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融安黄竹小穗和小花的形态发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用扫描电镜对融安黄竹Dendrocalamus ronganensis的小穗和小花的发生发育及形态结构进行了研究。其小穗的发育过程是: 小穗原基→第一颖片原基→第二颖片原基→第一朵小花的外稃原基→第一朵小花原基→第二朵小花的外稃原基→第二朵小花原基。小穗为由2个颖片和1-2朵小花组成的假小穗。其小花发育的过程是: 内稃原基→雄蕊原基→雌蕊原基。内稃在发生上由彼此独立的两个突起形成, 随着发育逐渐愈合。观察结果支持内稃是双起源的说法。雄蕊原基近两轮发生。雌蕊原基由小花原基的中央部分直接发育而成。在小花的发育过程中, 未观察到鳞被原基的发生。该种的小花是无花被的, 结构较为简化, 为外稃和内稃包裹的雄蕊和雌蕊组成的结构。与近缘类群做比较, 探讨了小穗和小花在竹亚科中的演化。  相似文献   

邓琳  黄玲  初彩华  王茜  詹卉  王曙光 《植物研究》2019,39(6):801-807
棉花竹(Fargesia fungosa)是箭竹属重要经济竹种,有关其花器官的形态与解剖结构研究至今尚无报道。本文通过对棉花竹花器官的形态与解剖结构进行观察和分析,结果显示棉花竹花序为“混合花序”,小穗基部具潜伏芽,由单个叶片形成的“佛焰苞”包裹多枚小穗。小穗单次发生,均长3.05±0.390 cm,每枚小穗具有3~7朵小花,小花均长1.85±0.167 cm,颖片2枚。每朵小花皆具有内、外稃各1片,3枚浆片,雄蕊3枚,雌蕊1枚组成。未成熟花药具有4药室,花药壁由外到内依次为表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层。花药成熟后纵裂散粉。成熟花粉粒为2或3细胞型,且具有1个萌发孔。子房1室,上位,侧膜胎座,倒生胚珠,雌蕊具2分叉羽毛状柱头。花药发育异常,导致出现大量败育现象。  相似文献   

新小竹花形态结构及雌、雄配子体的发育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新小竹(Neomicrocalamus prainii)是一种小型攀援竹类,笋秆两用型竹种。该研究通过形态观察和石蜡切片的方法对新小竹花器官形态及解剖结构特征进行观察与描述,为研究竹类植物的生殖生物学提供新的理论信息。结果显示:(1)新小竹的花序为无限花序,没有小穗柄,成熟小穗平均长度为2.98 cm;每个小穗约有4~6朵小花,其中3~5朵为可育小花,顶端均有1朵不育小花;小穗基部有2~4个苞片;小穗轴每节长约0.52 cm。(2)新小竹的可育小花包括1片内稃、1片外稃、3枚浆片(浆片2大1小,边缘光滑)、6枚雄蕊和1枚雌蕊;雄蕊呈梭型,雌蕊羽毛状柱头三裂。(3)新小竹成熟花粉粒多为二核,具1个萌发孔;花药具有4个药室,花药壁由表皮、药室内壁、中层和绒毡层4层结构组成,绒毡层为腺质型;花药发育过程还存在多种异常情况。(4)新小竹子房一室,侧膜胎座,倒生胚珠,双珠被;大孢子母细胞由1个孢原细胞直接发育而成,合点端1个大孢子分化成为功能大孢子,由功能大孢子经过有丝分裂形成多核胚囊,直至发育成熟。研究表明,新小竹雄配子体存在发育异常现象,但大部分发育正常,其结实率低不仅与内在因素有关,外部环境也可能是导致其结实率低的重要因素。  相似文献   

为明确自然状态下青秆竹(Bambusa tuldoides)不同发育阶段花器官的形态以及雌雄配子体的发育状态,总结其败育类型,该文通过采用解剖和切片等方法对青秆竹花器官的各部分外观形态以及雌雄配子体的发育过程进行观察,并分析其结实率低下的原因。结果表明:(1)青秆竹小穗为无限花序,下部的小花先发育,但基部具有潜伏芽,因此又具有有限花序的特征;小穗柄不发达,簇生花枝节部。(2)每朵小花拥有内、外稃各1枚,花药6枚,浆片3枚,雌蕊1枚;浆片透明,边缘具有发达的纤毛;子房具棱,子房上部具绒毛,子房1室,侧膜胎座,倒生胚珠,三分枝羽状柱头。(3)青秆竹花药具有4个药室,花药壁由表皮、药室内壁、中层、绒毡层4层结构组成;绒毡层为腺质型,花药发育后期极度退化;小孢子母细胞分裂类型为连续型,产生两边对称型小孢子,花粉粒细胞成熟后为3核。(4)雄蕊和雌蕊出现多种败育类型,可能是导致结实率低的主要原因。综上结果表明,青秆竹花器官的形态结构发育正常,而雌雄配子体发育过程中出现异常,造成了其结实率低。  相似文献   

本文对糖密草(MelinisminutifloraBeauv.)的幼穗分化发育及花和果实的形态作了研究,将幼穗分化发育过程划分为以下九个时期:第一苞原基形成期;第一次枝梗原基形成期;第二、三次枝梗原基形成期;小穗及颖花原基形成期;雌、雄蕊原基形成期;花粉母细胞形成期;花粉母细胞减数分裂期;花粉充实期;花粉成熟期。全过程历时约需42d.从抽穗到颖果成熟约需50d。糖蜜草的花序为圆锥花序。每花序有可育花2000—3000朵.小穗是由小穗轴、内外颖片、不育花外稃和小花构成。小花包括有内外稃各一片、一鳞被、雄蕊三枚和一枚雌蕊,颖果千粒重为91mg。  相似文献   

白露节后,我校水稻栽培课外活动小组,在10天时间内,着重观察了水稻的开花习性,在这10天当中,是江西宜春晚稻开花的盛期。我们观察到稻花的构造,在每一小枝梗上,生有小穗,其上有一花,花有外稃(较大)和内稃,内外稃下面有2个护頴,内外稃的内面有雄蕊6个(靠外稃3个,靠内稃3个),雌蕊一个立于中央,其下部有2片浆片。内外稃在未成熟时为绿色,雄蕊淡黄色,雌蕊淡绿色,浆片白色,柱头是羽状二裂,外稃顶端有生芒的,也有不生芒的,内外稃外面都有短刺(图1)。  相似文献   

问:在植物学84页的图54小麦的花中2鳞被在雄蕊下,我们在观察小麦花的构造时鳞被的所在部位与图的部位有所不同,是在单一雄蕊的两侧,希望,把小麦花的构造情况详细的给我们写来才好.答:植物学教科书84页的小麦花的构造是不正确的,再版时,一定要改换。小麦花的构造是这样的:外稃内稃各一片,套合着生长,像肥皂盒似的,外稃扣在内稃的外面。如果是有芒的花,芒长在外稃上。在这两面稃片里面,包藏着浆片[书上叫鳞被]两个;雄蕊三枚;雌蕊一枚,柱头两个,上面生有羽状分枝。这两个浆片相当花被,它们长在靠近外稃的那面。你观察的很正确,正对着外稃有一个雄蕊两个浆片生在这一个雄蕊的两侧;也就是说,有一个雄蕊是在两个浆片之间生长着的。(徐晋铭答)  相似文献   

水稻畸形颖壳突变体ah是双胚苗品系W2555中自然突变产生的。该突变体的内外稃畸形,退化;雄蕊雌蕊化,雌蕊败育;浆片同源转化为类内外稃的结构,推测该突变体可能影响B功能基因的正常发育。与野生型相比,突变体的小穗分支稀疏,每级枝梗上颖花数目减少,一般为4~6朵;小穗顶端的颖花经常不能成熟,表现为颖花始终泛白,不能转绿,因此该突变也影响花序分生组织的发育。进一步的研究证明,该突变体的发育受外界环境的影响。突变性状的遗传分析表明,该突变体由单隐性基因控制。  相似文献   

三粒小麦大孢子的发生和雌配子体的发育   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
三粒小麦是新选育出来的、每花具三个雌蕊的小麦新类型。其大孢子的发生和胚囊的发育与普通小麦相同,三个雌蕊中主雌蕊的发育较为领先。除恒定地出现额外雌蕊外,在发育中有时观察到以下特异结构:1.小穗基部产生复小穗;2.浆片与副雌蕊之间形成花中小花;3.子房内产生二个、甚至三个胚珠;4.珠心内形成多细胞孢原及双胚囊;5.内珠被顶部发生数个孢原状细胞;6.子房合并。  相似文献   

水稻小穗轴维管系统网络结构探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对籼型、粳型或其不育系与保持系代表品种小穗解剖观察表明:水稻小穗轴维管系统网络由中央维管束和各分枝维管束复合而成。来自小穗柄的1条大的中央主束和几条边围维管束经数次分枝、联结,不断产生新的分枝维管束进入相应的结构。一般颖片中维管束1-2条,第一稃片中1-3条,第二稃片中1-4条,第二朵退化小花残余结构中0-3条,顶生可孕小花的外稃中5条,内稃中3条,浆片中各2条,雄蕊中各1条,雌蕊中3条,主束与支  相似文献   

1. In each stage of the differentiation of the growing cones of these two varieties of wheat, their morphological characters are the same as of the general wheat, their fourth stage being the sign of the beginning of their reproductive structures. 2. The sequence of the differentiation in the development of spikelets is as follows: first the outer glume, then the inner glume, the lemma of the first flower, the primordium of the first flower, the lemma of the second flower and finally the primordium of second flower, etc.; while it is the palea, the stamens, the pistil and the lodicules for the flower part. 3. The differentiations of the primordiums of stamens and pistil start at the same time as the appearance of the awn. 4. It was found that in Kansu 96 the rate of the differentiation of the growing cones is more rapid, its volume bigger, the number of its spikelets and flowers, the chance of fruitification and its yield higher, than those of Yu-Chung-Hung, but the average individual weight of the grain is lower than that of the latter. 5. The rate of the differentiation of the growing cones will be slowed, and the numbers of spikelets, flowers and grains increased if a high moisture content of soil is present. The shape of the spike is grand and close under irrigation, but under drought it is slender and soft. Although the yield of Yu-Chung-Hung is lower than that of Kansu 96, but it appears to have a higher hydronasty than the latter. 6. It was shown in our investigation that the Kansu 96 appears to be of drought resistance. 7. Under normal conditions and in the same variety, the appearances of the leaf and the node of the stem, and the developmental phases of plants may be suggested as an indication of the differentiation of the growing cones. It is recommended that they can be used as a field crop.  相似文献   

Basic questions regarding the origin and evolution of grass (Poaceae) inflorescence morphology remain unresolved, including the developmental genetic basis for evolution of the highly derived outer spikelet organs. To evaluate homologies between the outer sterile organs of grass spikelets and inflorescence structures of nongrass monocot flowers, we describe expression patterns of APETALA1/FRUITFULL-like (AP1/FUL) and LEAFY HULL STERILE-like (LHS1) MADS-box genes in an early-diverging grass (Streptochaeta angustifolia) and a nongrass outgroup (Joinvillea ascendens). AP1/FUL-like genes are expressed only in floral organs of J. ascendens, supporting the hypothesis that they mark the floral boundary in nongrass monocots, and JaLHS1/OsMADS5 is expressed in the inner and outer tepals, stamen filaments and pistil. In S. angustifolia, SaFUL2 is expressed in all 11 (or 12) bracts of the primary inflorescence branch, but not in the suppressed floral bract below the abscission zone. In contrast, SaLHS1 is only expressed in bracts 6-11 (or 12). Together, these data are consistent with the hypotheses that (1) bracts 1-5 of S. angustifolia primary inflorescence branches and glumes of grass spikelets are homologous and that (2) the outer tepals of immediate grass relatives, bracts 6-8 of S. angustifolia, and the lemma/palea are homologous, although other explanations are possible.  相似文献   

在扫描电镜下观察了桦木科(Betulaceae)铁木属花序和花的形态发生过程。结果显示, 铁木雌花序由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成。每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织, 由小花序原基分生组织分化形成1对次级苞片和2个花原基, 每个花原基分化出2个或3个心皮原基, 形成二心皮或三心皮雌蕊, 雌蕊基部有1层环状花被原基。雄花序为柔荑状, 由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成。每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织, 由小花序原基分生组织分化出3个花原基分区, 位于中央的花原基分区, 分化形成5-6枚雄蕊原基, 两侧的花原基分区, 分别分化形成3-4枚雄蕊原基, 雄蕊原基分化形成四药囊雄蕊。雄蕊原基纵裂, 但花丝纵裂没有达到基部。  相似文献   

在扫描电镜下首次观察了桦木科鹅耳枥属千金榆花序和花的形态发生过程。千金榆雌花序由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化形成2个花原基和2个次级苞片;每个花原基分化出2个心皮原基,形成1个二心皮雌蕊;次级苞片远轴面发育快于近轴面,呈不均等的联合状;雌蕊基部有1层环状花被原基。雄花序为柔荑状,由多个小聚伞花序螺旋状排列组成;每个小花序原基分化出1枚初级苞片和一团小花序原基分生组织,由小花序原基分生组织分化出3个花原基分区,并分化形成3朵小花,小花无花被,位于两侧的小花分别有2枚雄蕊,位于中央的小花有4枚雄蕊,雄蕊共8枚,稀为10枚,该3朵小花为二歧聚伞状排列,其花基数应为2基数。  相似文献   

Growth regulators participate in the differentiation of floral parts, determining the developmental path of the respective type of inflorescence. The effect depends on the expression of the peculiarities of floral part differentiation, the recognition of the character of endogenous substances in certain stages and the choice of the suitable regulator for application. In the primitive flower ofPapaver petals and stamens are formed from the peripheral meristem with a lower content of auxins and a higher level of gibberellic substances. The pistil arises later from central tissues with a higher level of auxins and inhibitory substances. The stamens are more sensitive to the higher level of auxin substances, and by a suitable application of GA3 and BAP they can be transformed into petals; in this way double flower forms arise. In the differentiation of floral parts ofCampanula, Rosa andMelandrium similar regularities assert themselves in time successions, but in another spatial arrangement. Sex differentiation of diclinous flowers ofMelandrium is based on differences in heterochromosomes XY and XX. The rise of the zygomorphic flower ofVeronica is accompanied by a different distribution of endogenous substances which affect the development of petals, stamens and the pistil. The differentiation of flowers in the racemose inflorescence occurs in the acropetal succession, and lateral primordia inCampanula develop into actinomorphic regular flowers, whereas inDigitalis they are zygomorphic and only the terminal flower is peloric. In the initial phases the staminate tassel and the pistillate ear in maize are identical. Earlier differentiation of the terminal pistillate tassel is connected with a higher level of gibberellins and the later development of the lateral pistillate ear is accompanied by the increase in auxin-like substances and inhibitions. Similar correlations were found in the development of staminate catkins and the differentiation of pistillate flowers in terminal buds ofJuglans regia. By the application of auxin-like substances it is possible to achieve the transformation of primordia of the staminate tassel into the pistillate ear in maize or to regulate the number of staminate catkins and pistillate flowers on twigs of the walnut tree. In the capitulum of the sunflower differences arise between peripheral pistillate ray flowers and hermaphrodite tubular ones. By applying GA3 and BAP the number of ray flowers is increased. If the normal course of inflorescence differentiation is affected with a suitable type of regulator, a range of floral abnormalities appears which permit to assess the intervention in different developmental stages and the reaction of the primordium to the applied type of regulator. Abnormalities also suggest some phylogenetic correlations.  相似文献   

桂味荔枝花器官的发生和发育过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SV11立体显微镜和JSM-6360LV型扫描电镜观察‘桂味’荔枝花器官的发生和发育过程。结果表明:花序原基最先发生,然后形成数个大小不等的单花原基;4个萼片原基的发生不同步,其中一侧对位先发生;6~10枚雄蕊原基以轮状方式几乎同时发生;心皮原基最后发生,2~3枚(稀4枚)心皮原基同时出现,随后进行侧向生长,逐渐合拢形成子房。雌花中,花柱、柱头分化明显,雄蕊退化。雄花中,花丝细长,花药饱满,雌蕊退化或发育不完全。两性花中,雌雄蕊发育完全。花粉粒近球形,具3孔沟,表面为条纹状纹饰。  相似文献   

Gender and the structure of the inflorescence and flowers of Pappea capensis (Sapindaceae) are investigated in a locality around Pretoria (22-27°S and 25-32°E). The trees flower over a long period (December to April) and are basically monoecious, starting with male flowers followed by female flowers towards the end of the flowering period, although some trees may be predominantly male and some predominantly female. The inflorescence is a reduced thyrse with small flowers. Male flowers have five ephemeral petals, eight stamens and a rudimental pistil. Female flowers comprise a 3-lobed ovary, a single style and stigma and eight staminodes.  相似文献   

Genotypes of the mid-styled morph of tristylous Eichhornia paniculata (Spreng.) Solms (Pontederiaceae) exhibit developmental instability in the position of short-level stamens under both field and glasshouse conditions. Elongation of one of the stamens to a position adjacent to the stigma results in automatic self-pollination of flowers. This modification initiates subsequent changes to floral morphology leading to the evolution of predominant self-fertilization in E. paniculata. The influence of genetic, developmental and environmental factors on the expression of stamen instability was investigated in experiments with genotypes from two populations from northeast Brazil and interpopulation hybrids. Genotypes from the three sources differed significantly in the degree and pattern of stamen instability expressed under uniform growing conditions. Significant position effects in the production of modified flowers were detected among genotypes using logistic regression techniques. Modified flowers were most frequently produced on later inflorescence branches in the flowering sequence and at proximal flower positions within an inflorescence branch. However, these patterns were complex, varying among genotypes and experimental conditions. Stamen modification increased in clones grown under water stress or at high temperature, demonstrating a significant environmental component to floral instability.  相似文献   

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