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Inhibitors of aldosterone secretion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aldosterone secretion may be inhibited by potassium depletion, inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system, dopamine and atrial natriuretic factor. The latter appears to be an important physiological regulator of aldosterone secretion. ANF inhibits basal, ACTH, Angiotensin II and potassium-stimulated aldosterone production in vitro by a direct action on the adrenal gland. In vivo data also support a direct inhibitions of aldosterone. The stimulation of aldosterone secretion by infusions of Angiotensin II and potassium is inhibited by simultaneous infusions of ANF. Infusions of ANF lower the basal aldosterone secretion in man. The mechanism by which ANF inhibits aldosterone is not known. No unifying first step has been identified to explain ANF's ability to inhibit all stimuli. In vivo, part of the lowering of aldosterone levels may be due to inhibition of renin secretion. This effect of ANF upon renin is inconsistent and appears to depend upon the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) inhibits the secretion of aldosterone by isolated adrenal glomerulosa cells stimulated by angiotensin II, ACTH and potassium in vitro and by angiotensin II in conscious unrestrained rats. In this study we investigated further the effects of synthetic ANP on the dose-response curve of aldosterone secretion stimulated by ACTH in vitro. ANP displaced the dose-response curve of aldosterone to ACTH to the right with a significant change in EC50. A similar effect of ANP was reproduced in vivo in conscious unrestrained rats. There was no significant effect of ANP on the corticosterone response to ACTH in vivo. ANP is a potent regulator of aldosterone secretion which may modulate the effects of ACTH on the adrenal in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to assess the effect of okadaic acid (OA), a protein phosphatase inhibitor, on aldosterone secretion in response to angiotensin II (AII), adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and rises in external potassium concentration (K+). AII (10nM) caused a 20-fold increase in aldosterone production and OA reduced this response by 45%. ACTH (10nM) caused an 8.6-fold increase in aldosterone secretion and OA reduced this by 83%. Increasing K+ concentration from 3 to 12mM caused a 13-fold increase in aldosterone production, which OA inhibited by 36%. These results suggest that protein phosphatases participate in the control of adrenal steroid production, even though ACTH, AII and K+ act via different intracellular messenger systems.  相似文献   

Both angiotensin II and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) are well known to play a crucial role on the regulation of aldosterone production in adrenal glomerulosa cells. Recent observations suggest that the steroidogenic action of ACTH is mediated via the cAMP messenger system, whereas angiotensin II acts mainly through the phosphoinositide pathway. However, there have been no reports concerning the interaction between the cAMP messenger system activated by ACTH and the Ca2+ messenger system induced by angiotensin II. Both ACTH and angiotensin II simultaneously act on adrenal cells for regulating steroidogenesis under physiological conditions. Thus the present experiments were performed to examine the effect of ACTH on the action of angiotensin II by measuring angiotensin II receptor activity, cytosolic Ca2+ movement, and aldosterone production. The major findings of the present study are that short-term exposure to a high dose of ACTH (10(-7) M) inhibited 125I-angiotensin II binding to bovine adrenal glomerulosa cells, decreased the initial spike phase of [Ca2+]i induced by angiotensin II, and inhibition of angiotensin II-induced aldosterone production. Low dose of ACTH (10(-10) M), which did not increase cAMP formation, did not affect angiotensin II receptor activity. These studies have shown that angiotensin II receptors of bovine adrenal glomerulosa cells can be down-regulated by 1 mM dibutyryl cyclic AMP, as well as by effectors which are able to activate cAMP formation (10(-7) M ACTH and 10(-5) M forskolin). The rapid decrease in angiotensin II receptors induced by 10(-7)M ACTH was associated with a decreased steroidogenic responsiveness and a decreased rise in the [Ca2+]i response induced by angiotensin II. These studies show that the cAMP-dependent processes activated by ACTH have the capacity to interfere with signal transduction mechanisms initiated by receptors for angiotensin II.  相似文献   

The relationship between aldosterone production and prosta-glandin E2 synthesis was evaluated using the responses of isolated rat adrenal glomerulosa cells to angiotensin II, ACTH and potassium. Simultaneous PGE2 and aldosterone measurements were made during timed incubations with these stimuli, and in incubations with arachidonic acid, meclofenamate, indomethacin, and aminoglutethamide. PGE2 and aldosterone production were assessed by radioimmunoassay. We were not able to demonstrate stimulation of PGE2 by angiotensin II, ACTH, or potassium despite significant increments in aldosterone production with these stimuli. Arachidonic acid enhanced PGE2 synthesis, but had no effect on aldosterone realease. Indomethacin and meclofenamate inhibited aldosterone secretion. Aminoglutethimide depressed aldosterone production, but had little effect on PGE2 levels in the media. These studies demonstrate that dienoic prostaglandins play no direct role in aldosterone production stimulated by angiotensin II, ACTH, or potassium in rat adrenal glomerulosa cells. Since inhibitors of cyclo-oxygenase decreased aldosterone synthesis, it is possible that fatty acids other than arachidonic acid may be cyclo-oxygenated to products which regulate aldosterone production.  相似文献   

Dispersed chicken adrenocortical cells were preincubated with atrial natriuretic peptide (rANP), sodium nitroprusside (SNP) or 8-bromo cyclic GMP, followed by incubations with ACTH, chicken PTH, cholera toxin or various steroid intermediates of aldosterone production. Cyclic AMP production and aldosterone secretion were evaluated, in order to determine the sites of ANP inhibition in the sequence of events leading to aldosterone secretion. Dose-dependent inhibitory effects on ACTH-stimulated aldosterone secretion by rANP and SNP were observed. Both agents appeared to stimulate cGMP production by the particulate fraction of the avian adrenocortical cells. Aldosterone production, stimulated by cyclic AMP agonists such as ACTH, chicken PTH and cholera toxin, was significantly inhibited by ANP. On the other hand, ANP did not interfere with production or degradation of cAMP. Each of the aldosterone intermediates--pregnenolone, progesterone, 11-deoxycorticosterone and corticosterone--promoted aldosterone production when included in the incubation media. Atrial natriuretic peptide and SNP inhibited aldosterone secretion when enhanced by the intermediates, by about 40-60%, but the ACTH-stimulated secretion was inhibited by over 90%. The results suggest two sites of inhibition by ANP in the pathway of aldosterone synthesis and secretion: synthesis of cholesterol or pregnenolone, and conversion of corticosterone to aldosterone. The inhibition by 8-bromo cGMP of aldosterone secretion and the similar sites of inhibition for ANP and SNP suggest that cyclic GMP mediates the inhibition in both cases.  相似文献   

The effect of synthetic alpha-human atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) on aldosterone secretion was studied in human aldosterone producing adrenocortical adenoma obtained surgically from a patient with primary aldosteronism and in human apparently normal adjacent adrenal cortical tissues obtained from a patient with pheochromocytoma, in vitro. Apparently normal adrenal cortical tissue responded to ANP with the known inhibition of aldosterone secretion. In contrast, the aldosterone producing adenoma did not respond to ANP. When stimulated by either ACTH or angiotensin II, there is no inhibition by ANP in the adenoma tissue, whereas normal tissue was inhibited. Immunohistochemical examination utilizing an ANP-receptor antiserum demonstrated that there was no evidence of binding site in the cortical adenoma, in contrast, zona glomerulosa cells in the cortical tissues adjacent to either aldosterone producing adenoma or pheochromocytoma were densely stained. This apparent lack of ANP-receptors is an associated finding with the hypersecretion of aldosterone in the aldosterone producing adenoma.  相似文献   

The relationship between aldosterone production and prostaglandin E2 synthesis was evaluated using the responses of isolated rat adrenal glomerulosa cells to angiotensin II, ACTH and potassium. Simultaneous PGE2 and aldosterone measurements were made during timed incubations with these stimuli, and in incubations with arachidonic acid, meclofenamate, indomethacin, and aminoglutethamide. PGE2 and aldosterone production were assessed by radioimmunoassay. We were not able to demonstrate stimulation of PGE2 by angiotensin II, ACTH, or potassium despite significant increments in aldosterone production with these stimuli. Arachidonic acid enhanced PGE2 synthesis, but had no effect on aldosterone release. Indomethacin and meclofenamate inhibited aldosterone secretion. Aminoglutethimide depressed aldosterone production, but had little effect on PGE2 levels in the media.These studies demonstrate that dienoic prostaglandins play no direct role in aldosterone production stimulated by angiotensin II, ACTH, or potassium in rat adrenal glomerulosa cells. Since inhibitors of cyclo-oxygenase decreased aldosterone synthesis, it is possible that fatty acids other than arachidonic acid may be cyclo-oxygenated to products which regulate aldosterone production.  相似文献   

Bovine adrenal glomerulosa cells were incubated with 32PO4 and angiotensin II (AII), atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) (rat[8-33]), N6,O2'-dibutyryl cyclic AMP, or elevated potassium (7.2 mM). Solubilized cells were analyzed by one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, autoradiography, and laser densitometry. AII and dibutyryl cyclic AMP increased labeling of a 17.6 kd protein. Elevated potassium did not alter labeling of this protein. ANP inhibited labeling, whether basal or stimulated by AII, and to a lesser extent that stimulated by dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Similar dose-response curves were obtained for the effect of AII on labeling of the 17.6 Kd band and on aldosterone synthesis; ANP had a similar inhibitory effect on AII-stimulated phosphorylation and aldosterone synthesis. Effects of AII and ANP were apparent after 15 minutes of hormone treatment. Fractionation of labeled cells showed that the 17.6 Kd protein was not in cytosol, mitochondria, or endoplasmic reticulum, but was enriched in a crude nuclear fraction. These results suggest that AII and ANP affect aldosterone synthesis at the level of protein phosphorylation.  相似文献   

In vitro responsiveness to various stimulators of aldosterone secretion was studied in a perifusion system using slices obtained from three aldosterone-producing adenomas (APAs), three adjacent nontumorous glands and three normal adrenal glands. All three APA tissues responded to angiotensin II, K and ACTH in vitro. Angiotensin II (10 nM), K (12 mM) and ACTH (10 nM) caused more than a 2-fold increase in aldosterone secretion. The sensitivity of APA tissues to angiotensin II was identical to that in normal adrenal cortex. In slices obtained from APA, angiotensin II induced rapid increases in [3H]inositol and [45Ca] efflux, both of which preceded the aldosterone response. These results suggest that APA cells have an almost normal transducing system to stimulators of aldosterone secretion.  相似文献   

The influence of an increased endogenous production of angiotensin II and of sodium homeostasis upon the response of plasma aldosterone to metoclopramide administration has been investigated in 5 normal volunteers. Our results show that the increase of plasma aldosterone after metoclopramide administration is independent of angiotensin II, ACTH and potassium, and that it increases even further due to the endogenous production of angiotensin II induced by postural changes. The state of sodium balance seems to influence the response of plasma aldosterone to metoclopramide administration as it occurs with other stimuli of aldosterone secretion.  相似文献   

The role of cyclic AMP in the regulation of aldosterone production by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), angiotensin II (A II), potassium, and serotonin was examined in collagenase-dispersed adrenal glomerulosa cells. The ability of 8-bromo cyclic AMP and choleragen to stimulate maximum aldosterone production indicated that cyclic AMP could act as second messenger for certain of the aldosterone-stimulating factors. The actions of ACTH and choleragen on aldosterone and cyclic AMP production were correlated in dog and rat cells, and a similar relation was seen during stimulation of rat cells by serotonin. In contrast, A II and potassium did not cause changes in cyclic AMP formation while stimulating aldosterone production. Intracellular and receptor-bound cyclic AMP were increased 3-fold by 10(-7) M ACTH but not by A II. Addition of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor increased the magnitude of the cyclic AMP response to ACTH but did not change the lack of stimulation by A II or potassium. In dog cells, the effects of A II and potassium on aldosterone production were partially additive to those of ACTH, choleragen, and 8-bromo cyclic AMP. In contrast, no additivity was observed between A II and potassium, or between combinations of the cyclic AMP-dependent stimuli. These results indicate that the actions of ACTH on aldosterone secretion are mediated by cyclic AMP formation, whereas A II and potassium stimulate aldosterone production through an independent mechanism. The lack of additivity between steroid responses to A II and potassium suggests that these factors could share a common mode of action on steroidogenesis in zona glomerulosa cells.  相似文献   

The in vitro secretion of aldosterone and corticosterone by the adrenal glands of fetal (day 30), pregnant and non-pregnant rabbits was examined under basal and stimulated conditions. In general, non-pregnant animals basally secreted less aldosterone than either pregnant or fetal rabbits, whereas basal corticosterone secretion by pregnant animals exceeded that of either fetal or non-pregnant animals. At similar doses of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), fetal and pregnant adrenal glands produced comparatively more aldosterone than non-pregnant animals, while corticosterone secretion was accelerated to a greater degree in fetal rabbits than in the other groups. Angiotensin II had its greatest effect on the aldosterone secretory rates of fetal and non-pregnant animals without affecting corticosterone secretion in any group. Elevated potassium (K+) enhanced the secretory rates of aldosterone and corticosterone in fetal animals, while increasing only aldosterone secretion in non-pregnant rabbits. Serotonin accelerated aldosterone secretion in all animals, whereas it increased corticosterone secretion only in non-pregnant animals. These results suggest that (1) in fetal rabbits, the secretory rates of both aldosterone and corticosterone are regulated primarily by ACTH and to a much lesser extent by angiotensin II and K+, (2) the corticosterone secretory rates of pregnant and non-pregnant rabbits are controlled mainly by ACTH, and (3) aldosterone secretion by non-pregnant animals is regulated primarily by angiotensin II and secondarily by ACTH and K+, while in pregnant animals ACTH may be the primary regulator of aldosterone secretion as it is in the fetus.  相似文献   

When the dose-response curve of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-induced aldosterone secretion is compared to that of ACTH-induced intracellular cAMP, the ED50 for intracellular cAMP is more than 10 times as high as that for aldosterone production. In contrast, the dose-response curve of forskolin-induced aldosterone secretion correlates well with that for forskolin-induced intracellular cAMP. ACTH, but not forskolin, increases calcium influx into glomerulosa cells without inducing the mobilization of calcium from an intracellular pool. The effect of ACTH on calcium influx is dose-dependent and ED50 is 3.5 X 10(-11) M. In a perifusion system, the effect of 1 nM ACTH on aldosterone secretion is much greater than that of 1 microM forskolin, even though these two stimulators induce identical increases in the intracellular cAMP. Perifusion with combined A23187 (50 nM) and forskolin (1 microM) stimulates aldosterone secretion to a value comparable to that induced by 1 nM ACTH. Likewise, BAY K 8644 (1 nM), which induces a comparable increase in calcium influx, potentiates the effect of 1 microM forskolin. When the intracellular [Ca2+] is fixed at either 100 or 300 nM, forskolin-stimulated intracellular cAMP content is identical, but ACTH-stimulated intracellular cAMP content at 100 nM [Ca2+]i is 60% of that at 300 nM [Ca2+]i. Both the ACTH- and forskolin-induced aldosterone secretion rate is higher at 300 nM than at 100 nM [Ca2+]i. These results indicate that ACTH stimulates calcium influx, that calcium potentiates ACTH-induced but not forskolin-induced cAMP generation, and that Ca2+ and cAMP act as synarchic messengers in ACTH-mediated aldosterone secretion.  相似文献   

The response of plasma aldosterone to hemodialysis, 3 h orthostatism, K-loading and angiotensin II and ACTH infusions has been studied. Hemodialysis, orthostatism and angiotensin II infusion do not modify aldosterone levels. By the contrary ACTH and potassium originate a significant increase in plasma aldosterone. They seem to be the main aldosterone secretion regulators in the absence of renin production.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the possible role in glomerulosa cells of diacylglycerol released by angiotensin II we have studied the action of a synthetic diacylglycerol, sn-1,2-dioctanoylglycerol (DiC8), on aldosterone production and potassium permeability in bovine adrenal cells. DiC8 elicited an increase in 86Rb efflux from cells previously equilibrated with the isotope. The action of DiC8 on the rate coefficient for 86Rb efflux was similar to that previously described for angiotensin II (Am. J. Physiol. 254 (1988) E144-149), i.e. DiC8 induced an immediate increase in 86Rb efflux followed by a sustained decrease in potassium permeability. This DiC8 induced inhibition was observed even in the presence of depolarizing concentrations of potassium. The effect of DiC8 on aldosterone secretion from adrenal glomerulosa cells was measured using a perifusion system. DiC8 (300 microM) caused a significant increase of aldosterone production, comparable to that seen with angiotensin II (100 nM). These results indicate that DiC8 has similar effects to angiotensin II on both potassium permeability and steroidogenesis, which suggests that activation of protein kinase C is involved in the changes of ionic permeability induced by this hormone in bovine adrenal glomerulosa cells.  相似文献   

Somatostatin (SRIF) is a potent inhibitor of angiotensin II (AII)-stimulated aldosterone production in rat adrenal glomerulosa cells. This inhibition can be prevented by pretreatment of the cells with pertussis toxin, but little else is known about either the specificity or the biochemical bases of SRIF action in this tissue. We therefore conducted detailed studies of the influence of SRIF on steroidogenesis elicited by AII and the other two physiological stimuli of aldosterone production, K+ and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), in rat adrenal glomerulosa cells. We also determined the effects of SRIF on cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and cellular cAMP levels. In these studies, SRIF was found to inhibit the aldosterone responses elicited by low concentrations of all three stimuli, which are believed to promote steroid secretion via discrete but interacting cellular signalling mechanisms. In addition, SRIF consistently lowered cellular cAMP levels in the presence of each of the three agents. However, SRIF caused a small and transient increase rather than a decrease in basal ([Ca2+]i), and had no effect on the subsequent elevation of ([Ca2+]i) by AII and K+. These data indicate that activation of a Gi-like protein by SRIF influences steroid responses to all three major regulators of glomerulosa-cell function, and suggest that basal levels of cAMP play a facilitatory or permissive role in the control of aldosterone production by predominantly calcium-mobilizing regulators of mineralocorticoid secretion.  相似文献   

To investigate whether dopamine plays a role in the regulation of aldosterone secretion during long-term blockade of the renin-angiotensin system, we studied the effect of metoclopramide, a competitive antagonist of dopamine, in 6 patients with essential hypertension chronically treated with the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor enalapril. All but one of these patients received a diuretic in addition to enalapril. Six hours after the daily morning dose of enalapril (10-40 mg p.o.) a 10 mg bolus dose of metoclopramide was injected intravenously. In one patient a hypotensive episode developed following metoclopramide administration. In the 5 other patients plasma aldosterone significantly rose within 30 min after metoclopramide from 51 +/- 8.7 to 128.2 +/- 29.2 pg/ml. This metoclopramide-induced release of aldosterone occurred in the absence of concomitant changes in circulating angiotensin 11, potassium and ACTH levels. Metoclopramide given during chronic blockade of the renin-angiotensin system caused anxiety and agitation in 2 patients. The increase in plasma aldosterone following competitive dopamine blockade in the face of chronic angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition, unchanged plasma potassium and ACTH levels strongly suggests that in hypertensive patients, dopamine exerts a direct inhibitory effect on aldosterone secretion.  相似文献   

Acute effects and action mechanisms of prolactin (PRL) on aldosterone secretion in zona glomerulosa (ZG) cells were investigated in ovariectomized rats. Administration of ovine PRL (oPRL) increased aldosterone secretion in a dose-dependent manner. Incubation of [3H]-pregnenolone combined with oPRL increased the production of [3H]-aldosterone and [3H]-deoxycorticosterone but decreased the accumulation of [3H]-corticosterone. Administration of oPRL produced a marked increase of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) accumulation in ZG cells. The stimulatory effect of oPRL on aldosterone secretion was attenuated by the administration of angiotensin II (Ang II) and high potassium. The Ca2+ chelator, ethylene glycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA, 10(-2) M), inhibited the basal release of aldosterone and completely suppressed the stimulatory effects of oPRL on aldosterone secretion. The stimulatory effects of oPRL on aldosterone secretion were attenuated by the administration of nifedipine (L-type Ca2+ channel blocker) and tetrandrine (T-type Ca2+ channel blocker). These data suggest that the increase of aldosterone secretion by oPRL is in part due to (1) the increase of cAMP production, (2) the activation of both L- and T-type Ca2+ channels, and (3) the activation of 21-hydroxylase and aldosterone synthase in rat ZG cells.  相似文献   

We examined the direct effect of magnesium ion on aldosterone production by adrenal cells using collagenase-dispersed zona-glomerulosa cells in rats. The effects of magnesium on aldosterone production stimulated by angiotensin II or ACTH were also investigated. Both magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) and magnesium chloride (MgCl2) (0 to 2 mM) decreased aldosterone production in a dose-dependent manner. In comparison with magnesium-free medium, 2 mM MgSO4 inhibited aldosterone production by 73% and MgCl2 by 65%. In addition, MgSO4 showed an inhibitory effect on aldosterone production stimulated by angiotensin II (10pM to 10nM), whereas it had no significant effect on aldosterone production due to ACTH stimulation (10pM to 10nM). These data suggest that magnesium has an inhibitory action on aldosterone production in vitro and may be a physiological regulator of aldosterone production.  相似文献   

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