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Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a ligand for the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) and the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP). The aim of the present study was to clarify the role of hepatically localized apoE in the rapid initial removal of chylomicron remnants by using the isolated perfused liver. Radiolabeled chylomicron remnants were perfused in a single nonrecirculating pass into the livers of C57BL/6J (wild-type) mice, apoE-knockout mice, and apoE/LDLR-knockout mice for a period of 20 min. Aliquots of the perfusate leaving the liver were collected at regular intervals and the rate of removal of radioactivity was determined. At a trace concentration of chylomicron remnants (0.05 microgram of protein per ml), wild-type mouse livers removed at a steady state of 50-55% of total chylomicron remnants perfused per pass; livers from apoE-knockout mice had the same capacity as wild-type mouse livers. When the concentration of remnants was increased to 12 microgram of protein per ml, a level at which it has been shown that LDL receptor and LRP are near saturation, the capacity of the wild-type mouse livers to remove chylomicron remnants was decreased to 10-25% per pass, confirming that the removal mechanisms were nearing saturation. However, instead of finding a greater reduction in the removal rates or impairment in chylomicron remnant removal, livers from apoE-knockout mice were just as efficient as those from wild-type mice in removing remnants. Livers of mice that lacked both apoE and the LDLR also had a similar rate of removal at relatively low remnant concentrations (0.05-0.5 microgram/ml), but had reduced capacity in removing remnants at a relatively high concentration (4-12 microgram/ml) of chylomicron remnants ( approximately 20% per pass). The rate of removal at these concentrations, however, was similar to that attributed to the LRP in previous studies. Chylomicron remnants, whose apolipoproteins were disrupted by trypsinization, were removed at a normal rate by wild-type mouse livers but there was almost no removal by apoE-knockout mouse livers. At higher concentrations, however, the removal of apolipoprotein-disrupted chylomicron remnants was decreased.Our present findings do not support the hypothesis that hepatically localized apoE is a critical factor in the rapid initial removal of chylomicron remnants by either of the major pathways but do suggest that hepatically localized apoE can be added to lipoproteins to accelerate their uptake, although this process may have a limited capacity to compensate for apoE deficiency on lipoproteins.  相似文献   



Lipoprotein receptors from the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor family are multifunctional membrane proteins which can efficiently mediate endocytosis and thereby facilitate lipoprotein clearance from the plasma. The biggest member of this family, the LDL receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1), facilitates the hepatic uptake of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TRL) via interaction with apolipoprotein E (apoE). In contrast to the classical LDL degradation pathway, TRL disintegrate in peripheral endosomes, and core lipids and apoB are targeted along the endocytic pathway for lysosomal degradation. Notably, TRL-derived apoE remains within recycling endosomes and is then mobilized by high density lipoproteins (HDL) for re-secretion. The aim of this study is to investigate the involvement of LRP1 in the regulation of apoE recycling.

Principal Findings

Immunofluorescence studies indicate the LRP1-dependent trapping of apoE in EEA1-positive endosomes in human hepatoma cells. This processing is distinct from other LRP1 ligands such as RAP which is efficiently targeted to lysosomal compartments. Upon stimulation of HDL-induced recycling, apoE is released from LRP1-positive endosomes but is targeted to another, distinct population of early endosomes that contain HDL, but not LRP1. For subsequent analysis of the recycling capacity, we expressed the full-length human LRP1 and used an RNA interference approach to manipulate the expression levels of LRP1. In support of LRP1 determining the intracellular fate of apoE, overexpression of LRP1 significantly stimulated HDL-induced apoE recycling. Vice versa LRP1 knockdown in HEK293 cells and primary hepatocytes strongly reduced the efficiency of HDL to stimulate apoE secretion.


We conclude that LRP1 enables apoE to accumulate in an early endosomal recycling compartment that serves as a pool for the intracellular formation and subsequent re-secretion of apoE-enriched HDL particles.  相似文献   

Mice deficient in receptor-associated protein (RAP) were phenotypically normal, but in contrast to results previously reported in RAP(-/-) mice, nearly 50% of the offspring died at or shortly after birth. To attempt to determine the reason for this, we analyzed the regulation of expression of genes involved in apolipoprotein E (apoE)-based mechanisms in RAP-deficient mice and compared this to results in mice deficient in low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) or apoE. The major finding concerned a large increase in hepatic lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) mRNA and LDLR mRNA levels in pregnant RAP knockout mice. This is in contrast to the down-regulation of LRP mRNA and LDLR mRNA, which is normally seen in wild-type mice. Also in LDLR knockout mice, a significant up-regulation in expression of LRP mRNA was demonstrated. In apoE knockout mice, hepatic LRP mRNA did not change significantly, while hepatic LDLR mRNA expression was increased. In placenta and uterus, the deficiency of RAP did not markedly affect the expression of LRP and LDLR. Lipoprotein lipase mRNA and apoE mRNA increased during pregnancy in all mice, independent of their genetic status. The current study does not directly explain the increased mortality of RAP(-/-) pups. The data demonstrate, however, important relative changes in expression of the genes analyzed, an indication that LRP and LDLR play an important role in lipid metabolism during pregnancy.  相似文献   

A portion of apolipoprotein E (apoE) internalized by hepatocytes is spared degradation and is recycled. To investigate the intracellular routing of recycling apoE, primary hepatocyte cultures from LDL receptor-deficient mice and mice deficient in receptor-associated protein [a model of depressed expression of LDL receptor-related protein (LRP)] were incubated with human VLDL containing 125I-labeled human recombinant apoE3. Approximately 30% of the internalized intact apoE was recycled after 4 h. The N-terminal 22 kDa fragment of apoE was also resecreted, demonstrating that this apoE domain contains sufficient sequence to recycle. The 22 kDa fragment has reduced affinity for lipoproteins, suggesting that apoE recycling is linked to the ability of apoE to bind directly to a recycling receptor. Finally, apoE was found to recycle equally well in the presence of brefeldin A, a drug that blocks transport from the endoplasmic reticulum and leads to collapse of the Golgi stacks. Our studies demonstrate that apoE recycling occurs 1) in the absence of the LDL receptor or under conditions of markedly reduced LRP expression; 2) when apoE lacks the carboxyl-terminal domain, which allows binding to the lipoprotein; and 3) in the absence of an intact Golgi apparatus. We conclude that apoE recycling occurs through multiple redundant pathways.  相似文献   

This research was undertaken to identify the cell surface receptor responsible for mediating apolipoprotein E (apoE) inhibition of platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-directed smooth muscle cell migration. Initial studies revealed the expression of the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR), the LDL receptor-related protein (LRP), the very low density lipoprotein receptor (VLDL), and apoE receptor-2 in mouse aortic smooth muscle cells. Smooth muscle cells isolated from LDLR-null, VLDL-null, and apoE receptor-2-null mice were responsive to apoE inhibition of PDGF-directed smooth muscle cell migration, suggesting that these receptors were not involved. An antisense RNA expression knockdown strategy, utilizing morpholino antisense RNA against LRP, was used to reduce LRP expression in smooth muscle cells to assess the role of this receptor in apoE inhibition of cell migration. Results showed that apoE was unable to inhibit PDGF-directed migration of LRP-deficient smooth muscle cells. The role of LRP in mediating apoE inhibition of PDGF-directed smooth muscle cell migration was confirmed by experiments showing that antibodies against LRP effectively suppressed apoE inhibition of PDGF-directed smooth muscle cell migration. Taken together, these results document that apoE binding to LRP is required for its inhibition of PDGF-directed smooth muscle cell migration.  相似文献   

Differences in affinity of human apolipoprotein E (apoE) isoforms for the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) are thought to result in the differences in lipid metabolism observed in humans with different APOE genotypes. Mice expressing three common human apoE isoforms, E2, E3, and E4, in place of endogenous mouse apoE were used to investigate the relative roles of apoE isoforms in LDLR- and non-LDLR-mediated very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) clearance. While both VLDL particles isolated from mice expressing apoE3 and apoE4 bound to mouse LDLR with affinity and Bmax similar to VLDL containing mouse apoE, VLDL with apoE2 bound with only half the Bmax. In the absence of the LDLR, all lines of mice expressing human apoE showed dramatic increases in VLDL cholesterol and triglycerides (TG) compared to LDLR knockout mice expressing mouse apoE. The mechanism of the hyperlipidemia in mice expressing human apoE isoforms is due to impairment of non-LDL-receptor-mediated VLDL clearance. This results in the severe atherosclerosis observed in mice expressing human apoE but lacking the LDLR, even when fed normal chow diet. Our data show that defects in LDLR independent pathway(s) are a potential factor that trigger hyperlipoproteinemia when the LDLR pathway is perturbed, as in E2/2 mice.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE), a chaperone for the amyloid beta (Abeta) peptide, regulates the deposition and structure of Abeta that deposits in the brain in Alzheimer disease (AD). The primary apoE receptor that regulates levels of apoE in the brain is unknown. We report that the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) regulates the cellular uptake and central nervous system levels of astrocyte-derived apoE. Cells lacking LDLR were unable to appreciably endocytose astrocyte-secreted apoE-containing lipoprotein particles. Moreover, cells overexpressing LDLR showed a dramatic increase in apoE endocytosis and degradation. We also found that LDLR knock-out (Ldlr-/-) mice had a significant, approximately 50% increase in the level of apoE in the cerebrospinal fluid and extracellular pools of the brain. However, when the PDAPP mouse model of AD was bred onto an Ldlr-/- background, we did not observe a significant change in brain Abeta levels either before or after the onset of Abeta deposition. Interestingly, human APOE3 or APOE4 (but not APOE2) knock-in mice bred on an Ldlr-/- background had a 210% and 380% increase, respectively, in the level of apoE in cerebrospinal fluid. These results demonstrate that central nervous system levels of both human and murine apoE are directly regulated by LDLR. Although the increase in murine apoE caused by LDLR deficiency was not sufficient to affect Abeta levels or deposition by 10 months of age in PDAPP mice, it remains a possibility that the increase in human apoE3 and apoE4 levels caused by LDLR deficiency will affect this process and could hold promise for therapeutic targets in AD.  相似文献   

Large numbers of activated glia are a common pathological feature of many neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Several different stimuli, including lipopolysaccharide (LPS), dibutyryl (db)cAMP, and aged amyloid-β 1–42 (Aβ), can induce glial activation in vitro, as measured by morphological changes and the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress molecules. Only Aβ-induced activation is attenuated by the addition of exogenous apolipoprotein E (apoE)-containing particles. In addition, only Aβ also induces an increase in the amount of endogenous apoE, the primary apolipoprotein expressed by astrocytes in the brain. The functional significance of the increase in apoE appears to be to limit the inflammatory response. Indeed, compared to wild type mice, glial cells cultured from apoE knockout mice exhibit an enhanced production of several pro-inflammatory markers in response to treatment with Aβ and other activating stimuli. The mechanism for both the Aβ-induced glial activation and the increase in apoE appears to involve apoE receptors, a variety of which are expressed by both neurons and glia. Experiments using receptor associated protein (RAP), an inhibitor of apoE receptors with a differential affinity for the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) and the LDLR-related protein (LRP), revealed that LRP mediates Aβ-induced glial activation, while LDLR mediates the Aβ-induced changes in apoE levels. In summary, both an apoE receptor agonist (apoE) and an antagonist (RAP) inhibit Aβ-induced glial cell activation. Thus, apoE receptors appear to translate the presence of extracellular Aβ into cellular responses, both initiating glial cell activation and limiting its scope by inducing apoE, an anti-inflammatory agent.  相似文献   

LDL receptor-deficient (LDLR(-/-)) mice fed a Western diet exhibit severe hyperlipidemia and develop significant atherosclerosis. Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a multifunctional protein synthesized by hepatocytes and macrophages. We sought to determine effect of macrophage apoE deficiency on severe hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis. Female LDLR(-/-) mice were lethally irradiated and reconstituted with bone marrow from either apoE(-/-) or apoE(+/+) mice. Four weeks after transplantation, recipient mice were fed a Western diet for 8 weeks. Reconstitution of LDLR(-/-) mice with apoE(-/-) bone marrow resulted in a slight reduction in plasma apoE levels and a dramatic reduction in accumulation of apoE and apoB in the aortic wall. Plasma lipid levels were unaffected when mice had mild hyperlipidemia on a chow diet, whereas IDL/LDL cholesterol levels were significantly reduced when mice developed severe hyperlipidemia on the Western diet. The hepatic VLDL production rate of mice on the Western diet was decreased by 46% as determined by injection of Triton WR1339 to block VLDL clearance. Atherosclerotic lesions in the proximal aorta were significantly reduced, partially due to reduction in plasma total cholesterol levels (r=0.56; P<0.0001). Thus, macrophage apoE-deficiency alleviates severe hyperlipidemia by slowing hepatic VLDL production and consequently reduces atherosclerosis in LDLR(-/-) mice.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein (apo) E3-Leiden is a variant of apoE that is associated with dominant expression of type III hyperlipoproteinemia and that is defective in binding to the low density lipoprotein receptor. Therefore, the structure of apoE3-Leiden was investigated. Upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis apoE3-Leiden and its 22-kDa amino-terminal thrombolytic fragment migrated with a higher than normal apparent molecular weight. The structural abnormality of apoE3-Leiden was determined by sequencing its CNBr-, tryptic-, and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease-generated peptides. In contrast to normal apoE3, which has a cysteine at residue 112, apoE3-Leiden does not contain any cysteine and has an arginine at position 112 (as does apoE4, which also completely lacks cysteine). The basis for the molecular weight difference was determined to be a seven-amino acid insertion that is a tandem repeat of residues 121-127 of normal apoE3, i.e. Glu-Val-Gln-Ala-Met-Leu-Gly, resulting in apoE3-Leiden having 306 amino acids rather than 299. The negatively charged glutamyl residues within the insertion compensates for the arginine substitution at residue 112; thus apoE3-Leiden focuses in the E3 position. The low density lipoprotein receptor binding activities of both intact apoE3-Leiden and its 22-kDa thrombolytic fragment were determined in an in vitro assay. Although apoE3-Leiden had only about 25% of normal binding activity, its 22-kDa thrombolytic fragment had nearly normal binding, suggesting that the carboxyl-terminal domain of apoE3-Leiden modulates the receptor binding function of its amino-terminal domain.  相似文献   

Remnant-like emulsions labeled with cholesteryl [(13)C]-oleate were prepared with lipid compositions similar to remnants derived from triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins. When injected into the bloodstream of conscious mice, the remnant-like emulsions were metabolized in the liver leading to the appearance of (13)CO(2) in the breath. Previously, using this technique, we found that remnant metabolism was significantly impaired but not completely inhibited in mice lacking low density lipoprotein receptors (LDLr). We have now found in mice with non-functional low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) that breath enrichment of (13)CO(2) was significantly decreased, indicating that the LRP also plays an important role in the metabolism of chylomicron remnants (CR). The enrichment of (13)CO(2) in the expired breath was negligible in mice lacking both LDLr and receptor-associated protein (-/-), essential for normal function of LRP. In mice pre-injected with gluthatione S-transferase-receptor-associated protein to block LRP binding, there was a marked inhibition of the appearance of (13)CO(2) in the expired breath of homozygous LDLr-deficient mice, supporting the role of LRP in vivo. Whether or not LDLr were present, in mouse and human fibroblast cells human apoE3 or E4 but not apoE2 were essential for binding of remnant-like emulsions, while lactoferrin and suramin completely inhibited binding. We conclude that in normal mice LDLr are important for the physiological metabolism of CR. When LDLr are absent the evidence supports a role for the LRP in the uptake of CR in liver cells and in fibroblasts, with binding characteristics for CR-associated apoE similar to LDLr.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E2, which has an R158 for C substitution, has reduced affinity for the LDL receptor and is associated with type III hyperlipoproteinemia in humans. Consistent with these observations, we have found that following adenovirus-mediated gene transfer, full-length apoE2 aggravates the hypercholesterolemia and induces hypertriglyceridemia in E-deficient mice and induces combined hyperlipidemia in C57BL/6 mice. Unexpectedly, the truncated apoE2-202 form that has an R158 for C substitution when expressed at levels similar to those of the full-length apoE2 normalized the cholesterol levels of E-deficient mice without induction of hypertriglyceridemia. The apoE2 truncation increased the affinity of POPC-apoE particles for the LDL receptor, and the full-length apoE2 had a dominant effect in VLDL triglyceride secretion. Hyperlipidemia in normal C57BL/6 mice was prevented by coinfection with equal doses of each, the apoE2 and the apoE2-202-expressing adenoviruses, indicating that truncated apoE forms have a dominant effect in remnant clearance. Hypertriglyceridemia was completely corrected by coinfection of mice with an adenovirus-expressing wild-type lipoprotein lipase, whereas an inactive lipoprotein lipase had a smaller effect. The findings suggest that the apoE2-induced dyslipidemia is not merely the result of substitution of R158 for C but results from increased secretion of a triglyceride-enriched VLDL that cannot undergo lipolysis, inhibition of LpL activity, and impaired clearance of chylomicron remnants. Infection of E(-)(/)(-)xLDLr(-)(/)(-) double-deficient mice with apoE2-202 did not affect the plasma cholesterol levels, and also did not induce hypertriglyceridemia. In contrast, apoE2 exacerbated the hypercholesterolemia and induced hypertriglyceridemia, suggesting that the LDL receptor is the predominant receptor in remnant clearance.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) plays a key role in the receptor-mediated uptake of lipoproteins by the liver and therefore in regulating plasma levels of lipoproteins. ApoE may also facilitate hepatic secretion of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) triglyceride (TG). We directly tested the hypothesis that reconstitution of hepatic apoE expression in adult apoE-deficient mice by gene transfer would acutely enhance VLDL-TG production and directly compared the three major human apoE isoforms using this approach. Second generation recombinant adenoviruses encoding the three major isoforms of human apoE (E2, E3, and E4) or a control virus were injected intravenously into apoE-deficient mice, resulting in acute expression of the apoE isoforms in the liver. Despite the expected decreases in total and VLDL cholesterol levels, apoE expression was associated with increased total and VLDL triglyceride levels (E2 > E4 > E3). The increase in TG levels significantly correlated with plasma apoE concentrations. In order to determine whether acute apoE expression influenced the rate of VLDL-TG production, additional experiments were performed. Three days after injection of adenoviruses, Triton WR1339 was injected to block lipolysis of TG-rich lipoproteins and VLDL-TG production rates were determined. Mice injected with control adenovirus had a mean VLDL-TG production rate of 74 +/- 7 micromol/h/kg. In contrast, VLDL-TG production rates in apoE-expressing mice were 363 +/- 162 micromol/h/kg, 286 +/- 175 micromol/h/kg, and 300 +/- 84 micromol/h/kg for apoE2, apoE3, and apoE4, respectively. The VLDL-TG production rates in apoE-expressing mice were all significantly greater than in control mice but were not significantly different from each other. In summary, acute expression of all three human apoE isoforms in livers of apoE-deficient mice markedly increased VLDL-TG production to a similar degree, consistent with the concept that apoE plays an important role in facilitating hepatic VLDL-TG production in an isoform-independent manner.  相似文献   

The low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) plays a major role in regulation of plasma cholesterol levels as a ligand for apolipoprotein B-100 and apolipoprotein E (apoE). Consequently, LDLR-deficient mice fed a Western-type diet develop significant hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis. ApoE not only mediates uptake of atherogenic lipoproteins via the LDLR and other cell-surface receptors, but also directly inhibits atherosclerosis. In this study, we examined the hypothesis that coexpression of the LDLR and apoE would have greater effects than either one alone on plasma cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis in LDLR-deficient mice. LDLR-deficient mice fed a Western-type diet for 10 weeks were injected with recombinant adenoviral vectors encoding the genes for human LDLR, human apoE3, both LDLR and apoE3, or lacZ (control). Plasma lipids were analyzed at several time points after vector injection. Six weeks after injection, mice were analyzed for extent of atherosclerosis by two independent methods. As expected, LDLR expression alone induced a significant reduction in plasma cholesterol due to reduced VLDL and LDL cholesterol levels, whereas overexpression of apoE alone did not reduce plasma cholesterol levels. When the LDLR and apoE were coexpressed in this model, the effects on plasma cholesterol levels were no greater than with expression of the LDLR alone. However, coexpression did result in a substantial increase in large apoE-rich HDL particles. In addition, although the combination of cholesterol reduction and apoE expression significantly reduced atherosclerosis, its effects were no greater than with expression of the LDLR or apoE alone. In summary, in this LDLR-deficient mouse model fed a Western-type diet, there was no evidence of an additive effect of expression of the LDLR and apoE on cholesterol reduction or atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Hypertriglyceridemic (HTG) very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) from subjects with type IV hyperlipoproteinemia induce both cholesteryl ester (CE) and triglyceride (TG) accumulation in cultured J774 macrophages. We examined whether the cytokine interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), which is expressed by lymphocytes in atherosclerotic lesions, would modulate macrophage uptake of HTG -VLDL. Incubation of cells with HTG -VLDL alone significantly increased cellular CE and TG mass 17- and 4.3-fold, respectively, while cellular free cholesterol (FC) was unaffected. Pre-incubation of cells with IFN-gamma (50 U/ml) prior to incubation with HTG -VLDL caused a marked enhancement in cellular CE and TG 27- and 6-fold over no additions (controls), respectively, and a 1.5-fold increase in FC. IFN-gamma increased low density lipoprotein (LDL)-induced cellular CE 2-fold compared to LDL alone. IFN-gamma did not enhance the uptake of type III (apoE2/E2) HTG -VLDL or VLDL from apoE knock-out mice. Incubations in the presence of a lipoprotein lipase (LPL) inhibitor or an acylCoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) inhibitor demonstrated that the IFN-gamma-enhanced HTG -VLDL uptake was dependent on LPL and ACAT activities. IFN-gamma significantly increased the binding and degradation of 125I-labeled LDL. Binding studies with 125I-labeled alpha2-macroglobulin, a known LDL receptor-related protein (LRP) ligand, and experiments with copper-oxidized LDL indicated that the IFN-gamma-enhanced uptake was not due to increased expression of the LRP or scavenger receptors. Thus, IFN-gamma may promote foam cell formation by accelerating macrophage uptake of native lipoproteins. IFN-gamma-stimulated CE accumulation in the presence of HTG -VLDL occurs via a process that requires receptor binding-competent apoE and active LPL. IFN-gamma-enhanced uptake of both HTG -VLDL and LDL is mediated by the LDL-receptor and requires ACAT-mediated cholesterol esterification.  相似文献   

Human apolipoprotein E (apo E) consists of two distinct domains, the lipid-associating domain (residues 192-299) and the globular domain (residues 1-191) which contains the LDL receptor (LDLR) binding site (residues 129-169). To test the hypothesis that an arginine-rich apo E receptor binding domain (residues 141-150) is sufficient to enhance low-density lipoprotein (LDL) uptake and clearance when covalently linked to a class A amphipathic helix, a peptide in which the receptor binding domain of human apo E, LRKLRKRLLR (hApoE[141-150]), is linked to 18A, a well-characterized high-affinity lipid-associating peptide (DWLKAFYDKVAEKLKEAF), we synthesized the peptide hApoE[141-150]-18A (hE18A) and its end-protected analogue, Ac-hE18A-NH(2). The importance of positively charged residues and the role of the hydrophobic residues in the receptor binding domain were also studied using four analogues. Ac-LRRLRRRLLR-18A-NH(2) [Ac-hE(R)18A-NH(2)] and Ac-LRKMRKRLMR-18A-NH(2) (Ac-mE18A-NH(2)) contained an extended hydrophobic face, including the receptor binding region. Control peptides, Ac-LRLLRKLKRR-18A-NH(2) [Ac-hE(Sc)18A-NH(2)], had the amino acid residues of the apo E receptor binding domain scrambled to disrupt the extended hydrophobic face, and Ac-RRRRRRRRRR-18A-NH(2) (Ac-R(10)18A-NH(2)) had only positively charged Arg residues as the receptor binding domain. The effect of the dual-domain peptides on the uptake and degradation of human LDL by fibroblasts was determined in murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEF1). LDL internalization was enhanced 3-, 5-, and 7-fold by Ac-mE18A-NH(2), Ac-hE18A-NH(2), and Ac-hE(R)18A-NH(2), respectively, whereas the control peptides had no significant biological activity. All three active peptides increased the level of degradation of LDL by 100%. The LDL binding and internalization to MEF1 cells in the presence of these peptides was not saturable over the LDL concentration range that was studied (1-10 microgram/mL). Furthermore, a similar enhancement of LDL internalization was observed independent of the presence of the LDL receptor-related protein (LRP), LDLR, or both. Pretreatment of cells with heparinase and heparitinase abolished more than 80% of the enhanced peptide-mediated LDL uptake and degradation by cells. We conclude that the dual-domain peptides enhanced LDL uptake and degradation by fibroblasts via a heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG)-mediated pathway.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that beta-amyloid (Abeta) induces astrocyte activation in vitro and that this reaction is attenuated by the addition of exogenous apolipoprotein E (apoE)-containing particles. However, the effects of Abeta on endogenous apoE and apoJ levels and the potential role of apoE receptors in astrocyte activation have not been addressed. Three activating stimuli (lipopolysaccharide, dibutyryl cAMP, and aged Abeta 1-42) were used to induce activation of rat astrocyte cultures, as assessed by changes in morphology and an increase in interleukin-1beta. However, only Abeta also induced approximately 50% reduction in the amount of released apoE and apoJ and an 8-fold increase in the levels of cell-associated apoE and apoJ. Experiments using two concentrations of receptor-associated protein, an inhibitor of apoE receptors with a differential affinity for the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) and the LDLR-related protein (LRP), suggest that LRP mediates Abeta-induced astrocyte activation, whereas LDLR mediates the Abeta-induced changes in apoE levels. Receptor-associated protein had no effect on apoJ levels or on activation by either dibutyryl cAMP or lipopolysaccharide. These data suggest that apoE receptors translate the presence of extracellular Abeta into cellular responses, both initiating and modulating the inflammatory response induced by Abeta.  相似文献   

LDL receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5) plays multiple roles, including embryonic development and bone accrual development. Recently, we demonstrated that LRP5 is also required for normal cholesterol metabolism and glucose-induced insulin secretion. To further define the role of LRP5 in the lipoprotein metabolism, we compared plasma lipoproteins in mice lacking LRP5, apolipoprotein E (apoE), or both (apoE;LRP5 double knockout). On a normal chow diet, the apoE;LRP5 double knockout mice (older than 4 months of age) had approximately 60% higher plasma cholesterol levels compared with the age-matched apoE knockout mice. In contrast, LRP5 deficiency alone had no significant effects on the plasma cholesterol levels. High performance liquid chromatography analysis of plasma lipoproteins revealed that cholesterol levels in the very low density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein fractions were markedly increased in the apoE;LRP5 double knockout mice. There were no apparent differences in the pattern of apoproteins between the apoE knockout mice and the apoE;LRP5 double knockout mice. The plasma clearance of intragastrically loaded triglyceride was markedly impaired by LRP5 deficiency. The atherosclerotic lesions of the apoE;LRP5 double knockout mice aged 6 months were approximately 3-fold greater than those in the age-matched apoE-knockout mice. Furthermore, histological examination revealed highly advanced atherosclerosis, with remarkable accumulation of foam cells and destruction of the internal elastic lamina in the apoE;LRP5 double knockout mice. These data suggest that LRP5 mediates both apoE-dependent and apoE-independent catabolism of plasma lipoproteins.  相似文献   

There are three major apolipoprotein E (apoE) isoforms. Although APOE-epsilon3 is considered a longevity gene, APOE-epsilon4 is a dual risk factor to atherosclerosis and Alzheimer disease. We have expressed full-length and N- and C-terminal truncated apoE3 and apoE4 tailored to eliminate helix and domain interactions to unveil structural and functional disturbances. The N-terminal truncated apoE4-(72-299) and C-terminal truncated apoE4-(1-231) showed more complicated or aggregated species than those of the corresponding apoE3 counterparts. This isoformic structural variation did not exist in the presence of dihexanoylphosphatidylcholine. The C-terminal truncated apoE-(1-191) and apoE-(1-231) proteins greatly lost lipid binding ability as illustrated by the dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine turbidity clearance. The low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor binding ability, determined by a competition binding assay of 3H-LDL to the LDL receptor of HepG2 cells, showed that apoE4 proteins with N-terminal (apoE4-(72-299)), C-terminal (apoE4-(1-231)), or complete C-terminal truncation (apoE4-(1-191)) maintained greater receptor binding abilities than their apoE3 counterparts. The cholesterol-lowering abilities of apoE3-(72-299) and apoE3-(1-231) in apoE-deficient mice were decreased significantly. The structural preference of apoE4 to remain functional in solution may explain the enhanced opportunity of apoE4 isoform to display its pathophysiologic functions in atherosclerosis and Alzheimer disease.  相似文献   

Croy JE  Brandon T  Komives EA 《Biochemistry》2004,43(23):7328-7335
LRP1 is a cell surface receptor responsible for clearing some 30 known ligands. We have previously shown that each of the three complete LDL receptor-homology domains of the LRP1 extracellular domain (sLRPs) binds apoE-enriched beta-VLDL particles. Here we show that two peptides from the N-terminal receptor binding domain of apoE, which are known to elicit a number of different cellular responses, bind to LRP1. Solution binding assays show that the two peptides, apoE(130-149) and apoE(141-155)(2), interact with each of the sLRPs (2, 3, and 4). Each peptide was found to exhibit the same solution binding characteristics as apoE-enriched beta-VLDL particles. Surface plasmon resonance analyses of the sLRP-apoE peptide interaction show that both peptides bind the sLRPs with K(D) values in the 100 nM range, a value similar to the effective concentration required for observation of the cellular responses. Consistent with results from mutagenesis studies of binding of apoE to LDLR, apoE(130-149,Arg142Glu) bound with a K(D) similar to that of the wild-type sequence, while apoE(130-149,Lys143Glu) showed a 10-fold decrease in K(D). Each of the peptides bound heparin, and heparin competed for sLRP binding.  相似文献   

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