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武汉生物技术产业发展的宗旨是:集中武汉的生命科学与技术领域的力量,突出重点,发挥优势,从科研、开发和产业三个方面入手,用5~10年的时间,建立起生命科学研究、开发及其产业的发展体系,在若干领域达到国际或国内的领先水平,把武汉地区生命科学领域的科研优势转化为产业优势,形成强大的生物技术产业链;应用生命科学的理论和现代生物技术新成果的产业化大力发展具有生态、环保、经济、社会效益的生物技术产业及其相关产业 ,通过新技术、新产品的研究开发及其产业化改造传统产业,调整产业结构和产品结构,形成武汉新的经济增长点和支撑点.搭上国际生物高技术产业头班车,迎接生物经济时代到来 . 武汉现代生物技术产业的重点发展领域和重点发展项目分别如下:  相似文献   

我国生物技术产业发展政策建议   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生物技术已成为我国参与国际竞争、争夺未来高技术制高点的一个重要领域。近年来,我国政府通过制定实施一系列发展计划、管理法规和政策措施,正在努力为生物技术的发展创造良好环境。但就产业而言,目前还有不少环节急待进一步改善,需要配套更有力的产业政策。主要分析了我国生物技术产业发展的现实政策环境,针对产业在创新体系、投融资体系、研发服务、法制监管等方面存在的薄弱环节,提出了若干推进政策建议 。  相似文献   

美国作为现代生物技术的发祥地,其生物技术产业领先于世界其他国家.研究、总结美国在科技管理、资金支持、产业化、税收优惠、人力资源和产业集群六个方面促进生物技术产业发展的政策和措施,希望为我国制定促进生物技术产业发展的产业政策以借鉴和指导.  相似文献   

生物医药产业是各大经济体在21世纪优先发展的战略性产业,并逐步成为世界经济的主导产业。我国制定了一系列鼓励政策加快推动生物医药创新发展,为我国生物医药创新打造了良好的大环境。在大众创业、万众创新的大背景下,各地相应建设生物技术科技园和孵化器,促进生物技术企业创新。通过阐述生物产业最为发达的国家——美国不同类型的生物技术孵化器的建设、运营、孵化成功案例等,分析了孵化器内部运营与外部协作的生态关系,总结了孵化器孵化成功的经验,针对我国生物技术孵化器的建立和运营提出了建议。  相似文献   

以"创新支撑发展,产业成就未来"为主题的第三届中国工业生物技术发展高峰论坛,于4月23日~25日在天津滨海新区隆重举行.本次论坛由中科院生命科学与生物技术局、国家发展和改革委员会高技术产业司、科技部中国生物技术发展中心、中国生物工程学会共同主办,中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所(筹)、中国科学院微生物研究所、天津市高新技术成果转化中心承办.来自全国的300多位与会代表出席了本次论坛.  相似文献   

为了促进生物技术信息交流、生物技术成果转化和生物技术产业信息化,由中国生物工程学会、中国科学院生命科学与生物技术局、中国科学院微生物所等单位本着优势互补、资源集成的原则共同组建的“中国生物技术信息网(http:www.biotech.org.cn)”于2003年3月2日正式开通。中国科学院副院长、中国生物工程学会理事长陈竺院士为该网站欣然题词:“跟踪生物技术信息动态促进生物技术产业发展”...  相似文献   

生物技术领域技术创新与成果转化类基地平台是开展生物技术关键技术研究,推动应用示范、成果转化及产业化的重要载体。通过对近年来我国生物技术领域技术创新与成果转化类基地平台发展现状进行梳理分析,探讨基地平台在促进生物技术创新与转化中的作用,总结优势和不足,为其今后的发展建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

美国:政策法律支持,许可限制放宽在美国,生物技术产业自20世纪70年代起得到快速发展,这与政府长期以来站在国家战略的高度,采取了一系列促进生物技术产业化发展的举措是分不开的,这些举措包括:——专门的组织领导机构。通过成立高层次领导和协调机构,制定宏观战略和规划,对生物技术及其产业的发展产生影响。美国总统、国会均设有专门的生物技术委员会,跟踪生物技术的发展,研究制定相  相似文献   

<正>生物技术的迅猛发展及其表现出来的对健康、粮食、能源以及环境等与人类生存息息相关问题的影响,使生物技术在推动经济社会发展中扮演越来越重要的角色,成为引领新一轮科技革命的核心技术,美、日、印度等国纷纷将发展生物技术及产业上升到国家战略高度。我国政府自建国以来就重视支持生物技术发展,特别是近10年来,制定了一系列促进生物技术和产业发展的政策,提出了"到2020年,生物产业发展成为国民经济的支柱产业"的宏伟目标。  相似文献   

大豆转基因育种及产业化发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因技术是现代生物技术研究的热点之一,转基因作物种植已经成为全球普及最为迅速的生物技术.转基因大豆是目前种植区域最广、种植面积最大的转基因作物,已成为世界大豆主产国大豆产业发展的主要动力.中国的大豆产量居世界第四位,但转基因大豆育种的研究尚处于起步阶段,在转基因大豆产业化发展方面潜力巨大.我国应该充分利用现代生物技术的成果,借鉴国外转基因大豆的发展经验,立足本国实际,在农业转基因生物安全管理相关法律法规下,建立和健全我国转基因大豆育种及其产业化发展体系,大力发展转基因大豆,提升我国大豆产业的市场竞争力.本文概述了我国转基因大豆的研究现状以及国际转基因大豆的研发趋势,分析了我国转基因大豆发展所面临的挑战并提出了应对策略.  相似文献   

As medicine moves into the 21st century, life saving therapies will move from inception into medical products faster if there is a better synergy between science and business. Medicine appears to have 50-year innovative cycles of education and scientific discoveries. In the 1880’s, the chemical industry in Germany was faced with the dilemma of modernization to exploit the new scientific discoveries. The solution was the spawning of novel technical colleges for training in these new chemical industries. The impact of those new employees and their groundbreaking compounds had a profound influence on medicine and medical education in Germany between 1880 and 1930. Germany dominated international science during this period and was a training center for scientists worldwide. This model of synergy between education and business was envied and admired in Europe, Asia and America. British science soon after evolved to dominate the field of science during the prewar and post World War (1930’s–1970’s) because the German scientists fled Hitler’s government. These expatriated scientists had a profound influence on the teaching and training of British scientists, which lead to advances in medicine such as antibiotics. After the Second World War, the US government wisely funded the development of the medical infrastructure that we see today. British and German scientists in medicine moved to America because of this bountiful funding for their research. These expatriated scientists helped drive these medical advances into commercialized products by the 1980’s. America has been the center of medical education and advances of biotechnology but will it continue? International scientists trained in America have started to return to Europe and Asia. These American-trained scientists and their governments are very aware of the commercial potential of biotechnology. Those governments are now more prepared to play an active role this new science. Germany, Ireland, Britain, Singapore, Taiwan and Israel are such examples of this government support for biotechnology in the 21st century. Will the US continue to maintain its domination of biotechnology in this century? Will the US education system adjust to the new dynamic of synergistic relationships between the education system, industry and government? This article will try to address these questions but also will help the reader understand who will emerge by 2015 as the leader in science and education.  相似文献   

This paper examines claims made about the role of ‘expert knowledge’ in analysing the language of individuals seeking asylum in the UK. I treat policy as a type of power and seek to understand how this policy uses the language of science to further the British government's stated interest to provide ‘secure borders’ and a ‘safe haven’ for refugees. I look at how the Home Office defines, shapes and implements the policy, and at how the policy has influenced judicial decisions. In short I unmask UKBA's claim that it relies upon expert, scientific knowledge to assess asylum claims.  相似文献   

国外生物技术产业发展政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球生物技术产业尚处于发展时期,政府的政策对技术的进步和产业的发展有明显的导向和促进作用。对美国、欧洲等国家和地区的产业政策进行综合研究,发现这些生物技术产业相对发达的国家和地区,尤其是美国,其产业政策已成体系,而且可操作性强,对产业的推动作用明显,具有相当的可借鉴意义。从组织管理结构、科研投入机制、鼓励研发创新、财税支持方式、资本市场培育、产业基地建设、中介服务网络构建、人才培养与引进、以及国际合作等方面对国际上行之有效的生物技术产业政策进行了归纳分析 。  相似文献   

This study reviews how the issue of ash dieback has been placed on the political agenda in the UK, a country where the disease has affected one of the largest national extents, thus representing a particularly severe case. Comparisons are made between how the scientific community framed the ash dieback threat and the resulting response strategy and how both the media and the British government framed the problem. Representing one example of media framing, the study analyses one British newspaper’s coverage of the disease and the response strategies (the Daily Telegraph). The analysis highlights a gap between the biologically rooted perspective and the perspective of policymakers, where policy must manoeuvre between disparate viewpoints and needs. Crucially, none of Pautasso et al.’s (Biol Conserv 158:37–49, 2013) five plant-science-based solutions were explicitly adopted by the British Government in their response strategy to ash dieback disease. The same is true of the biological control recommendations offered by Kirisits et al. (J Agric Ext Rural Dev 4(9):230–235, 2012). Instead, the government adopted a broader, more comprehensive approach than that recommended by plant scientists. The present analysis thus provides an example of a holistic perspective on the multiple competing factors that policymakers must navigate in their attempts to delineate action. It highlights instances in which proposed biological responses were rendered less applicable by a failure to understand the agenda-setting process and the policy-making arena. The present findings suggest that an improved understanding of the factors influencing agenda setting and policy action is essential to arriving at a more effective and integrated understanding of responses to biological threats.  相似文献   

In 1919 the Animal Breeding Research Department was established in Edinburgh. This Department, later renamed the Institute of Animal Genetics, forged an international reputation, eventually becoming the centrepiece of a cluster of new genetics research units and institutions in Edinburgh after the Second World War. Yet despite its significance for institutionalising animal genetics research in the UK, the origins and development of the Department have not received as much scholarly attention as its importance warrants. This paper sheds new light on Edinburgh’s place in early British genetics by drawing upon recently catalogued archival sources including the papers of James Cossar Ewart, Regius Professor of Natural History at the University of Edinburgh between 1882 and 1927. Although presently a marginal figure in genetics historiography, Ewart established two sites for experimental animal breeding work between 1895 and 1911 and played a central role in the founding of Britain’s first genetics lectureship, also in 1911. These early efforts helped to secure government funding in 1913. However, a combination of the First World War, bureaucratic problems and Ewart’s personal ambitions delayed the creation of the Department and the appointment of its director by another six years. This paper charts the institutionalisation of animal breeding and genetics research in Edinburgh within the wider contexts of British genetics and agriculture in the early twentieth century.  相似文献   

Within the context of global competition for human talent, two policy shifts in favour of the promotion of high-skilled immigration (HSI) were observed in the UK and France during the 2000s. In light of similar policy inputs, this article compares the development and implementation of the British Highly Skilled Immigration Programme between 2002 and 2008 and the French Carte de Competences et Talents (Card of Competences and Talents) from 2006 to 2009. This research explores whether there was an overall convergence across these two European countries' policies towards HSI and if they have conformed to a similar client politics model. Whereas this politics model was identified in the UK, a policy gap was observed in France. This article relates the identified divergences with the political agency of the British and French policymakers, while the conclusions argue that politics trumped policy in the two selected cases.  相似文献   



The commercial poultry industry in United Kingdom (UK) is worth an estimated £3.4 billion at retail value, producing over 174 million birds for consumption per year. An epidemic of any poultry disease with high mortality or which is zoonotic, such as avian influenza virus (AIV), would result in the culling of significant numbers of birds, as seen in the Netherlands in 2003 and Italy in 2000. Such an epidemic would cost the UK government millions of pounds in compensation costs, with further economic losses through reduction of international and UK consumption of British poultry. In order to better inform policy advisers and makers on the potential for a large epidemic in GB, we investigate the role that interactions amongst premises within the British commercial poultry industry could play in promoting an AIV epidemic, given an introduction of the virus in a specific part of poultry industry in Great Britain (GB).  相似文献   


This paper presents quantified estimates of the prospective impacts on the UK economy over 2000-05 of the development of biotechnology. The study has proceeded by identifying the key effects that we expect biotechnology to have, determining on the basis of logic and economic theory the qualitative character of the expected economic consequences, constructing scenarios within the Cambridge Multisectoral Dynamic Model of the UK economy to represent these effects and examining and interpreting the consequences revealed by the model's results. Biotechnology is still at such an early stage that attention is mainly focussed on the impact of biotechnology production, rather than diffusion. The industrial application of biotechnology in relation to the overall economy is likely to remain modest through to 2005, but will probably be greater in the longer term as the producing sectors grow in importance and as the technology becomes more pervasive.  相似文献   

刘长秋 《生命科学》2012,(11):1351-1356
20世纪下半叶以来,生命科技的发展极大地增进了人类的福祉,但也引生了大量伦理与法律问题,使得生命科技的伦理调整与法律规范成为必然。在生命科技发展的过程中,生命伦理发挥了重要的引领作用,它以其自身特定的机制保障着生命科技的健康发展。生命伦理与生命法存在着明显区别,这些区别使得生命伦理在现代生命科技社会中无法独立承担引领生命科技健康发展的使命,而必须与生命法共同在生命科技社会治理中发挥作用。在现代生命科技社会中,生命法具有不可取代的重要作用,正是基于此,20世纪70年代以来,各国兴起了一场生命伦理法律化的运动,纷纷强化了本国的生命法制建设,改变了以往单纯依赖生命伦理调整生命科技活动的历史,使法律也参与到生命科技的规制中来。人类生命科技治理必然要经历一个由单纯依赖生命伦理到依赖生命法与生命伦理相结合的发展阶段。当前,我国生命立法还存在诸多不足,难以适应生命科技发展的现实需要,需要采取相应的完善对策。  相似文献   

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