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The selection, isolation, and accurate positioning of single cells in three dimensions are increasingly desirable in many areas of cell biology and tissue engineering. We describe the application of a simple and low cost dielectrophoretic device for picking out and relocating single target cells. The device consists of a single metal electrode and an AC signal generator. It does not require microfabrication technologies or sophisticated electronics. The dielectrophoretic manipulator also discriminates between live and dead cells and is capable of redistributing intracellular organelles.  相似文献   

New BODIPY-based pH probes have been designed with excitation and emission wavelengths suitable for fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. These pH probes are cell-permeable, selectively label lysosomes, and can be used for noninvasive monitoring of lysosomal pH changes during physiological and pathological processes.  相似文献   

Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) reveals information about the spatiotemporal coincidence of two spectrally well-defined fluorescent molecules in a small observation area at the level of single-molecule sensitivity. To simultaneously evaluate the activities of caspase-3 and caspase-9, we constructed a chimeral protein that consisted of tandemly fused enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (ECFP), monomeric red fluorescent protein (mCherry) and monomeric yellow fluorescent protein (Venus). In HeLa cell lysates, a combination of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)- and cycloheximide (CHX-)-induced apoptosis was monitored. In this, decreases of cross-correlation amplitudes were observed between ECFP and mCherry and between mCherry and Venus. Moreover, time-dependent monitoring of single cells revealed decreases in the cross-correlation amplitudes between ECFP and mCherry and between mCherry and Venus before morphologic changes were observed by laser scanning fluorescence microscopy (LSM). Thus, our method could predict the fate of the cell in the early apoptotic stage.  相似文献   

Single molecule detection of target molecules specifically bound by paired fluorescently labeled probes has shown great potential for sensitive quantitation of biomolecules. To date, no reports have rigorously evaluated the analytical capabilities of a single molecule detection platform employing this dual-probe approach or the performance of its data analysis methodology. In this paper, we describe a rapid, automated, and sensitive multicolor single molecule detection apparatus and a novel extension of coincident event counting based on detection of fluorescent probes. The approach estimates the number of dual-labeled molecules of interest from the total number of coincident fluorescent events observed by correcting for unbound probes that randomly pass through the interrogation zone simultaneously. Event counting was evaluated on three combinations of distinct fluorescence channels and was demonstrated to outperform conventional spatial cross-correlation in generating a wider linear dynamic response to target molecules. Furthermore, this approach succeeded in detecting subpicomolar concentrations of a model RNA target to which fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probes were hybridized in a complex background of RNA. These results illustrate that the fluorescent event counting approach described represents a general tool for rapid sensitive quantitative analysis of any sample analyte, including nucleic acids and proteins, for which pairs of specific probes can be developed.  相似文献   

Photometric fluorescence microscopy has been used to measure intracellular pH (pHi) and free calcium concentrations [( Ca]i) in individual mouse thymocytes and 2H3 rat basophil leukaemic cells containing indicators for pH (quene 1) or calcium (quin 2). The pHi and [Ca]i measurements in individual 2H3 cells and mouse thymocytes and their responses to various stimuli were consistent with the corresponding data obtained from suspensions of these cells measured in a spectrofluorimeter. Photometric fluorescence microscopy of these indicators in individual cells provides a sensitive and fast method of following pHi and [Ca]i responses in individual cells.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan is an important soluble component of the extracellular matrix of many tissues with well known space-filling, lubricating and signaling functions. As such, hyaluronan can regulate cell adhesion, migration, differentiation and proliferation. Ultrastructural studies showed the existence of fibers and networks of hyaluronan molecules at surfaces, while bulk studies of hyaluronan in solution indicated that the polymer forms random coils. Here, we show that single hyaluronan molecules can be visualized and tracked in three-dimensional samples at room temperature in aqueous buffer. Using a wide-field fluorescence microscope equipped with laser excitation and an sensitive and fast EMCCD camera for fluorescence detection, single FITC-labeled hyaluronan molecules from rooster comb were detected in aqueous solutions. Freely moving hyaluronan-FITC could be tracked over up to 20 images acquired at a frame rate of 98 Hz. Analysis of the trajectories revealed Brownian motion of hyaluronan in tris-buffered saline with an average diffusion coefficient D = 3.0 ± 0.2 μm2/s. These observations confirm the concept that hyaluronan molecules form random coils in solution. The possibility of following the tracks of single hyaluronan molecules in solution facilitates the analysis of processes that lead to the formation of more organized forms of hyaluronan and its interactions with cells with very high spatial and temporal accuracy. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Lipid rafts in the plasma membrane, domains rich in cholesterol and sphingolipids, have been implicated in a number of important membrane functions. Detergent insolubility has been used to define membrane “rafts” biochemically. However, such an approach does not directly contribute to the understanding of the size and the lifetime of rafts, dynamics of the raft-constituent molecules, and the function of rafts in the membrane in situ. To address these issues, we have developed pulse EPR spin labeling and single molecule tracking optical techniques for studies of rafts in both artificial and cell membranes. In this review, we summarize our results and perspectives obtained by using these methods. We emphasize the importance of clearly distinguishing small/unstable rafts (lifetime shorter than a millisecond) in unstimulated cells and stabilized rafts induced by liganded and oligomerized (GPI-anchored) receptor molecules (core receptor rafts, lifetime over a few minutes). We propose that these stabilized rafts further induce temporal, greater rafts (signaling rafts, lifetime on the order of a second) for signaling by coalescing other small/unstable rafts, including those in the inner leaflet of the membrane, each containing perhaps one molecule of the downstream effector molecules. At variance with the general view, we emphasize the importance of cholesterol segregation from the liquid-crystalline unsaturated bulk-phase membrane for formation of the rafts, rather than the affinity of cholesterol and saturated alkyl chains. In the binary mixture of cholesterol and an unsaturated phospholipid, cholesterol is segregated out from the bulk unsaturated liquid-crystalline phase, forming cholesterol-enriched domains or clustered cholesterol domains, probably due to the lateral nonconformability between the rigid planar transfused ring structure of cholesterol and the rigid bend of the unsaturated alkyl chain at C9-C10. However, such cholesterol-rich domains are small, perhaps consisting of only several cholesterol molecules, and are short-lived, on the order of 1-100 ns. We speculate that these cholesterol-enriched domains may be stabilized by the presence of saturated alkyl chains of sphingomyelin or glycosphingolipids, and also by clustered raft proteins. In the influenza viral membrane, one of the simplest forms of a biological membrane, the lifetime of a protein and cholesterol-rich domain was evaluated to be on the order of 100 μs, again showing the short lifetime of rafts in an unstimulated state. Finally, we propose a thermal Lego model for rafts as the basic building blocks for signaling pathways in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Cell function is related to cell composition. The asexual state of filamentous fungi (molds and mildews) has two main life cycle stages: vegetative hyphae for substrate colonization and nutrient acquisition, and asexual spores for survival and dispersal. Hyphal composition changes over a few tens of microns during growth and maturation; spores are different from hyphae. Most biochemical analyses are restricted to studying a few components at high spatial resolution (e.g. histochemistry) or many compounds at low spatial resolution (e.g. GC-MS). Synchrotron FTIR spectromicroscopy can be used to study fungal cell biology by fingerprinting varieties of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids at about 6 microm spatial resolution. FTIR can distinguish fungal species and changes during hyphal growth, and reveals that even fungi grown under optimal vs mildly stressed conditions exhibit dramatic biochemical changes without obvious morphological effects. Here we compare hypha and spore composition of two fungi, Neurospora and Rhizopus. There are clear biochemical changes when Neurospora hyphae commit to spore development, during spore maturation and following germination, many of which are consistent with results from molecular genetics, but have not been shown before at high spatial resolution. Rhizopus spores develop within a fluid-containing sporangium that becomes dry at maturity. Rhizopus spores had similar protein content and significantly more carbohydrate than the sporangial fluid, both of which are novel findings.  相似文献   

Here, we have studied two parameters critical to process control in mammalian cell culture; dissolved oxygen (dO2) and pH, measured with fluorescent sensors thus allowing the study of the metabolic state of cells in culture without removing or damaging cells during cultivation. Two cell lines, namely, NS0 and CHO were batch-grown in 24-well plates at different serum concentrations with the sensors implemented in the bottom of each well. The data showed a good relationship between the dO2 and pH data obtained from fluorescent probes and the growth and death characteristics of cells. The method has provided a high throughput on-line multi-parametric analysis of mammalian cell cellular activity.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNFR1) is a transmembrane receptor that plays a key role in the regulation of the inflammatory pathway. While inhibition of TNFR1 has been the focus of many studies for the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, activation of the receptor is important for the treatment of immunodeficiency diseases such as HIV and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease where a boost in immune signaling is required. In addition, activation of other TNF receptors such as death receptor 5 or FAS receptor is important for cancer therapy. Here, we used a previously established TNFR1 fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) biosensor together with a fluorescence lifetime technology as a high‐throughput screening platform to identify a novel small molecule that activates TNFR1 by increasing inter‐monomeric spacing in a ligand‐independent manner. This shows that the conformational rearrangement of pre‐ligand assembled receptor dimers can determine the activity of the receptor. By probing the interaction between the receptor and its downstream signaling molecule (TRADD) our findings support a new model of TNFR1 activation in which varying conformational states of the receptor act as a molecular switch in determining receptor function.  相似文献   

High quality Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were acquired from living Micrasterias hardyi cells maintained in an IR transparent flow-through cell using a FTIR microscope coupled to a synchrotron light source. Spectral maps of living, nutrient-replete cells showed band intensities consistent with the known location of the nucleus and the chloroplasts. These were very similar to maps acquired from fixed, air-dried cells. Bands due to lipids were lowest in absorbance in the region of the nucleus and highest in the chloroplast region and this trend was reversed for the absorbance of bands attributed to protein. Spectra acquired in 10 microm steps across living phosphorus-starved (P-starved) cells, repeated approximately every 30 min, were consistent over time, and bands correlated well with the known position of the nucleus and the observed chloroplasts, corroborating the observations with replete cells. Experiments in which missing nutrients were re-supplied to starved cells showed that cells could be maintained in a functional state in the flow-through cell for up to one day. Nitrogen-starved cells re-supplied with N showed an increase in lipid in all positions measured across the cell over a 23 h period of re-supply, with the largest increases occurring in positions where the chloroplasts were observed. Re-supply of phosphorus to P-starved cells produced no changes in bands attributable to lipid or protein. Due to their thin cell body ( approximately 12 microm) and large diameter ( approximately 300 microm) Micrasterias sp. make an ideal spectroscopic model to study nutrient kinetics in algal cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to measure key material properties of the cell walls of single suspension-cultured plant cells and relate these to cell-wall biochemistry. To this end, micromanipulation was used to compress single tomato cells between two flat surfaces until they ruptured, and force-deformation data were obtained. In addition to measuring the bursting force, we also determined the elastic (Young’s) modulus of the cell walls by matching low strain (≤20% deformation) experimental data with a cell compression model, assuming linear elastic cell walls. The walls were most elastic at pH 4.5, the pH optimum for expansin activity, with an elastic modulus of 2.0 ± 0.1 GPa. Following the addition of exogenous expansins, cell walls became more elastic at all pH values. Western blot analysis of proteins from walls of cultured cells revealed the presence of expansin epitopes, suggesting that the inherent pH dependence of elasticity and other compression phenomena is related to the presence of endogenous expansin proteins and their wall-loosening ability. Although strict application of the linear-elastic model could not be applied to large deformations—for example, up to cell bursting—because of irreversible behaviour, the deviation of the data from the model was generally small enough to allow estimation of the strain in the cell wall at failure. This strain was greater at pH 4.5 and when expansins were added to the suspension. The changes in elasticity are consistent with suggestions about the mode of expansin action. The estimated strains at failure are compatible with data on the failure of Acetobacter-derived cellulose–xyloglucan composites and proposed mechanisms of such failure. Through the measurement of cell-wall material properties using micromanipulation, it may be possible to understand more fully how cell-wall composition, structure and biochemistry lead to cell mechanical behaviour.  相似文献   

An organic molecule, designed in this study, is proposed as a candidate molecular switch and characterized using the B3LYP/6-31G* computational method. Structural and electronic properties of this molecular switch (M) and its singly charged (M+ and M) species in their lowest and the first higher spin states are calculated and analyzed. Molecular volume and electronic spatial extent (ESE) of this nanoswitch undergo negligibly small changes (<2%) upon charging. Furthermore, the small difference between the calculated dipole moments of the M+ and M species shows that switching between negative and positive poles does not significantly affect the charge transfer performance of this molecular switch. Natural bond orbital (NBO) and spin density distributions are also calculated and analyzed. A preliminary study on the response of the proposed molecular switch to the external electric field approves its function as a multi-pole nanoswitch controlled by a bias voltage. Figure Electron transfer scheme and arrangement of the π-electrons in the turn-on state of the candidate multi-pole molecular switch.  相似文献   

Gong X  Liu A  Ming X  Deng P  Jiang Y 《FEBS letters》2010,584(23):4711-4716
p53 plays a fundamental role in the maintenance of genome integrity after DNA damage, deciding whether cells repair and live, or die. However, the rules that govern its choice are largely undiscovered. Here we show that the functional relationship between p38 and p53 is crucial in defining the cell fate after DNA damage. Upon low dose ultraviolet (UV) radiation, p38 and p53 protect the cells from apoptosis separately. Conversely, they function together to favor apoptosis upon high dose UV exposure. Taken together, a UV-induced, dose-dependent interaction between p38 and p53 acts as a switch to determine cell fate.

Structured summary

MINT-8050838: p53 (uniprotkb:P02340) physically interacts (MI:0915) with p38 (uniprotkb:P47811) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)MINT-8050948: p53 (uniprotkb:P04637) physically interacts (MI:0915) with p38 (uniprotkb:P47811) by anti tag coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0007)  相似文献   

Detailed individual nodulation profiles were obtained for five strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii inoculated onto roots of Trifolium repens seedlings growing on an agar medium of pH 4.5. The time of appearance and the location of every nodule were noted for a period of 10 days after inoculation. Using these nodulation frequency profiles, pairings of strains were identified and six mixed-strain inoculation (1:1 ratio) experiments were subsequently performed at pH 4.5. Results from the mixed-inoculum experiments showed that the performance of a Rhizobium strain in single culture could not be reliably used to predict the outcome of a paired-inoculation study and that some seedlings were exclusively nodulated by rhizobia that performed poorly at low pH in single-culture inoculations. Received: 26 November 1996 / Accepted: 18 April 1997  相似文献   

Molecular recognition force spectroscopy, a biosensing atomic force microscopy technique allows to characterise the dissociation of ligand–receptor complexes at the molecular level. Here, we used molecular recognition force spectroscopy to study the binding capability of recently developed testosterone binders. The two avidin‐based proteins called sbAvd‐1 and sbAvd‐2 are expected to bind both testosterone and biotin but differ in their binding behaviour towards these ligands. To explore the ligand binding and dissociation energy landscape of these proteins, we tethered biotin or testosterone to the atomic force microscopy probe while the testosterone‐binding protein was immobilized on the surface. Repeated formation and rupture of the ligand–receptor complex at different pulling velocities allowed determination of the loading rate dependence of the complex‐rupturing force. In this way, we obtained the molecular dissociation rate (koff) and energy landscape distances (xβ) of the four possible complexes: sbAvd‐1‐biotin, sbAvd‐1‐testosterone, sbAvd‐2‐biotin and sbAvd‐2‐testosterone. It was found that the kinetic off‐rates for both proteins and both ligands are similar. In contrast, the xβ values, as well as the probability of complex formations, varied considerably. In addition, competitive binding experiments with biotin and testosterone in solution differ significantly for the two testosterone‐binding proteins, implying a decreased cross‐reactivity of sbAvd‐2. Unravelling the binding behaviour of the investigated testosterone‐binding proteins is expected to improve their usability for possible sensing applications. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

目的探讨星形胶质瘤细胞来源的外泌体中microRNA-1246(miRNA-1246)是否作用于星形胶质瘤细胞,促进其增殖与侵袭。 方法实验分为对照组、miRNA-1246抑制剂组与miRNA-1246模拟物组,各组设6个复孔。首先从患者血液中分离外泌体并鉴定其成分。通过基质胶包被的Transwell小室实验检测星形胶质瘤细胞在miRNA-1246作用下侵袭能力的变化,CCK-8实验检测细胞增殖能力。利用荧光素酶报告基因验证miRNA-1246是否靶向细胞黏附分子1(CADM1)基因。最后通过Western Blot实验与RT-qPCR实验检测癌症组织中CADM1蛋白水平的含量并分析其与胶质瘤的关系。采用方差分析和t检验进行统计学分析。 结果恶性胶质瘤患者血液循环外泌体中miRNA-1246的含量为2.83±1.70,高于对照组1.00±0.50,差异具有统计学意义(t?=?6.044,P?=?0.026)。转染miRNA-1246抑制剂后细胞CADM1蛋白水平为1.79±0.17,高于对照组1.00±0.09(t?=?4.576,P?=?0.017),细胞侵袭数量为(48.40±5.90)个,低于对照组96.50±6.70,而转染miRNA-1246模拟物后细胞侵袭数量为(123.20±9.80)个,高于对照组(96.50±6.70)个(t?=?5.258,P?=?0.002)。CCK-8实验中转染miRNA-1246抑制剂组A450值为0.49±0.08,低于对照组0.76±0.06,而转染miRNA-1246模拟物组A450值为1.03±0.09,显著升高(F?=?33.82,P?=?0.005)。荧光素酶报告实验表明细胞转染miR-?1246模拟物后荧光强度为4.98±1.86,低于对照组10.34±2.60(t?=?7.235,P?=?0.006),而CADM1-Mut组内之间比较差异无统计学意义。 结论胶质瘤细胞外泌体中的miRNA-1246可通过靶向CADM1基因抑制蛋白表达,促进胶质瘤细胞的增殖与转移,提示循环外泌体中的miRNA-1246可作为恶性胶质瘤诊断与治疗的潜在靶点。  相似文献   

Diop M  Taylor R 《Biophysical journal》2006,90(10):3813-3822
Low-power continuous-wave laser radiation is used to form a very stable microbubble at the end of a specially etched and metalized optical fiber probe. We demonstrate that the microbubble, which is firmly attached to the fiber probe, can be used to benignly trap and manipulate living swine sperm cells as well as human embryonic kidney cells. The lifetime of the microbubble has been prolonged and the gaseous environment inside the bubble controlled using micropipette gas injection. The controlled fusion of two microbubbles is demonstrated as a means of transferring microparticles from one bubble to another. These experiments lay the foundation for the use of the microbubble as a mobile, nanoliter-volume disposable biochamber for cellular studies.  相似文献   

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