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A 2-year study of three natural populations of the distylousJasminum fruticans showed that mean fruit and seed production were significantly greater in shortstyled plants (thrums) than in long-styled plants (pins). In this study, we investigated the role of four sequential factors which may differentially influence fruit and seed set in the two floral morphs: (1) differences in flowering phenology, (2) a limitation of pollen transfer towards pins, (3) a differential capacity of the two morphs to act through famale and male function and (4) differential fruit abortion in the two morphs. Fruit set was significantly influenced by differences in flowering phenology although there were no differences in flowering time between the two morphs. supplementary pollinations in a natural population significantly increased fruit set and reduced the difference in fruit set between the two morphs in relation to controls, indicating a limitation on pollen transfer which was most severe towards pin stigmas. In reciprocal crosses, seed set was significantly dependent on the paternal and maternal identity of the pin parent. There was no significant variation among thrums for their performance as male or female parent. Furthermore, individual pin plants with relatively high percentage seed set as female parents gave poor seed set as male parents and vice-versa. Whereas fruit removal had no effect on seed number in thrum plants, a greater proportion of viable seeds were produced on pin plants which were left to naturally mature their fruits than on pins which had fruits artificially removed, suggesting the occurrence of selective fruit abortion in pins but not in thrums. The initially greater maternal fitness of thrums due to their greater success as pollen recipients may thus be opposed by increased viable seed set in the pins due to factors acting after the pollination stage. The relative reproductive success of floral morphs in the distylousJ. fruticans is thus differentially influenced by ecological factors occurring at different stages of the reproductive process.  相似文献   

W. E. Kunin 《Oecologia》1992,91(1):129-133
Summary One possible consequence of low population density, particularly in self-incompatible plants, is reproductive failure. I surveyed seed set per flower in two populations of the self-incompatible annual Diplotaxis erucoides (Brassicaceae) in Jerusalem, Israel. Widely spaced plants had lower fruit set and fewer seeds per filled silique than did plants growing close to conspecific neighbors. Such density-dependent reproductive success could help explain the maintanence of spatial patchiness in plant populations, and could also have implications for population dynamics of rare species.  相似文献   

Age-related and individual differences in longterm reproductive success were analyzed in two social groups of free-ranging Barbary macaques. Maternity data were obtained from continuous birth records and paternity was determined with oligonucleotide-fingerprinting. The fathers of 246 of 286 investigated individuals could be identified. They were born during a 14-year period and represented 73 and 34% of all known offspring from the females of the study groups B/F and C, respectively. Only these infants were considered when comparing male reproductive success with that of females. The necessary adjustment of the female data resulted in small deviations from the true values in one group, but substantially increased individual differences in female fertility in the second group. Subadult males, 4.5 – 6.5 yrs old, had a much lower reproductive success than adult males (7.5 – 25 yrs old) and same-aged females. Reproductive success of adult males was not significantly affected by age, while females invariably ceased reproduction during the first half of the third decade of life. Males were more likely than females to leave no offspring, unless they survived 9 – 10 yrs of age. The number of years with breeding opportunities was important for male reproductive success but less significant than that for females. Reproductive success of several males during the 14-year study period was similar to or even exceeded that possible for a female in her whole lifetime. Variance of male reproductive success significantly exceeded that of females in both study groups.  相似文献   

Low capsule and seed set is a major factor limiting seed production in Eucalyptus globulus seed orchards. Controlled pollination studies showed that the reproductive success (number of seeds produced per flower pollinated) was primarily determined by the female. We aimed to identify the factors contributing to the differences in reproductive success between female genotypes in terms of the physical and anatomical properties of the flower. We studied pairs of genotypes of high and low reproductive success from each of three races (Furneaux Group, Strzelecki Ranges and Western Otways) growing in a seed orchard. Controlled pollinations were performed on six females and along with flower physical measurements, pollen tube growth and seed set were assessed. Overall tree reproductive success was positively correlated with flower size, ovule numbers, style size, cross-sectional area of conductive tissue within the style (all of which were inter-correlated) and the proportion of pollen tubes reaching the bottom of the style. Significant positive correlations of reproductive success and flower physical properties between different ramets of the same genotypes across seasons suggests a genetic basis to the variation observed. The majority of pollen tube attrition occurred within the first millimetre of the cut style and appeared to be associated with differences in style physiology. When examined as pairs within races the difference in reproductive success for the Western Otways pair was simply explained by differences in flower size and the number of ovules per flower. Physical features did not differ significantly for the Strzelecki Ranges pair, but the proportion of pollen tubes reaching the bottom of the style was lower in the less reproductively successful genotype, suggesting an endogenous physiological constraint to pollen tube growth. The difference in reproductive success between the females from the Furneaux Group was associated with a combination of these factors.  相似文献   

Summary Under conditions where resources are limited, there are often negative correlations between components of maternal yield, or between fruit and flower production. Pollination, in turn, may vary among individuals and influence total maternal expenditure. We examined the impact of variation in pollination thoroughness upon yield components and overall plant growth in wild radish (R. raphanistrum) plants grown in the greenhouse. Plants received different pollination treatments in which 0% to 100% of all flowers produced were hand-pollinated. Fruit set was increased by hand-pollination, but rarely exceeded 30%, even when more than 50% of the flowers were pollinated. Plants receiving more thorough pollination or having greater proportion fruit set produced significantly smaller seeds. Seed number per fruit was not influenced by pollination treatment. Mean values of yield components and interactions between components often varied among plants from different maternal families. Increasing pollination thoroughness also resulted in dramatic decreases in flower production. If male fitness is related to flower number, there may be a tradeoff between maternal fecundity and successful pollen export operating at the whole-plant level in this species.  相似文献   

In many gynodioecious species, sex determination involves both cytoplasmic male‐sterility (CMS) genes and nuclear genes that restore male function. Differences in fitness among genotypes affect the dynamics of those genes, and thus that of gynodioecy. We used a molecular marker to discriminate between hermaphrodites with and without a CMS gene in gynodioecious Raphanus sativus. We compared fitness through female function among the three genotypes: females, hermaphrodites with the CMS gene and those without it. Although there was no significant difference among the genotypes in seed size, hermaphrodites without the CMS gene produced significantly more seeds, and seeds with a higher germination rate than the other genotypes, suggesting no fitness advantage for females and no benefit to bearing the CMS gene. Despite the lack of fitness advantage for females in the parameter values we estimated, a theoretical model of gynodioecy shows it can be maintained if restorer genes impose a cost paid in pollen production. In addition, we found that females invest more resources into female reproduction than hermaphrodites when they become larger. If environmental conditions enable females to grow larger this would facilitate the dynamics of CMS genes.  相似文献   

D. Strack  M. Pieroth  H. Scharf  V. Sharma 《Planta》1985,164(4):507-511
The tissue distributions of sinapic acid esters (1-sinapoylglucose, sinapolyl-l-malate, 6,3-disinapoylsucrose), kaempferol glycosides, free malic acid and of the enzyme involved in the synthesis of sinapoyl-l-malate, 1-sinapoylglucose: l-malate sinapoyltransferase (SMT), have been investigated in cotyledons of Raphanus sativus L. seedlings. The kaempferol glycosides were mainly localized in the upper epidermis. The sinapoyl esters were found in all tissues, but differed markedly in their concentrations. While disinapoylsucrose was localized predominantly in the mesophyll, most sinapoylmalate was found in the epidermal layers, as was most SMT activity. Ultraviolet microscopy and microfluorospectrophotometry of isolated epidermal peels indicated that the epidermal sinapoyl esters were restricted to guard cells, guard mother cells and adjacent epidermal cells. Upon excitation by UV light (365 nm) these exhibited strong blue fluorescence with an emission maximum at about 480 nm. Our results indicate a highly tissue-and cell-specific secondary metabolism in Raphanus cotyledons and indicate that the biosynthesis of sinapoylmalate is intimately related to the malic-acid metabolism of the guard cells.Abbreviations HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - SMT 1-sinapoylglucose: l-malate sinapoyltransferase  相似文献   

Polyadenylic acid [poly (A)] is detected, characterized and quantitated in dry radish embryo axis RNA using a 3H poly (U) probe. The amount of poly (A) gradually decreases after the onset of soaking, and, after a few hours, recovers to the initial level. This variation is shown to result from the addition of two opposed phenomena: the decay of stored poly (A) and the accumulation of newly synthesized poly (A). Stored poly (A), as well as the in vivo protein synthesis coded for by preformed mRNA, decreases during early germination with a half-life of two hours. As a whole, these results demonstrate that at least a fraction of the stored mRNA is translated as soon as the seed is soaked and that its role is rapidly taken over by newly-made mRNA.Abbreviations Poly (A) (+) RNA polyadenylated RNA - Poly (A) polyadenylic acid - Poly (U) polyuridylic acid  相似文献   

We have isolated two Superoxide dismutase cDNA clones (RsCu/ZnSod andRsFeSod) from small radish (Raphanus sativus L.) by cDNA library screening.RsCu/ZnSod is 563 bp long, with an open reading frame of 153 amino acids, and corresponds to a protein of predicted molecular mass 15.1 kDa and a pl of 5.44. The 823-bp RsFeSod has an ORF of 213 amino acids, corresponding to a protein of predicted molecular mass 25.4 kDa and a pl of 8.77. Their nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences show the highest homology with those ofArabidopsis. Genomic Southern blot analysis, using each cDNA clone as probe, has revealed that the SOD genes are present as at least two copies in the small radish genome. Nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels for SOD activity has demonstrated the presence of several isozymes, depending on the organ type and developmental stage. TheseRsSod genes also have differential expression patterns in response to treatments with white light, xenobiotics, UV, osmoticums, plant hormones, and salicylic acid. Therefore, we suggest that they are involved in an antioxidative defense mechanism against stress induced by environmental change.  相似文献   

1-O-Sinapoyl--glucose:l-malate O-sinapoyltransferase (SMT; EC 2.3.1.) from cotyledons of red radish (Raphanus sativus L. var. sativus) was purified to apparent homogeneity with a 2100-fold enrichment and a 4% recovery. Apparent Mrs of 52 and 51, respectively, were determined by gel filtration and by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). On isoelectric focusing, the SMT resolved into two isoforms which, on SDS-PAGE, showed, slightly different Mrs (SMT I: Mr/isoelectric point = 51/5.75; SMT II: Mr/isoelectric point = 51.5/5.9). The highest activity of SMT was found at pH 6.0 (50% at pH 5.5 and pH 6.5). The temperature maxima in the presence of 10, 50, 100 and 250 mM malate were 22, 30, 35 and 37° C, respectively, with energies of activation of 55, 81, 96 and 121 kJ · mol-1. The enzyme accepted all the hydroxycinnamic acid-glucose esters tested with relative ratios of initial velocity values of 1008545262.6 of 1-O-sinapoyl-, 1-O-feruloyl-, 1-O-caffeoyl-, 1,2-di-O-sinapoyl-, and 1-O-(4-coumaroyl)--glucose. It showed an absolute acceptor specificity for l-malate. d-Malate as second acceptor molecule in standard assays with l-malate inhibited the reaction velocity noncompetitively (K i = 215 mM). The substrate saturation curves were not hyperbolic. The data for sinapoylglucose indicated substrate activation; those for l-malate, substrate inhibition. Kinetic analysis suggests a random bi bi mechanism within two ranges of substrate concentrations, with a kinetically preferred pathway via the enzyme-sinapoylglucose complex indicating a slow-transition mechanism. This may be interpreted as hysteretic cooperativity with sinapoylglucose.Abbreviations IEF isoelectric focusing - Mal l-malate - pI isoelectric point - SinGlc 1-O-sinapoyl--glucose - SinMal O-sinapoyl-l-malate - SMT 1-O-sinapoyl--glucose: l-malate sinapoyltransferase - SMT I and SMT II SMT isoforms isolated after isoelectric focusing We thank H. Bisswanger (Physiologisch-chemisches Institut, Universität (Tübingen, FRG) for help on the interpretation of substrate kinetic data and B.E. Ellis (Department of Plant Science, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada) for linguistic advice. Support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Bonn, FRG) and the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (Frankfurt, FRG) is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The reproductive success (RS) of 32 males in a captive group of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) between 1978 and 1992 was determined using paternity exclusion analysis. Dominance rank of each male over age 4 was assessed at the end of each breeding season based on agonistic dyadic interactions. The dominance rank and RS of these males were strongly correlated whether or not subadult males were included. The high reproductive success of males that eventually reached alpha rank is primarily responsible for this outcome. These results support the theory that social dominance has evolved in genusMacaca by sexual selection but some changes in male dominance rank and RS during the 15-year period suggest that priority of access is not the sole focus for such selection.  相似文献   

Differential male reproductive success in Douglas fir   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Differential male reproductive success was studied in clones at two seed orchards of Douglas fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco. The performance of tester pollen parents was compared in controlled pollinations with two-parent pollen mixes. Marker pollen homozygous for a rare IDH allele was the genetic marker in each pollen mix. The resulting seeds were analyzed electrophoretically. At both seed orchards, the proportion of seeds sired by tester pollen significantly varied among the tester pollen parents. Tester pollen parents did not perform the same across all seed parents. The significant interaction effect was evidence of male-female complementarity. These results suggest a genetic basis to differential male reproductive success in Douglas fir.  相似文献   

B. Dahlbender  D. Strack 《Planta》1986,169(3):382-392
The relationships between the metabolism of malate, nitrogen assimilation and biosynthesis of amino acids in response to different nitrogen sources (nitrate and ammonium) have been examined in cotyledons of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Measurements of the activities of some key enzymes and pulse-chase experiments with [14C]malate indicate the operation of an anaplerotic pathway for malate, which is involved in the synthesis of glutamine during increased ammonia assimilation. It is most likely that the tricarboxylicacid cycle is supplied with carbon through entry of malate, formed via the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)-carboxylation pathway, when 2-oxoglutarate leaves the cycle to serve as precursor for an increased synthesis of glutamine via glutamate. This might occur predominantly in the cytosol via the activity of the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase (GS/GOGAT) cycle, the NADH-dependent GOGAT being the rate-limiting activity.Abbreviations DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid - GDH glutamate dehydrogenase - GOGAT glutamate synthase (glutamine: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase) - GOT aspartate aminotransferase (glutamate: oxaloacetate transaminase) - GS glutamine synthetase - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - MCF extraction medium of methanol: chloroform: 7M formic acid, 12:5:3, by vol. - MDH malate dehydrogenase - MSO L-methionine, sulfoximine - PEPCase phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

Shoot cultures were established from seedling shoot tips of Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus Bailey cv. Gungjung, (Japanese radish) cultured on a Murashige-Skoog medium supplemented with ca. 4.5–135 M kinetin or N6-benzyladenine. The latter cytokinin supported overall better growth, and 22.2 M was adopted for maintenance of established cultures. The nitrate: ammonium levels in the medium proved optimal for growth and shoot proliferation and both these parameters were significantly increased by addition of adenine sulfate or sodium phosphate. Rooting of excised shoots was achieved on auxin containing medium. Indole-3-butyric acid (ca. 5 or 10 M) also enhanced shoot growth. Plants were easily established in soil, appeared morphologically normal, and flowered.  相似文献   

Male mating activities in relation to the likelihood of ovulation and conception were studied in a large group of semifree-ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) during two successive mating seasons. In both mating seasons, adult males attained a significantly higher mating success than subadult males, and they monopolized high ranking females more effectively than low ranking females during the period when conception was most probable. Also, in both mating seasons male rank was significantly correlated with male mating success if all sexually mature males were included. Nevertheless, mating success was not a linear function of age or rank. In both mating seasons mating success of 5-year-old males was much higher than that of dominant but peripheralized 6- and 7-year-old males. Moreover, a significant correlation between rank and measures of mating success among adult males was found in the second but not in the first mating season. The results indicate that mating and, most probably, reproductive success of male Barbary macaques is dependent on the male's social position in the group, which is defined not only by the outcome of dyadic agonistic encounters but also by the ability to get a central position in the group, and on the stability of rank relations.  相似文献   

Correlations among female age, dominance, and reproduction were investigated for a 12-year period in free-ranging, provisioned Hanuman langurs (Presbytis entellus), living in one-male groups near Jodhpur in Rajasthan, India. Of 2940 displacement episodes, 27% occurred over natural food, 26% over provisioned food, 8% over grooming, 23% over position and shade, and 16% for other reasons. It was possible to reconstruct a displacement hierarchy that was linear and stable over short periods but fluctuated according to the age composition of the troop, resulting in an age inversed dominance structure. Females occupied top ranks as soon as they experienced menarche (around 2.4 years of age) and gradually declined thereafter, with postmenopausal females (≥30 years) being the lowest ranking individuals. Old females tended to be peripheral, while young females were highly social and active. Fertility peaked at about 7 years and gradually decreased thereafter, but infant mortality was much higher in young females than in old ones. During years when females gave birth, their ranks, especially those of old females, were higher than the average expectation for their age class, which suggests that females compete more vigorously if they have an infant. Reproductive success (i.e., infant survival to ≥2 years) declined significantly from high-over middle-to low-ranking females but did not differ for the three age classes investigated, because the higher fecundity of young females was balanced by better rearing success of older females. These results are discussed in light of the controversy over whether the langur social system is strongly influenced by kin selection (Hrdy and Hrdy, 1976; Dolhinow et al., 1979).  相似文献   

Variation of reproductive success, an important determinant of the opportunity for sexual selection, is an outcome of competition within one sex for mating with members of the other sex. In promiscuous species, males typically compete for access to females, and their reproductive strategies are strongly related to the spatial distribution of females. I used 10 microsatellite loci and the mtDNA control region to determine seasonal differences in the reproductive success of males and females of the common vole (Microtus arvalis), one of the most numerous mammals in Europe. The sex-related spatial structure and bias in dispersal between genders were also assessed. Standardized variance of the reproductive success of females did not vary seasonally due to the continuity of female philopatry throughout the breeding season and to the constancy of the number of females reproducing successfully in each season. The males are the dispersing sex, undergoing both natal and breeding dispersal. Their standardized variance of reproductive success was significantly higher than that for females in July, when only two males monopolized 80% of the females in the population and when variance of male reproductive success was highest (Im = 7.70). The seasonally varying and high standardized variance of male reproductive success may be explained by male-male competition for matings, coupled with seasonal changes in the age structure of the population.  相似文献   

During germination, the transmembrane electric potential (PD) of cortical cells of the embryonal axis of radish seeds (Raphanus sativus L.) rises from-120 mV initially to a maximum of-150 mV after 5 h incubation, then falls again to stable values of around-120 mV. Treatments inhibiting germination block the transitory PD increase. Administration of uncoupling agents or low temperatures, during the process of germination, produces a marked fall of the PD transitory increase. Abscisic Acid has a parallel inhibitory effect on PD and germination, while fusicoccin produces a rise in both; administration of abscisic acid with fusicoccin inhibits germination, while the PD remains at the high levels given by fusicoccin. These results are discussed in relation to ion exchange at membrane level.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - FC fusicoccin - GA3 gibberellic acid - PD electric potential difference (between the vacuole and the external medium) - CH cycloheximide - DNP dinitrophenol - FCCP (p-trifluormethoxy)-carbonylcyanide-phenylhydrazone - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide  相似文献   

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