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Preparation and properties of cardiac cytochrome c 1   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

C H Kim  T E King 《Biochemistry》1987,26(7):1955-1961
A method for the large-scale isolation of beef heart mitochondrial cytochrome c1 in high purity was developed. This method gave higher yield of "one-band" cytochrome c1 than previously reported [Kim, C. H., & King, T. E. (1981) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 102, 607-614]. In addition, the present method was effective in the preparation of "two-band" cytochrome c1 which was used to prepare the hinge protein according to the principle of sequential resolution [Kim, C. H., & King, T. E. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 13543-13551]. The isolation of one-band and two-band cytochrome c1 by this procedure could be completed within 3 or 4 days starting with succinate-cytochrome c reductase. One-band cytochrome c1 showed a molecular weight of 44,000 by sedimentation equilibrium and 29,000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The disparities in these data from the actual value of 27,924 by amino acid sequence analysis, as previously reported [Wakabayashi, S., Matsubara, H., Kim, C. H., & King, T. E. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 9335-9344], are most probably due to the formation of detergent or detergent-phosphate complex. A comparison of some properties of one-band cytochrome c1 with those of two-band cytochrome c1 clearly showed significant differences between the two preparations. These results suggest the hypothesis that one of the possible roles of the hinge protein in the mitochondrial respiratory chain is to stabilize the conformation of cytochrome c1.  相似文献   

The interactions of cytochrome c1 and cytochrome c from bovine cardiac mitochondria were investigated. Cytochrome c1 and cytochrome c formed a 1:1 molecular complex in aqueous solutions of low ionic strength. The complex was stable to Sephadex G-75 chromatography. The formation and stability of the complex were independent of the oxidation state of the cytochrome components as far as those reactions studied were concerned. The complex was dissociated in solutions of ionic strength higher than 0.07 or pH exceeding 10 and only partially dissociated in 8 M urea. No complexation occurred when cytochrome c was acetylated on 64% of its lysine residues or photooxidized on its 2 methionine residues. Complexes with molecular ratios of less than 1:1 (i.e. more cytochrome c) were obtained when polymerized cytochrome c, or cytochrome c with all lysine residues guanidinated, or a "1-65 heme peptide" from cyanogen bromide cleavage of cytochrome c was used. These results were interpreted to imply that the complex was predominantly maintained by ionic interactions probably involving some of the lysine residues of cytochrome c but with major stabilization dependent on the native conformations of both cytochromes. The reduced complex was autooxidizable with biphasic kinetics with first order rate constants of 6 X 10(-5) and 5 X U0(-5) s-1 but did not react with carbon monoxide. The complex reacted with cyanide and was reduced by ascorbate at about 32% and 40% respectively, of the rates of reaction with cytochrome c alone. The complex was less photoreducible than cytochrome c1 alone. The complex exhibited remarkably different circular dichroic behavior from that of the summation of cytochrome c1 plus cytochrome c. We concluded that when cytochromes c1 and c interacted they underwent dramatic conformational changes resulting in weakening of their heme crevices. All results available would indicate that in the complex cytochrome c1 was bound at the entrance to the heme crevice of cytochrome c on the methionine-80 side of the heme crevice.  相似文献   

Human cytochrome c oxidase was purified in a fully active form from heart and skeletal muscle. The enzyme was selectively solubilised with octylglucoside and KCl from submitochondrial particles followed by ammonium sulphate fractionation. The presteady-state and steady-state kinetic properties of the human cytochrome c oxidase preparations with either human cytochrome c or horse cytochrome c were studied spectrophotometrically and compared with those of bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase. The interaction between human cytochrome c and human cytochrome c oxidase proved to be highly specific. It is proposed that for efficient electron transfer to occur, a conformational change in the complex is required, thereby shifting the initially unfavourable redox equilibrium. The very slow presteady-state reaction between human cytochrome c oxidase and horse cytochrome c suggests that, in this case, the conformational change does not occur. The proposed model was also used to explain the steady-state kinetic parameters under various conditions. At high ionic strength (I = 200 mM, pH 7.4), the kcat was highly dependent on the type of oxidase and it is proposed that the internal electron transfer is the rate-limiting step. The kcat value of the 'high-affinity' phase, observed at low ionic strength (I = 18 mM, pH 7.4), was determined by the cytochrome c/cytochrome c oxidase combination applied, whereas the Km was highly dependent only on the type of cytochrome c used. Our results suggest that, depending on the cytochrome c/cytochrome c oxidase combination, either the dissociation of ferricytochrome c or the internal electron transfer is the rate-limiting step in the 'high-affinity' phase at low ionic strength. The 'low-affinity' kcat value was not only determined by the type of oxidase used, but also by the type of cytochrome c. It is proposed that the internal electron-transfer rate of the 'low-affinity' reaction is enhanced by the binding of a second molecule of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

A tryptic resistant heme peptide has been prepared and purified from cardiac cytochrome c1. This purified peptide is not further hydrolyzed by reactions of other proteolytic enzymes, such as pronase. The peptide contains 2 residues each of serine, cysteine and valine, and 1 residue each of alanine, methionine, tyrosine, histidine, arginine, proline, glutamic acid (glutamine) and aspartic acid. The intensity of the absorption spectrum of the peptide has been found to be dependent upon, but the positions of the absorption maxima do not vary with, concentration. The heme peptide does not show multiple splitting of absorption peaks at liquid N2 temperatures as does the intact cytochrome C1. However, cyanide rapidly reacts with the peptide and causes significant spectral changes. CD spectra of the peptide exhibit a typical profile of a non-structured heme peptide with positive CD bands in the Soret region and around 250 nm, and a broad negative extreme of 320-360 nm. The similarities and differences between the tryptic resistant heme peptides from cytochromes c1 and c have been compared.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic systems provide excellent experimental opportunities for exploring structure/function relationships for the complex, membrane-bound, multisubunit enzymes responsible for the reduction and subsequent oxidation of c-type cytochromes in respiratory or photosynthetic electron transport chains. Two points are made in this mini-review: (1) The eukaryotic and prokaryotic aa3-type cytochrome c oxidases are members of an apparently large superfamily of structurally related respiratory oxidases. This superfamily displays considerable variation in terms of the heme prosthetic groups (a or b) as well as the substrate oxidized (quinol or cytochrome c). The relationships among these enzymes help to facilitate explorations of how they work. (2) Molecular biology techniques can be used to generate intact, redox-active, water-soluble domains of membrane-bound subunits. These soluble domains can be used for detailed examination, including obtaining high resolution structure by NMR techniques or by X-ray crystallography. This approach is being used to study the soluble heme-binding domain of cytochrome c1 from the bc1 complex of Rhodobacter sphaeroides.  相似文献   

The electron paramagnetic resonance (epr) properties of cytochrome c oxidase have been examined with special attention to the effect of added ligands and of interactions between the redox components. The fully oxidized preparations have a very small g6 signal which increases greatly as the redox potential is made more negative, a process exactly paralleling the disappearance of the g3 signal. The potential for half appearance or disappearance (Em), respectively, is 380 mV at pH 7.0 and 300 mV at pH 8.5. This identifies the changes as accompanying reduction of cytochrome a3 because the Em of the “invisible copper” is 340 mV and pH independent. Nitric oxide (NO) binds reduced cytochrome a3 to form a paramagnetic species. This resulting epr signal is strongly dependent on the redox state of cytochrome a, another expression of heme-heme interaction in cytochrome oxidase. The NO compound is also unique in that under the appropriate conditions three of the four redox components (cytochrome a3, cytochrome a, and the “visible” copper) are epr active. In potentiometric titrations in the presence of azide the formation of the azide compound responsible for the g2.9 signal appears to require reduction of both cytochrome a3 and the “invisible copper.” An internal sulfur compound is present which, at alkaline pH values, can bind the heme responsible for the g6 signal and change it to a low-spin sulfur compound with a signal at approximately g2.6. Evidence is also presented for the cytochrome c oxidase in situ being an equilibrium mixture of two different conformational states.  相似文献   

1. Ferricytochrome c1 solution was reduced completely between pH 7 and 10 by illumination under anaerobic conditions. Photoreduction was not affected by the ionic strength of the medium. However, it did not take place at pH lower than 6 or higher than 10, or in the presence of p-hydroxymercuric benzoate. The ferricyanide-reoxidized photoreduced c1 was not further reduced upon illumination. The reductant was most probably a specific sulfhydryl group in the subunit containing the heme of the cytochrome since this subunit contained one less p-HMB-titratable group in the photoreduced sample than in the untreated preparation. 2. The photoreduced cytochrome c1 showed the same spectra as the native cytochrome, and was not reactive with carbon monoxide. The equilibrium constant of the reaction c12+ + c3+ equilibrium c13+ + c2+ for the photoreduced c1 was found to be slightly lower (Keq = 2.6) than that for the native c1 (Keq = 3.5). The antimycin A-sensitive electron acceptor activity of ferricyanide-reoxidized photoreduced c13+ catalyzed by succinate-cytochrome c reductase was about 80% of that of the native c1. 3. A somewhat simplified method for isolation of cytochrome c1 was developed. Anaerobic ammonium sulfate fractionation and calcium phosphate gel chromatography were still used in order to achieve the purity level of about 25 nmol of heme/mg of protein. The cytochrome c1 prepared by this procedure showed the same properties tested as that by the beta-mercaptoethanol method (Yu, C.A., Yu, L., and King, T.E. (1972) J. Biol. Chem. 247, 1012-1019).  相似文献   

The reaction kinetics of native and carbodi-imide-modified tuna and horse heart cytochromes c with both a strong (dithionite) and a relatively weak (ascorbate) reducing agent were studied over a wide range of conditions. In their reactions with dithionite both the native and modified cytochromes exhibit single exponential time courses. The effects of dithionite concentration and ionic strength on the rate of the reduction are complex and can best be explained in terms of the model proposed by Lambeth & Palmer [(1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 6095-6103]. According to this model, at low ionic strength the native proteins are reduced almost exclusively by S2O4(2-) whereas the modified proteins showed reactivity towards both S2O4(2-) and SO2.-. These findings are interpreted in terms of the different charge characteristics of the carbodi-imide-modified proteins relative to the native proteins. The findings that the modified proteins react with ascorbate in a biphasic manner are explained as arising from ascorbate binding to a reducible form of the protein, before electron transfer, with an equilibrium between the ascorbate-reducible form of the protein and a non-reducible form. Estimates were obtained for both the ascorbate equilibrium binding constant and the rate constant for the internal electron transfer for both the native and modified horse and tuna proteins. The effect of pH on the reactions indicates that the active reductant in all cases is ascorbate2-. The studies of ascorbate reactivity yield important information concerning the proposed correlation between ascorbate reducibility and the presence of a 695 nm-absorption band, and the study of dithionite reactivity illustrates the effect of protein charge and solution ionic strength on the relative contributions made by the species SO2.- and S2O4(2-) to the reduction of ferricytochrome c.  相似文献   

Oxidized and reduced manganese cytochromes c, Mn Cyt c+ and Mn Cyt c, have been synthesized. Mn Cyt c+ and Fe Cyt c+ have identical electrophoretic and ion exchange mobilities. Mn Cyt c+ does not bind F-, CN-, or N3- ions; Mn Cyt c does not bind CO or O2. Mn Cyt c is very rapidly autooxidized by O2 even at -50 degrees. The manganese ion is readily dissociated from Mn Cyt c at acidic pH values. Both Mn Cyt c and Mn Cyt c+ are high spin complexes with 3d5 S = 5/2 and 3d4 S = 2 electronic configurations, respectively. The epr spectrum of Mn Cyt c is rhombic with (formula: see text). Both oxidized and reduced Mn Cyt c react with NO; the former reaction is reversible and the product has the following epr spectral parameters: (formula: see text). There is no superhyperfine interaction observable with the NO ligand, and the unpaired electron density is estimated to be mostly in the metal ion d xy orbital. The structure is best formulated as Mn Cyt c (NO)+. The half-reduction potential of Mn Cyt c is + 60 +/- 40 mV. It is neither oxidized by cytochrome oxidase nor reduced by NADH, NADPH, or succinate cytochrome reductase. These physical, chemical, and enzymic properties of manganese cytochromes c suggest a five-coordinate metalloporphyrin prosthetic group with the manganese ion situated significantly out-of-plane toward the side of His-18.  相似文献   

Horse heart cytochrome c was covalently bound to Sepharose 4B and its redox properties were measured under various experimental conditions. The equilibrium constant for the electron exchange between the oxidized and the reduced form of cytochrome c when one of the two forms was in the semi-solid state and the other one in solution was close to 1. Matrix-bound ferrocytochrome c is very stable to autoxidation and is not oxidized by O2 even in the presence of mammalian cytochrome oxidase. Oxidation occurs if catalytic amounts of soluble cytochrome c are added to the reaction mixture. The rate of oxidation of matrix-bound ferrocytochrome c in the presence of cytochrome oxidase and catalytic amounts of soluble cytochrome c may be correlated with the rate of electron transfer between soluble and matrix-bound cytochrome c. This rate is more than two orders of magnitude lower than that reported for the homonuclear (between identical species) electron transfer in solution.  相似文献   

A c type cytochrome isolated from Synechococcus lividus grown on water and 2H2O media, has been studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The spectra were taken on the oxidized and reduced protein with excitation within the Soret band at 441.6 nm to determine whether individual resonance Raman bands of the heme shift upon deuterium substitution and also to provide a comparison with the spectra of horse heart cytochrome c. Some of the shifts observed with the deuterated heme c are larger than the corresponding shifts in meso-deuterated metalloporphyrins suggesting mixing of peripheral substituent vibrations with the skeletal modes of the porphyrin macrocycle. The algal cytochrome exhibits resonance Raman spectra roughly similar to those of horse heart cytochrome c, consistent with its optical absorption spectra which is typical of c type cytochromes, although a detailed comparison reveals note-worthy differences between the spectra of the two proteins; this may be a reflection of the effect of non-methionine ligands and protein environment on the vibrations of the c type heme in the algal cytochrome.  相似文献   

E Darrouzet  S Mandaci  J Li  H Qin  D B Knaff  F Daldal 《Biochemistry》1999,38(25):7908-7917
The cytochrome (cyt) c1 heme of the ubihydroquinone:cytochrome c oxidoreductase (bc1 complex) is covalently attached to two cysteine residues of the cyt c1 polypeptide chain via two thioether bonds, and the fifth and sixth axial ligands of its iron atom are histidine (H) and methionine (M), respectively. The latter residue is M183 in Rhodobacter capsulatus cyt c1, and previous mutagenesis studies revealed its critical role for the physicochemical properties of cyt c1 [Gray, K. A., Davidson, E., and Daldal, F. (1992) Biochemistry 31, 11864-11873]. In the homologous chloroplast b6f complex, the sixth axial ligand is provided by the amino group of the amino terminal tyrosine residue. To further pursue our investigation on the role played by the sixth axial ligand in heme-protein interactions, novel cyt c1 variants with histidine-lysine (K) and histidine-histidine axial coordination were sought. Using a R. capsulatus genetic system, the cyt c1 mutants M183K and M183H were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis, and chromatophore membranes as well as purified bc1 complexes obtained from these mutants were characterized in detail. The studies revealed that these mutants incorporated the heme group into the mature cyt c1 polypeptides, but yielded nonfunctional bc1 complexes with unusual spectroscopic and thermodynamic properties, including shifted optical absorption maxima (lambdamax) and decreased redox midpoint potential values (Em7). The availability and future detailed studies of these stable cyt c1 mutants should contribute to our understanding of how different factors influence the physicochemical and folding properties of membrane-bound c-type cytochromes in general.  相似文献   

The mammalian type cytochrome c of Ustilago sphaerogena   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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