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The effects of the universal signal molecule, abscisic acid (ABA), with limited knowledge functions in non-tracheophyte have been studied in three selected bryophyte species: two mosses, Physcomitrella patens and Atrichum undulatum, and one liverwort, Marchantia polymorpha. While vegetative development as well as total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents tended to decrease in the three bryophyte species with increasing exogenous ABA concentration, the effect on total biomass showed less clear patterns in the bryophytes tested. These differences in response to ABA likely reflect different adaptations of these three species to conditions in situ.  相似文献   

The discovery,scope, and puzzle of desiccation tolerance in plants   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Alpert  Peter 《Plant Ecology》2000,151(1):5-17

The modern scientific study of desiccation tolerance began in 1702 when Anthony von Leeuwenhoek discovered that rotifers could survive without water for months. By 1860, the controversy over whether organisms could dry up without dying had reached such a pitch that a special French commission was convened to adjudicate the dispute. In 2000, we know that a few groups of animals and a wide variety of plants can tolerate desiccation in the active, adult stages of their life cycles. Among plants, this includes many lichens and bryophytes, a few ferns, and a very few flowering plants, but no gymnosperms nor trees. Some desiccation-tolerant species can survive without water for over ten years, recover from desiccation to unmeasurably low water potentials, and, when plants are desiccated, endure temperature extremes from ?272 to 100 °C. Desiccation-tolerant plants occur on all continents but mainly in xeric habitats or microhabitats where the cover of desiccation-sensitive species is low. Two main puzzles arise from these patterns: What are the mechanisms by which plants tolerate desiccation? and Why are desiccation-tolerant plants not more ecologically widespread? Recent molecular and biochemical studies suggest that there are multiple mechanisms of tolerance, many of which involve protection from oxidants and from the loss of configuration of macromolecules during dehydration. Hypotheses to explain the restricted ecological range of desiccation-tolerance plants include inability to maintain a cumulative positive carbon balance during repeated cycles of wetting and drying and inherent trade offs between desiccation tolerance and growth rate.


The resurrection plant (Craterostigma plantagineum) is desiccation tolerant. However, callus derived from this plant, when propagated in vitro, requires exogenously applied abscisic acid (ABA) in order to survive desiccation. Treatment of callus tissue with ABA induces most of the genes that are induced by dehydration in the whole plant. This property has been exploited for the isolation of mutants that show dominant phenotypes resulting from the ectopic expression of endogenous genes induced by the insertion of a foreign promoter. Here we describe new T-DNA tagged Craterostigma desiccation-tolerant (cdt) mutants with different molecular and physiological characteristics, suggesting that different pathways of desiccation tolerance are affected. One of the mutants, cdt-2, constitutively expresses known osmoprotective Lea genes in callus and leaf tissue. Further analysis of this mutant revealed that the tagged locus is similar to a previously characterised gene, CDT-1, which codes for a signalling molecule that confers desiccation tolerance. The nature of the T-DNA insertion provides insight into the mechanism by which the CDT-1/2 gene family functions in ABA signal transduction.  相似文献   

Acquisition of desiccation tolerance in soybeans   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The entry into a desiccation-tolerant state is a major developmental component of seed maturation. Development of desiccation tolerance of embryonic axes of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv. Chippewa 64] was studied by measuring changes in electrolyte leakage. germination and relative growth rate after axes were rapidly air-dried to various water contents. Axes acquired the full capacity for germination at 34 days after flowering (DAF). and reached physiological maturity (maximum dry weight) at 48 DAF. When dried to water content h = 0. 08 (g water g−1 dry weight). few axes germinated before 42 DAF. but more than 90% germinated after 48 DAF. However, electrolyte leakage of rehydrated axes showed a linear decline from 30 to 55 DAF. For developing axes there was a critical water content or desiccation threshold. which could be estimated by using the electrolyte leakage method. The threshold of desiccation tolerance decreased gradually from h = 1. 10 to 0. 18 as axes matured from 28 to 55 DAF. The development of desiccation tolerance continued after physiological maturity at 48 DAF. We conclude that the acquisition of desiccation tolerance of soybean axes is a gradual event, rather than an abrupt transition.  相似文献   

脱落酸(Abscisic acid,ABA)是一种重要的植物激素,在种子休眠的建立、种子萌发、根发育和非生物胁迫反应过程中发挥作用。F-box蛋白是E3泛素连接酶SCF复合体的组成部分,通过特异识别和调节底物蛋白水平而调控植物生长发育过程。通过分析GEO基因芯片,筛选到38个受ABA调节的拟南芥候选F-box基因。选择其中6个F-box基因,进行实时荧光定量PCR分析。研究结果与基因芯片结果基本一致。分析启动子,发现候选基因含有大量ABA、干旱和胁迫相关的顺式作用元件。分析基因表达谱,发现部分基因在保卫细胞、种皮、花粉和衰老叶片中呈现高表达;大部分基因在ABA处理、胁迫和种子吸胀过程中表达量改变显著。这些分析结果为深入研究ABA调节植物生长发育和抗逆的分子机制提供了线索。  相似文献   

Selaginella tamariscina, one of the most primitive vascularplants, can remain alive in a desiccated state and resurrectwhen water becomes available. To evaluate the nature of desiccationtolerance in this plant, we compared the composition of solublesugars and saturation ratios of phospholipids (PLs) betweenhydrated and desiccated tissues of S. tamariscina using gaschromatography. In this study, differences in gene expressionand ABA contents were also analyzed during dehydration. Theresults revealed that trehalose (at >130 mg g–1 DW)was the major soluble sugar, and low saturated fatty acid contentin PLs (0.31) was maintained in both hydrated and desiccatedtissues. In addition, the ABA content of S. tamariscina increased3-fold, and genes involved in ABA signaling and cellular protectionwere up-regulated while photosystem-related genes were down-regulatedduring dehydration. The biochemical and molecular findings suggestthat both constitutive and inducible protective molecules contributeto desiccation tolerance of S. tamariscina.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) induces formation of a set of proteins in the xerophilic liverwortExormotheca holstii. Some of them have immunological properties similar to the dehydrins of desiccated corn embryos and the desiccation-related proteins ofCraterostigma plantagineum. The fluctuations of endogenous ABA during cycles of desiccation and rehydration seem to be sufficiently high to indicate a role for ABA as a stress hormone and there by as an endogenous inductor of stress-related protein synthesis. Desiccation tolerance disappears when thalli are cultivated for a longer period under well-watered conditions; such thalli are not able to increase stress-dependent ABA biosynthesis sufficiently, or to form the desiccation-related proteins unless they are treated with external ABA. The rehydrated thalli cannot recover from a rapid water loss, while ABA-treated, non-hardened thalli regain their photosynthetic activity within two hours.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - Fo initial fluorescence yield - Fm maximum fluorescence yield - QA primary quinone receptor of PSII We are grateful to Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support (SFB 251, TP3, Graduiertenkolleg Ka 456/5-1), to Prof. E.W. Weiler (Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenphysiologie, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany), Dr. D. Bartels (Max-Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung, Köln, Germany) and Dr. T.J. Close (Department of Botany and Plant Science, University of California, Riverside, Calif., USA) for generous gifts of immunochemicals for ABA assay and antibodies 6–19, 37-31 and Rb-2b, to Miss. B. Dierich for skilful technical assistance and to Mrs. E.M. Arnold, Omaruru, Namibia for the generous supply ofExormotheca thalli.  相似文献   

The moss Physcomitrella patens has been used as a model organism to study the induction of desiccation tolerance (DT), but links between dehydration rate, the accumulation of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and DT remain unclear. In this study, we show that prolonged acclimation of P. patens at 89% relative humidity (RH) [?16 MPa] can induce tolerance of desiccation at 33% RH (?153 MPa) in both protonema and gametophore stages. During acclimation, significant endogenous ABA accumulation occurred after 1 day in gametophores and after 2 days in protonemata. Physcomitrella patens expressing the ABA‐inducible EARLY METHIONINE promoter fused to a cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) reporter gene revealed a mostly uniform distribution of the CFP increasing throughout the tissues during acclimation. DT was measured by day 6 of acclimation in gametophores, but not until 9 days of acclimation for protonemata. These results suggest that endogenous ABA accumulating when moss cells experience moderate water loss requires sufficient time to induce the changes that permit cells to survive more severe desiccation. These results provide insight for ongoing studies of how acclimation induces metabolic changes to enable DT in P. patens.  相似文献   

The interactions among water content, chlorophyll a fluorescence emission, xanthophyll interconversions and net photosynthesis were analyzed during dehydration in desiccation-tolerant Frullania dilatata (L.) Dum. and desiccation-intolerant Pellia endiviifolia (Dicks) Dum. Water loss led to a progressive suppression of photosynthetic carbon assimilation in both species. Their chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics at low water content were: low photosynthetic quantum conversion efficiency, high excitation pressure on photosystem II and strong non-photochemical quenching. However, dissipation activity was lower in P. endiviifolia and was not accompanied by a rise in the concentration of de-epoxidised xanthophylls as F. dilatata. The photosynthetic apparatus of F. dilatata remained fully and speedily recuperable after desiccation in as indicated by the restoration of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters to pre-desiccation values upon rehydration. A lack of recovery upon remoistening of P. endiviifolia indicated permanent and irreversible damage to photosystem II. The results suggest that F. dilatata possesses a desiccation-induced zeaxanthin-mediated photoprotective mechanism which might aid photosynthesis recovery when favourable conditions are restored by alleviating photoinhibitory damage during desiccation. This avoidance mechanism might have evolved as an adaptative response to repeated cycles of desiccation and rehydration that represent a real threat to photosynthetic viability. Received: 12 January 1998 / Accepted: 14 July 1998  相似文献   

用显微观察技术对苔类植物地钱(Marchantia polymorpha)生殖托的形态结构进行了研究,本研究的新观察包括:(1)生殖托具有明显的背腹分化,被认为是叶状体为适应有性生殖而高度特化的直立枝;(2)雌托盘的9~11个指状裂瓣中边缘两个稍不同,除了两个边缘裂瓣外的其他裂瓣间具雌苞。托柄具有背腹之分,雌托柄背面具光合组织,并向两侧扩展形成纵沟,雌托柄的腹面具2条被鳞片重叠覆盖相互平行的纵沟,内具假根;(3)与雌托柄不同,雄托柄外观平滑,背面无光合组织及纵沟。观察发现,伞状的雌托能滞留水分,并沿雌托柄的纵沟缓慢释放连续的水流,游动精子沿着纵沟内的水流到达雌托下面的颈卵器。上述观察表明地钱生殖托的结构是对有性生殖的一种适应,这有助于我们理解地钱受精作用的机理。  相似文献   

Stomatal responses to abscisic acid in three lupin species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The effect on stomatal closure by ABA and its analogues, WL19224 and WL19377 was investigated. The rate of closure showed a sigmoid curve when various concentrations of ABA were applied. A concentration of 10-9 M ABA was the threshold for stomatal closure; maximal closure occurred at higher concentrations (from 10-6 M to 10-3 M). Use of the analogue WL19224 resulted in similar closure responses. However, ABA was more effective at lower concentrations. For example, at 10-3 M of either WL19224 and ABA, stomata closed to 2.2 μm and about 3 μm, respectively. In contrast, applications of the ABA analogue WL19377 had no effect on stomatal closure. In fact, at concentrations of WL19377 higher than 10-4 M, stomata were stimulated to open, to about 10% of their initial size. Likewise, applications of WL19377 along with ABA, inhibited ABA-induced stomatal closure. This inhibition was linearly related to the concentrations of the compounds applied. In conclusion, the structural requirements for biological activity of ABA and its analogues cannot be considered individually, but must be assessed for their roles as part of an entire functional group. Although compounds may have similar structures, their ability to control certain physiological activities may be quite different.  相似文献   

Farrant  Jill M. 《Plant Ecology》2000,151(1):29-39
The mechanisms of protection against mechanical and oxidative stress were identified and compared in the angiosperm resurrection plants Craterostigma wilmsii, Myrothamnus flabellifolius and Xerophyta humilis. Drying-induced ultrastructural changes within mesophyll cells were followed to gain an understanding of the mechanisms of mechanical stabilisation. In all three species, water filled vacuoles present in hydrated cells were replaced by several smaller vacuoles filled with non-aqueous substances. In X. humilis, these occupied a large proportion of the cytoplasm, preventing plasmalemma withdrawal and cell wall collapse. In C. wilmsii, vacuoles were small but extensive cell wall folding occurred to prevent plasmalemma withdrawal. In M. flabellifolius, some degree of vacuolation and wall folding occurred, but neither were sufficient to prevent plasmalemma withdrawal. This membrane was not ruptured, possibly due to membrane repair at plasmodesmata junctions where tearing might have occurred. In addition, the extra-cytoplasmic compartment appeared to contain material (possibly similar to that in vacuoles) which could facilitate stabilisation of dry cells.Photosynthesis and respiration are particularly susceptible to oxidative stress during drying. Photosynthesis ceased at high water contents and it is proposed that a controlled shut down of this metabolism occurred in order to minimise the potential for photo-oxidation. The mechanisms whereby this was achieved varied among the species. In X. humilis, chlorophyll was degraded and thylakoid membranes dismantled during drying. In both C. wilmsii and M. flabellifolius, chlorophyll was retained, but photosynthesis was stopped due to chlorophyll shading from leaf folding and anthocyanin accumulation. Furthermore, in M. flabellifolius thylakoid membranes became unstacked during drying. All species continued respiration during drying to 10% relative water content, which is proposed to be necessary for energy to establish protection mechanisms. Activity of antioxidant enzymes increased during drying and remained high at low water contents in all species, ameliorating free radical damage from both photosynthesis and respiration. The nature and extent of antioxidant upregulation varied among the species. In C. wilmsii, only ascorbate peroxidise activity increased, but in M. flabellifolius and X. humilis ascorbate peroxidise, glutathione reductase and superoxide dismutase activity increased, to various extents, during drying. Anthocyanins accumulated in all species but this was more extensive in the homoiochlorophyllous types, possibly for protection against photo-oxidation.  相似文献   

Pulse amplitude modulation fluorescence was used to investigate whether abscisic acid (ABA) pretreatment increases the desiccation tolerance of photosynthesis in the moss Atrichum undulatum. In unstressed plants, ABA pretreatment decreased the F V/F m ratio, largely as a result of an increase in F o. This indicated a reduction in energy transfer between LHCII and PSII, possibly hardening the moss to subsequent stress by reducing the production of the reactive oxygen species near PSII. During desiccation, F 0, F m, F v/F m, PSII, and NPQ and F 0 quenching declined in ABA-treated and nontreated mosses. However, during rehydration, F 0, F m, F v/F m, and PSII recovered faster in ABA-treated plants, suggesting that ABA improved the tolerance of photosystem II to desiccation. NPQ increased upon rehydration in mosses from both treatments, but much more rapidly in ABA-treated plants; during the first hour of rehydration, NPQ was two-fold greater in plants treated with ABA. F 0quenching followed a similar pattern, indicating that ABA treatment stimulated zeaxanthin-based quenching. The implications of these results for the mechanisms of ABA-induced desiccation tolerance in A. undulatum are discussed.  相似文献   

Action of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) is absent in the ABA-deficient and -insensitive double mutant ( aba-1abi3–1 ) seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana . Thus, responses to osmotic stress and dehydration can be studied without interference of endogenous ABA. Seeds of this double mutunt are viable hut desiceation-intolerant. However, desiccation tolerance can he induced by either (1) slow dehydration of immature seeds; (2) treatment of immature seeds with osmotica or; (31 due to the leakiness of the ABA-insensitivty mutation, by application of exogenous ABA. Consequently it is concluded that either ABA or osmotic- or dehydration-stress and related gene expression meets the minimal requirements for acquisition of desiccation tolerance in seeds of Arabidopsis thalianna .  相似文献   

用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)分析平邑甜茶内源ABA、IAA,选用Spherisorb C18反相柱,用UV检测器进行检测,使ABA、IAA得到很好的分离,测定方法迅速简便,流动相为甲醇、乙酸和水,系统研究了pH值、纯化方法对测定结果的影响,确定适合平邑甜茶ABA、IAA提取的分离条件。方法的精密度为:变异系数分别为2.83和2.79,最低检出限(信噪比=2)分别为3.27和3.26nmol/L,线  相似文献   

Metabolism and distribution of xylem-fed ABA were investigated in leaves of maize (Zea mays) and Commelina communis when water stress and xylem pH manipulation were applied. 3H-ABA was fed to excised leaves via the transpiration stream. Water stress was applied through either a previous soil-drying before leaves were excised, or a quick dehydration after leaves were fed with ABA. Xylem-delivered ABA was metabolised rapidly in the leaves (half-life 0.7 h and 1.02 h for maize and Commelina respectively), but a previous soil-drying or a post-feeding dehydration significantly extended the half-life of fed ABA in both species. In the first few hours after ABA was fed into the detached leaves, percentages of applied ABA remaining unmodified were always higher in leaves which received water stress treatments than in control leaves. However the percentage decreased to below the control levels several hours later in leaves which received a previous soil-drying treatment prior to excision, but had then been rehydrated by the xylem-feeding process itself. One possible explanation for this could be a changed pattern of compartmentalisation for xylem-carried ABA. A post-feeding dehydration treatment also changed the distribution of xylem-fed ABA within the leaves: more ABA was found in the epidermis of Commelina leaves which had been dehydrated rapidly after ABA had been fed, compared to the controls. The levels of xylem-delivered ABA remaining unmodified increased as the pH of the feeding solution increased from 5 to 8. The results support the hypothesis that water stress and a putative stress-induced xylem pH change may modify stomatal sensitivity to ABA by changing the actual ABA content of the leaf epidermis.  相似文献   

对地钱(Marchantia polymorpha)颈卵器发育和卵发生过程进行了显微观察和细胞化学的研究,颈卵器起始于原始细胞,该细胞呈乳突状,经横分裂产生基细胞和顶细胞,顶细胞经3次纵斜向分裂和1次横分裂产生初生细胞,初生细胞是颈卵器内的第一个细胞,经横分裂产生中央细胞和颈沟母细胞,前者产生1个腹沟细胞和1个卵细胞,后者最终产生4个颈沟细胞。颈卵器的成熟表现为颈部显著伸长和腹部膨大,卵细胞成熟时具有不规则的核,细胞质内含有丰富的囊泡和颗粒物,卵细胞周围充满粘性物质,细胞化学研究表明,该粘性物质为多糖,卵细胞质中深染色的颗粒可能为脂类物质,腹沟细胞自产生后就逐渐退化,颈沟细胞的退化迟于腹沟细胞,其数量通常为4个,偶尔可见5个颈沟细胞或具有双核的现象。  相似文献   

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