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Control of flowering and the regulation of plant architecture have been thoroughly investigated in a number of well-studied dicot plants such as Arabidopsis, Antirrhinum, and tobacco. However, in many important monocot seed crops, molecular information on plant reproduction is still limited. To investigate the regulation of meristem identity and the control of floral transition in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) we isolated a ryegrass TERMINAL FLOWER1-like gene, LpTFL1, and characterized it for its function in ryegrass flower development. Perennial ryegrass requires a cold treatment of at least 12 weeks to induce flowering. During this period a decrease in LpTFL1 message was detected in the ryegrass apex. However, upon subsequent induction with elevated temperatures and long-day photoperiods, LpTFL1 message levels increased and reached a maximum when the ryegrass apex has formed visible spikelets. Arabidopsis plants overexpressing LpTFL1 were significantly delayed in flowering and exhibited dramatic changes in architecture such as extensive lateral branching, increased growth of all vegetative organs, and a highly increased trichome production. Furthermore, overexpression of LpTFL1 was able to complement the phenotype of the severe tfl1-14 mutant of Arabidopsis. Analysis of the LpTFL1 promoter fused to the UidA gene in Arabidopsis revealed that the promoter is active in axillary meristems, but not the apical meristem. Therefore, we suggest that LpTFL1 is a repressor of flowering and a controller of axillary meristem identity in ryegrass.  相似文献   

Hsu HF  Yang CH 《Plant & cell physiology》2002,43(10):1198-1209
cDNA for a B group MADS box gene OMADS3 was isolated and characterized from Oncidium Gower Ramsey, an important species of orchid. OMADS3 encoding a 204 amino acid protein showed high sequence homology to both paleoAP3 and TM6 lineage of B group MADS box gene such as monocots AP3 homologue LMADS1 in lily and GDEF1 in Gerbera hybrida. Despite the sequence homology, consensus motifs identified in the C-terminal region of B group genes were absent in OMADS3. Southern analysis indicated that OMADS3 was present in O. Gower Ramsey genome in low copy numbers. Different from most B group genes, OMADS3 mRNA was detected in all four floral organs as well as in vegetative leaves. This is similar to the expression pattern of GDEF1. 35S::OMADS3 transgenic plants showed novel phenotypes by producing terminal flowers similar to those observed in transgenic plants ectopically expressed A functional genes such as AP1. Ectopic expression of OMADS3 cDNA truncated with the MADS box or C terminal region in Arabidopsis generated novel ap2-like flowers in which sepals and petals were converted into carpel-like and stamen-like structures. Yeast two-hybrid analysis indicated that OMADS3 is able to strongly form homodimers. Our results suggested that OMADS3 might represent an ancestral form of TM6-like gene which was conserved in monocots with a function similar to A functional gene in regulating flower formation as well as floral initiation.  相似文献   

Luo H  Chen S  Jiang J  Chen Y  Chen F  Teng N  Yin D  Huang C 《Plant cell reports》2011,30(10):1909-1918
The floral organs of typical eudicots such as Arabidopsis thaliana are arranged in four characteristic whorls, namely the sepal, petal, stamen and carpel, and the “ABC” floral organ identity model has been based on this arrangement. However, the floral organs in most basal angiosperms are spirally arranged with a gradual transition from the inside to outside, and an alternative model referred to as “fading borders” was developed to take account of this. The flower morphology of the water lily was tested against the “fading borders” model by determining the expression profile of the six primary floral organ identity genes AP2, AGL6, AP3, PI, AG and SEP1 in two cultivars showing contrasting floral morphology. In addition, to get accurate floatation of the genes expression level from outer to inner, we divided the floral organs into eight whorls according to morphological features. All these genes were expressed throughout all whorls of the flower, but their expression level changed gradually from the outside of the flower to its inside. This pattern was consistent with the “fading borders” model.  相似文献   

The architecture of a flower is tightly linked to the way a plant pollinates, making it one of the most physiologically and ecologically important traits of angiosperms. Floral organ development is proposed to be governed by the activity of three different classes of organ identity genes (the ABC model), and the expression of those genes are regulated by a number of meristem identity genes. Here we use a transgenetic strategy to elucidate the role of one floral meristem identify gene,LEAFY (LFY), in the evolution of floral organogenesis of a self pollinatorIdahoa scapigera and a obligatory out-crosserLeavenworthia crassa in the mustard family, Brassicaceae. By introducing theLFY genes from these two types of pollination habit into the genetic model speciesArabidopsis thaliana, we provide evidence that changes inLFY influenced flower architecture probably by controlling the downstream organ identity genes.  相似文献   

APETALA1 (AP1) and its homologue SQUAMOSA (SQUA) are key regulatory genes specifying floral meristem identity in the model plants Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum. Despite many similarities in their sequence, expression and functions, only AP1 appears to have the additional role of specifying sepal and petal identity. No true AP1/SQUA-functional homologues from any other plant species have been functionally studied in detail, therefore the question of how the different functions of AP1-like genes are conserved between species has not been addressed. We have isolated and characterized PEAM4, the AP1/SQUA-functional homologue from pea, a plant with a different floral morphology and inflorescence architecture to that of Arabidopsis or Antirrhinum. PEAM4 encodes for a polypeptide 76% identical to AP1, but lacks the C-terminal prenylation motif, common to AP1 and SQUA, that has been suggested to control the activity of AP1. Nevertheless, constitutive expression of PEAM4 caused early flowering in tobacco and Arabidopsis. In Arabidopsis, PEAM4 also caused inflorescence-to-flower transformations similar to constitutive AP1 expression, and was able to rescue the floral organ defects of the strong ap1-1 mutant. Our results suggest that the control of both floral meristem and floral organ identity by AP1 is not restricted to Arabidopsis, but is extended to species with diverse floral morphologies, such as pea.  相似文献   

Flowering time and plant height are key agronomic traits that directly affect soybean (Glycine max) yield. APETALA1 (AP1) functions as a class A gene in the ABCE model for floral organ development, helping to specify carpel, stamen, petal, and sepal identities. There are four AP1 homologs in soybean, all of which are mainly expressed in the shoot apex. Here, we used clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) – CRISPR‐associated protein 9 technology to generate a homozygous quadruple mutant, gmap1, with loss‐of‐function mutations in all four GmAP1 genes. Under short‐day (SD) conditions, the gmap1 quadruple mutant exhibited delayed flowering, changes in flower morphology, and increased node number and internode length, resulting in plants that were taller than the wild type. Conversely, overexpression of GmAP1a resulted in early flowering and reduced plant height compared to the wild type under SD conditions. The gmap1 mutant and the overexpression lines also exhibited altered expression of several genes related to flowering and gibberellic acid metabolism, thereby providing insight into the role of GmAP1 in the regulatory networks controlling flowering time and plant height in soybean. Increased node number is the trait with the most promise for enhancing soybean pod number and grain yield. Therefore, the mutant alleles of the four AP1 homologs described here will be invaluable for molecular breeding of improved soybean yield.  相似文献   

Anton G.M. Gerats   《Plant science》1991,80(1-2):19-25
The Petunia system is described together with its possible use for molecular research on floral development. Developmental mutants are described in some detail. The most interesting mutants are Blind and Green petals. In both the appearance of only the petals has changed, in Blind towards antheroid tissue, in Green petals towards sepals. Transposon tagging as an approach to isolate developmental genes in Petunia is also discussed.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiaepresents two alternative vegetative forms of growth, switching between yeast forms to pseudohyphal forms depending on the specific environmental conditions. To identify genes involved in cell wall morphogenesis, a haploid S. cerevisiae monomorphic mutant, W27, which exhibits pseudohyphal growth in the absence of the normal external signals that induce the formation of filamentous forms, was characterized. S. cerevisiaeW27 did not demonstrate agar-invasive growth, a characteristic of most filamentous strains. The mutant wall had no obvious alterations with respect to mannan and glucan content, but had three times more chitin than the parental strain. This produced an increase in the amount of proteins linked covalently to chitin. The same protein species, however, were released from the cell walls of the mutant and the parental strain. The W27 mutation was complemented with a genomic library and the SRD2/ECM23 gene was identified as the complementing ORF. Transformation of S. cerevisiaeW27 with the Ycplac33 vector carrying the SRD2 gene produced the original phenotype. These results suggest that the SRD2gene acts as a negative regulator of pseudohyphal growth.  相似文献   

The genetic engineering of agronomic traits requires an array of highly specific and tightly regulated promoters that drive expression in floral tissues. In this study, we isolated and characterized two tobacco APETALA1-like (AP1-like) promoters (termed NtAP1La and NtAP1Lb1) in transgenic plants using the GUS reporter system, along with tissue-specific ablation analyses. Our results demonstrated that the two promoters are active in floral inflorescences but not in vegetative apical meristems or other vegetative tissues, as reflected by strong GUS staining and DT-A-mediated ablation of apical shoot tips during reproductive but not vegetative growth. We also showed that the NtAP1Lb1 promoter was more active than NtAP1La in inflorescences, as the former yielded higher frequencies and greater phenotypic evidence of tissue ablation compared to the latter. We further revealed that both promoters were uniformly expressed in the meristems of stage 1 and 2 floral buds, but were differentially expressed in floral organs later during development. While NtAP1La was found to be active in stage 4–5 carpels, later becoming confined to ovary tissue from stage 9 onwards, NtAP1Lb1 activity was apparent in all floral organs from stages 3 to 7, becoming completely absent in all floral organs from stage 11 onward. Therefore, it seems that the two tobacco promoters have acquired similar but distinct inflorescence-, floral meristem- and floral organ-specific and development-dependent regulatory features without any leaky activity in vegetative tissues. These features are novel and have rarely been observed in other flower-specific promoters characterized to date. The potential application of these promoters for engineering sterility, increasing biomass production and modifying flower architecture, as well as their putative use in flower-specific transgene excision, will be discussed.  相似文献   

培养球茎甘蓝( Brassica caulorapa)的带有花托、花柄和子房的外植体。在附加 B A 和 G A3 的培养基上,花托部位直接出芽;在附加不同浓度 B A 的培养基和附加 B A 和 G A3 的培养基上均诱导花柄切口直接出芽,在附加 B A 和 N A A 的培养基上,花托花柄切口剧烈增生愈伤组织。组织细胞学观察了芽的发生过程,结果表明:花托芽是由靠近维管束的多个皮层薄壁细胞恢复分裂能力形成,并与母体建立维管联系;花柄切口出芽是由皮层几个相靠近的薄壁细胞恢复分裂能力共同形成,与母体没有维管联系;花托增生愈伤组织也是皮层薄壁细胞剧烈分裂的结果。  相似文献   

Three cDNAs showing a high degree of homology to the SQUA subfamily of MADS box genes were isolated and characterized from the lily (Lilium longiflorum). Lily MADS Box Gene 5 (LMADS5) showed high sequence identity to oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) SQUAMOSA3 (EgSQUA3). LMADS6 is closely related to LMADS5 whereas LMADS7 is more related to DOMADS2, an orchid (Dendrobium) gene in the SQUA subfamily. The expression pattern for these three genes was similar and their RNAs were detected in vegetative stem and inflorescence meristem. LMADS5 and 6 were highly expressed in vegetative leaves and carpel, whereas LMADS7 expression was absent. Ectopic expression of LMADS5, 6 or 7 in transgenic Arabidopsis plants showed novel phenotypes by flowering early and producing terminal flowers. Homeotic conversions of sepals to carpelloid structures and of petal to stamen-like structures were also observed in 35S::LMADS5, 6 or 7 flowers. Ectopic expression of LMADS6 or LMADS7 was able to complement the ap1 flower defect in transgenic Arabidopsis ap1 mutant plants. These results strongly indicated that the function of these three lily genes was involved in flower formation as well as in floral induction. Furthermore, the ability of lily LMADS6 and 7 to complement the Arabidopsis ap1 mutant provided further evidence to show that the conserved motifs (paleoAP1 or euAP1) in the C-terminus of the SQUA/AP1 subfamily of MADS box genes is not strictly necessary for their function.  相似文献   

Tzeng TY  Hsiao CC  Chi PJ  Yang CH 《Plant physiology》2003,133(3):1091-1101
Two AGL2-like MADS-box genes, Lily MADS Box Gene (LMADS) 3 and LMADS4, with extensive homology of LMADS3 to the Arabidopsis SEPALLATA3 were characterized from the lily (Lilium longiflorum). Both LMADS3 and LMADS4 mRNA were detected in the inflorescence meristem, in floral buds of different developmental stages, and in all four whorls of the flower organ. LMADS4 mRNA is also expressed in vegetative leaf and in the inflorescence stem where LMADS3 expression is absent. Transgenic Arabidopsis, which ectopically expresses LMADS3, showed novel phenotypes by significantly reducing plant size, flowering extremely early, and loss of floral determinacy. By contrast, 35S::LMADS4 transgenic plants were morphologically indistinguishable from wild-type plants. The early-flowering phenotype in 35S::LMADS3 transgenic Arabidopsis plants was correlated with the up-regulation of flowering time genes FT, SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CO 1, LUMINIDEPENDENS, and flower meristem identity genes LEAFY and APETALA1. This result was further supported by the ability of 35S::LMADS3 to rescue the late-flowering phenotype in gigantea-1 (gi-1), constans-3 (co-3), and luminidependens-1 but not for ft-1 or fwa-1 mutants. The activation of these flowering time genes is, however, indirect because their expression was unaffected in plants transformed with LMADS3 fused with rat glucocorticoid receptor in the presence of both dexamethasone and cycloheximide.  相似文献   

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