five species of cryptostigmatid mites occurred throughout the year with increased cold tolerance in autumn and early winter concomitant with the temperature pattern of the habitat. No correlation between the level of supercooling and water content of the mites was evident. Changes in the frequency distribution of individual supercooling points occurred in autumn, winter, spring and summer samples which were species specific. All arthropods tested were susceptible to freezing, and the mites utilize supercooling to avoid freezing.  相似文献   

扶桑绵粉蚧的过冷却点和体液结冰点测定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
关鑫  陆永跃  曾玲  王琳 《环境昆虫学报》2009,31(4):381-383,394
本文测定了扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley除卵期以外其它各虫态的过冷却点和结冰点.结果表明,该虫过冷却点以1龄若虫最低,为-24.02℃;雄虫预蛹次之,为-22.13℃;雄虫蛹、雄虫2龄若虫、雌虫3龄若虫、雄成虫、雌虫2龄若虫、雌成虫过冷却点逐渐升高,分别为-21.08℃、-20.25℃、-19.05℃、-18.42℃、-17.91℃、-16.89℃.体液结冰点也以1龄若虫最低,为-23.2℃;雄虫预蛹次之,为-19.09℃;雄虫蛹、雄虫2龄若虫、雌虫3龄若虫、雌虫2龄若虫、雌成虫、雄成虫体液结冰点逐渐升高,分别为-16.64%、-15.81℃、-13.92℃、-13.20℃、-12.85℃、-12.79℃.试验结果表明扶桑绵粉蚧过冷却点低,耐寒性较强,可能适宜在中国北部更广泛的区域生存.  相似文献   

In semi‐aquatic bugs (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha), the strategies of overwintering in a cryothermic state (i.e. at body temperatures below the equilibrium freezing point) remain largely unexplored. The present study provides an analysis of the ecophysiological aspects of overwintering in nine gerromorphan species. All nine species avoid ice formation by means of a more or less extensive supercooling of their body fluids. There is a tight correlation between the supercooling point (SCP) and the lower lethal temperature. Different species use different physiological adjustments to increase the likelihood of survival in a supercooled state. These include stabilization of the supercooled state by active antifreeze factors that cause thermal hysteresis between equilibrium melting and freezing points, the accumulation of low‐molecular weight sugars and polyols with putative cryoprotective functions, or by having a relatively high body fluid osmolality, combined with a low level of hydration. The majority of species under study overwinter only as adults, whereas Velia caprai Tamanini can overwinter either as an adult or in the egg stage. The supercooling capacity of V. caprai adults is insufficient to prevent the risk of lethal freezing. The adults therefore survive only opportunistically in suitable microhabitats, and/or during mild winters. The survival of V. caprai in winter is assured by extensive supercooling and having overwintering eggs that are highly cold tolerant.  相似文献   

Supercooling point studies were used to investigate the factors influencing the cold hardiness of the peach-potato aphid Myzus persicae, a freezing-susceptible insect. Overwintering adults lost cold hardiness as winter progressed, with a variable proportion showing a marked reduction in supercooling ability. Cold hardiness increased in spring so that all individuals demonstrated extensive supercooling ability typical of aphids reared in the laboratory at 20°C with a long photoperiod; these levels of cold hardiness were maintained in the field during summer and early autumn. First instar nymphs demonstrated considerable cold hardiness all year. Surface moisture caused inoculative freezing in some first instar nymphs and adults when supercooled, but the majority were unaffected. In the laboratory, adults starved for 7 days at 5°C showed distinct losses of supercooling potential equivalent to those observed in the field during mid to late winter. No loss of cold hardiness was found in first instar nymphs starved under the same conditions. The results demonstrate that the cold hardiness characteristics of M. persicae are atypical of those observed in other freezing-susceptible insects and it is suggested that continued feeding during mild winter conditions allows maintenance of cold hardiness particularly in adult aphids, and provides a possible explanation for the successful anholocyclic overwintering of M. persicae during such winters.  相似文献   

Overwintering adults of Pyrrhocoris apterus do not tolerate freezing of their body fluids and rely on a supercooling strategy and seasonal accumulation of polyols to survive at subzero body temperatures. We sampled the adults monthly in the field during the cold season 2008-2009 and found active thermal hysteresis factors (THFs) in hemolymph of winter-sampled adults. The hysteresis between the equilibrium melting and freezing points ranged from 0.18°C to 0.30°C. No signs of THFs activity were found in the autumn- and spring-sampled insects. The total free amino acid pool almost doubled during winter time. The sum concentrations of 27 free amino acids ranged between 35 and 40mM in whole body water and 40-45mM in hemolymph during December-February. Two amino acids, Pro and α-Ala most significantly contributed to the seasonal increase, while Gln showed the most dramatic seasonal decrease. Moderate levels of amino acid accumulation in overwintering P. apterus suggest that they are by-products of protein degradation and pentose pathway activity during the state of metabolic suppression imposed by diapause and low body temperature. Potential colligative effects of accumulated amino acids, extending the supercooling capacity of overwintering P. apterus, are negligible. Non-colligative effects require further study.  相似文献   

Cold hardiness adaptations of codling moth, cydia pomonella   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neven LG 《Cryobiology》1999,38(1):43-50
The cold hardiness adaptations of natural and laboratory reared populations of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella, were examined. Hemolymph, gut, and whole body supercooling points (SCPs), 24-h LT50s, polyhydroxy alcohol concentrations, hemolymph freezing points, and hemolymph melting points were determined. Nondiapausing codling moth larvae do not have appreciable levels of ice nucleators in the hemolymph or gut. Whole body supercooling points were higher than hemolymph supercooling points. For nondiapausing larvae, LT50s were significantly higher than both the whole body and the hemolymph supercooling points, indicating the presence of chill sensitivity. As the larvae left the food source and spun a cocoon, both hemolymph and whole body SCPs decreased. Diapause destined larvae had significantly lower hemolymph SCPs than nondiapausing larvae, but whole body SCPs were not significantly different from nondiapausing larvae of the same age. The LT50s of diapause destined and diapausing larvae were significantly lower than that of nondiapausing larvae. Codling moths are freezing intolerant, with LT50s close to the average whole body supercooling point in diapause destined and diapausing larvae. The overwintering, diapausing larvae effectively supercool to avoid lethal freezing by removal of ice nucleators from the gut and body without appreciable increase of antifreeze agents such as polyols or antifreeze proteins.  相似文献   

Adaptations to low temperature in high altitude insects from Mount Kenya   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. 1. The strategies for low temperature survival in insects on Mount Kenya were investigated. The insects were collected from their natural habitats and their supercooling points and low temperature tolerances determined.
2. Most insects showed no special adaptations to low temperature survival and seem to depend on spending the cold nights in protected habitats, such as beneath stones and fallen trunks of plants, as well as within the wet frills of dead leaves of alpine plants, where they are protected by the heat released from freezing water.
3. Some insects, e.g. Collembola, aphids and a curculionid beetle, which live in relatively unprotected habitats, had low supercooling points, allowing them to remain unfrozen when exposed to low night temperatures. A nucleator free diet is apparently essential for the survival of such species.
4. Two species of curculionid beetles were found to withstand freezing down to -7C. These beetles had nucleating agents in their haemolymph and higher supercooling points than most of the other species studied.
5. A moderate freezing tolerance was found in larvae of a midge that lives in the watery liquid between the leaves of Senecio brassica .  相似文献   

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