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Transport of glycylglycine into rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles was found to be Na+-independent, H+ gradient-dependent and electrogenic. Marked overshoot uptake of the dipeptide was observed when an inward-directed proton gradient and inside-negative potential difference were imposed simultaneously across the vesicular membranes. Saturable depolarization of vesicular membranes could be demonstrated with glycylglycine by use of a fluorescent cyanine dye, di-S-C3(5). The results indicate that glycylglycine is contransported with H+ across the membranes.  相似文献   

Carrier-mediated transport of aminocephalosporin antibiotics by renal brush-border membrane vesicles has been studied in relation to the transport systems for dipeptides and amino acids. Dipeptides such as L-carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) and L-phenylalanylglycine competitively inhibited the uptake of cephalexin, but amino acids did not. Cephalexin uptake was stimulated by the countertransport effect of L-carnosine in the normal and papain-treated vesicles, and by the effect of L-phenylalanylglycine only in the papain-treated vesicles. In the papain-treated vesicles, the hydrolysis of dipeptides was markedly decreased, and the specific activity for cephalexin transport was increased approx. 2-fold because of the partial removal of membrane proteins. These results suggest that carrier-mediated transport of cephalexin can be transported by the system for dipeptides in renal brush-border membranes.  相似文献   

The characteristics of uridine transport were studied in rabbit intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles. Uridine was taken up into an osmotically active space in the absence of metabolism and there was no binding of uridine to the membrane vesicles. Uridine uptake was markedly enhanced by sodium, but showed no significant stimulation by other monovalent cations tested. Kinetic analysis of the sodium-dependent component of uridine flux indicated a single system obeying Michaelis-Menten kinetics (Km value of 6.4 +/- 1.4 microM with a Vmax of 9.1 +/- 3.6 pmol/mg protein per s as measured under zero-trans conditions with a 100 mM NaCl gradient at 24 degrees C). A variety of purine and pyrimidine nucleosides were able to inhibit sodium-dependent uridine transport, suggesting that these nucleosides are also permeants for the same system. Consistent with this suggestion was the finding that these nucleosides also stimulated uridine efflux from the brush-border membrane vesicles. The sodium: uridine coupling stoichiometry was found to be 1:1 as measured by the activation method. From these results it is concluded that a broad specificity sodium-dependent nucleoside transporter is present at the brush-border membrane surface of rabbit enterocytes.  相似文献   

We characterized the uptake of carnitine in brush-border membrane (BBM) and basolateral membrane (BLM) vesicles, isolated from mouse kidney and intestine. In kidney, carnitine uptake was Na(+)-dependent, showed a definite overshoot and was saturable for both membranes, but for intestine, it was Na(+)-dependent only in BLM. The uptake was temperature-dependent in BLM of both kidney and intestine. The BBM transporter in kidney had a high affinity for carnitine: apparent K(m)=18.7 microM; V(max)=7.85 pmol/mg protein/s. In kidney BLM, similar characteristics were obtained: apparent K(m)=11.5 microM and V(max)=3.76 pmol/mg protein/s. The carnitine uptake by both membranes was not affected within the physiological pH 6.5-8.5. Tetraethylammonium, verapamil, valproate and pyrilamine significantly inhibited the carnitine uptake by BBM but not by BLM. By Western blot analysis, the OCTN2 (a Na(+)-dependent high-affinity carnitine transporter) was localized in the kidney BBM, and not in BLM. Strong OCTN2 expression was observed in kidney and skeletal muscle, with no expression in intestine in accordance with our functional study. We conclude that different polarized carnitine transporters exist in kidney BBM and BLM. L-Carnitine uptake by mouse renal BBM vesicles involves a carrier-mediated system that is Na(+)-dependent and is inhibited significantly by specific drugs. The BBM transporter is likely to be OCTN2 as indicated by a strong reactivity with the anti-OCTN2 polyclonal antibody.  相似文献   

This study describes evidence for the existence of a H+/glycine symport system in rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles. An inward proton gradient stimulates glycine transport across the brush-border membrane, and this H+-driven glycine uptake is attenuated by the protonophore carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone. It is a positive rheogenic process, i.e. the H+-dependent glycine uptake is further enhanced by an intravesicular negative potential. Glycine uptake is stimulated to a lesser degree by an inward Na+ gradient. H+-dependent glycine uptake is inhibited by sarcosine (69%), an analog amino acid, imino acids (proline 81%, hydroxy proline 67%), and beta-alanine (31%), but not by neutral (L-leucine) or basic (L-lysine) amino acids. The results demonstrate that H+ glycine co-transport system in rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles is a carrier-mediated electrogenic process and that transport is shared by imino acids and partially by beta-alanine.  相似文献   

Peptide transport in purified rabbit intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles has been studied using a potential-sensitive fluorescent dye, di-S-C3(5). Transport of dipeptides is accompanied by an increase in the fluorescence of the dye in the presence and absence of Na+, indicating electrogenic, Na+-independent peptide transport. Dipeptides containing D-amino acids also increase the fluorescence, showing that these peptides too possess significant affinity for the peptide transport system. beta-Alanylglycylglycine and prolylglycylglycine, very much like the dipeptides, increase the fluorescence even in the absence of Na+ which demonstrates the Na+-independent, electrogenic transport of tripeptides. However, concentrations needed for half-maximal fluorescence changes are higher for tripeptides than for dipeptides suggesting different affinities for the carriers. The studies, in addition, provide evidence for the existence of more than one carrier system for translocation of small peptides in rabbit intestinal brush-border membrane.  相似文献   

Transport of the dipeptide glycine-L-proline (Gly-L-Pro) in the developing intestine of suckling rats and its subsequent maturation in adult rats was examined using the brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV) technique. Uptake of Gly-L-Pro by BBMV was mainly the result of transport into the intravesicular space with little binding to membrane surfaces. Transport of Gly-L-Pro in BBMV of suckling rats was: (1) Na+ independent; (2) pH dependent with maximum uptake at an incubation buffer pH of 5.0; (3) saturable as a function of concentration (apparent Km = 21.5 +/- 7.9 mM, Vmax = 8.6 +/- 1.5 nmol/mg protein per 10 s); (4) inhibited by other di- and tripeptides; and (5) stimulated and inhibited by inducing a negative and positive intravesicular membrane electrical potential, respectively. Similarly, transport of Gly-L-Pro in intestinal BBMV of adult rats was saturable as a function of concentration (apparent Km = 17.4 +/- 8.6 mM, Vmax = 9.1 +/- 2.1 nmol/mg protein per 10 s) and was stimulated and inhibited by inducing a relatively negative and positive intravesicular membrane potential, respectively. No difference in the transport kinetic parameters of Gly-L-Pro was observed in suckling and adult rats, indicating a similar activity (and/or number) and affinity of the transport carrier in the two age groups. These results demonstrate that the transport of Gly-L-Pro is by a carrier-mediated process which is fully developed at the suckling period. Furthermore, the process is H+-dependent but not Na+-dependent, electrogenic and most probably occurs by a Gly-L-Pro/H+ cotransport mechanism.  相似文献   

An inward-directed proton gradient energizes the transport of intact glycylsarcosine against a concentration gradient in rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles. Dissipation of the proton gradient abolishes the uphill transport. Generation of an inside-negative membrane potential nearly doubles the intravesicular concentration of the dipeptide at the peak of the overshoot without altering the equilibrium value. These data provide direct evidence for peptide-proton cotransport in the renal brush-border membrane.  相似文献   

Biotin transport in rat intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transport of biotin across rat intestinal brush-border membrane was examined using the brush-border membrane vesicle (BBMV) technique. Uptake of biotin by BBMV is the result of transport of the substrate into the intravesicular space with negligible binding to membrane surfaces. In the presence of a Na+ gradient (out greater than in), transport of biotin was higher with a transient 'overshoot' phenomenon. In comparison, transport of biotin in the presence of a choline gradient (out greater than in) was lower with no 'overshoot' phenomenon. In both jejunal and ileal BBMV, the transport of biotin as a function of concentration was saturable in the presence of a Na+ gradient (out greater than in) but was linear in the presence of a choline gradient (out greater than in). Vmax of the Na+-dependent transport system was 0.88 and 0.37 pmol/mg protein per s and apparent Kt was 7.57 and 7.85 microM in jejunal and ileal BBMV, respectively. Structural analogues inhibited the transport process of biotin. Unlike the electrogenic transport of D-glucose, the transport of the anionic biotin was not affected by imposing a relatively positive intravesicular potential with the use of valinomycin and an inwardly-directed K+ gradient, suggesting that biotin transport is most probably an electroneutral process. This suggestion was further supported by studies on biotin transport in the presence of anions of different lipid permeability. The results of this study demonstrate that biotin transport across rat intestinal brush-border membrane is by a carrier-mediated, Na+-dependent and electroneutral process. Furthermore, transport of biotin is higher in the jejunum than the ileum.  相似文献   

Characteristics of succinate transport were determined in basolateral and brush-border membrane vesicles (BLMV and BBMV, respectively) isolated in parallel from rabbit renal cortex. The uptake of succinate was markedly stimulated by the imposition of an inwardly directed Na+ gradient, showing an "overshoot" phenomenon in both membrane preparations. The stimulation of succinate uptake by an inwardly directed Na+ gradient was not significantly affected by pH clamp or inhibition of Na(+)-H+ exchange. The Na(+)-dependent and -independent succinate uptakes were not stimulated by an outwardly directed pH gradient. The Na dependence of succinate uptake exhibited sigmoidal kinetics, with Hill coefficients of 2.17 and 2.38 in BLMV and BBMV, respectively. The Na(+)-dependent succinate uptake by BLMV and BBMV was stimulated by a valinomycin-induced inside-negative potential. The Na(+)-dependent succinate uptake by BLMV and BBMV followed a simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics, with an apparent Km of 22.20 +/- 4.08 and 71.52 +/- 0.14 microM and a Vmax of 39.0 +/- 3.72 and 70.20 +/- 0.96 nmol/(mg.min), respectively. The substrate specificity and the inhibitor sensitivity of the succinate transport system appeared to be very similar in both membranes. These results indicate that both the renal brush-border and basolateral membranes possess the Na(+)-dependent dicarboxylate transport system with very similar properties but with different substrate affinity and transport capacity.  相似文献   

An inward-directed H+ gradient markedly stimulated lactate uptake in rabbit intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles, and uphill transport against a concentration gradient could be demonstrated under these conditions. Uptake of lactate was many-fold greater in the presence of a H+ gradient than in the presence of a Na+ gradient. Moreover, there was no evidence for uphill transport of lactate in the presence of a Na+ gradient. The H+-gradient-dependent stimulation of lactate uptake was not due to the effect of a H+-diffusion potential. The uptake process in the presence of a H+ gradient was saturable [Kt (concn. giving half-maximal transport) for lactate 12.7 +/- 4.5 mM] and was inhibited by many monocarboxylates. It is concluded that a H+ gradient, not a Na+ gradient, is the driving force for active transport of lactate in rabbit intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

We had previously proposed that organic cations are transported across the brush-border membrane in the canine kidney by a H+ exchange (or antiport) system (Holohan, P.D. and Ross, C.R. (1981) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 216, 294–298). In the present report, we demonstrate that in brush-border membrane vesicles the transport of organic cations is chemically coupled to the countertransport of protons, by showing that the uphill or concentrative transport of a prototypic organic cation, N1-methylnicotinamide (NMN), is chemically coupled to the flow of protons down their chemical gradient. In a reciprocal manner, the concentrative transport of protons is coupled to the counterflow of organic cations down their concentration gradient. The transport of organic cations is monitored by measuring [3H]NMN while the transport of protons is monitored by measuring changes in acridine orange absorbance. The functional significance of the coupling is that a proton gradient lowers the Km and increases the Vmax for NMN transport.  相似文献   

We had previously proposed that organic cations are transported across the brush-border membrane in the canine kidney by a H+ exchange (or antiport) system (Holohan, P.D. and Ross, C.R. (1981) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 216, 294-298). In the present report, we demonstrate that in brush-border membrane vesicles the transport of organic cations is chemically coupled to the countertransport of protons, by showing that the uphill or concentrative transport of a prototypic organic cation, N1-methylnicotinamide (NMN), is chemically coupled to the flow of protons down their chemical gradient. In a reciprocal manner, the concentrative transport of protons is coupled to the counterflow of organic cations down their concentration gradient. The transport of organic cations is monitored by measuring [3H]NMN while the transport of protons is monitored by measuring changes in acridine orange absorbance. The functional significance of the coupling is that a proton gradient lowers the Km and increases the Vmax for NMN transport.  相似文献   

D-Glucose transport was investigated in isolated brush-border membrane vesicles from human small intestine. Characteristics of D-glucose transport from the jejunum were compared with that in the mid and terminal ileum. Jejunal and mid-ileal D-glucose transport was Na+-dependent and electrogenic. The transient overshoot of jejunal D-glucose transport was significantly greater than corresponding values in mid-ileum. The terminal ileum did not exhibit Na+-dependent D-glucose transport, but did exhibit Na+-dependent taurocholate transport. Na+-glucose co-transport activity as measured by tracer-exchange experiments was greatest in the jejunum, and diminished aborally. We conclude that D-glucose transport in man is Na+-dependent and electrogenic in the proximal intestine and directly related to the activity of D-glucose-Na+ transporters present in the brush-border membranes. D-Glucose transport in the terminal ileum resembles colonic transport of D-glucose.  相似文献   

Amiloride-sensitive and amiloride-insensitive components of 22Na+ uptake were examined in brush-border membrane vesicles prepared from rabbit renal cortex. Both components could be stimulated by interior-negative electrical potentials, demonstrating a sodium conductance pathway and an effect of electrical potential on the initial rate of Na+/H+ exchange.  相似文献   

The Na+-dependent transport of 5-oxoproline into rabbit renal brush-border vesicles was stimulated by a K+ diffusion potential (interior-negative) induced by valinomycin. Na+ salts of two anions of different epithelial permeabilities also affected 5-oxoproline transport. These results show that the Na+-dependent 5-oxoproline transport in renal brush-border vesicles is an electrogenic process which results in a net transfer of positive charge. Maximum transport of 5-oxoproline occurred at an extravesicular pH of 6.0 to 8.0 and over that pH range, 5-oxoproline exists completely as an anion with a negative charge. The simplest stoichiometry consistent with this process is, therefore, the cotransport of one 5-oxoproline anion with two sodium ions. The presence of K+ inside the vesicles stimulated the Na+-dependent transport of 5-oxoproline. This stimulatory effect was specific for K+ and required the presence of Na+. The presence of Na+ gradient was not mandatory for the K+ action. The stimulation by the intravesicular K+ was seen in the presence as well as in the absence of a K+ gradient. Therefore, the increased influx of 5-oxoproline was not coupled to the simultaneous efflux of K+. The presence of K+ in the extravesicular medium alone did not affect the Na+-dependent transport of 5-oxoproline, showing that the site of K+ action was intravesicular. Glutamate did not interact with the Na+-dependent 5-oxoproline transport even in the presence of an outward K+ gradient.  相似文献   

The role of thiol groups in H+-gradient-dependent dipeptide transport in rabbit renal brush-border membrane vesicles was investigated using glycylsarcosine as the substrate. Treatment of the membrane vesicles with a thiol-group-reducing agent, dimercaptopropanol, stimulated Gly-Sar transport. On the other hand, treatment with thiol group oxidants such as 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid), plumbagin and phenazine methosulfate inhibited Gly-Sar transport. These effects were irreversible, because washing the membranes after treatment failed to reverse the effects. Incubation of the membrane vesicles with phenylarsine oxide, a reagent which interacts specifically with vicinal dithiols, significantly inhibited Gly-Sar transport. In all cases, the stimulation or the inhibition of the dipeptide transport was primarily due to changes in the maximal velocity of the transport system, the apparent affinity constant remaining unaltered. These results demonstrate the involvement of one or more vicinal dithiol groups in the function of the renal dipeptide transport system and that these thiol groups must exist in reduced form to maintain maximal transport activity. In addition, these data indirectly suggest that a dithiol-disulfide interchange may play a role in the function of the renal dipeptide transport system.  相似文献   

Glutamate, the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system, is transported into bovine synaptic vesicles in a manner that is ATP dependent and requires a vesicular electrochemical proton gradient. We studied the electrical and chemical elements of this driving force and evaluated the effects of chloride on transport. Increasing concentrations of Cl- were found to increase the steady-state ATP-dependent vesicular pH gradient (delta pH) and were found to concomitantly decrease the vesicular membrane potential (delta psi). Low millimolar chloride concentrations, which cause 3-6-fold stimulation of vesicular glutamate uptake, caused small but measurable increases in delta pH and decreases in delta psi, when compared to control vesicles in the absence of chloride. Nigericin in potassium buffers was used to alter the relative proportions of delta pH and delta psi. Compared to controls, at all chloride concentrations tested, nigericin virtually abolished delta pH and increased the vesicle interior positive delta psi. Concomitantly, nigericin increased ATP-dependent glutamate uptake in 0-1 mM chloride but decreased glutamate uptake in 4 mM (45%), 20 mM (80%), and 140 mM (75%) Cl- (where delta pH in the absence of nigericin was large). These findings suggest that either delta psi, delta pH, or a combination can drive glutamate uptake, but to different degrees. In the presence of 4 mM Cl-, where uptake is optimal, both delta psi and delta pH contribute to the driving force for uptake. When the extravesicular pH was increased from 7.4 to 8.0, more Cl- was required to stimulate vesicular glutamate uptake. In the absence of Cl-, as extravesicular pH was lowered to 6.8, uptake was over 3-fold greater than it was at pH 7.4. As extravesicular pH was reduced from 8.0 toward 6.8, less Cl- was required for maximal stimulation. Decreasing the extravesicular pH from 8.0 to 6.8 in the absence of Cl- significantly increased glutamate uptake activity, even though proton-pumping ATPase activity actually decreased about 45% under identical conditions. In the absence of chloride, nigericin increased glutamate uptake at all the pH values tested except pH 8.0. Glutamate uptake at pH 6.8 in the presence of nigericin was over 6-fold greater than uptake at pH 7.4 in the absence of nigericin. We conclude from these experiments that optimal ATP-dependent glutamate uptake requires a large delta psi and a small delta pH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The uptake of Na(+)-dependent D-glucose by renal brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV) isolated from streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats was decreased as compared with controls. Since a Vmax of 4.8 nmol/mg protein per 30 s in diabetic BBMV was significantly decreased as compared with that of controls (Vmax = 7.0 nmol/mg protein per 30 s) without changing an apparent affinity for D-glucose, the decrease in the Na(+)-dependent D-glucose uptake in diabetic rats is likely to be due to the reduction in the number of the transporter. These results are also confirmed by the binding study of [3H]phlorizin to diabetic BBMV. When the blood glucose level is lowered in diabetic rats by both the treatment with insulin and starvation, the decreased Na(+)-dependent D-glucose uptake is returned to control level. These results suggest that Na(+)-dependent D-glucose reabsorption through the apical membrane in proximal tubular kidney cells is dynamically regulated by the change in blood glucose level.  相似文献   

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