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DNA macroarrays were used to characterize 17 Helicobacter pylori strains isolated in four geographic regions of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, and Novosibirsk). Of all genes, 1272 (81%) proved to occur in all strains and to constitute a functional core of the genome, and 293 (18.7%) were strain-specific and greatly varied among the H. pylori strains. Most (71%) of the latter had unknown functions; the remainder included restriction-modification genes (3-9%), transposition genes (2-4%), and genes coding for outer membrane proteins (2-4%). The Russian H. pylori strains did not differ in genome organization or in the number and distribution of strain-specific genes from strains isolated in other countries.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori, bacteria that colonize the human gastric mucosa, possess a large number of genes for restriction-modification (R-M) systems, and essentially, every strain possesses a unique complement of functional and partial R-M systems. Nearly half of the H.pylori strains studied possess an active type IIs R-M system, HpyII, with the recognition sequence GAAGA. Recombination between direct repeats that flank the R-M cassette allows for its deletion whereas strains lacking hpyIIRM can acquire this cassette through natural transformation. We asked whether strains lacking HpyII R-M activity can acquire an active hpyIIRM cassette [containing a 1.4 kb kanamycin resistance (aphA) marker], whether such acquisition is DNase sensitive or resistant and whether restriction barriers limit acquisition of chromosomal DNA. Our results indicate that natural transformation and conjugation-like mechanisms may contribute to the transfer of large (4.8 kb) insertions of chromosomal DNA between H.pylori strains, that inactive or partial R-M systems can be reactivated upon recombination with a functional allele, consistent with their being contingency genes, and that H.pylori R-M diversity limits acquisition of chromosomal DNA fragments of ≥1 kb.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is a human pathogen that colonizes the human gastric mucosa, causing gastritis, duodenal and gastric ulcers, and gastric carcinoma. Here we announce the draft genomes of H. pylori strain 17874, commonly used for studying motility, and P79, a strain for which plasmid vectors have been developed.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori infection of a distinct subtype of cagA may lead to different pathological manifestation. The aim of this study is to determine the presence of cagA gene and its variants in H. pylori infection among different ethnic groups and its effect on gastroduodenal diseases. Overall detection of cagA among the 205 clinical isolates of H. pylori was 94%. Variations in size of the 3' region of cagA gene were examined among 192 Malaysian H. pylori cagA-positive strains. Results showed that three cagA variants differing in fragment length of PCR products were detected and designated as type A (621-651bp), type B (732-735bp) and type C (525 bp). Although there was no association between any of the cagA subtypes with peptic ulcer disease (p>0.05), an association between cagA subtypes with a specific ethnic group was observed. Specific-cagA subtype A strains were predominantly isolated from Chinese compared to Malays and Indians (p<0.0005), and cagA subtype B strains were predominantly isolated from Malays and Indians compared to Chinese (p<0.05). The cagA type A strains of H. pylori is commonly found in the Chinese patients who have a higher risk of peptic ulcer disease, thus indicating that it could be used as an important clinical biomarker for a more severe infection.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA from 30 strains of Helicobacter pylori was subjected to pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) after digestion with NotI and NruI. The genome sizes of the strains ranged from 1.6 to 1.73 Mb, with an average size of 1.67 Mb. By using NotI and NruI, a circular map of H. pylori UA802 (1.7 Mb) which contained three copies of 16S and 23S rRNA genes was constructed. An unusual feature of the H. pylori genome was the separate location of at least two copies of 16S and 23S rRNA genes. Almost all strains had different PFGE patterns after NotI and NruI digestion, suggesting that the H. pylori genome possesses a considerable degree of genetic variability. However, three strains from different sites (the fundus, antrum, and body of the stomach) within the same patient gave identical PFGE patterns. The genomic pattern of individual isolates remained constant during multiple subcultures in vitro. The reason for the genetic diversity observed among H. pylori strains remains to be explained.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is an important human pathogen that chronically colonizes the stomach of half the world's population. Infection typically occurs in childhood and persists for decades, if not for the lifetime of the host. How is bacterial persistence possible despite a vigorous innate and adaptive immune response? Here we describe the complex role of bacterial diversity and specific mechanisms to avoid or subvert host immunity in bacterial persistence. We suggest that H. pylori finely modulates the extent to which it interacts with the host in order to promote chronic infection, and that it uses diverse mechanisms to do so.  相似文献   

Connections among biochemical pathways should help buffer organisms against environmental stress and affect the pace and trajectory of genome evolution. To explore these ideas, we studied consequences of inactivating the gene for polyphosphate kinase 1 (ppk1) in strains of Helicobacter pylori, a genetically diverse gastric pathogen. The PPK1 enzyme catalyzes synthesis of inorganic polyphosphate (poly P), a reservoir of high-energy phosphate bonds with multiple roles. Prior analyses in less-fastidious microbes had implicated poly P in stress resistance, motility, and virulence. In our studies, ppk1 inactivation caused the expected near-complete absence of poly P (>250-fold decrease) but had phenotypic effects that differed markedly among unrelated strains: (i) poor initial growth on standard brain heart infusion agar (five of six strains tested); (ii) weakened colonization of mice (4 of 5 strains); (iii) reduced growth on Ham's F-12 agar, a nutritionally limiting medium (8 of 11 strains); (iv) heightened susceptibility to metronidazole (6 of 17 strains); and (v) decreased motility in soft agar (1 of 13 strains). Complementation tests confirmed that the lack of growth of one Deltappk1 strain on F-12 agar and the inability to colonize mice of another were each due to ppk1 inactivation. Thus, the importance of ppk1 to H. pylori differed among strains and the phenotypes monitored. We suggest that quantitative interactions, as seen here, are common among genes that affect metabolic pathways and that H. pylori's high genetic diversity makes it well suited for studies of such interactions, their underlying mechanisms, and their evolutionary consequences.  相似文献   

不同幽门螺杆菌菌株ureB和hspA基因同源性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的研究不同来源幽门螺杆菌菌株的ureB基因和hspA基因的同源性。方法在GenBank中调取全球来源于幽门螺杆菌不同菌株的ureB基因序列23个和中国境内来源于幽门螺杆菌不同菌株的hspA基因序列20个,利用ClustalW2生物软件,分别对ureB基因和hspA基因序列进行同源性比较分析,并建立基因进化树,分析其特点。结果不同国家之间ureB基因序列并不一致,同一国家ureB基因序列相似性较高;中国境内hspA基因序列相似性程度很高。结论中国境内不同幽门螺杆菌菌株ureB基因序列和hspA基因序列的相似性程度都很高,都具有很高的同源性。  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats in the Helicobacter pylori genome   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
We describe an integrated system for the analysis of DNA sequence motifs within complete bacterial genome sequences. This system is based around ACeDB, a genome database with an integrated graphical user interface; we identify and display motifs in the context of genetic, sequence and bibliographic data. Tomb et al . (1997) previously reported the identification of contingency genes in Helicobacter pylori through their association with homopolymeric tracts and dinucleotide repeats. With this as a starting point, we validated the system by a search for this type of repeat and used the contextual information to assess the likelihood that they mediate phase variation in the associated open reading frames (ORFs). We found all of the repeats previously described, and identified 27 putative phase-variable genes (including 17 previously described). These could be divided into three groups: lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis, cell-surface-associated proteins and DNA restriction/modification systems. Five of the putative genes did not have obvious homologues in any of the public domain sequence databases. The reading frame of some ORFs was disrupted by the presence of the repeats, including the alpha(1-2) fucosyltransferase gene, necessary for the synthesis of the Lewis Y epitope. An additional benefit of this approach is that the results of each search can be analysed further and compared with those from other genomes. This revealed that H . pylori has an unusually high frequency of homopurine:homopyrimidine repeats suggesting mechanistic biases that favour their presence and instability.  相似文献   

Helicobacterpylori (Hp) resistance to clarithromycin, one of the antibiotics most used to eradicate infection, is connected with the presence of a point mutation on the level of adenine at position 2143 or 2144 of 23S rRNA. AIM: The aim of the study is to evaluate of the presence of these mutation vs control clarithromycin resistant Hp strains present in North Sardinia; to verify the real association between the type of mutation and the resistance-level; to use easier molecular biology methods to quickly locate the resistance-associated mutations beginning with the bioptic material. The clarithromycin susceptibility of Hp isolates was tested by the E-test method (antibiotic assay). Genomic DNA of Hp strains was amplified using specific primers for the domain V. of ribosomic 23S rRNA and sequenced after the reaction with a primer within the fragment 23S. At the same time PCR-RFLP reliability was examined underlining the presence of these mutations with BsaI, BbsI, MboII restriction enzymes. Two mutations in 2143 (A- - G) and 2144 (A- - G) were found by domain V sequencing. The strains with mutation 2143 are characterized by a greater resistance level (MIC>64 g/ml) than those with mutation 2144 (MIC <64 g/ml). Restriction endonucleases BbsI and MboII recognise the site containing the mutation 2143 (A- - G), while BsaI recognise the mutation 2144 (A- - G). These methods might enable us to identify the presence of Hp directly from bioptic material and possible clarithromycin resistance and plan a suitable therapeutic strategy and consequently a better control of the infection.  相似文献   

You Y  He L  Zhang M  Fu J  Gu Y  Zhang B  Tao X  Zhang J 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38528
In this study, a whole-genome CombiMatrix Custom oligonucleotide tiling microarray with 90,000 probes covering six sequenced Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) genomes was designed. This microarray was used to compare the genomic profiles of eight unsequenced strains isolated from patients with different gastroduodenal diseases in Heilongjiang province of China. Since significant genomic variation was found among these strains, an additional 76 H. pylori strains associated with different clinical outcomes were isolated from various provinces of China. These strains were tested by polymerase chain reaction to demonstrate this distinction. We identified several highly variable regions in strains associated with gastritis, gastric ulceration, and gastric cancer. These regions are associated with genes involved in the bacterial type I, type II, and type III R-M systems. They were also associated with the virB gene, which lies on the well-studied cag pathogenic island. While previous studies have reported on the diverse genetic characterization of this pathogenic island, in this study, we find that it is conserved in all strains tested by microarray. Moreover, a number of genes involved in the type IV secretion system, which is related to horizontal DNA transfer between H. pylori strains, were identified in the comparative analysis of the strain-specific genes. These findings may provide insight into new biomarkers for the prediction of gastric diseases.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes ulcer, atrophic gastritis, adenocarcinoma and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. Moreover, an ongoing controversial role of this bacterium infection has been suggested in the etiopathogenesis of some extradigestive diseases. The humoral response to H. pylori during a natural infection can be used for diagnostic purposes and as a basis for vaccine development. Host–pathogen interactions may be investigated by means of immunoproteomics, which provides global information about relevant specific and nonspecific antigens, and thus might be suitable to identify novel vaccine candidates or serological markers of H. pylori infection as well as of different related diseases. In this review, we describe how several research groups used H. pylori proteomics combined with western blotting analysis, using sera from patients affected with different H. pylori-related pathologies, to investigate potential associations between host immune response and clinical outcomes of H. pylori infection, resulting in the rapid identification of novel, highly immunoreactive antigens.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes ulcer, atrophic gastritis, adenocarcinoma and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. Moreover, an ongoing controversial role of this bacterium infection has been suggested in the etiopathogenesis of some extradigestive diseases. The humoral response to H. pylori during a natural infection can be used for diagnostic purposes and as a basis for vaccine development. Host-pathogen interactions may be investigated by means of immunoproteomics, which provides global information about relevant specific and nonspecific antigens, and thus might be suitable to identify novel vaccine candidates or serological markers of H. pylori infection as well as of different related diseases. In this review, we describe how several research groups used H. pylori proteomics combined with western blotting analysis, using sera from patients affected with different H. pylori-related pathologies, to investigate potential associations between host immune response and clinical outcomes of H. pylori infection, resulting in the rapid identification of novel, highly immunoreactive antigens.  相似文献   

The phenotypical differences of H. pylori strains isolated in Georgia have been evaluated. Among H. pylori isolates, these strains have been found to differ from typical ones in the morphology of their colonies, growth under microaerophilic and anaerobic conditions, alpha-hemolysin production, resistance to cephalotin and nalidixic acid. At the same time all the strains under study are no different from typical H. pylori strains in respect of their cell morphology, tinctoral properties, growth at different temperatures and their main biochemical properties.  相似文献   

During prophylactic examination of blood sera taken from the members of 59 families by the enzyme immunoassay, antibodies to H. pylori and CagA protein were determined. As shown in this study, the children of non-infected mothers proved to be infected in 6.3% of cases and the children of infected mothers, in 72.1% of cases (p < 0.001). The children of non-infected fathers were H. pylori-positive in 71.4% and those of infected fathers, in 58.4% of cases. The CagA status was found to coincide in mothers and their children (p = 0.01), but not in fathers and their children. These data indicate that children acquire H. pylori infection from the members of their family, mainly from their mothers.  相似文献   

Khan MM  Stoker NG  Drasar BS 《Microbios》2000,103(406):139-150
Helicobacter pylori is one of the most common bacterial pathogens. It is the main cause of gastric and duodenal ulcers and has been associated with other diseases. The organism seems to be more genetically diverse than other bacterial pathogens, and the source of these differences awaits explanation. The sequence of a fragment of the 16S rRNA gene was determined for ten strains of H. pylori to examine the contribution of point mutation within a conserved gene. There were few differences between the sequences from the various strains and it was concluded that such differences were not the most important source of diversity.  相似文献   

The level of the IgG antibody titer against Helicobacter pylori correlates with the severity of gastritis. H. pylori strains can harbor the so-called pathogenicity island, containing the cytotoxin associated gene (cagA). Since cagA-positive strains are more virulent it can be postulated that the gastritis will be more severe and hence the IgG antibody titer higher. In a cross-sectional study the correlation of IgG antibody titer and cagA status was studied from patients undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Biopsy specimens were obtained to determine the H. pylori status. In addition a serum sample was taken for detection of IgG antibodies against H. pylori as well as CagA. A total of 290 patients positive for IgG antibodies against H. pylori were included. Of these 153 were cagA-positive and 137 were cagA-negative. The mean IgG antibody titer was significantly higher in cagA-positive patients compared to cagA-negatives, 0.75 (S.D. 0.22) versus 0.69 (S.D. 0.24) (P=0.033). It is concluded that the IgG antibody titer is significantly higher in patients harboring cagA-positive H. pylori strains. However, in daily practice the level in IgG antibody titer cannot predict whether or not an individual carries a cagA-positive H. pylori strain since major overlap in IgG antibody titer between cagA-positive and cagA-negative patients is present.  相似文献   

Despite extensive annotation by two independent teams, the Helicobacter pylori genome appeared to lack a complete secretion machinery. The use of clinical isolates to substantiate in silico annotation is used here to identify the missing secE component of the major secretion machinery of Helicobacter pylori.  相似文献   

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