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《Mycological Research》2006,110(8):898-915
In the order Chytridiales, Rhizophydium is a morphologically defined genus based upon the production of a monocentric, inoperculate, epibiotic sporangium, an endobiotic rhizoidal axis which branches, and an epibiotic resting spore. Despite its simple morphology, over 220 species of Rhizophydium have been described. Recent phylogenetic analyses using nuLSU rRNA (28 S rRNA) gene sequences of a geographically diverse sampling of Rhizophydium cultures revealed that the classical genus Rhizophydium is genetically more variable than previously understood and actually represents multiple genera. In the present study, we use zoospore ultrastructural characters and 28 S rRNA and 5.8 S ribosomal gene sequences of 96 isolates in culture to circumscribe the monophyletic Rhizophydium clade as a new order, Rhizophydiales. Correspondingly, zoospores of members of the Rhizophydiales exhibit a unique suite of ultrastructural character states that further define the order and distinguish it from the order Chytridiales. Molecular analyses reveal several strongly supported clades within the Rhizophydiales. Three of those clades encompass a broad range of isolates and are defined as new families Rhizophydiaceae, Terramycetaceae, and Kappamycetaceae. To resolve close relationships within Terramycetaceae, combined 28 S rRNA and ITS1–5.8 S–ITS2 sequences were analysed and details of zoospore ultrastructural character states determined, with two new genera, Terramyces and Boothiomyces, described. Two species formerly classified in Rhizophydium are transferred to the new genera. This work provides a framework for additional taxonomic revisions within the new order Rhizophydiales and compares genetic variation useful in defining genera, species, and populations within this lineage of chytrids. A broader sampling of representatives is needed before taxonomic decisions can be made for remaining clades within the Rhizophydiales.  相似文献   

The new animal phylogeny inferred from ribosomal genes some years ago has prompted a number of radical rearrangements of the traditional, morphology based metazoan tree. The two main bilaterian clades, Deuterostomia and Protostomia, find strong support, but the protostomes consist of two sister groups, Ecdysozoa and Lophotrochozoa, not seen in morphology based trees. Although widely accepted, not all recent molecular phylogenetic analyses have supported the tripartite structure of the new animal phylogeny. Furthermore, even if the small ribosomal subunit (SSU) based phylogeny is correct, there is a frustrating lack of resolution of relationships between the phyla that make up the three clades of this tree. To address this issue, we have assembled a dataset including a large number of aligned sequence positions as well as a broad sampling of metazoan phyla. Our dataset consists of sequence data from ribosomal and mitochondrial genes combined with new data from protein coding genes (5139 amino acid and 3524 nucleotide positions in total) from 37 representative taxa sampled across the Metazoa. Our data show strong support for the basic structure of the new animal phylogeny as well as for the Mandibulata including Myriapoda. We also provide some resolution within the Lophotrochozoa, where we confirm support for a monophyletic clade of Echiura, Sipuncula and Annelida and surprising evidence of a close relationship between Brachiopoda and Nemertea.  相似文献   

We provide the first molecular phylogeny of the clerid lineage (Coleoptera: Cleridae, Thanerocleridae) within the superfamily Cleroidea to examine the two most recently proposed hypotheses of higher level classification. Phylogenetic relationships of checkered beetles were inferred from approximately ~5000 nt of both nuclear and mitochondrial rDNA (28S, 16S and 12S) and the mitochondrial protein‐coding gene COI. A worldwide sample of ~70 genera representing almost a quarter of generic diversity of the clerid lineage was included and phylogenies were reconstructed using Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood approaches. Results support the monophyly of many proposed subfamilies but were not entirely congruent with either current classification system. The subfamilial relationships within the Cleridae are resolved with support for three main lineages. Tillinae are supported as the sister group to all other subfamilies within the Cleridae, whereas Thaneroclerinae, Korynetinae and a new subfamily formally described here, Epiclininae subf.n ., form a sister group to Clerinae + Hydnocerinae.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships of the two basal fungal phyla Chytridiomycota and Zygomycota are reviewed in light of recent molecular phylogenetic investigation based on rDNA (nSSU, nLSU rDNA), entire mitochondrial genomes, and nuclear protein coding gene sequences (e.g., EF-1alpha, RPB1). Accumulated molecular evidence strongly suggests that the two basal fungal phyla are not monophyletic. For example, the chytridiomycete order Blastocladiales appears to be closely related to the zygomycete order Entomophthorales. Within the Zygomycota, a monophyletic clade, consisting of the Dimargaritales, Harpellales, and Kickxellales, which is characterized by a shared unique septal ultrastructure, was identified. Moreover, evidence for the exclusion of zygomycete orders Amoebidiales and Eccrinales from the Fungi, and their placement at the Animal-Fungi boundary has been clearly documented. Microsporidia, a group of amitochondriate organisms currently under intensive study, is not supported as derived within the Fungi, but a fungal affinity cannot be ruled out. Taking these molecular phylogenetic studies into account, we proposed a hypothetical evolutionary framework of basal fungi.  相似文献   

Sequences from 86 fungal genomes and from the two outgroup genomes Arabidopsis thaliana and Drosophila melanogaster were analyzed to construct a robust molecular phylogeny of thermophilic fungi, which are potentially rich sources of industrial enzymes. To provide experimental reference points, growth characteristics of 22 reported thermophilic or thermotolerant fungi, together with eight mesophilic species, were examined at four temperatures: 22 °C, 34 °C, 45 °C, and 55 °C. Based on the relative growth performances, species with a faster growth rate at 45 °C than at 34 °C were classified as thermophilic, and species with better or equally good growth at 34 °C compared to 45 °C as thermotolerant. We examined the phylogenetic relationships of a diverse range of fungi, including thermophilic and thermotolerant species, using concatenated amino acid sequences of marker genes mcm7, rpb1, and rpb2 obtained from genome sequencing projects. To further elucidate the phylogenetic relationships in the thermophile-rich orders Sordariales and Eurotiales, we used nucleotide sequences from the nuclear ribosomal small subunit (SSU), the 5.8S gene with internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 (ITS 1 and 2), and the ribosomal large subunit (LSU) to include additional species for analysis. These phylogenetic analyses clarified the position of several thermophilic taxa. Thus, Myriococcum thermophilum and Scytalidium thermophilum fall into the Sordariales as members of the Chaetomiaceae, Thermomyces lanuginosus belongs to the Eurotiales, Malbranchea cinnamomea is a member of the Onygenales, and Calcarisporiella thermophila is assigned to the basal fungi close to the Mucorales. The mesophilic alkalophile Acremonium alcalophilum clusters with Verticillium albo-atrum and Verticillium dahliae, placing them in the recently established order Glomerellales. Taken together, these data indicate that the known thermophilic fungi are limited to the Sordariales, Eurotiales, and Onygenales in the Ascomycota and the Mucorales with possibly an additional order harbouring C. thermophila in the basal fungi. No supporting evidence was found for thermophilic species belonging to the Basidiomycota.  相似文献   

The Blastocladiomycota is a recently described phylum of ecologically diverse zoosporic fungi whose species have not been thoroughly sampled and placed within a molecular phylogeny. In this study, we investigated the phylogeny of the Blastocladiomycota based on ribosomal DNA sequences from strains identified by traditional morphological and ultrastructural characters. Our results support the monophyly of the Coelomomycetaceae and Physodermataceae but the Blastocladiaceae and Catenariaceae are paraphyletic or polyphyletic. The data support two clades within Allomyces with strains identified as Allomyces arbusculus in both clades, suggesting that species concepts in Allomyces are in need of revision. A clade of Catenaria species isolated from midge larvae group separately from other Catenaria species, suggesting that this genus may need revision. In the Physodermataceae, Urophlyctis species cluster with a clade of Physoderma species. The algal parasite Paraphysoderma sedebokerensis nom. prov. clusters sister to other taxa in the Physodermataceae. Catenomyces persicinus, which has been classified in the Catenariaceae, groups with the Chytridiomycota rather than Blastocladiomycota. The rDNA operon seems to be suitable for classification within the Blastocladiomycota and distinguishes among genera; however, this region alone is not suitable to determine the position of the Blastocladiomycota among other basal fungal phyla with statistical support. A focused effort to find and isolate, or directly amplify DNA from additional taxa will be necessary to evaluate diversity in this phylum. We provide this rDNA phylogeny as a preliminary framework to guide further taxon and gene sampling and to facilitate future ecological, morphological, and systematic studies.  相似文献   

F W Spiegel 《Bio Systems》1991,25(1-2):113-120
The flagellated members of the group of mycetozoans known as protostelids have been recognized for some time to be members of a monophyletic group which also includes the myxomycetes. This inference was based primarily upon comparisons of the flagellar apparatus of the amoeboflagellate state. However, more detailed comparisons based on the whole life history and comparisons with an outgroup were necessary to have information sufficient to determine the interrelationships within the group. Recent studies of the other states of the life history of protostelids have provided a wealth of additional morphological and developmental characters such that an in depth phylogenetic analysis is possible. The results show that the group can be resolved into two major clades, one of which contains the myxomycetes and the myxomycete-like protostelid genera, Protosporangium, Clastostelium, and Ceratiomyxa, and another which contains the protostelid genera Planoprotostelium, Cavostelium, and Ceratiomyxella. As the myxomycetes appear to be part of the ingroup, and not a sister group to the protostelids, L.S. Olive's subclass Protostelia must be considered paraphyletic.  相似文献   

Heterotermes Froggatt is a subterranean termite genus consisting of 30 living described species worldwide, with nine occurring in the New World. Herein we provide a molecular phylogeny, using both mitochondrial and nuclear markers, of all New World species of Heterotermes, including biogeographical analysis, and describe a new species from Paraguay and Bolivia, based on morphological and molecular evidence. Our analysis recovered the New World species as paraphyletic to a monophyletic Australian clade. Within this New World + Australian clade, two monophyletic major groups were formed c. 28 Ma: the aureus- and tenuis-groups. The aureus-group has a disjunct and broad distribution consisting of two clades. The first clade extends into the Nearctic region and a second is composed of a branch in the Caatinga and Cerrado biomes (H. sulcatus Mathews) and a branch in the Chacoan biome (a new species, Heterotermes lauralinearum Carrijo sp.n. ). The tenuis-group is composed of four broadly distributed Neotropical species and the Australian clade. A single dispersion event from South America to Australia probably occurred between 13 and 24 Ma. Heterotermes crinitus Emerson was the first to diverge, being sister group of all other species in the tenuis-group, followed by Heterotermes assu Constantino. An analysis of the historical biogeography of Heterotermes suggests that jump dispersal was the most important cladogenetic process for the genus. This study is the most comprehensive phylogeny of Heterotermes and contributes to the understanding of termite evolution and geographic distribution in the New World, complementing recent studies focused on worldwide patterns. This published work has been registered on Zoobank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8951A29B-8B69-4CD5-B9DF-2C70D4628D97 .  相似文献   

The deep‐sea floor is inhabited by a number of unusual and enigmatic taxa, unknown in shallow waters. These include the xenophyophores, a group of giant protists that construct fragile agglutinated tests. Here, we describe Shinkaiya lindsayi gen. et sp. nov. , a new xenophyophore collected by the submersible Shinkai 6500 at a depth of 5435 m near the Japan Trench. The phylogenetic analysis performed on its complete small‐subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequence confirms that Sh. lindsayi sp. nov. is a foraminiferan that is closely related to another xenophyophore, Syringammina corbicula Richardson, 2001, and to a monothalamous (single‐chambered) foraminiferan Rhizammina algaeformis Brady, 1879. In terms of morphology, the new genus resembles Syringammina, but its test wall is thicker, softer, and more weakly cemented. Moreover, the SSU rDNA sequences of the two genera are highly divergent. Mass spectra analyses reveal unusually high concentrations of some elements, such as lead, uranium, and mercury. The granellare system (the cytoplasm and the organic sheath that encloses it) is apparently devoid of barite crystals, which are usually abundant as intracellular inclusions in xenophyophores, but is rich in mercury (with 12 times the concentration of mercury found in the surrounding sediment). Fecal pellets retained within a tubular system (stercomare) concentrate heavy metals, including lead and uranium (respectively, two and six times more than that of the sediment). Based on a comparison of the compositions of the agglutinated test wall, the granellare, the stercomare, and the surrounding sediment, we discuss the impact of xenophyophores on their habitat. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 156 , 455–464.  相似文献   

Abstract. We estimated the phylogeny of the order Odonata, based on sequences of the nuclear ribosomal genes 5.8 S, 18S, and ITS1 and 2. An 18S‐only analysis resolved deep relationships well: the order Odonata, as well as suborders Zygoptera and Epiprocta (Anisoptera + Epiophlebia), emerged as monophyletic. Some other deep clades resolved well, but support for more recently diverged clades was generally weak. A second, simultaneous, analysis of the 5.8S and 18S genes with the intergenic spacers ITS1 and 2 resolved some recent branches better, but appeared less reliable for deep clades with, for example, suborder Anisoptera emerging as paraphyletic and Epiophlebia superstes recovered as an Anisopteran, embedded within aeshnoid‐like anisopterans and sister to the cordulegastrids. Most existing family levels in the Anisoptera were confirmed as monophyletic clades in both analyses. However, within the corduliids that form a major monophyletic clade with the Libellulidae, several subclades were recovered, of which at least Macromiidae and Oxygastridae are accepted at the family level. In the Zygoptera, the situation is complex. The lestid‐like family groups (here called Lestomorpha) emerged as sister taxon to all other zygopterans, with Hemiphlebia sister to all other lestomorphs. Platystictidae formed a second monophylum, subordinated to lestomorphs. At the next level, some traditional clades were confirmed, but the tropical families Megapodagrionidae and Amphipterygidae were recovered as strongly polyphyletic, and tended to nest within the clade Caloptera, rendering it polyphyletic. Platycnemididae were also non‐monophyletic, with several representatives of uncertain placement. Coenagrionids were diphyletic. True Platycnemididae and non‐American Protoneurids are closely related, but their relationship to the other zygopterans remains obscure and needs more study. New World protoneurids appeared relatively unrelated to old world + Australian protoneurids. Several recent taxonomic changes at the genus level, based on morphology, were confirmed, but other morphology‐based taxonomies have misclassified taxa considered currently as Megapodagrionidae, Platycnemididae and Amphipterygidae and have underestimated the number of family‐level clades.  相似文献   

Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) are extremely diverse with more than 23,000 species described and over 500,000 species estimated to exist. This is the first comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the superfamily based on a molecular analysis of 18S and 28S ribosomal gene regions for 19 families, 72 subfamilies, 343 genera and 649 species. The 56 outgroups are comprised of Ceraphronoidea and most proctotrupomorph families, including Mymarommatidae. Data alignment and the impact of ambiguous regions are explored using a secondary structure analysis and automated (MAFFT) alignments of the core and pairing regions and regions of ambiguous alignment. Both likelihood and parsimony approaches are used to analyze the data. Overall there is no impact of alignment method, and few but substantial differences between likelihood and parsimony approaches. Monophyly of Chalcidoidea and a sister group relationship between Mymaridae and the remaining Chalcidoidea is strongly supported in all analyses. Either Mymarommatoidea or Diaprioidea are the sister group of Chalcidoidea depending on the analysis. Likelihood analyses place Rotoitidae as the sister group of the remaining Chalcidoidea after Mymaridae, whereas parsimony nests them within Chalcidoidea. Some traditional family groups are supported as monophyletic (Agaonidae, Eucharitidae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae, Leucospidae, Mymaridae, Ormyridae, Signiphoridae, Tanaostigmatidae and Trichogrammatidae). Several other families are paraphyletic (Perilampidae) or polyphyletic (Aphelinidae, Chalcididae, Eupelmidae, Eurytomidae, Pteromalidae, Tetracampidae and Torymidae). Evolutionary scenarios discussed for Chalcidoidea include the evolution of phytophagy, egg parasitism, sternorrhynchan parasitism, hypermetamorphic development and heteronomy.  相似文献   

Xenoturbella is an enigmatic animal that is merely a ciliated bag with epithelial epidermis and gastrodermis, a subepidermal nerve plexus and a ventral mouth, but without an anus or any distinct organs. It is marine, free living, and up to 4 cm long. Its simplicity in organization has led to diverse interpretations during the last 50 years: as an acoelomorph flatworm, a paedomorphic holothurian or enteropneust, or a unique representative of a plesiomorphic phylum. I report here the previously unknown embryology of Xenoturbella that unequivocally corroborates a bivalve relationship and thus once and for all dismisses the potential new phylum. The simplicity of the adult Xenoturbella is due to neither plesiomorphy nor paedomorphy. It is caused by metamorphosis from a trochophore larva of molluscan type with a defined organ system, including a concentrated nervous system with ganglia, to an adult without any defined organs.  相似文献   

Ferenc Orosz 《Fungal biology》2021,125(5):357-367
TPPP-like proteins, exhibiting microtubule stabilizing function, constitute a eukaryotic superfamily, characterized by the presence of the p25alpha domain. TPPPs in the strict sense are present in animals except Trichoplax adhaerens, which instead contains apicortin where a part of the p25alpha domain is combined with a DCX domain. Apicortin is absent in other animals and occurs mostly in the protozoan phylum, Apicomplexa. A strong correlation between the occurrence of p25alpha domain and that of the eukaryotic cilium/flagellum was suggested. Species of the deeper branching clades of Fungi possess flagellum but others lost it thus investigation of fungal genomes can help testing of this suggestion. Indeed, these proteins are present in early branching Fungi. Both TPPP and apicortin are present in Rozellomycota (Cryptomycota) and Chytridiomycota, TPPP in Blastocladiomycota, apicortin in Neocallimastigomycota, Monoblepharomycota and the non-flagellated Mucoromycota. Beside the “normal” TPPP occurring in animals, a special, fungal-type TPPP is also present in Fungi, in which a part of the p25alpha domain is duplicated. Dikarya, the most developed subkingdom of Fungi, lacks both flagellum and TPPPs. Thus it is strengthened that each ciliated/flagellated organism contains p25alpha domain-containing proteins while there are very few non-flagellated ones where p25alpha domain can be found.  相似文献   

Zahiri, R., Kitching, I. J., Lafontaine, J. D., Mutanen, M., Kaila, L., Holloway, J. D. & Wahlberg, N. (2010). A new molecular phylogeny offers hope for a stable family level classification of the Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera). —Zoologica Scripta, 40, 158–173. To examine the higher level phylogeny and evolutionary affinities of the megadiverse superfamily Noctuoidea, an extensive molecular systematic study was undertaken with special emphasis on Noctuidae, the most controversial group in Noctuoidea and arguably the entire Lepidoptera. DNA sequence data for one mitochondrial gene (cytochrome oxidase subunit I) and seven nuclear genes (Elongation Factor‐1α, wingless, Ribosomal protein S5, Isocitrate dehydrogenase, Cytosolic malate dehydrogenase, Glyceraldehyde‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase and Carbamoylphosphate synthase domain protein) were analysed for 152 taxa of principally type genera/species for family group taxa. Data matrices (6407 bp total) were analysed by parsimony with equal weighting and model‐based evolutionary methods (maximum likelihood), which revealed a new high‐level phylogenetic hypothesis comprising six major, well‐supported lineages that we here interpret as families: Oenosandridae, Notodontidae, Erebidae, Nolidae, Euteliidae and Noctuidae.  相似文献   

Identification to the species level using morphology is challenging when usual diagnostic characters are similar amongst related taxa. Within the Neotropical genus Atlantoscia, differences between nominal species are generally small and restricted to a few characters. Despite the power of DNA sequencing to identify and distinguish between species, molecular phylogenies of terrestrial isopods from the Neotropics have not been determined. In this study, two new species of Atlantoscia were described and molecular markers were used to verify both the validity of the current taxonomy and the relationships amongst the species within this genus. All of the recognized Atlantoscia species were strongly supported in the generated phylogenetic trees. The average congeneric distance was 14.7%, with Atlantoscia ituberasensis and Atlantoscia rubromarginata showing the highest genetic divergence. Our results demonstrate the utility of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene together with DNA barcoding to reliably distinguish Atlantoscia species. They also show that DNA barcoding may be helpful in those cases in which classical taxonomy does not provide clear‐cut species resolution. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Ribbon worm relationships: a phylogeny of the phylum Nemertea   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We present the most extensive phylogenetic analysis to date, to our knowledge, of higher-level nemertean relationships, based on sequence data from four different genes (the nuclear genes for nuclear large subunit rRNA (28S rRNA) and histone H3 (H3), and the mitochondrial genes for mitochondrial large subunit rRNA (16S rRNA) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)). Well-supported clades are, in general, compatible with earlier, more limited, analyses, and current classification is largely in agreement with our results, although there are some notable exceptions. Bdellonemertea (represented by Malacobdella) is found to be a part of Monostilifera, and Polystilifera is the monophyletic sister group to Monostilifera. Cratenemertidae is the sister group to the remaining monostiliferans (including Malacobdella), a group to which we apply the new name Distromatonemertea. Heteronemertea is monophyletic and forms a clade with Hubrechtella; for this clade we introduce the name Pilidiophora. Finally, Pilidiophora and Hoplonemertea (with Malacobdella) form a monophyletic group, and we introduce the name Neonemertea to refer to this group. Palaeonemertea is found to be non-monophyletic and basal among nemerteans.  相似文献   

Stunt nematodes are characterized by phenotypic plasticity, with overlapping morphology and morphometry leading to potential misidentification. Consequently, the application of integrative taxonomic approaches is useful to species delimitation based on a combination of different perspectives, e.g. morphology and DNA sequences. We conducted nematode surveys in cultivated and natural environments in Spain and the USA, from which we identified 18 known species of the family Telotylenchidae and two new taxa within the studied samples. These species were morphologically, morphometrically, and molecularly characterized. The results of light and scanning electron microscopic observations, and molecular and phylogenetic analysis also allowed two new species to be distinguished, described herein as B itylenchus hispaniensis sp. nov. and T ylenchorhynchus mediterraneus sp. nov. The phylogenetic analysis was carried out using molecular data from nuclear ribosomal DNA genes [D2–D3 expansion segments of the large ribosomal subunit (28S), internal transcribed spacer (ITS), and partial small ribosomal subunit (18S)]. We also provide here a test of alternative hypotheses that confirms the monophyly of both Tylenchorhynchus and Bitylenchus sensu Siddiqi's classification but does not support Fortuner & Luc's conceptual view of Tylenchorhynchus as a large genus. Ancestral state reconstructions of several diagnostic morphological characters using a maximum parsimony approach showed congruence in morphological and molecular evolution for stylet knob inclination and tail tip annulation. Our analysis emphasizes some of the problems related to the taxonomy and phylogeny of nematodes of Telotylenchinae. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The taxonomic treatment within the unigeneric tribe Yinshanieae(Brassicaceae) is controversial, owing to differences in generic delimitation applied to its species. In this study, sequences from nuclear ITS and chloroplast trn L-F regions were used to test the monophyly of Yinshanieae, while two nuclear markers(ITS, ETS) and four chloroplast markers(trnL-F, trn H-psbA, rps16, rpL32-trnL) were used to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships within the tribe. Using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference methods, we reconstructed the phylogeny of Brassicaceae and Yinshanieae. The results show that Yinshanieae is not a monophyletic group, with the taxa splitting into two distantly related clades: one clade contains four taxa and falls in Lineage I, whereas the other includes all species previously placed in Hilliella and is embedded in the Expanded Lineage II. The tribe Yinshanieae is redefined, and a new tribe, Hillielleae, is proposed based on combined evidence from molecular phylogeny, morphology, and cytology.  相似文献   

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