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The ten-years experience of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance in Belarus has been summarized. Among 456 AFP cases reported from 1996 to 2005, 11 were classified as vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP), 445--as non-polio AFP. The risk of VAPP for the period 1996-2001 was 1 case per 745,000 used doses of oral poliovaccine (OPV). For the recipients of OPV the risk was 1 case per 911,700 doses and for the first-dose recipients--1 case per 96,000 doses. The high incidence of VAPP was a reason for implementation of sequential polio vaccination schedule in 2000. Guillain-Barre syndrome dominated among non-polio AFP (39.3% of cases); more rare were traumatic neuritis (27.9% of cases), transient monoparalysis (12.1%), myelitis (7.6%). Non-polio AFP differed from VAPP by following epidemiological and virological characteristics: predominance of previously repeatedly vaccinated against poliomyelitis; development of paralysis in long-term period after vaccination; isolation of non-polio viruses belonged to three serotypes of Coxsackie B viruses (B1, B4, B6) and six serotypes of Echo viruses (6, 7, 11, 14, 24, 25) in 8.1% of cases; absence of typical for polio residual paralyses in patients who excreted vaccine polioviruses.  相似文献   

分析脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)病毒(PV)的急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例流行病学特征,提高对疫苗衍生脊灰病毒(VDPVs)和循环的疫苗衍生脊灰病毒(cVDPVs)的认识,增加AFP病例监测系统敏感性。对西安市1995-2008年检出的PV阳性AFP病例进行流行病学分析。对疫苗变异PV采用VP1基因核苷酸序列测定方法进行分子生物性状分析。西安市1995-2008年共检出PV13株,检出率4.29%。分离到的PV以II、III型为主,AFP病例散在发生,无聚集性。未全程免疫儿童(全程免疫儿童,年龄以≤1岁儿童为主(84.62%)。麻痹残留率高达84.62%。脊灰相关病例(VAPP)的发生危险性为0.24/100万。型内特征鉴定有1株为疫苗变异PV,经VP1基因核苷酸序列测定未达到VDPV的分类标准。维持无脊灰阶段,存在着VDPV和发生cVDPVs的可能,在保持高水平脊髓灰质炎疫苗(OPV)免疫覆盖率的同时,高质量的AFP病例流行病学监测和病毒学监测工作,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Until 2008 poliomyelitis was controlled in Romania by predominantly using Oral Poliovirus Vaccine Sabin (OPV); the alternative vaccination schedule (IPV formalin Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine/OPV) will be implemented starting September 2008. The vaccination coverage with 4 doses of TOPV (trivalent oral polio vaccine) in the first 14 months of life has been > 90% since 1980. In Romania, the risk of the Vaccine-Associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis cases (VAPP) decreased from less than 2 VAPP cases/year in the 1995-2006 interval to 0 VAPP cases in 2007. The serological study was performed in 2006-2007 only in cases with pair serum samples from 28 acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases (age = 3 months - 14 years) and from 45 facial paralysis (FP) cases (age -6 months - 4 years 9 months). A high level of vaccinal coverage was shown for all poliovirus serotypes: >95% in AFP serum samples investigated; and for FP serum samples investigated the levels of antibodies against poliovirus (PV) serotypes were 98% for PV type 1; 87% for PV type 2: and 89% for PV type 3. If the European region is polio free since 2002, the risk of wild PV importation from endemic region remains present. The laboratory capacity for the fast detection and molecular investigations of the emergence of the new epidemic strains and a high level of population immunity must be maintained. A national seroprevalence study concerning all three PV serotypes must be performed.  相似文献   

J Furesz 《Biologicals》2006,34(2):87-90
Using virus grown in monkey kidney cells, Salk and his colleagues developed an inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) in 1952. A large-scale field trial showed the vaccine to be safe and highly immunogenic in children, but soon after the vaccine became generally available in 1955, cases of paralytic disease were reported in recipients. Investigations showed that almost all the cases occurred in children who had received vaccine from one particular manufacturer. Extensive studies attributed the disaster to problems with inactivation. Addition of a Seitz filtration step midway during formalin inactivation and extension of the inactivation period resulted in a safe vaccine. No further paralytic cases were observed following the use of several hundred million doses of this improved vaccine. Thus, IPV was safe and caused a dramatic decline in the incidence of poliomyelitis in countries where it was used. A second generation IPV is produced in fermentors using well-characterized cell strains or continuous cell lines. The major breakthrough in the development of live poliovirus vaccine was the application of tissue culture methods for virus attenuation. By 1959 several candidate live oral poliovirus vaccines (OPV) had been developed. These were clinically tested in millions of individuals and found to be safe and effective. Since the attenuated virus strains developed by Koprowski and Cox were more neurotropic in monkeys than the Sabin strains, only the latter was licensed in the USA in 1961 and endorsed shortly after by the World Health Organization (WHO). The widespread use of Sabin's OPV in many countries hastened the development of International Requirements by WHO for OPV in 1962 to define the criteria that ensured the uniformity of batches produced by different manufacturers. These have been updated continuously in light of new information and quality control procedures. Extensive field trials have shown the risk of OPV associated polio to be less than 0.3 per million doses administered.  相似文献   

This report presents an overall distribution of poliovirus isolations in Japan, where poliomyelitis has been under control over two decades as a result of legal administration of two doses of the trivalent live oral poliovirus vaccine of the Sabin strains (OPV) to children under 48 months of age. During the past 12 years from 1980 through 1991, a total of 1,126 poliovirus isolations from humans and 268 isolations from sewage/river water were reported by respectively 49 and nine of the participating laboratories. Type 2 was most frequently isolated from children after administration of one dose of OPV, followed by type 1 and type 3. On the contrary, after the second dose of OPV, the rate of isolation of type 3 exceeded those of type 2 and type 1. Seasonal and age distribution of poliovirus isolations from both humans and sewage/river water paralleled the OPV vaccination schedule in Japan. One percent of the isolations were, however, from infants younger than the vaccination-scheduled ages and 5% were from children older than those ages, including one each from 15 and 16 years olds. The data indicate that the poliovirus has silently been disseminated from vaccinated children to others and the community, thus suggesting repeated transmission of the viruses. The fact that some elder children had poliovirus colonization in their alimentary tracts indicates a potential risk of infection of such a population when exposed to a wild virus and of becoming a source of transmission to others.  相似文献   

From 1988 to 1993, 30 cases of poliomyelitis associated with poliovirus type 2 were found in seven governorates of Egypt. Because many of the cases were geographically and temporally clustered and because the case isolates differed antigenically from the vaccine strain, it was initially assumed that the cases signaled the continued circulation of wild type 2 poliovirus. However, comparison of sequences encoding the major capsid protein, VP1 (903 nucleotides), revealed that the isolates were related (93 to 97% nucleotide sequence identity) to the Sabin type 2 oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) strain and unrelated (<82% nucleotide sequence identity) to the wild type 2 polioviruses previously indigenous to Egypt (last known isolate: 1979) or to any contemporary wild type 2 polioviruses found elsewhere. The rate and pattern of VP1 divergence among the circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (cVDPV) isolates suggested that all lineages were derived from a single OPV infection that occurred around 1983 and that progeny from the initiating infection circulated for approximately a decade within Egypt along several independent chains of transmission. Complete genomic sequences of an early (1988) and a late (1993) cVDPV isolate revealed that their 5' untranslated region (5' UTR) and noncapsid- 3' UTR sequences were derived from other species C enteroviruses. Circulation of type 2 cVDPVs occurred at a time of low OPV coverage in the affected communities and ceased when OPV coverage rates increased. The potential for cVDPVs to circulate in populations with low immunity to poliovirus has important implications for current and future strategies to eradicate polio worldwide.  相似文献   

In a previous study of poliovirus vaccine-derived strains isolated from patients with vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) (9, 11), we reported that a high proportion (over 50%) of viruses had a recombinant genome. Most were intertypic vaccine/vaccine recombinants. However, some had restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) profiles different from those of poliovirus vaccine strains. We demonstrate here that five such recombinants, of 88 VAPP strains examined, carried sequences of wild (nonvaccine) origin. To identify the parental wild donor of these sequences, we used RFLP profiles and nucleotide sequencing to look for similarity in the 3D polymerase-coding region of 61 wild, cocirculating poliovirus isolates (43 type 1, 16 type 2, and 2 type 3 isolates). In only one case was the donor identified, and it was a wild type 1 poliovirus. For the other four vaccine/wild recombinants, the wild parent could not be identified. The possibility that the wild sequences were of a non-poliovirus-enterovirus origin could not be excluded. Another vaccine/wild recombinant, isolated in Belarus from a VAPP case, indicated that the poliovirus vaccine/wild recombination is not an isolated phenomenon. We also found wild polioviruses (2 of 15) carrying vaccine-derived sequences in the 3' moiety of their genome. All these results suggest that genetic exchanges with wild poliovirus and perhaps with nonpoliovirus enteroviruses, are also a natural means of evolution for poliovirus vaccine strains.  相似文献   

Specific humoral immunity, total immune status and typing of HLA antigens, class 1, in loci A and B were studied in children with vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP). The immune status investigation revealed that changes in the content of serum immunoglobulins were most frequent. Out of 8 examined children, 5 children had IgA deficiency and 1 child had total variable immunodeficiency. In one case disturbances in cell-mediated immunity prevailed. Tissue typing revealed the presence of HLA A2 and B44 in 5 out of 6 examined children, which considerably exceeded their average occurrence among the Belorussian population. In spite of frequent detection of immunological disturbances in VAPP patients, out of 38 serologically examined children 36 (95%) were found to have virus-neutralizing serum antibodies to poliovirus, which was indicative of the capacity of their immune system for response to the administration of vaccine virus. To minimize the risk of VAPP in children and to achieve the goal of poliomyelitis eradication the combined immunization scheme consisting of 1-3 vaccinations with inactivated poliovaccine with subsequent administration of oral vaccine prepared from attenuated Sabin viruses is regarded as most promising.  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市脊髓灰质炎疫苗相关病例(VAPP)发生情况及流行病学特征,为消灭脊髓灰质炎后期脊灰疫苗免疫策略的研究提供基础数据。方法采用流行病学方法对深圳市2005—2012年残留麻痹急性弛缓性麻痹AFP病例个案资料、病原学检测结果、VAPP病例进行分析。结果 2005—2012年共报告残留麻痹病例55例,其中VAPP病例8例,占15.54%;深圳市VAPP病例均为小年龄组小于6月龄的儿童,总发生率0.20/10万,无接触者VAPP病例,其中首次服苗的VAPP发生率为0.51/10万;无明显的地区和时间分布聚集性。结论 VAPP的发生是接种脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗难以克服的弱点,为减少VAPP病例及防止脊灰疫苗衍生病毒的发生,应在消灭脊髓灰质炎后期科学、合理地调整消灭脊髓灰质炎的免疫策略。  相似文献   

To establish the etiology of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP), isolates from the central nervous system (CNS) from eight patients with VAPP were compared with stool isolates from the same patients. The vaccine (Sabin) origin was checked for all of the available isolates. Unique and similar strains were recovered from paired stool and CNS samples for five of the eight VAPP cases and the three wild-type cases included in the study. In the remaining three VAPP cases, the stool samples and, in one case, the CNS samples contained mixtures of strains. In two of these cases an equivalent of the CNS isolate was found among the strains separated by plaque purification from stool mixtures, and in one case different strains were isolated from CNS and stool. This shows that the stool isolate in VAPP might not be always representative of the etiologic agent of the neurological disease. A wide variety of poliovirus vaccine genomic structures appeared to be implicated in the etiology of VAPP. Of nine CNS vaccine-derived strains, four were nonrecombinant and five were recombinant (vaccine/vaccine or even vaccine/nonvaccine). The neuropathogenic potential of the isolates was evaluated in transgenic mice sensitive to poliovirus. All of the CNS-isolated strains lost the attenuated phenotype of the Sabin strains. However, for half of them, the neurovirulence was lower than expected, suggesting that the degree of neurovirulence for transgenic mice is not necessarily correlated with the neuropathogenicity in humans.  相似文献   

Markers of humoral and cellular immunity in 16 patients with vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) were evaluated. Signs of immunodeficiency (decrease of T- and B-lymphocytes counts, impaired synthesis of immunoglobulins, defects of phagocytosis, decrease of NK number) were revealed in all of the patients. Majority of them (81.3%) had defects in humoral immunity. Decrease of CD31, CD4+ and CD8+ was detected in 86.7, 35.7 and 91.7% of the patients respectively. Study of serum immunoglobulins performed in 15 patients showed decrease of IgG, IgM and IgA levels in 6 (40%), 1 (6.7%) and 6 (40%) of the patients respectively. Agammaglobulinemia was diagnosed in one patient in which only trace quantities of IgA and IgG were detected and IgM level was well below the normal. Congenital deficiency of IgA was diagnosed in 3 children. Majority of the children (11 from 12) had comorbidities (frequent respiratory infections, dermatitis, changes of intestinal microflora). Thus, immunocompromised condition of a child is a risk factor for VAPP after administration of alive oral poliovaccine.  相似文献   

In developing countries, every year about 70 million measles cases occur with 1.5 million deaths, over 200,000 children contract paralytic poliomyelitis, 50 million people get infected with viral B hepatitis causing over 1 million deaths, and several thousand people perish because of yellow fever according to WHO data. At the present time, there are 12 vaccines against viruses: vaccines against German measles and mumps in addition to the above. The universal immunization program (UIP) of WHO targets measles and polio. In 1989, a WHO resolution envisioned a 90% immunization coverage by the year 2000. Measles vaccination is recommended for children aged 9-23 months, since most children have maternal antibodies during the first 3-13 months of age. The Edmonston-Zagreb vaccine provided seroconversion of 92, 96, and 98% for 18 months vs. the 66, 76, and 91% rate of the Schwarz vaccine. In the US, measles incidence increased from 1497 cases in 1983 to 6382 cases in 1988 to over 14,000 cases in 1989, prompting second vaccination in children of school age. The highest incidence of polio was registered in Southeast Asia, although it declined from 1 case/100,000 population in 1975 to .5/100,000 in 1988. Oral poliomyelitis vaccine (OPV) provides protection: there is only 1 case/2.5 million vaccinations. Hepatitis B has infected over 2 billion people. About 300 million are carriers, with a prevalence of 20% in African, Asian, and Pacific region populations. Plasmatic and bioengineered recombinant vaccine type have been used in 30 million people. The first dose is given postnatally, the second at 1-2 months of age, and the 3rd at 1 year of age. Yellow fever vaccine was 50 years old in 1988, yet during 1986-1988 there were 5395 cases with 3172 deaths in Africa and South America. Vaccination provides 90-95% seroconversion, and periodic follow-up vaccinations under UIP could eradicate these infections and their etiologic agents.  相似文献   

Eradication of poliomyelitis from large metropolis cities in India has been difficult due to high population density and the presence of large urban slums. Three paralytic poliomyelitis cases were reported in Mumbai, India, in 1999 and 2000 in spite of high immunization coverage and good-quality supplementary immunization activities. We therefore established a systematic environmental surveillance study by weekly screening of sewage samples from three high-risk slum areas to detect the silent transmission of wild poliovirus. In 2001, from among the 137 sewage samples tested, wild poliovirus type 1 was isolated from 35 and wild poliovirus type 3 was isolated from 1. Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance indicated one case of paralytic poliomyelitis from the city. Phylogenetic analysis with complete VP1 sequences revealed that the isolates from environmental samples belonged to four lineages of wild polioviruses recently isolated from poliomyelitis cases in Uttar Pradesh and not to those previously isolated from AFP cases in Mumbai. Wild poliovirus thus introduced caused one case of paralytic poliomyelitis. The virus was detected in environmental samples 3 months before. It was found that wild polioviruses introduced several times during the year circulated in Mumbai for a limited period before being eliminated. Environmental surveillance was found to be sensitive for the detection of wild poliovirus silent transmission. Nucleotide sequence analysis helped identify wild poliovirus reservoir areas.  相似文献   

Eradication of poliomyelitis from large metropolis cities in India has been difficult due to high population density and the presence of large urban slums. Three paralytic poliomyelitis cases were reported in Mumbai, India, in 1999 and 2000 in spite of high immunization coverage and good-quality supplementary immunization activities. We therefore established a systematic environmental surveillance study by weekly screening of sewage samples from three high-risk slum areas to detect the silent transmission of wild poliovirus. In 2001, from among the 137 sewage samples tested, wild poliovirus type 1 was isolated from 35 and wild poliovirus type 3 was isolated from 1. Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance indicated one case of paralytic poliomyelitis from the city. Phylogenetic analysis with complete VP1 sequences revealed that the isolates from environmental samples belonged to four lineages of wild polioviruses recently isolated from poliomyelitis cases in Uttar Pradesh and not to those previously isolated from AFP cases in Mumbai. Wild poliovirus thus introduced caused one case of paralytic poliomyelitis. The virus was detected in environmental samples 3 months before. It was found that wild polioviruses introduced several times during the year circulated in Mumbai for a limited period before being eliminated. Environmental surveillance was found to be sensitive for the detection of wild poliovirus silent transmission. Nucleotide sequence analysis helped identify wild poliovirus reservoir areas.  相似文献   

The global eradication of poliomyelitis will require substantial changes in immunization practices. One of the proposed scenarios includes cessation of vaccination with live oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) and the creation of an OPV stockpile for emergency response in case of the reintroduction of poliovirus into circulation. We describe here a retrospective analysis of the cessation of OPV usage in a region of the Byelorussian Republic of the former Soviet Union in 1963 to 1966. During this period, a widespread circulation and evolution of independent lineages of vaccine-derived polioviruses took place in the region. Some of these lineages appeared to originate from OPV given to 40 children in the community during this period of essentially no vaccinations. The data demonstrate very high risks associated with both the local cessation of OPV vaccination and the proposed use of OPV to control a possible reemergence of poliovirus in the postvaccination period. The high transmissibility of OPV-derived viruses in nonimmune population, documented here, and the known existence of long-term OPV excretors should be also considered in assessing risks of the synchronized global cessation of OPV usage.  相似文献   

The global incidence of poliomyelitis has dropped by more than 99 per cent since the governments of the world committed to eradication in 1988. One of the three serotypes of wild poliovirus has been eradicated and the remaining two serotypes are limited to just a small number of endemic regions. However, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) has faced a number of challenges in eradicating the last 1 per cent of wild-virus transmission. The polio endgame has also been complicated by the recognition that vaccination with the oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) must eventually cease because of the risk of outbreaks of vaccine-derived polioviruses. I describe the major challenges to wild poliovirus eradication, focusing on the poor immunogenicity of OPV in lower-income countries, the inherent limitations to the sensitivity and specificity of surveillance, the international spread of poliovirus and resulting outbreaks, and the potential significance of waning intestinal immunity induced by OPV. I then focus on the challenges to eradicating all polioviruses, the problem of vaccine-derived polioviruses and the risk of wild-type or vaccine-derived poliovirus re-emergence after the cessation of oral vaccination. I document the role of research in the GPEI''s response to these challenges and ultimately the feasibility of achieving a world without poliomyelitis.  相似文献   

The trivalent oral poliomyelitis vaccine (OPV) contains three different poliovirus serotypes. It use therefore creates particularly favorable conditions for mixed infection of gut cells, and indeed intertypic vaccine-derived recombinants (VdRec) have been frequently found in patients with vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis. Nevertheless, there have not been extensive searches for VdRec in healthy vaccinees following immunization with OPV. To determine the incidence of VdRec and their excretion kinetics in primary vaccinees, and to establish the general genomic features of the corresponding recombinant genomes, we characterized poliovirus isolates excreted by vaccinees following primary immunization with OPV. Isolates were collected from 67 children 2 to 60 days following vaccination. Recombinant strains were identified by multiple restriction fragment length polymorphism assays. The localization of junction sites in recombinant genomes was also determined. VdRec excreted by vaccinees were first detected 2 to 4 days after vaccination. The highest rate of recombinants was on day 14. The frequency of VdRec depends strongly on the serotype of the analyzed isolates (2, 53, and 79% of recombinant strains in the last-excreted type 1, 2, and 3 isolates, respectively). Particular associations of genomic segments were preferred in the recombinant genomes, and recombination junctions were found in the genomic region encoding the nonstructural proteins. Recombination junctions generally clustered in particular subgenomic regions that were dependent on the serotype of the isolate and/or on the associations of genomic segments in recombinants. Thus, VdRec are frequently excreted by vaccinees, and the poliovirus replication machinery requirements or selection factors appear to act in vivo to shape the features of the recombinant genomes.  相似文献   

Sixteen type 1 poliovirus strains were isolated from a sewage disposal plant located downstream of the Oyabe River in Japan between October 1993 and September 1995. The isolates were intratypically differentiated as vaccine-derived strains. Neutralizing antigenicity analysis with monoclonal antibodies and estimation of neurovirulence by mutant analysis by PCR and restriction enzyme cleavage (MAPREC) were performed for 13 type 1 strains of these isolates. The isolates were classified into three groups. Group I (five strains) had a variant type of antigenicity and neurovirulent phenotype. Group II (four strains) had the vaccine type of antigenicity and neurovirulent phenotype. Group III (four strains) had the vaccine type of antigenicity and an attenuated phenotype. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the virulent isolates were neutralized by human sera obtained after oral poliomyelitis vaccine (OPV) administration, and the sera of rats immunized with inactivated poliovirus vaccine. Although vaccination was effective against virulent polioviruses, virulent viruses will continue to exist in the environment as long as OPV is in use.  相似文献   

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