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High performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) was used to quantify the concentrations of beta-carotene and lutein in Biomphalaria glabrata and Helisoma trivolvis (Colorado and Pennsylvania strains) snails under various conditions. These conditions were: snails fed a lettuce (L) vs. a yolk (Y) diet; B. glabrata infected with Echinostoma caproni vs. uninfected snails; and H. trivolvis (PA) infected with Echinostoma trivolvis vs. uninfected snails. The pigments were extracted from the snail whole bodies and digestive gland-gonad complexes, separated by reversed phase HPTLC, and quantified by densitometric scanning with standard calibration curves. Snails on the L-diet showed significant increases (Student's t-test, P<0.05) in the concentrations of beta-carotene and lutein compared to snails on the Y-diet. Snails infected with echinostomes showed no significant differences (Student's t-test, P>0.05) in the concentrations of lutein and beta-carotene compared to the uninfected cohorts. Our results were compared with previous studies that analyzed beta-carotene and lutein in snails infected with larval trematodes. Variations in the results of our study compared with others reflect intrinsic differences in the larval trematode-snail systems used.  相似文献   

Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) was used to study metallic ions in the intestinal mucosa of ICR mice infected with Echinostoma caproni and the mucosa of uninfected control mice. Infected mucosa (n = 9 with about 100 mg wet weight per sample) were examined at 2 weeks p.i. in mice that were infected with about 25 worms per host. Uninfected mucosa (n = 9 with about 100 mg wet weight per sample) were examined in the same time frame as the infected mucosa. Five metals were measured in the mucosa by ICP-AES analysis, as follows: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium and zinc. There were no significant differences (Student's t-test, P > 0.05) in the concentrations of calcium, potassium or zinc in infected versus uninfected mucosa. The concentration of sodium was significantly greater (P < 0.05) in the mucosa of infected versus uninfected mucosa, but the situation was reversed in regard to magnesium.  相似文献   

Flame atomic absorption spectrometry was performed to determine the alteration in the concentrations of metallic ion Pb, Zn, K, Na, Fe, Cu and Co in the soft parts of the Lymnaea natalensis snails shedding Fasciola gigantica cercariae and to determine the alteration in the concentration of Ca in the soft parts and shells of the same snails. The Co was found to be present at concentration level below the detection limits of the analytical method used. Regarding detected elements, three elements Zn, K and Cu were found to be present at significantly higher concentrations in cercariae-shedding snails compared with uninfected snails. Two elements, Pb and Na, showed significant decrease in cercariae-shedding snails compared to uninfected ones. The concentration of Fe showed non-significant increase. The results showed significant lowering in the calcium content of the shells and soft parts of cercariae-shedding snails relative to the calcium content in the uninfected ones. The obtained results and the hypothesis of hypercalcification in shells of infected snails were discussed.  相似文献   

High-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) analysis was done on lutein and beta-carotene in the digestive gland-gonad complex (DGG) and whole body of uninfected Cerithidia californica snails and those infected with the larval trematodes Mesostephanus appendiculatis or Euhaplorichis californiensis. HPTLC of the DGG extract on C-18 reversed-phase plates developed in petroleum ether-acetonitrile-methanol (1:2:2) mobile phase showed 2 identifiable pigment zones; the least polar zone had a retention factor (Rf) of 0.07, identical to a beta-carotene standard, and the more polar zone had an Rf of 0.41, identical to a lutein standard. Densitometric scanning of the pigment zones in sample versus standard chromatograms showed that the weight percent of lutein in the uninfected DGGs (3.4x10(-3)%) was significantly greater (P<0.05) than that of DGGs infected with either M. appendiculatis (0.35x10(-3)%) or E. californiensis (0.82x10(-3)%). Changes in beta-carotene in the infected DGGs were insignificant compared to the uninfected controls. However, the beta-carotene content of whole snails was significantly reduced (P<0.05) by infection with either trematode.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of a larval Echinostoma caproni infection on the neutral lipid composition of the digestive gland-gonad complex (DGG) of Biomphalaria glabrata snails fed hen's egg yolk supplemented with lettuce (Y-L) or lettuce supplemented with Tetramin (L-T). Snails were experimentally infected with the miracidial stage of this echinostome, and their DGGs containing daughter rediae were analyzed for neutral lipids five weeks post-infection by qualitative and quantitative thin-layer chromatography. Light microscopy using Oil Red O (ORO) staining and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to localize neutral lipids in the rediae. The DGGs of infected snails maintained on the Y-L diet showed a significant increase in free sterols and a significant decrease in triacylglycerols compared to uninfected snails maintained on the Y-L diet. The DGGs of infected snails maintained on the L-T diet showed no significant difference in free sterols or triacylglycerols compared to uninfected snails maintained on the L-T diet. ORO staining and TEM showed the presence of lipid droplets in rediae from snails on the Y-L diet. The significant decrease in triacylglycerols in the DGGs of infected snails maintained on the Y-L diet suggests that triacylglycerols were utilized by the rediae.  相似文献   

Hemolymph glucose, alkaline phosphatase, lactic dehydrogenase, and creatine phosphokinase in Biomphalaria glabrata infected with Angiostrongylus costaricensis were significantly higher on day 27 postinfection (PI) than in uninfected snails. Hemolymph total calcium from infected snails was less on days 6, 12, and 27 PI than that from controls. Total hemolymph protein was similar for controls and infected animals during the entire study. Throughout the study the mean number of amoebocytes/mm3 hemolymph from infected snails was significantly less than that for controls. Mean total wet weights of digestive gland and foot muscle from infected and uninfected snails was similar throughout the study. Mean μg glycogen/mg wet weight of digestive gland from infected snails was significantly greater on days 24, 27, and 28 PI than that from controls. Mean μg glycogen/mg wet weight of foot muscle from infected snails was significantly reduced between days 12 and 28 PI from that of uninfected snails. It is suggested that hemolymph glucose and digestive gland glycogen in infected snails are augmented by glycogen breakdown in the foot muscle of parasitized animals. Elevations in hemolymph enzymes are due to tissue destruction by larvae emerging from the foot muscle of infected snails. Parasite-induced derangements in shell metabolism underlie observed changes in hemolymph calcium in infected snails.  相似文献   

In this comparative behavioral study, the effect of infection with Schistosoma mansoni on its snail intermediate host Biomphalaria glabrata was investigated. Three groups of snails were compared for their activity: (1) uninfected, (2) infected with male parasites, and (3) infected with female parasites. In solitary movement trials, uninfected snails traveled greater distances at faster rates, explored more surface area, and had shorter rest periods than snails infected with either male or female schistosomes. In Y-maze experiments designed to determine attraction, the uninfected snails more often and more quickly moved toward other snails than the infected individuals. Snails from all 3 groups were more attracted to infected individuals than to uninfected ones. There was no difference in attraction toward snails infected with male or female parasites. These experiments provide evidence that behavioral alterations as a result of infection may lead to aggregation of infected snails in the field. We propose that such an effect may result in enhanced parasite transmission.  相似文献   

Biomphalaria glabrata infected with Schistosoma mansoni for 33 days fed more often than uninfected snails. Whereas uninfected snails had nocturnal increases in feeding, snails with a 33-day-old infection of S. mansoni fed as often during the day as in the night. Using direct observation and film analysis, we found that feeding increased the heartbeat rate and locomotor activity of B. glabrata. When snails were allowed to feed ad lib., infected snails had higher heartbeat rates than uninfected snails both during the day (P less than 0.01) and the night (P less than 0.001). However, when the snails were deprived of food for 24 hr, infected snails had slightly higher heartbeat rates than uninfected snails only during the day (P less than 0.05). There was no difference between the heartbeat rates of feeding, infected snails and the heartbeat rates of uninfected snails that were starved for 8 hr, and then allowed to feed. Uninfected snails had nocturnal increases in heartbeat rate regardless of feeding schedule, but infected snails had greater nighttime heartbeat rate than daytime heartbeat rate only when they were not allowed to feed. Infected snails had less nocturnal locomotor activity than uninfected snails when feeding, but there was no difference between the locomotor activity of infected and uninfected snails when the snails were deprived of food for 24 hr. Absence of food also resulted in an increased nighttime to daytime ratio of locomotor activity of infected snails. These results suggest that the increased heartbeat rate and altered rhythms of heartbeat rate and locomotor activity in B. glabrata infected with S. mansoni for 33 days were caused by the altered feeding response of these snails.  相似文献   

Changes in the metabolism and activity of the freshwater snail Semisulcospira libertina infected with larval trematodes were studied experimentally. In snails up to 11 mm in shell width, crawling distance, feeding frequency, and the proportion of individuals located on vertical walls did not differ among snails infected with mature or immature cercariae, or uninfected snails (p > 0.05). In snails larger than 11 mm, individuals infected with mature cercariae tended to feed more frequently during the light period (p = 0.0081), but the distance they crawled and the proportion of individuals located on vertical walls did not differ, regardless of infection (p > 0.05). Infection with mature cercariae significantly increased the oxygen consumption rate (p = 0.016), which was measured only in the large size.  相似文献   

Thin-layer chromatography was used to analyze the free-pool amino acids of the digestive gland-gonad complex (DGG) of Biomphalaria glabrata infected with Echinostoma caproni and uninfected (control) snails. Qualitative analysis revealed the presence of histidine, lysine, serine, alanine, valine, and isoleucine or leucine in all samples. Quantitative analysis of lysine and valine gave mean weight percentages of 0.00699 +/- 0.0022 and 0.00174 +/- 0.00056, respectively, in the DGG of uninfected snails, and 0.00504 +/- 0.0014 and 0.00254 +/- 0.00033, respectively, in the DGG of infected snails. The differences in values between infected and uninfected snails were not statistically significant (Student's t-test, P > 0.05).  相似文献   

Environmental stressors have the potential to greatly impact the transmission of parasites with complex, multi-host life cycles such as those of trematodes. The commonly used herbicide atrazine has been shown to affect the susceptibility of second intermediate hosts (such as larval amphibians) to trematode infection, as well as the longevity and infectivity of the free-swimming cercariae, but not eggs or the free-swimming miracidia that infect the gastropod first intermediate hosts. However, we do not know if this pesticide influences the survival of infected snails or whether it affects cercariae production within, or emergence from, these hosts. In addition, previous studies of host-parasite dynamics have only examined the parent atrazine compound, not any of the long-lasting metabolites commonly present in water bodies. Here, we report that a concentration of 0.33 μg/L of an atrazine metabolite, desethyl atrazine, increased the mortality of freshwater gastropods ( Stagnicola elodes ) infected with a gymnocephalus type of cercaria but not that of uninfected snails or those harboring a mature or dormant infection of Echinoparyphium sp. In contrast, 2 wk of exposure to desethyl atrazine did not affect the emergence of gymnocephalus cercariae from snails, although a trend for a decrease in the emergence of Echinoparyphium sp. cercariae was observed. We suggest that simultaneous trematode infection and exposure to contaminants may represent a significant combined stress to gastropods, but this is likely parasite species-specific as well as dependent on whether cercariae are being actively produced.  相似文献   

The accumulation of larval trematodes by Ilyanassa obsoleta (Gastropoda) at 2 estuarine sites in Delaware was studied. Initial infection status of snails was assayed by looking for shed cercariae. Native snails (most already infected) were deployed at sites A and B, and sentinel snails (putatively uninfected) were deployed at site B. All were individually marked and, if found, reassessed for infection after being free 1-3 summers. Himasthla quissetensis, Lepocreadium setiferoides, Zoogonus rubellus, Austrobilharzia variglandis, and Gynaecotyla adunca infections were observed in recovered snails. At site A, in 1993, 62 natives were recovered. Among the 26 initially testing uninfected, 15 had infections at recovery. Of 36 that released cercariae, 26 had the infection initially indicated. Of sentinels released at site B in 1996, 3 of 16 had infections when recollected. One probably was infected before transplant; at least 2 were infected at site B during 1996-1997. Among site B natives, 26 were later examined by dissection in 1996; 22 had the infection status initially revealed. Some site B natives (n = 35) escaped recapture in 1996 but were found in 1997, or 1998, or both, and were reexamined, most by cercarial release. The same cercariae were produced by 30. Among natives (both sites, n = 123), 27.6% exhibited some difference in infection status compared to the initial assay. This probably overestimates changes. Some differences were real but most can be discounted as cases where initial infection status was misrepresented.  相似文献   

Experimental infections of two different populations of Lymnaea fuscus in France and Sweden, with a Czech isolate of Fascioloides magna were carried out to determine if this lymnaeid species enables parasite larval development. Species identification of both snail populations was performed using the morphology of the copulatory organ, and also confirmed by sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region of the snail genomic rDNA. Only juvenile snails measuring less than 3 mm (1–3 weeks of age) were successfully infected (the viable cercariae were recorded) and infection prevalence decreased with age, as documented by increased shell height. In both French and Swedish L. fuscus populations, prevalence ranged between 1.1% and 58.8%. The mean number of metacercariae obtained from cercariae-shedding snails was 13.7 (±11.4), while the total cercarial production noted in snails dissected at day 85 post-exposure was 147.5 (±56.6). Compared to uninfected control snails, we observed reduced growth of infected snails. Despite age-related resistance of snail to the parasite, and limited cercarial production in these experimentally infected snails, F. magna was still able to complete larval development in L. fuscus.  相似文献   

Egg production in the snail, Biomphalaria glabrata, infected with Schistosoma mansoni declined on day 23 postinfection, and was significantly lower than uninfected control snails by day 28 and thereafter. Protein and galactogen content of eggs produced by infected snails did not change during the period of reduced fecundity. This suggests that decreased hemolymph nutrient levels (rather than depleted albumen gland reserves) are responsible for inhibition of snail egg production. Growth rates of infected and uninfected snails were indistinguishable from days 14 through 35 postinfection. The hatching success of eggs produced by infected snails decreased slightly beginning at day 21 postinfection.  相似文献   

Lymnaea catascopium snails infected with Schistosomatium douthitti grew faster than uninfected control snails during the first 2 months postexposure, but thereafter grew more slowly, and by 8 months postexposure were significantly smaller. When reared in isolation, uninfected snails survived significantly longer (mean survival time, 515 days) than snails exposed to three miracidia each (400 days), which in turn survived longer than snails exposed to 10 miracidia per snail (223 days). When maintained in aquaria in contact with other snails, snails exposed to three miracidia each survived longer (227 days), but not significantly longer, than control snails (198 days). Production of large numbers of eggs by control snails grown under the latter conditions may account for their reduced survival. The ovotestes and accessory genitalia of snails infected with S. douthitti were much reduced in size in comparison with uninfected control snails. These effects were most pronounced in snails which had been infected for over 100 days. Egg production was normally totally inhibited if snails were infected before the onset of sexual maturity. If infected after the onset of maturity, eggs were produced only during the prepatent period.  相似文献   

Parasitism can affect size in gastropods by altering the host's growth rate, but other morphological effects of parasitism have rarely been examined. In this study, the relationship between variation in host morphology and parasitism was examined in a population of the freshwater snail Elimia livescens. Differences were found in the morphology of snails infected with the digenean Proterometra macrostoma and uninfected snails. In order to differentiate between 2 hypotheses to explain these differences in morphology, snails were experimentally infected in the laboratory and several morphological traits were measured after 180 days. One hypothesis suggests that parasite-induced changes in shell development explain differences in morphology between infected and uninfected snails. The other hypothesis suggests that selective mortality of infected hosts explains the difference. In the experiment, differences were found between infected snails and uninfected snails in overall size but not in any measurements of shape. The short duration of the experiment relative to the duration of most infections may account for why field-infected snails differed in shape but experimentally infected snails did not. Parasite-induced changes in growth rate are the most likely explanation for the larger size of infected snails relative to uninfected snails.  相似文献   

Physiological and biochemical alterations in Littorina saxatilis infected with larval trematodes were investigated and compared with the metabolism of non-parasitized snails. Oxygen consumption rates of infected snails differed from those of non-infected controls in medium sized individuals (30 to 130 mg) but not in very large infected individuals (> 200 mg). Small snails (0.5 to 8.5 mg) were seldom infected by parasites, and this size-class consisted only of non-infected specimens. The specific oxygen consumption rate of infected snails was not dependent on their mass and remained constant over the size ranges investigated. Alterations in the snail metabolism appeared to be connected to injuries to digestive gland tissues caused by the parasites. The glycogen concentration and fatty acids of neutral lipids and phospholipids in the digestive gland were determined. Infected snails differed from uninfected snails in the complete absence of glycogen in digestive gland and had proportionally higher quantities of eicosenoic (20:1) acid in the total phospholipids. It remains unclear whether infection by trematodes activates enzymes in the snail's digestive gland to synthesize eicosenoic (20:1) acid, or whether the sporocysts themselves possess these enzymes. The role of phospholipid fatty acids in the regulation and maintenance of the parasite's metabolism is briefly considered. Biochemical alterations observed in the fatty acid composition may have an adaptive significance, by helping to stabilize the host-parasite system.  相似文献   

The visceral mass of Biomphalaria glabrata uninfected or infected with Schistosoma mansoni was serially sectioned. The amount of hepatopancreas tissue and of parasite tissue was quantified. In pool-infected snails the volume of the whole visceral mass increased very significantly until week 6 and then decreased. Due to the growing parasites the volume of the visceral mass in infected snails was at most times higher when compared with uninfected snails of the same dimensions. Two weeks p.i. there was a permanent and significant increase of parasite tissue until week 6. During this time the amount of hepatopancreas tissue still increased. From this time onwards till week 12 the proportion of parasite tissue remained rather constant, indicating a kind of regulation, whereas the hepatopancreas tissue decreased to about one-third of the volume found in uninfected snails of the same shell diameter. Compared with infections by a single miracidium there was a significant increase in parasite tissue after infection with two miracidia. Infections with more miracidia (5, 10, and 20) gave no significant further increase. This also demonstrates a kind of regulation. Mortality rate, growth rate and egg production were studied during an infection period of 12 weeks.  相似文献   

Summary This laboratory study examined the influence of parasitic infection by larval trematodes on the survival of extreme environmental conditions by the salt marsh snail, Cerithidea californica. Experimental treatments simulated the durations, combinations, and levels of potentially lethal environmental extremes to which the snail is exposed in its natural habitat, as determined from long-term field measurements. No significant difference was found in the rates of mortality suffered by infected and uninfected snails when exposed to simulated natural extremes of water temperature, water salinity, or exposure in air. Exposure to low levels of dissolved oxygen was the only treatment that caused differential mortality: infected snails died at higher rates than uninfected. This differential mortality was accentuated by high water temperature, and varied with the species of infecting parasite. The potential impact of this interaction between parasitism and anoxia on snail survival and population dynamics is discussed.  相似文献   

The shells of Lymnaea stagnalis show great morphological variability. This phenomenon has been described as the result of an environmental influence. The main object of the present study was to compare some biometric data from shells of naturally infected and uninfected snails from 25 different lakes in the central part of Poland. The height of the shell, the height of the spiral, and the width of the shell were measured. Some inter- and intrapopulation differences among individuals were found. Greater variability of shell shape was observed among snails parasitized with digenean larvae than in nonparasitized ones. Snails infected with Echinoparyphium aconiatum, Echinostoma revolutum, Diplostomum pseudospathaceum, and Opisthioglyphe ranae differed in shell shape compared with uninfected individuals. Snails infected with Plagiorchis elegans did not differ from uninfected individuals. The same was true of snails in which the commensal oligochaete, Chaetogaster limnei, was found. The results of the present study support the assumption that the deformation of shells of the snails under study was in some way influenced by the presence of certain species of digenetic trematodes.  相似文献   

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