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The feral Cat (Felis catus) population on Macquarie Island was targeted for eradication between 1996 and 2002, with 761 cats captured during this period. After 22 years of cat control from 1974 integrated with control programmes for other pests, effort intensified for 2 years before a dedicated eradication programme began in 1998. The primary knock‐down for the eradication used cage trapping and shooting, with most surviving cats captured with leg‐hold traps. A total of 6298 field days and 216 574 trap nights were recorded in this operation. Factors contributing to the success of the programme included extensive planning, increased staff numbers at critical times, better access to remote areas of the island, introduction of leg‐hold traps, sufficient operational funding and good collaboration between government agencies operating on the island. The programme would have benefited from earlier deployment of detector dogs and better posteradication monitoring of a broader range of native species impacted by cats. The successful eradication of cats from Macquarie Island, being the second largest achieved to date, provides valuable experience for cat eradication attempts on other large remote islands. This programme relied on ground‐based techniques with minimal use of poisons and provides possible options for sites where broad‐scale poisoning, or where aerial distribution of poisons, cannot be used.  相似文献   

We studied the diet of feral cats (Felis catus) on New Island, Falkland Islands, through the analysis of 373 scats collected during the austral summers of 2004/2005 and 2005/2006. The most frequent prey were three introduced mammals (house mice Mus musculus, ship rats Rattus rattus and rabbits Sylvilagus sp.) and the thin-billed prion Pachyptila belcheri (each season present on ca. 21% of the analysed scats). These represent the first systematic data on feral cat diet for the Falklands. A simple bioenergetics model suggests that cats could be eating in the region of 1,500–11,000 prions per season, representing <1% of the local adult and subadult population. Predation on other seabirds nesting on New Island (several penguin species, albatrosses and cormorants) was unimportant, with the possible exception of white-chinned petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis, which nest locally in very small numbers. For each prion eaten, cats were estimated to have killed 1.1–1.9 ship rats during the summer season, and probably more in autumn and winter. Knowing that ship rats are prion predators, it is conceivable that, on the whole, cats are having a positive impact on the prion population, a scenario predicted by general theoretical models. Thus, considering the available information, we would not recommend the implementation of any eradication programme on New Island that would target cats in isolation. Nevertheless, it would be prudent to consider some local action targeting cats and rats around the small New Island white-chinned petrel colony.  相似文献   

It is usually uncertain when to declare success and stop control in pest eradication operations that rely on successive reductions of the population. We used the data collected during a project to eradicate feral cats from San Nicolas Island, California to estimate both the number of cats remaining towards the end of the project, and the amount and type of surveillance effort required to declare successful eradication after the last known cat was removed. Fifty seven cats were removed between June 2009 and April 2010 and our model estimated that there was a 95% chance that a further 1 to 4 cats remained, with 1 cat being the most likely number. After this time a further two cats were detected and removed and the model predicted this outcome with a probability of 0.25. If managers wished to confirm eradication success at this point, we estimated that 55 km of effort searching for recent evidence of cats over the whole island without detecting any would provide 99% certainty that no cats remained (stopping rule 1). Alternatively, the optimal amount of search effort for evidence that minimized the joint cost of searching and the cost of wrongly declaring eradication was 75 km (stopping rule 2). The equivalent amount of camera-nights (26 cameras were available) required to declare successful eradication were 416 (stopping rule 1) and 1196 camera nights (stopping rule 2). During the confirmation phase, 270 km of sign search effort and 3294 camera-nights surveillance were used from late June 2010, when the last cat was removed, through August 2010, without detecting signs of survivors. Managers can be very confident that eradication has been successful.  相似文献   

Subantarctic tall tussock grassland and megaherb vegetation has been massively affected by feral herbivores on islands where both occur. The effects of rabbits in this vegetation on Macquarie Island were monitored using 66 permanent quadrats and numerous photo-points on the steep coastal slopes of the island from 1980 to 2007. Vegetation change after landslips was also monitored. At the start of this period rabbit numbers plummeted due to the introduction of myxoma virus, but then increased from the late 1990s. Over the years of reduced rabbit numbers, some recovery of tall tussock grassland took place. With the resurgence in rabbit numbers, successional patterns converged towards a uniform pattern of degraded vegetation with more bare ground. The patterns of vegetation change indicate that recovery of the vegetation, after eradication of rabbits, rats and mice, is likely to be rapid where degradation is recent and where seed sources are in close proximity. The exotic plant species currently on the island are unlikely to present a problem.  相似文献   

This paper reviews successful and, briefly, unsuccessful viral biocontrol programs for invasive vertebrate pests to provide lessons for future programs, especially the potential use of cyprinid herpesvirus-3 to control carp in Australia. There have only been three major programs where viral pathogens have been used successfully against invasive vertebrate pests. Myxoma and rabbit hemorrhagic disease viruses were used to control rabbits in Australia, and feline panleukopenia virus helped eliminate cats from sub-Antarctic Marion Island. These programs have shown us that successful viral biocontrol programs for invasive species must include: a thorough understanding of the biology of the target species, and of the viral epidemiology; an integrated pest management program involving both the virus and other control methods; and, a post-release assessment of the ecological benefits of the program. The most important practical lessons identified in this review are: the greatest impact of viruses as biocontrol agents is in the first years following release; unsuspected cross-reactive viruses may confer protection on the target species; and, there may be age- or temperature-related resistance to the virus in the target species.  相似文献   

Climate change and alien species have affected the vegetation of subantarctic islands. Long-term monitoring of vegetation change on the steep coastal slopes of subantarctic Macquarie Island has allowed responses of plant species to various disturbance regimes to be well documented, although, until recently, the confounding effect of feral herbivore disturbance obscured any responses that might be attributed to climate change. The uncoupling of climate change from variation in feral rabbit numbers allowed us to test whether any plant species were increasing or decreasing on the coastal slopes of the island between 1980 and 2009, independent of rabbit grazing pressure. We used analysis of variance to test for differences in species cover classes between four measurement times on each of 101 quadrats in each of 1980/1981, 1995, 2003 and 2009. We had 54 quadrats on landslips and 47 elsewhere. Approximately two-thirds of the species with significant temporal change exhibited changes that could be expected from variation in rabbit grazing pressure. However, approximately one-third of the species increased in cover irrespective of grazing pressure. On landslips, variation in the cover of these increaser species was largely related to time in a linear mixed model, whereas elsewhere altitude and time were both important. The increase in both atmospheric dryness and episodic soil water-logging that has been described for the island since 1980 may best explain the increaser species.  相似文献   

Accurate, long-term population estimates of invasive vertebrate pests are a key element of ecosystem management. Not only can they clarify the role of invasive species in changing ecosystem dynamics, they are also necessary to evaluate and assess management actions. Rabbits were first introduced to sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island in the 1870s, and since the 1960s have been targeted and influenced by a range of management programs. Here, for the first time, we model population trends of rabbits on Macquarie Island from the beginning of these management actions to the end of a recent, successful eradication attempt. We show that over a 38-year time frame, the population has undergone substantial fluctuations, peaking at over 350,000 individuals (27 indiv ha?1) in the late 1970s, before declining to less than 30,000 individuals (2–3 indiv ha?1) through the 1980s and early 1990s. From the late 1990s to 2005, the population increased relatively rapidly, this time peaking at approximately 221,000 individuals. After the commencement of eradication operations in 2010, the population dropped sharply, decreasing from 135,707 ± 25,995 to effectively zero in just over 12 months. This research contributes to our understanding of the complex population dynamics of sub-Antarctic invasive species and highlights the importance of monitoring in planning, understanding and assessing management actions. The development of models described here allowed population trends to be identified on Macquarie Island, despite ‘noise’ in the data from seasonality or sporadic observations. In consequence, the impacts of both long- and short-term management actions could be quantified. These techniques are applicable to other locations and species where long-term census data exist.  相似文献   

During a comprehensive survey in 1999, 2000 and 2001, we investigated the number of breeding yellow-eyed penguin pairs on Stewart Island, where cats are present, and on adjacent cat-free islands. We found 79 pairs of yellow-eyed penguin breeding in 19 discrete locations on Stewart Island (4.2 pairs per location), and 99 pairs breeding in 10 discrete locations on all cat-free islands (9.9 pairs per location). Large-scale humaninduced habitat modifications have not occurred on Stewart Island, nor on any of its adjacent offshore islands. While the extensive coastline of Stewart Island (673 km) offers potentially large areas of breeding habitat for penguins, the highest number of breeding pairs were found on the smaller, predator-free Codfish Island (25 km coastline), where a total of 61 breeding pairs were recorded. On Stewart Island, where mustelids do not occur, only feral cats can pose a serious threat to penguin offspring. Results from this study suggest that feral cats may prey on yellow-eyed penguins on Stewart Island. Further work is necessary to investigate whether the observed low numbers of yellow-eyed penguins on Stewart Island are caused by feral cat predation. If so, it may be possible to develop appropriate measures to protect this penguin species from a population decline.  相似文献   

Introduced rabbits have severely impacted the terrestrial ecosystem of sub‐Antarctic Macquarie Island. Here we describe first observations of rapid recovery of an important plant species following the commencement of a vertebrate pest eradication plan. The tussock grass Poa foliosa, a major component of the Macquarie Island landscape, has been severely impacted by rabbit grazing with large‐scale reductions in cover across the island observed at times over the last 50 years. Preliminary aerial baiting for rabbits and rodents commenced in winter 2010, and within 6 months, we observed substantial regrowth of tussock grass. The rapid re‐emergence of this grass over such a short time period following localised removal of rabbits has positive implications for the island’s recovery and provides insight for restoration monitoring.  相似文献   

As evidence mounts that the feral Cat (Felis catus) is a significant threat to endemic Australian biodiversity and impedes reintroduction attempts, uncertainty remains about the impact a residual population of cats following control will have on a mammal reintroduction programme. Also, behavioural interactions between cats and their prey continue to be an area of interest. Within the framework of an ecosystem restoration project, we tested the hypotheses that successful reintroductions of some medium‐sized mammals are possible in locations where feral cats are controlled (but not eradicated) in the absence of European Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes), and that hare‐wallabies that dispersed from their release area are more vulnerable to cat predation compared with those that remain at the release site. We used radiotelemetry to monitor the survivorship and dispersal of 16 Rufous Hare‐wallabies (Lagorchestes hirsutus spp.) and 18 Banded Hare‐wallabies (Lagostrophus fasciatus fasciatus) reintroduced to four sites within Shark Bay, Western Australia. Nearly all foxes were removed and feral cats were subject to ongoing control that kept their indices low relative to prerelease levels. All monitored hare‐wallabies were killed by cats within eight and 10 months following release. Significant predation by feral cats was not immediate: most kills occurred in clusters, with periods of several months where no mortalities occurred. Once a hare‐wallaby was killed, however, predation continued until each population was eliminated. Animals remaining near their release site survived longer than those that dispersed. The aetiology of predation events observed offers new insights into patterns of feral cat behaviour and mammal releases. We propose a hypothesis that these intense per capita predation events may reflect a targeted hunting behaviour in individual feral cats. Even where feral cats are controlled, the outcome from consistent predation events will result in reintroduction failures. Managers considering the reintroduction of medium‐sized mammals in the presence of feral cats should, irrespective of concurrent cat control, consider the low probability of success. We advocate alternative approaches to cat‐baiting alone for the recovery of cat‐vulnerable mammals such as hare‐wallabies.  相似文献   

Predation by feral cats (Felis catus) has caused the extinction of many native species in Australia and globally. There is growing evidence that the impacts of feral cats can be amplified in post-fire environments, as cats are drawn to hunt in or around recently burnt areas and are also more effective hunters in open habitats. In 2018–2019, we established arrays of camera traps to estimate the abundance of feral cats on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Much of the island (including five of our seven survey sites) was subsequently burnt in a severe wildfire (December 2019–February 2020). We re-sampled the sites 3–8 months post-fire (seven sites) and 11–12 months post-fire (three sites). At two unburnt sites sampled post-fire, it was possible to produce density estimates of cats using a spatially explicit capture–recapture approach. Where estimating density was not possible (due to low detections or individual cats not being distinguishable), the number of individuals and percentage of trap nights with detections was compared between the sampling periods. Some low-level cat control occurred within 2 km of three of the seven arrays (all within the burn scar) within 3 months of the fire. Across the five burnt sites, there was a decline in cat detections post-fire (including those without post-fire cat control). At 3–8 months post-fire, there was, on average, a 57% reduction in the number of individual cats, and a 65% reduction in the number of nights with cat detections, relative to pre-fire levels. Although cat detections declined following the fire, reduced population sizes of prey species and reduced cover as a result of the fire might still mean that cat predation is a threat to some surviving prey species. Management that reduces feral cat predation pressure on wildlife following wildfire should enhance the likelihood of post-fire wildlife persistence and recovery.  相似文献   

Lloyd et al. (2009) question the methods, concepts and conclusions of Fisher et al. (2008) . We address these assertions, and place our work into a broader context. We demonstrate the veracity of Fisher et al. , and further show that lack of data for intermediate-scale tree mortality disturbance events for old-growth tropical forests might prevent robust extrapolation of forest plot biomass accumulation data, and accurate estimates of distribution parameters such as power-law exponents ( α ).  相似文献   

The population of Sooty Terns Onychoprion fuscata breeding on Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean was monitored over 17 years (1990–2007). This period spanned the programme of feral Domestic Cat Felis silvestris catus eradication from the island, which commenced in 2001 with the last Cat recorded in 2004. We report on the abundance of Sooty Terns and Black Rats Rattus rattus before and after Cat eradication. The Sooty Tern breeding population in the 1990s averaged 368 000 and Cats were killing Terns at an average rate of 33 adults per night. Following Cat eradication, adult Terns are no longer predated. However, egg predation by both Rats and Common Mynas Acridotheres tristis has continued with Mynas destroying more eggs than Rats. Unexpectedly, we observed a change in Rat predatory behaviour. Following Cat eradication, Rats have become a major predator of Sooty Tern chicks. Despite this change, the Tern population has shown a season-on-season increase since Cat eradication, 48.8% in 2005, 8.2% in 2006 and 6.1% in 2007, and the breeding population increased to 420 000 birds in 2007. Incubation success improved from 66.0 to 84.4% during Cat eradication, before dropping down again to 67.9% after Cats were eradicated and Rat control measures were introduced. Index traplines were set for Rats and Rat numbers fluctuated widely immediately after Cats were eradicated but there were no significant differences that could be attributed to changes in Cat numbers. Ascension Island Sooty Terns breed every 9.6 months and juveniles defer breeding for seven seasons. Hence 2008 is the first year in which an increase in the breeding Sooty Tern population directly attributable to Cat eradication is likely to be detected. We conclude that long-term monitoring is essential to guide conservation practice even in this relatively simple predator–prey system.  相似文献   

Small burrowing petrels nesting on islands rarely survive introductions of mammalian predators. On New Island, a population of around two million pairs of thin-billed prions nests despite the presence of introduced ship rats, house mice and feral cats. Understanding the mechanisms of such coexistence is important, as it is important to establish a baseline for future monitoring. To do this, prion breeding success was determined for 7 years and in several habitats. Breeding success was high, except for the small fraction of the population that nests in tussock Poa flabellata stands, where several lines of evidence suggest significant predation by rats. Such high breeding success possibly resulted from predator swamping in this highly seasonal environment. This study suggests that introduced mammals do not currently depress thin-billed prion breeding success on New Island. However, cats and rodents might have future harmful effects if external factors depressed the prion population or allow a significant population growth of predators on New Island.  相似文献   

The Yelkouan shearwater, Puffinus yelkouan, is an endangered Mediterranean endemic species of burrowing petrel threatened by feral cats. The life-history parameters of a small population of Yelkouan shearwaters on the Mediterranean island, Port-Cros, were studied in conjunction with the diet of feral cats, to examine the birds’ vulnerability to introduced cats. Yelkouan shearwaters were the birds most frequently found in cat scats, with 431 ± 72 birds killed per year, and predation highest during the pre-laying period. A demographic model was created using data for P. yelkouan and for closely related shearwater species. Without cat predation, only two of four survival rate scenarios led to a mean growth rate (λ) ≥ 1. The model was constrained to have a stable population growth rate and used to predict predation scenarios compatible with the observed population stability, because the population under study has remained stable at around 180 pairs for at least 20 years despite feral cat predation. The results of assuming that the population is closed were inconsistent with the estimated mortalities due to feral cats, while it was possible to reconcile the observed numbers of breeding pairs with the observed mortalities due to cats by assuming that Port-Cros Island is a sink sustained by immigration. This illustrates that small colonies may need to be sustained by larger ones to avoid being driven to extinction. Unfortunately, the absence of a large geographic-scale ringing program makes the precise identification of the origin of the immigrants impossible in this case.  相似文献   

Wild rabbit populations from several parts of south-eastern Australia and from Tasmania and Macquarie Island were tested for the As1, As2, As3 ( a locus) and the As4, As5, As6, As9 ( b locus) allotypic IgG markers. All markers except As6 were present in the Australian mainland and Tasmanian populations, and there appeared to be a significant increase in As 1 frequency with decreasing rainfall. On the other hand the Macquarie Island samples were virtually all homozygous As1 at the a locus and lacked As6 and As9 at the b locus.
These results are discussed against the background of the known history of the introduction of the rabbit into the areas studied. It was felt that 'founder effect' could account for the observed distribution on Macquarie Island. However, the As 1 cline in Australia warrants further study, particularly in relation to possible selective effects.  相似文献   

Habitat use by feral cats and dingoes was examined within a heterogeneous semi‐arid woodland site in central Australia over 2 years. Density estimates of feral cats based on tracks were higher in mulga habitat than in open habitat. Isodar analysis implied that this pattern of habitat use by feral cats was consistent with the consumer‐resource model of density‐dependent habitat selection, which is an ideal free solution. The reason why mulga supported higher densities of feral cats was unclear. Foraging success of feral cats may be higher in the mulga because the stalk and ambush hunting tactics typically employed by felids are well suited to dense cover. Mulga may also have offered feral cats more protection from dingo predation. Dingo activity was distributed uniformly across habitats. The dingo isodar was statistically non‐significant, suggesting that habitat selection by dingoes was independent of density.  相似文献   

Three population monitoring methods were evaluated in support of a trap/vaccinate/release program for controlling a bat variant of rabies virus in skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in Flagstaff, Arizona (USA). Skunks were the primary species targeted for population monitoring during the program, but feral cats were also monitored as they represented an abundant secondary vector species capable of rabies transmission. Skunks were vaccinated and released, except for a subset tested for rabies. All captured cats were placed in the local animal shelter. Spotlight surveys essentially did not detect skunks, and were not able to detect reductions in the cat population. Catch-per-unit-effort marginally tracked population trends, but a passive track index adapted for an urban setting was most sensitive for detecting changes in skunk and cat populations. Mark-recapture population estimates could not be validly calculated from the data on captures and recaptures due to multiple violations of analytical assumptions.  相似文献   

Australia has contributed a disproportionate number of the world's mammal extinctions over the past 200 years, with the greatest loss of species occurring through the continent's southern and central arid regions. Many taxonomically and ecologically similar species are now undergoing widespread decline across the northern Australian mainland, possibly driven by predation by feral cats and changed fire regimes. Here, we report marked recent declines of native mammal species in one of Australia's few remaining areas that support an intact mammal assemblage, Melville Island, the largest island off the northern Australian coast. We have previously reported a marked decline on Melville Island of the threatened brush‐tailed rabbit‐rat (Conilurus penicillatus) over the period 2000–2015, linked to predation by feral cats. We now report a 62% reduction in small mammal trap‐success and a 36% reduction in site‐level species richness over this period. There was a decrease in trap‐success of 90% for the northern brown bandicoot (Isoodon macrourus), 64% for the brush‐tailed rabbit‐rat and 63% for the black‐footed tree‐rat (Mesembriomys gouldii), but no decline for the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). These results suggest that populations of native mammals on Melville Island are exhibiting similar patterns of decline to those recorded in Kakadu National Park two decades earlier, and across the northern Australian mainland more generally. Without the implementation of effective management actions, these species are likely to be lost from one of their last remaining strongholds, threatening to increase Australia's already disproportionate contribution to global mammal extinctions.  相似文献   

Juvenile seals branded on the isthmus of Macquarie Island as pups displayed a high degree of philopatry. They returned more often and in greater densities to the northern third of the island within 10 km of their birth sites. Juvenile seals were observed to haul out more frequently and in greater numbers on the east coast as opposed to the west. Juvenile seals typically hauled out on two occasions, once during the winter, and once to moult. The probability of recapturing (resighting) branded and tagged seals was greater during the mid-year haulout. First-year survival estimates were obtained from searches of all Macquarie Island beaches for marked (branded and tagged) seals. From a branded population of 2000 seals, 897 were known to be alive at age 1 year, and minimum first-year survival was calculated at 44.85%. To this minimum estimate was added the number of seals overlooked during systematic and standardised searches of the island, and a revised estimate of 65.60% was calculated. Survival rates calculated using a custom model and a conventional mark-recapture model (MARK) were compared and no differences detected. Actual survival data and probability of sighting estimates were included in the revised estimate of first-year survival of southern elephant seals at Macquarie Island. There were no differences in the number of surviving males and females. Accepted: 25 October 1998  相似文献   

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