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Cultured fibroblasts from different variants of GM1-gangliosidosis synthesize normal amounts of 88-kDa beta-galactosidase precursor. Yet the amount of the mature 64-kDa form is reduced to 5-15% of normal values. In this communication it is shown that the mutation in the infantile and adult form of GM1-gangliosidosis interferes with the phosphorylation of precursor beta-galactosidase. As a result the precursor is secreted instead of being compartmentalized into the lysosomes and further processed. The impaired phosphorylation might be due to conformational changes of the precursor molecule.  相似文献   

The nature of the molecular defect resulting in the beta-galactosidase deficiency in different forms of GM1-gangliosidosis and mucopolysaccharidosis IV B (Morquio B syndrome) was investigated. Normal and mutant cultured skin fibroblasts were labeled in vivo with [3H]leucine and immunoprecipitation studies with human anti-beta-galactosidase antiserum were performed, followed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography. In Morquio B syndrome, the mutation does not interfere with the normal processing and intralysosomal aggregation of beta-galactosidase. In cells from infantile and adult GM1-gangliosidosis, 85-kDa precursor beta-galactosidase was found to be synthesized normally but more than 90% of the enzyme was subsequently degraded at one of the early steps in posttranslational processing. The residual 5-10% beta-galactosidase activity in adult GM1-gangliosidosis is 64-kDa mature lysosomal enzyme with normal catalytic properties but with a reduced ability of the monomeric form to aggregate into high molecular weight multimers. Knowledge of the exact nature of the molecular defect underlying beta-galactosidase deficiency in man may lead to a better understanding of the clinical and pathological heterogeneity among patients with different types of GM1-gangliosidosis and Morquio B syndrome.  相似文献   

We describe four new mutations in the beta-galactosidase gene. These are the first mutations causing infantile and juvenile GM1-gangliosidosis to be described in American patients. Cell lines from two patients with juvenile and from six patients with infantile GM1-gangliosidosis were analyzed. Northern blot analysis showed the acid beta-galactosidase message to be of normal size and quantity in two juvenile and four infantile cases and of normal size but reduced quantity in two infantile cases. The mutations are distinct from the Japanese mutations. All are point mutations leading to amino acid substitutions: Lys577-->Arg, Arg590-->His, and Glu632-->Gly. The fourth mutation, Arg208-->Cys, accounts for 10 of 16 possible alleles. Two infantile cases from Puerto Rico of Spanish ancestry are homozygous for this mutation, suggesting that this allele may have come to South America and North America via Puerto Rico. That these mutations cause clinical disease was confirmed by marked reduction in catalytic activity of the mutant proteins in the Cos-1 cell expression system.  相似文献   

GM1-gangliosidosis and Morquio B disease are lysosomal storage disorders caused by beta-galactosidase deficiency attributable to mutations in the GLB1 gene. On reaching the endosomal-lysosomal compartment, the beta-galactosidase protein associates with the protective protein/cathepsin A (PPCA) and neuraminidase proteins to form the lysosomal multienzyme complex (LMC). The correct interaction of these proteins in the complex is essential for their activity. More than 100 mutations have been described in GM1-gangliosidosis and Morquio B patients, but few have been further characterized. We expressed 12 mutations suspected to be pathogenic, one known polymorphic change (p.S532G), and a variant described as either a pathogenic or a polymorphic change (p.R521C). Ten of them had not been expressed before. The expression analysis confirmed the pathogenicity of the 12 mutations, whereas the relatively high activity of p.S532G is consistent with its definition as a polymorphism. The results for p.R521C suggest that this change is a low-penetrant disease-causing allele. Furthermore, the effect of these beta-galactosidase changes on the LMC was also studied by coimmunoprecipitations and Western blotting. The alteration of neuraminidase and PPCA patterns in several of the Western blotting analyses performed on patient protein extracts indicated that the LMC is affected in at least some GM1-gangliosidosis and Morquio B patients.  相似文献   

Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by brain and retinal atrophy and the intracellular accumulation of autofluorescent lysosomal storage bodies resembling lipofuscin in neurons and other cells. Tibetan terriers show a late-onset lethal form of NCL manifesting first visible signs at 5-7 years of age. Genome-wide association analyses for 12 Tibetan-terrier-NCL-cases and 7 Tibetan-terrier controls using the 127K canine Affymetrix SNP chip and mixed model analysis mapped NCL to dog chromosome (CFA) 2 at 83.71-84.72 Mb. Multipoint linkage and association analyses in 376 Tibetan terriers confirmed this genomic region on CFA2. A mutation analysis for 14 positional candidate genes in two NCL-cases and one control revealed a strongly associated single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the MAPK PM20/PM21 gene and a perfectly with NCL associated single base pair deletion (c.1620delG) within exon 16 of the ATP13A2 gene. The c.1620delG mutation in ATP13A2 causes skipping of exon 16 presumably due to a broken exonic splicing enhancer motif. As a result of this mutation, ATP13A2 lacks 69 amino acids. All known 24 NCL cases were homozygous for this deletion and all obligate 35 NCL-carriers were heterozygous. In a sample of 144 dogs from eleven other breeds, the c.1620delG mutation could not be found. Knowledge of the causative mutation for late-onset NCL in Tibetan terrier allows genetic testing of these dogs to avoid matings of carrier animals. ATP13A2 mutations have been described in familial Parkinson syndrome (PARK9). Tibetan terriers with these mutations provide a valuable model for a PARK9-linked disease and possibly for manganese toxicity in synucleinopathies.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of the human beta-galactosidase gene revealed six different mutations in 10 of 11 Japanese GM1-gangliosidosis patients. They were the only abnormalities in each allele examined in this study. A 165-nucleotide duplication (positions 1103-1267) was found in two infantile patients, producing an abnormally large mRNA; one patient was probably a homozygote, and the other was a heterozygote of this mutation. The other two infantile patients had different mutations; a 123 Gly(GGG)----Arg(AGG) mutation in one patient and a 316 Tyr(TAT)----Cys(TGT) mutation in the other. A 201 Arg(CGC)----Cys(TGC) mutation, eliminating a BspMI site, was detected in a late-infantile/juvenile patient; the restriction-site analysis of amplified genomic DNA confirmed his heterozygosity for this mutation. A 51 Ile(ATC)----Thr(ACC) mutation was found in all five adult/chronic patients examined in this study. It created a SauI site, and restriction-site analysis confirmed that four patients were homozygous mutants. The other was a compound heterozygote for this mutation and another 457 Arg(CGA)----Gln(CAA) mutation. These mutant genes expressed markedly decreased or completely deficient enzyme activities in beta-galactosidase-deficient human fibroblasts transformed by adenovirus-SV40 recombinants. We conclude that gene mutations are heterogeneous in GM1-gangliosidosis but that the 51 Ile(ATC)----Thr(ACC) mutation is common among the Japanese adult/chronic cases. Genotype-phenotype correlations in GM1-gangliosidosis are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

GM2-gangliosidoses are neurological disorders caused by a genetic deficiency of either the β-hexosaminidase A or the GM2 activator, a glycolipid binding protein. In a patient with an immunologically proven GM2 activator protein deficiency, A T412 → C transition (counted from A of the initiation codon) was found in the coding sequence, which results in the substitution of Arg for the normal Cys107 in the mature GM2 activator protein. The remainder of the coding sequence remained entirely normal.  相似文献   

Characterization of exon skipping mutants of the COP1 gene from Arabidopsis   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
The removal of introns from pre-mRNA requires accurate recognition and selection of the intron splice sites. Mutations which alter splice site selection and which lead to skipping of specific exons are indicative of intron/exon recognition mechanisms involving an exon definition process. In this paper, three independent mutants to the COP1 gene in Arabidopsis which show exon skipping were identified and the mutations which alter the normal splicing pattern were characterized. The mutation in cop1–1 was a G→A change 4 nt upstream from the 3′ splice site of intron 5, while the mutation in cop1–2 was a G→A at the first nucleotide of intron 6, abolishing the conserved G within the 5′ splice site consensus. The effect of these mutations was skipping of exon 6. The mutation in cop1–8 was G→A in the final nucleotide of intron 10 abolishing the conserved G within the 3′ splice site consensus and leading to skipping of exon 11. The splicing patterns surrounding exons 6 and 11 of COP1 in these three mutant lines of Arabidopsis provide evidence for exon definition mechanisms operating in plant splicing.  相似文献   

GM1-gangliosidosis is a genetic neurological disorder caused by mutations in the lysosomal acid beta-galactosidase gene. While its phenotypic expression is complex, it is usually classified as being of infantile, juvenile, or adult form, on the basis of age at onset, the rate of symptomatic progression, and severity of central nervous system involvement. We have analyzed the acid beta-galactosidase gene in 12 Japanese patients from nine families. The aim was to identify mutations in individual patients and then to examine possible correlation between the mutations and the clinical phenotypes. Northern blotting studies with a full-length human beta-galactosidase cDNA showed that the mRNA ranged from undetectable to substantially decreased in the infantile patients but was normal in quantity and size in all juvenile and adult patients. Four distinct missense mutations have been identified, each limited to the respective clinical forms within our small-size samples. In the infantile patient with decreased but detectable mRNA, a point mutation was found resulting in Arg49----Cys. In the infantile patient with nearly undetectable mRNA, mutation Arg457----Ter was identified. The mutation Arg201----Cys was found in all four of the juvenile patients, while all six adult patients were homozygous for the point mutation Ile51----Thr. The mutations found in the juvenile and adult patients alter restriction sites in the normal gene and thus are amendable to quick screening. The prediction that these mutations are responsible for the clinical disease was confirmed by no expression of the catalytic activity of the mutant proteins in the COS-I cell expression system.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Deoxyguanosine kinase (DGUOK) catalyzes the first step of the mitochondrial deoxypurine salvage pathway, the phosphorylation of purine deoxyribonucleosides. Mutations in the DGUOK gene have been linked to inherited mtDNA depletion syndromes, neonatal liver failure, nystagmus, and hypotonia. Previously, we reported the first case of a heterozygous unclassified c.592-4_c.592-3delTT alteration in a patient with DGUOK deficiency without the demonstration of its pathogenicity (Dimmock et al., 2008). This alteration was predicted to cause aberrant splicing based upon two computer algorithms. We now report a homozygous c.592-4_c.592-3delTT mutation found in two affected siblings of asymptomatic consanguineous parents. The proband presented with symptoms of idiopathic hepatitis, liver dysfunction, nystagmus, and retinal blindness. This individual died at 6 months of age due to liver failure. This individual’s affected sibling presented similarly and has remarkable elevations of tyrosine, methionine, and alanine. Many organic acids were elevated in urine, including lactic acid, Krebs cycle intermediates, and para-hydroxy compounds; ketone bodies were also present. RNA studies support aberrant splicing. Sequencing of cDNA detected exon 5 skipping in the two affected siblings, but not in the normal control. These results indicate that the homozygous c.592-4_c.592-3delTT is deleterious and responsible for the DGUOK deficiency. The parents were subsequently confirmed to be carriers of this mutation. In summary, we have demonstrated that c.592-4_c.592-3delTT is a pathogenic splice acceptor site mutation leading to DGUOK deficiency.  相似文献   

The structural gene (beta GALA) coding for lysosomal beta-galactosidase-A (EC has been assigned to human chromosome 3 using man--mouse somatic cell hybrids. Human beta-galactosidase-A was identified in cell hybrids with a species-specific antiserum to human liver beta-galactosidase-A. The antiserum precipitates beta-galactosidase-A from human tissues, cultured cells, and cell hybrids, and recognizes cross-reacting material from a patient with GM1 gangliosidosis. We have analyzed 90 primary man--mouse hybrids derived from 12 separate fusion experiments utilizing cells from 9 individuals. Enzyme segregation analysis excluded all chromosomes for beta GALA assignment except chromosome 3. Concordant segregation of chromosomes and enzymes in 16 cell hybrids demonstrated assignment of beta GALA to chromosome 3; all other chromosomes were excluded. The evidence suggests that GM1 gangliosidosis is a consequence of mutation at this beta GALA locus on chromosome 3.  相似文献   

The murine beige mutant phenotype and the human Chediak-Higashi syndrome are caused by mutations in the murine Lyst (lysosomal trafficking regulator) gene and the human CHS gene, respectively. In this report we have analyzed a novel murine mutant Lyst allele, called Lyst(bg-grey), that had been found in an ENU mutation screen and named grey because of the grey coat color of affected mice. The phenotype caused by the Lyst(bg-grey) mutation was inherited in a recessive fashion. Melanosomes of melanocytes associated with hair follicles and the choroid layer of the eye, as well as melanosomes in the neural tube-derived pigment epithelium of the retina, were larger and irregularly shaped in homozygous mutants compared with those of wild-type controls. Secretory vesicles in dermal mast cells of the mutant skin were enlarged as well. Test crosses with beige homozygous mutant mice (Lyst(bg)) showed that double heterozygotes (Lyst(bg)/Lyst(bg-grey)) were phenotypically indistinguishable from either homozygous parent, demonstrating that the ENU mutation was an allele of the murine Lyst gene. RT-PCR analyses revealed the skipping of exon 25 in Lyst(bg-grey) mutants, which is predicted to cause a missense D2399E mutation and the loss of the following 77 amino acids encoded by exon 25 but leave the C-terminal end of the protein intact. Analysis of the genomic Lyst locus around exon 25 showed that the splice donor at the end of exon 25 showed a T-to-C transition point mutation. Western blot analysis suggests that the Lyst(bg-grey) mutation causes instability of the LYST protein. Because the phenotype of Lyst(bg) and Lyst(bg-grey) mutants is indistinguishable, at least with respect to melanosomes and secretory granules in mast cells, the Lyst(bg-grey) mutation defines a critical region for the stability of the murine LYST protein.  相似文献   



GM1-gangliosidosis is a glycosphingolipid (GSL) lysosomal storage disease caused by a genetic deficiency of acid β-galactosidase (βgal), which results in the accumulation of GM1-ganglioside and its asialo-form (GA1) primarily in the CNS. Age of onset ranges from infancy to adulthood, and excessive ganglioside accumulation produces progressive neurodegeneration and psychomotor retardation in humans. Currently, there are no effective therapies for the treatment of GM1-gangliosidosis.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study we examined the effect of thalamic infusion of AAV2/1-βgal vector in adult GM1 mice on enzyme distribution, activity, and GSL content in the CNS, motor behavior, and survival. Six to eight week-old GM1 mice received bilateral injections of AAV vector in the thalamus, or thalamus and deep cerebellar nuclei (DCN) with pre-determined endpoints at 1 and 4 months post-injection, and the humane endpoint, or 52 weeks of age. Enzyme activity was elevated throughout the CNS of AAV-treated GM1 mice and GSL storage nearly normalized in most structures analyzed, except in the spinal cord which showed ∼50% reduction compared to age-matched untreated GM1 mice spinal cord. Survival was significantly longer in AAV-treated GM1 mice (52 wks) than in untreated mice. However the motor performance of AAV-treated GM1 mice declined over time at a rate similar to that observed in untreated GM1 mice.


Our studies show that the AAV-modified thalamus can be used as a ‘built-in’ central node network for widespread distribution of lysosomal enzymes in the mouse cerebrum. In addition, this study indicates that thalamic delivery of AAV vectors should be combined with additional targets to supply the cerebellum and spinal cord with therapeutic levels of enzyme necessary to achieve complete correction of the neurological phenotype in GM1 mice.  相似文献   

A single nucleotide transition within exon 5 of the beta-hexosaminidase alpha chain gene was identified in a Puerto Rican patient with GM2-gangliosidosis B1 variant as the mutation responsible for the unusual enzymological characteristics of this variant (G533----A; Arg178----His) (the DN-allele). A total of seven patients with enzymological characteristics of B1 variant have since been studied. They were Puerto Rican (DN), Italian, French, Spanish, two patients of mixed ethnic origin (English/Italian/Hungarian and English/French/Azores), and a Czechoslovakian. In confirmation of our earlier finding based on screening with allele-specific probes, all patients except the one from Czechoslovakia carried the same DN-allele. A new point mutation found in this patient changed the same codon affected in the DN-allele (C532----T; Arg178----Cys). An asymptomatic Japanese individual included as a control also carried one allele with the DN-mutation. Site-directed mutagenesis and expression studies in COS I cells demonstrated that either of the two point mutations abolishes the catalytic activity of the alpha subunit. The Spanish patient was homozygous for the DN-allele, but others were all compound heterozygotes. The Puerto Rican patient was a compound heterozygote with the DN-mutation in one allele and with the four-base insertion in exon 11, one of the two mutations found in the classical Ashkenazi Jewish Tay-Sachs disease, in the other allele. Abnormalities of the other allele were not identified in all other compound heterozygous patients. In these patients, the level of mRNA derived from the other allele was variable, ranging from being undetectable to being much lower than normal. This series of studies uncovered a new B1 variant mutation, confirmed our preliminary finding that the DN-allele has a surprisingly wide geographic and ethnic distribution, and pointed out the highly complex nature of the molecular genetics of this rare disorder. They also support our working hypothesis that mutations responsible for the unique enzymological characteristics of the B1 variant should be located in or near exon 5 of the gene and that this region of the enzyme protein is critical for its catalytic function.  相似文献   

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