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To give information about intracellular Ca2+ translocation during and after K-contractures in vertebrate skeletal muscle fibers, we examined recovery of action potentials and twitches after interruption and spontaneous relaxation of K-contractures at low temperature (3 degrees C) that greatly reduced the rate of Ca2+ reuptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum. On membrane repolarization interrupting K-contractures, the amplitude of both action potentials and twitches recovered quickly, while the falling phase of action potential was markedly slowed at first to prolong its refractory period, so that repetitive stimulation (20 Hz) did not produce a complete tetanus. Meanwhile, on membrane repolarization after spontaneous relaxation of K-contractures, the action potentials were markedly reduced in amplitude and prolonged in duration at first, also resulting in prolonged refractory period. These results are discussed in connection with Ca2+ absorption to the surface and transverse tubule membranes, producing changes in action potential kinetics.  相似文献   

The effect of phlorizin on the parameters of cevadine induced membrane potential oscillation and the development of the potential changes were investigated in frog (Rana esculenta) sartorius muscles. The action of phlorizin on Na transport, water and cation contents of cevadine-treated muscles were also studied. On the effect of phlorizin applied at a concentration of 1 mmol/1 the frequency of the membrane potential oscillation evoked by cevadine decreased by about half, parallel with an about four-fold increase in the duration of the resting period and the prepotential. Phlorizin, applied at a concentration of 2 mmol/l on the neural part of the muscle before cevadine treatment, delayed the development of depolarization evoked by cevadine. In the cevadine-pretreated muscles the enhanced 24Na-uptake was not reduced by 2 mmol/l phlorizin. 2 mmol/l phlorizin, applied during the radioactivity washout period, diminished reversibly the rate coefficient for 24Na loss by 49% in 120 min. The 24Na-efflux increasing effect of cevadine, which is characteristic otherwise, was prevented by phlorizin. This action was also reversible. The intracellular water, Na, and K contents of muscles were not altered significantly by 2 mmol/l phlorizin even in 3 hours. Under the effect of cevadine the characteristic gain in intracellular water, Na content and [Na]i developed despite phlorizin treatment, but the changes mentioned above evolved more slowly. In the phlorizin-pretreated muscles the K-content decreasing effect of cevadine failed to come about. In the muscles pretreated with phlorizin the [K]i was reduced by cevadine at a proportional degree to water-uptake.  相似文献   

During prolonged activity the action potentials of skeletal muscle fibres change their shape. A model study was made as to whether potassium accumulation and removal in the tubular space is important with respect to those variations. Classical Hodgkin-Huxley type sodium and (potassium) delayed rectifier currents were used to determine the sarcolemmal and tubular action potentials. The resting membrane potential was described with a chloride conductance, a potassium conductance (inward rather than outward rectifier) and a sodium conductance (minor influence) in both sarcolemmal and tubular membranes. The two potassium conductances, the Na-K pump and the potassium diffusion between tubular compartments and to the external medium contributed to the settlement of the potassium concentration in the tubular space. This space was divided into 20 coupled concentric compartments. In the longitudinal direction the fibre was a cable series of 56 short segments. All the results are concerned with one of the middle segments. During action potentials, potassium accumulates in the tubular space by outward current through both the delayed and inward rectifier potassium conductances. In between the action potentials the potassium concentration decreases in all compartments owing to potassium removal processes. In the outer tubular compartment the diffusion-driven potassium export to the bathing solution is the main process. In the inner tubular compartment, potassium removal is mainly effected by re-uptake into the sarcoplasm by means of the inward rectifier and the Na-K pump. This inward transport of potassium strongly reduces the positive shift of the tubular resting membrane potential and the consequent decrease of the action potential amplitude caused by inactivation of the sodium channels. Therefore, both potassium removal processes maintain excitability of the tubular membrane in the centre of the fibre, promote excitation-contraction coupling and contribute to the prevention of fatigue. Received: 5 May 1998 / Revised version: 27 October 1998 / Accepted: 19 January 1999  相似文献   

Cevadine-induced changes in membrane potential, sodium transport, intracellular Na, K, and water content were investigated in sartorius muscles incubated in chloride-free (glutamate) Ringer. Cevadine sensitivity of muscles incubated in glutamate Ringer was about five times greater than that of muscles incubated in normal Ringer. Therefore, even 0.005 mmol/l cevadine could induce depolarization and membrane potential oscillations. The membrane potential oscillations were recorded much longer from muscles incubated in chloride-free Ringer (even in the 15th hour of treatment) than in normal Ringer. Depolarization and membrane potential oscillations reversed more slowly in cevadine-free glutamate Ringer than in alkaloid-free normal Ringer. The rhythmic activity could be recorded even in the 10th-15th hour of incubation in cevadine-free glutamate Ringer. Cevadine increased the 24Na uptake of muscles incubated in glutamate Ringer by an average of 230%. In comparison, the cevadine-induced increase of 24Na uptake of muscles incubated in normal Ringer was approximately 350%. In the presence of cevadine the 24Na loss of muscles incubated either in glutamate or in normal Ringer increased to the same degree, i.e. three times. The increase of 24Na loss developed faster in glutamate Ringer than in the presence of chloride. The water content of muscles incubated in cevadine containing, chloride-free (glutamate) Ringer did not increase significantly. Muscles incubated in normal Ringer with cevadine showed a 42.7% increase of water content in 2 hours. Intracellular Na content and Na concentration increased by about 60% during a 2-hour-treatment with cevadine in a chloride-free environment. At the same time, cevadine treatment increased the intracellular Na content and Na concentration of muscles incubated in normal Ringer by about 160% and 80%, respectively. The cevadine-induced decrease of intracellular K content and concentration of muscles incubated in glutamate Ringer was 5% and 10%, respectively, in 2 hours. On the other hand, the decrease of intracellular K concentration in muscles incubated in cevadine-containing normal Ringer occasionally reached 30% due to the increase of water content of the muscles. The cevadine-induced increase of the wet weight of muscles incubated in normal Ringer was practically irreversible. It was not possible to eliminate the increase of wet weight even by washout lasting for 10-15 hours.  相似文献   

The method of mathematical modelling was used to study the excitability changes of the membrane of a frog skeletal muscle fibre and the parameters of the action potentials, membrane and ionic currents during the first 30 ms of the recovery cycle.The threshold current for a fibre at rest was found to be 0.32 A and the durations of the absolute and relative refractory periods were respectively 4 ms and 5.2 ms. With increasing interpulse interval, the subnormality of the membrane excitability is followed by supernomality. Under the same condition the supernormality in the velocity recovery cycle is not obtained.In the recovery cycle, the shape (polarity, sequence and number of phases) of the action potentials, of the membrane and ionic currents and their conductances, are unchanged. Only the time and amplitude parameters of the quantities listed above are known to vary. With increasing the interpulse interval, the amplitudes of the quantities increase and their durations are shortened attaining the values of the corresponding quantities of the initial action potential.The membrane properties are recovered 30 ms after application of the initial pulse, but the supernormality of the excitability is still preserved.  相似文献   

Insulin induced a hyperpolarization of the membrane and stimulated the 3-O-methylglucose (3-O-MG) uptake in frog skeletal muscle. In the present study, the relationship between the insulin-induced changes in the membrane potential and the 3-O-MG uptake was investigated. The stimulatory action of insulin on the 3-O-MG uptake was mediated by two different mechanisms. One of them was dependent on the change in the membrane potential and the other was independent of the change in the membrane potential. Both values of the insulin-induced changes in the membrane potential and the 3-O-MG uptake were diminished by increasing the external K concentration. One of the causes for the diminution of the 3-O-MG uptake with a rise of the external K concentration would be the decrease in the magnitude of the insulin-induced hyperpolarization.  相似文献   

Summary Protonophores have been used frequently to determine changes in membrane potential in suspensions of red cells, since such changes are reflected by changes in extracellular pH, due to proton and consequently protonophore reequilibration.In a previous paper (Bennekou, P. 1988.J. Membrane Biol. 102:225–234) a kinetic model for the translocation of a protonophore, CCCP, across the human red cell membrane was established. This model accounts for the protonophore reequilibration following abrupt changes in membrane potential.In this paper, the limitations of the method with regard to the estimation of transient membrane potentials are examined, using the transport model to simulate changes in extracellular pH in response to noninstantaneous changes in membrane potential. The temperature and time resolution calculated from the model are reported.Furthermore, it is shown that the transport model established for CCCP is valid for another protonophore, TCS, thus indicating the general validity of the transport scheme for the entire class of protonophores.  相似文献   

Interest in culturing the Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei in low-salinity and brackish-well waters has led to questions about the ability of this species to osmo- and ionoregulate in environments containing low concentrations of ions and in environments with ionic ratios that differ from those found in sea water. After seven days, hemolymph osmolality and potassium, sodium and calcium values were all significantly affected by salinity (as artificial sea salt) with values decreasing with decreasing salinity. These decreases were small, however, relative to decreases in salinity, indicating iono- and osmoregulation with adjustment for gradients. The hemolymph osmolality and sodium and calcium concentrations in shrimp exposed to either 2 g/L artificial sea salt or 2 g/L mixed-ion solution (a mixture of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium chlorides that approximate the concentrations and ratios of these cations found in 2 g/L dilute seawater) did not differ significantly. However, hemolymph potassium levels were significantly lower in shrimp held in the mixed-ion environment. Potassium influx rates were similar in shrimp held in either artificial sea salt or mixed ions. The results of this study indicate that salinity affects hemolymph-cation concentrations and osmolality. Further, differential potassium-influx rates do not appear to be the basis for low hemolymph potassium levels observed in shrimp held in mixed-ion environments.  相似文献   

The exopolysaccharide (EPS) of avirulentXanthomonas campestris pv.Malvacearum race-32 did not contain the watersoaking (WS)— inducing factor but contained necrotic reaction (NR)-inducing factor and induced NR on resistant cotton (cv. 101-102B) on which the viable cells of the same avirulent race-32 produced hypersensitive reaction (HR). NR and HR were differentiated on the basis of the induction period required, visible reaction on infiltrated areas, bacterial constituents or metabolite responsible, involvement of host constituent during these reactions and its chemical inhibition. Pre and/or challenge inoculation of EPS of avirulent race-32 (3 mg per infiltration or lesion) in susceptible or resistant cotton cultivars, on pre-and/or post-infiltrated (0–8 h) exponential-phase culture of virulent race-32 inhibited the WS and/or HR of the virulent race in susceptible or resistant cotton.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of depolarization on intracellular pH (pHi) of normal (pHi approximately 7.37) and acidified (pHi 5.90-6.70) frog semitendinosus muscle using microelectrodes. A small bundle was superfused with a Na(+)-free buffered solution (10 mM HEPES, 100% O2, pH 7.35) containing either 2.5 or 25 mM K+. An NH4Cl prepulse was used to lower pHi. At normal pHi, depolarization usually produced a slight (0.04) alkalinization, followed by a fall in pHi of approximately 0.2. In contrast, in all 25 acidified bundles pHi rose by 0.1-0.7. The rise was greater the lower the initial pHi. It could be imitated by caffeine and blocked by tetracaine and thus was, most likely, initiated by release of calcium. We ascribed the alkalinization to hydrolysis of phosphocreatine (PCr); 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene abolished it. Biochemical analysis on fibers at the peak of alkalinization showed PCr to be reduced by one-half, while PCr in normal fibers that had been depolarized for the same period (4-6 min) showed no change. We postulated that low pHi slows glycolysis with its associated ATP formation by reducing glycogenolysis and particularly by reducing conversion of fructose-6-phosphate to fructose-1,6-diphosphate through inhibition of phosphofructokinase (PFK), an enzyme which is known to be highly pH sensitive. Thus PCr hydrolysis would be required to replace much of the hydrolyzed ATP. This postulated effect on PFK is in agreement with the finding that glucose-6-phosphate (in near-equilibrium with fructose-6-phosphate) was increased nearly fivefold in the depolarized acid fibers, but not in the depolarized normal fibers. However, fructose-1,6-diphosphate also increased significantly; 3-phosphoglycerate was not affected. This suggests an additional acid-induced bottleneck between the latter two substrates. We measured the intrinsic buffering power, beta, of frog semitendinosus muscle with small pulses of NH4Cl. It was found to vary with pHi according to beta = 144.6 - 17.2 (pHi).  相似文献   

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