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The induction of the Dopa decarboxylase gene (Ddc) in the epidermis of Drosophila at pupariation is a receptor-mediated response to the steroid molting hormone, ecdysone. Activity is also dependent on the Broad-Complex (BR-C), an early ecdysone response gene that functions during metamorphosis. BR-C encodes a family of zinc-finger protein isoforms, BR-C(Z1-Z4). Genetic experiments have shown that the Z2 isoform is required for epidermal Ddc to reach maximum expression at pupariation. In this paper, we report that BR-C regulates Ddc expression at two different developmental stages through two different cis-acting regions. At pupariation, BR-C acts synergistically with the ecdysone receptor to up-regulate Ddc. DNase I foot printing has identified four binding sites of the predominant Z2 isoform within a distal regulatory element that is required for maximal Ddc activity. The sites share a conserved core sequence with a set of BR-C sites that had been mapped previously to within the first Ddc intron. Using variously deleted Ddc genomic regions to drive reporter gene expression in transgenic organisms, we show that the intronic binding sites are required for Ddc expression at eclosion. At both pupariation and eclosion, BR-C releases Ddc from an active silencing mechanism, operating through two distinct cis-acting regions of the Ddc genomic domain at these stages. Transgenes, bearing a Ddc fragment from which one of the cis-acting silencers has been deleted, exhibit beta-galactosidase reporter activity in the epidermal cells prior to the appearance of endogenous DDC. Our finding that BR-C is required for Ddc activation at eclosion is the first evidence to suggest that this important regulator of the early metamorphic events, also regulates target gene expression at the end of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, the ratio of the number of X chromosomes to sets of other chromosomes initiates a series of events which result in sexual differentiation. In addition, this ratio establishes dosage compensation, a mechanism which equalizes the products of X-linked genes in males and females. The present review discusses possible genetic entities responsible for the interpretation of chromosomal sex and subsequent sex-mediated regulation during development.  相似文献   

CecC, a cecropin gene expressed during metamorphosis in Drosophila pupae.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Cecropins are antibacterial peptides, induced in insects in response to bacterial infections. In Drosophila, three cecropin genes have previously been characterized, CecA1, CecA2, and CecB, in a dense cluster at 99E on the third chromosome. From the same locus, we now describe a fourth member of the cecropin gene family, CecC, which is mainly expressed at the early pupal stage. In situ hybridization to immunized pupae show that CecC is induced in the anterior end of the larval hindgut and in other larval tissues that are undergoing histolysis. Within these other tissues it is often expressed in distinct foci that may correspond to hemocytes. A similar pattern of expression in the metamorphosing pupa is also observed for the CecA and CecB genes. Comparing the DNA sequences of the cecropin genes, a conserved region is observed about 30 bp upstream of the TATA box. It consists of three shorter motifs, two of which are reminiscent of a putative promoter element in immune protein genes from the cecropia moth.  相似文献   

刘影  刘韩菡  李胜 《昆虫知识》2009,46(5):673-677
程序化细胞死亡(programmed cell death,PCD)分为I型PCD细胞凋亡(apoptosis)和II型PCD细胞自噬(autophagy)。果蝇等完全变态昆虫有2种类型的器官:即细胞内分裂器官(如脂肪体、表皮、唾液腺、中肠、马氏管等)和有丝分裂器官(复眼、翅膀、足、神经系统等)。在昆虫变态过程中,细胞内分裂器官进行器官重建,幼虫器官大量发生细胞凋亡和细胞自噬到最后完全消亡,同时成虫器官由干细胞从新生成;而有丝分裂器官则由幼虫器官直接发育为成虫器官。在果蝇等昆虫的变态过程中,细胞凋亡和细胞自噬在幼虫器官的死亡和成虫器官的生成中发挥了非常重要的作用。文章简要介绍细胞凋亡和细胞自噬在果蝇变态过程中的生理功能和分子调控机制。  相似文献   

During metamorphosis in holometabolous insects, the nervous system undergoes dramatic remodeling as it transitions from its larval to its adult form. Many neurons are generated through post-embryonic neurogenesis to have adult-specific roles, but perhaps more striking is the dramatic remodeling that occurs to transition neurons from functioning in the larval to the adult nervous system. These neurons exhibit a remarkable degree of plasticity during this transition; many subsets undergo programmed cell death, others remodel their axonal and dendritic arbors extensively, whereas others undergo trans-differentiation to alter their terminal differentiation gene expression profiles. Yet other neurons appear to be developmentally frozen in an immature state throughout larval life, to be awakened at metamorphosis by a process we term temporally-tuned differentiation. These multiple forms of remodeling arise from subtype-specific responses to a single metamorphic trigger, ecdysone. Here, we discuss recent progress in Drosophila melanogaster that is shedding light on how subtype-specific programs of neuronal remodeling are generated during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

We present a genetic analysis showing that the Drosophila melanogaster gene multi sex combs (mxc; Santamaria and Randsholt 1995) is needed for proliferation of the germline. Fertility is the feature most easily affected by weak hypomorphic mutations of this very pleiotropic locus. Pole cell formation and early steps of gonadogenesis conform to the wild-type in embryos devoid of zygotic mxc + product. mxc mutant gonad phenotypes and homozygous mxc germline clones suggest a role for mxc + in control of germ cell proliferation during the larval stages. mxc + requirement is germ cell autonomous and specific in females, whilst in males mxc + product is also needed in somatic cells of the gonads. Although mxc can be classified among the Polycomb group (Pc-G) of genes, negative trans-regulators of the ANT-C and BX-C gene complexes, germline requirement for mxc appears independent of a need for other Pc-C gene products, and mxc gonad phenotypes are different from those induced by mutations in BX-C genes. We discuss the possible functions of the mxc + product which helps to maintain homeotic genes repressed and prevents premature larval haemocyte differentiation and neoplasic overgrowth, but promotes growth and differentiation of male and female gonads.F.D. and O.S. should be considered as equal first authors  相似文献   

In Drosophila, oogenesis is initiated when a germline stem cell produces a differentiating daughter cell called the cystoblast. The cystoblast undergoes four rounds of synchronous divisions with incomplete cytokinesis to generate a syncytial cyst of 16 interconnected cystocytes, in which one cystocyte differentiates into an oocyte. Strong mutations of the arrest (aret) gene disrupt cyst formation and cause the production of clusters of ill-differentiated germline cells that retain cellular and molecular characteristics of cystoblasts. These mutant germ cells express high levels of BAM-C and SXL proteins in the cytoplasm but do not accumulate markers for advanced cystocytes or differentiating oocytes, such as the nuclear localization of SXL or the accumulation of osk mRNA, orb mRNA, and cytoplasmic dynein. However, the mutant germ cells do not contain spectrosomes, the cytoplasmic structure that objectifies the divisional asymmetry of the cystoblast. The aret mutant germ cells undergo active mitosis with complete cytokinesis. Their mitosis is accompanied by massive necrosis, so that the number of germ cells in a stem cell-derived cluster ranges from one to greater than 70. These defects of aret mutants reveal a novel function of aret as the first gene with a defined function in the cystoblast to cyst transition during early oogenesis.  相似文献   

The structure of the single copy gene encoding the putative housekeeping isoform of Drosophila melanogaster delta-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS) has been determined. Southern and immunoblot analyses suggest that only the housekeeping isoform of the enzyme exists in Drosophila. We have localized a critical region for promoter activity to a sequence of 121 base pairs that contains a motif that is potentially recognized by factors of the nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1)/P3A2 family, flanked by two AP4 sites. Heme inhibits the expression of the gene by blocking the interaction of putative regulatory proteins to its 5' proximal region, a mechanism different from those proposed for other hemin-regulated promoters. Northern and in situ RNA hybridization experiments show that maternal alas mRNA is stored in the egg; its steady-state level decreases rapidly during the first hours of development and increases again after gastrulation in a period where the synthesis of several mRNAs encoding metabolic enzymes is activated. In the syncytial blastoderm, the alas mRNA is ubiquitously distributed and decreases in abundance substantially through cellular blastoderm. Late in embryonic development alas shows a specific pattern of expression, with an elevated mRNA level in oenocytes, suggesting an important role of these cells in the biosynthesis of hemoproteins in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Determinations of total protein and RNA at various times after the beginning of the pharate pupal stage of Drosophila hydei, revealed an increase in both substances during the first 25 hr and a sudden decrease thereafter until 52 hr. From this time on the total amount of both protein and RNA increases slightly until emergence of the flies at 160 hr after the beginning of the pharate pupal stage. A similar pattern of changes was recorded for the total radioactivity as well as the specific activity of RNA labelled with 3H-uridine after the injection of the isotope immediately before the beginning of the pharate pupal stage.The migration profile of RNA labelled with 3H-uridine during larval development, revealed that shortly after the onset of the pharate pupal stage an essentially normal larval pattern consisting of major fractions of 28, 18, 8 to 9, and 4 to 7 S RNA. At 52 hr only the low molecular weight RNA was present. The ‘normal’ pattern was restored at the time of emergence of the flies, indicating re-utilization of degradation products of previously labelled RNA.  相似文献   

Establishment of germline sexual identity is critical for production of male and female germline stem cells, as well as sperm versus eggs. Here we identify PHD Finger Protein 7 (PHF7) as an important factor for male germline sexual identity in Drosophila. PHF7 exhibits male-specific expression in early germ cells, germline stem cells, and spermatogonia. It is important for germline stem cell maintenance and gametogenesis in males, whereas ectopic expression in female germ cells ablates the germline. Strikingly, expression of PHF7 promotes spermatogenesis in XX germ cells when they are present in a male soma. PHF7 homologs are also specifically expressed in the mammalian testis, and human PHF7 rescues Drosophila Phf7 mutants. PHF7 associates with chromatin, and both the human and fly proteins bind histone H3 N-terminal tails with a preference for dimethyl lysine 4 (H3K4me2). We propose that PHF7 acts as a conserved epigenetic "reader" that activates the male germline sexual program.  相似文献   

Bowser PR  Tobe SS 《Peptides》2006,27(3):583-589
Neuropeptides are important messenger molecules in invertebrates, serving as neuromodulators in the nervous system and as regulatory hormones released into the circulation. Understanding the function of neuropeptides will require the integration of genetic, biochemical, physiological and behavioral information. The advent of DNA microarrays and bioinformatic databases provides a wealth of data describing the expression profiles of thousands of genes during biological processes. One such array catalogs the developmental patterns of gene expression during the metamorphic transformation of the Drosophila midgut. We have mined the data from this experiment to explore changes of expression in genes coding for known neuropeptides, peptide hormones, and their receptors during the metamorphosis of the midgut. We found small but significant changes in the expression of the peptides diuretic hormone, FGLa-type allatostatins, myoinhibiting peptide, ecdysis-triggering hormone, drosokinin and the burs subunit of bursicon, as well as the receptors DAR-2, NPFR1, ALCR-2, Lkr and DH-R. Just as advances have been made in understanding the molecular basis of invertebrate neuropeptide action by analysis of genome projects, data mining of gene expression databases can help to integrate molecular, biochemical and physiological knowledge of biological processes.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence microscopy is an area attracting considerable interest in the field of cell biology because it offers several advantages over fluorescence microscopy, including no requirement for excitation light and being phototoxicity free. This method requires brighter luciferase for imaging; however, suitable genetic resource material for this purpose is not available at present. To achieve brighter bioluminescence microscopy, we developed a new firefly luciferase. Using the brighter luciferase, a reporter strain of Drosophila Gal4-UAS (Upstream Activating Sequence) system was constructed. This system demonstrated the expression pattern of engrailed, which is a segment polarity gene, during Drosophila metamorphosis by bioluminescence microscopy, and revealed drastic spatiotemporal change in the engrailed expression pattern during head eversion in the early stage of pupation.  相似文献   

Bhadra U  Pal-Bhadra M  Birchler JA 《Genetics》2000,155(2):753-763
The evolution of sex determination mechanisms is often accompanied by reduction in dosage of genes on a whole chromosome. Under these circumstances, negatively acting regulatory genes would tend to double the expression of the genome, which produces compensation of the single-sex chromosome and increases autosomal gene expression. Previous work has suggested that to reduce the autosomal expression to the female level, these dosage effects are modified by a chromatin complex specific to males, which sequesters a histone acetylase to the X. The reduced autosomal histone 4 lysine 16 (H4Lys16) acetylation results in lowered autosomal expression, while the higher acetylation on the X is mitigated by the male-specific lethal complex, preventing overexpression. In this report, we examine how mutations in the principal sex determination gene, Sex lethal (Sxl), impact the H4 acetylation and gene expression on both the X and autosomes. When Sxl expression is missing in females, we find that the sequestration occurs concordantly with reductions in autosomal H4Lys16 acetylation and gene expression on the whole. When Sxl is ectopically expressed in Sxl(M) mutant males, the sequestration is disrupted, leading to an increase in autosomal H4Lys16 acetylation and overall gene expression. In both cases we find relatively little effect upon X chromosomal gene expression.  相似文献   

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