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C E Rose M J Dougherty V L Brashers R L Godine L B Latham K Y Rose R M Carey 《Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.)》1989,190(2):155-162
In order to evaluate the role of the alpha-adrenergic system in the systemic and renal hemodynamic changes of the acute combined blood gas derangement, seven conscious mongrel dogs in careful sodium balance (80 mEq/day for 4 days) were evaluated. Each animal was evaluated during combined acute hypoxemia (PaO2 = 35 +/- 1 mm Hg) and hypercapnic acidosis (PaCO2 = 56 +/- 2 mm Hg; pH = 7.18 +/- 0.01) with (i) vehicle (D5W) alone and (ii) alpha 1-adrenergic blockade with prazosin, 0.1 mg/kg iv. Mean arterial pressure increased during the combined blood gas derangement with vehicle. In contrast, mean arterial pressure fell during combined acute hypoxemia and hypercapnic acidosis with alpha 1-adrenergic blockade. The mechanism for abrogation of the rise in mean arterial pressure during the combined blood gas derangement by alpha 1-adrenergic blockade appeared to be through attenuation of the rise in cardiac output rather than an exaggerated fall in total peripheral resistance. These observations suggest that the alpha-adrenergic system is important in circulatory homeostasis during the combined blood gas derangement. 相似文献
Tzeng YC Larsen PD Galletly DC 《American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology》2007,292(5):H2397-H2407
Normally, at rest, the amplitude of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) appears to correlate with cardiac vagal tone. However, recent studies showed that, under stress, RSA dissociates from vagal tone, indicating that separate mechanisms might regulate phasic and tonic vagal activity. This dissociation has been linked to the hypothesis that RSA improves pulmonary gas exchange through preferential distribution of heartbeats in inspiration. We examined the effects of hypercapnia and mild hypoxemia on RSA-vagal dissociation in relation to heartbeat distribution throughout the respiratory cycle in 12 volunteers. We found that hypercapnia, but not hypoxemia, was associated with significant increases in heart rate (HR), tidal volume, and RSA amplitude. The RSA amplitude increase remained statistically significant after adjustment for respiratory rate, tidal volume, and HR. Moreover, the RSA amplitude increase was associated with a paradoxical rise in HR and decrease in low-frequency-to-high-frequency mean amplitude ratio derived from spectral analysis, which is consistent with RSA-vagal dissociation. Although hypercapnia was associated with a significant increase in the percentage of heartbeats during inspiration, this association was largely secondary to increases in the inspiratory period-to-respiratory period ratio, rather than RSA amplitude. Additional model analyses of RSA were consistent with the experimental data. Heartbeat distribution did not change during hypoxemia. These results support the concept of RSA-vagal dissociation during hypercapnia; however, the putative role of RSA in optimizing pulmonary perfusion matching requires further experimental validation. 相似文献
Bombesin and cholecystokinin (CCK) have a variety of similar actions. Previous investigations have demonstrated that IP injections of bombesin and CCK-33 increased corticosterone secretion in conscious, freely-moving, fed rats. In this study bombesin or CCk-8 was administered by continuous, intravenous infusion to conscious, awake, fasted, mongrel dogs. Following a 30-40 minute control infusion, a progressively-increasing, stepwise infusion of either bombesin (0.1, 1.0 and 2.0 micrograms/kg-hr) or CCK-8 (62.5, 125, and 250 ng/kg-hr) was administered. Each drug dose was infused for 40-45 minutes and blood samples were drawn at 20-22.5 minutes intervals. Bombesin caused significant, dose-dependent increases in plasma cortisol (286 +/- 39% of control) and plasma ACTH (176 +/- 33% of control). CCK-8 had no consistent effect on either cortisol or ACTH secretion. Whether the lack of effect of CCK-8 in dogs, as compared to rats, is due to species variations or to the differing experimental designs is unknown. 相似文献
S Iscoe R B Young D B Jennings 《Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)》1983,54(3):623-631
We measured tidal volume (VT) and inspiratory (TI) and expiratory (TE) durations in five conscious tracheostomized dogs breathing air or 5% CO2 in air either at normal (20 degrees C) or elevated (30 degrees C) ambient temperatures. Respiratory frequency ranged between 16 and 333/min due to changes in both TI and TE. During panting TI exceeded TE. During air inhalation instantaneous ventilation (V) spontaneously ranged from 100 to 1,600 ml . kg-1 . min-1. Hypercapnia, heat stress, or both, increased this range of V by increasing maximum V, primarily due to increases in mean inspiratory flow. Under these conditions, changes in TI accounted for more of the spontaneous changes in breath duration. During inhalation of air and 5% CO2, a positive correlation between VT and TI was obtained for TI between 0.13 and 1.05 s; above 1.05 s VT decreased. Heat stress increased VT at a given TI. We suggest that either the decay rate or position of the inspiratory off-switch threshold curve (Clark and von Euler, J. Physiol. London 222: 267, 1972) varies in conscious dogs. Shifts in either the reset (onset) value or decay rate of the curve yield a positive correlation between VT and TI. This modification to the Clark-von Euler model implies that the primary effect of anesthesia on respiratory control is fixation of the inspiratory off-switch threshold curve. 相似文献
Only limited information is available on the stereochemistry of the in vivo distribution of beta-receptor-blocking drugs. In this study we determined the levels of the propranolol enantiomers in plasma, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and central nervous system (CNS), and peripheral tissues in the dog following an intravenous dose of a deuterium-labeled pseudoracemate. The appearance of the propranolol enantiomers in the CSF was rapid and nonstereoselective, with maximum concentrations reached at 15 min after dosing. The levels of the enantiomers in both CSF and plasma then declined in a parallel biphasic fashion, with a terminal t1/2 of about 125 min. Except for an early high CSF/plasma concentration ratio of 0.35, the CSF propranolol levels corresponded to the unbound concentration in plasma, CSF/plasma 0.20. All areas of the brain showed a similar uptake of propranolol, with a tissue concentration exceeding that in plasma about 10-fold during the terminal phase of elimination. The uptake of propranolol by peripheral tissues varied widely, ranging from a 50-fold accumulation by the lungs compared to plasma to no accumulation by adipose tissue. However, as for the CSF, there was no evidence of stereoselective uptake of propranolol by any CNS or peripheral tissue except for the liver. A significantly higher level of (+)-vs. (-)-propranolol in liver tissue presumably was a reflection of stereoselective hepatic metabolism of (-)-propranolol by this tissue. The slight stereoselectivity in plasma binding of propranolol known to exist in the dog had no significant influence on tissue or CSF distribution. 相似文献
The relationship between plasma concentration and disappearance (infusion) rate of insulin was determined during infusion of insulin via the portal circulation of 14 normal euglycaemic dogs when somatostatin was infused to block endogenous insulin secretion. The relationship could be represented by one straight line over the plasma immunoreactive insulin range 0 to 110 microU/ml (r = 0.99) but above 110 microU/ml the fractional insulin disappearance rate declined. The results indicate the existence in the dog of a saturable pathway of insulin degradation that could conceivably be located in liver and which may become saturated only at insulin concentrations in the portal vein exceeding approximately 330 microU/ml. 相似文献
S Kaufman 《Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology》1987,65(2):257-259
Rats were prepared with inflatable balloons at the superior vena cava - right atrium junction. After recovery 1 week later, when blood was taken from conscious, normovolaemic animals plasma renin activity was found not to be influenced by right atrial stretch. Plasma renin activity was then measured in rats in which an extracellular fluid deficit had been produced by peritoneal dialysis against a hyperoncotic, isotonic solution. Although basal plasma renin activity was elevated (6.8 +/- 0.9 from 1.5 +/- 0.2 ng X mL X h, n = 19), no depression was observed in the experimental group after 15 or 90 min of balloon inflation. In rats pretreated with isoprenaline (10 micrograms/kg body wt.) plasma renin activity was also increased over basal levels, but again balloon inflation caused no reduction in plasma renin activity. It would appear that right atrial stretch has little, if any, influence on renin release in the conscious rat. 相似文献
D A Rickaby C A Dawson J H Linehan 《Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)》1984,56(5):1170-1177
We previously presented a model from which the kinetic parameters Km and Vmax for serotonin uptake by the lung can be obtained from multiple indicator-dilution data. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether experimentally induced changes in lung endothelial function would be revealed in the kinetic parameters calculated using the model. In experiments using isolated dog lung lobes, embolization with 550-microns glass beads was used to reduce the vascular volume and perfused surface area. Imipramine was used to inhibit the serotonin uptake mechanism. In addition, we studied the influence of the vasodilator papaverine, which in previous studies had been used to block the serotonin-induced vasoconstriction. Embolization, imipramine, and papaverine all significantly reduced percentage uptake of serotonin. The kinetic analysis revealed a significant decrease in the maximum serotonin uptake rate (Vmax) with all three experimental manipulations. In addition, imipramine significantly increased Km. The results indicate that the kinetic parameters obtained from the model do respond to transport inhibition and changes in endothelial surface area, further supporting their usefulness as indexes of endothelial function. 相似文献
F W van Schaik G M Van Heeswijk J M den Hertog G H Huisman 《Archives internationales de physiologie et de biochimie》1983,91(3):215-222
Thus far non-respiratory pulmonary functions have mainly been studied in isolated lungs or in intact anaesthetized animals. Therefore, we studied pulmonary handling of vasoactive hormones in the conscious dog. Dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline (3 nmol/ml) were injected together with cardiogreen (4 mg/ml) into the caval vein during 5, 10 and 15 s in three separate experiments. Indicator-dilution curves were derived from samples originating from the pulmonary artery and the aorta. During a single passage of the lung dopamine was removed to the greatest extent, noradrenaline somewhat less, and adrenaline not at all, irrespective of the injection duration. In particular, the extraction of dopamine, which was not emphasized in literature, was a remarkable finding. 相似文献