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Summary Five human tumor cell lines were studied for growth factor requirements and for replication in serum-free media. Of the five tumor lines HT-29 (colon carcinoma), TWI (melanoma), A-549 (lung carcinoma), Panc-1, (carcinoma of the pancreas) and EJ, (bladder carcinoma) only HT-29 and TWI grew in the serum-free medium (SFM). In a series of additional experiments, a combination of transferrin (5 μg/ml), insulin (5 μg/ml), triiodothyronine (2×10−10 M), epidermal growth factor (20 ng/ml), and selenium (5 ng/ml) was added to Chee’s essential medium (CEM) without serum (C-TITES medium). The C-TITES modification of CEM was found to allow optimal replication of HT-29 and TWI cells. Both HT-29 and TWI cells have replicated continuously in C-TITES medium for periods of more than 15 mo. These cells replicate with slightly lower doubling times than in CEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. Deletion of insulin or transferrin from the C-TITES medium resulted in cessation of cell growth of HT-29 and TWI. HT-29 assumed a somewhat rounded morphology, whereas TWI grew with the characteristic fibroblastic morphology in C-TITES medium. Cell line EJ did not grow in C-TITES medium. The other two cell lines, A-549 and Panc-1, grew in C-TITES medium but their growth rate was much slower than that in SSM. Availability of cell lines that can be propagated in serum-free, hormone-supplemented medium may aid in the study of the mechanisms by which hormones influence cell growth. This work was supported by Veterans Administration Research Awards to two of the authors (Karimullah A. Zirvi and George J. Hill) and grant no. CA-37138 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

The growth responses of six human pancreatic cancer cell lines (SW-1990, PANC-1, MIA PaCa-2, BxPC-3, RWP-2 and CAPAN-2) to cholecystokinin (CCK) were evaluated in serum-free medium (SFM). In each experiment cells were initially plated in media containing fetal calf serum (FCS) grown for 48-72 h, and then washed with saline. Cells were incubated for an additional 72 to 96 h in medium devoid of FCS in the absence (control) or presence of synthetic CCK analogue (Thr4,Nle7)CCK9 (10(-13) to 10(-9) M), or CCK8 (10(-12) to 10(-9) M), or CCK39 (10(-12) to 10(-9) M). Viable cell counts were performed with a hemocytometer. Growth of each cell line was stimulated in the presence of CCK in serum-free medium, although the magnitude of responses differed. The concentrations of (Thr4,Nle7)CCK9 which stimulated the greatest increase in cell counts as compared to controls for each cell line were: SW-1990, 39% (10(-12) M, P less than 0.05); PANC-1, 45% (10(-9) M, P less than 0.005); MIA PaCa-2, 42% (10(-12) M, P less than 0.005); BxPC-3, 32% (10(-13) M, P less than 0.05); RWP-2, 37% (10(-11) M, P less than 0.005). Maximal response to CCK8 occurred at the 10(-9) M dose for each cell line: MIA PaCa-2, 40% (P less than 0.025); PANC-1, 85% (P less than 0.001); RWP-2, 68% (P less than 0.001) and CAPAN-2, 52% (P less than 0.001). The maximal increase in cell count with CCK39 ranged from 44-74% and occurred with either 10(-11) or 10(-10) M. CCK8 in SFM also stimulated cell growth as well as or better than FCS alone in three out of four pancreatic cell lines.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The life span and growth from clonal density of bovine adrenocortical cell cultures were studied in serum-supplemented medium and a serum-free defined medium, which supported sustained cell proliferation and steroid production. The total culture life span was 79 population doublings in serum-supplemented medium with fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and 36 population doublings in the defined medium without serum. Older passage cell cultures grown in the defined medium progressively lost the ability to produce 11β- and 21-hydroxylated steroids, which was observed previously for cultures in serum-supplemented medium, and also had a decline of 17α-hydroxylated steroid production. The cloning efficiency in the defined medium was 12.2% as compared to 24% in serum-supplemented medium with FGF. Five isolated clonal cell lines grown in the defined medium were characterized for steroid function in response to steroidogenic agents. All five clonal cell lines had stimulated steroid production with 8-bromo-cAMP, but only four of the clonal lines were stimulated also by adrenocorticotropin. None of the clonal cell lines produced 11β-, 21- or 17α-hydroxylated steroids in response to treatment with either steroidogenic agent, results that were similar to data obtained from older mass cultures. The apparent deficiency of the defined medium as compared to serum-supplemented medium for maximum support of the culture life span and cloning efficiency may be useful in studies of cellular aging and its relation to differentiated function for this cell culture system. This study was supported by the Iowa Diabetes and Endocrinology Research Center (grant AM25295 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD). D.A.F. was supported by a National Research Service Award from the National Institutes of Health (grant HL07485).  相似文献   

A medium consisting of a rich basal nutrient mixture supplemented with bovine insulin (10 micrograms/ml), human transferrin (10 micrograms/ml), human cold-insoluble globulin (5 micrograms/ml), and ethanolamine (0.5 mM) supported the growth of the A431 human epidermoid cell line in the absence of serum with a generation time equal to that of cells in serum-containing medium. Addition of epidermal growth factor (EGF) to this culture medium at concentration mitogenic for other cell types resulted in a marked inhibition of A431 cell growth. Inhibitory effects of EGF were observed at 1 ng/ml and near-maximal effects were observed at 10 ng/ml. The inhibitory effect of EGF could be reversed by the omission of EGF in subsequent medium changes and could be prevented by the addition of anti-EGF antibody to the culture medium. Inhibition of A431 cell growth by EGF also could be demonstrated in serum-containing medium.  相似文献   

Five cell lines (BSC-1, CHO, Balb/c 3T3, HeLa, and KB) have been grown in serum-free media for several months with regular schedules of media changing and subculturing. The medium found to be successful in all cases was MEM-alpha (without the ribosides and deoxyribosides) supplemented with 1% bacteropeptone, although simple MEM (minimum essental medium (Eagle) with bacteropeptone (BP) gave fairly good growth in the case of BSC-1 and 3T3 cells. The addition of insulin was necessary for CHO, 3T3, HeLa, and KB cells. Only the BSC-1 cells grew exclusively as a stationary suspensions and the 3T3 cells growing as a combination of monalayer and suspension depending on the age of the culture and the nature of the growth surface. SV40 was produced in BSC-1 cells grown and infected in the MEM-alpha, bactopeptone medium and adenovirus-2 was produced in spinners of HeLa and KB cells grown in MEM-alpha, bactopeptone, PVP-360, and insulin. The yield of virus and infectivity of the viruses produced were about the same as those produced in conventional serum-containing systems.  相似文献   

Growth of human malignant lymphoid cell lines in serum-free medium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human T lymphoid cell lines (MOLT-4f, MOLT-3, HSB-2, CEM) and human B lymphoid cell lines (BJAB, RAJI, WIL-2) were grown longterm (up to 8 months) in serum-free medium. This medium consisted of Iscove's modified Dulbecco's medium (IMDM), supplemented with bovine serum albumin (BSA) and transferrin (TF). This serum-free medium containing albumin and transferrin is designated AT-IMDM. Lipids were not essential. Cell viability remained high, greater than 80%, in the serum-free medium and the cells maintained their distinctive characteristics. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) production capacity was maintained by the human T lymphoid cell lines JURKAT-77 and MO in short term culture. This simple medium composed of relatively inexpensive and readily available components should be useful for studies of lymphoid cell growth and differentiation and lymphoid cell products.  相似文献   

Growth of human malignant lymphoid cell lines in serum-free medium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Human T lymphoid cell lines (MOLT-4f, MOLT-3, HSB-2, CEM) and human B lymphoid cell lines (BJAB, RAJI, WIL-2) were grown longterm (up to 8 months) in serum-free medium. This medium consisted of Iscove's modified Dulbecco's medium (IMDM), supplemented with bovine serum albumin (BSA) and transferrin (TF). This serum-free medium containing albumin and transferrin is designated AT-IMDM. Lipids were not essential. Cell viability remained high, greater than 80%, in the serum-free medium and the cells maintained their distinctive characteristics. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) production capacity was maintained by the human T lymphoid cell lines JURKAT-77 and MO in short term culture. This simple medium composed of relatively inexpensive and readily available components should be useful for studies of lymphoid cell growth and differentiation and lymphoid cell products. This research was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, CA 12800, and the Concern Foundation of Los Angeles, and CA 09120 (C. U.)  相似文献   

Clonal growth of chinese hamster cell lines in protein-free media   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
W G Hamilton  R G Ham 《In vitro》1977,13(9):537-547
A protein-free synthetic medium, MCDB 301, has been developed for clonal growth of Chinese hamster ovary cell lines. Medium F12 was developed originally for that purpose, but later failed to support good growth without small amounts of serum protein. Growth was restored by the addition of nonphysiological amounts of commercially prepared thyroxine or smaller amounts of the trace element selenium. The thyroxine preparation was shown to contain sufficient selenium to account for all of its growth-promoting activity. MCDB 301 contains increased concentrations of calcium chloride and glutamine, and a smaller amount of cysteine than medium F12. It also has been supplemented with 19 inorganic ions, in addition to selenium and those in medium F12, in order to insure against possible future deficiencies as chemicals are purified further. A Chinese hamster lung line which will not grow in MCDB 301 alone will grow when the medium is supplemented either with methylcellulose or with insulin. The growth-promoting activity is thought to be an impurity shared in common by both substances. The probable "essential" role of impurities in cellular growth in most synthetic media and the problems involved in attempting to develop a truly "defined" medium are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A protein-free synthetic medium, MCDB 301, has been developed for clonal growth of Chinese hamster ovary cell lines. Medium F12 was developed originally for that purpose, but later failed to support good growth without small amounts of serum protein. Growth was restored by the addition of nonphysiological amounts of commercially prepared thyroxine or smaller amounts of the trace element selenium. The thyroxine preparation was shown to contain sufficient selenium to account for all of its growth-promoting activity. MCDB 301 contains increased concentrations of calcium chloride and glutamine, and a smaller amount of cysteine than medium F12. It also has been supplemented with 19 inorganic ions, in addition to selenium and those in medium F12, in order to insure against possible future deficiencies as chemicals are purified further. A Chinese hamster lung line which will not grow in MCDB 301 alone will grow when the medium is supplemented either with methylcellulose or with insulin. The growth-promoting activity is thought to be an impurity shared in common by both substances. The probable “essential” role of impurities in cellular growth in most synthetic media and the problems involved in attempting to develop a truly “defined” medium are discussed. This research was supported by Grant No. CA15305 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

The role of individual supplements necessary for the self-renewal of human embryonic stem (hES) cells is poorly characterized, and furthermore we have found that previously reported feeder cell- and serum-free culture systems used for individual hES cell lines are unable to maintain HUES7 cells for more than one passage. We have therefore derived a feeder/serum-free culture system that can support the long-term (at least 10 passages) self-renewal of several euploid hES cell lines including MAN1, HUES7, and HUES1 with minimal spontaneous differentiation and without the need for manual propagation. This system contains fibroblast growth factor 2, activin A, neurotrophin 4, and the N2, B27 supplements together with a human fibronectin substrate. We demonstrate that these components exert distinct functions: both FGF2 and activin A were necessary to prevent differentiation of hES cells while NT4 promoted cell survival, FGF2 could not be substituted by IGFII, and the fibronectin substrate supported a rapid rate of hES culture expansion. Inhibition studies showed that β1 integrin-dependent attachment of hES cells to fibronectin was at least partially via the α5 subunit but independent of integrin αV.  相似文献   

A serum-free medium supplemented with growth factor(s) was devised to grow human lymphocytic cell lines. The medium was developed using human lymphocytic cell line, Bri 7 cells. In the process of constructing the medium, human lactoferrin was found to be an essential growth factor for the cell line. Human lactoferrin has higher growth stimulatory activity than human transferrin, and was sensitive to heat. Long-term cultivation of the cells was achieved in the defined medium supplemented with human lactoferrin only. The defined medium specifically supported the growth of various other human B- and T-lymphocytic cell lines but not the growth of various mouse lymphocytic cell lines. In lactoferrin-supplemented medium, the growth of some human cell lines were further stimulated by the addition of a combination of insulin, ethanolamine and selenium, or another combination of 2-mercaptoethanol and the above three factors. Bovine lactoferrin could be substituted for human lactoferrin.  相似文献   

A serum-free medium supplemented with growth factor(s) was devised to grow human lymphocytic cell lines. The medium was developed using human lymphocytic cell line, Bri 7 cells. In the process of constructing the medium, human lactoferrin was found to be an essential growth factor for the cell line. Human lactoferrin has higher growth stimulatory activity than human transferrin, and was sensitive to heat. Long-term cultivation of the cells was achieved in the defined medium supplemented with human lactoferrin only. The defined medium specifically supported the growth of various other human B- and T-lymphocytic cell lines but not the growth of various mouse lymphocytic cell lines. In lactoferrin-supplemented medium, the growth of some human cell lines were further stimulated by the addition of a combination of insulin, ethanolamine and selenium, or another combination of 2-mercaptoethanol and the above three factors. Bovine lactoferrin could be substituted for human lactoferrin.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are isolated as clusters of cells from the inner cell mass of blastocysts and thus should formally be considered as heterogeneous cell populations. Homogenous hESC cultures can be obtained through subcloning. Here, we report the clonal derivation and characterization of two new hESC lines from the parental cell line SA002 and the previously clonally derived cell line AS034.1, respectively. The hESC line SA002 was recently reported to have an abnormal karyotype (trisomy 13), but within this population of cells we observed rare individual cells with an apparent normal karyotype. At a cloning efficiency of 5%, we established 33 subclones from SA002, out of which one had a diploid karyotype and this subline was designated SA002.5. From AS034.1 we established one reclone designated AS034.1.1 at a cloning efficiency of 0.1%. These two novel sublines express cell surface markers indicative of undifferentiated hESC (SSEA-3, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60, and TRA-1-81), Oct-4, alkaline phosphatase, and they display high telomerase activity. In addition, the cells are pluripotent and form derivatives of all three embryonic germ layers in vitro as well as in vivo. These results, together with the clonal character of SA002.5 and AS034.1.1 make these homogenous cell populations very useful for hESC based applications in drug development and toxicity testing. In addition, the combination of the parental trisomic hESC line SA002 and the diploid subclone SA002.5 provides a unique experimental system to study the molecular mechanisms underlying the pathologies associated with trisomy 13.  相似文献   

Summary A human erythroleukemia cell line, K-562 T1, was adapted to a protein-free chemically defined medium (1); that is, the medium does not contain any proteins such as exogenous hormones, growth factors, serum and serum albumin. The K-562 T1 cells which can proliferate in a protein-free medium are one of the model systems suitably supporting the autocrine hypothesis (2), which claims that cancer cells produce and respond to their own growth factors (3). The K-562 T1 cells were cultured in a protein-free medium at large scale and the growth factors were purified from the conditioned medium. It was found that K-562 T1 cells produce at least two growth factors; one is LGF-I (leukemia-derived growth factor-I) which can stimulate the proliferation of a wide range of human leukemia cell lines and the other is LGF-II (leukemia-derived growth factor-II), which can contribute to the growth of fibroblasts. LGF-I was purified using QAE-Sephadex, Bio Gel P-60 and Mono S FPLC. The purified protein was found to be homogenous by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and NH2-terminal sequence analysis. The molecular weight of LGF-I was 20,000 by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The 30 NH2-terminal residues of LGF-I are the same as that of ubiquitin. Ubiquitin is a protein found in eukaryotic cells with molecular weight of 8,600. In the nucleus ubiquitin is conjugated to histone 2A to form the nuclear protein A24 which may play a role in regulation of chromatin structure (3), and in the cytoplasm is part of an ATP-dependent non-lysosomal proteolytic pathway (4). However, its physiological significance has not yet been fully resolved. Ubiquitin purified from bovine thymus did not show cell proliferating activity for any cells tested. The results suggest that LGF-I is a new autocrine growth factor with a molecular weight of 20,000 daltons, containing ubiquitin at the NH2-terminal end. This work was supported by funds obtained under the Research and Development Project of Basic Technologies for Future Industries from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan. Editor’s Statement Identification of sequences identical to ubiquitin associated with the leukemia-derived growth factor described in this report is particularly intriguing considering recent reports of association of ubiquitin with surface membrane receptors of lymphocytes and fibroblasts. References: SCIENCE vol. 231, pgs, 823–829; NATURE vol. 323, pgs 226–232, 1986. David W. Barnes  相似文献   

Troxacitabine is a cytotoxic deoxycytidine analogue with an unnatural L-configuration, which is activated by deoxycytidine kinase (dCK). The configuration is responsible for differences in the uptake and metabolism of troxacitabine compared to other deoxynucleoside analogues. To determine whether troxacitabine has an advantage over other nucleoside analogues several cell lines resistant to cladribine and gemcitabine were exposed to troxacitabine, while blast cells from pediatric leukemia patients were tested for cross-resistance with other deoxynucleoside analogues. The gemcitabine resistant AG6000 (IC50: >3000 nM), and the cladribine resistant CEM (IC50: 150 nM) and HL-60 (IC50: >3000 nM) cell lines, all with no or decreased dCK expression, were less sensitive to troxacitabine than their wild type counterparts (IC50; A2780: 410, CEM: 71 and HL-60: 158 nM). dCK protein expression in CEM was higher than in HL-60, which, in turn, was higher than in A2780. Catalytically inactive p53 seems to increase the sensitivity to troxacitabine. The patient samples showed a large range of sensitivity to troxacitabine, similar to other deoxynucleoside analogues. Cross-resistance with all other deoxynucleoside analogues was observed.  相似文献   

The proliferation of pancreatic duct-like CK19+ cells has implications for multiple disease states including pancreatic cancer and diabetes mellitus. The in vitro study of this important cell type has been hampered by their limited expansion compared to fibroblast-like vimentin+ cells that overgrow primary cultures. We aimed to develop a screening platform for duct cell mitogens after depletion of the vimentin+ population. The CD90 cell surface marker was used to remove the vimentin+ cells from islet-depleted human pancreas cell cultures by magnetic-activated cell sorting. Cell sorting decreased CD90+ cell contamination of the cultures from 34±20% to 1.3±0.6%, yielding purified CK19+ cultures with epithelial morphology. A full-factorial experimental design was then applied to test the mitogenic effects of bFGF, EGF, HGF, KGF and VEGF. After 6 days in test conditions, the cells were labelled with BrdU, stained and analyzed by high-throughput imaging. This screening assay confirmed the expected mitogenic effects of bFGF, EGF, HGF and KGF on CK19+ cells and additionally revealed interactions between these factors and VEGF. A serum-free medium containing bFGF, EGF, HGF and KGF led to CK19+ cell expansion comparable to the addition of 10% serum. The methods developed in this work should advance pancreatic cancer and diabetes research by providing effective cell culture and high-throughput screening platforms to study purified primary pancreatic CK19+ cells.  相似文献   

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