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The behavioural study of the mutation staggerer has shown that under particular rearing conditions, the affected mice can live at least 19 months and can breed. Ten percent (10%) of males and more than 50% of females mated dmore than once. To intercross these it was necessary, most of the time, for them to have had previous sexual experience with a normal mouse.  相似文献   

 The patterns of phenotypic association between mated males and females depend on the decision rules that individuals employ during search for a mate. We generalize the sequential search rule and examine how the shape of the function that relates a male character to the benefit of a mating decision influences the threshold value of the male trait that induces females to terminate search. If the fitness function is linear the optimal threshold value of a male character increases with the slope of the function. The phenotypic threshold criterion declines, all else being equal, if the fitness function is made more concave (or less convex) by an increase of the risk of the function. The expression of the trait in females has no effect on the optimal threshold value of a male character if the fitness function is linear and phenotypic values combine additively to influence the benefit of a mating decision; the phenotypic threshold criterion is ubiquitous among females. A convex fitness function induces females with high trait values to adopt a relatively high phenotypic threshold criterion, whereas a concave fitness function induces such females to adopt a low threshold value for the male trait. Thus, linear, convex and concave fitness functions effect random, assortative and disassortative combinations of phenotypes among mated individuals, respectively. Changes of female search behavior induced by changes of the distribution of a male character similarly depend on the shape of the fitness function. A variance-preserving increase of male trait values produces a relatively small increase of the threshold criterion for the male character if the fitness function is concave, relative to conditions in which the fitness function is either linear or convex. Our results suggest that a sequential search rule can in principle induce the kinds of mating patterns observed in nature and that the phenotypic association between mated individuals is likely to depend on how a male character translates into fitness, the distribution of the trait among males and attributes of searching females. Received: 20 September 1997 / Revised version: 13 August 1998  相似文献   

Feron  C; Baudoin  C 《Chemical senses》1998,23(1):119-121
The staggerer murine mutation induces olfactory deficits. Mutant males do not prefer oestrous odours to anoestrous ones. A period of social isolation after weaning induces such a preference in mutants.   相似文献   

Male courtship behavior and displays influence female mating decisions, and therefore affect mating success in a diverse range of organisms. While there is substantial evidence confirming that females prefer males who invest more in courtship, less attention has been paid to the relative importance of individual behaviors, and the discrete sequences of courtship that result in mating success. The small hairy maggot blow fly, Chrysomya varipes, performs stereotyped courtship behaviors, involving orienting, tapping, waving, arching, wing vibration and mounting. This study aimed to quantify male investment in specific courtship behaviors, and compare courtship investment and behavioral transitions between males who gained mating success (successful males) and those that did not (unsuccessful males). Our results show that mating success was influenced by the behaviors orienting, tapping, arching and mounting. Behavioral transitions revealed a distinct pattern of behaviors leading to a mating attempt, and some differences were observed between successful and unsuccessful males. Overall, our findings suggest that female mating decisions were based on differences in specific male courtship behaviors. This detailed observational study has quantified multiple courtship behaviors for the first time in C. varipes, and highlights the importance of considering multiple behavioral traits when exploring the influence of male courtship on mating success.  相似文献   

Theoretical models predict that males should allocate more sperm in matings where the immediate risk of sperm competition is high. It has therefore often been argued that males should invest less sperm in matings with virgin females compared with matings with already mated females. However, with relatively polyandrous females, high sperm competition risk will covary with high sperm competition intensity leading to more unpredictable conditions, as high competition intensity should favour smaller ejaculates. With the use of a genetic algorithm, we found that males should allocate more sperm in matings with virgin females when female mating frequency is relatively high, whereas low remating rates will select for higher effort in matings with nonvirgin females. At higher remating rates, first male sperm precedence favours larger ejaculates in matings with virgin females and second male precedence favours the reverse. These results shed some light on several findings that have been difficult to explain adaptively by the hitherto developed theory on sperm allocation.  相似文献   

Decades of knockout analyses have highlighted the crucial involvement of estrogen receptors and downstream genes in controlling mating behaviors. More recently, advancements in neural circuit research have unveiled a distributed subcortical network comprising estrogen-receptor or estrogen-synthesis-enzyme-expressing cells that transforms sensory inputs into sex-specific mating actions. This review provides an overview of the latest discoveries on estrogen-responsive neurons in various brain regions and the associated neural circuits that govern different aspects of male and female mating actions in mice. By contextualizing these findings within previous knockout studies of estrogen receptors, we emphasize the emerging field of “circuit genetics”, where identifying mating behavior-related neural circuits may allow for a more precise evaluation of gene functions within these circuits. Such investigations will enable a deeper understanding of how hormone fluctuation, acting through estrogen receptors and downstream genes, influences the connectivity and activity of neural circuits, ultimately impacting the manifestation of innate mating actions.  相似文献   

Reduced oocyte numbers in tertiary trisomic mice with male sterility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oocyte counts carried out in 3- to 5-day-old tertiary trisomic Ts(5(12))31H mice revealed a mean reduction of 71% in the number of oocytes as compared with that of normal littermates. The pool of small oocytes was reduced by 75%, and the number of growing oocytes by 8%. The sperm count of the trisomic males was less than 1% of normal, with most spermatozoa being abnormal (Beechey et al., 1980). These results indicate that the presence of the extra 5(12) chromosome, which causes male sterility, also has a marked effect on oogenesis. Possible reasons for the difference in severity of the gametogenic impairment in males and females are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were designed to examine the influence of either one or both parents on the sexual maturation of male mice. A pregnant female and an adult vasectomized male were housed together and, at delivery, the litter was reduced to 6 pups, 3 of each sex. After weaning, mother, foster-father or both, stayed in cohabitation with their pups until sacrifice. The results showed that: (1) the permanent presence of one or both parents did not affect either testicular growth or the age at first fertile matings. (2) in maturing males (30-40 days), seminal vesicle growth was accelerated by the presence of the mother, inhibited by the presence of the foster-father. (3) in maturing males, the presence of one or both parents lowered plasma testosterone levels. On the opposite, in 90-day-old males, the same conditions increased testosterone levels. These results indicate that only the endocrine function of the testis is affected by the parental environment. The effects are age-dependent.  相似文献   

Members of the M13 family of zinc metalloendopeptidases have been shown to play critical roles in the metabolism of various neuropeptides and peptide hormones, and they have been identified as important therapeutic targets. Recently, a mouse NL1 protein, a novel member of the family, was identified and shown to be expressed mainly in the testis as a secreted protein. To define its physiological role(s), we used a gene targeting strategy to disrupt the endogenous murine Nl1 gene by homologous recombination and generate Nl1 mutant mice. The Nl1(-/-) mice were viable and developed normally, suggesting that zygotic expression of Nl1 is not required for development. However, Nl1(-/-) males produced smaller litters than their wild-type siblings, indicating specific male fertility problems. Reduced fertility may be explained by two impaired processes, decreased egg fertilization and perturbed early development of fertilized eggs. These two phenotypes did not result from gross anatomical modifications of the testis or from impaired spermatogenesis. Basic sperm parameters were also normal. Thus, our findings suggest that one of the roles of NL1 in mice is related to sperm function and that NL1 modulates the processes of fertilization and early embryonic development in vivo.  相似文献   

Evolution of male care is still poorly understood. Using phylogenetically matched-pairs comparisons we tested for effects of territoriality and mating system on male care evolution in fish. All origins of male care were found in pair-spawning species (with or without additional males such as sneakers) and none were found in group-spawning species. However, excluding group spawners, male care originated equally often in pair-spawning species with additional males as in strict pair-spawning species. Evolution of male care was also significantly related to territoriality. Yet, most pair-spawning taxa with male care are also territorial, making their relative influence difficult to separate. Furthermore, territoriality also occurs in group-spawning species. Hence, territoriality is not sufficient for male care to evolve. Rather, we argue that it is the combination of territoriality and pair spawning with sequential polygyny that favours the evolution of male care, and we discuss our results in relation to paternity assurance and sexual selection.  相似文献   

In the horseshoe crab mating system, mated pairs are frequently accompanied by unattached satellite males as they spawn on intertidal beaches. Previous studies have shown that males locate females visually using their lateral (compound) eyes, and that attached (mated) males generally have less heavily worn or damaged carapaces than unattached males. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of lateral eye condition and clasper abnormalities on male mating tactics. Sexually mature males had two kinds of eye damage: deterioration caused by disease, and overgrowth by sessile invertebrates, such as bryozoans, mussels, and tube-building polychaetes. The lateral eyes of attached males had significantly less decay than unattached males. On the other hand, coverage of the lateral eyes by encrusting invertebrates was more extensive among attached than unattached males. Although overgrowth did not appear to impair a males ability to pair with a female as severely as eye decay, it is conceivable that amplexus may have occurred before epibiont coverage was sufficient to obscure vision. Male crabs that were experimentally blindfolded by painting their lateral eyes with black nail polish were less likely to reattach to a female than controls. Appendage injuries were more frequent among unattached males than among attached males; in particular, 6.4% of unattached males but 0.0% of attached males had damaged claspers (the modified first legs required for amplexus). Unattached males in the population were older, as judged by the degree of carapace wear, than attached males. Severe visual impairment and/or clasper damage may explain the reduced pairing success of older male horseshoe crabs, and underlie their choice of the alternative satellite male mating tactics.  相似文献   

The trade‐off between the allocation of resources toward somatic maintenance or reproduction is one of the fundamentals of life history theory and predicts that females invest in offspring at the expense of their longevity or vice versa. Mate quality may also affect life history trade‐offs through mechanisms of sexual conflict; however, few studies have examined the interaction between mate quality and age at first mating in reproductive decisions. Using house crickets (Acheta domesticus), this study examines how survival and reproductive trade‐offs change based on females’ age at first reproduction and exposure to males of varying size. Females were exposed to either a large (presumably high‐quality) or small male at an early (young), middle (intermediate), or advanced (old) age, and longevity and reproductive investment were subsequently tracked. Females mated at a young age had the largest number of eggs but the shortest total lifespans while females mated at older ages produced fewer eggs but had longer total lifespans. The trade‐off between age at first mating and eggs laid appears to be mediated through higher egg‐laying rates and shorter postmating lifespans in females mated later in life. Exposure to small males resulted in shorter lifespans and higher egg‐laying rates for all females indicating that male manipulation of females, presumably through spermatophore contents, varies with male size in this species. Together, these data strongly support a trade‐off between age at first reproduction and lifespan and support the role of sexual conflict in shaping patterns of reproduction.  相似文献   

One of the most studied life-history trade-offs is that resulting from the cost of reproduction: a trade-off arises when reproduction diverts limited resources from other life-history traits. We examine the cost of reproduction in male, and the effect of male mating status on female Callosobruchus maculatus seed beetles. Cost of reproduction for male C. maculatus was manifested as reduced longevity. There was also a positive relationship between male body size and male longevity. Females mated to males that had already copulated twice did not live as long as females mated to males that had copulated once or not at all. The third copulation of males also lasted longer than the two previous ones. We conclude that even though the cost of reproduction for males has been studied much less than that in females, there is growing evidence that male reproductive effort is more complex than has traditionally been thought.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that both ecological and social factors influence mountain gorilla habitat use. New data on habitat use by a male gorilla and by a group confirm that male mating competition influences short- and long-term habitat use patterns, and show that its influence can supersede that of ecological factors on a long-term basis. When solitary, the male regularly approached and sometimes followed groups. His monthly home range size and equitability of home range use were directly proportional to the number of such interactions per month. His relationships with other groups became more conservative after he gained females, and, contrary to expectations based on metabolic needs, he used a much smaller area. The group considered here gradually expanded its home range and shifted its areas of intensive use throughout a three-year period. It then made a complete home range shift after three dramatic interactions, during which it was temporarily fragmented and two females emigrated. The group shared its home range with many other social units; overlap with most of these decreased after the shift. The degree of overlap and the lack of site fidelity by males and their groups support the argument that transfer is not ecologically costly to mountain gorilla females.  相似文献   

Vascular dysfunction in response to reactive oxygen species (ROS) plays an important role in the development and progression of atherosclerotic lesions. In most cells, mitochondria are the major source of cellular ROS during aerobic respiration. Under most conditions the rates of ROS formation and elimination are balanced through mechanisms that sense relative ROS levels. However, a chronic imbalance in redox homeostasis is believed to contribute to various chronic diseases, including atherosclerosis. Uncoupling protein-2 (UCP2) is a mitochondrial inner membrane protein shown to be a negative regulator of macrophage ROS production. In response to a cholesterol-containing atherogenic diet, C57BL/6J mice significantly increased expression of UCP2 in the aorta, while mice lacking UCP2, in the absence of any other genetic modification, displayed significant endothelial dysfunction following the atherogenic diet. Compared with wild-type mice, Ucp2(-/-) mice had decreased endothelial nitric oxide synthase, an increase in vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 expression, increased ROS production, and an impaired ability to increase total antioxidant capacity. These changes in Ucp2(-/-) mice were associated with increased aortic macrophage infiltration and more numerous and larger atherosclerotic lesions. These data establish that in the vasculature UCP2 functions as an adaptive antioxidant defense to protect against the development of atherosclerosis in response to a fat and cholesterol diet.  相似文献   

Traits that potentially influence mating success (MS) may be"static" with low lability once they develop or "dynamic" withhighly modifiable expression. We used principal components (PCs)analyses of dynamic behavioral and morphological traits thatare static over the short term to determine their relative contributionsto the ability of territorial male collared lizards to acquireaccess to females and obtain high MS. We estimated annual MSof males as the relative frequency with which they engaged incourtship with reproductively active resident females. ThreePCs explained statistically significant phenotypic variationamong males. Morphological traits loaded significantly on 2PCs that explained 26.3% and 13.0% of the variance, respectively,whereas behavioral variables loaded significantly on a differentcomponent that explained 15.7% of the variance in male traits.The frequency with which males initiated aggressive encounterswith same-sex competitors did not load significantly on thesePC axes. Males having behavioral PC scores above the mean hadsignificantly higher MS than those with behavioral scores belowthe mean, whereas male MS was not related to component scoresfor either of the axes describing static morphological variables.Results indicate that in our population behavior patterns associatedwith advertisement, particularly to females, influence maleMS more strongly than morphological traits or the initiationof direct aggression with same-sex competitors.  相似文献   

We conducted a study of the urine-marking activity of female mice when simultaneously exposed to urine odors from 2 kinds of males. Females, deposited a greater number of urine spots when presented with urine of normal, rather than castrated, males. Two androgen-dependent compounds known to be present in normal male urine enhanced female urine-marking when mixed with castrated male urine. These results are consistent with previous results concerning odor preference of females. However, females showed no marking preference between normal male urine and preputialectomized male urine, in spite of their preference for the former in our previous odor-preference study. Further experiments with various combinations of male urine revealed that females showed no marking preference when 1 of the 2 presented urine samples was from preputialectomized males, regardless of the other presented stimulus. We concluded that female urine marking is not a simple reflection of sexual preference, but possibly a phenomenon of a complex motivational system.  相似文献   

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