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黄缨菊(Xanthopappus subacaulis)是青藏高原地区一种特有的高山草甸药用植物。为探讨第四纪冰期气候波动对黄缨菊居群遗传结构和空间分布格局的影响,对黄缨菊20个居群、123个个体的叶绿体DNA片段(psbA-trnHrbcLpsbI-psbK)进行测序和数据分析。结果表明:黄缨菊居群共检测到6个单倍型,其中H1为古老单倍型,除居群P7外其余居群均具有单倍型H1,H3、H5和H6为特有单倍型,单倍型H3为居群P7的私有单倍型,单倍型H5和H6只存在于居群P18,单倍型H2和H4主要存在于青海湖流域的居群;总的遗传多样性(He)和核苷酸多样性(π)分别为3.101和0.008 903;居群间遗传变异(68.98%)大于居群内遗传变异(31.02%),居群间遗传分化较高(FST=0.689 85,P<0.01);居群遗传分化系数NST(0.727)大于GST(0.656)(P>0.05),表明黄缨菊在分布区域内不存在明显的谱系地理结构;错配分布和中性检验结果显示,黄缨菊居群可能经历过近期扩张。据此,推测第四纪冰期黄缨菊可能在青海湖流域和甘肃临潭地区存在微型避难所,认为第四纪气候变迁及青藏高原隆升塑造了黄缨菊的现代地理分布格局。  相似文献   

为探讨第四纪冰期气候波动对青藏高原多年生草本植物青海当归地理分布格局形成的影响,检测了青海当归16个居群147个个体的核糖体内转录间隔区(ITS)的序列变异,共发现了7个单倍型.结果表明除松潘居群外其余15个居群都拥有单倍型H1,青藏高原边缘的居群拥有6种ITS单倍型,其中5种为私有单倍型.谱系关系分析显示单倍型H1为较古老的单倍型,AMOVA分析表明,居群间的变异占了总变异量的67%,居群遗传分化显著,并且存在较明显的谱系地理结构(NST>GST,P<0.05).我们认为青海当归在第四纪冰期最大一次冰期来临时退缩到青藏高原边缘的避难所,冰期后在扩张过程中经历了奠基者效应形成了如今的分布格局.  相似文献   

利用叶绿体DNA非基因编码区rpl20-rps12和trnL-trnF作为分子标记,对喜马拉雅-横断山区优越虎耳草13个居群151个个体进行谱系地理学研究,旨在揭示优越虎耳草现有的遗传结构及其演化历程。共检测到19个单倍型,其中63%的单倍型为居群特有单倍型。研究还发现,优越虎耳草居群总的遗传多样性较高(Ht=0.868),居群内平均遗传多样性较低(Hs=0.466)。分子变异分析(AMOVA)表明,优越虎耳草居群57.37%的遗传变异来自居群内,居群间遗传变异为42.63%。居群遗传分化系数Nst大于GstNst=0.463,Gst=0.438,P>0.05),但不显著,表明优越虎耳草在其整个分布范围内没有明显的谱系地理结构。中性检验结果表明,Tajima's D为负值(-1.348 32,P>0.05)而Fu's Fs*为正值(18.915 72,P>0.05),但均不显著,结合歧点分布分析发现该物种在整个分布范围内未经历过居群扩张。此外,在本研究中优越虎耳草遗传多样性和核苷酸多样性较高的居群及大量特有单倍型在整个分布范围内随机分布,符合"微型避难所"假说。优越虎耳草居群在冰期可能随气候波动而发生分布范围的不断变化,最终在相互隔离的"高山岛屿"中发生异域分化,导致大量特有单倍型产生。因此,推测优越虎耳草与其生境中的乔木和灌木可能具有相似的谱系地理历史,它们可为优越虎耳草提供微型避难所而使之在冰期时保留下来。  相似文献   

横断山地区海仙报春的谱系地理学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于横断山地区特殊的地理效应,第四纪冰期气候的反复变化对该地区植物的地理分布和居群遗传结构产生重要影响。为了揭示该地区分布的物种的谱系地理结构,检测了该地区特有的、生于湿地环境的植物海仙报春(Primula poissonii)的叶绿体trnL—F和trnT—L两个序列变异。共对13个居群167个个体的两个叶绿体片段进行测序,共发现11个单倍型。三种单倍型被共享,其他单倍型都只存在于单个居群内。分子变异分析(AMOVA)结果表明分布区内海仙报春的遗传变异主要存在于居群间(99.08%),且居群间的遗传分化很高(GST=0.916,FST=0.99077,NST=0.973),有着极显著的谱系地理学结构(NST〉GST,P〈0.01)和较低的居群间平均基因流(Nm=0.08)。结合嵌套分支分析(NCA),本文的研究结果推测该物种在冰期可能存在多个避难所,并没有表现出大多数温带植物在第四纪冰期所经历过的种群集体扩张和迁移的现象,异域片段化被认为是该物种现有单倍型分布格局形成的主要原因。海仙报春的谱系地理结构是气候的反复波动和横断山特殊的地理环境互相作用的结果。  相似文献   

石甜  莫忠妹  吴敏  赵财 《植物研究》2022,42(4):574-583
对我国14个地区的药食同源植物薤白(Allium macrostemon)的叶绿体基因片段(psbA-trnH、rps16和trnL-F)与核基因片段(ITS)进行测序分析,揭示薤白的遗传变异分布式样、单倍型地理分布格局,并推断其在第四纪冰期的避难所。结果表明:薤白叶绿体基因(cpDNA)遗传多样性低于核基因(nrDNA)遗传多样性(cpDNA:HT=0.868;nrDNA:HT=0.890)。cpDNA和nrDNA的分子变异分析(AMOVA)结果显示:薤白遗传变异主要发生在居群间(cpDNA:92.84%;nrDNA:98.40%),存在遗传分化(cpDNA:Nst=0.918,Gst=0.866,Fst=0.928;nrDNA:Nst=0.984,Gst=0.855,Fst=0.984),且Nst均大于Gst,表明该物种具有明显的谱系地理结构。在薤白居群中,共检测到11个叶绿体单倍型和14个nrDNA基因型;单倍型网络图及地理分布图表明,叶绿体单倍型H3、核DNA基因型H1频率最高,位于网络结构图的中心位置,可能为古老单倍型。此外,冰期避难所假说认为遗传多样性高、拥有古老单倍型和较多特有单倍型的区域可能是该物种的冰期避难所,因此推测薤白在第四纪冰期时可能在大盘山、天水和通化地区存在多个冰期避难所。这些分析可为类似草本植物的进化提供参考,丰富对东亚草本植物分子系统与生物地理学的认识。  相似文献   

横断山地区是许多温带植物的冰期避难所。为揭示该地区分布物种的亲缘地理结构, 检测了该地区特有、分布相对较为普遍的偏花报春Primula secundiflora的叶绿体trnL-trnF和rps16区序列变异。研究了11个居群109个个体, 一共发现了15种单倍型。只有一种单倍型为3个居群所共有, 其他单倍型都只存在于单个居群内。总的遗传多样性较高(HT=0.966), 但居群内遗传多样性较低(HS=0.178)。尽管种内形态十分一致, 居群间却存在高水平的遗传分化(FST=0.976)。NST (0.982)显著高于GST (0.816), 表明偏花报春在居群间存在明显的亲缘地理结构。单倍型聚成四个主要的分支: 三个分支的单倍型分布在北部, 而另一分支的单倍型分布在南部。四个分支的隔离分布表明该物种在冰期存在多个避难所。未发现在其他温带物种中广泛存在的间冰期或者冰期后物种分布范围的统一扩张现象。但是, 在气候变迁过程中由于居群增长-缩小反复发生, 多数居群的遗传多样性降低。这些推断也被巢式分支分析所证实, 距离隔离而导致的限制性基因流以及异域片断化被认为是该物种现有单倍型分布格局形成的主要原因。这种独特的谱系地理结构主要是由于气候变迁与该地区复杂的地质环境相结合造成的。  相似文献   

伯乐树(Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl.)是主要分布于中国的濒危物种。采用AFLP分子标记对分布于中国11个省的24个伯乐树居群192个个体进行谱系地理学研究。结果显示,伯乐树有相对较高的遗传多样性水平,基因多样性指数(He)和Shannon指数(Ⅰ)分别为0.2728和0.4070。伯乐树居群间的遗传分化远大于居群内遗传分化,遗传分化系数GST=0.7138,基因流Nm=0.2005。通过聚类分析、STRUCTURE分析和BAPS分析发现,24个伯乐树居群可形成4大地理居群组和进化谱系;云贵高原东部地区居群遗传多样性较高,可能是伯乐树在中国的扩散中心和冰期避难所,伯乐树在冰期后由此向外进行居群扩散;南岭地区各居群遗传多样性水平普遍高于其他地区,与邻近地区各居群的亲缘关系较近,可能为伯乐树演化历史上的另一个冰期避难所。  相似文献   

利用核基因LEAFY第二个内含子片段对中国现存中华水韭(Isoetes sinensis Palmer)的遗传多样性进行分析,探讨了中华水韭自然居群的遗传多样性结构及其形成机制。结果显示:现存中华水韭7个自然居群共105个样本中存在78个单倍型,单倍型多样性(Hd)为0.989,核苷酸多样性(π)为0.021,遗传差异主要存在于居群内(72%),且存在较高的基因流(Nm=0.59)。同时,居群遗传学分析结果发现中华水韭居群不存在明显的谱系地理格局(GST>NST);Mantel检验中Rxy值为-0.286,P(rxy-rand≥rxy-data)值为0.370,表明居群遗传距离和地理距离之间没有明显相关性;UPGMA聚类分析显示处于海拔较高位置的2个居群与其它5个居群遗传关系较远;中性检验(Taijima's D、Fu & Li's D*和F*)检测结果均为负值,基于稳定模型的失配分布检测显示为多峰。根据中华水韭居群的地理位置,推测中华水韭的遗传结构可能与水系、海拔分布及其杂交后代多倍化的物种形成过程相关。  相似文献   

采用改良CTAB法提取青藏高原东南部山丹25个居群所有个体的基因组DNA,选取核基因ITS和叶绿体petB/petD区域进行PCR扩增、纯化和测序。对所有序列对位排列,其中ITS序列总长696bp,变异位点有4处,共产生7种单倍型,变异位点百分率为0.72%,(G+C)含量60.4%;petB/petD序列总长616bp,仅1处变异位点和2种单倍型,变异位点百分率为0.16%,(G+C)含量34.6%。表明山丹中,petB/petD区域较ITS序列保守,变异速率较慢。对ITS序列单倍型进行失配分布和中性检验分析发现,山丹现有分布范围可能经历了近期居群小范围扩张,AMOVA分析发现山丹居群的遗传变异主要存在于居群内,NST >GST(P>0.01),表明山丹的遗传变异有着不显著的谱系地理结构。因此,山丹ITS序列适合该种的谱系地理学研究。  相似文献   

绵参(Eriophyton wallichii)是中国青藏高原地区高山流石滩特有植物.为探讨第四纪冰期气候波动对青藏高原高山流石滩植物居群遗传结构以及谱系历史的影响,检测了绵参20个居群187个个体的核糖体内转录间隔区(ITS)的序列变异,共发现19个单倍型,且结果表明大部分居群拥有独自的单倍型.AMOVA分析表明,居群间的变异占了总变异量的89.54%,居群遗传分化指数很高(GST=0.863,NST=0.957),但无明显的谱系结构.我们推测这种独特的谱系地理结构可能主要是由于高山流石滩独特的地形和环境及“孤岛效应”形成的,与先前研究过的青藏高原植物不同,绵参呈现出高度分化的遗传结构,常常呈现出“一个居群,一种单倍型”的模式,这可能是由于第四纪冰期及间冰期尽管绵参的分布范围有扩大和收缩,但始终由于特殊的高山生境和流石滩基质,导致了该物种长期以来居群间很少有基因交流并一直处于隔离状态,造成了现在这样的谱系地理结构.  相似文献   

横断山区作为青藏高原东南部主要的一个冰期避难所,第四纪冰期气候的变化对该地区的植物地理分布和居群遗传结构都产生了重要的影响。为了揭示该地区物种分布的分子系统地理学结构,选取在该地区广泛分布的一种高山灌木-高山绣线菊的叶绿体trnL-trnF序列进行研究。采集了15个居群182个个体进行测序,共发现7个单倍型。总的遗传多样性较高(HT=0.809),但居群内遗传多样性较低(HS=0.236)。分子变异分析(AMOVA)结果表明分布区内高山绣线菊的遗传变异主要存在于居群间(84.48%),且居群间的遗传分化很高(GST=0.708,FST=0.84476,NST=0.863),有着显著的谱系地理学结构(NST>GST,P<0.01)和较低的居群间平均基因流(Nm=0.09)。单倍型的系统进化树和进化分支网络分析得到了相似的拓扑结构,7种单倍型都按照地理分布聚为三支:横断山区西部、横断山区东部以及两者的交接地带。本研究推测该物种在横断山区存在多个冰期避难所,而没有表现出大规模的种群集体扩张和迁移的现象。青藏高原隆升、第四纪气候的反复波动以及横断山区特殊的地理环境使得原来连续的居群片段化,并发生范围扩张,从而塑造了高山绣线菊的现代生物地理分布格局。  相似文献   

Quaternary climate fluctuations have profoundly affected the current distribution patterns and genetic structures of many plant and animal species in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) and adjacent mountain ranges, e.g. Tianshan (TSR), Altay, etc. In this greater area disjunct distributions are prominent but have nevertheless received little attention with respect to the historical processes involved. Here, we focus on Pedicularis kansuensis to test whether the current QTP and TSR disjunction is the result of a recent Holocene range expansion involving dispersal across arid land bridge(s) or a Pleistocene range fragmentation involving persistence in refugia. Two chloroplast DNA spacers were sequenced for 319 individuals from 34 populations covering the entire distribution range of this species in China. We found a total of 17 haplotypes of which all occurred in the QTP, and only five in the TSR. Overall genetic diversity was high (HT = 0.882, HS = 0.559) and higher in the QTP than in the TSR. Genetic differentiation among regions and populations was relatively low (GST = 0.366) and little evidence for a phylogeographic pattern emerged. The divergence times for the four main lineages could be dated to the early Pleistocene. Surprisingly, the two ubiquitous haplotypes diverged just before or around the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and were found in different phylogenetic lineages. The Species Distribution Model suggested a disappearance of P. kansuensis from the TSR during the LGM in contrast to a relatively constant potential distribution in the QTP. We conclude that P. kansuensis colonized the TSR after the LGM. The improbable long-distance dispersal by wind or water across arid land seed flow may well have had birds or men as vector.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Variation in the mtDNA 16S ribosomal RNA gene in populations of Triatoma infestans (Klug) was surveyed. DNA sequence comparisons yielded 18 haplotypes among 130 individuals from 16 localities that represent a large proportion of the range of T. infestans in Argentina. The most common genotype in all populations was found in 76.9% of individuals and two other haplotypes were shared among different populations. The remaining 15 haplotypes were present exclusively in one of the populations, suggesting currently low levels of genetic exchange. Analysis of mtDNA 16S sequences uncovered substantial genetic variation among T. infestans populations. Haplotype and nucleotide diversities varied among populations, from 0% to 0.84% and 0% to 0.29%, respectively. It appears that this locus has a low mutation rate. Uncorrected pairwise differences of T. infestans haplotypes ranged from 0% to 1.2%. The molecular phylogeny supported the monophyly of T. infestans haplotypes and clustered two different pairs of haplotypes with a moderate degree of bootstrap support (∼ 60%). Mitochondrial DNA phylogeographic differentiation was not evident, suggesting a recent rapid spread of the species. Analysis of molecular variance showed hierarchical structure in the data. Considerably less variation was found among T. infestans populations from the northwest and northeast regions than among those belonging to the central area. Such a lack of variation may be indicative of one or more past population bottlenecks.  相似文献   

The vegetation of the northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is dominated by alpine meadow and desert-steppe with sparse forests scattered within it. To obtain a better understanding of the phylogeography of one constituent species of the forests in this region, we examined chloroplast trnT-trnF and trnS-trnG sequence variation within Juniperus przewalskii, a key endemic tree species. Sequence data were obtained from 392 trees in 20 populations covering the entire distribution range of the species. Six cpDNA haplotypes were identified. Significant population subdivision was detected (G(ST) = 0.772, N(ST) = 0.834), suggesting low levels of recurrent gene flow among populations and significant phylogeographic structure (N(ST) > G(ST), P < 0.05). Eight of the nine disjunct populations surveyed on the high-elevation northeast plateau were fixed for a single haplotype (A), while the remaining, more westerly population, contained the same haplotype at high frequency together with two low frequency haplotypes (C and F). In contrast, most populations that occurred at lower altitudes at the plateau edge were fixed or nearly fixed for one of two haplotypes, A or E. However, two plateau edge populations had haplotype compositions different from the rest. In one, four haplotypes (A, B, D and E) were present at approximately equivalent frequencies, which might reflect a larger refugium in the area of this population during the last glacial period. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the most widely distributed haplotype A is not ancestral to other haplotypes. The contrasting phylogeographic structures of the haplotype-rich plateau edge area and the almost haplotype-uniform plateau platform region indicate that the plateau platform was recolonized by J. przewalskii during the most recent postglacial period. This is supported by the findings of a nested clade analysis, which inferred that postglacial range expansion from the plateau edge followed by recent fragmentation is largely responsible for the present-day spatial distribution of cpDNA haplotypes within the species.  相似文献   

Meng L  Yang R  Abbott RJ  Miehe G  Hu T  Liu J 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(19):4128-4137
The disjunct distribution of forests in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) and adjacent Helan Shan and Daqing Shan highlands provides an excellent model to examine vegetation shifts, glacial refugia and gene flow of key species in this complex landscape region in response to past climatic oscillations and human disturbance. In this study, we examined maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (nad1 intron b/c and nad5 intron 1) and paternally inherited chloroplast DNA (trnC-trnD) sequence variation within a dominant forest species, Picea crassifolia Kom. We recovered nine mitotypes and two chlorotypes in a survey of 442 individuals from 32 populations sampled throughout the species' range. Significant mitochondrial DNA population subdivision was detected (G(ST) = 0.512; N(ST) = 0.679), suggesting low levels of recurrent gene flow through seeds among populations and significant phylogeographical structure (N(ST) > GST, P < 0.05). Plateau haplotypes differed in sequence from those in the adjacent highlands, suggesting a long period of allopatric fragmentation between the species in the two regions and the presence of independent refugia in each region during Quaternary glaciations. On the QTP platform, all but one of the disjunct populations surveyed were fixed for the same mitotype, while most populations at the plateau edge contained more than one haplotype with the mitotype that was fixed in plateau platform populations always present at high frequency. This distribution pattern suggests that present-day disjunct populations on the QTP platform experienced a common recolonization history. The same phylogeographical pattern, however, was not detected for paternally inherited chloroplast DNA haplotypes. Two chlorotypes were distributed throughout the range of the species with little geographical population differentiation (G(ST) = N(ST) = 0.093). This provides evidence for highly efficient pollen-mediated gene flow among isolated forest patches, both within and between the QTP and adjacent highland populations. A lack of isolation to pollen-mediated gene flow between forests on the QTP and adjacent highlands is surprising given that the Tengger Desert has been a geographical barrier between these two regions for approximately the last 1.8 million years.  相似文献   

Dendroctonus mexicanus is polyphagous within the Pinus genus and has a wide geographical distribution in Mexico and Guatemala. We examined the pattern of genetic variation across the range of this species to explore its demographic history and its phylogeographic pattern. Analysis of the mtDNA sequences of 173 individuals from 25 Mexican populations allowed to us identify 53 geographically structured haplotypes. High haplotype and low nucleotide diversities and Tajima’s D indicate that D. mexicanus experienced rapid population expansion during its dispersal across mountain systems within its current range. The nested clade phylogeographic analysis indicates that the phylogeographic pattern of D. mexicanus is explained by continuous dispersion among lineages from the Sierra Madre Occidental, the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. However, we also observed isolation events among haplotypes from the Cofre de Perote/Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt/Sierra Madre Oriental and the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt/Sierra Madre del Sur, which is consistent with the present conformation of mountain systems in Mexico and the emergence of geographical barriers during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Climate oscillations and landscape heterogeneity make the historical population processes of organisms of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau quite complex. We used chloroplast DNA sequences and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLPs) to study the phylogeography and genetic variation of the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau endemic Spenceria ramalana Trimen. The parsimony network contains two star-like evolutionary units, nested into two nested clades, coinciding with geographic population groups indicated by samova software. The central group shows genetic homogeneity, indicating a bottleneck or founder effect of population dynamics. Margin groups contribute more haplotype diversity (CT), indicating potential refugia. Several expansion events during several interglacial periods were detected. The latest expansion of the eastern population contributed to the modern population structure of the central area. Four AFLP clusters were detected. Higher CT, a relict pattern of haplotype distribution and DW values of marginal populations, confirmed the location of potential montane refugia. Relict distribution pattern, nested clade phylogeographic analysis conclusions, and restricted gene flow detected by AFLPs indicated an isolation pattern of the populations of montane areas. Heterogeneity of landscape of the western and southern montane areas could be the main barrier for gene flow. Moisture conditions and ecotype transformation might help to build the phylogeographic pattern of this species. Neither chloroplast DNA markers nor AFLP was able to differentiate the two varieties of this species.  相似文献   

Metagentiana striata is an alpine annual herbaceous plant endemic to the east of the Qinghai–Tibet (Q–T) Plateau and adjacent areas. The phylogeography of M. striata was studied by sequencing the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) trn S– trn G intergenic spacer. Ten haplotypes were identified from an investigation of 232 individuals of M. striata from 14 populations covering the entire geographical range of this species. The level of differentiation amongst populations was very high ( G ST = 0.746; N ST = 0.774) and a significant phylogeographical structure was observed ( P  < 0.05). An analysis of molecular variance found a high variation amongst populations (76%), with F ST = 0.762 (highly significant, P  < 0.001), indicating that little gene flow occurred amongst the different regions; this was explained by the isolation of populations by high mountains along the Q–T Plateau and adjacent areas ( N m = 0.156). Only one ancestral haplotype (A) was common and widespread throughout the distributional range of M. striata. The populations of the Hengduan Mountains region of the south-eastern Q–T Plateau showed high diversity and uniqueness of haplotypes. It is suggested that this region was the potential refugium of M. striata during the Quaternary glaciation, and that interglacial and postglacial range expansion occurred from this refugium. This scenario was in good agreement with the results of nested clade analysis, which inferred that the current spatial distribution of cpDNA haplotypes and populations resulted from range expansion, together with past allopatric fragmentation events.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 125–140.  相似文献   

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