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The Ia+ B cell lymphoma, AKTB-1b, fails to stimulate thymic lymphocytes in a one-way mixed lymphocyte reaction unless pretreated with sialidase or inhibitors of N-linked oligosaccharide processing. A comparison of different sialidases and sialyltransferases suggests that the removal of only a subset of total surface sialic acid, rather than net desialylation of the cell surface, is required. Three sialidases were compared, including Vibrio cholerae (VC) and Clostridium perfringens (CP), which will cleave alpha 2-3, alpha 2-6, and alpha 2-8, sialic acid linkages, and Newcastle Disease virus (NDV), which will remove only alpha 2-3 and alpha 2-8 linked sialic acid. When treated with equivalent units of sialidase, CP-, VC-, and NDV-treated cells were 24-fold, sixfold, and threefold better stimulators than untreated cells. In contrast, VC released 1.3-fold and 2.5-fold more sialic acid per cell than did CP or NDV, respectively. Furthermore, VC was superior in reducing the levels of binding of the sialic acid-specific lectin, Limulus polyphemus agglutinin, in exposing Gal beta 1-3GalNAc and Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc residues, and in desialylating gangliosides. Two-dimensional gel analysis indicated that VC and CP were both equal and superior to NDV in the desialylation of iodinatable cell-surface proteins, including H-2Kk, I-A beta k, and a highly sialylated 65,000 dalton protein of unknown identity. Maximal resialylation of CP-treated cells with exogenously added CMP-NANA and either the alpha 2-3(Gal beta 1-3GalNAc) or alpha 2-6(Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc) sialyltransferase did not reduce the stimulatory capacity of these cells. However, resialylation of VC-treated cells with just CMP-NANA alone resulted in 49% reversal of their stimulatory capacity, and no additional reversal could be achieved with either of the sialyltransferases. Although the alpha 2-6(Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc) sialyltransferase was capable of adding back approximately 10% of the sialic acid removed, the endogenous activity added back approximately 0.1% of the total sialic acid removed. SDS-PAGE gels of the sialylated cells indicated that the exogenously added sialyltransferase labeled many different proteins, whereas the endogenous activity labeled far fewer proteins, predominantly in 46,000 and 25,000 m.w. range. Both the desialylation and resialylation data suggest that the sialidase-dependent stimulation is due to the desialylation of specific membrane structures. Together with previous studies, these data suggest that the sialic acids involved are probably alpha 2-6 linked to N-linked glycosyl moieties.  相似文献   

The determinants of tumor cell susceptibility to NK cell-mediated cytolysis were analyzed in a two stage model. The binding of tumor cells to NK effectors was measured by target-effector conjugation and cold target competition in 51Cr-release assays, whereas triggering was measured by assaying phospholipid methylation in NK cells stimulated by intact targets. Representative targets could be grouped into three phenotypes based on the data. Those such as YAC 1.2 could bind and trigger NK cells whereas the mutagenized variant, YAC 6.28.8, could bind but was unable to trigger NK cells and therefore resisted lysis. The third phenotype was represented by HL-60 which could neither bind nor trigger NK cells and was therefore completely NK resistant. The oligosaccharide nature of the triggering molecules was demonstrated by showing that purified, high mannose containing, asparagine-linked oligosaccharides from tumor cell targets were potent stimulators of NK transmethylation at submicromolar levels. Tunicamycin pretreatment of target cells inhibited their triggering capacity but not their NK binding function. These results suggest a double restriction in NK specificity involving two independent but sequential stages in recognition represented in binding and triggering by asn-linked oligosaccharides on the tumor cell surface.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1984,99(4):1416-1423
MDW4, a wheat germ agglutinin-resistant nonmetastatic mutant of the highly metastatic murine tumor cell line called MDAY-D2 has previously been shown to attach to fibronectin and type IV collagen, whereas MDAY- D2 and phenotypic revertants of MDW4 attached poorly to these substrates. The increased adhesiveness of the mutant cells appeared to be closely related to a lesion in cell surface carbohydrate structures. In an effort to identify the carbohydrates involved in cell attachment, glycopeptides isolated from mutant and wild-type cells as well as from purified glycoproteins were tested for their ability to inhibit the attachment of MDW4 cells to plastic surfaces coated with fibronectin, laminin, or type IV collagen. The addition of mannose-terminating glycopeptide to the adhesion assay inhibited MDW4 cell attachment to type IV collagen. In contrast, a sialylated poly N-acetyllactosamine- containing glycopeptide, isolated from wheat germ agglutinin-sensitive MDAY-D2 cells but absent in MDW4 cells, inhibited MDW4 attachment to laminin. None of the glycopeptides used in this study inhibited attachment of MDW4 cells to fibronectin-coated plastic. Peptide N- glycosidase treatment of the cells to remove surface asparagine-linked oligosaccharides inhibited MDW4 adhesion to type IV collagen, but not to laminin, and the same treatment of the wheat germ agglutinin- sensitive cells enhanced attachment to laminin. Tumor cell attachment to, and detachment from, the sublaminal matrix protein laminin and type IV collagen are thought to be important events in the metastatic process. Our results indicate that tumor cell attachment to these proteins may be partially modulated by the expression of specific oligosaccharide structures associated with the cell surface.  相似文献   

The ability of subpopulations of murine spleen cells to stimulate a mixed lymphocyte response (MLR) was studied. It was found that T cells (nylon-nonadherent spleen cells) and B cells [G-10 passed and treated with rabbit anti-mouse brain serum (RAMB) and complement (C)] were poor stimulators of an MLR. In contrast, whole spleen cells or B cells plus adherent cells (RAMB +C-treated spleen cells) produced good stimulation. However, a non-T, radiation-resistant splenic adherent cell (SAC) population was up to 20 to 50 times more efficient as a stimulator of an MLR on a per cell basis than an unseparated spleen population. These SAC were shown to express Ia determinants encoded by genes in I-A and I-E/C. These results suggest that Ia+ SAC may be the predominant stimulating cells in spleen cell populations, and the preferential target for T cell recognition in cell interaction events.  相似文献   

Cell surface N-linked sugars may play a role in target cell recognition by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). We have studied this role by treating tumor cell targets with tunicamycin, an effective inhibitor of N-linked glycosylation in mammalian cells. We determined a tunicamycin treatment protocol in which glycosylation was blocked and in which target cell killing by 5-day primary mixed lymphocyte reaction CTL was inhibited, yet in which cell viability was high and expression of major histocompatibility complex molecules was normal. It was found that tunicamycin-treated cells were killed only about one-half as well as untreated targets and that tunicamycin-treated target cells were less effective than untreated target cells as cold target competitors in cold target competition experiments. These observations suggest that for optimal killing, CTL require an interaction with the target cell that involves N-linked glycans on the target cell surface.  相似文献   

Summary— Human erythroleukemia (K-562) cells grown in the presence of phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate formed aggregates of cells not seen in untreated control cultures. Furthermore, the proportion of cells in aggregates and the size of the aggregates both increased dramatically in cultures treated with both phorbol ester and kifunensine, an inhibitor of asparagine-linked oligosaccharide processing. Relative to control cells, phorbol ester treated cells exhibited a greater proportion of N-linked oligosaccharides of the complex-type. Kifunensine prevented this change and caused an accumulation of Man9GlcNAc2. The enhanced aggregation of cells treated with phorbol ester plus kifunensine depended on phorbol ester concentration and was blocked by inhibitors of protein kinase C (H7, sphinganine and sangivamycin). In flow cytometry analysis, phorbol ester treated K-562 cells showed an increase in CD44, a glycoprotein involved in cell adhesion. Moreover, monoclonal antibody to CD44 augmented reaggregation of phorbol ester treated cells. The results implicate phorbol ester induction of CD44 in aggregation of K-562 cells and demonstrate that the presence of high mannose-type asparagine-linked oligosaccharides on cell glycoproteins correlates with increased aggregation of phorbol ester treated cells.  相似文献   

Effects of toxic fungal metabolites on mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) using mouse splenocytes and on growth of mouse myeloma cells were examined. Among 25 toxins assayed, the IC50 values of emodin, luteoskyrin, sterlgmatocystin, deoxynivalenoi, 4-acetylnivalenol, T-2 toxin and fusaric acid for the MLR were lower than those for the cytotoxicity toward the myeloma cells, suggesting that these toxins possess suppressive activity to the cellular immune system.  相似文献   

The asparagine-linked oligosaccharides on bovine lutropin (bLH) are unusual, containing GalNAc and sulfate but no galactose or sialic acid. Oligosaccharides from metabolically radiolabeled or purified bLH consist of non- (neutral), mono- (S-1), and di- (S-2) sulfated structures. We have previously shown that S-2 is a complex type oligosaccharide bearing two peripheral branches with the sequence SO4----GalNAc----GlcNAc attached to a typical Man3GlcNAc2 core (Green, E.D., van Halbeek, H., Boime, I., and Baenziger, J.U. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 15623-15630). We have now characterized the S-1 oligosaccharides on bLH which, in contrast to S-2, consist of several different structures of both the hybrid and complex types. The sulfate on S-1 oligosaccharides is located exclusively within the peripheral sequence SO4----GalNAc----GlcNAc. The GalNAc bearing hybrid structures, either with or without sulfate, cannot be processed to mono- or disulfated complex oligosaccharides due to the inability of either alpha-mannosidase II or GlcNAc-transferase II to act on GalNAc containing oligosaccharides. Since both Gal and GalNAc are added to oligosaccharides on some pituitary hormones, for example bovine and ovine follitropin and human lutropin, the Gal- and GalNAc-transferases appear to be key elements in regulating the synthesis of sulfated oligosaccharides on bLH and the other pituitary glycoprotein hormones.  相似文献   

In the course of the culture of an autologous mixed lymphocyte reaction (AMLR), T cells proliferated in response to autologous non-T cells, and differentiated to cytotoxic T cells (AMLR killers). DNA synthesis was necessary to generate AMLR killers, as the elimination of autoreactive proliferating cells with BUdR and UV light completely abrogated AMLR killer cytolysis. Amlr killers lysed various lymphoid cell lines, including autologous B cell lines, autologous or allogeneic mitogen blasts stimulated by Con A, PHA, or pokeweed mitogen, variious nonlymphoid cell lines derived from human, mouse, or rat, and weakly normal autologous or allogeneic non-T cells. KMT-17, methylcholanthrene-induced rat fibrosarcoma, was the only resistant cell line to have been tested. AMLR killers had characteristics similar to NK cells, Major histocompatibility antigens were not the target antigens for AMLR killers. AMLR killers distinguished the blasts stimulated by alloantigens as self from the blasts stimulated by mitogens as non-self.  相似文献   

By hydrazinolysis, oligosaccharides were released from fucose-labeled glycopeptides obtained from normal and polyoma-transformed baby hamster kidney cells, and their structures were comparatively analyzed. The oligosaccharides have the following structures, with different number of sialyl-galactosyl-N-acetylglucosaminyl outer chains: (±Siaα→Galβ→GlcNAcβ→)n(Manα→)2Manβ→GlcNAcβ→(Fucα→)GlcNAc, (in normal cells, n=2, 3 and 4, while in polyoma-transformed cells, n=2,3,4,5 and 6). Transformed cells are relatively rich in oligosaccharides with highly branched outer chains, as compared to normal cells.  相似文献   

The complete structure of oligosaccharides from locust lipophorin was studied. The asparagine-linked oligosaccharides were first liberated from the protein moiety of lipophorin by digestion with almond glycopeptidase (N-oligosaccharide glycopeptidase, EC Two major oligosaccharides (E and F), separated by subsequent thin-layer chromatography, were analyzed by methylation analysis and 1H-NMR. Based on the experimental data, the whole structure of oligosaccharide E was identified as Man alpha 1----2Man alpha 1----6(Man alpha 1----2Man alpha 1----3) Man alpha 1----6(Man alpha 1----2Man alpha 1----2Man alpha 1----3)Man beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----4GlcNAc. The data also revealed that oligosaccharide F is identical with oligosaccharide E in the structure, except for one glucose residue that is linked to the nonreducing terminal Man alpha 1----2 residue.  相似文献   

The asparagine-linked oligosaccharides from an adult femalemouse submandibular gland mucin were released by treatment withpeptide-N4-(N-acetyl-ß-glucosaminyl)asparagine amidaseF or endo-ß-N-acetylglucosaminidase H. Endo-ß-N-acetylglucosaminidaseH appeared to be more effective at releasing the asparagine-linkedoligosaccharides from this mucin than was peptide-N4-(N-acetyl-ß-glucosaminyl)-asparagineamidase F. After quantitative reductive labelling with the fluorophore,8-aminonaphthalene-1, 3, 6-sulphonic acid, the oligosaccharideswere separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isolated.The individual oligosaccharides were sequenced by a batteryof recombinant exoglycosidases. Approximately 50% of the oligosaccharideswere of the high-mannose type. The five-mannose member of thisfamily was the most prevalent. The second group of oligosaccharideswere of the non-bisected hybrid type. No complex asparagine-linkedoligosaccharides were detected. The hybrids exhibited both biantennaryand triantennary branching patterns. The triantennary hybridwas the most common hybrid at >30% of all oligosaccharides.With 98% of the hybrid oligosaccharides sialylated and all lackinga bisecting N-acetylglucosamine, these oligosaccharides as agroup have been only rarely observed in other glycoproteins.The fully sialylated triantennary hybrid may be unique. asparagine-linked oligosaccharides biantennary salivary mucin sialylated hybrid triantennary  相似文献   

Oligosaccharides released enzymatically by N-glycanase from fetuin, alpha-acid glycoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin, platelet-derived growth factor, and kallikrein were chromatographed on a polymeric pellicular anion-exchange column at pH values of 5 and 13. Separations occurred into groups of peaks containing the same number of sialic acids with an additional separation dependent upon the nature of the antennary structure present. High pH conditions were required for the optimum separation of fetuin oligosaccharides, while low pH conditions significantly improved resolution of oligosaccharides obtained from the other glycoproteins. The analytical separation of oligosaccharides under conditions of low pH has important implications in the development of chromatographic mapping and identification techniques for N-linked oligosaccharides present on recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

Complex asparagine-linked oligosaccharides in Mgat1-null embryos   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
To investigate the developmental role of complex N-linked oligosaccharides,we previously inactivated the mouse Mgat1 gene which encodesUDP-N-acetylglucosamine:  相似文献   

The asparagine-linked sugar chains of fibronectin purified from human placenta were quantitatively released as oligosaccharides by hydrazinolysis. After N-acetylation, they were converted to radioactive oligosaccharides by NaB3H4 reduction. The radioactive oligosaccharides were fractionated by their charge on an anion-exchange column chromatography. All of the acidic oligosaccharides could be converted to neutral oligosaccharides by sialidase digestion. These oligosaccharides were then fractionated by serial affinity chromatography using immobilized lectin columns. Study of each oligosaccharide by sequential exoglycosidase digestion and methylation analysis revealed the following information as to the structures of the sugar chains of human placental fibronectin: 1) nine sugar chains are included in one molecule; 2) all sialic acid residues are exclusively linked at the C-3 position of the galactose residues; 3) bi-, tri-, and tetraantennary complex-type oligosaccharides with the Man alpha 1----6(Man alpha 1----3)Man beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----4 (+/- Fuc alpha 1----6)-GlcNac as their cores were found; 4) the bisecting N-acetylglucosamine residue and the Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----repeating groups are included in some of the sugar chains.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated, using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, that much of the microheterogeneity of human (h) and rabbit (rb) testosterone-binding globulin (TeBG) is due to differential glycosylation of a single protomer. Since glycosylation has been shown to be a physiologically important modification of proteins, we have examined the structure of the oligosaccharide chains attached to hTeBG and rbTeBG to facilitate future studies on the mechanisms of action of the proteins. The structures of the oligosaccharides attached to TeBG were determined by using serial lectin chromatography. About 10% of the TeBG from castrated male rabbits and about 20% of the TeBG from pregnant rabbits and from a human sample were not retained on a column of immobilized concanavalin-A (Con-A). This fraction would consist of TeBG with attached asparagine (Asn)-linked tri- and tetraantennary complex and serine/threonine (O)-linked oligosaccharides as well as non-glycosylated forms. None of the lectins used to subfractionate these species was effective. Forty to 50% of the TeBG applied to Con-A possessed biantennary complex oligosaccharides as indicated by the fact that it could be eluted with 10 mM 1-O-methyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside and by its retention on wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). About 8% of the biantennary complex oligosaccharides on hTeBG and none of those on rbTeBG were fucosylated on the chitobiose core, as determined by chromatography on Lens culinaris lectin (LcH). Galactosylated oligosaccharides were also present on the TeBG in this fraction as indicated by its interaction with Ricinus communis-I (RCA-I). Thirty to 40% of the TeBG applied to Con-A was retained and could be eluted with 0.5 M methyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside. This fraction contains TeBG possessing high mannose-type, hybrid-type, and complex galactosylated glycans as determined by chromatography on Con-A, WGA, and RCA-I. Evidence based on the binding of mannoside-eluted TeBG to Con-A, WGA, and RCA-I indicated that at least the TeBG in this fraction contained two glycosylation sites and that the sites were differentially glycosylated.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharides obtained from glycoproteins by hydrazinolysis followed by N-acetylation were covalently coupled to an amino-bonded thin-layer plate or to a poly-L-lysine coating on the microtiter plate. Bound oligosaccharides can be directly detected by immunostaining or by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using a mouse monoclonal antibody. These methods are simple and require small amounts of oligosaccharides and antibodies. The methods were successfully applied to determine the epitope of F48-60, a monoclonal antibody which reacts with the N-linked sugar chains of nonspecific cross-reacting antigen 2, but not with those of carcinoembryonic antigen. The results revealed that the antibody recognizes the Gal beta 1----3GlcNAc beta 1----group.  相似文献   

To determine whether specific asparagine-linked (N-linked) oligosaccharides present in cell surface glycoproteins are required for cell-cell interactions within the peripheral nervous system, we have used castanospermine to inhibit maturation of N-linked sugars in cell cultures of neurons or neurons plus Schwann cells. Maximally 10-15% of the N-linked oligosaccharides on neuronal proteins have normal structure when cells are cultured in the presence of 250 micrograms/ml castanospermine; the remaining oligosaccharides are present as immature carbohydrate chains not normally found in these glycoproteins. Although cultures were treated for 2 wk with castanospermine, cells always remained viable and appeared healthy. We have analyzed several biological responses of embryonic dorsal root ganglion neurons, with or without added purified populations of Schwann cells, in the presence of castanospermine. We have observed that a normal complement of mature, N-linked sugars are not required for neurite outgrowth, neuron-Schwann cell adhesion, neuron-induced Schwann cell proliferation, or ensheathment of neurites by Schwann cells. Treatment of neuronal cultures with castanospermine increases the propensity of neurites to fasciculate. Extracellular matrix deposition by Schwann cells and myelination of neurons by Schwann cells are greatly diminished in the presence of castanospermine as assayed by electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry, suggesting that specific N-linked oligosaccharides are required for the expression of these cellular functions.  相似文献   

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