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Using cell-attached and whole-cell recording techniques simultaneously allows the measurement of Na currents during action potentials in beating heart cells. In 7-d chick ventricle, the dynamic reversal potential for Na is 30 mV, which is 20 mV less than the reversal potential in nonbeating cells. This result implies that the spontaneous activity of heart cells raises the Na concentration at the internal face of the membrane to nearly 40 mM. Fitting the Na action currents to the Hodgkin and Huxley equations shows that patches may contain from 50 to 700 Na channels, with an average density of 23 +/- 21 per micron2. Only approximately 2% of the available Na channels are open at the peak of the Na action current. This low probability is a consequence of the channels' continual inactivation during the diastolic depolarization phase.  相似文献   

The ability of Ca ions to inhibit Ca channels presents one of the most intriguing problems in membrane biophysics. Because of this negative feedback, Ca channels can regulate the current that flows through them. The kinetics of the channels depend on voltage, and, because the voltage controls the current, a strong interaction exists between voltage dependence and Ca dependence. In addition to this interaction, the proximity of pores and the local concentration of ions also determine how effectively the Ca ions influence channel kinetics. The present article proposes a model that incorporates voltage-dependent kinetics, current-dependent kinetics, and channel clustering. We have based the model on previous voltage-clamp data and on Ca and Ba action currents measured during the action potential in beating heart cells. In general we observe that great variability exists in channel kinetics from patch to patch: Ba or Ca currents have low or high amplitudes and slow or fast kinetics during essentially the same voltage regime, either applied step-protocols or spontaneous cell action potentials. To explain this variability, we have postulated that Ca channels interact through shared ions. The model we propose expands on our previous model for Ba currents. We use the same voltage-dependent rate constants for the Ca currents that we did for the Ba currents. However, we vary the current-dependent rate constants according to the species of the conducting ion. The model reproduces the main features of our data, and we use it to predict Ca channel kinetics under physiological conditions. Preliminary reports of this work have appeared (DeFelice et al., 1991, Biophys. J. 59:551a; Risso et al., 1992, Biophys. J. 61:248a).  相似文献   

By averaging the current that passes through cell-attached patches on beating heart cells, while measuring action potentials with a whole-cell electrode, we were able to study K channels during beating. In 7-d chick ventricle in 1.3 mM K physiological solutions at room temperature, delayed-rectifier channels have three linear conductance states: 60, 30, and 15 pS. The 60 and 15 pS conductances can exist alone, but all three states may appear in the same patch as interconverting conductance levels. The delayed-rectifier conductance states have low densities (less than 10 channels per 10-microns diam cell), and all have a reversal potential near -75 mV and the same average kinetics. Outward K current through delayed-rectifier channels follows the upstroke without appreciable delay and lasts throughout the action potential. No inward current flows through delayed-rectifier channels during beating. The early outward channel has a nonlinear conductance of 18-9 pS depending on the potential. It also turns on immediately after the upstroke of the action potential and lasts on average only 50 ms. The early outward channel has an extrapolated reversal potential near -30 mV; no inward current flows during beating. The inward-rectifier has an extrapolated conductance and reversal potential of 2-3 pS and -80 mV in 1.3 mM K. Channel kinetics are independent of external K between 10 and 120 mM, and the channel conducts current only during the late repolarization and diastolic phases of the action potential. No outward current flows through inward-rectifier channels during beating. This work parallels a previous study of Na channels using similar techniques (Mazzanti, M., and L. J. DeFelice. 1987, Biophys. J. 52:95-100).  相似文献   

Whole-cell voltage-clamp experiments were performed to examine the underlying currents flowing during the pacemaker potential of spontaneously-beating embryonic chick ventricles. The holding potential was -30 mV. Long-duration (3 s) hyperpolarizing pulses were applied to -40 to -120 mV, in increments of 10 mV. A marked hyperpolarization-activated inward current (If) was produced. In cells from 3-day-old hearts, the threshold potential for the inward current was -50 to -60 mV. In 17-day-old cells, there was almost no If current. At -120 mV, the inward current was -93.8 +/- 6.3 pA (n = 5) in 3-day-old cells and -15.7 +/- 2.8 pA (n = 5) in 17-day-old cells. The average capacitances were 10.1 +/- 2.0 pF (n = 17) in 3-day-old cells, and 6.9 +/- 1.2 pF (n = 14) in 17-day-old cells. The reduction of If paralleled the decrease in spontaneous activity. In the presence of 3 mM CsCl, the inward current was blocked completely, and the tail current was reduced. In addition, 3 mM CsCl depressed the spontaneous action potentials and had a negative chronotropic effect. These results indicate that the hyperpolarization-activated inward If current exists in young embryonic chick heart cells, and decreases during development. This If current may contribute somewhat to the electrogenesis of the pacemaker potential.  相似文献   

The embryonic chick heart ventricle of day 11 was studied electron microscopically to learn the structural changes that develop in lead poisoning. The chick embryos were administered with 0.015 mg/egg of lead acetate at day 2. The most pronounced changes observed in the ventricle were: malformed mitochondria, disorganized, short and scanty myofibrils and abundance of swollen vacuoles. The ultrastructure of the ventricle from the control chick embryos was normal. The most frequent change noted in the ventricular tissue was an alteration in the myofibrils. This study indicates that electron microscopic changes can be induced in the embryonic chick heart ventricle by lead poisoning.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in the function of adrenergic axons within the right ventricle of the chick embryo were assessed by measuring the ability of these axons (1) to release endogenous transmitter, and (2) to transport, retain, and release tritiated norepinephrine ([3H]NE). The release of endogenous catecholamines was assayed indirectly by measuring the increase in the twitch tension of ventricular muscle evoked by electrical stimulation of intramural nerves. The release of endogenous transmitter, which acted via β-adrenergic receptors, was first detected by this method on the 16th embryonic day. A cocaine-sensitive uptake of [3H]NE was first observed on the 12th embryonic day. At this time, elevated potassium first evoked a calcium-sensitive release of [3H]NE. Electrical stimulation of intramural axons first evoked a tetrodotoxin-sensitive release of [3H]NE on the 14th embryonic day. It is concluded that the axons of developing adrenergic neurons are capable of releasing transmitter soon after they contact their target tissue.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in higher plants involves the phragmoplast, a complex cytoplasmic structure that consists of microtubules (MTs), microfilaments (MFs) and membrane elements. Both MTs and MFs are essential for cell plate formation, although it is not clear which motor proteins are involved. Some candidate processes for motor proteins include transport of Golgi vesicles to the plane of the cell plate and the spatiotemporal organization of the cytoskeletal elements in order to achieve proper deposition and alignment of the cell plate. We have focused on the kinesin-like calmodulin binding protein (KCBP) and, more broadly, on myosins. Using an antibody that constitutively activates KCBP, we find that this MT motor, which is minus-end directed, contributes to the organization of the spindle and phragmoplast MTs. It does not participate in vesicle transport; rather, because of the orientation of the phragmoplast MTs, it is supposed that plus-end kinesins fill this role. Myosins, on the other hand, based on their inhibition with 2,3-butanedione monoxime and 1-(5-iodonaphthalene-1-sulphonyl)-1H-hexahydro-1,4-diazepine (ML-7), are associated with the process of post-mitotic spindle/phragmoplast alignment and with late lateral expansion of the cell plate. They are also not the principal motors involved in vesicle transport.  相似文献   

We evaluated by immunohistochemistry the expression of progesterone receptor (PR) isoforms in different cell subpopulations of the ovary of newly-hatched chicks after a treatment with Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) or Luteinizing hormone (LH) administered on days 13, 15 and 17 of embryonic development. Two monoclonal antibodies that recognize either both PR isoforms or only PR-B, were used. The results indicate that FSH increased both the total number of cells and the number of PR-immunoreactive ones in all cell subpopulations of the ovary. In all cases, PR-B was the isoform regulated by FSH. In contrast, LH did not modify the number of total cells in any cell subpopulations of the ovary. Besides, LH decreased the number of PR-B immunoreactive interstitial cells, without modifying PR expression in any other cell subpopulations of the ovary. These results reveal differential effects of FSH and LH on PR-expression in cell subpopulations of the ovary of newly hatched chicks treated during embryonic development. We conclude that gonadotropins regulate PR-B isoform in the prefollicular ovary of the chick.  相似文献   

Carnitine levels in the embryonic chick heart were measured. The amount of total carnitine, free plus short chain acyl carnitine (acid-soluble fraction), and long chain acyl carnitine (acid-insoluble fraction) were examined at days 7, 11, 17, and 21 of incubation. These concentrations were found to correspond favorably with data from previous investigators with regard to variations in palmitoylcarnitine transferase enzyme activity, mitochondrial chain elongation activity, and palmitic acid oxidation.  相似文献   

Cellular myosin II is the principal motor responsible for cytokinesis. In higher eukaryotes, phosphorylation of the regulatory light chain (MLC) of myosin II is a primary means of activating myosin II and is known to be crucial for the execution of cell division. Because signals transmitted by the mitotic spindle coordinate key spatial and temporal aspects of cytokinesis, such signals should ultimately function to activate myosin II. Thus, it follows that identification of regulatory factors involved in MLC phosphorylation should elucidate the nature of spindle-derived regulatory signals and lead to a model for how they control cytokinesis. However, the identity of these upstream molecules remains elusive. This review (which is part of the Cytokinesis series) summarizes current views of the regulatory pathway controlling MLC phosphorylation and features four candidate molecules that are likely immediate upstream myosin regulators. I discuss proposed functions for MLCK, ROCK, citron kinase and myosin phosphatase during cytokinesis and consider the possibility of a link between these molecules and the signals transmitted by the mitotic spindle.  相似文献   

Specific genetic variations in the gene for the selenium-containing antioxidant protein glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPX1) are associated with the risk of a variety of common diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disorders. Two common variations have been focused upon, one resulting in leucine or proline at codon 198 and another resulting in 5, 6, or 7 alanine repeats were previously shown to affect the distribution of GPX1 between the cytoplasm and mitochondria. Human MCF7 cells engineered to exclusively express GPX1 with five alanine repeats at amino terminus and proline at codon 198 (A5P) and seven alanine repeats at amino terminus and leucine at codon 198 (A7L), as well as derivatives targeted to the mitochondria by the addition of a mitochondrial localization sequence (mA5P and mA7L) were used to assess the consequences of the expression of these proteins on the cellular redox state and bioenergetics. Ectopic expression of A5P and A7L reduced the levels of reactive oxygen species, and the mitochondrially targeted derivatives exhibited better activity in these assays. Bioenergetics and mitochondrial integrity were assessed by measuring mitochondrial membrane potential, oxygen consumption, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels, and the levels of lactate dehydrogenase. The results of these assays indicated distinctively, and sometimes opposing, patterns with regard to differences between the consequences of the expression of A5P, A7L, mA5P, and mA7L. These data provide new information on the consequences of differences in the primary structure and cellular location of GPX1 proteins and contribute to the understanding of how these effects might contribute to human disease.  相似文献   

The involvement of myosin II in cytokinesis has been demonstrated with microinjection, genetic, and pharmacological approaches; however, the exact role of myosin II in cell division remains poorly understood. To address this question, we treated dividing normal rat kidney (NRK) cells with blebbistatin, a potent inhibitor of the nonmuscle myosin II ATPase. Blebbistatin caused a strong inhibition of cytokinesis but no detectable effect on the equatorial localization of actin or myosin. However, whereas these filaments dissociated from the equator in control cells during late cytokinesis, they persisted in blebbistatin-treated cells over an extended period of time. The accumulation of equatorial actin was caused by the inhibition of actin filament turnover, as suggested by a 2-fold increase in recovery half-time after fluorescence photobleaching. Local release of blebbistatin at the equator caused localized accumulation of equatorial actin and inhibition of cytokinesis, consistent with the function of myosin II along the furrow. However, treatment of the polar region also caused a high frequency of abnormal cytokinesis, suggesting that myosin II may play a second, global role. Our observations indicate that myosin II ATPase is not required for the assembly of equatorial cortex during cytokinesis but is essential for its subsequent turnover and remodeling.  相似文献   

We have investigated the time course of expression of the alpha and beta triad junctional foot proteins in embryonic chick pectoral muscle. The level of [3H]ryanodine binding in muscle homogenates is low until day E20 of embryonic development, then increases dramatically at the time of hatching reaching adult levels by day N7 posthatch. The alpha and beta foot protein isoforms increase in abundance concomitantly with [3H]ryanodine binding. Using foot protein isoform-specific antibodies, the alpha foot protein is detected in a majority of fibers in day E10 muscle, while the beta isoform is first observed at low levels in a few fibers in day E15 muscle. A high molecular weight polypeptide, distinct from the alpha and beta proteins, is recognized by antifoot protein antibodies. This polypeptide is observed in day E8 muscle and declines in abundance with continued development. It appears to exist as a monomer and does not bind [3H]ryanodine. In contrast, the alpha isoform present in day E10 muscle and the beta isoform in day E20 muscle are oligomeric and bind [3H]ryanodine suggesting that they may exist as functional calcium channels in differentiating muscle. Comparison of the intracellular distributions of the alpha foot protein, f-actin, the heavy chain of myosin and titin in day E10 muscle indicates that the alpha foot protein is expressed during myofibril assembly and Z line formation. The differential expression of the foot protein isoforms in developing muscle, and their continued expression in mature muscle, is consistent with these proteins making different functional contributions. In addition, the expression of the alpha isoform during the time of organization of a differentiated muscle morphology suggests that foot proteins may participate in events involved in muscle differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary T-type calcium channels (I T channels) were studied in cell-attached patch electrode recordings from the ventricular cell membrane of 14-day embryonic chick heart. All experiments were performed in the absence of Ca2+ with Na+ (120mm) as the charge carrier.I T channels were distinguished from L-type calcium channels (I L) by their more negative activation and inactivation potential ranges; their smaller unitary slope conductance (26 pS), and their insensitivity to isoproterenol or D600. Inactivation kinetics were voltage dependent. The time constant of inactivation was 37 msec when the membrane potential was depolarized 40 mV from rest (R+40 mV), and 20 msec atR+60 mV. The frequency histogram of channel open times 0 was fit by a single-exponential curve while that of closed times c was biexponeintial. o was the same atR+40 mV andR+60 mV whereas c was shortened atR+60 mV. The open-state probability (P o) increased with depolarization: 0.35 atR+40 mV, 0.8 atR+60 mV and 0.88 atR+80 mV. This increase inP o at depolarized potentials could be accounted for by the decrease in c.  相似文献   

Summary Using the patch-clamp technique, we recorded whole-cell calcium current from isolated cardiac myocytes dissociated from the apical ventricles of 7-day and 14-day chick embryos. In 70% of 14-day cells after 24 hr in culture, two component currents could be separated from totalI Ca activated from a holding potential (V h) of –80 mV. L-type current (I L) was activated by depolarizing steps fromV h –30 or –40 mV. The difference current (I T) was obtained by subtractingI L, fromI Ca.I T could also be distinguished pharmacologically fromI L in these cells.I T was selectively blocked by 40–160 m Ni2+, whereasI L was suppressed by 1 m D600 or 2 m nifedipine. The Ni2+-resistant and D600-resistant currents had activation thresholds and peak voltages that were near those ofI T andI L defined by voltage threshold, and resembled those in adult mammalian heart. In 7-day cells,I T andI L could be distinguished by voltage threshold in 45% (S cells), while an additional 45% of 7-day cells were nonseparable (NS) by activation voltage threshold. Nonetheless, in mostNS cells,I Ca was partly blocked by Ni2+ and by D600 given separately, and the effects were additive when these agents were given together. Differences among the cells in the ability to separateI T andI L by voltage threshold resulted largely from differences in the position of the steady-state inactivation and activation curves along the voltage axis. In all cells at both ages in which the steady-state inactivation relation was determined with a double-pulse protocol, the half-inactivation potential (V 1/2) of the Ni2+-resistant currentI L averaged –18 mV. In contrast,V 1/2 of the Ni2+-sensitiveI T was –60 mV in 14-day cells, –52 mV in 7-dayS cells, and –43 mV in 7-day NS cells. The half-activation potential was near –2 mV forI L at both ages, but that ofI T was –38 mV in 14-day and –29 mV in 7-day cells. Maximal current density was highly variable from cell to cell, but showed no systematic differences between 7-day and 14-day cells. These results indicate that the main developmental change that occurs in the components ofI Ca is a negative shift with, embryonic age in the activation and inactivation relationships ofI T along the voltage axis.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthesis by subcellular fractions of heart and liver of chick embryos at varying stages of development has been studied. Fatty acid synthetase activity is associated with the embryonic heart at early stages of development, as suggested by substrate requirement, Schmidt decarboxylation of synthesized fatty acids and gas liquid chromatographic identification of the products as palmitic and stearic acids. The fatty acid synthetase activity decreases in heart cytosol with age of the embryo and is absent in the newly hatched chick and in older chicken. The acetyl CoA carboxylase activity is negligible in embryonic and adult chicken heart. The fatty acid synthetase activity in liver is low, but measurable during the entire embryonic development. The activity increases by about three-fold on hatching and thereafter in fed, newly hatched chicks by about 35-fold, over the basal embryonic activity. The acetyl and malonyl transacylase activities in the heart and liver cytosols during development followed closely the fatty acid synthetase activities in heart and liver, respectively. A non-coordinate induction of fatty acid synthetase and acetyl CoA carboxylase activities in liver was observed during development. The microsomal chain elongation in liver and heart followed the pattern of fatty acid synthetase activity in liver and heart, respectively. The mitochondrial chain elongation in embryonic heart is initially low and increases with age; while this activity in liver is higher in early stages of embryonic development than in the older embryos and the chicks. Measurement of lipogenesis from acetate-1-14C by liver and heart slices from chick embryos and newly hatched chicks support the conclusions reached in the studies with the subcellular fractions. The results obtained indicate that the major system of fatty acid synthesis in embryonic and adult heart is the mitochondrial chain elongation. In embryonic liver, fatty acid synthesis proceeds by chain elongation, while the de novo system is the major contributor to the lipogenic capacity of the liver after hatching.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) treatment of monkey COS-7 cells, a cell line that lacks nonmuscle myosin heavy chain II-A (NMHC II-A) but contains NMHC II-B and II-C, was used to investigate the participation of NMHC isoforms in cytokinesis. We specifically suppressed the expression of NMHC II-B or II-C using 21 nucleotide small interfering RNA (siRNA) duplexes. Down-regulation of NMHC II-B protein expression to 10.2 +/- 0.7% inhibited COS-7 cell proliferation by 50% in the RNAi-treated cells compared with control cells. Moreover, whereas 8.7 +/- 1.0% of control cells were multinucleated, 62.4 +/- 8.8% of the NMHC II-B RNAi-treated cells were multinucleated 72 h after transfection. The RNAi-treated cells had increased surface areas and, unlike control cells, lacked actin stress fibers. Treatment of the COS-7 cells with NMHC II-C siRNA decreased NMHC II-C expression to 5.2 +/- 0.1% compared with the endogenous content of II-C; however, down-regulation of NMHC II-C did not cause increased multinucleation. Immunoblot analysis using a pan-myosin antibody showed that the content of NMHC II-C was less than one-twentieth the amount of NMHC II-B, thereby explaining the lack of response to II-C siRNA. Introducing green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged NMHC II isoforms into II-B siRNA-treated cells resulted in reduction of multinucleation from 62.4 +/- 8.8% to 17.8 +/- 2.2% using GFP-NMHC II-B, to 29.8 +/- 7.4% using GFP-NMHC II-A, and to 34.1 +/- 8.6% using NMHC II-C-GFP. These studies have shown that expression of endogenous NMHC II-C in COS-7 cells is insufficient for normal cytokinesis and that exogenous NMHC II-A and NMHC II-C can, at least partially, rescue the defect in cytokinesis due to the loss of NMHC II-B.  相似文献   

K K Linask  R M Greene 《Life sciences》1989,45(20):1863-1868
Mammalian palatal ontogeny involves epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, cell differentiation, and cell movements. These events occur on days 12, 13, and 14 of gestation in the C57BL/6J mouse embryo. During this period intracellular cAMP levels and cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAMP-dPK) levels in the palate transiently elevate. Cyclic AMP activates cAMP-dPK by binding primarily to two types of regulatory subunits of this enzyme, designated as RI and RII. To assess whether differential compartmentalization of the regulatory subunits occurs during palatal ontogeny, cytosolic, nuclear, and particulate fractions were prepared from day 12, 13, and 14 embryonic maxillary and palatal tissue. After photo-affinity labeling of each fraction with 8-azido [32P] cAMP, SDS-PAGE, and autoradiography, autoradiograms were analyzed densitometrically. The RI isoform predominated in the nuclear and particulate fractions on all three developmental days; whereas RII predominated in the cytosolic fractions. Thus, differential compartmentalization of cAMP-dPK may be a means by which cAMP dependent responses are regulated during palatogenesis.  相似文献   

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