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尽管研究证明很多克隆动物存在DNA甲基化异常的情况,却很少有研究比较克隆绵羊与自然分娩绵羊之间的甲基化情况,可能是由于克隆绵羊的获得、绵羊基因组、绵羊基因组印记等因素的限制.本研究中,为了证明克隆绵羊重编程的状况,克隆了Peg3基因的差异甲基化区域(differential methylated region,DMR),并且分析了Peg3、Cdkn1c、Gtl2在克隆绵羊和自然分娩绵羊不同组织中的甲基化水平.研究发现,在克隆绵羊和自然分娩绵羊中Peg3呈现为超甲基化水平,在克隆绵羊的肾脏和肺脏中DNA甲基化水平为95.45%、81.18%,相对于正常分娩的绵羊组织中的98.18%、87.27%无显著性差异,而Cdkn1c在两组实验动物中的肾脏和肺脏中表现为非甲基化水平,分别为0%、0.53%、0.53%和0.53%,Gtl2则是低甲基化水平,并且克隆绵羊与正常分娩绵羊之间的DNA甲基化水平无显著性差异(r2 = 0.77).这些结果表明,Peg3、Cdkn1c、Gtl2三个印记基因在克隆绵羊和自然分娩绵羊组织中呈现类似甲基化水平,无显著性差异.  相似文献   

蔡霞  龙健儿 《动物学研究》2007,28(5):470-476
目前认为克隆效率低的主要原因是供体核的不完全重编程导致发育过程中一些重要的基因异常表达。运用DNA甲基化转移酶抑制剂5'-脱氧胞苷(5'-azacytidine,5'-aza)处理MDBK细胞(牛肾上皮细胞),并通过实时荧光定量PCR方法对lgf-2r基因的表达进行了定量分析;在此基础上,应用亚硫酸盐甲基化测序法检测正常牛及克隆牛脑、肺、心、肝组织lgf-2r印迹调控区DMR2(DNA differentially methylated region,DMR)及非印迹调控区3'-UTR(3'-untranslated region,UTR)的DNA甲基化水平。研究发现,5'-aza处理MDBK细胞后,lgf-2r基因的表达上调。正常牛各组织中lgf-2rDMR2区的DNA甲基化程度差异较大,3'-UTR区较稳定;与正常牛相比,克隆牛DMR2区的甲基化程度变化较大,3'-UTR区无显著性变化。结果表明,DNA甲基化修饰影响lgf-2r基因的表达。正常牛不同组织中lgf-2r基因DMR2区的DNA甲基化程度不同,提示lgf-2r基因的印迹调控方式在不同组织中可能不同。克隆牛发育过程中,调控lgf-2r基因印迹的DMR2表观结构被明显改变,而非印迹调控区3'-UTR则无明显变化,提示lgf-2r基因印迹调控区被破坏,很可能是导致克隆牛发育异常的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify the putative differentially methylated regions (DMRs) of the porcine imprinted genes insulin-like growth factor 2 and H19 (IGF2-H19), and to assess the genomic imprinting status of IGF2-H19 by identifying the methylation patterns of these regions in germ cells, and in tissues from porcine fetuses, an adult pig, as well as cloned offspring produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Porcine IGF2-H19 DMRs exhibit a normal monoallelic methylation pattern (i.e., either the paternally- or the maternally derived allele is methylated) similar to the pattern observed for the same genes in the human and mice genomes. Examination of the methylation patterns of the IGF2-H19 DMRs revealed that the zinc finger protein binding sites CTCF1 and 2 did not exhibit differential methylation in both control and cloned offspring. In contrast, the CTCF3 and DMR2 loci of the IGF2 gene showed abnormal methylation in cloned offspring, but a normal differential or moderate methylation pattern in tissues from control offspring and an adult pig. Our data thus suggest that regulation of genomic imprinting at the porcine IGF2-H19 loci is conserved among species, and that the abnormal methylation pattern in the regulatory elements of imprinted genes may lead to an alteration in the coordinated expression of genes required for successful reprogramming, which, in consequence, may contribute to the low efficiency of porcine genome reprogramming induced by nuclear transfer.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化对牛Igf-2r表达的影响及其在克隆牛发育中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔡霞  龙健儿 《动物学研究》2007,28(5):470-476
目前认为克隆效率低的主要原因是供体核的不完全重编程导致发育过程中一些重要的基因异常表达。运用DNA甲基化转移酶抑制剂5′-脱氧胞苷(5′-azacytidine,5′-aza)处理MDBK细胞(牛肾上皮细胞),并通过实时荧光定量PCR方法对Igf-2r基因的表达进行了定量分析;在此基础上,应用亚硫酸盐甲基化测序法检测正常牛及克隆牛脑、肺、心、肝组织Igf-2r印迹调控区DMR2(DNA differentially methylated region,DMR)及非印迹调控区3′-UTR(3′-untranslated region,UTR)的DNA甲基化水平。研究发现,5′-aza处理MDBK细胞后,Igf-2r基因的表达上调。正常牛各组织中Igf-2r DMR2区的DNA甲基化程度差异较大,3′-UTR区较稳定;与正常牛相比,克隆牛DMR2区的甲基化程度变化较大,3′-UTR区无显著性变化。结果表明,DNA甲基化修饰影响Igf-2r基因的表达。正常牛不同组织中Igf-2r基因DMR2区的DNA甲基化程度不同,提示Igf-2r基因的印迹调控方式在不同组织中可能不同。克隆牛发育过程中,调控Igf-2r基因印迹的DMR2表观结构被明显改变,而非印迹调控区3′-UTR则无明显变化,提示Igf-2r基因印迹调控区被破坏,很可能是导致克隆牛发育异常的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

Changes in genomic DNA methylation are recognized as important events in normal and pathological cellular processes, contributing both to normal development and differentiation as well as cancer and other diseases. Here, we report a novel method to estimate genome-wide DNA methylation, referred to as LUminometric Methylation Assay (LUMA). The method is based on combined DNA cleavage by methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes and polymerase extension assay by Pyrosequencing. The method is quantitative, highly reproducible and easy to scale up. Since no primary modification of genomic DNA, such as bisulfite treatment, is needed, the total assay time is only 6 h. In addition, the assay requires only 200-500 ng of genomic DNA and incorporates an internal control to eliminate the problem of varying amounts of starting DNA. The accuracy and linearity of LUMA were verified by in vitro methylated lambda DNA. In addition, DNA methylation levels were assessed by LUMA in DNA methyltransferase knock-out cell lines and after treatment with the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor (5-AzaCytidine). The LUMA assay may provide a useful method to analyze genome-wide DNA methylation for a variety of physiological and pathological conditions including etiologic, diagnostic and prognostic aspects of cancer.  相似文献   

The mab-21 gene was first identified because of its requirement for ray identity specification in Caenorhabditis elegans. It is now known to constitute a family of genes that are highly conserved from vertebrates to invertebrates, and two homologues Mab21l1 and Mab21l2 have been identified in many species. Here we describe the generation of Mab21l2-deficient mice, which have defects in eye and body wall formation. The mutant mouse eye has a rudimentary retina, as a result of insufficient invagination of the optic vesicle due to deficient proliferation, causing the absence of lens. The defects in optic vesicle development correlate with reduced expression of Chx10, which is also required for retina development; Rx, Lhx2, and Pax6 expression is not significantly affected. We conclude that Mab21l2 expression is essential for optic vesicle growth and formation of the optic cup, its absence causing reduced expression of Chx10. Mutant mice also display abnormal extrusion of abdominal organs, defects in ventral body wall formation, resulting in death in utero at mid-gestational stage. Our results reveal that Mab21l2 plays crucial roles in retina and in ventral body wall formation.  相似文献   

During germ cell differentiation in mice, the genome undergoes specific epigenetic modifications. These include demethylation of imprinted genes and subsequent establishment of parental allele-specific methylation. The mouse Igf2r gene is an imprinted gene that shows maternal-specific expression. Maternal-specific methylation of differentially methylated region 2 (DMR2) of this gene may be necessary for its maternal-specific expression. Before the allele-specific methylation is established, DMR2 is demethylated in both male and female primordial germ cells (PGCs) by 13.5 days post coitum (dpc), indicating that the demethylation of this region occurs earlier in PGC development. The timing of the demethylation has been, however, unknown. In this study, we attempted to determine the timing of methylation erasure of Igf2r DMR2 in developing PGCs, using transgenic mice expressing green fluorescent protein specifically in the germ line. We purified migrating PGCs from the transgenic mice and examined the methylation status of DMR2. The results show that some CpG sites within DMR2 start demethylation at 9.5 dpc in some migrating PGCs, before the cells colonize genital ridges, and the progression of demethylation is rapid after colonization of the genital ridges. To examine whether the gonadal environment is involved in demethylation, we analyzed the methylation of DMR2 after culturing migrating PGCs in the absence of a gonadal environment. These culture experiments support the idea that a gonadal environment is not required for demethylation of the region in at least a fraction of PGCs.  相似文献   

It has been reported that RNAi-dependent chromatin silencing in vertebrates is not restricted to the centromeres. To address whether RNAi machinery could regulate the chromatin structure of imprinted genes, we knocked down Dicer in HEK293 cells and found that the expression of PHLDA2, one of the several genes in the imprinted gene domain of 11p15.5, was specifically upregulated. This was accompanied by a shift towards more activated chromatin at PHLDA2 locus as indicated by change in H3K9 acetylation, however, the methylation state at this locus was not affected. Furthermore, we found that PHLDA2 was downregulated in growth-arrested HEK293 cells induced by either serum deprivation or contact inhibition. This suggests that PHLDA2 upregulation might be a direct result of Dicer depletion rather than the consequence of growth arrest induced by Dicer knockdown. Considering the reports that there is consistent placental outgrowth in PHLDA2 knockout mice and that PHLDA2 overexpression in mice causes growth inhibition, we speculate that PHLDA2 may be a candidate for contributing to the reduced growth rate of Dicer-deficient cells and the very early embryonic lethality in Dicer knockout mice.  相似文献   

Current protocols for DNA methylation analysis are either labor intensive or limited to the measurement of only one or two CpG positions. Pyrosequencing is a real-time sequencing technology that can overcome these limitations and be used as an epigenotype-mapping tool. Initial experiments demonstrated reliable quantification of the degree of DNA methylation when 2-6 CpGs were analyzed. We sought to improve the sequencing protocol so as to analyze as many CpGs as possible in a single sequencing run. By using an improved enzyme mix and adding single-stranded DNA-binding protein to the reaction, we obtained reproducible results for as many as 10 successive CpGs in a single sequencing reaction spanning up to 75 nucleotides. A minimum amount of 10 ng of bisulfite-treated DNA is necessary to obtain good reproducibility and avoid preferential amplification. We applied the assay to the analysis of DNA methylation patterns in four CpG islands in the vicinity of IGF2 and H19 genes. This allowed accurate and quantitative de novo sequencing of the methylation state of each CpG, showing reproducible variations of methylation state in contiguous CpGs, and proved to be a useful adjunct to current technologies.  相似文献   

体细胞核移植(体细胞克隆)技术在动物生产、医药工业、治疗性克隆以及对珍稀濒危动物的拯救有重要意义,然而克隆效率低下以及克隆动物发育异常,严重制约了克隆技术的发展和应用.在体细胞核克隆中,供体核来自高度分化了的体细胞,发生在核移植后几小时内供体核的重编程,决定了克隆胚胎的发育能力.印记基因是由等位基因表观遗传修饰的不对称导致的基因表达具有亲本选择性,而DNA甲基化是调控印记的一个主要方式.印记基因Mash2在胚胎发育和器官形成过程中起着非常重要的作用.为了探求核移植过程中Mash2基因DNA 甲基化的表观重编程是否充分,利用亚硫酸氢盐测序法对出生48 h内死亡的体细胞核移植牛和正常对照牛肺脏中Mash2基因的DNA甲基化状态进行分析.结果显示,尽管位于Mash2基因启动子和第一个外显子处的CpG岛在正常牛和克隆牛中甲基化水平都不高(20.04%,5.55%),但克隆组的甲基化水平仍显著低于正常对照组 (P < 0.05).甲基化模式正常组中9N3有5种不同的形式,9N4仅1种;而克隆组9C3和9C5也分别是1种.推测Mash2基因的异常DNA甲基化很可能是导致克隆牛肺脏发育异常的一个重要原因.  相似文献   

The completely embryonic stem (ES) cell-derived mice (ES mice) produced by tetraploid embryo complementation provide us with a rapid and powerful approach for functional genome analysis. However, inbred ES cell lines often fail to generate ES mice. The genome of mouse ES cells is extremely unstable during in vitro culture and passage, and the expression of the imprinted genes is most likely to be affected. Whether the ES mice retain or repair the abnormalities of the donor ES cells has still to be determined. Here we report that the inbred ES mice were efficiently produced with the inbred ES cell line (SCR012). The ES fetuses grew more slowly before day 17.5 after mating, but had an excessive growth from day 17.5 to birth. Five imprinted genes examined (H19, Igf2, Igf2r, Peg1, Peg3) were expressed abnormally in ES fetuses. Most remarkably, the expression of H19 was dramatically repressed in the ES fetuses through the embryo developmental stage, and this repression was associated with abnormal biallelic methylation of the H19 upstream region. The altered methylation pattern of H19 was further demonstrated to have arisen in the donor ES cells and persisted on in vivo differentiation to the fetal stage. These results indicate that the ES fetuses did retain the epigenetic alterations in imprinted genes from the donor ES cells.  相似文献   

UPD (uniparental disomy) describes the inheritance of a pair of chromosomes from only one parent. Mechanisms that lead to UPD include trisomy rescue, gamete complementation, monosomy rescue and somatic recombination. Most of these mechanisms can involve aberrant chromosomes, particularly isochromosomes and Robertsonian translocations. In the last decade, the number of UPD cases reported in the literature has increased exponentially. This is partly due to the advances in genomic technologies that have allowed for high‐resolution SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) studies, which have complemented traditional methods relying on polymorphic microsatellite markers. In this review, we discuss aberrant cellular mechanisms leading to UPD and their impact on gene expression. Special emphasis is placed on the unmasking of mutant recessive alleles and the disruption of imprinted gene dosage, which give rise to specific and recurrent imprinting phenotypes. Finally, we discuss how copy number maps determined from SNP array datasets have helped identify not only deletions and duplications but also recurrent copy number neutral regions of loss‐of‐heterozygosity, which have been reported in many cancer types and that may constitute an important driving force in cancer. These tiny regions of UPD also alter imprinted gene dosage, which may have cumulative tumourgenic effects in addition to that of unmasking homozygous cancer‐associated mutations.  相似文献   

为探讨巴西橡胶树(Hevea brasiliensis)自根幼态无性系与供体间差异产生的原因,应用甲基化敏感扩增多态性扩增技术,对巴西橡胶树体细胞胚发生过程中基因组DNA 胞嘧啶甲基化程度和模式进行了分析。结果表明,在巴西橡胶树体细胞胚发生过程中不同阶段的DNA 甲基化程度不同,以花药的DNA 甲基化程度最高,体细胞胚的DNA 甲基化水平最低。在体细胞胚发生过程中出现了I、Ⅱ和Ⅲ 3 种类型的甲基化多态性带型的改变,包括他们的出现与消失。因此,橡胶树体细胞胚发生过程中可能通过DNA 甲基化甲基化和去甲基化来调控基因的表达。  相似文献   

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