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We analyze the impact of birth seasonality (seasonal oscillations in the birth rate) on the dynamics of acute, immunizing childhood infectious diseases. Previous research has explored the effect of human birth seasonality on infectious disease dynamics using parameters appropriate for the developed world. We build on this work by including in our analysis an extended range of baseline birth rates and amplitudes, which correspond to developing world settings. Additionally, our analysis accounts for seasonal forcing both in births and contact rates. We focus in particular on the dynamics of measles. In the absence of seasonal transmission rates or stochastic forcing, for typical measles epidemiological parameters, birth seasonality induces either annual or biennial epidemics. Changes in the magnitude of the birth fluctuations (birth amplitude) can induce significant changes in the size of the epidemic peaks, but have little impact on timing of disease epidemics within the year. In contrast, changes to the birth seasonality phase (location of the peak in birth amplitude within the year) significantly influence the timing of the epidemics. In the presence of seasonality in contact rates, at relatively low birth rates (20 per 1000), birth amplitude has little impact on the dynamics but does have an impact on the magnitude and timing of the epidemics. However, as the mean birth rate increases, both birth amplitude and phase play an important role in driving the dynamics of the epidemic. There are stronger effects at higher birth rates.  相似文献   

Despite temporally forced transmission driving many infectious diseases, analytical insight into its role when combined with stochastic disease processes and non-linear transmission has received little attention. During disease outbreaks, however, the absence of saturation effects early on in well-mixed populations mean that epidemic models may be linearised and we can calculate outbreak properties, including the effects of temporal forcing on fade-out, disease emergence and system dynamics, via analysis of the associated master equations. The approach is illustrated for the unforced and forced SIR and SEIR epidemic models. We demonstrate that in unforced models, initial conditions (and any uncertainty therein) play a stronger role in driving outbreak properties than the basic reproduction number R0, while the same properties are highly sensitive to small amplitude temporal forcing, particularly when R0 is small. Although illustrated for the SIR and SEIR models, the master equation framework may be applied to more realistic models, although analytical intractability scales rapidly with increasing system dimensionality. One application of these methods is obtaining a better understanding of the rate at which vector-borne and waterborne infectious diseases invade new regions given variability in environmental drivers, a particularly important question when addressing potential shifts in the global distribution and intensity of infectious diseases under climate change.  相似文献   

Many of the simple mathematical models currently in use often fail to capture important biological factors. Here we extend current models of insect-pathogen interactions to include seasonality in the birth rate. In particular, we consider the SIR model with self-regulation when applied to specific cases--rabbit haemorrhagic disease and fox rabies. In this paper, we briefly summarize the results of the model with a constant time-independent birth rate, a, which we then replace with the time dependent birth rate a(t), to investigate how this effects the dynamics of the host population. We can split parameter space into an area in which the model without seasonality has no oscillations, in which case a simple averaging rule predicts the behaviour. Alternatively, in the area where oscillations to the equilibrium do occur in the non-seasonal model, disease persistence is more complicated and we get more complex dynamical behaviour in this case. We apply resonance techniques to discover the structure of the subharmonic modes of the SIR model with self-regulation. We then look at whether many biological systems are likely to display these "resonant" dynamics and find that we would expect them to be widespread.  相似文献   

Consider a uniformly mixing population which grows as a super-critical linear birth and death process. At some time an infectious disease (of SIR or SEIR type) is introduced by one individual being infected from outside. It is shown that three different scenarios may occur: (i) an epidemic never takes off, (ii) an epidemic gets going and grows but at a slower rate than the community thus still being negligible in terms of population fractions, or (iii) an epidemic takes off and grows quicker than the community eventually leading to an endemic equilibrium. Depending on the parameter values, either scenario (i) is the only possibility, both scenarios (i) and (ii) are possible, or scenarios (i) and (iii) are possible.  相似文献   

The expected number of new infections per day per infectious person during an epidemic has been found to exhibit power-law scaling with respect to the susceptible fraction of the population. This is in contrast to the linear scaling assumed in traditional epidemiologic modeling. Based on simulated epidemic dynamics in synthetic populations representing Los Angeles, Chicago, and Portland, we find city-dependent scaling exponents in the range of 1.7-2.06. This scaling arises from variations in the strength, duration, and number of contacts per person. Implementation of power-law scaling of the new infection rate is quite simple for SIR, SEIR, and histogram-based epidemic models. Treatment of the effects of the social contact structure through this power-law formulation leads to significantly lower predictions of final epidemic size than the traditional linear formulation.  相似文献   

We consider a stochastic Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered (SEIR) epidemiological model with a contact rate that fluctuates seasonally. Through the use of a nonlinear, stochastic projection, we are able to analytically determine the lower dimensional manifold on which the deterministic and stochastic dynamics correctly interact. Our method produces a low dimensional stochastic model that captures the same timing of disease outbreak and the same amplitude and phase of recurrent behavior seen in the high dimensional model. Given seasonal epidemic data consisting of the number of infectious individuals, our method enables a data-based model prediction of the number of unobserved exposed individuals over very long times.  相似文献   

Driven by seasonality, many common recurrent infectious diseases are characterized by strong annual, biennial and sometimes irregular oscillations in the absence of vaccination programs. Using the seasonally forced SIR epidemic model, we are able to provide new insights into the dynamics of recurrent diseases and, in some cases, specific predictions about individual outbreaks. The analysis reveals a new threshold effect that gives clear conditions for the triggering of future disease outbreaks or their absence. The threshold depends critically on the susceptibility S 0 of the population after an outbreak. We show that in the presence of seasonality, forecasts based on the susceptibility S 0 are more reliable than those based on the classical reproductive number R 0 from the conventional theory.   相似文献   

Multiple attractors in the response to a vaccination program   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Though it is well known that multiple attractors may co-exist in the SEIR (susceptible/exposed/infective/recovered) epidemic model with vital dynamics and seasonally forced oscillations in transmission, the epidemiological significance of multiple attractors has been a subject of debate. I show that the co-existence of attractors is relevant in using the model to study the dynamics of the introduction of a vaccination program into a stable epidemic cycle. Responses to the program may include more than one attractor. The exact timing of the introduction of the program relative to the original epidemic cycle is critical in determining which attractor appears in the response. Analysis of this simple model suggests that the role of multiple attractors in the response to vaccination should be examined in more realistic epidemiological models.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the complex dynamics induced by antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) in multiserotype disease models. ADE is the increase in viral growth rate in the presence of immunity due to a previous infection of a different serotype. The increased viral growth rate is thought to increase the infectivity of the secondary infectious class. In our models, ADE induces the onset of oscillations without external forcing. The oscillations in the infectious classes represent outbreaks of the disease. In this paper, we derive approximations of the ADE parameter needed to induce oscillations and analyze the associated bifurcations that separate the types of oscillations. We then investigate the stability of these dynamics by adding stochastic perturbations to the model. We also present a preliminary analysis of the effect of a single serotype vaccination in the model.  相似文献   

Smoking is perceived as a major epidemic with regard to mortality. Modelling is a major tool used to obtain insight in the dynamics and possible solutions to decrease or even eradicate this epidemic. Most models on smoking consider the epidemiological context explicitly, in which smoking is regarded as an ‘infectious disease’, in which individuals ‘infect’ each other. However, the population dynamics are often ignored, while these occur at roughly the same timescale as smoking, and hence should explicitly be considered in the modelling of smoking. We present a simple but dynamical eco-epidemiological model. The model formulation consists of a resource-population dynamic part coupled to an epidemiological part resembling a SIR type model for the three compartments: non-smokers, smokers and ex-smokers. The coupling is via birth of non-smokers and death of the three classes with different death rates. The final four-dimensional system of ordinary differential equations are studied using brute force simulations for the short term dynamics and bifurcation analysis for the long-term dynamics. Due to a feed-back mechanism of the two coupling terms there is a codim-two tangent-transcritical bifurcation. This leads to bi-stability of one smoker endemic interior equilibrium and a smoker free boundary equilibrium. Changing parameters beyond the emerging tangent bifurcation leads on the short term to eradicating smoking. We consider the Netherlands in this paper for parametrization, but the modelling approach may be generally applicable.  相似文献   

The inverse relationship between the incidence and the average age of first infection for immunizing agents has become a basic tenet in the theory underlying the mathematical modeling of infectious diseases. However, this relationship assumes that the infection has reached an endemic equilibrium. In reality, most infectious diseases exhibit seasonal and/or long-term oscillations in incidence. We use a seasonally forced age-structured SIR model to explore the relationship between the number of cases and the average age of first infection over a single epidemic cycle. Contrary to the relationship for the equilibrium dynamics, we find that the average age of first infection is greatest at or near the peak of the epidemic when mixing is homogeneous. We explore the sensitivity of our findings to assumptions about the natural history of infection, population mixing behavior, the mechanism of seasonality, and of the timing of case reporting in relation to the infectious period. We conclude that seasonal variation in the average age of first infection tends to be greatest for acute infections, and the relationship between the number of cases and the average age of first infection can vary depending on the nature of population mixing and the natural history of infection.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in environmental drivers – such as temperature, rainfall, and resource availability – have the potential to shape infection dynamics through their reverberating effects on biological processes including host abundance and susceptibility to infection. However, seasonality varies geographically. We therefore expect marked differences in infection dynamics between regions with different seasonal patterns. By pairing extensive Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) surveillance data – 65 358 individual bird samples from 12 species of dabbling ducks sampled at 174 locations across North America – with quantification of seasonality using remote sensed data indicative for primary productivity (normalised differenced vegetation index, NDVI), we provide evidence that seasonal dynamics influence infection dynamics across a continent. More pronounced epidemics were seen to occur in regions experiencing a higher degree of seasonality, and epidemics of lower amplitude and longer duration occurred in regions with a more protracted and lower seasonal amplitude. These results demonstrate the potential importance of geographic variation in seasonality for explaining geographic variation in the dynamics of infectious diseases in wildlife.  相似文献   

More than a century of ecological studies have demonstrated the importance of demography in shaping spatial and temporal variation in population dynamics. Surprisingly, the impact of seasonal recruitment on infectious disease systems has received much less attention. Here, we present data encompassing 78 years of monthly natality in the USA, and reveal pronounced seasonality in birth rates, with geographical and temporal variation in both the peak birth timing and amplitude. The timing of annual birth pulses followed a latitudinal gradient, with northern states exhibiting spring/summer peaks and southern states exhibiting autumn peaks, a pattern we also observed throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Additionally, the amplitude of United States birth seasonality was more than twofold greater in southern states versus those in the north. Next, we examined the dynamical impact of birth seasonality on childhood disease incidence, using a mechanistic model of measles. Birth seasonality was found to have the potential to alter the magnitude and periodicity of epidemics, with the effect dependent on both birth peak timing and amplitude. In a simulation study, we fitted an susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered model to simulated data, and demonstrated that ignoring birth seasonality can bias the estimation of critical epidemiological parameters. Finally, we carried out statistical inference using historical measles incidence data from New York City. Our analyses did not identify the predicted systematic biases in parameter estimates. This may be owing to the well-known frequency-locking between measles epidemics and seasonal transmission rates, or may arise from substantial uncertainty in multiple model parameters and estimation stochasticity.  相似文献   

Ecoevolutionary feedbacks in predator–prey systems have been shown to qualitatively alter predator–prey dynamics. As a striking example, defense–offense coevolution can reverse predator–prey cycles, so predator peaks precede prey peaks rather than vice versa. However, this has only rarely been shown in either model studies or empirical systems. Here, we investigate whether this rarity is a fundamental feature of reversed cycles by exploring under which conditions they should be found. For this, we first identify potential conditions and parameter ranges most likely to result in reversed cycles by developing a new measure, the effective prey biomass, which combines prey biomass with prey and predator traits, and represents the prey biomass as perceived by the predator. We show that predator dynamics always follow the dynamics of the effective prey biomass with a classic ¼‐phase lag. From this key insight, it follows that in reversed cycles (i.e., ¾‐lag), the dynamics of the actual and the effective prey biomass must be in antiphase with each other, that is, the effective prey biomass must be highest when actual prey biomass is lowest, and vice versa. Based on this, we predict that reversed cycles should be found mainly when oscillations in actual prey biomass are small and thus have limited impact on the dynamics of the effective prey biomass, which are mainly driven by trait changes. We then confirm this prediction using numerical simulations of a coevolutionary predator–prey system, varying the amplitude of the oscillations in prey biomass: Reversed cycles are consistently associated with regions of parameter space leading to small‐amplitude prey oscillations, offering a specific and highly testable prediction for conditions under which reversed cycles should occur in natural systems.  相似文献   

Estimation of epidemiological and population parameters from molecular sequence data has become central to the understanding of infectious disease dynamics. Various models have been proposed to infer details of the dynamics that describe epidemic progression. These include inference approaches derived from Kingman’s coalescent theory. Here, we use recently described coalescent theory for epidemic dynamics to develop stochastic and deterministic coalescent susceptible–infected–removed (SIR) tree priors. We implement these in a Bayesian phylogenetic inference framework to permit joint estimation of SIR epidemic parameters and the sample genealogy. We assess the performance of the two coalescent models and also juxtapose results obtained with a recently published birth–death-sampling model for epidemic inference. Comparisons are made by analyzing sets of genealogies simulated under precisely known epidemiological parameters. Additionally, we analyze influenza A (H1N1) sequence data sampled in the Canterbury region of New Zealand and HIV-1 sequence data obtained from known United Kingdom infection clusters. We show that both coalescent SIR models are effective at estimating epidemiological parameters from data with large fundamental reproductive number R0 and large population size S0. Furthermore, we find that the stochastic variant generally outperforms its deterministic counterpart in terms of error, bias, and highest posterior density coverage, particularly for smaller R0 and S0. However, each of these inference models is shown to have undesirable properties in certain circumstances, especially for epidemic outbreaks with R0 close to one or with small effective susceptible populations.  相似文献   

We consider the dynamics of an influenza model with antigenic drift mechanism. Antigenic drift is an antigen mutation on the skin surface of the influenza virus that do not produce a new virus strain. The mutation produces the same virus but with slightly different antigens that cannot be recognized by the immune receptors formed by the previous infection. There are some type of influenza that involve the interaction between two populations such as human and animal. In this paper, we construct an influenza model with antigenic drift mechanism on the human population that has interaction with the animal population. The animal population is assumed to follow the SEIR epidemic model. Our model is motivated by the fact that some of the influenza cases in human come from the animal such as the swine and the avian. The transmission parameter that shows number of contact between the susceptible human and the infectious animals are important to study. The parameter plays an important role to detect the cycle of infection of the disease. The other important parameters are the seasonality degree, which shows the pathogen appearance and disappearance via annual migration, and the infection rate on the human population. We employ the bifurcation theory to analyze the behavior of the system and to detect the cycle of infection types when the parameters values are varied.  相似文献   

1. Recent studies of rodent populations have demonstrated that certain parasites can cause juveniles to delay maturation until the next reproductive season. Furthermore, a variety of parasites may share the same host, and evidence is beginning to accumulate showing nonindependent effects of different infections. 2. We investigated the consequences for host population dynamics of a disease-induced period of no reproduction, and a chronic reduction in fecundity following recovery from infection (such as may be induced by secondary infections) using a modified SIR (susceptible, infected, recovered) model. We also included a seasonally varying birth rate as recent studies have demonstrated that seasonally varying parameters can have important effects on long-term host-parasite dynamics. We investigated the model predictions using parameters derived from five different cyclic rodent populations. 3. Delayed and reduced fecundity following recovery from infection have no effect on the ability of the disease to regulate the host population in the model as they have no effect on the basic reproductive rate. However, these factors can influence the long-term dynamics including whether or not they exhibit multiyear cycles. 4. The model predicts disease-induced multiyear cycles for a wide range of realistic parameter values. Host populations that recover relatively slowly following a disease-induced population crash are more likely to show multiyear cycles. Diseases for which the period of infection is brief, but full recovery of reproductive function is relatively slow, could generate large amplitude multiyear cycles of several years in length. Chronically reduced fecundity following recovery can also induce multiyear cycles, in support of previous theoretical studies. 5. When parameterized for cowpox virus in the cyclic field vole populations (Microtus agrestis) of Kielder Forest (northern England), the model predicts that the disease must chronically reduce host fecundity by more than 70%, following recovery from infection, for it to induce multiyear cycles. When the model predicts quasi-periodic multiyear cycles it also predicts that seroprevalence and the effective date of onset of the reproductive season are delayed density-dependent, two phenomena that have been recorded in the field.  相似文献   

Resonance in seasonally forced SIR epidemiological models may lead to stable solutions in which the epidemic period is an integer multiple of the forcing period. We examine the influence of immune cross-protection and cross-enhancement on the epidemic phase relationship of resonance solutions in an annually forced two-strain SIR model. Solutions with epidemics of the two strains in-phase commonly occur for wide ranges of cross-reaction intensity. Solutions with epidemics out-of-phase are less common and limited to narrow ranges of cross-reaction intensity. This is broadly as predicted by the two natural periods of the system. The natural period corresponding to out-of-phase solutions is sensitive to changes in the cross-reaction parameter but the natural period corresponding to in-phase solutions is constant. Bifurcation analysis indicates that the stability of in-phase orbits is controlled by pitchfork and period doubling bifurcations while out-of-phase orbits may also be influenced by Andronov-Hopf bifurcations. In order to develop an intuitive understanding of the epidemiological factors governing the occurrence of different solutions we consider how the susceptible, infected and removed components of the system must interact to form a stable solution. This shows that the impact of cross-reaction is moderated by in-phase structures but amplified by out-of-phase structures. Although the average infection rate over long time periods is not affected by phase structure, this analysis indicates that in-phase epidemic patterns are likely to be more consistent and thus allow more effective health care management.  相似文献   

We study the effect of migration between coupled populations, or patches, on the stability properties of multistrain disease dynamics. The epidemic model used in this work displays a Hopf bifurcation to oscillations in a single, well-mixed population. It is shown numerically that migration between two non-identical patches stabilizes the endemic steady state, delaying the onset of large amplitude outbreaks and reducing the total number of infections. This result is motivated by analyzing generic Hopf bifurcations with different frequencies and with diffusive coupling between them. Stabilization of the steady state is again seen, indicating that our observation in the full multistrain model is based on qualitative characteristics of the dynamics rather than on details of the disease model.  相似文献   

Sustained oscillations in a stochastic SIR model are studied using a new multiple scale analysis. It captures the interaction of the deterministic and stochastic elements together with the separation of time scales inherent in the appearance of these dynamics. The nearly regular fluctuations in the infected and susceptible populations are described via an explicit construction of a stochastic amplitude equation. The agreement between the power spectral densities of the full model and the approximation verifies that coherence resonance is driving the behavior. The validity criteria for this asymptotic approximation give explicit expressions for the parameter ranges in which one expects to observe this phenomenon.  相似文献   

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