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Species richness, composition and abundance of the bryophyte diaspore bank of Central European temperate mixed forests were compared with the forest-floor bryophyte assemblage. The impact of environmental variables and anthropogenic disturbances, including tree species composition, stand structure, microclimate, light conditions, soil and litter properties, management history, and landscape properties, potentially influencing bryophyte diaspore bank assemblages were explored. Thirty-four, 70–100 years old mixed stands with differing tree species composition were examined in the ?rség National Park, Western Hungary. The diaspore bank was studied by soil collection and cultivation, and data were analysed by multivariate methods. Contrary to the forest-floor bryophyte assemblage, where substrate availability, tree species composition and stand structure were the most influential environmental variables, the composition and abundance of the diaspore bank was mainly affected by site conditions (microclimate, litter and soil properties). Species richness of the bryophyte diaspore bank was lower than that of the forest-floor bryophyte assemblage. Short-lived mosses (colonists, short-lived shuttles) were dominant in the diaspore bank, as opposed to the forest-floor bryophyte community, where perennial mosses dominated. In the studied forests, the importance of the bryophyte diaspore bank was relatively low in the regeneration and maintenance of the forest-floor bryophyte vegetation.  相似文献   

Understanding the main factors driving bryophyte communities in forests is a worthwhile research area as it provides a framework within which to evaluate effective management options. Previous studies elucidated the role of forest structure, substrate, and climate, but their effect in a wide environmental context encompassing several types of forests is still unclear. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of climate, stand structure, substrates (tree trunks, deadwood, forest floor), and different forest types for species richness, species composition, and cover of bryophytes. Seven different types of Alpine forests dominated by spruce, larch-stone pine, silver-fir, Scots pine, oak, beech, and alder were selected. Bryophytes were sampled on tree trunks, deadwood, and forest floor. The importance of forest type, substrate, climate, and forest structure was determined by variance partitioning. Species richness and species composition were best explained by substrate (respectively 13% and 11%) and by forest type (respectively 13% and 11%). The bryophyte cover was primarily explained by the forest type (24%), and to a lesser extent by the climatic factors and stand structure. Overall, these results suggest that in this region ecologically based forest management might focus their efforts in protecting all the forest types and associated substrates. This means that forests of less economic value should also be preserved, and that acceptable silvicultural options should pay attention to the naturally available substrates. Too often, deadwood availability was a limiting substrate for bryophytes.  相似文献   

We investigated plant species diversity as it related to stand structure and landscape parameters in abandoned coppice forests in a temperate, deciduous forest area of central Japan, where Fagus crenata was originally dominant. The species occurring in the study plots were classified into habitat types based on a statistical analysis of their occurrence bias in particular habitats (e.g., primary forest, coniferous plantation) in the landscape studied. The relationships between stand structure, which reflected the gradient of management, and forest floor plant species diversity (H and J) and richness (number of species per unit area) were not significant. However, these factors did influence the forest floor plant composition of the different types of habitat. According to the multiple regression analysis, species diversity and the richness of forest floor plants was affected by landscape parameters rather than by stand structure. For trees, species richness was mainly affected by the relative dominance of F. crenata, which is one of the stand structure parameters that decreases with intensive management. This is probably because many of the tree species that are characteristic of coppice forests increase after F. crenata have been eliminated by management; these species are not dominant in the original forest, where they are suppressed by F. crenata, the shade-tolerant dominant species. The species diversity (H and J) of trees was positively correlated with some landscape parameters, including the road density around the study plot, which may be associated with the intensity of management activity. The number of disturbance-tolerant species increased with increasing road density. Stand structure mainly affected disturbance-intolerant forest floor plant species and disturbance-tolerant tree species. Thus, the species diversity responses differed between forest floor plants and trees. The impact of forest management on species diversity was more prominent for forest floor plants.  相似文献   

Forests play a key role in regulating the global carbon cycle, a substantial portion of which is stored in aboveground biomass (AGB). It is well understood that biodiversity can increase the biomass through complementarity and mass‐ratio effects, and the contribution of environmental factors and stand structure attributes to AGB was also observed. However, the relative influence of these factors in determining the AGB of Quercus forests remains poorly understood. Using a large dataset retrieved from 523 permanent forest inventory plots across Northeast China, we examined the effects of integrated multiple tree species diversity components (i.e., species richness, functional, and phylogenetic diversity), functional traits composition, environmental factors (climate and soil), stand age, and structure attributes (stand density, tree size diversity) on AGB based on structural equation models. We found that species richness and phylogenetic diversity both were not correlated with AGB. However, functional diversity positively affected AGB via an indirect effect in line with the complementarity effect. Moreover, the community‐weighted mean of specific leaf area and height increased AGB directly and indirectly, respectively; demonstrating the mass‐ratio effect. Furthermore, stand age, density, and tree size diversity were more important modulators of AGB than biodiversity. Our study highlights that biodiversity–AGB interaction is dependent on the regulation of stand structure that can be even more important for maintaining high biomass than biodiversity in temperate Quercus forests.  相似文献   

Summary Samples from temperate forest communities across the North American continent were analysed for correlations of plant species diversity with environment and community structure.Alpha diversity relationships are complicated by different vegetation patterns and community history. The differences in community diversity patterns may be due to the independent evolution of communities in different regions.Results of analyses were: 1) on a continental scale plant species diversity is related to mean annual temperature, but not precipitation; 2) diversity is substantially greater in continental climates than in maritime regions; 3) diversity-community structure relationships are generally weak, except 4) there is an inverse relationship between diversity and abundance of conifer tree species. Attempts to relate diversity to environmental parameters with multiple regression techniques met with only moderate success.I thank R. H. Whittaker, R. K. Peet and H. G. Gauch, Jr., for their help and comments. I am especially grateful to R. H. Whittaker for making his data available to me. Computation was supported in part by N.S.F. grant No. GB-30679. I was supported by a Nat. Inst. of Health Traineeship during part of this study.  相似文献   

Abstract. Structure, diversity and dynamics of five Japanese temperate old-growth forests were compared, differing from each other in, i.a., climate, dominant tree type, topography, disturbance regime. The forests were Aya, Ogawa, Kanumazawa Riparian, Kanumazawa upland and Senju. A permanent plot (1–6 ha) was established in each forest and trees were censused several times at intervals of two years. Mean annual recruitment rates and mortality rates in these forests were both in the range of 0.5 to 4.6 %/yr at the community level. Analyses of the structure and dynamics of populations showed that the underlying process was different among the forests. Some forests experienced compositional shifts in their canopies, others had a constant canopy composition but appeared to lack effective regeneration in recent years. The recruitment rate appeared to be strongly affected by competitive undergrowth vegetation such as dwarf bamboo which has been controlled by natural disturbance or human impact. It is likely that the forests with mostly low recruitment rates had a low species diversity. The current variation in structure, diversity and dynamics of the studied forests might have been determined not only by physical conditions (e.g. climate) but also by chance factors (e.g. disturbance, outbreak of deer population).  相似文献   

Tree and stand level variables affecting the species richness, cover and composition of epiphytic lichens on temperate broad-leaved trees (Fraxinus excelsior, Quercus robur, Tilia cordata, Ulmus glabra, and U. laevis) were analysed in floodplain forest stands in Estonia. The effect of tree species, substrate characteristics, and stand and regional variables were tested by partial canonical correspondence analysis (pCCA) and by general linear mixed models (GLMM). The most pronounced factors affecting the species richness, cover and composition of epiphytic lichens are acidity of tree bark, bryophyte cover and circumference of tree stems. Stand level characteristics have less effects on the species richness of epiphytic lichens, however, lichen cover and composition was influenced by stand age and light availability. The boreo-nemoral floodplain forests represent valuable habitats for epiphytic lichens. As substrate-related factors influence the species diversity of lichens on temperate broad-leaved trees differently, it is important to consider the effect of each tree species in biodiversity and conservation studies of lichens. Nomenclature Randlane et al. (2007) for lichens; Leht (2007) for vascular plants.  相似文献   

Synopsis Seasonality was investigated in an intertidal ichthyofaunal community on the west coast of South Africa. Fishes were collected monthly from 12 to 16 intertidal pools between May 1992 and May 1993, using the ichthyocide rotenone. On each occasion sampling effort was divided equally between four biologically determined shore zones, namely the cochlear, lower and upper balanoid and littorina zones. A total of 5 409 fishes belonging to 20 species and five families was collected. All fishes were intertidal residents. No seasonal trend could be found in the total density of fishes during the year, the densities of individual species, species diversity or evenness. Thus species composition remained stable over the year. The proportion of mature individuals of each species decreased in summer as a result of recruitment of juveniles at this time. This almost complete lack of seasonality was attributed to the absence of transient species from this community.  相似文献   

Recent interest in microbial diversity has led to increased emphasis on the development of appropriate techniques. Structural diversity encompasses the number and distribution of separate or interacting biological entities responsible for a given function within the overall set of functions of a community. This study evaluated an approach for estimating the relative degree of structural diversity in heterotrophic microbial communities by dilution to extinction of community phenotypic traits. Serial dilutions of environmental samples (rhizosphere, stream) were tested for community phenotypic traits (i.e. carbon source respiration). The non-linear relationship between the number of positive responses (i.e. functional richness or R) and inoculum density in each sample dilution (I) fit the simple rectangular hyperbola model, allowing estimation of the maximal richness (R(max)) and the inoculum density at half-maximal richness (K(I)). The later term appears to be useful in assessing relative structural diversity as evidenced by significantly higher values for communities with higher predicted species diversity. The examination of community functional characteristics across a series of dilutions, particularly in conjunction with other techniques, may be a useful approach for the study of microbial diversity and related ecological parameters such as niche width and metabolic redundancy.  相似文献   

Background: Most studies on tropical bryophytes deal with epiphytic species. This is the first ecological study of tropical forests that focuses specifically on terrestrial bryophytes.

Aim: To investigate the differences between slope and ridge environments in upper montane forests of southern Ecuador in terms of species diversity (richness, abundance), species composition and life forms of terrestrial bryophytes.

Methods: We used Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) to group bryophyte relevés by study location, habitat type and exposure class. Species indicator values were calculated and compared for different habitats.

Results: In total, 140 species were recorded, the majority being liverworts. NMDS analyses and Mantel correlations clearly separated between slope and ridge relevés, and between sunny and shaded microhabitats on ridges. Bryophyte life forms also showed different distribution patterns in slope and in ridge habitats. Mosses were more prominent in sunny than in shaded microhabitats.

Conclusions: Environmental differentiation between ridges and slopes, and small-scale variation in microclimatic conditions caused by differences in exposure, were stronger predictors of species richness and composition than geographical distance between study sites.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify changes in the plant species richness, diversity and composition of a mountain hay meadow (alliance Polygono bistortae-Trisetion flavescentis) after abandonment in comparison with a control cut once per year. The experiment was carried out from 1999 to 2008 in a mountain hay meadow in the Bukovec nature reserve in the north-eastern part of the Jizera Mountains (Jizerské hory, Góry Izerskie, Isergebirge), Czech Republic.The number of vascular plants species with cover greater than or equal to 1% remained almost the same throughout the study period; however, the total number of vascular plants was higher in the cut treatment after the first four years of the study. The cover of Festuca rubra, Agrostis capillaris, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Briza media and Trifolium repens was positively affected by cutting. On the other hand, the cover of Cirsium heterophyllum, Geranium sylvaticum, Hypericum maculatum, Trisetum flavescens and Luzula luzuloides was higher on the abandoned treatment plots.The main effect of the abandonment on plant species composition was the shift in cover of the dominant species. Despite ten years of contrasting management, changes in the vegetation were relatively small with no shift to a different plant community. Therefore the cutting regime combined with several years of no management may be a suitable management strategy for the maintenance of Polygono-Trisetion grasslands and will not be detrimental to the preservation of the target vegetation.  相似文献   

In the temperate forests of southwestern Japan, the population density of woody plants in the community increases in the early stage of secondary succession, reaches a peak in the old oak-chestnut forest, and decreases towards the climax beech forest. The species richness and diversity of woody plants also show a trend similar to that of the population density. The canopy-tree population decreases in the course of the succession while the basal area increases, showing a self-thinning process. The species richness, diversity and population density of herbaceous plants are much influenced by the dominance of the bamboo, Sasa palmata. The life-history traits of trees, lower trees and shrubs are discussed in relation to their shoot system, reproductive pattern and successional processes.  相似文献   

Jenkins  Michael A.  Parker  George R. 《Plant Ecology》2000,151(2):223-237
Between 1993 and 1995 we sampled herbaceous layer vegetation on 84 plots in Platanus/Asarum Wet-Mesic Bottomland forests to determine how these forests have responded to human disturbance. Four different disturbance types were sampled (abandoned agricultural are as, clearcuts, group-selection openings, and single-tree selection openings), and uncut 80–100 year-old reference stands were sampled for comparison. Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA), distance analyses (chord distance and normalized Euclidean distance) and similarity analysis (Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient) suggest that agricultural use has shifted herbaceous-layer vegetation composition away from that typical of the reference forests, but that clearcutting, group-selection harvest, and single-tree selection harvest have not greatly shifted herbaceous composition. This shift in vegetation on abandoned agricultural land resulted from a loss of indicator species, such as Cardamine concatenata (Michx.) Sw., Stellaria pubera Michx., and Laportea canadensis (L.) Weddell and an influx of disturbance, exotic, and nonforest species (e.g., Lycopodium complanatum L., Lonicera japonica Thunb. and Senecio aureus L.). However, only two species found in reference stands, Erigenia bulbosa (Michx.) Nutt. and Sphenopholis obtusata (Michx.) Scribn., were missing from clearcuts, group-selection openings, and single-tree selection openings. The species richness values of abandoned agriculture, clearcut, and group-selection plots were generally greater than those of single-tree selection and reference plots. Abandoned agricultural areas had much greater total species richness because of the influx of dry-site, exotic, disturbance, and non-forest species.  相似文献   

Regulation of lake water level for power production and flood control is among the major anthropogenic disturbances in boreal aquatic ecosystems. In Finland, over 300 lakes, representing one third of the total inland water area of the country, are artificially regulated. To study the effects of regulation on lake littoral macroinvertebrate communities, samples were taken from upper stony littoral and from lower soft bottom littoral habitats of 11 lakes with different regulation amplitudes (wintertime fall in water level 1.19–6.75 m). Twelve unregulated (wintertime fall in water level 0.11–0.55 m) lakes with otherwise similar characteristics were used as a reference. Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling ordinations showed that the composition of macroinvertebrate assemblages was strongly associated with the amplitude of water level regulation. Taxon richness also decreased with increasing intensity of regulation. Freezing and flushing of sediments in late winter are probably the most important factors leading to the impoverished littoral macroinvertebrate fauna. Invertebrates with long life cycle seem to be particularly vulnerable to unnatural water level fluctuation. Our results show that regulation of water level has a major impact on functionally significant lake littoral macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

Testing the relations between tree parameters and the richness and composition of lichen communities in near-natural stands could be a first step to gather information for forest managers interested in conservation and in biodiversity assessment and monitoring. This work aims at evaluating the influence of tree age and age-related parameters on tree-level richness and community composition of lichens on spruce in an Alpine forest. The lichen survey was carried out in four sites used for long-term monitoring. In each site, tree age, diameter at breast height, tree height, the first branch height, and crown projection area were measured for each tree. Trees were stratified into three age classes: (1) <100 years old, immature trees usually not suitable for felling, (2) 100–200 years old, mature trees suitable for felling, and (3) >200 years old, over-mature trees normally rare or absent in managed stands. In each site, seven trees in each age class were selected randomly. Tree age and related parameters proved to influence both tree-level species richness and composition of lichen communities. Species richness increased with tree age and related parameters indicative of tree size. This relation could be interpreted as the result of different joint effects of age per se and tree size with its area-effect. Species turnover is also suspected to improve species richness on over-mature trees. Similarly to species richness, tree-level species composition can be partially explained by tree-related parameters. Species composition changed from young to old trees, several lichens being associated with over-mature trees. This pool of species, including nationally rare lichens, represents a community which is probably poorly developed in managed forests. In accordance to the general aims of near-to-nature forestry, the presence of over-mature trees should be enhanced in the future forest landscape of the Alps especially in protected areas and Natura 2,000 sites, where conservation purposes are explicitly included in the management guidelines.  相似文献   

The effects of forest disturbance on diversity of tropical soil nematodes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We provide the first account of the effects of forest disturbance on species richness of nematodes in tropical forest soils, from 24 sites along gradients of disturbance and regeneration in the Mbalmayo Forest Reserve, Cameroon. Species richness was very high. Samples of 200 nematodes from individual soil cores contained a maximum of 89 and an average of 61 species; in total we recorded 431 species and approximately 194 genera. The model of Siemann et al. (1996), predicting that species richness scales as the number of individuals I 0.5, underestimates nematode diversity 4–6 fold in these samples. Over 90% of specimens cannot be assigned to known species. Although nematode species richness declined with forest disturbance, statistically significant effects were detectable only under the most extreme conditions (active slash-and-burn agriculture and complete mechanical forest clearance) and even here remained at 40% of the richness of near primary sites. Impacts on trophic structure were also small, and there were no significant changes in the maturity index (MI) (Bongers 1990) with disturbance (mean MI across all treatments was very high, at 3.58). In the light of this study, the problems of completing reliable all-taxon inventories in tropical forests are briefly discussed. Received: 22 July 1996 / Accepted: 3 April 1997  相似文献   

Species composition and forest structure change with topography.However, mechanisms for topographical vegetation changes are still not wellunderstood, because a topographical gradient is a complex environmentalgradientinclusive of many factors. The foot of Mt. Kinabalu is covered with three typesof geological substrates, i.e. Quaternary and Tertiary sedimentary rocks andultrabasic (serpentine) rock. Quaternary and Tertiary sedimentaryrocks are different in site age, but controlled in primary minerals. Tertiarysedimentary and ultrabasic rocks are contrasting in primary minerals, but arecomparable in age. This setting provides an opportunity to examine thevegetation differentiation along topographical gradients that are contrastinginmajor-nutrient supply due to the difference in site age and parent rock.We established a total of nine study plots by choosing three topographicalunits(ridge, middle- and lower-slope) on each substrate inthe tropical lower montane forest. Pool size and supply of soil N and Pdecreased upslope on each substrate, and the magnitude of the reduction fromslope to ridge decreased in the order of Quaternary sedimentary > Tertiarysedimentary > ultrabasic rock. Between-substrate difference in soilnutrient condition was greater on the lower-slopes than the ridges.Maximum tree size decreased and stem density increased upslope on eachsubstrate. Detrended correspondence analysis demonstrated that speciescomposition also changed along topographical gradients on all substrates.However, the magnitude of topographical changes in forest structure and speciescomposition varied with substrate and decreased from Quaternary sedimentary>Tertiary sedimentary > ultrabasic rock. The greatest between-substratedifference in vegetation occurred on the lower-slopes. Accordingly, ourresults suggest that the magnitude of vegetation changes due to topographybecomes smaller with decreasing pool size and supply of nutrients.  相似文献   

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