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During vertebrate gastrulation, convergence and extension cell movements both narrow and lengthen the forming embryonic axis. Concurrently, positional information established principally by the ventral-to-dorsal gradient of bone morphogenetic protein activity specifies cell fates within the gastrula. New data, primarily from zebrafish, have identified domains of distinct convergence and extension movements, and have established a role for the noncanonical Wnt signaling pathway in promoting the mediolateral cell polarization that underlies this morphogenetic process. Other observations suggest the intriguing possibility that positional information regulates convergence and extension movements in parallel with cell-fate specification.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bone morphogenetic proteins (Bmps) are required for the specification of ventrolateral cell fates during embryonic dorsoventral patterning and for proper convergence and extension gastrulation movements, but the mechanisms underlying the latter role remained elusive. RESULTS: Via bead implantations, we show that the Bmp gradient determines the direction of lateral mesodermal cell migration during dorsal convergence in the zebrafish gastrula. This effect is independent of its role during dorsoventral patterning and of noncanonical Wnt signaling. However, it requires Bmp signal transduction through Alk8 and Smad5 to negatively regulate Ca(2+)/Cadherin-dependent cell-cell adhesiveness. In vivo, converging mesodermal cells form lamellipodia that attach to adjacent cells. Bmp signaling diminishes the Cadherin-dependent stability of such contact points, thereby abrogating subsequent cell displacement during lamellipodial retraction. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that the ventral-to-dorsal Bmp gradient has an instructive role to establish a reverse gradient of cell-cell adhesiveness, thereby defining different migratory zones and directing lamellipodia-driven cell migrations during dorsal convergence in lateral regions of the zebrafish gastrula.  相似文献   

Wnt genes play important roles in regulating patterning and morphogenesis during vertebrate gastrulation. In zebrafish, slb/wnt11 is required for convergence and extension movements, but not cell fate specification during gastrulation. To determine if other Wnt genes functionally interact with slb/wnt11, we analysed the role of ppt/wnt5 during zebrafish gastrulation. ppt/wnt5 is maternally provided and zygotically expressed at all stages during gastrulation. The analysis of ppt mutant embryos reveals that Ppt/Wnt5 regulates cell elongation and convergent extension movements in posterior regions of the gastrula, while its function in more anterior regions is largely redundant to that of Slb/Wnt11. Frizzled-2 functions downstream of ppt/wnt5, indicating that it might act as a receptor for Ppt/Wnt5 in this process. The characterisation of the role of Ppt/Wnt5 provides insight into the functional diversity of Wnt genes in regulating vertebrate gastrulation movements.  相似文献   

Convergence and extension are gastrulation movements that participate in the establishment of the vertebrate body plan. Using new methods for quantifying convergence and extension movements of cell groups, we demonstrate that in wild-type embryos, dorsal convergence of lateral cells is initially slow, but speeds up between the end of the gastrula period and early segmentation. Convergence and extension movements of lateral cells in trilobite mutants are normal during the gastrula period but reduced by early segmentation. Morphometric studies revealed that during epiboly wild-type gastrulae become ovoid, whereas trilobite embryos remain rounder. By segmentation, trilobite embryos exhibit shorter, broader embryonic axes. The timing of these morphological defects correlates well with impaired cell movements, suggesting reduced convergence and extension are the main defects underlying the trilobite phenotype. Our gene expression, genetic, and fate mapping analyses show the trilobite mutation affects movements without altering dorsoventral patterning or cell fates. We propose that trilobite function is required for cell properties that promote increased speed of converging cells and extension movements in the dorsal regions of the zebrafish gastrula.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: During vertebrate gastrulation convergence and extension (CE), movements narrow and lengthen embryonic tissues. In Xenopus and zebrafish, a noncanonical Wnt signaling pathway constitutes the vertebrate counterpart to the Drosophila planar cell polarity pathway and regulates mediolateral cell polarization underlying CE. Despite the identification of several signaling molecules required for normal CE, the downstream transducers regulating individual cell behaviors driving CE are only beginning to be elucidated. Moreover, how defective mediolateral cell polarity impacts CE is not understood.RESULTS: Here, we show that overexpression of zebrafish dominant-negative Rho kinase 2 (dnRok2) disrupts CE without altering cell fates, phenocopying noncanonical Wnt signaling mutants. Moreover, Rho kinase 2 (Rok2) overexpression partially suppresses the slb/wnt11 gastrulation phenotype, and ectopic expression of noncanonical Wnts modulates Rok2 intracellular distribution. In addition, time-lapse analyses associate defective dorsal convergence movements with impaired cell elongation, mediolateral orientation, and consequently failure to migrate along straight paths. Transplantation experiments reveal that dnRok2 cells in wild-type hosts neither elongate nor orient their axes. In contrast, wild-type cells are able to elongate their cell bodies in dnRok2 hosts, even though they fail to orient their axes.CONCLUSIONS: During zebrafish gastrulation, Rok2 acts downstream of noncanonical Wnt11 signaling to mediate mediolateral cell elongation required for dorsal cell movement along straight paths. Furthermore, elongation and orientation of the cell body are independent properties that require both cell-autonomous and nonautonomous Rok2 function.  相似文献   

During vertebrate embryogenesis, secreted Wnt molecules regulate cell fates by signaling through the canonical pathway mediated by beta-catenin, and regulate planar cell polarity (PCP) and convergent extension movements through alternative pathways. The phosphoprotein Dishevelled (Dsh/Dvl) is a Wnt signal transducer thought to function in all Wnt signaling pathways. A recently identified member of the Formin family, Daam (Dishevelled--associated activator of morphogenesis), regulates the morphogenetic movements of vertebrate gastrulation in a Wnt-dependent manner through direct interactions with Dsh/Dvl and RhoA. We describe two mouse Daam cDNAs, mDaam1 and mDaam2, which encode proteins characterized by highly conserved formin homology domains and which are expressed in complementary patterns during mouse development. Cross-species comparisons indicate that the expression domains of Xenopus Daam1 (XDaam1) mirror mDaam1 expression. Our results demonstrate that Daams are expressed in tissues known to require Wnts and are consistent with Daams being effectors of Wnt signaling during vertebrate development.  相似文献   

During vertebrate gastrulation, mesodermal and ectodermal cells undergo convergent extension, a process characterised by prominent cellular rearrangements in which polarised cells intercalate along the medio-lateral axis leading to elongation of the antero-posterior axis. Recently, it has become evident that a noncanonical Wnt/Frizzled (Fz)/Dishevelled (Dsh) signalling pathway, which is related to the planar-cell-polarity (PCP) pathway in flies, regulates convergent extension during vertebrate gastrulation. Here we isolate and functionally characterise a zebrafish homologue of Drosophila prickle (pk), a gene that is implicated in the regulation of PCP. Zebrafish pk1 is expressed maternally and in moving mesodermal precursors. Abrogation of Pk1 function by morpholino oligonucleotides leads to defective convergent extension movements, enhances the silberblick (slb)/wnt11 and pipetail (Ppt)/wnt5 phenotypes and suppresses the ability of Wnt11 to rescue the slb phenotype. Gain-of-function of Pk1 also inhibits convergent extension movements and enhances the slb phenotype, most likely caused by the ability of Pk1 to block the Fz7-dependent membrane localisation of Dsh by downregulating levels of Dsh protein. Furthermore, we show that pk1 interacts genetically with trilobite (tri)/strabismus to mediate the caudally directed migration of cranial motor neurons and convergent extension. These results indicate that, during zebrafish gastrulation Pk1 acts, in part, through interaction with the noncanonical Wnt11/Wnt5 pathway to regulate convergent extension cell movements, but is unlikely to simply be a linear component of this pathway. In addition, Pk1 interacts with Tri to mediate posterior migration of branchiomotor neurons, probably independent of the noncanonical Wnt pathway.  相似文献   

Convergent extension (CE) cell movements during gastrulation mediate extension of the anterior-posterior body axis of vertebrate embryos. Non-canonical Wnt5 and Wnt11 signalling is essential for normal CE movements in vertebrate gastrulation. Here, we show that morpholino (MO)-mediated double knock-down of the Fyn and Yes tyrosine kinases in zebrafish embryos impaired normal CE cell movements, resembling the silberblick and pipetail mutants, caused by mutations in wnt11 and wnt5, respectively. Co-injection of Fyn/Yes- and Wnt11- or Wnt5-MO was synergistic, but wnt11 or wnt5 RNA did not rescue the Fyn/Yes knockdown or vice versa. Remarkably, active RhoA rescued the Fyn/Yes knockdown as well as the Wnt11 knockdown, indicating that Fyn/Yes and Wnt11 signalling converged on RhoA. Our results show that Fyn and Yes act together with non-canonical Wnt signalling via RhoA in CE cell movements during gastrulation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: During Xenopus gastrulation, cell intercalation drives convergent extension of dorsal tissues. This process requires the coordination of motility throughout a large population of cells. The signaling mechanisms that regulate these movements in space and time remain poorly understood. RESULTS: To investigate the potential contribution of calcium signaling to the control of morphogenetic movements, we visualized calcium dynamics during convergent extension using a calcium-sensitive fluorescent dye and a novel confocal microscopy system. We found that dramatic intercellular waves of calcium mobilization occurred in cells undergoing convergent extension in explants of gastrulating Xenopus embryos. These waves arose stochastically with respect to timing and position within the dorsal tissues. Waves propagated quickly and were often accompanied by a wave of contraction within the tissue. Calcium waves were not observed in explants of the ventral marginal zone or prospective epidermis. Pharmacological depletion of intracellular calcium stores abolished the calcium dynamics and also inhibited convergent extension without affecting cell fate. These data indicate that calcium signaling plays a direct role in the coordination of convergent extension cell movements. CONCLUSIONS: The data presented here indicate that intercellular calcium signaling plays an important role in vertebrate convergent extension. We suggest that calcium waves may represent a widely used mechanism by which large groups of cells can coordinate complex cell movements.  相似文献   

Recent genetic studies in Drosophila identified a novel non-canonical Wnt pathway, the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway, that signals via JNK to control epithelial cell polarity in Drosophila. Most recently, a pathway regulating convergent extension movements during gastrulation in vertebrate embryos has been shown to be a vertebrate equivalent of the PCP pathway. However, it is not known whether the JNK pathway functions in this non-canonical Wnt pathway to regulate convergent extension movements in vertebrates. In addition, it is not known whether JNK is in fact activated by Wnt stimulation. Here we show that Wnt5a is capable of activating JNK in cultured cells, and present evidence that the JNK pathway mediates the action of Wnt5a to regulate convergent extension movements in Xenopus. Our results thus demonstrate that the non-canonical Wnt/JNK pathway is conserved in both vertebrate and invertebrate and define that JNK has an activity to regulate morphogenetic cell movements.  相似文献   

During gastrulation, cells in the dorsal marginal zone polarize, elongate, align and intercalate to establish the physical body axis of the developing embryo. Here we demonstrate that the bifunctional channel-kinase TRPM7 is specifically required for vertebrate gastrulation. TRPM7 is temporally expressed maternally and throughout development, and is spatially enriched in tissues undergoing convergent extension during gastrulation. Functional studies reveal that TRPM7's ion channel, but not its kinase domain, specifically affects cell polarity and convergent extension movements during gastrulation, independent of mesodermal specification. During gastrulation, the non-canonical Wnt pathway via Dishevelled (Dvl) orchestrates the activities of the GTPases Rho and Rac to control convergent extension movements. We find that TRPM7 functions synergistically with non-canonical Wnt signaling to regulate Rac activity. The phenotype caused by depletion of the Ca2+- and Mg2+-permeant TRPM7 is suppressed by expression of a dominant negative form of Rac, as well as by Mg2+ supplementation or by expression of the Mg2+ transporter SLC41A2. Together, these studies demonstrate an essential role for the ion channel TRPM7 and Mg2+ in Rac-dependent polarized cell movements during vertebrate gastrulation.  相似文献   

The large extracellular polysaccharide Hyaluronan (HA) and its synthesizing enzymes (Has) have been implicated in regulating the migratory potential of metastatic cancer cells. Here, we analyze the roles of zebrafish Has2 in normal development. Antisense morpholino oligonucleotide (MO)-mediated knockdown of zebrafish Has2 leads to the loss of HA, and severe migratory defects during gastrulation, somite morphogenesis and primordial germ cell migration. During gastrulation, ventrolateral cells of has2 morphant embryos fail to develop lamellipodia and to migrate dorsally, resulting in a blockage of dorsal convergence, whereas extension of the dorsal axis is normal. The effect is cell autonomous, suggesting that HA acts as an autocrine signal to stimulate the migration of HA-generating cells. Upon ectopic expression in axial cells, has2 causes the formation of supernumerary lamellipodia and a blockage of axis extension. Epistasis analyses with constitutively active and dominant-negative versions of the small GTPase Rac1 suggest that HA acts by Rac1 activation, rather than as an essential structural component of the extracellular matrix. Together, our data provide evidence that convergence and extension are separate morphogenetic movements of gastrulation. In addition, they suggest that the same HA pathways are active to auto-stimulate cell migration during tumor invasion and vertebrate embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Mutations in the zebrafish knypek locus impair gastrulation movements of convergent extension that narrow embryonic body and elongate it from head to tail. We demonstrate that knypek regulates cellular movements but not cell fate specification. Convergent extension movement defects in knypek are associated with abnormal cell polarity, as mutant cells fail to elongate and align medio-laterally. Positional cloning reveals that knypek encodes a member of the glypican family of heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Double mutant and overexpression analyses show that Knypek potentiates Wnt11 signaling, mediating convergent extension. These studies provide experimental and genetic evidence that glypican Knypek acts during vertebrate gastrulation as a positive modulator of noncanonical Wnt signaling to establish polarized cell behaviors underlying convergent extension movements.  相似文献   

During gastrulation, the archenteron is formed using cell shape changes, cell rearrangements, filopodial extensions, and convergent extension movements to elongate and shape the nascent gut tube. How these events are coordinated remains unknown, although much has been learned from careful morphological examinations and molecular perturbations. This study reports that RhoA is necessary to trigger archenteron invagination in the sea urchin embryo. Inhibition of RhoA results in a failure to initiate invagination movements, while constitutively active RhoA induces precocious invagination of the archenteron, complete with the actin rearrangements and extracellular matrix secretions that normally accompany the onset of invagination. Although RhoA activity has been reported to control convergent extension movements in vertebrate embryos, experiments herein show that RhoA activity does not regulate convergent extension movements during sea urchin gastrulation. Instead, the results support the hypothesis that RhoA serves as a trigger to initiate invagination, and once initiation occurs, RhoA activity is no longer involved in subsequent gastrulation movements.  相似文献   

During vertebrate gastrulation, the evolutionarily conserved morphogenetic movements of epiboly, internalization, convergence and extension cooperate to generate germ layers and to sculpt the body plan. In zebrafish, these movements are driven by a variety of cell behaviors, including slow and fast directed migration, radial and mediolateral intercalation, and cell shape changes. Whereas some signaling pathways are required for a subset of these behaviors, other molecules, such as E-cadherin or Galpha12 and Galpha13 proteins, appear to have a widespread role in different gastrulation cell behaviors.  相似文献   

Dorsoventral patterning of the embryonic axis relies upon the mutual antagonism of competing signaling pathways to establish a balance between ventralizing BMP signaling and dorsal cell fate specification mediated by the organizer. In zebrafish, the initial embryo-wide domain of BMP signaling is refined into a morphogenetic gradient following activation dorsally of a maternal Wnt pathway. The accumulation of β-catenin in nuclei on the dorsal side of the embryo then leads to repression of BMP signaling dorsally and the induction of dorsal cell fates mediated by Nodal and FGF signaling. A separate Wnt pathway operates zygotically via Wnt8a to limit dorsal cell fate specification and maintain the expression of ventralizing genes in ventrolateral domains. We have isolated a recessive dorsalizing maternal-effect mutation disrupting the gene encoding Integrator Complex Subunit 6 (Ints6). Due to widespread de-repression of dorsal organizer genes, embryos from mutant mothers fail to maintain expression of BMP ligands, fail to fully express vox and ved, two mediators of Wnt8a, display delayed cell movements during gastrulation, and severe dorsalization. Consistent with radial dorsalization, affected embryos display multiple independent axial domains along with ectopic dorsal forerunner cells. Limiting Nodal signaling or restoring BMP signaling restores wild-type patterning to affected embryos. Our results are consistent with a novel role for Ints6 in restricting the vertebrate organizer to a dorsal domain in embryonic patterning.  相似文献   

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