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The environmental conditions that allow the growth of Barley Mitchell grass, Astrebla pectinata, and the development of the Australian plague locust, Chortoicetes terminifera, are similar. A single fall of more than 20 mm rain and a mean monthly maximum temperature above 23°C ensures sustained growth of Barley Mitchell grass and hatching of eggs of the Australian plague locust. Curly Mitchell grass, Astrebla lappacea, is found in heavier clay soils and requires about 40 mm to respond. Both Mitchell grasses normally remain green for about 2 months after rain which is slightly longer than the duration of locust development to the adult stage. As a result, locusts in Mitchell grass areas can complete their development to migration and laying on a single substantial fall of rain: an adaptation of critical importance in the arid zone where follow-up rain is unlikely. Under similar circumstances, ephemerals like Button grass, Dactyloctenium radulans, are dry in approximately 6 weeks. The locusts are usually at the late nymphal stage by this time and even though Mitchell grass is still quite green, nymphal growth is retarded, resulting in adults which are smaller than normal. These adults are able to accumulate the fat needed for migration by feeding on the dry green Mitchell grasses. In the absence of dry green or green Mitchell grass, the locusts persist locally and die without laying unless there is further rain.  相似文献   

金沙江干热河谷人工植被土壤水环境   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
金沙江干热河谷异常干热的气候特点,普遍存在水分亏缺问题,人工植被土壤水环境问题比其它干旱、半干旱地区更加突出.在干热河谷典型地段——元谋的试验观测表明,现有的乔木林明显表现出“土壤干化”的特点,土壤水分持续长时间亏缺,雨季结束之后的11月份。2m土层内的土壤含水量只有15%(相当于田间持水量的35%)左右,之后持续下降,直到5月份达到最低点(9%左右),几乎接近林木的凋萎湿度(元谋表蚀燥红壤的凋萎湿度为9.O%).由此而导致林木生长缓慢.车桑子(Radonaea wiscosa)灌木林同层土壤含水率相对比乔木林高42.68%,自然草坡的土壤水分明显优于乔木和灌木林,分别比乔木林和灌木林高34.36%和22.22%.这种人工乔木林的“土壤干化”问题在干热河谷地区的植被恢复中还没有引起重视,将极大地制约人工植被的可持续发展.  相似文献   



Physical objects like vegetation can influence oviposition by mosquitoes on soil or water substrates. Anopheles gambiae s. l. is generally thought to utilize puddles over bare soil as its prime larval habitat and to avoid standing water populated with vegetation. In Kisian, Kenya near Kisumu, water often pools in grassy drainage areas both during and after periods of infrequent rains, when typical puddle habitats become scarce because of drying. This raised the question of whether An. gambiae has the behavioural flexibility to switch ovipositional sites when puddles over bare soil are unavailable.


To test whether presence and height of grasses influenced oviposition, wild-caught gravid An. gambiae s. l. were offered paired choices between wet, bare soil and wet soil populated with mixed grasses or grasses of differing height. No-choice tests were also conducted by giving females either grassy soil or bare soil.


In choice tests, females laid four times more eggs on bare, wet soil than soil populated with grasses. However in no-choice tests, egg output was not significantly different whether grasses were present or not. Females laid significantly more eggs on soil populated with short grass than with medium, or tall grass.


This work shows An. gambiae s. l. has the capacity to oviposit into grassy aquatic habitats when typical puddles over bare soil are unavailable. This knowledge will need to be considered in the design and implementation of programmes aimed at reducing malaria transmission by suppression of An. gambiae s. l. immatures.

Here we describe the fine root distribution of trees and grasses relative to soil nitrogen and water profiles. The primary objective is to improve our understanding of edaphic processes influencing the relative abundance of trees and grasses in savanna systems. We do this at both a mesic (737 mm MAP) site on sandy-loam soils and at an arid (547 mm MAP) site on clay rich soils in the Kruger National Park in South Africa. The proportion of tree and grass fine roots at each soil depth were estimated using the δ13C values of fine roots and the δ13C end members of the fine roots of the dominant trees and grasses at our study sites. Changes in soil nitrogen concentrations with depth were indexed using total soil nitrogen concentrations and soil δ15N values. Soil water content was measured at different depths using capacitance probes. We show that most tree and grass roots are located in the upper layers of the soil and that both tree and grass roots are present at the bottom of the profile. We demonstrate that root density is positively related to the distribution of soil nitrogen and negatively related to soil moisture. We attribute the negative correlation with soil moisture to evaporation from the soil surface and uptake by roots. Our data is a snapshot of a dynamic process, here the picture it provides is potentially misleading. To understand whether roots in this system are primarily foraging for water or for nitrogen future studies need to include a dynamic component.  相似文献   

Question: Following the framework of Suding et al. (2003), we examined whether morphological traits (organismal response), tolerance and competitive effect (specific process response) were associated with grass dominance (abundance response) on burning, mowing, fertilization and soil depth gradients in KwaZulu‐Natal (KZN), South Africa. Location: University of KwaZulu‐Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Methods: Using several pot experiments involving 29 grass species in total, we determined the vegetative traits, competitive effect and response, and tolerance to shading for grasses common in closed, tufted mesic grassland in KZN. Results: The primary axis of grass–trait variation was most strongly related to a negative correlation (trade‐off) between growth rate and specific leaf area (SLA), with broad‐leaved, rapidly‐growing grasses (high SLA) occupying one extreme and narrow‐leaved, slow‐growing grasses (low SLA) the other extreme of the first principal component. The low SLA, slow‐growth strategy was found to be a relatively general strategy among grasses dominant in undisturbed, high litter grassland, as well as those adapted to moisture‐stressed habitats. In contrast, grasses dominant in highly productive habitats with some form of disturbance, e.g. mowing, had a broad‐leaved, rapid‐growth strategy. Intermediate combinations of the SLA–growth rate trade‐off were common among grasses dominant under other combinations of disturbance and soil resource availability. Conclusions: Distinct patterns of organismal (SLA, growth rate) and specific process (competitive effect and response, as well as tolerance of shading) responses appeared to be associated with grasses dominant on gradients of burning, mowing, fertilization and soil depth. These organismal and specific process responses were similar to those for North American and European grasses dominant under the same environmental influences, suggesting that some general trait–environment patterns exist at an inter‐continental scale. This general trait–environment relationship appears to be driven by functional adaptive selection along the SLA–environment continuum and its unavoidable trade‐off with growth rate.  相似文献   


Background and aims

The frequency of rain is predicted to change in high latitude areas with more precipitation in heavy, intense events interspersed by longer dry periods. These changes will modify soil drying cycles with unknown consequences for plant performance of temperate species.


We studied plant growth and root traits of juveniles of four grasses and four dicots growing in a greenhouse, when supplying the same total amount of water given either regular every other day or pulsed once a week.


Pulsed water supply replenished soil moisture immediately after watering, but caused substantial drought stress at the end of the watering cycle, whereas regular watering caused more moderate but consistent drought. Grasses had lower water use efficiency in the pulsed watering compared to regular watering, whereas dicots showed no difference. Both grasses and dicots developed thinner roots, thus higher specific root length, and greater root length in the pulsed watering. Growth of dicots was slightly increased under pulsed watering.


Temperate species coped with pulsed water supply by eliciting two responses: i) persistent shoot growth, most likely by maximizing growth at peaks of soil moisture, thus compensating for slower growth during drought periods; ii) plasticity of root traits related to increased resource uptake. Both responses likely account for subtle improvement of growth under changed water supply conditions.  相似文献   

Summary When grassland is grazed by livestock, the structure of the sward changes in a patchy manner. With continuous selective grazing there is a mosaic of short and tall patches but as grazing intensifies the area of short‐grazed patch increases until the paddock has a lawn‐like appearance. This mosaic of patch structures can be stable, as short patches tend to attract repeated grazing and tall patches tend to be avoided. Because heavy grazing can detrimentally affect soil and water functions in grassland (ultimately resulting in erosion), we aimed to assess how well the physical structure of the sward reflects soil surface condition. We described four grassland patch structures that were assumed to reflect different levels of present grazing, and to some extent, past grazing pressure. We assessed patch structure and two other grass‐related variables (basal area of a ‘large tussock’ functional group and basal area of all perennial grass) as possible indicators of soil surface condition. Three indices of condition were measured in the field. The infiltration and nutrient cycling index declined progressively across patch structures, consistent with increasing grazing pressure. The stability index was found to be reduced only for the most heavily grazed grass structure (short patches). We found the ‘large tussock’ grass functional group to be a more sensitive indicator of soil surface condition than the group consisting of all perennial grasses. We found no evidence of sudden soil surface condition decline beyond a certain level of grass basal area, that is, there was no evidence of thresholds, rather, incremental loss of condition accompanied grass decline. We are thus not able to further refine an earlier proposed management recommendation ‘Graze conservatively to maintain dominance of large and medium tussock grasses over 60–70% of the native pastures’, except to suggest the use of short patches as a more practical indicator, rephrasing the recommendation as ‘Graze conservatively to allow a maximum of 30% short‐grazed patches in native pastures’.  相似文献   

Question: Can satellite time series be used to identify tree and grass green‐up dates in a semi‐arid savanna system, and are there predictable environmental cues for green‐up for each life form? Location: Acacia nigrescens /Combretum apiculatum savanna, Kruger National Park, South Africa (25° S, 31° E). Methods: Remotely‐sensed data from the MODIS sensor were used to provide a five year record of greenness (NDVI) between 2000 and 2005. The seasonal and inter‐annual patterns of leaf display of trees and grasses were described, using additional ecological information to separate the greening signal of each life form from the satellite time series. Linking this data to daily meteorological and soil moisture data allowed the cues responsible for leaf flush in trees and grasses to be identified and a predictive model of savanna leaf‐out was developed. This was tested on a 22‐year NDVI dataset from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer. A day length cue for tree green‐up predicted 86% of the green‐ups with an accuracy better than one month. A soil moisture and day length cue for grass green‐up predicted 73% of the green‐ups with an accuracy better than a month, and 82% within 45 days. This accuracy could be improved if the temporal resolution of the satellite data was shortened from the current two weeks. Conclusions: The data show that at a landscape scale savanna trees have a less variable phenological cycle (within and between years) than grasses. Realistic biophysical models of savanna systems need to take this into account. Using climatic data to predict these dynamics is a feasible approach.  相似文献   

Short-season fallow with legumes and/or grasses can restore the soil organic C and nitrogen (N) and improve soil structure. In this study, we accessed the effects of 2-season legume and grass fallow on structural properties and C/N relationships in aggregates of a sandy loam soil. Two legumes (Calopogonium mucunoides and Centrosema pubescens), and two grasses (Guinea grass (Panicum maximum) and goose grass (Eleusine indica) were used. Results showed that Calopogonium and Centrosema increased soil total porosity and reduced soil bulk densities, while goose grass increased bulk density and reduced total porosity of the soils at 0–15 and 15–30?cm depths. Guinea grass significantly increased the saturated hydraulic conductivity (50.4?cm?h?1) and water holding capacity of the soils. Aggregates, 4.75 to 0.5?mm were greater in Guinea grass and least in goose grass fallowed soils. Calopogonium increased macro-aggregates at 0–15?cm soils by 48%, and mean weight diameter (MWD) by 44%. Organic carbon in 0.5–0.25?mm and <0.25?mm aggregate sizes was higher in Guinea grass soils. Generally, grasses had 4-fold increases of C:N contents in dry aggregates. In conclusion, short-season fallow with Guinea grass, Calopogonium and Centrosema, increased soil C and N and protected them from losses in stable aggregates.  相似文献   

Invasive non‐native species can create especially problematic restoration barriers in subtropical and tropical dry forests. Native dry forests in Hawaii presently cover less than 10% of their original area. Many sites that historically supported dry forest are now completely dominated by non‐native species, particularly grasses. Within a grass‐dominated site in leeward Hawaii, we explored the mechanisms by which non‐native Pennisetum setaceum, African fountain grass, limits seedlings of native species. We planted 1,800 seedlings of five native trees, three native shrubs, and two native vines into a factorial field experiment to examine the effects of grass removal (bulldozed vs. clipped plus herbicide vs. control), shade (60% shade vs. full sun), and water (supplemental vs. ambient) on seedling survival, growth, and physiology. Both grass removal and shade independently increased survival and growth, as well as soil moisture. Seedling survival and relative growth rate were also significantly dependent on soil moisture. These results suggest that altering soil moisture may be one of the primary mechanisms by which grasses limit native seedlings. Grass removal increased foliar nitrogen content of seedlings, which resulted in an increase in leaf‐level photosynthesis and intrinsic water use efficiency. Thus in the absence of grasses, native species showed increased productivity and resource acquisition. We conclude that the combination of grass removal and shading may be an effective approach to the restoration of degraded tropical dry forests in Hawaii and other ecologically similar ecosystems.  相似文献   

Aims Australian alpine ecosystems currently experience high precipitation in the snow-free season, but they are predicted to experience drier conditions under climate change. We observed high mortality of the dominant alpine grasses following drought in 2007. Our aims were as follows: to test the involvement of plant-available water (PAW) and other environmental variables in grass mortality in the field; to detect possible species differences in drought response and to link soil moisture to precipitation using soil properties and climate data. Methods The dominant tussock grasses of the Australian alpine zone, Poa hothamensis var. hothamensis N.G. Walsh, P oa hiemata Vickery and P oa phillipsiana Vickery (Poaceae), all exhibited mortality following drought in the Bogong High Plains, Victoria, Australia in 2007. PAW was calculated using soil water potential measurements, and past drought occurrence was modelled using climate data. We then tested the effects of PAW and soil depth on grass survival both at a large spatial scale spanning the elevational range of the alpine zone and at a smaller scale. Poa hothamensis and P. phillipsiana were compared in a common-garden experiment to test drought tolerance.Important findings Poa hothamensis survival was predicted by dry-season PAW at the small spatial scale; at the large scale, soil depth and elevation were more important predictors of P. hothamensis survival, but dry-season PAW predicted P. hiemata survival. Common-garden experiments supported field observations that P. hothamensis is more drought-sensitive than is P. phillipsiana. We also present a simple polynomial relationship between rainfall and field soil moisture, which predicts that the alpine soils dry below wilting point several times a year. We suggest the timing of long rain-free periods may be more important than their duration.  相似文献   

Climate change predictions include warming and drying trends, which are expected to be particularly pronounced in the southwestern United States. In this region, grassland dynamics are tightly linked to available moisture, yet it has proven difficult to resolve what aspects of climate drive vegetation change. In part, this is because it is unclear how heterogeneity in soils affects plant responses to climate. Here, we combine climate and soil properties with a mechanistic soil water model to explain temporal fluctuations in perennial grass cover, quantify where and the degree to which incorporating soil water dynamics enhances our ability to understand temporal patterns, and explore the potential consequences of climate change by assessing future trajectories of important climate and soil water variables. Our analyses focused on long‐term (20–56 years) perennial grass dynamics across the Colorado Plateau, Sonoran, and Chihuahuan Desert regions. Our results suggest that climate variability has negative effects on grass cover, and that precipitation subsidies that extend growing seasons are beneficial. Soil water metrics, including the number of dry days and availability of water from deeper (>30 cm) soil layers, explained additional grass cover variability. While individual climate variables were ranked as more important in explaining grass cover, collectively soil water accounted for 40–60% of the total explained variance. Soil water conditions were more useful for understanding the responses of C3 than C4 grass species. Projections of water balance variables under climate change indicate that conditions that currently support perennial grasses will be less common in the future, and these altered conditions will be more pronounced in the Chihuahuan Desert and Colorado Plateau. We conclude that incorporating multiple aspects of climate and accounting for soil variability can improve our ability to understand patterns, identify areas of vulnerability, and predict the future of desert grasslands.  相似文献   

Precipitation regimes are predicted to become more variable with more extreme rainfall events punctuated by longer intervening dry periods. Water‐limited ecosystems are likely to be highly responsive to altered precipitation regimes. The bucket model predicts that increased precipitation variability will reduce soil moisture stress and increase primary productivity and soil respiration in aridland ecosystems. To test this hypothesis, we experimentally altered the size and frequency of precipitation events during the summer monsoon (July through September) in 2007 and 2008 in a northern Chihuahuan Desert grassland in central New Mexico, USA. Treatments included (1) ambient rain, (2) ambient rain plus one 20 mm rain event each month, and (3) ambient rain plus four 5 mm rain events each month. Throughout two monsoon seasons, we measured soil temperature, soil moisture content (θ), soil respiration (Rs), along with leaf‐level photosynthesis (Anet), predawn leaf water potential (Ψpd), and seasonal aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) of the dominant C4 grass, Bouteloua eriopoda. Treatment plots receiving a single large rainfall event each month maintained significantly higher seasonal soil θ which corresponded with a significant increase in Rs and ANPP of B. eriopoda when compared with plots receiving multiple small events. Because the strength of these patterns differed between years, we propose a modification of the bucket model in which both the mean and variance of soil water change as a consequence of interannual variability from 1 year to the next. Our results demonstrate that aridland ecosystems are highly sensitive to increased precipitation variability, and that more extreme precipitation events will likely have a positive impact on some aridland ecosystem processes important for the carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Grasslands dominated by exotic annual grasses have replaced native perennial vegetation types in vast areas of California. Prescribed spring fires can cause a temporary replacement of exotic annual grasses by native and non‐native forbs, but generally do not lead to recovery of native perennials, especially where these have been entirely displaced for many years. Successful reintroduction of perennial species after fire depends on establishment in the postfire environment. We studied the effects of vegetation changes after an April fire on competition for soil moisture, a key factor in exotic annual grass dominance. As an alternative to fire, solarization effectively kills seeds of most plant species but with a high labor investment per area. We compared the burn to solarization in a study of establishment and growth of seeds and transplants of the native perennial grass Purple needlegrass (Nassella pulchra) and coastal sage species California sagebrush (Artemisia californica). After the fire, initial seed bank and seedling densities and regular percent cover and soil moisture (0–20 cm) data were collected in burned and unburned areas. Burned areas had 96% fewer viable seeds of the dominant annual grass, Ripgut brome (Bromus diandrus), leading to replacement by forbs from the seed bank, especially non‐native Black mustard (Brassica nigra). In the early growing season, B. diandrus dominating unburned areas consistently depleted soil moisture to a greater extent between rains than forbs in burned areas. However, B. diandrus senesced early, leaving more moisture available in unburned areas after late‐season rains. Nassella pulchra and A. californica established better on plots treated with fire and/or solarization than on untreated plots. We conclude that both spring burns and solarization can produce conditions where native perennials can establish in annual grasslands. However, the relative contribution of these treatments to restoration appears to depend on the native species being reintroduced, and the long‐term success of these initial restoration experiments remains to be determined.  相似文献   

This research was conducted in the northern Australian savannah at Boodjamulla National Park where cyanobacterial crusts dominate the soil and rock surfaces in between tussock grasses. It is widely accepted that terrestrial cyanobacteria are drought tolerant and rapidly recommence photosynthesis once moisture is available. Initial tests at the research site indicated that cyanobacteria did not respond to rehydration during the dry season, even after several days. We hypothesised that resurrection had not taken place and new growth from survival cells had to take place during the follow-up wet season. To further understand the desiccation–resurrection processes we tested photosystem II (PSII) responses both during the dry and wet seasons. In the 2009 dry season after 125 days without rain, crust samples were regularly rehydrated. Over the 10 day trial cyanobacteria did not recover PSII activity or CO2-uptake. Although new colonies of Nostoc grew other cyanobacteria remained inactive, even though liverworts and lichens in the same crusts had responded within 24 h. Dry season cyanobacterial crusts were collected in 2010 then reintroduced into their natural environment and exposed to rainfall during the 2011 wet season. Within 24 h PSII in cyanobacteria from a range of crust types had resurrected and CO2-uptake was verified, although different crust types responded at significantly different rates. These are the first studies that have demonstrated that PSII does not respond to rainfall during the dry season and cyanobacterial function appears controlled by other environmental conditions. It is likely that mass extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) production during the wet season, once dry, protects cyanobacteria from premature resurrection in the dry season. We propose that EPS regulates moisture penetration, thus the resurrection of PSII at the onset of the wet season, at which time moisture and humidity alters the rheological properties of EPS permitting rehydration.  相似文献   

Abstract Seasonal changes of weather and fuels in the wet-dry tropics are dramatic; fires follow suit. In this paper, we examine quantitatively rainfall, evaporation, wind, temperature and humidity information, and indices derived from them, for Kapalga Research Station and nearby Jabiru in World Heritage Kakadu National Park, Northern Australia. At Kapalga, the average annual rainfall of about 1200mm mostly falls during a 6 month wet season. Grasses, green in the wet, begin to desiccate during the early dry season. Perennial grasses cure more slowly than the annuals, and grasses in drainages cure later than those on ridges. Fire weather is usually most severe in September-October (late dry season) and least severe in January-February (late wet season). As the dry season progresses to its peak, daily wind patterns change, daily maximum temperatures increase to an average of 36°C, dew points drop to a minimum, and soil moisture is severely depleted. In the early dry season (cf. later), fires have a greater tendency to go out at night compared with later perhaps because winds then are calmer, fuels are more discontinuous, and relights from burning logs are less likely to occur. Fire weather in the north of Australia appears less severe than that in the southeast of the continent where socially disastrous fires occur periodically.  相似文献   

Interference at the level of fine roots in the field was studied by detailed examination of fine root distribution in small soil patches. To capture roots as they occur in natural three-dimensional soil space, we used a freezing and slicing technique for microscale root mapping. The location of individual roots intersecting a sliced soil core surface was digitized and the identity of shrub and grass roots was established by a chemical technique. Soil patches were created midway between the shrub, Artemisia tridentata, and one of two tussock grasses, Pseudoroegneria spicata or Agropyron desertorum. Some soil patches were enriched with nutrients and others given only deionized water (control); in addition, patches were located between plants of different size combination (large shrubs with small tussock grasses and small shrubs with large tussock grasses). The abundance of shrub and grass roots sharing soil patches and the inter-root distances of individual fine roots were measured. Total average rooting density in patches varied among these different treatment combinations by only a factor of 2, but the proportion of shrub and grass roots in the patches varied sixfold. For the shrub, the species of grass roots sharing the patches had a pronounced influence on shrub root density; shrub roots were more abundant if the patch was shared with Pseudoroegneria roots than if shared with Agropyron roots. The relative size of plants whose roots shared the soil patches also influenced the proportion of shrub and grass roots; larger plants were able to place more roots in the patches than were the smaller plants. In the nutrient-enriched patches, these influences of grass species and size combination were amplified. At the millimeter- to centimeter-scale within patches, shrub and grass roots tended to segregate, i.e., avoid each other, based on nearest-neighbor distances. At this scale, there was no indication that the species-specific interactions were the result of resource competition, since there were no obvious patterns between the proportion of shrub and grass roots of the two species combinations with microsite nutrient concentrations. Other potential mechanisms are discussed. Interference at the fine-root level, and its species-specific character, is likely an influential component of competitive success, but one that is not easily assessed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Non-native perennial grasses form 30% of the live understory biomass in seasonally dry, submontane forests in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, yet their effects on native species are unknown. We removed these grasses from plots of 20 m × 20 m in 1991 and maintained removal and control areas over the next three years. Two fast growing shrub species, Dodonaea viscosa and Osteomeles anthylidifolia, increased in size significantly more in removal areas than in controls. Individuals of the most abundant shrub species, Styphelia tameiameia showed no net growth response to grass removal. They did, however, change their architecture: many branches along the mid and upper sections of the main trunk died and a proliferation of new leaves and shoots occurred in the lower 40 cm of trunk. Basal diameter increase was very small in Metrosideros polymorpha, the dominant tree species in these sites. All species except Styphelia had significantly increased leaf tissue nitrogen in removal plots by 18 months after removal when compared to shrubs in control areas suggesting that removal plot shrubs had greater access to soil nitrogen. Available soil-N pools, which were generally higher in the removal plots, support this interpretation. Light levels near the soil surface were also higher where grasses were removed than where they were present which may have contributed to increased shrub growth. By contrast, soil moisture was consistently lower where grasses were removed than where they were still present. Shrub tissue carbon isotope values were consistent with the interpretation that shrubs in removal plots had less rather than more water available to them. Hence, the increased growth observed in removal plot shrubs could not be due to release from moisture competition. Lastly, our results showed that seedlings of all woody species except Metrosideros were significantly more abundant in removal plots at both one and three years after removal and initially high sapling mortality was balanced by high recruitment into the sapling class. We believe that over time this will result in increased densities of native shrubs if grasses are kept out. With the presence of grasses, shrub growth in these woodlands is reduced and biomass is shifting towards grasses.  相似文献   

It was assumed in the study that heavy metals occurring in soils and the air accumulate in grasses constituting the main species used in the turfing of soil in road verges and embankments along traffic routes and in other parts of urbanized areas. The aim of the present study was to assess the bioaccumulation of Cu, Pb, and Zn in three selected lawn cultivars of five grass species and in the soil of the roadside green belt in terms of soil properties and heavy metal uptake by plants in the aspect of determining their usefulness in protecting the soils from contamination caused by motor vehicle traffic. Samples of the plant material and soil were collected for chemical analysis in the autumn of 2018 (October) on the embankment along National Road No. 17 between Piaski and ?opiennik (Poland), where 15 lawn cultivars of five grass species had been sown 2 years earlier. During the study, Cu, Pb, and Zn levels were determined in the aboveground biomass of the grasses under study and in the soil beneath these grasses (the 0–20 cm layer). All the grass species under study can thus be regarded as accumulators of Cu and Zn because the levels of these elements in the aboveground biomass of the grasses were higher than in the soil beneath these grasses. The present study demonstrates that the grasses can accumulate a large amount of Cu and Zn from soils and transfer it to the aboveground biomass. Tested species of grasses are not a higher bioaccumulators for Pb. The best grass species for the sowing of roadsides embankment, with the highest BCF values for the studied metals, is Lolium perenne (Taya variety).  相似文献   

X. Le Roux  T. Bariac  A. Mariotti 《Oecologia》1995,104(2):147-155
Most savanna water balance models assume water partitioning between grasses and shrubs in a two-layer hypothesis, but this hypothesis has not been tested for humid savanna environments. Spatial partitioning of soil water between grasses and shrubs was investigated in a West African humid savanna by comparing the isotopic composition (oxygen-18 and deuterium) of soil water and plant stem water during rainy and dry conditions. Both grass and shrub species acquire most of their water from the top soil layer during both rainy and dry periods. A shift of water uptake pattern towards deeper horizons was observed only at the end of the dry season after shrub defoliation. The mean depth of water uptake, as determined by the isotopic signature of stem water, was consistent with grass and shrub root profiles and with changes in soil water content profiles as surveyed by a neutron probe. This provides evidence for potentially strong competition between shrubs and grasses for soil water in these humid savannas. Limited nutrient availability may explain these competitive interactions. These results enhance our understanding of shrub-grass interactions, and will contribute to models of ecosystem functioning in humid savannas.  相似文献   

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