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EBV-transformed B-cell lines of normal or malignant origin suppressed pokeweed mitogen-induced immunoglobulin synthesis of normal B cells, measured by the protein A plaque assay method. Autologous and allogeneic LCL were equally effective. Allogeneic irradiated B cells were ineffective or slightly enhancing. EBV-negative hematopoietic cell lines derived from myeloid leukemia (K562 and HL-60) were ineffective or slightly enhancing. The suppressive effect of the Burkitt lymphoma line Raji was partly due to released soluble suppressor factors, but to a larger extent to the generation of radiosensitive suppressor T cells in the responder population. Autologous and allogeneic LCL were equally effective in generating suppressor T cells. It is postulated that the suppressor circuit reflects the existence of regulatory mechanisms that govern the proliferation of B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Goodrich ME  McGee DW 《Cytokine》1998,10(12):948-955
Intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) secrete a variety of cytokines and, because of their close proximity to B cells in the lamina propria, may affect local antibody production via these cytokines. However, studies have not yet addressed which and to what extent these IEC-derived cytokines may affect B cell antibody production. In this study, rat mesenteric lymph node B cells were cultured with culture supernatants from the rat IEC-6 intestinal epithelial cell line to determine their effect on immunoglobulin (Ig) secretion. Unstimulated IEC-6 cells were found to secrete sufficient levels of IL-6 to enhance IgA, IgG and IgM secretion by unstimulated B cells. However, culture of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated B cells with the unstimulated IEC-6 supernatant resulted in an enhancement of IgA secretion while IgM secretion was significantly suppressed. Depletion of the IEC-6 supernatant using cytokine specific antibodies revealed that both interleukin 6 (IL-6) and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) were responsible for the enhanced IgA secretion while TGF-beta suppressed IgM secretion. More importantly, culture supernatants from LPS stimulated IEC-6 cells contained enhanced levels of IL-6 which enhanced both IgG and IgA production and partially overcame the suppressive effect of TGF-beta on IgM secretion. These results suggest that intestinal epithelial cells may secrete IL-6 and TGF-beta to regulate local B cell antibody secretion and their effect may be highly dependent upon the activation state of the epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis of lymphoblastoid cell lines   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cytogenetic abnormalities were discovered in more than half of 16 lymphoblastoid cell lines established from fragile X individuals and their relatives upon routine cytogenetic analysis of early passage cultures. Subsequently, a second series of lymphoblastoid lines was analyzed to determine if the aneuploidy was a characteristic of lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from fragile X families or a result of the use of cyclosporin A in the establishment of these lines. In the second series of 33 lymphoblastoid cultures, no aneuploid clones were found in the fragile X group, while two were detected in the control cultures, one in a line initiated with cyclosporin A and the other in a line established without cyclosporin A. We conclude that the abnormal clones in our preliminary series were not a characteristic of lines derived from fragile X families and probably not due to the use of cyclosporin A. However, the finding of chromosome abnormalities in a large proportion of lines during the first 3 mo of culture contrasts with previous reports of chromosome stability for the first 12-18 mo of cultivation and indicates that the chromosomes of lymphoblastoid lines should be monitored in any experiment in which a normal diploid complement is critical.  相似文献   

Viable cells of 18 human cell lines, including 15 transformed cell lines of malignant and lymphoblastoid origin, were examined by an indirect immunofluorescence method for their ability to bind purified transferrin and transferrin in normal human serum. The specificity of the reaction was investigated by study of the binding reactions of several other serum proteins, including albumin, α-1-antitrypsin, and α-2-macroglobulin. Membrane binding of human transferrin was demonstrated in less than 5% of normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells or cultured diploid fibroblasts, but in more than 80% of the cells from 13 of the transformed lines, and the data obtained indicated that this binding reaction reflected the presence of specific receptors for transferrin.  相似文献   

The supernatant of a cell line of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN), PCI-50, was previously shown to induce activation, promote proliferation and increase antitumor cytotoxicity of freshly purified human natural killer (NK) cells and CD4+ T lymphocytes [Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg (1994) in press]. This supernatant was found also to promote the growth of a variety of hematopoietic cell lines, including Jurkat, THP-1, K562, NK-92 or Epstein-Barr-virus-transformed B cell lines. The Jurkat cell line was selected as a reporter cell in an 18-h proliferation assay established to measure the growth-promoting activity of PCI-50 supernatant. The presence of soluble tumor-derived factors able to induce proliferation of Jurkat cells was demonstrated in the supernatant produced by several other SCCHN cell lines but not in that produced by a gastric cancer cell line (HR) or renal cell carcinoma line (5117G8). The growth-promoting PCI-50 supernatant was shown to contain 28±0.5 pg/ml interleukin-6, (IL-6) in vitro but was negative for interferon , IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, tumor necrosis factor , granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor and IL-12. The addition of any of these recombinant cytokines to Jurkat cell cultures did not significantly promote growth, while PCI-50 supernatant was consistently growth-stimulatory. This supernatant neither enhanced intracellular Ca2+ concentration in Jurkat cells nor induced up-regulation of activation antigens on the cell surface, although it supported growth of Jurkat cells in the absence of IL-2. The growth-promoting activity in the PCI-50 supernatant was acid-labile at pH 2 for 4 h, heat-resistant at 96 °C for 1 h and sensitive to treatments with trypsin and pepsin. Preincubation of the PCI-50 producer cells with tunicamycin or cyclohexamide reduced the level of growth-promoting activity in the supernatant. A partial purification of this activity was achieved using Amicon filtration, chromatography on concanavalin-A-Sepharose and then a hydroxyapatite column and high-pressure liquid chromatography gel filtration. The partially purified glycoprotein had a molecular mass of 50–70 kDa, as detemined by gel filtration.This work was supported in part by the Pathology Education and Research Foundation and American Cancer Society grant IM-696 to TLW  相似文献   

Treatment of human neutrophils (PMN) with a cytokine-like factor in the supernatants of human lymphoblastoid cells (Raji) increased the random mobility and enhanced the migration of treated cells in response to other chemoattractants nearly 21/2-fold, although the supernatant itself was not a chemoattractant. Supernatant treatment also increased the adherence of bacteria threefold and the bacterial killing fourfold compared with PMN treated with control media. In examining the metabolic basis for the enhanced bactericidal ability, we observed a significant increase in spontaneous hexose monophosphate shunt activity of Raji cell supernatant (RS)-treated neutrophils even in the absence of additional stimuli. RS-treated PMN also had significantly enhanced production of superoxide anion and chemiluminescence response upon subsequent stimulation with a variety of soluble and particulate stimuli. Unlike other agents that prime neutrophil activation, however, the factor(s) in RS did not cause degranulation. It also differed in its ability to progressively enhance PMN functions with a longer period of preincubation (up to 3 hr). These data suggest that the RS factor(s) primes neutrophils by a unique mechanism. The neutrophil-enhancing activities of RS, which are the opposite of those activities described for leukocyte inhibitory factor, eluted off a Sephacryl S-200 column at approximately 30,000 m.w. This factor expands the relationship between neutrophils and lymphocytes, and may be a useful agent to provide valuable insights into the mechanism of respiratory burst activation and regulation.  相似文献   

In order to gain more insight into the relationships between DNA methylation and genome stability, chromosomal and molecular evolutions of four Epstein-Barr virus-transformed human lymphoblastoid cell lines were followed in culture for more than 2 yr. The four cell lines underwent early, strong overall demethylation of the genome. The classical satellite-rich, heterochromatic,juxtacentromeric regions of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16 and the distal part of the long arm of the Y chromosome displayed specific behavior with time in culture. In two cell lines, they underwent a strong demethylation, involving successively chromosomes Y, 9, 16, and 1, whereas in the two other cell lines, they remained heavily methylated. For classical satellite 2-rich heterochromatic regions of chromosomes 1 and 16, a direct relationship could be established between their demethylation, their undercondensation at metaphase, and their involvement in non-clonal rearrangements. Unstable sites distributed along the whole chromosomes were found only when the heterochromatic regions of chromosomes 1 and 16 were unstable. The classical satellite 3-rich heterochromatic region of chromosomes 9 and Y, despite their strong demethylation, remained condensed and stable. Genome demethylation and chromosome instability could not be related to variations in mRNA amounts of the DNA methyltransferases DNMT1, DNMT3A, and DNMT3B and DNA demethylase. These data suggest that the influence of DNA demethylation on chromosome stability is modulated by a sequence-specific chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Cell lines BTSN4 and BTSN5 were produced by the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) transformation of B-lymphocytes from the same human donor. Both secrete an anti-D monoclonal of the IgG1 subclass but these antibodies display vastly different effector activities. Specifically, anti-D from BTSN4 has a far greater activity in both monocyte-and lymphocyte-mediated ADCC reactions and causes a higher percentage of rosettes to be formed with monocyte-like U937 cells. This variation in functional activity is shown to coincide with changes in the structure of the sugar chains attached to the asparagine-297 site on the immunoglobulin heavy chain.Abbreviations ADCC antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity - EBV Epstein-Barr virus - GlcNAc glucosamine - Gal Galactose - Man Mannose - Fuc Fucose - SA Sialic acid  相似文献   

E E Henderson  B Strauss 《Cell》1975,5(4):381-387
Long term human lymphoblastoid lines differ in their ability to grow in medium containing bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and to incorporate analog into their DNA. Eight Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines divided at least twice in BrdU-containing medium and made DNA in which over 90% of the thymidine residues were substituted with analog in both strands. Three infectious mononucleosis-derived lines and 24 lines transformed in vitro were inhibited by BrdU after one cell division and made only hybrid DNA in which one strand was substituted with analog. One out of eight normal individuals from whom long term lines were prepared gave cell lines which divided at least twice in BrdU and gave DNA in which both strands were substituted with analog. It would appear that intrinsic cellular factors regulate the response to BrdU and that Burkitt's tumor lines are characterized by their ability to make stable doubly substituted DNA containing a high proportion of halogenated analog.  相似文献   

Lysis of C1Q-coated chicken erythrocytes by human lymphoblastoid cell lines   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Human lymphoblastoid cells lysed chicken erythrocytes (E) that carried cell surface bound human C1q. Antibody to E(A) was not required for the C1q-dependent reaction. The effect of C1q was inhibited by Fab'2 anti-C1q and by the serum C1q inhibitor. The action of the lymphoblastoid cells was inhibited by anti-metabolites and by pretreatment of the cells with trypsin which is known to destroy their C1q receptor. Lymphoblastoid cell lysate was inactive. The time course of the C1q-dependent lysis was comparable to that of the antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic reaction of human K-cells. Lysis of EA by human peripheral lymphocytes was enhanced up to 50% by human C1q.  相似文献   

Cells other than the macrophage can function as antigen-presenting cells (APCs). These class II-bearing accessory cells include dendritic cells, epidermal Langerhans cells, B cells, murine B-cell tumors, and human Epstein-Barr virus-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (EBV-LCL). We investigated the ability of EBV-LCL to present two soluble antigens, Candida albicans and purified protein derivative of tuberculin (PPD). The EBV-LCL derived from B cells of two different individuals can present both antigens to bulk cultures of autologous antigen-primed peripheral blood lymphocytes. The responses of PPD-reactive T-cell clones were weaker to PPD when presented by EBV-LCL than by PBL-APCs, with some clones responding only to PPD presented by PBL-APCs. This suggests that EBV-LCL are not equivalent to PBL monocytes in APC function, and that expression of class II major histocompatibility complex antigen is not sufficient in enabling antigen-presenting capability.  相似文献   

A panel of cynomolgus macaque lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) was established by transforming peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with Herpesvirus papio (HVP), and selected lines were examined by flow cytometry. Results indicate that HVP-transformed macaque LCL are phenotypically heterogeneous and resemble human Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed LCL in the abundant expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II molecules. At least some lines are of B cell origin.  相似文献   

A number of human lymphoblastoid cells were examined concerning their ability to produce spontaneously liberated and virus-induced interferon (IFN). It was found that, in addition to B cells, various T and nonT-nonB lymphoblastoid cells responded well to Sendai virus infection to form IFN, the characterization of which has been recently reported (20). One B lymphoblastoid cell line from an infectious mononucleosis (IM) patient produced a large amount of IFN-alpha and might become an alternative source of IFN production. Among 68 cell lines examined, 35 cell lines liberated 10 U/ml or more of IFN spontaneously in culture fluid. The presence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genome or its activation appears to have no correlation with the spontaneous liberation of IFN. Spontaneously produced IFN from three cell lines was characterized as IFN-alpha. Comparatively higher amounts of IFN were produced in cells from IM patients than those from Burkitt's lymphoma cases or healthy adults. Spontaneously produced IFN was detected more easily in cells transformed by EBV alone than in those transformed by EBV and a tumor promoter, TPA.  相似文献   

Instability of Mex- phenotype in human lymphoblastoid cell lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) had extremely low activities of O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (O6-AGT), and were classified as Mex-. They were highly sensitive to cell killing by 1-(4-amino-2-methyl-5-pyrimidinyl)-methyl-3-(2-chloroethyl)-3-nitrosoure a hydrochloride (ACNU), whereas NMO2, a Mex+ LCL with a high O6-AGT activity, was resistant to the agent. Small fractions of these Mex- LCLs survived the treatment with 10 micrograms/ml of ACNU for 24 h, and the surviving cells were found to be resistant to subsequent treatments with the agent. In addition, they contained O6-AGT activities comparable to that of NMO2 and were therefore regarded as Mex+. These results suggest that the Mex- phenotype in LCLs is unstable.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in differentiated MOPC-21 and MPC-11 mouse myeloma cells was studied to determine the basis for the differences in the temperature and actinomycin D sensitivity of translation between non-differentiated mouse L-cells and differentiated rabbit reticulocytes. The temperature dependence of total protein synthesis was similar to that of L-cells and reticulocytes, being biphasic in Arrhenius plots with apparent activation energies of approximately 25 and 42 kcal/mol, above and below 25 degress C. The dependence of the secretion process was different since it was not biphasic, having a single activation energy of about 22 kcal/mol. Myeloma polysomes were like L-cell polysomes in their response to lower temperature and reached a minimum level of 50% at 15 degress C. This response was also found for the specific polysomes synthesizing the IgG H- and L-chains. In the presence of actinomycin D, myeloma polysomes declined exponentially with a half-life of approximately 6 hours. These two L-cell-like responses were not found in reticulocytes. Translation of both the IgG mRNAs and the non-IgG mRNAs was reduced by lower temperatures and actinomycin D, even though the L-chain mRNA was slightly more resistant, suggesting that this mRNA is slightly more efficient. The results of these experiments suggest that the translational differences between L-cells and reticulocytes are not mRNA dependent, but are cell type differences.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes, stimulated in vitro for 6 days with x-irradiated or glutaraldehyde-treated autologous Epstein-Barr (EB) virus-transformed lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL), are cytotoxic for autologous and allogeneic EB+ LCLs as well as for several EB- cell lines that are also susceptible to lysis by interferon-activated natural killer (NK) cells. To determine whether the apparent nonspecific lysis mediated by LCL-stimulated cells is due to a mixture of effector cells directed against different target cells, advantage was taken of our recent finding that monoclonal antibody OKT8 reacts with human cytotoxic T lymphocytes but not with NK cells or NK-like cells generated in mixed leukocyte cultures. The depletion of OKT8+ cells from LCL-stimulated cultures by treatment with OKT8 and complement abolished or markedly depleted cytotoxicity against all EB+ target cells tested, whereas cytotoxicity against EB-, NK-sensitive cell lines including K562, MOLT-4 and HSB-2 was not or only minimally reduced. These results indicate that stimulation with autologous LCL results in the generation of OKT8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes that lyse EB virus-transformed LCL and OKT8- NK-like cells that lyse EB-, NK-sensitive cells.  相似文献   

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