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The presence of Campylobacter species was studied in three Antarctic penguin species, Adélie (Pygoscelis adeliae), chinstrap (Pygoscelis antarctica) and gentoo (Pygoscelis papua). A total of 390 penguins were captured in 12 different rookeries along the Antarctic Peninsula with differences in the amount of human visitation: six colonies were highly visited [Stranger Point, King George Island (P. papua and P. adeliae); Hannah Point, Livingston Island (P. papua and P. antarctica); Deception Island (P. antarctica); and Paradise Bay, Antarctic Peninsula (P. papua)], and six colonies were rarely visited [Devil’s Point, Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island (P. papua); Cierva Cove, Antarctic Peninsula (P. papua); Rongé Island (P. papua and P. antarctica); Yalour Island (P. adeliae); and Avian Island (P. adeliae)]. A total of 23 strains were isolated from penguins from nine different rookeries. Campylobacter lari subsp. lari was isolated from eight samples (seven from P. papua and one from P. adeliae); C. lari subsp. concheus from 13 (ten from P. adeliae and three from P. antarctica) and C. volucris from two samples (both from P. papua). We did not find any significant differences in the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. between the populations in highly and rarely visited areas. This is the first report of C. lari subsp. concheus and C. volucris isolation from penguins in the Antarctic region.  相似文献   

Antarctic organisms, including penguins, are susceptible to parasites and pathogens. Effects of infestation could differ in different locations along a geographical gradient from north to south consistent with conditions that affect the prevalence and virulence of parasites and pathogens. The immune system, including immunoglobulins as the main component of the humoral immune response, is the major way by which organisms confront infestation. We investigated the variation in immunoglobulin levels in three species of antarctic penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica, Pygoscelis papua, and Pygoscelis adeliae) along a geographical gradient from King George Island (62°15′S) to Avian Island (67°46′S). We found that immunoglobulin levels increased northwards in all the three species. This could indicate a higher impact of parasites and/or pathogens relative to the existing gradient in temperatures along this coast. Changing temperatures, consistent with global climate change, could be altering the ecology of parasite or pathogen infestation within the biota of northern Antarctica. We have also found marginal differences in immunoglobulin levels between sexes in both chinstrap and gentoo penguins.  相似文献   

The western Antarctica Peninsula and Scotia Sea ecosystems appear to be driven by complex links between climatic variables, primary productivity, krill and Avian predators. There are several studies reporting statistical relationships between climate, krill and Penguin population size. The Adélie (Pygoscelis adeliae), Chinstrap (P. antarctica) and Gentoo (P. papua) penguins appear to be influenced by interannual variability in sea-ice extent and krill biomass. In this paper we developed simple conceptual models to decipher the role of climate and krill fluctuations on the population dynamics of these three Pygoscelis penguin species inhabiting the Antarctic Peninsula region. Our results suggest that the relevant processes underlying the population dynamics of these penguin species at King George Island (South Shetland Islands) are intra-specific competition and the combined effects of krill abundance and sea-ice cover. Our results using population theoretical models appear to support that climate change, specifically regional warming on the western Antarctic Peninsula, represents a major driver. At our study site, penguins showed species-specific responses to climate change. While Chinstrap penguins were only influenced by krill abundance, the contrasting population trends of Adélie and Gentoo penguins appear to be better explained by the “sea-ice hypothesis”. We think that proper population dynamic modeling and theory are essential for deciphering and proposing the ecological mechanisms underlying dynamics of these penguin populations.  相似文献   

We report here the first published observations of killer whales (Orcinus orca) feeding on penguins in Antarctica. The sightings took place in the Gerlache Strait off the western Antarctic Peninsula during February 2010. Two species of pygoscelid penguins were taken—gentoo (Pygoscelis papua, at least four individuals) and chinstrap (P. antarctica, 2). From remains left at the surface, it was clear that the killer whales fed mainly on the breast muscles, although some penguins may have been swallowed whole. The killer whales were ecotype B, which are purported seal specialists, but we also saw ecotype A, prey specialists on Antarctic minke whales Balaenoptera bonaerensis, chase, but not catch penguins. Because of their small relative size, if penguins are regularly targeted by killer whales in Antarctica, the impact on their populations could be significant.  相似文献   

Due to its high spatial resolution, broad spatial coverage, and cost-effectiveness, commercial satellite imagery is rapidly becoming a key component of biological monitoring in the Antarctic. While considerable success in surveying emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) has been facilitated by their large size and the visual simplicity of their habitat, there has been considerably less progress in mapping colonies on the Antarctic Peninsula and associated sub-Antarctic islands where smaller penguin species breed on topographically complex terrain composed of mixed substrates. Here, we demonstrate that Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae), chinstrap penguin (P. antarcticus), gentoo penguin (P. papua), and macaroni penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus) colonies can be detected by high-resolution (2-m multispectral, 40–50-cm panchromatic) satellite imagery and that under ideal conditions, such imagery is capable of distinguishing among groups of species where they breed contiguously. To demonstrate the potential for satellite imagery to estimate penguin population abundance, we use satellite imagery of Paulet Island (63°35′S, 55°47′W) to estimate a site-wide population of 115,673 (99,222–127,203) breeding pairs of Adélie penguins.  相似文献   

The responses of predators to environmental variability in the Antarctic Peninsula region have exhibited divergent patterns owing to variation in the geographic settings of colonies and predator life-history strategies. Five breeding colonies of Pygoscelis penguins from King George Island and Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, were examined to (1) compare the responses of sympatric congeners to recent changes in their Antarctic ecosystem and (2) assess underlying causes for such responses. We used linear regression and correlation analyses to compare indices of abundance, recruitment, and summer breeding performance of the Adélie (P. adeliae), gentoo (P. papua), and chinstrap penguins (P. antarctica). Breeding colonies of Adélie and chinstrap penguins have declined by roughly 50% since the mid-1970s, and recruitment indices of Adélie penguins have declined by roughly 80%, but no such patterns are evident for gentoo penguins. Fledging success, however, has remained stable at all breeding colonies. The different trends in abundance and recruitment indices for each species, despite generally similar indices of summer performance, suggest that winter conditions contribute to the divergent responses among the penguins. In particular, strong correlations between indices of penguin and krill recruitment suggest that penguins in the South Shetland Islands may live under an increasingly krill-limited system that has disproportionate effects on the survival of juvenile birds.  相似文献   

Intestinal parasites suppose a cost to hosts as they compete directly for nutritional resources. Therefore, hosts must defend themselves against intestinal parasites by mounting an immune response. Many penguin species acquire parasites through their diet and transfer these parasites to their chicks when feeding them. High parasite loads in penguin chicks could have effects on their growth and body condition, and ultimately on their survival. Here, we evaluated the effect of parasites on the cell-mediated immune system in Gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua) chicks at Stranger Point (25 de Mayo/King George Island, South Shetland Islands). To this end, 12 chicks were experimentally deparasitized with a mixture of anthelminthic drugs (albendazole and praziquantel), whereas 10 others were kept as control. We measured cutaneous cell-mediated immunity in response to immunization with phytohemagglutinin (PHA). We also analyzed the leukocyte profile in both treated and control groups before and after the treatment. After the treatment, deparasitized birds showed larger foot-web swelling in response to PHA injection than control birds. Deparasitized penguins also showed lower eosinophil and monocyte counts than controls, whereas heterophils, lymphocytes, and total white blood cell counts did not differ between groups. Our results suggest that Gentoo penguin chicks parasitized with intestinal parasites suffer a cost in terms of reduced cell-mediated immune responses that could ultimately affect their survival.  相似文献   

Changes in penguin abundance and distribution can be used to understand the response of species to climate change and fisheries pressures, and as a gauge of ecosystem health. Traditionally, population estimates have involved direct counts, but remote sensing and digital mapping methodologies can provide us with alternative techniques for assessing the size and distribution of penguin populations. Here, we demonstrate the use of a field-based digital mapping system (DMS), combining a handheld geographic information system with integrated geographical positioning system as a method for: (a) assessing penguin colony area and (b) ground-truthing colony area as derived from satellite imagery. Work took place at Signy Island, South Orkneys, where colonies of the three congeneric pygoscelid penguins: Adélie Pygoscelis adeliae, chinstrap P. antarctica and gentoo P. papua were surveyed. Colony areas were derived by mapping colony boundaries using the DMS with visual counts of the number of nesting birds made concurrently. Area was found to be a good predictor for number of nests for all three species of penguin. Using a maximum likelihood multivariate classification of remotely sensed satellite imagery (QuickBird2, 18 January 2010; Digital Globe ID: 01001000B90AD00), we were able to identify penguin colonies from the spectral signature of guano and differentiate between colonies of Adélie and chinstrap penguins. The area classified (all species combined) from satellite imagery versus area from DMS data was closely related (R 2 = 0.88). Combining these techniques gives a simple and transferrable methodology for examining penguin distribution and abundance at local and regional scales.  相似文献   

While the susceptibility to infection with blood protozoa, particularly Plasmodium spp. and Leucocytozoon, of a wide range of species of penguins held in captivity is well established, the parasitism of penguins in the wild has been less studied. It appears, however, that free-living penguins from temperate locations exhibit infrequent parasitism, with the exception of Spheniscus demersus in Southern Africa in which infection with Babesia peircei is endemic, while the few available reports suggest that Antarctic and sub-antarctic species exhibit a generalised absence of blood-borne parasites. We have extended these studies by examining 194 thin blood smears for blood protozoa obtained from 4 species of free-living penguins from 5 sites, and have detected no blood parasites in penguins from either Antarctic (Aptenodytes forsteri, Pygoscelis adeliae) or temperate (Eudyptulaminor, Spheniscus humboldti) locations. We discuss the possible reasons for the relative scarcity of blood protozoa in wild penguins, which include biting preferences or absence of suitable vectors, host specificity of the parasites, and long periods spent at sea by most penguin species, resulting in reduced opportunity for maintenance of parasite life-cycles. Accepted: 6 July 1998  相似文献   

Historically wildlife conservation was based on habitat protection and exploitation control. Only recently have diseases been considered an important issue. However, pathogens are usually described during or after disease outbreaks, but to determine which pathogens may be emerging, surveys of wildlife health are critical in a given time. This study deals with the health status of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua in two localities at the Antarctica Peninsula and one at Ardley Island off the South Shetland Islands. Cloacal swaps, fresh fecal samples, ectoparasites, and blood smears were collected. We examined and dissected 14 penguin corpses found dead. Fecal samples were positive for Campylobacter, Escherichia coli and in the carcasses four endoparasitic species were found: Diphyllobothrium sp. and Parorchites zederi, Corynosoma shackletoni and Stegophorus adeliae. The tick Ixodes uriae occurred in five of the examined penguins, and the louse Austrogoniodes gressitti on six birds. From the colony grounds, we collected 1,184 I. uriae. We recorded antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such as E. coli, in ecosystems where gentoo penguins breed. Cloacal samples (300) were negative for Chlamydia, as well as for Salmonella, Campylobacter, E. coli, Newcastle and Influenza viruses.  相似文献   

Summary In Antarctica, we investigated the energy consumption of Adélie (Pygoscelis adeliae), Gentoo (P. papua) and Chinstrap (P. antarctica) penguins while resting in the water (8.4 W-kg–1) and swimming underwater at various speeds, using a 21m long canal filled with sea-water at 4°C in conjunction with respirometry. The birds swam at will and consumed 15.7, 16.1 and 10 W·kg–1 at the speed where cost of transport was minimal (2.1, 2.3 and 2.5 m·s–1 in Adélie, Gentoo and Chinstrap penguins, respectively). Thermal conductance in pygoscelid penguins was 3.3 W·°C–1. m–2 and energy expenditure (Pi, W·kg–1) while resting in the water is given by Pj = -0.3 ta+9.6, where ta is water temperature in °C. During the breeding season, pygoscelid penguins spend 25–40% of their daily energy expenditure while foraging at sea. The importance of accurate estimates of at-sea activity and energy consumption is discussed.  相似文献   

Gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua have sexual dimorphism, which females have smaller morphological measurements than males. P. papua also shows a geographic morphological variation, decreasing in size toward southern latitudes. Therefore, morphological measurements may vary in space and overlap in the distribution of traits between females and males, which could lead to sex misidentification. A total of 300 blood samples and eight measurements and weight were obtained for Gentoo penguins from three localities in the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula. The molecular sex was identified for all individuals using two primer pairs (P2/P8 and PL/PR). We obtained higher success amplification for P2/P8 compared to PL/PR. We used 172 adults to create a morphological discriminant function using the backward stepwise method. We established a discriminant function for sex identification of each locality due to significant morphological differences found between sexes and between the three studied localities for adult Gentoo penguins. Using these functions, the percentages of individuals correctly assigned was 93.87 % in Ardley Island, 88.09 % in Bernardo O’Higgins, and 83.95 % in Gabriel Gonzalez Videla. The most southern locality studied was the most morphologically divergent from the others and with low divergence between sexes. Moreover, we also established a general function for the Gentoo penguin, which can be used to identify the sex of penguins from a broad number of localities. Therefore, molecular and biometric are useful techniques for sexing Gentoo penguins.  相似文献   

The endocranial anatomy of Pygoscelis calderensis, a fossil species from the Bahía Inglesa Formation (Middle Miocene–Pliocene) of Chile, South America, was described through CT scans. Reconstructions of the fossil P. calderensis and endocasts for the living Pygoscelis adeliae, and Pygoscelis papua are provided here for the first time. Comparisons with the extant congeneric species P. adeliae, Pygoscelisantarctica and P. papua indicate that the morphological pattern of the brain and inner ear of the extant pygoscelids has been present already in the Middle Miocene. The neurological morphology suggests that the paleobiology of the extinct form would have been similar to the extant species. It was probably true for diet, feeding behaviour and diving kinematics.  相似文献   

Ornamental colouration is often due to carotenoid pigments and varies inter- and intra-specifically. This paper reports on variation in beak colour of the gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua, corresponding to different geographical locations along a latitudinal gradient in the Antarctic Peninsula (from King George Island (62o15′S–58o37′W) to Rongé Island (64o40′S–62o40′W). The gentoo penguin has a conspicuous red spot on both sides of the beak that indicates the presence of the carotenoid pigment, astaxanthin. Beak colouration was measured with a portable spectrophotometer for 20 individuals in three locations, along the Western coast of the Antarctic Peninsula. In the study area, marked variation can be found in terms of factors such us parasite load, human impact, variations in UV radiation and the abundance of krill; all possibly affecting carotenoid availability for signalling purposes. Colour traits were expected to be more intense, that is more vivid, saturated and pure, in places where there is diminished pressure from factors such as contamination, parasites or diseases, all of which may reduce the availability of carotenoids for other functions, such as antioxidant or immune stimulation involving physiological trade-offs. Likewise, colour traits might be predicted to be more intense where carotenoid sources, krill in the case of gentoo penguins, are more available. However, contrary to this initial expectation, our results indicate that northerly penguins’ populations, which are in the most polluted and parasitized areas, have more saturated beaks. An alternative hypothesis suggests that environmental constraints relating to the variation in abundance of krill may explain the geographical variation in colour expression found among gentoo penguins.  相似文献   

Seabirds and their response to climate perturbations are important bioindicators of changes in Antarctic ecosystems. During 30?years of observations of two chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarcticus) colonies, one on King George Island and the other on Penguin Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica), the size of the breeding populations decreased by 84 and 41?%, respectively. We applied analyses of amplified fragment length polymorphisms to study the genetic structure of the two populations and to evaluate the influence of the sudden population decrease. Our data indicate that there were only weak genetic differences between the populations, which were not strong enough to support the hypothesis of population differentiation. Weak genetic differences observed between the two populations seem not to be determined by selection processes. We hypothesize that the very low level of between-population genetic structure can be explained by some extent of genetic drift, which is largely compensated by gene flow. Moreover, the two populations seem to remain in a stationary state. Our results support the hypothesis of limited natal philopatry in chinstrap penguins. The observed decrease in population size is probably caused by emigration or a rise in juvenile mortality due to the increasing krill limitation of the marine food web. However, detailed research is required to address this issue.  相似文献   

Blood smears were examined from 143 penguins of four species (Aptenodytes patagonicus, Eudyptes chrysolophus, E. schlegeli, and Pygoscelis gentoo) from Sub-antarctic Macquarie Island and Heard Island. No blood parasites were reported. The vectors of Hepatozoon albatrossi (reported from three species of albatross) are probably shared by penguins, and it is suggested that the latter are not susceptible to infection with this protozoan. Cestodes of the genus Tetrabothrius were present in large numbers in the intestines of 17 Antarctic petrels (Thalassoica antarctica), and evidence is presented indicating that euphausiid crustaceans may be intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

We examined the breeding populations of chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) on Chabrier Rock and Shag Island within Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica from 2002 to 2004. When comparing our results to historic data from 1979, we found an overall decline of 57% in the last 25 years, mirroring the population trend of this species in other regions of the Antarctic Peninsula. Our results are discussed in relation to factors hypothesized to be driving the declines found at other sites, as well as the importance of consistent annual censuses to accurately determine population trends.  相似文献   

Penguins are a monophyletic group in which many species are found breeding sympatrically, raising questions regarding how these species coexist successfully. Here, the isotopic niche of three sympatric pygoscelid penguin species was investigated at Powell Island, South Orkney Islands, during two breeding seasons (austral summers 2013–2014 and 2015–2016). Measurements of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope ratios were obtained from blood (adults) or feather (chicks) samples collected from Adélie Pygoscelis adeliae, chinstrap P. antarctica, and gentoo P. papua penguins. Isotopic niche regions (a proxy for the realized trophic niches) were computed to provide estimates of the trophic niche width of the studied species during the breeding season. The isotopic niche regions of adults of all three species were similar, but gentoo chicks had noticeably wider isotopic niches than the chicks of the other two species. Moderate to strong overlap in isotopic niche among species was found during each breeding season and for both age groups, suggesting that the potential for competition for shared food sources was similar during the two study years, although the actual level of competition could not be determined owing to the lack of data on resource abundance. Clear interannual shifts in isotopic niche were seen in all three species, though of lower amplitude for adult chinstrap penguins. These shifts were due to variation in carbon, but not nitrogen, isotopic ratios, which could indicate either a change in isotopic signature of their prey or a switch to an alternative food web. The main conclusions of this study are that (1) there is a partial overlap in the isotopic niches of these three congeneric species and that (2) they responded similarly to changes that likely occurred at the base of their food chain between the 2 years of the study.  相似文献   

The South Sandwich Islands, in the South Atlantic Ocean, are a major biological hot spot for penguins and other seabirds, but their remoteness and challenging coastlines preclude regular biological censuses. Here we report on an extensive survey of the South Sandwich Islands, the first since the late 1990s, which was completed through a combination of direct counting, GPS mapping, and interpretation of high-resolution commercial satellite imagery. We find that the South Sandwich Islands host nearly half of the world’s Chinstrap Penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica) population (1.3 million breeding pairs), as well as c. 95,000 breeding pairs of Macaroni Penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus), and several thousand breeding pairs of Gentoo Penguins (Pygoscelis papua). Despite being at the northern edge of their breeding range, we found an unexpectedly large (≥125,000 breeding pairs) population of Adélie Penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae). Additionally, we report that nearly 1900 pairs of Southern Giant Petrels (Macronectes giganteus) breed in the South Sandwich Islands, 4 % of the global population, almost all of which are found on Candlemas Island. We find that the South Sandwich Islands have not experienced the same changes in penguin abundance and distribution as the rest of the Scotia Arc and associated portions of the western Antarctic Peninsula. This discovery adds important context to the larger conversation regarding changes to penguin populations in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Summary The composition of uropygial gland secretions indicates the formerly stated separate position ofAptenodytes forsteri andA. patagonicus from all other recent penguins withSpheniscus located nearest to them.Pygoscelis adeliae cannot be chemically distinguished fromP. papua.

Herrn Professor Dr. Gernot Grimmer zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet  相似文献   

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