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The amino acid sequence of alcohol dehydrogenase of class III from rat liver (the enzyme ADH-2) has been determined. This type of structure is quite different from those of both the class I and the class II alcohol dehydrogenases. The rat class III structure differs from the rat and human class I structures by 133-138 residues (exact value depending on species and isozyme type); and from that of human class II by 132 residues. In contrast, the rat/human species difference within the class III enzymes is only 21 residues. The protein was carboxymethylated with iodo[2(14)C]acetate, and cleaved with CNBr and proteolytic enzymes. Peptides purified by exclusion chromatography and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography were analyzed by degradation with a gas-phase sequencer and with the manual 4-N,N-dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-isothiocyanate double-coupling method. The protein chain has 373 residues with a blocked N terminus. No evidence was obtained for heterogeneity. The rat ADH-2 enzyme of class III contains an insertion of Cys at position 60 in relation to the class I enzymes, while the latter alcohol dehydrogenase in rat (ADH-3) has another Cys insertion (at position 111) relative to ADH-2. The structure deduced explains the characteristic differences of the class III alcohol dehydrogenase in relation to the other classes of alcohol dehydrogenase, including a high absorbance, an anodic electrophoretic mobility and special kinetic properties. The main amino acid substitutions are found in the catalytic domain and in the subunit interacting segments of the coenzyme-binding domain, the latter explaining the lack of hybrid dimers between subunits of different classes. Several substitutions provide an enlarged and more hydrophilic substrate-binding pocket, which appears compatible with a higher water content in the pocket and hence could possibly explain the higher Km for all substrates as compared with the corresponding values for the class I enzymes. Finally the class III structure supports evolutionary relationships suggesting that the three classes constitute clearly separate enzymes within the group of mammalian zinc-containing alcohol dehydrogenases.  相似文献   

Alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) participate in the biosynthetic pathway of aroma volatiles in fruit by interconverting aldehydes to alcohols and providing substrates for the formation of esters. Two highly divergent ADH genes (15% identity at the amino acid level) of Cantaloupe Charentais melon (Cucumis melo var. Cantalupensis) have been isolated. Cm-ADH1 belongs to the medium-chain zinc-binding type of ADHs and is highly similar to all ADH genes expressed in fruit isolated so far. Cm-ADH2 belongs to the short-chain type of ADHs. The two encoded proteins are enzymatically active upon expression in yeast. Cm-ADH1 has strong preference for NAPDH as a co-factor, whereas Cm-ADH2 preferentially uses NADH. Both Cm-ADH proteins are much more active as reductases with K ms 10–20 times lower for the conversion of aldehydes to alcohols than for the dehydrogenation of alcohols to aldehydes. They both show strong preference for aliphatic aldehydes but Cm-ADH1 is capable of reducing branched aldehydes such as 3-methylbutyraldehyde, whereas Cm-ADH2 cannot. Both Cm-ADH genes are expressed specifically in fruit and up-regulated during ripening. Gene expression as well as total ADH activity are strongly inhibited in antisense ACC oxidase melons and in melon fruit treated with the ethylene antagonist 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), indicating a positive regulation by ethylene. These data suggest that each of the Cm-ADH protein plays a specific role in the regulation of aroma biosynthesis in melon fruit. Daniel Manríquez and Islam El-Sharkawy contributed equally to the work. Accession numbers for Cm-ADH1 (ABC02081), and Cm-ADH2 (ABC02082).  相似文献   

Class III alcohol dehydrogenase, whose activity toward ethanol is negligible, has defined, specific properties and is not just a "variant" of the class I protein, the traditional liver enzyme. The primary structure of the horse class III protein has now been determined, and this allows the comparison of alcohol dehydrogenases from human, horse, and rat for both classes III and I, providing identical triads for both these enzyme types. Many consistent differences between the classes separate the two forms as distinct enzymes with characteristic properties. The mammalian class III enzymes are much less variable in structure than the corresponding typical liver enzymes of class I: there are 35 versus 84 positional differences in these identical three-species sets. The class III and class I subunits contain four versus two tryptophan residues, respectively. This makes the differences in absorbance at 280 nm a characteristic property. There are also 4-6 fewer positive charges in the class III enzymes accounting for their electrophoretic differences. The substrate binding site of class III differs from that of class I by replacements at positions that form the hydrophobic barrel typical for this site. In class III, two to four of these positions contain residues with polar or even charged side chains (positions 57 and 93 in all species, plus positions 116 in the horse and 140 in the human and the horse), while corresponding intraclass variation is small. All these structural features correlate with functional characteristics and suggest that the enzyme classes serve different roles. In addition, the replacements between these triad sets illustrate further general properties of the two mammalian alcohol dehydrogenase classes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

O Danielsson  H Eklund  H J?rnvall 《Biochemistry》1992,31(15):3751-3759
The major alcohol dehydrogenase of cod liver has been purified, enzymatically characterized, and structurally analyzed in order to establish original functions and relationships among the deviating classes of the enzyme in mammalian tissues. Interestingly, the cod enzyme exhibits mixed properties--many positional identities with a class III protein, but functionally a class I enzyme--blurring the distinction among the classes of alcohol dehydrogenase. The two domain interfaces, affected by movements upon coenzyme binding, both exhibit substitutions in a manner thus far unique to the cod enzyme. In contrast, coenzyme-binding residues are highly conserved. At the active site, inner and outer parts of the substrate pocket show different extents of amino acid replacement. In total, no less than 7-10 residues of 11 in the substrate binding pocket differ from those of all the mammalian classes, explaining the substrate specificities. However, the inner part of the substrate pocket is very similar to that of the class I enzymes, which is compatible with the observed characteristics of the cod enzyme: ethanol is an excellent substrate (Km = 1.2 mM) and 4-methylpyrazole is a strong inhibitor (Ki = 0.1 microM). These values are about as low as those typical for the ethanol-active class I mammalian enzyme and do not at all resemble those for class III, for which ethanol is hardly a substrate and pyrazole is hardly an inhibitor. Further out in the substrate pocket, several residues differ from the mammalian classes, affecting large substrates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Submammalian alcohol dehydrogenase structures can be used to evaluate the origins and functions of the different types of the mammalian enzyme. Two avian forms were recently reported, and we now define the major amphibian alcohol dehydrogenase. The enzyme from the liver of the Green frog Rana perezi was purified, carboxymethylated, and submitted to amino acid sequence determination by peptide analysis of six different digests. The protein has a 375-residue subunit and is a class I alcohol dehydrogenase, bridging the gap toward the original separation of the classes that are observable in the human alcohol dehydrogenase system. In relation to the human class I enzyme, the amphibian protein has residue identities exactly halfway (68%) between those for the corresponding avian enzyme (74%) and the human class III enzyme (62%), suggesting an origin of the alcohol dehydrogenase classes very early in or close to the evolution of the vertebrate line. This conclusion suggests that these enzyme classes are more universal among animals than previously realized and constitutes the first real assessment of the origin of the duplications leading to the alcohol dehydrogenase classes. Functionally, the amphibian enzyme exhibits properties typical for class I but has an unusually low Km for ethanol (0.09 mM) and Ki for pyrazole (0.15 microM) at pH 10.0. This correlates with a strictly hydrophobic substrate pocket and one amino acid difference toward the human class I enzyme at the inner part of the pocket. Coenzyme binding is highly similar, while subunit-interacting residues, as in other alcohol dehydrogenases, exhibit several differences.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Four additional variants of alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases have been purified and functionally characterized, and their primary structures have been determined. The results allow conclusions about the structural and evolutionary relationships within the large family of MDR alcohol dehydrogenases from characterizations of the pigeon (Columba livia) and dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) major liver alcohol dehydrogenases. The pigeon enzyme turns out to be of class I type and the dogfish enzyme of class III type. This result gives a third type of evidence, based on purifications and enzyme characterization in lower vertebrates, that the classical liver alcohol dehydrogenase originated by a gene duplication early in the evolution of vertebrates. It is discernable as the major liver form at about the level in-between cartilaginous and osseous fish. The results also show early divergence within the avian orders. Structures were determined by Edman degradations, making it appropriate to acknowledge the methodological contributions of Pehr Edman during the 65 years since his thesis at Karolinska Institutet, where also the present analyses were performed.  相似文献   

The localization of different classes of alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH) in the brain is of great interest because of their role in both ethanol and retinoic acid metabolism. Conflicting data have been reported in the literature. By Northern blot and enzyme activity analyses only class III ADH has been detected in adult brain specimens, while results from riboprobe in situ hybridization indicate class I as well as class IV ADH expression in different regions of the rat brain. Here we have studied the expression patterns of three ADH classes in adult rat, mouse and human tissues using radioactive oligonucleotide in situ hybridization. Specificity of probes was tested on liver and stomach control tissue, as well as tissue from class IV ADH knock-out mice. Only class III ADH mRNA was found to be expressed in brain tissue of all three investigated species. Particularly high expression levels were found in neurons of the red nucleus in human tissue, while cortical neurons, pyramidal and granule cells of the hippocampus and dopamine neurons of substantia nigra showed moderate expression levels. Purkinje cells of cerebellum were positive for class III ADH mRNA in all species investigated, whereas granular layer neurons were positive only in rodents. The choroid plexus was highly positive for class III ADH, while no specific signal for class I or class IV ADH was detected. Our results thus support the notion that the only ADH expressed in adult mouse, rat and human brain is class III ADH.  相似文献   

A sensitive and convenient method for the quantitative measurement of human alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) isozymes based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has been devised. The procedure was optimized with respect to antigen coating density, antiserum dilution, and incubation times with rabbit antisera raised against beta 1 beta 1-ADH to achieve a limit of sensitivity of 1 ng/ml for this isozyme when purified. Using the optimal conditions established, quantitative measurement of alpha beta 1, alpha gamma 1, beta 1 gamma 1, pi, and chi-ADH were obtained with antisera raised in rabbits toward these individual isozymes. The incorporation into the procedure of thimerosal (ethyl(4-mercaptobenzoato-S)mercury) or other sulfhydryl specific reagents improved the soluble phase antiserum avidity for all ADH isozymes, thereby increasing the sensitivity. Thimerosal is an absolute requirement for chi-ADH antigen-antibody binding. The polyclonal rabbit antisera elicited by the individual isozymes of the three classes of ADH exhibit a high degree of isozyme class specificity. Cross-reactivity of the antibodies with the beta 1 beta 1, alpha gamma 1, alpha gamma 2, alpha beta 1, beta 1 gamma 1, beta 1 gamma 2, pi and chi isozymes were evaluated. Antisera against the class I isozymes beta 1 beta 1 and beta 1 gamma 1 cross-react with all class I isozymes and with pi-ADH. Antibodies against pi and chi-ADH are selective and specific only for their respective antigens. Neither one cross-reacts with any class I isozyme. Conformational effects resulting from subunit interactions likely account for differences in cross-immunoreactivity between the closely homologous class I isozymes.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the major quail liver alcohol dehydrogenase was determined. It is a long-chain, zinc-containing alcohol dehydrogenase of the type occurring also in mammals and hence allows judgement of the gene duplications giving rise to the classes of the human alcohol dehydrogenase system. The avian form is most closely related to the class I mammalian enzyme (72-75% residue identity), least related to class II (60% identity), and intermediately related to class III (64-65% identity). This pattern distinguishes the mammalian enzyme classes and separates classes I and II in particular. In addition to the generally larger similarities with class I, the avian enzyme exhibits certain residue patterns otherwise typical of the other classes, including an extra Trp residue, present in both class II and III but not in class I, with a corresponding increase in the UV absorbance. The avian enzyme further shows that a Gly residue at position 260 previously considered strictly conserved in alcohol dehydrogenases can be exchanged with Lys. However, zinc-binding residues, coenzyme-binding residues, and to a large extent substrate-binding residues are unchanged in the avian enzyme, suggesting its functional properties to be related to those of the class I mammalian alcohol dehydrogenases. In contrast, the areas of subunit interactions in the dimers differ substantially. These results show that (a) the vertebrate enzyme classes are of distant origin, (b) the submammalian enzyme exhibits partly mixed properties in relation to the classes, and (c) the three mammalian enzyme classes are not as equidistantly related as initially apparent but suggest origins from two sublevels.  相似文献   

The adenylyl cyclases (AC) act as second messengers in regulatory processes in the central nervous system. They might be involved in the pathophysiology of diseases, but their biological function is unknown, except for AC type I, which has been implicated in learning and memory. We previously mapped the gene encoding AC I to human Chromosome (Chr) 7p12. In this study we report the mapping of the adenylyl cyclase genes type I–VI to mouse chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH): Adcy1 to Chr 11A2, Adcy2 to 13C1, Adcy3 to 12A-B, Adcy4 to 14D3, Adcy5 to 16B5, and Adcy6 to 15F. We also confirmed previously reported mapping results of the corresponding human loci ADCY2, ADCY3, ADCY5, and ADCY6 to human chromosomes and, in addition, determined the chromosomal location of ADCY4 to human Chr 14q11.2. The mapping data confirm known areas of conservation between mouse and human chromosomes.  相似文献   

In addition to proton-pumping complex I, plant mitochondria contain several type II NAD(P)H dehydrogenases in the electron transport chain. The extra enzymes allow the nonenergy-conserving electron transfer from cytoplasmic and matrix NAD(P)H to ubiquinone. We have investigated the type II NAD(P)H dehydrogenase gene families in Arabidopsis. This model plant contains two and four genes closely related to potato (Solanum tuberosum) genes nda1 and ndb1, respectively. A novel homolog, termed ndc1, with a lower but significant similarity to potato nda1 and ndb1, is also present. All genes are expressed in several organs of the plant. Among the nda genes, expression of nda1, but not nda2, is dependent on light and circadian regulation, suggesting separate roles in photosynthesis-associated and other respiratory NADH oxidation. Genes from all three gene families encode proteins exclusively targeted to mitochondria, as revealed by expression of green fluorescent fusion proteins and by western blotting of fractionated cells. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that ndc1 affiliates with cyanobacterial type II NADH dehydrogenase genes, suggesting that this gene entered the eukaryotic cell via the chloroplast progenitor. The ndc1 should then have been transferred to the nucleus and acquired a signal for mitochondrial targeting of the protein product. Although they are of different origin, the nda, ndb, and ndc genes carry an identical intron position.  相似文献   

The zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) offers many advantages for immunological and immunogenetic research and has the potential for becoming one of the most important nonmammalian vertebrate research models. With this in mind, we initiated a systematic study of the zebrafish major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) genes. In this report, we describe the cloning and characteristics of the zebrafish class I A genes coding for the chains of the heterodimer and thus complete the identification of all four classes and subclasses of the Mhc in this species. We describe the full class I cDNA sequence as well as the exon-intron organization of the class I A genes, including intron sequences. We identify three families of class I A genes which we designate Bree-UAA,-UBA, and -UCA. The three families originated about the time of the divergence of cyprinid and salmonid fishes. All three families are members of an ancient lineage that diverged from another, older lineage also represented in cyprinid fishes before the radiation of teleost orders. The fish class I A genes therefore evolve differently from mammalian class I A genes, in which the establishment of lineages and families mostly postdates the divergence of orders.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this Papershave been submitted to the EMBL/GenBank nucleotide sequence databases and have been assigned the accession numbers Z46776–Z46779  相似文献   

In the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea, the Pmk1 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase is essential for appressorium formation and infectious growth. PMK1 is homologous to yeast Fus3 and Kss1 MAP kinases that are known to be regulated by the Ste20 PAK kinase for activating the pheromone response and filamentation pathways. In this study, we isolated and characterized two PAK genes, CHM1 and MST20, in M. grisea. Mutants disrupted in MST20 were reduced in aerial hyphae growth and conidiation, but normal in growth rate, appressorium formation, penetration, and plant infection. In chm1 deletion mutants, growth, conidiation, and appressorium formation were reduced significantly. Even though appressoria formed by chm1 mutants were defective in penetration, chm1 mutants were able to grow invasively on rice leaves and colonize through wounds. The chm1 mutants were altered in conidiogenesis and produced conidia with abnormal morphology. Hyphae of chm1 mutants had normal septation, but the length of hyphal compartments was reduced. On nutritionally poor oatmeal agar, chm1 mutants were unstable and produced sectors that differed from original chm1 mutants in growth rate, conidiation, or colony morphology. However, none of the monoconidial cultures derived from these spontaneous sectors were normal in appressorial penetration and fungal pathogenesis. These data suggest that MST20 is dispensable for plant infection in M. grisea, but CHM1 plays a critical role in appressorium formation and penetration. Both mst20 and chm1 deletion mutants were phenotypically different from the pmk1 mutant that is defective in appressorium formation and infectious hyphae growth. It is likely that MST20 and CHM1 individually play no critical role in activating the PMK1 MAP kinase pathway during appressorium formation and infectious hyphae growth. However, CHM1 appears to be essential for appressorial penetration and CHM1 and MST20 may have redundant functions in M. grisea.  相似文献   

Although many chitin synthase genes have been identified in a broad range of fungal species, there have been only a few reports about their role in fungal morphogenesis. In most cases, single gene disruption or replacement did not reveal their function, possibly because of functional redundancy among them. We obtained null mutants of Aspergillus nidulans chsA and chsC genes encoding non-essential class II and class I chitin synthases, respectively. The DeltachsA DeltachsC mutant exhibited growth defects on media supplemented with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), high concentration of salts, chitin-binding dyes, or chitin synthase competitive inhibitors, suggesting loss of integrity of hyphal wall. Moreover, remarkable abnormalities of the double mutant were observed microscopically during its asexual development. The conidiophore population was drastically reduced. Interestingly, secondary conidiophores were occasionally produced from vesicles of the primary ones. The morphology of these conidiophores was similar to those of the A. nidulans developmental mutants, medusa (medA), abacus (abaA), and some kinds of bristle (brlA). In situ staining patterns suggested that chsA was mainly expressed in the metulae, phialides, and conidia, whereas chsC was expressed in hyphae as well as conidiophores. These results suggest that ChsA and ChsC share critical functions in hyphal wall integrity and differentiation.  相似文献   



Gene duplication is a source of molecular innovation throughout evolution. However, even with massive amounts of genome sequence data, correlating gene duplication with speciation and other events in natural history can be difficult. This is especially true in its most interesting cases, where rapid and multiple duplications are likely to reflect adaptation to rapidly changing environments and life styles. This may be so for Class I of alcohol dehydrogenases (ADH1s), where multiple duplications occurred in primate lineages in Old and New World monkeys (OWMs and NWMs) and hominoids.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To build a preferred model for the natural history of ADH1s, we determined the sequences of nine new ADH1 genes, finding for the first time multiple paralogs in various prosimians (lemurs, strepsirhines). Database mining then identified novel ADH1 paralogs in both macaque (an OWM) and marmoset (a NWM). These were used with the previously identified human paralogs to resolve controversies relating to dates of duplication and gene conversion in the ADH1 family. Central to these controversies are differences in the topologies of trees generated from exonic (coding) sequences and intronic sequences.


We provide evidence that gene conversions are the primary source of difference, using molecular clock dating of duplications and analyses of microinsertions and deletions (micro-indels). The tree topology inferred from intron sequences appear to more correctly represent the natural history of ADH1s, with the ADH1 paralogs in platyrrhines (NWMs) and catarrhines (OWMs and hominoids) having arisen by duplications shortly predating the divergence of OWMs and NWMs. We also conclude that paralogs in lemurs arose independently. Finally, we identify errors in database interpretation as the source of controversies concerning gene conversion. These analyses provide a model for the natural history of ADH1s that posits four ADH1 paralogs in the ancestor of Catarrhine and Platyrrhine primates, followed by the loss of an ADH1 paralog in the human lineage.  相似文献   

The primary structure of class III alcohol dehydrogenase (dimeric with chi subunits) from human liver has been determined by peptide analyses. The protein chain is a clearly distinct type of subunit distantly related to those of both human class I and class II alcohol dehydrogenases (with alpha, beta, gamma, and pi subunits, respectively). Disregarding a few gaps, residue differences in the chi protein chain with respect to beta 1 and pi occur at 139 and 140 positions, respectively. Compared to class I, the 373-residue chi structure has an extra residue, Cys after position 60, and two missing ones, the first two residues relative to class I, although the N-terminus is acetylated like that for those enzymes. The chi subunit contains two more tryptophan residues than the class I subunits, accounting for the increased absorbance at 280 nm. There are also four additional acidic and two fewer basic side chains than in the class I beta structure, compatible with the markedly different electrophoretic mobility of the class III enzyme. Residue differences between class III and the other classes occur with nearly equal frequency in the coenzyme-binding and catalytic domains. The similarity in the number of exchanges relative to that of the enzymes of the other two classes supports conclusions that the three classes of alcohol dehydrogenase reflect stages in the development of separate enzymes with distinct functional roles. In spite of the many exchanges, the residues critical to basic functional properties are either completely unchanged--all zinc ligands and space-restricted Gly residues--or partly unchanged--residues at the coenzyme-binding pocket.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The trace biogenic amine tyramine is present in the nervous systems of animals ranging in complexity from nematodes to mammals. Tyramine is synthesized from tyrosine by the enzyme tyrosine decarboxylase (TDC), a member of the aromatic amino acid family, but this enzyme has not been identified in Drosophila or in higher animals. To further clarify the roles of tyramine and its metabolite octopamine, we have cloned two TDC genes from Drosophila melanogaster, dTdc1 and dTdc2. Although both gene products have TDC activity in vivo, dTdc1 is expressed nonneurally, whereas dTdc2 is expressed neurally. Flies with a mutation in dTdc2 lack neural tyramine and octopamine and are female sterile due to egg retention. Although other Drosophila mutants that lack octopamine retain eggs completely within the ovaries, dTdc2 mutants release eggs into the oviducts but are unable to deposit them. This specific sterility phenotype can be partially rescued by driving the expression of dTdc2 in a dTdc2-specific pattern, whereas driving the expression of dTdc1 in the same pattern results in a complete rescue. The disparity in rescue efficiencies between the ectopically expressed Tdc genes may reflect the differential activities of these gene products. The egg retention phenotype of the dTdc2 mutant and the phenotypes associated with ectopic dTdc expression contribute to a model in which octopamine and tyramine have distinct and separable neural activities.  相似文献   

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