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Monitoring rare and elusive carnivores is inherently challenging because they often occur at low densities and require more resources to effectively assess status and trend. The fisher (Pekania pennanti) is an elusive mesocarnivore endemic to North America; in its western populations it is classified as a species of greatest conservation need. During winter of 2018–2019, we deployed remotely triggered cameras in randomly selected, spatially balanced 7.5-km × 7.5-km grid cells across a broad study area in western Montana, Idaho, and eastern Washington, USA. As part of this large-scale, multi-state monitoring effort, we conducted an occupancy assessment of the Northern Rocky Mountain fisher population at a range-wide scale. We used non-spatial occupancy models to determine the current extent of fisher occurrence in the Northern Rocky Mountains and to provide baseline occupancy estimates across a broad study area and a refined sampling frame for future monitoring. We used a spatial occupancy model to determine patterns in fisher occurrence across their Northern Rocky Mountain range while explicitly correcting for spatially induced overdispersion. Additionally, we assessed factors that influenced fisher occurrence through covariate occupancy modeling that considered predicted fisher habitat, site-level environmental characteristics, and the influence of available harvest records (incidental and regulated). We detected fishers in 32 out of 318 (10%) of our surveyed cells, and estimated that overall, 160 (14%; 95% CI = 115–218) of 1,143 grid cells were occupied by fishers. Fisher occupancy was positively associated with our stratum that contained cells with a greater proportion of predicted fisher habitat and with proximity to nearest 2000–2015 harvest location. Fisher occupancy was weakly and positively associated with increased canopy cover. Our spatial model identified 2 areas with higher predicted occupancy: a large area across the Idaho Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest, and a smaller area in the Cabinet Mountain Range crossing the northern border of Idaho and Montana. We used spatial occupancy results from our original sampling frame to create a biologically derived refined sampling frame for future monitoring. Within the bounds of our refined sampling frame, we estimated that 155 (22%; 95% CI = 110–209) of 700 grid cells were occupied by fishers. By incorporating our increasing understanding of fisher habitat with contemporary analytical techniques, we defined current range-wide occupancy of the Northern Rocky Mountain fisher population, identified core areas of fisher occurrence for future conservation efforts, and used our model results to create a refined sampling frame for future fisher monitoring in the Northern Rocky Mountains.  相似文献   

Fishers (Pekania pennanti) are a forest-dependent carnivore of conservation concern in British Columbia, Canada. Ecological, spatial, and genetic evidence suggests that there are 2 distinct populations (Boreal and Columbian) that occur in forests at low to moderate elevations in the boreal and central interior regions of the province. In British Columbia, fishers occur at low densities relative to other parts of their range in North America, are trapped for their fur, and are sensitive to habitat change. Despite these factors, little demographic information exists to assist with management decisions for these populations. We collated and analyzed survival and reproductive data from 100 radio-tagged fishers from 5 independent studies conducted between 1990 and 2012 in British Columbia: 2 in the Boreal population, and 3 in the Columbian population. We also collated litter size data from 1 den box study and a translocation project of fishers from the Columbian population. Annual survival rates were not significantly different between the populations or between males and females; however, adult survival rates were higher than subadults (0.79 and 0.63, respectively). Subadult females had significantly lower survival rates than other sex or age classes. Reproductive rates were significantly different between the 2 populations (denning rate = 0.54 [Columbian], 0.82 [Boreal]; x¯ $\bar{x}$ litter size = 1.7 [Columbian], 2.6 [Boreal]). These differences resulted in net reproductive rates in the Columbian population that were less than half of those in the Boreal population (0.92 kits/reproductive season compared to 2.13, respectively). Population growth rates suggest that the Columbian population may have been declining during the studies, whereas the Boreal population may have been increasing (0.96 compared to 1.20). Consequently, we suggest that focused and intensive habitat and population management for fishers are needed in British Columbia to ensure population sustainability, particularly for the Columbian population.  相似文献   

鸟类夜栖地选择研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夜栖地可以为鸟类提供安全、舒适、温暖的夜间栖息场所。昼行性鸟类夜间视觉能力较差,对夜栖环境中潜在的威胁感知程度较低,导致其夜栖时常常处于被动和危险的环境中。鸟类通过选择适宜的夜栖地,进而达到充分利用夜栖地空间资源的目的。本文从鸟类夜栖地选择的行为适应性以及保温性、食物因子和安全性(隐蔽性)等3个影响因素,对国内外鸟类夜栖地选择相关研究进行综述,为今后该领域的研究提供更多思路。  相似文献   

We evaluated the selection of resting sites occupied by the water opossum Chironectes minimus, between 2004 and 2010, in streams of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Fourteen radio-tracked adult (males and females) opossums used natural cavities as resting sites. Opossums selected narrow river stretches and selected their resting sites mainly according to characteristics favoring protection against adverse weather conditions. Likewise, opossums avoided disturbed habitats and established their resting sites in well-preserved riparian forest sites, selecting river sections containing a high density of trees and a high proportion of forest cover between the river banks and 50 m from the river. Besides increasing our knowledge on this species habitat selection, such findings further highlight this species’ sensitivity to human disturbance.  相似文献   

Ecological relationships of animals and their environments are known to vary spatially and temporally across scales. However, common approaches for evaluating resource selection by animals assume that the processes of habitat selection are stationary across space. The assumption that habitat selection is spatially homogeneous may lead to biased inference and ineffective management. We present the first application of geographically weighted logistic regression to habitat selection by a wildlife species. As a case study, we examined nest site selection by greater prairie-chickens at 3 sites with different ecological conditions in Kansas to assess whether the relative importance of habitat features varied across space. We found that 1) nest sites were associated with habitat conditions at multiple spatial scales, 2) habitat associations across spatial scales were correlated, and 3) the influence of habitat conditions on nest site selection was spatially explicit. Post hoc analyses revealed that much of the spatial variability in habitat selection processes was explained at a regional scale. Moreover, habitat features at local spatial scales were more strongly associated with nest site selection in unfragmented grasslands managed intensively for cattle production than they were in fragmented grasslands within a matrix of farmland. Female prairie-chickens exhibited spatial variability in nest site selection at multiple spatial scales, suggesting plasticity in habitat selection behavior. Our results highlight the importance of accounting for spatial heterogeneity when evaluating the ecological effects of habitat components. © 2013 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

沿海蝗区东亚飞蝗产卵选择的适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以沿海蝗区南大港水库为研究区域,通过2年野外调查旨在掌握东亚飞蝗Locustamigratoriamanilensis(Meyen)产卵场所的选择。结果表明,飞蝗产卵适宜的植被覆盖度、土壤含盐量和土壤5cm含水量分别为0~30%、0.09%~1.99%和10.0%~20.0%,当植被覆盖度>70%,土壤含水量>30%或含盐量>3%时,不再适合飞蝗产卵。土壤有机质和pH值不是影响飞蝗产卵选择的主要因素。与20世纪50年代的研究结果相比,飞蝗产卵时对土壤含水量和含盐量的耐受范围拓宽,对环境的适应能力增强。  相似文献   

This study presents the first findings on nocturnal behavior patterns of wild Angolan giraffe. We characterized their nocturnal behavior and analyzed the influence of ecological factors such as group size, season, and habitat use. Giraffe were observed using night vision systems and thermal imaging cameras on Okapuka Ranch, Namibia. A total of 77 giraffe were observed during 24 nights over two distinct periods—July–August 2016 (dry season) and February–March 2017 (wet season). Photoperiod had a marked influence on their activity and moving behavior. At dusk, giraffe reduced the time spent moving and increasingly lay down and slept at the onset of darkness. Body postures that likely correspond to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep posture (RSP) were observed 15.8 ± 18.3 min after giraffe sat down. Season had a significant effect with longer RSP phases during the dry season (dry: 155.2 ± 191.1 s, n = 79; wet: 85.8 ± 94.9 s, n = 73). Further analyses of the influence of social behavior patterns did not show an effect of group size on RSP lengths. When a group of giraffe spent time at a specific resting site, several individuals were alert (vigilant) while other group members sat down or took up RSP. Simultaneous RSP events within a group were rarely observed. Resting sites were characterized by single trees or sparse bushes on open areas allowing for good visibility in a relatively sheltered location.  相似文献   

2008年12月至2009年1月及2011年12月至2012年1月对钦州湾的越冬鸻鹬类进行了调查,对越冬鸻鹬类退潮后在各类型生境的分布情况和原因进行了分析,以期为制定有效保护越冬鸟类及其生境的措施提供科学依据。冬季在钦州湾记录到鹬鸻类27种,结果表明,在不同的天气情况下退潮后各生境内记录到的鹬鸻类种数和数量均不同,钦州湾不同生境鹬鸻类结构特征随天气变化改变。相似性比较显示,晴天生境相似性指数最高的是盐田-养殖塘生境和农田生境,相似性指数为0.96;相似性指数最低的是红树林滩涂生境和光滩生境,相似性指数为0.49。阴冷天生境相似性指数最高的是光滩生境和盐田-养殖塘生境,相似性指数为0.79;最低是红树林滩涂生境和光滩生境,相似性指数为0.52。分析表明人类活动的干扰对越冬鹬鸻类栖息地选择的影响是巨大的。  相似文献   

新疆巴音布鲁克繁殖期大天鹅的生境选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2011年和2012年的6-8月,考察了分布于巴音布鲁克自然保护区的大天鹅(Cygnus cygnus)种群,分析了大天鹅巢址选择特征和育雏期生境选择特征。在野外共记录到了26个大天鹅巢址。与对照样方比较发现,植被高度、水深、所在水域面积、距干扰源距离和安全等级存在显著差异。进一步逻辑斯蒂回归分析表明,植被高度、水深和安全等级是影响大天鹅巢址选择的最主要的3种生境因子。采用样线法对育雏期大天鹅的生境选择进行了调查,发现大天鹅对沼泽湿地表现出正选择性,对草地表现出负选择性。样方法调查中,利用样方与对照样方比较发现,9种生境因子均存在显著差异,逻辑斯蒂回归分析表明,距干扰源距离和安全等级是影响大天鹅育雏期生境选择的最重要的两种因子。这样的选择机制有利于大天鹅更好的躲避敌害,顺利完成孵化和育雏工作。  相似文献   

The behaviour of morphs of Arianta arbustorum has been investigated using a new technique involving a paint which fades in daylight. The technique was used to study the response of different morphs to exposure to sunlight at a homogeneous woodland habitat and a heterogeneous open habitat. The yellow morph showed a significantly higher rate of fading than the brown morph. A mark, release and recapture programme was used to analyse the association between frequencies of different morphs recaptured and not recaptured. In both habitats, there was a general tendency for the frequency of recapture to increase with increasing age in both morphs. Habitat selection resulting from different behaviour of different morphs of A. arbustorum is discussed. Morph frequencies can be related to habitat, the brown morphs of A. arbustorum are significantly less frequent in the open habitat. The behavioural responses of Cepaea hortensis , present with A. arbustorum in two other populations, to the exposure of sunshine were also studied. Climatic selection by solar energy associated with different morphs, species and habitat are also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In the laboratory, the two species of copepodsLepeophtheirus thompsoni andLepeophtheirus europaensis, ectoparasites of flatfishes, can meet and mate on at least one host species. In the wild however, these two species are found isolated on their sympatric hosts. Habitat selection theoretically represents a powerful enough mechanism to explain the maintenance of genetic heterogeneity in the wide sense. In this paper, the host colonization process is studied for both parasite species. It is shown that each parasite can develop and reach adult age on each host species. However,L. thompsoni is highly selective; it almost totally refuses to colonize hosts other than its natural one.Lepeophtheirus europaensis, on the contrary, readily infests turbot and brill in single-host experiments, but strongly prefers the brill when it has a choice. It appears that these two genetic entities are sympatrically maintained due to strong habitat selection. Such a pattern could theoretically only occur in a soft-selection context (density dependence). This point is discussed with respect to the different patterns in host use found in the geographical distribution of these parasites.  相似文献   

The struggle for existence occurs through the vital rates of population growth. This basic fact demonstrates the tight connection between ecology and evolution that defines the emerging field of eco-evolutionary dynamics. An effective synthesis of the interdependencies between ecology and evolution is grounded in six principles. The mechanics of evolution specifies the origin and rules governing traits and evolutionary strategies. Traits and evolutionary strategies achieve their selective value through their functional relationships with fitness. Function depends on the underlying structure of variation and the temporal, spatial and organizational scales of evolution. An understanding of how changes in traits and strategies occur requires conjoining ecological and evolutionary dynamics. Adaptation merges these five pillars to achieve a comprehensive understanding of ecological and evolutionary change. I demonstrate the value of this world-view with reference to the theory and practice of habitat selection. The theory allows us to assess evolutionarily stable strategies and states of habitat selection, and to draw the adaptive landscapes for habitat-selecting species. The landscapes can then be used to forecast future evolution under a variety of climate change and other scenarios.  相似文献   

We evaluated habitat selection by European beaver Castor fiber L. across a spatial gradient from local (within the family territory) to a broad, ecoregional scale. Based on aerial photography, we assessed the habitat composition of 150 beaver territories along the main water bodies of the Vistula River delta (northern Poland) and compared these data with 183 randomly selected sites not occupied by the species. The beavers preferred habitats with high availability of woody plants, including shrubs, and avoided anthropogenically modified habitats, such as arable lands. Within a single family territory, we observed decreasing woody plant cover with increasing distance from a colony centre, which suggests that beaver habitat preferences depend on the assessment of both the abundance and spatial distribution of preferred habitat elements. We tested the importance of spatial scale in beaver habitat selection with principal coordinates of neighbour matrices analysis, which showed that the geographical scale explained 46.7% of the variation in habitat composition, while the local beaver density explained only 10.3% of this variability. We found two main spatial gradients that were related to the broad spatial scale: first, the most important gradient was related to the largest distances between beaver sites and was independent of woody plant cover and the local beaver site density. The second most important gradient appeared more locally and was associated with these variables. Our results indicate that European beaver habitat selection was affected by different scale‐related phenomena related 1) to central place foraging behaviour, which resulted in the clumped distribution of woody plants within the territory, and 2) local population density and woody plant cover. Finally, 3) habitat selection occurs independently across the largest spatial scale studied (e.g. between watersheds), which was probably due to the limited natal dispersal range of the animals.  相似文献   

李言阔  张明海  蒋志刚 《生态学报》2008,28(10):4619-4628
于2004~2005年冬季研究了完达山地区马鹿的生境利用和选择。在野外调查的基础上,获取了研究地区马鹿种群水平上的生境利用数据;利用地理信息系统和遥感技术,从区域尺度上测度了各类生境因子的可获得性。通过比较被利用生境与可获得生境,测度了马鹿冬季对各类生境或生态因子的选择。结果表明,马鹿对植被类型、海拔、坡向、NDVI等级、到公路距离表现出非比例利用,对坡度的利用与其可获得性则没有显著性差异。马鹿选择采伐迹地,低郁闭度生境(第2、3NDVI等级),200~300m海拔区间,南坡,距离公路600~700m的区间。马鹿采食生境和卧息生境对各类因子具有不同的选择性,表现出不同功能生境分离的特征。对于采食生境,马鹿选择采伐迹地、阔叶疏林,低郁闭度(第2、3NDVI等级),南坡;对于卧息生境,马鹿仅选择采伐迹地,低郁闭度(第2、3、4NDVI等级)。根据马鹿活动样点的出现与否,建立了马鹿冬季生境选择的逻辑斯谛回归模型。模型回判结果表明,该模型对马鹿活动样方与对照样方的总体正确预测率为74.4%,对马鹿活动样方的正确预测率为84.2%,对对照样方的正确预测率为62.4%,能够较好的预测生境利用概率。  相似文献   

Abstract This review clarifies important points on habitat selection by the Swamp Rat Rattus lutreolus (Rodentia: Muridae), a species that has been the subject of much research in Australia and has provided a useful model for understanding ecological and biological processes. It also provides an opportunity to cite important earlier research, not readily available through electronic search engines, thus bringing it into current literature to avoid its disappearance into Internet obscurity. We comment on some papers in the literature to correct errors detected and to emphasize the importance of due care in all aspects of a research project, including its reporting. We show that both floristic and structural components have been reported as important to an understanding of habitat and microhabitat selection by R. lutreolus and conclude that it is vegetation density that is of paramount importance. Female R. lutreolus are clearly dominant in driving microhabitat selection, occupying the ‘best’ or densest habitats with male R. lutreolus occupying the next best and Pseudomys or other species, where present occupying the remainder. This demonstrates the important role that intraspecific and interspecific competition play in determining habitat selection. Direct predation and the perception of predation risk may also play a role in habitat selection, again perceived to be pushing individuals towards denser vegetation, representing ‘better cover’. Whether these effects operate as bottom‐up or top‐down needs careful consideration. Climatic variables, such as ENSO‐affecting productivity, and related variables such as temperature and humidity may also play important roles in habitat selection, as can disturbance effects such as wildfire. The relative importance of all of these potential determining factors may vary from place to place, particularly when climatic clines are involved.  相似文献   

Measuring the benefit of habitat selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used a behavioral bioassay to estimate the advantages thattwo species of gerbils (Gerbillus allenbyi and G. pyramidum)experienced by preferring a semistabilized dune habitat overa stabilized sand habitat. We used the magnitude of foragingeffort by the gerbils to signal the difference between thetwo habitats. When they were foraging as much in stabilizedsand as in semistabilized dune, we inferred that these habitatswere providing equivalent rewards. We performed a series ofexperiments in two 1-ha field enclosures, each containing similarproportions of stabilized sand and semistabilized dune. Eachenclosure contained a population of only one of the species.By varying the amount of seeds added (either 0.5, 1, 2, or 3g of seeds in 18 seed trays) to each habitat and monitoringthe behavior of the gerbils, we were able to fit a curve thatreflected the change in habitat preference as a function ofseed addition rate. We were also able to show how much seedaddition had to be added to bring the two habitats into equaluse. Each species required only 13 g/ha/night to entirely offsetthe advantage of the semistabilized dune.  相似文献   

陈浩  王刚  王成  薛菲  成海  张亚楠 《生态学报》2024,44(4):1526-1538
了解野放丹顶鹤的运动模式、家域和栖息地选择的时间节律特征对丹顶鹤种群保护和栖息地管理尤为重要。基于GPS-GSM跟踪数据,综合运用3S技术、动态布朗桥模型、栖息地选择指数,研究了盐城海滨湿地野放丹顶鹤在不同生活周期的活动节律、家域的面积和重叠指数,以及栖息地选择。结果表明:(1)丹顶鹤日活动节律具有明显的周期性特征。丹顶鹤活动强度:育成期>越冬期>孵化期>育雏期,孵化期和育雏期日间活动强度平稳,育成期和越冬期呈“双峰”模式。(2)丹顶鹤95%家域面积均值介于(111.18±22.15)hm2—(621.28±105.77)hm2,育成期((621.28±105.77) hm2)>育雏期((226.83±54.86) hm2)>孵化期((112.40±7.72) hm2)>越冬期((111.18±22.15) hm2);核心家域面积均值介于(0.53±0.26)—(45.78±6.66) hm2,育成...  相似文献   

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