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描述了采自云南西双版纳热带雨林的蟹蛛1新属:副泥蟹蛛属Paraborboropactus gen.nov.及3新种:郑氏副泥蟹蛛,新种Paraborboropactus zhengi sp.nov.,豆荚副泥蟹蛛,新种 Paraborboropactus leguminaceus sp.nov.以及菱形副泥蟹蛛,新种Paraborboropactus rhombus sp.nov,.模式标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   

记述了采自贵州洞穴和云南西双版纳雨林的愈螯蛛科安拉蛛属2新种,盘县安拉蛛Anapistula panensis sp.nov.和郑氏安拉蛛Anapistula zhengi sp.nov.,模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所(IZCAS).盘县安拉蛛,新种Anapistula panensis sp.nov.(图1~5)新种与A.bifurcate Harvey,1998相似.它们的区别为:前者触肢引导器呈不对称分叉,后者为对称分叉;前者跗舟具2根长背刺,后者缺失;前者生殖板中管成“Y”形,后者为“T”形;前者生殖板后缘直,后者呈弧形.正模♂,产自中国贵州省盘县珠东乡十里坪村神仙洞(25°37′N,104°45′E;海拔1 687 m),2007年3月15日.副模:1 ♂,50♀♀,采集信息同正模,刘杰、林玉成采.词源:新种种名源自模式产地地名;形容词.郑氏安拉蛛,新种Anapistula zhengi sp.nov.(图6~ 10)新种与A.secreta Gertsch,1941相似.它们区别为:前者跗舟具2根明显的长背刺,后者仅1根;前者触肢引导器呈三分叉,后者为二分叉;前者生殖板中管宽且短,后者窄且长;前者纳精囊较小,后者稍大.正模♂,产自中国云南省勐腊县勐仑镇西双版纳自然保护区雨林冠层(21°56′N,101°17′E;海拔876m),2006-09-19~ 2007-03-15.副模:48♂♂,156♀♀,采集信息同正模,郑国采.词源:新种种名源自采集人沈阳师范大学郑国博士的名字;词性为名词性同位语.  相似文献   

笔者于杭州郊县采得皿蛛科标本,经镜检,发现指蛛属一新种,今报道如下: 桐庐指蛛,新种Bathyphantes tongluensis sp. nov.(图1—4) 正模♀,配模♂,副模1♀,杭州桐庐县,1985年6月6日,陈樟福采。模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。 雌蛛长2.29—2.32mm。头胸部黄橙色,颈沟、放射沟及背甲边缘有灰褐色纹。前眼列背面观微后凹,后眼列平直。前中眼小,其余6眼大小相仿。前中眼间距小于前中侧眼间距,后中眼间距稍小于后中侧眼间距。两前中眼围在同一黑圈内;各侧的前、后侧眼相  相似文献   

记述了云南高黎贡山球蛛科灵蛛属2新种:长灵蛛Thymoites elongatus Peng,Yin et Hu,sp.nov.和三刺灵蛛Thymoites trisetaceus Peng,Yin et Griswold,sp.nov.。并提供了详细的描述和分布数据。模式标本保存在湖南师范大学生命科学学院和美国加州科学院。长灵蛛,新种Thymoites elongatus Peng,Yin et Hu,sp.nov.(图1 ~6)正模♂,副模1♀,云南腾冲县界头乡桥头村, 1 652m,2006-05-17 ,尹长民,胡佳芳,杨小华采(保存于湖南师范大学)。副模: 1 ♂,云南腾冲县界头乡大塘村大河岭干脚,1 952m,2006-05-17 ,彭贤锦,王新平,胡鹏采(保存于美国加州科学院) ;1 ♂,云南腾冲县界头乡大塘村大河岭干脚,1 952m,2006-05-17 ,彭贤锦,王新平,胡鹏采(保存于湖南师范大学)。新种雌蛛与Thymoites chikuniiYoshida,1988相似,但是有以下几点不同:新种交媾腔位于生殖板中部,远离生殖沟。而Thymoites chikunii的交媾腔则位于生殖沟附近。交媾管也比后者更长,弯曲缠绕更复杂。新种雄蛛与王氏灵蛛Thymoites wangi Zhu,1998类似。但有以下区别:新种插入器很长,几乎围绕整个生殖球边缘,而王氏灵蛛的插入器则相对较短,位于生殖球的中部。新种的贮精管清晰可见,后者的则不明显。词源:雄蛛触肢器具有长的引导器,故名长灵蛛。地理分布:中国云南。三刺灵蛛,新种Thymoites trisetaceus Peng,Yin et Griswold,sp.nov.(图7 ~12)正模♂,副模1♀,云南腾冲县界头乡大塘村大河岭干脚, 1 952m,2006-05-14 ,彭贤锦,王新平,胡鹏采(保存于湖南师范大学)。副模: 2 ♂♂,云南腾冲县新华乡龙井村山清, 1 880m,2006-05-27 ,尹长民,胡佳芳,杨小华采(保存于美国加州科学院) ; 1 ♂,云南腾冲县上阴乡窜龙村,1 990m,2006-06-04 ,尹长民,胡佳芳,杨小华采(保存于湖南师范大学) ;1 ♂,云南腾冲县猴桥乡找笔塘村, 2 510m,2006-05-29 ,彭贤锦,王新平,胡鹏采(保存于湖南师范大学)。新种雌雄蛛都类似于王氏灵蛛Thymoites wangiZhu,1998 ,但有以下不同: 1)新种的外雌器后端无球状隆起,而王氏灵蛛的外雌器后端有球状隆起;2)新种雌蛛的交媾管呈纵向排列,而王氏灵蛛的则呈横向排列; 3)新种的交媾孔接近生殖沟,而后者的则远离生殖沟; 4)新种雄蛛的插入器很短,起始部位于9点的位置,而王氏灵蛛的插入器长,起始部位于3点的位置; 5)新种的插入器基部较小,生殖球腹面突起较少。词源:新种因前中、侧眼间的突起上有3根刺,故名三刺灵蛛。地理分布:中国云南。  相似文献   

记述我国泰莱蛛科1新属1新种,白龙平莱蛛Pinnelema bailongensis.nov.et sp.nov..模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所.平莱蛛属,新属Pinelema gen.nov.与该科其它属的主要区别在于下唇宽大于长;雄性腹柄与腹侧板形状特异;雄性触肢跗节前侧面仅具1突起;雄性触肢生殖球结构简单,插入器管状,逐渐向端部变细,尖端角质化.词源:新属属名由模式产地平果县以及近似属泰莱蛛属组合而成.白龙平莱蛛,新种Pinelema bailongensis gen.nov.et sp.nov.(图1~17) 新种近似心状泰莱蛛Telema cordata Wang et Li,2010,但新种螯沟后缘具4个颗粒状的小齿,后者仅具3个;新种生殖球卵形,后者心形;新种触肢跗节前侧面突起较长,是后者的4倍.正模♂,广西壮族自治区百色市平果县白龙洞,2009-08-01,王春霞、姚志远采.副模:20♂♂,34♀♀,同正模.词源:新种种名以模式产地白龙洞命名.  相似文献   

中国蟹蛛科1新纪录属及2新种记述(蛛形纲:蜘蛛目)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述了壮蟹蛛属Stiphropus和斜蟹蛛属Loxobates蜘蛛2新种,分别命名为镰壮蟹蛛,新种Stiphropus falciformus sp.nov.和刺斜蟹蛛,新种Loxobates spiniformis sp.nov..壮蟹蛛属Stiphropus在我国尚属首次记述.壮蟹蛛属Stiphropus Gerst(a)cker,1873新纪录属Stiphropus Gerst(a)cker,1873479;Ono,198059模式种Stiphropus lugubris Gerst(a)cker,1873 鉴别特征本属与革蟹蛛属Coriarachne Thorell,1870(Song & Zhu,1997,61)在体型上非常相似,但具以下区别头 胸部长大于宽,而不是宽大于长;步足和触肢具许多羽状毛(plumose hairs)(figs.1 C~D),但后者无;雄蛛插入器大,小刀状(cultrate)或acerate,后者小而呈刺状;雌蛛外雌器中隔骨化强烈,而后者不明显.镰壮蟹蛛,新种Stiphropus falciformus sp.nov.正模♂大理市凤仪镇公山,25°35'N,100°18'E,2002年5月21日,杨自忠采;副模1♀,地点同前,2002年6月29日,杨自忠采;3♂,元谋县元马镇,25°42'N,101°53'E,2005年9月12日,李巧采;1♂,元谋县老城乡,25°37'N,101°54'E,2005年9月10日,李巧采.词源学本新种种名根据插入器的形状而拟定.鉴别特征本新种与眼斑壮蟹蛛Stiphropus ocellatus Thorell,1887(Ono,1980 b64,flgs.12~27)相似,但具以下区别插入器比后者长而宽;外侧突比后者短而宽.斜蟹蛛属Loxobates Thorell,1877 Loxobates Thorell,1877495;Song & Zhu,199740;Song,Zhu & Chen,1999481模式种Loxobates ephippiatus Thorell,1877刺斜蟹蛛,新种Loxobates spiniformis sp.nov.正模♂云南省大理市点苍山,25°58'N,99°52'E,2002年6月9日;副模1♀,4 ♂,地点同前,2004年5月22日,海拔2 300~2 500 m,杨自忠采;副模3♀,8♂,地点同前,2005年5月31日,杨自忠、杨飞采.词源学本新种名根据雄蛛触肢胫节外侧突起的形状而拟定.鉴别特征本新种雄蛛的插入器形状与小斜蟹蛛Loxobates minorOno,2001(p.208,figs.6~8)相似,但具以下区别胫节外侧突基部螺旋状,端部刺状(figs.2.D~E),后者小而呈指状;腹侧突腹面观指状而不呈钝齿状.雌蛛与大东斜蟹蛛L.daitoensis Ono,1988(p.43,figs.27~33)相似,外雌器近"U"字形、交配管长而不同于后者.  相似文献   

中国长纺器蛛两新种——(蜘蛛目:长纺器蛛科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述了采自我国云南、安徽两省的长纺器蛛属两新种。波纹长纺器蛛,新种Hersilia striata sp。nov.(图1) 正模:,配模:,副模4 11(云南勐养,1981.8.9,王家福采),副模:11幼体(云南思茅,1979.3.3—5,王家福采)。 雌蛛体呈背腹扁平。头胸部颈沟较深,头部稍隆起,以后中眼所在位置处为最高点。眼区黑色,8眼2列,前后眼列均后曲,其后曲度前眼列较后眼列为大。眼异型,前侧眼为夜眼,其余为昼眼。前中眼最大,约为前侧眼直径的2.5倍,前中眼间距小于前中侧眼间距。后列4眼近等大,约为前侧眼直径的1.5倍。后中眼间距小于后中侧眼间距。中眼  相似文献   

记述中国皿蛛科1新纪录属和1新种:莫蛛属Moebelia Dahl,1886,方胫莫蛛 Moebelia rectangula sp.nov.模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所,北京. 方胫莫蛛,新种Moebelia rectangula sp.nov.(图1~11) 正模♂,河北嶂石岩, 2005-09-12 ,李枢强采;副模8♀♀,12 ♂♂,河北嶂石岩,李枢强等采; 4♀♀,7♂♂,北京门头沟,王倩等采。 新种与产自芬兰的毛笔莫蛛Moebelia penicillata(图12~22)相近,两者主要区别:前者触肢胫节无毛笔状毛簇;前者触肢前侧胫节突方形,后者锥形;前者超盾片突无三角形片状突起;前者外雌器后缘比后者宽;前者纳精囊之间的距离窄于后者。  相似文献   

记述了采自中国重庆洞穴内的球体蛛科喀蛛属1新种,心形喀蛛Karstia cordata sp.nov.,模式标本保存在四川大学自然博物馆(SCUM).心形喀蛛,新种Karstia cordata sp.nov.(图1~18)新种与上扬子喀蛛K.upperyangtzica Chen,2010相似,但它们的区别在于:前者具1插入器附片,后者缺失;前者插入器突不分叉,后者多分叉;前者中突表面呈具细齿锉刀状,后者光滑;前者雌性生殖板呈心形,后者为近三角形,前者纳精囊宽且长,后者窄而短.正模♂,产自中国重庆市武隆县土地乡天生村硝洞(29.53°N,107.85°E;海拔1050 m),2010-10-17.副模:1 ♂,3♀ ♀,采集信息同正模;2 ♂♂,10♀ ♀,产自四川省华蓥市洋河镇盐井沟村垛子石洞(30.29°N,106.77°E),2010-10-16,均为林玉成和窦亮采集.词源:新种种名源自拉丁词语cordatus(心形的),意指该种雌性生殖板形状;形容词.  相似文献   

记述产自贵州省荔波县茂兰自然保护区的类球蛛科小类球蛛属1新种,命名为宋氏小类球蛛Nesticella songi sp.nov..模式标本保存在贵州茂兰自然保护区管理局和河北大学生命科学学院.正模♂,副模1♂,2♀♀,贵州荔波县茂兰自然保护区水拔水洞,2001年7月7日,陈会明采.鉴别特征新种近似于台湾小类球蛛Nesticella taiwan Tso et Yoshida,2000,但其雄蛛触肢器的引导器基部中间突起呈三角形,副跗舟具5个分叉;雌蛛外雌器垂体呈舌状而不同于后者.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and systematics of two red colored freshwater cryptomonads, Storeatula rhinosa , sp. nov. and Pyrenomonas ovalis , sp. nov., are described for the first time. Storeatula, which had been described from marine waters only, has a single inner periplast sheet and a fibrous surface periplast component. Cells lack a furrow but possess a gullet, a bilobed chloroplast connected by a pyrenoid and a nucleomorph located in an indentation of the pyrenoid. This freshwater Storeatula possesses the same general features as the marine species, but it has a contractile vacuole and lacks the lobed chloroplast of S. major. P. ovalis has the generic characteristics described for marine species of Rhodomonas. These characteristics include a short furrow, a deep gullet, square inner periplast plates with beveled corners, a slightly fibrillar surface periplast component, a single chloroplast with two lobes connected by a pyrenoidal bridge and a nucleomorph located in an indentation of the pyrenoid.  相似文献   

The culture CCMP 1383, obtained from sea-ice brine collected in McMurdo Sound (Ross Sea, Antarctica), is a small gymnodinioid dinoflagellate. This species is very abundant in the upper land-fast sea ice, where it can both grow and overwinter as a spiny encysted stage. The motile vegetative stage and the cyst produced in the culture were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron micrscopy (TEM). The amphiesma of the vegetative cells is constituted by thin vesicles that are organized into nine latitudinal series of plates: three in the epitheca, two in the cingulum, and four in the hypotheca. The same tabulation is reflected in the cyst wall by acicular processes arising from the center of paraplates, with the exception of the paracingulum, in which acicular processess are absent. On the basis of the peculiar plate pattern of this dinoflagellate, we establish the new genus Polarella and the new species Polarella glacialis (family Suessiaceae, order Suessiales). This species has a remarkable similarity with fossil Suessiaceae cysts dating back to the Triassic and Jurassic and represents, up to now, the only extant member of the subfamily Suessiaceae. Phylogenetic analysis based on the small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene confirmed the placement of this species in the order Suessiales and its close relationship with the genus Symbiodinium Freudenthal.  相似文献   

记述了采自于中国河北省赞皇县嶂石岩风景区(九女峰景区)的弱蛛科1新属新种:宽跗皱弱蛛Rhysscoleptoneta latitarsa gen.nov.et sp. nov..皱弱蛛属Rhyssoleptoneta gen.nov.与该科其它属的主要区别在于雄性触肢跗节较宽,端部无分叉,背面具1个短小的突起;雄性触肢生殖球结构复杂等.模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   

Three new dinoflagellate species, Gambierdiscus polynesiensis, sp. nov., Gambierdiscus australes, sp. nov., and Gambierdiscus pacificus, sp. nov., are described from scanning electron micrographs. The morphology of the three new Gambierdiscus species is compared with the type species Gambierdiscus toxicus Adachi et Fukuyo 1979, and two other species: Gambierdiscus belizeanus Faust 1995 and Gambierdiscus yasumotoi Holmes 1998. The plate formula is: Po, 3′, 7", 6C, 8S, 5‴, 1p, 2". Culture extracts of these three new species displayed both ciguatoxin- and maitotoxin-like toxicities. The following morphological characteristics differentiated each species. 1) Cells of G. polynesiensis are 68–85 μm long and 64–75 μm wide, and the cell’s surface is smooth. They are identified by a large triangular apical pore plate (Po), a narrow fish-hook opening surrounded by 38 round pores, and a large, broad posterior intercalary plate (1p) wedged between narrow postcingular plates 2‴ and 4‴. Plate 1p occupies 60% of the width of the hypotheca. 2) Cells of G. australes also have a smooth surface and are 76–93 μm long and 65–85 μm wide in dorsoventral depth. They are identified by the broad ellipsoid apical pore plate (Po) surrounded by 31 round pores and a long and narrow 1p plate wedged between postcingular plates 2‴ and 4‴. Plate 1p occupies 30% of the width of the hypotheca. 3) Cells of G. pacificus are 67–77 μm long and 60–76 μm wide in dorsoventral depth, and its surface is smooth. They are identified by the four-sided apical pore plate (Po) surrounded by 30 round pores. A short narrow 1p plate is wedged between the wide postcingular plates 2‴ and 4‴. Plate 1p occupies 20% of the width of the hypotheca. These three newly described species were also characterized by isozyme electrophoresis and DNA sequencing of the D8–D10 region of their large subunit (LSU) rRNA genes. The consistency between species designations based on SEM microscopy and classification inferred from biochemical and genetic heterogeneities was examined among seven isolates of Gambierdiscus. Their classification into four morphospecies was not consistent with groupings inferred from isozyme patterns. Three molecular types could be distinguished based on the comparison of their LSU rDNA sequences. Although G. toxicus TUR was found to be more closely related to G. pacificus, sp. nov. than to other G. toxicus strains, the molecular classification was able to discriminate G. polynesiensis, sp. nov. and G. australes, sp. nov. from G. toxicus. These results suggest the usefulness of the D8–D10 portion of the Gambierdiscus LSU rDNA as a valuable taxonomic marker.  相似文献   

金道超 《昆虫学报》1999,42(3):311-314
记述了安徽黄山的喜沼螨科Limnocharidae, 喜沼螨亚科Limnocharinae的一新属侧喜沼螨属、一新种黄山侧喜沼螨Laterolimnochares huangshanensis gen. Nov.,sp. Nov.,该科及亚科的中国区系过去仅由Uchida于1941年简录过东北之一种。文中给出了喜沼螨亚科的属检索表;详述了新种腺毛分布体位。  相似文献   

Synchysidendron, gen. nov., is segregated from Diaphorodendron DiMichele emend. Both genera are determinate, rhizomorphic, arborescent lycopsids that share identical reproductive organs but differ radically in growth architecture and consequently in the timing of reproduction. Cones in Synchysidendron (two species) are borne on late-formed crown branches; in Diaphorodendron (three species) cones are borne on deciduous lateral branches, produced over much of the life of the tree. The two genera also differ in several characteristics of the stele and periderm. We hypothesize that Diaphorodendron gave rise to Synchysidendron within their shared Late Carboniferous coal-swamp habitat, by heterochronic suppression of lateral branching during ontogeny. Together, these genera form a highly apomorphic clade, here recognized as the new family Diaphorodendraceae, that is distinguished primarily by siphonostelic axes, a bifacial periderm, distinctive megasporangia, and gulate megaspores.  相似文献   

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