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Eukaryotic LIM domain proteins contain zinc finger forming motifs rich in cysteine and histidine that enable them to interact with other proteins. A cDNA clone isolated from an adult schistosome cDNA library revealed a sequence that coded for a novel class of proteins bearing 6 LIM domains and an N-terminal PET domain, SmLIMPETin. Phylogeny reconstruction of SmLIMPETin and comparison of its sequence to invertebrate homologues and to the vertebrate four-and-a-half LIM domains protein family (FHLs), uncovered a novel LIM domain protein family, the invertebrate LIM and PET domain protein family (LIMPETin). Northern blots, RT-PCR and Western blot showed that SmLIMPETin gene was less expressed in sexually mature adult females compared to sexually immature adult females and sexually mature and immature adult males, and not expressed in schistosomula.  相似文献   

The product of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (Rb) controls the passage of mammalian cells through G1 phase. Animal virus oncoproteins interact with the Rb protein via an LXCXE motif and disrupt Rb-E2F complexes, driving cells into S-phase. Recently, we found that the RepA protein of a plant geminivirus contains an LXCXE motif that is essential for its function, a finding that predicts the existence of Rb-related proteins in plant cells. Here we report the isolation of a maize cDNA clone encoding a protein (ZmRb1) which, based on structural and functional studies, is closely related to the mammalian Rb family of growth regulatory proteins. ZmRb1 shows a high degree of amino acid conservation when compared with animal Rb members, particularly in the A/B 'pocket' domain, but ZmRb1 has a shorter N-terminal domain. ZmRb1 forms stable complexes with plant LXCXE-containing proteins, e.g. geminivirus RepA protein. Geminivirus DNA replication is reduced in plant cells transfected with plasmids encoding either ZmRb1 or human p130, a member of the Rb family. This suggests that ZmRb1 controls the G1/S transit in plant cells and is consistent with the fact that geminiviruses need an S-phase environment for DNA replication, as animal DNA tumor viruses do. Our results allow the extension of the Rb family of tumor suppressor proteins to plants and have implications on animal and plant strategies for cell growth control.  相似文献   

Class B floral homeotic genes specify the identity of petals and stamens during the development of angiosperm flowers. Recently, putative orthologs of these genes have been identified in different gymnosperms. Together, these genes constitute a clade, termed B genes. Here we report that diverse seed plants also contain members of a hitherto unknown sister clade of the B genes, termed B(sister) (B(s)) genes. We have isolated members of the B(s) clade from the gymnosperm Gnetum gnemon, the monocotyledonous angiosperm Zea mays and the eudicots Arabidopsis thaliana and Antirrhinum majus. In addition, MADS-box genes from the basal angiosperm Asarum europaeum and the eudicot Petunia hybrida were identified as B(s) genes. Comprehensive expression studies revealed that B(s) genes are mainly transcribed in female reproductive organs (ovules and carpel walls). This is in clear contrast to the B genes, which are predominantly expressed in male reproductive organs (and in angiosperm petals). Our data suggest that the B(s) genes played an important role during the evolution of the reproductive structures in seed plants. The establishment of distinct B and B(s) gene lineages after duplication of an ancestral gene may have accompanied the evolution of male microsporophylls and female megasporophylls 400-300 million years ago. During flower evolution, expression of B(s) genes diversified, but the focus of expression remained in female reproductive organs. Our findings imply that a clade of highly conserved close relatives of class B floral homeotic genes has been completely overlooked until recently and awaits further evaluation of its developmental and evolutionary importance. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer Link server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00438-001-0615-8.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It has previously been shown that Arabidopsis thaliana ethylene-responsive element binding protein (AtEBP) contributed to resistance to abiotic stresses. Interestingly, it has also been reported that expression of ethylene-responsive factor (ERF) genes including AtEBP were regulated by the activity of APETALA2 (AP2), a floral homeotic factor. AP2 is known to regulate expression of several floral-specific homeotic genes such as AGAMOUS. The aim of this study was to clarify the relationship between AP2 and AtEBP in gene expression. METHODS: Northern blot analysis was performed on ap2 mutants, ethylene-related Arabidopsis mutants and transgenic Arabidopsis plants over-expressing AtEBP, and a T-DNA insertional mutant of AtEBP. Phenotypic analysis of these plants was performed. KEY RESULTS: Expression levels of ERF genes such as AtEBP and AtERF1 were increased in ap2 mutants. Over-expression of AtEBP caused upregulation of AP2 expression in leaves. AP2 expression was suppressed by the null-function of ethylene-insensitive2 (EIN2), although AP2 expression was not affected by ethylene treatment. Loss of AtEBP function slightly reduced the average number of stamens. CONCLUSIONS: AP2 and AtEBP are mutually regulated in terms of gene expression. AP2 expression was affected by EIN2 but was not regulated by ethylene treatment.  相似文献   

Homologous or agonist-specific desensitization of beta 2-adrenergic receptors (beta 2AR) is mediated by the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (beta ARK) which specifically phosphorylates the agonist-occupied form of the receptor. However, the capacity of beta ARK-phosphorylated beta 2AR to stimulate Gs in a reconstituted system is only minimally impaired. Recently, a protein termed beta-arrestin, was cloned from a bovine brain cDNA library and found to quench phosphorylated beta 2AR-coupling to Gs. Utilizing a low stringency hybridization technique to screen a rat brain cDNA library, we have now isolated cDNA clones representing two distinct beta-arrestin-like genes. One of the cDNAs is the rat homolog of bovine beta-arrestin (beta-arrestin1). In addition, we have isolated a cDNA clone encoding a novel, beta-arrestin-related protein which we have termed beta-arrestin2. Overall, beta-arrestin2 exhibits 78% amino acid identity with beta-arrestin1. The primary structure of these proteins delineates a family of proteins that regulates receptor coupling to G proteins. The capacity of purified beta-arrestin1, beta-arrestin2, and arrestin to inhibit the coupling of phosphorylated receptors to their respective G proteins were assessed in a reconstituted beta 2AR-Gs system and in a reconstituted rhodopsin-GT system. beta-Arrestin2 was equipotent to beta-arrestin1 and specifically inhibited beta 2AR function. Conversely, arrestin inhibited rhodopsin coupling to GT, whereas beta-arrestin1 and beta-arrestin2 were at least 20-fold less potent in this system. beta-Arrestin1 and beta-arrestin2 are predominantly localized in neuronal tissues and in the spleen. However, low mRNA levels can be detected in most peripheral tissues. In the central nervous system, beta-arrestin2 appears to be even more abundant than beta-arrestin1. Immunohistochemical analysis of the tissue distribution of beta-arrestin1 and beta-arrestin2 in rat brain shows extensive, but heterogenous, neuronal labeling of the two proteins. They are found in several neuronal pathways suggesting that they have relatively broad receptor specificity regulating many G protein-coupled receptors. Furthermore, immunoelectron microscopy shows that the beta-arrestins are appropriately situated at postsynaptic sites to act in concert with beta ARK to regulate G protein-coupled neurotransmitter receptors.  相似文献   

A mutant with altered floral morphology, designated Appendix, was observed among the progeny of a regenerated transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plant. Appendix flowers had small outgrowths resembling pistils on the tips of fertile anthers. No Obvious morphological changes could be seen in any other part of the plant. A more careful analysis using histological methods and scanning electron microscopy revealed that the outgrowths were composed only of a style and a stigma and that these added organs can support pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Examination of anther ontogeny using scanning electron microscopy indicated that the anther style and stigma of the Appendix mutant developed from a small group of cells at the anther tip coincident with development of the carpel style and stigma. Genetic analysis indicated that this mutation is nuclear, recessive and linked to the ‘transferred DNA’ (T-DNA) inserted during the generation of transgenic plants using Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The Appendix phenotype does not correspond to any of the other types of floral homeotic mutations that have been described so far.  相似文献   

SUPERMAN, a regulator of floral homeotic genes in Arabidopsis.   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
We describe a locus, SUPERMAN, mutations in which result in extra stamens developing at the expense of the central carpels in the Arabidopsis thaliana flower. The development of superman flowers, from initial primordium to mature flower, is described by scanning electron microscopy. The development of doubly and triply mutant strains, constructed with superman alleles and previously identified homeotic mutations that cause alterations in floral organ identity, is also described. Essentially additive phenotypes are observed in superman agamous and superman apetala2 double mutants. The epistatic relationships observed between either apetala3 or pistillata and superman alleles suggest that the SUPERMAN gene product could be a regulator of these floral homeotic genes. To test this, the expression patterns of AGAMOUS and APETALA3 were examined in superman flowers. In wild-type flowers, APETALA3 expression is restricted to the second and third whorls where it is required for the specification of petals and stamens. In contrast, in superman flowers, APETALA3 expression expands to include most of the cells that would normally constitute the fourth whorl. This ectopic APETALA3 expression is proposed to be one of the causes of the development of the extra stamens in superman flowers. The spatial pattern of AGAMOUS expression remains unaltered in superman flowers as compared to wild-type flowers. Taken together these data indicate that one of the functions of the wild-type SUPERMAN gene product is to negatively regulate APETALA3 in the fourth whorl of the flower. In addition, superman mutants exhibit a loss of determinacy of the floral meristem, an effect that appears to be mediated by the APETALA3 and PISTILLATA gene products.  相似文献   

Several homeotic genes controlling floral development have been isolated in both Antirrhinum and Arabidopsis. Based on the similarities in sequence and in the phenotypes elicited by mutations in some of these genes, it has been proposed that the regulatory hierarchy controlling floral development is comparable in these two species. We have performed a direct experimental test of this hypothesis by introducing a chimeric Antirrhinum Deficiens (DefA)/Arabidopsis APETALA3 (AP3) gene, under the control of the Arabidopsis AP3 promoter, into Arabidopsis. We demonstrated that this transgene is sufficient to partially complement severe mutations at the AP3 locus. In combination with a weak ap3 mutation, this transgene is capable of completely rescuing the mutant phenotype to a fully functional wild-type flower. These observations indicate that despite differences in DNA sequence and expression, DefA coding sequences can compensate for the loss of AP3 gene function. We discuss the implications of these results for the evolution of homeotic gene function in flowering plants.  相似文献   

The regulation of cellular growth and proliferation in response to environmental cues is critical for development and the maintenance of viability in all organisms. In unicellular organisms, such as the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, growth and proliferation are regulated by nutrient availability. We have described changes in the pattern of protein synthesis during the growth of S. cerevisiae cells to stationary phase (E. K. Fuge, E. L. Braun, and M. Werner-Washburne, J. Bacteriol. 176:5802-5813, 1994) and noted a protein, which we designated Snz1p (p35), that shows increased synthesis after entry into stationary phase. We report here the identification of the SNZ1 gene, which encodes this protein. We detected increased SNZ1 mRNA accumulation almost 2 days after glucose exhaustion, significantly later than that of mRNAs encoded by other postexponential genes. SNZ1-related sequences were detected in phylogenetically diverse organisms by sequence comparisons and low-stringency hybridization. Multiple SNZ1-related sequences were detected in some organisms, including S. cerevisiae. Snz1p was found to be among the most evolutionarily conserved proteins currently identified, indicating that we have identified a novel, highly conserved protein involved in growth arrest in S. cerevisiae. The broad phylogenetic distribution, the regulation of the SNZ1 mRNA and protein in S. cerevisiae, and identification of a Snz protein modified during sporulation in the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis support the hypothesis that Snz proteins are part of an ancient response that occurs during nutrient limitation and growth arrest.  相似文献   

 We report the full coding sequence of a new Drosophila gene, spalt-related, which is homologous and adjacent to the region-specific homeotic gene, spalt. Both genes have three widely spaced sets of C2H2 zinc finger motifs, but spalt-related encodes a fourth pair of C-terminal fingers resembling the Xenopus homologue, Xsal-1. The degrees of sequence divergence among all three members of this family are comparable, suggesting that the Drosophila genes originated from an ancient gene duplication. The spalt-related gene is expressed with quantitative variations from mid-embryogenesis (8–12 h) to the adult stage, but not in ovaries or early embryos. Expression is localized to limited parts of the body, including specific cell populations in the nervous system. In the wing disc, spalt and spalt-related are expressed in indistinguishable domains; in the nervous system and some other organs the expression patterns extensively overlap but are not identical, indicating that the genes have partially diverged in terms of developmental regulation. A characteristic central set of zinc fingers specifically binds to an A/T-rich consensus sequence, defining some DNA binding properties of this ancient family of nuclear factors. Received: 31 July 1996 / Accepted: 4 September 1996  相似文献   

Five genes with homology to the floral homeotic genes deficiens of Antirrhinum and agamous of Arabidopsis were isolated from tomato. Each of the five genes is unique in the genome and could be localized to a different chromosome by RFLP mapping. Four of the tomato genes (hereafter TM) are flower-specific with distinguishable temporal expression. TM4 and TM8 are 'early', while TM5 and TM6 are 'late' genes. TM4 is homologous to squamous and TM6 is similar to deficiens, which are, respectively, 'early' and 'late' bona fide homeotic genes in Antirrhinum. The proteins encoded by the five tomato genes, like several known homeotic genes from other plants, contain within their N-terminus a highly conserved DNA-binding domain, the MADS box. All known plant MADS box genes also share, however, other properties. They all contain a central, moderately conserved, and rather basic domain, and a highly divergent or even missing C-terminal domain. Furthermore, molecular modelling predicts the presence of a conserved amphipatic alpha helix, at a constant distance from the MADS box in each of these proteins. The common properties of eight MADS box proteins from three plant families indicate that all their domains were coded for by the same ancestor gene. The sequence homology between pairs of MADS genes from different species indicates that the MADS ancestor gene multiplied and diverged in an ancestor plant common to several dicotyledon families.  相似文献   

The myc family of genes contains five functional members. We describe the cloning of a new member of the myc family from rat genomic and cDNA libraries, designated B-myc. A fragment of cloned B-myc was used to map the corresponding rat locus by Southern blotting of DNA prepared from rat X mouse somatic cell hybrids. B-myc mapped to rat chromosome 3. We have previously mapped the c-myc to rat chromosome 7 (J. Sümegi, J. Spira, H. Bazin, J. Szpirer, G. Levan, and G. Klein, Nature [London] 306:497-498, 1983) and N-myc and L-myc to rat chromosomes 6 and 5, respectively (S. Ingvarsson, C. Asker, Z. Wirschubsky, J. Szpirer, G. Levan, G. Klein, and J. Sümegi, Somat. Cell Mol. Genet. 13:335-339, 1987). A partial sequence of B-myc had extensive sequence homology to the c-myc protein-coding region, and the detection of intron homology further indicated that these two genes are closely related. The DNA regions conserved among the myc family members, designated myc boxes, were highly conserved between c-myc and B-myc. A lower degree of homology was detected in other parts of the coding region in c-myc and B-myc not present in N-myc and L-myc. A 1.3-kilobase B-myc-specific mRNA was detected in most rat tissues, with the highest expression in the brain. This resembled the expression pattern of c-myc, although at different relative levels, and was in contrast to the more tissue-specific expression of N-myc and L-myc. B-myc was expressed at uniformly high levels in all fetal tissues and during subsequent postnatal development, in contrast to the stage-specific expression of c-myc.  相似文献   

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