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生理生态学的原则是随着纬度的升高,物种分布的海拔高度将随之降低。但是,云南一些植物特征成分的分布却与之相反,它们的分布与云南残留的古夷平面的分布相似,即随着纬度的升高,其分布的海拔高度也随之升高。二者的区别是云南古夷平面分布的趋势线的仰角大于那些特征成分分布的趋势线的仰角。可能的原因是:相对于剧烈的地质运动,物种的适应能力总是相对滞后的,并且物种的分布也受到其生长特性的制约;根据分布区形成的原则,这些成分的发生应早于夷平面的隆起。  相似文献   

浅谈果树病虫害综合防治技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在我国的农业生产的过程中,对于果树的病虫害综合防治是农业生产效益的根本保障,我国是一个农业大国,尤其是在我国的北方,果树的栽培更是有着悠久的历史,在近些年中由于技术的进步果树的品种更新的速度也在不断的加快,但是随之而来的就是果树的病虫害的问题,它对于果树的影响非常的大,直接在经济上给果农带来严重的损失,为了能够让果农的经济效益得到保障,对于果树的病虫害防治就显得极为重要。本文主要是对东北地区的果树病虫害的现状进行简要的分析,并对果树病虫害的综合防治技术进行研究找出适当的对策,希望能有所裨益。  相似文献   

绪言自从1950年召开的研究巴甫洛夫生理学说问题的苏联科学院及苏联医学科学院的科学会议以后,则产生了根据巴甫洛夫学说讲授中学的人体解剖生理学的必要性. 巴甫洛夫的高级神经活动学说是他的生理学说的顶峰,是中学学生所必需获得的,巴甫洛夫有关高级神经活动的概念,可以在人体解剖生理课程中阐明,但是它的形成在动物学的课程中就应当开始.高级神经活动的概念,在说明关于有机体为统一的整体的较为总括性的概念中,是起一个主导作用的.学生自觉的掌握巴甫洛夫的“高级神经活动”概念,将会有助于学生树立辩证唯物主义的、无神论的世界观.学生具备了高级神经活动的概念,则给中学10年级学习心理学打下了良好的基础.一直到现在为止,在学校的人体解剖生理学课程中树立高级神经活动概念的方法的问题,尚未得到必要的解决.  相似文献   

对于罗红来说,热爱自然始于被自然的征服,始于非洲的原野上“生命就在你身边奔流”的时候,发现了“那么多的生命可以跟人类如此之近,有多美好”。同时也始于被蹂躏的自然的伤痛。于是他的镜头,才可能在动物的世界里,创造出“那么多让人热血沸腾的故事”。从一个旁观者的角度,进入到撼人心魄的生物圈,然后又选择了从数千米的高空,俯瞰这个世界的美丽。距离的远近不是心灵远近的同义词,罗红大气、美丽的自然,说出了一个普通而又意味深长的哲理。以一种爱的力量在很近的心灵的距离俯瞰宏大的自然,世界才会呈现出完全不同的意味。当然,这样的一个过程,是漫长而艰巨的,也是值得的。[编者按]  相似文献   

在中学阶段的生物教学中,科学素质教育的任务是什么?笔者认为科学素质教育应包括运用科学的方法、选择适当的实验材料、执着的钻研精神、敏锐的观察能力、实事求是的态度以及耐得住清贫和寂寞的生活方式的教育等。科学品质的培养则依赖于正确的思想观念的确立和高尚的道...  相似文献   

当代手术室护士素质能力要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
素质原本是心理学的一个专门术语,是指人的一种较稳定的心理特征。素质广义的解释分先天与后天两方面。先天的自然性的一面,是指人在某些方面的与生俱来的特点和原有基础,即天生的感知器官,神经系统,特别是大脑结构和功能上的一系列特点而言;素质的后天的社会性的一面是主要的,是指通过不断的培养、教育、自我修养、自我磨练而获得的一系列知识技能、行为习惯、文化涵养、品质特点的总和。护士的素质包括思想品质素质和专业素质两个方面。而对于手术室护士的素质就有更高更广泛的要求,特别是对于当代手术室护士的素质能力,只有提高了手术室护士的素质,才能改善医院手术室的护理质量,更好的适应当代手术室的工作要求。如何提高手术室护士的素质能力,是摆在我们面前的重要课题,作者结合多年担任手术室护士和护士长的经验就手术室护士应具有的素质能力,提高手术室护士素质的途径和方法做如下探讨。  相似文献   

生物催化是指将酶或生物有机体用于有用的化学转化的过程,在人们对传统化学催化的环境影响抱有忧虑的情况下,生物催化提供了一种有吸引力的选择。在过去的几十年里,对生物催化剂的研究每出现一次大的进步,生物催化的发展就会出现一次高潮。因此,生物催化剂的发现与改造已成为当今研究的热点。宏基因组文库技术的出现克服了许多微生物不可培养的障碍,人们能够从自然资源中获得丰富的潜在的生物催化剂。而基于理性设计的分子改造技术的发展,可以使得人们对潜在的生物催化剂进行快速而有效的改造以满足工业化生产的需求。随着生物催化剂发现与改造的手段不断进步,更多的优良生物催化剂得到了广泛的应用,生物催化在工业生产中也得到了更深入的应用。结合作者的研究工作,总结了生物催化剂发现与改良的一些研究进展,以为获得更多优良的、能够实现工业应用的生物催化剂奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

当人们走进自然历史博物馆,看到巨大的恐龙骨架时,总是情不自禁地问道:这条恐龙有多少吨重?这就产生了怎样测量恐龙体重的问题。过去很长的一个时期,人们是依据恐龙骨架的大小,它的脚印的大小和凹陷的深浅,参考现代的一些脊椎动物的重量,作大体上的推测。例如要测量的恐龙骨架与现代的印度象差不多,就估计恐龙的体重约为5吨左右。显然这种方法并不准确。后来,有些研究恐龙的科学家不断提出测量恐龙体重的方案。目前,在我国普遍认为行之有效的测量恐龙体重的方法,是采用美国科尔伯特改进的用复原模型测量的方法。他的方法是,根据一个简单的物理学原理:体积×比重=体重。体积是用要测量的恐龙的复原模型求出来的。首先要依据待测恐龙的骨架的尺度,作出一个一  相似文献   

医院的对外宣传工作的目的是为了更好的介绍医院,展示医院,树立医院在社会公众心中的良好形象。使更多的人们了解医院的专业性,服务大众的水平,医院的各项惠民政策,医疗科普知识等。建立健康的、和谐的医患关系,推动医疗卫生事业的蓬勃发展。本文从医院对外宣传存在的问题,新时期医院对外宣传的实践路径进行了简单的论述。  相似文献   

许多国家都有了自己的国花。如朝鲜的金达莱,日本的樱花,英国的蔷薇,法国的百合花,美国的山杞花,德国的矢车菊,意大利的雏菊,加拿大的糖槭花,西班牙的石榴花,希腊的橄榄花,爱尔兰的酢浆草花,墨西哥的仙人掌花。这些花,或因原产于所在的国家,或因遍植于该国,或与该国人民  相似文献   

Purification of proteins is commonly a multiple-step process involving size exclusion, ion exchange, affinity, hydrophobic, and other modes of chromatography. In an effort to circumvent the laborious process of collecting the solutes from each column and reintroducing them onto a second column, a valving system is described that directs the samples eluted from a high-performance liquid chromatographic column through a detector with a high-pressure cell into either a second column or into storage loops of a multiloop value. This multiloop value is referred to as a high-pressure fraction collector. After development of the first column is complete, a second solvent can be directed to the second column or high-pressure fraction collector to elute the solutes back through the detector and onto any other column in the system. The process of eluting a sample from a column through a single detector and directing it to the high-pressure fraction collector or any other column in the system may be repeated a number of times. Such valving systems make it possible to chromatograph a single protein component on two or three columns in a short time.  相似文献   

Effects of Wnt proteins on cell proliferation and apoptosis in HEK293 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wnt proteins and Wnt signalings have been implicated in a variety of development and cell processes, while aberrant activation of Wnt signaling is linked to a range of cancers in many tissues. In this study, we used the HEK293 cell line to investigate the effects of Wnt3a and Wnt5a on proliferation and apoptosis in a serum starvation culture. After Wnt3a and Wnt5a proteins were expressed, they both promoted the proliferation of HEK293 cells under serum starvation. After 48h of serum starvation, both Wnt3a and Wnt5a inhibited serum starvation-induced apoptosis of HEK293 cells and continued up to 96h. We demonstrated that Wnt3a and Wnt5a can promote proliferation of HEK293 cells and inhibit serum starvation-induced apoptosis, which implies that Wnt3a and Wnt5a can maintain the survival of HEK293 cells under stress, and also provide a novel insight into the role of Wnt3a and Wnt5a and their related signalings in carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

郑濡永  陈桂清 《菌物学报》1991,10(Z1):45-58
由石家庄中国人民解放军白求恩国际和平医院皮肤科李成龙大夫提供的一株人体皮肤病菌经我们研究鉴定为毛霉目(Mucorales)毛霉科(Mucoraceae)根毛霉属(Rhizomucor)的一个种,并定名为多变根毛霉新种(Rhizomucor variabilis Zheng & G.-q.Chen sp. nov.)。据李大夫介绍,这株菌是从一名居住在江苏农村到该医院看病的女病人的手上病部分离的。这个病人没有一般真菌病病人所患有的其他疾病如糖尿病、白血病等等。她也没有患有其他毛霉病,因此她的皮肤毛霉病是原发性的而不是继发性的。我们查阅文献结果,国内由根毛霉属真菌引致的毛霉病过去仅有过一次肺部感染的报道;国外则有过较多次数的由根毛霉引致的人体毛霉病,主要为肺部疾病并可引致继发性的皮肤病,尚未见有由根毛霉属引起的原发性皮肤毛霉病的报道。无论国内、外引起人体毛霉病的根毛霉均为微小根毛霉[Rhizomucor pusillus(Lindt) Schipper,包括Mucor pusillus Lindt,Mucor parasiticus Lucet & Costanin等异名]一种。因此,本病例为我国第二例由根毛霉弓l起的人体毛霉病及第一例由根毛霉引起的人体皮肤毛霉病,同时又是全世界第一例由根毛霉属除微小根毛霉以外的另外一个种引起的人体毛霉病,很可能还是全世界第一例由根毛霉引起的人体原发性皮肤毛霉病。多变根毛霉与根毛霉属内所有过去已报道过的种都有显著差异。它的最适生长温度为24-30℃,最低9℃,最高38℃;其他种均为高温真菌,它们的最高生长温度可达55℃或更高。形态方面,多变根毛霉也与属内其他已知种明显不同。它的菌落高达4-8 mm并呈鲜明的浅黄色;其他已知种菌落低矮,除奈尼塔尔根毛霉(Rhizomucor nainitalensis Joshi)外全部为深暗灰色,奈尼塔尔根毛霉菌落色泽虽然较浅,但为浅灰或灰黄色,与多变根毛霉的鲜明黄色不同。它的假根异常发达并可从菌体的各个部位如菌丝、匍匐丝、孢子枝、孢子囊、囊轴上长出;其他已知种的假根一般都不发达且从未见有从孢子枝、孢子囊、囊轴等处长出的描述。它的孢子枝的分枝常常长于主枝;其他已知种则分枝长度一般不超过主枝。它的囊轴形状多变:球形、近球形、扁球形、卵形、椭圆形、梨形等等,两边对称或不对称,溢缩或不绕缩,纵向深裂或不作纵向深裂;其他已知种的囊轴形状通常为倒卵形至梨形的规则形状。它的囊领明显;其他已知种的囊领均很不明显至缺如。它的孢囊孢子形状和大小变化都较大,卵形、椭圆形、矩圆形、近球形、近三角形或其他各种不规则形状,长度范围2.5-16.5 μm;其他已知种除上面已经提到过的奈尼塔尔根毛霉外,它们的孢囊孢子形状仅限于卵形、椭圆形、近球形等较规则的形状,长度范围总是在3-6 μm范围内,奈尼塔尔根毛霉的孢囊孢子形状虽然多变,但其决度亦在3-6 μm的范围内。此外,多变根毛霉的孢子囊、囊轴、孢囊孢子等各种构造均较大;其他已知种则较小,其中肿梗根毛霉[Rhizomucor tauricus (Milko & Schkurenko) Schipper]虽亦较大,但除此之外与多变根毛霉迥异。多变根毛霉未见有接合孢子,将我们保存的全部微小根毛霉菌株与它分别配对时,或将我们的几对别的属的(+)(-)测试菌株与它分别配对时,均未见形成接合孢子或有任何反应。  相似文献   

The vacuolar H+ ATPases (V-ATPases) are ATP-driven proton pumps that transport protons across both intracellular and plasma membranes. Previous studies have implicated V-ATPases in the invasiveness of various cancer cell lines. In this study, we evaluated the role of V-ATPases in the invasiveness of two closely matched human breast cancer lines. MCF10a cells are a non-invasive, immortalized breast epithelial cell line, and MCF10CA1a cells are a highly invasive, H-Ras-transformed derivative of MCF10a cells selected for their metastatic potential. Using an in vitro Matrigel assay, MCF10CA1a cells showed a much higher invasion than the parental MCF10a cells. Moreover, this increased invasion was completely sensitive to the specific V-ATPase inhibitor concanamycin. MCF10CA1a cells expressed much higher levels of both a1 and a3 subunit isoforms relative to the parental line. Isoforms of subunit a are responsible for subcellular localization of V-ATPases, with a3 and a4 targeting V-ATPases to the plasma membrane of specialized cells. Knockdown of either a3 alone or a3 and a4 together using isoform-specific siRNAs inhibited invasion by MCF10CA1a cells. Importantly, overexpression of a3 but not the other a subunit isoforms greatly increased the invasiveness of the parental MCF10a cells. Similarly, overexpression of a3 significantly increased expression of V-ATPases at the plasma membrane. These studies suggest that breast tumor cells employ particular a subunit isoforms to target V-ATPases to the plasma membrane, where they function in tumor cell invasion.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and systematics of two red colored freshwater cryptomonads, Storeatula rhinosa , sp. nov. and Pyrenomonas ovalis , sp. nov., are described for the first time. Storeatula, which had been described from marine waters only, has a single inner periplast sheet and a fibrous surface periplast component. Cells lack a furrow but possess a gullet, a bilobed chloroplast connected by a pyrenoid and a nucleomorph located in an indentation of the pyrenoid. This freshwater Storeatula possesses the same general features as the marine species, but it has a contractile vacuole and lacks the lobed chloroplast of S. major. P. ovalis has the generic characteristics described for marine species of Rhodomonas. These characteristics include a short furrow, a deep gullet, square inner periplast plates with beveled corners, a slightly fibrillar surface periplast component, a single chloroplast with two lobes connected by a pyrenoidal bridge and a nucleomorph located in an indentation of the pyrenoid.  相似文献   

The supply of oxygen to proliferating cells within a scaffold is a key factor for the successful building of new tissue in soft tissue engineering applications. A recent in vivo model, where an arteriovenous loop is placed in a scaffold, allows a vascularising network to form within a scaffold, establishing an oxygen source within, rather than external, to the scaffold. A one-dimensional model of oxygen concentration, cell proliferation and cell migration inside such a vascularising scaffold is developed and investigated. In addition, a vascularisation model is presented, which supports a vascularisation front which moves at a constant speed. The effects of vascular growth, homogenous and heterogenous seeding, diffusion of cells and critical hypoxic oxygen concentration are considered. For homogenous seeding, a relationship between the speed of the vascular front and a parameter defining the rate of oxygen diffusion relative to the rate of oxygen consumption determines whether a hypoxic region exists at some time. In particular, an estimate of the length of time that a fixed point in the scaffold will remain under hypoxic conditions is determined. For heterogenous seeding, a Fisher-like travelling wave of cells is established behind the vascular front. These findings provide a fundamental understanding of the important interplay between the parameters and allows for a theoretical assessment of a seeding strategy in a vascularising scaffold.  相似文献   

Sec1/Munc18-like (SM) proteins functionally interact with SNARE proteins in vesicular fusion. Despite their high sequence conservation, structurally disparate binding modes for SM proteins with syntaxins have been observed. Several SM proteins appear to bind only to a short peptide present at the N terminus of syntaxin, designated the N-peptide, while Munc18a binds to a 'closed' conformation formed by the remaining portion of syntaxin 1a. Here, we show that the syntaxin 16 N-peptide binds to the SM protein Vps45, but the remainder of syntaxin 16 strongly enhances the affinity of the interaction. Likewise, the N-peptide of syntaxin 1a serves as a second binding site in the Munc18a/syntaxin 1a complex. When the syntaxin 1a N-peptide is bound to Munc18a, SNARE complex formation is blocked. Removal of the N-peptide enables binding of syntaxin 1a to its partner SNARE SNAP-25, while still bound to Munc18a. This suggests that Munc18a controls the accessibility of syntaxin 1a to its partners, a role that might be common to all SM proteins.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the independent contributions of plasma levels of lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)), Lp(a) cholesterol, and of apo(a) isoform size to prospective coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. Plasma Lp(a) and Lp(a) cholesterol levels, and apo(a) isoform size were measured at examination cycle 5 in subjects participating in the Framingham Offspring Study who were free of CHD. After a mean follow-up of 12.3 years, 98 men and 47 women developed new CHD events. In multivariate analysis, the hazard ratio of CHD was approximately two-fold greater in men in the upper tertile of plasma Lp(a) levels, relative to those in the bottom tertile (P < 0.002). The apo(a) isoform size contributed only modestly to the association between Lp(a) and CHD and was not an independent predictor of CHD. In multivariate analysis, Lp(a) cholesterol was not significantly associated with CHD risk in men. In women, no association between Lp(a) and CHD risk was observed. Elevated plasma Lp(a) levels are a significant and independent predictor of CHD risk in men. The assessment of apo(a) isoform size in this cohort does not add significant information about CHD risk. In addition, the cholesterol content in Lp(a) is not a significant predictor of CHD risk.  相似文献   

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