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During August 2010 and January 2011, 10 isolates of Colletotrichum were recovered from stem anthracnose lesions of Hylocereus polyrhizus in the states of Kedah and Penang, Malaysia. Based on the morphological characteristics of colony colour and appearance, and shapes of conidia as well as sequences of internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS), β‐tubulin, actin (ACT) and glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), the fungus was identified as Colletotrichum truncatum. Pathogenicity test showed that C. truncatum isolates were pathogenic to the artificially inoculated H. polyrhizus stem. This is the first report of C. truncatum causing anthracnose on H. polyrhizus stems in Malaysia.  相似文献   

In a survey performed in Chania and Aetoloacarnania, Greece in years 2013–2014, fungal isolates causing twig and shoot blight and branch canker of citrus trees were morphologically characterized and identified by multiple gene sequence analysis. By sequencing the ITS‐5.8S rRNA, the elongation factor 1‐α (EF1‐α), the β‐tubulin and the RNA polymerase II subunit (Rpb2) genes, the isolates examined were associated with Diaporthe foeniculina (six isolates) and Neofusicoccum parvum (one isolate). All six D. foeniculina isolates showed slow colony growth rates (7.4 ± 3.2 mm/day), while the N. parvum isolate exhibited fast growth (41.6 mm/day). Koch's criteria were met after re‐isolation of D. foeniculina isolates from all inoculated Citrus spp. and N. parvum from inoculated C. reticulata “Ortanique” and after having developed symptoms similar to those detected on shoots and branches collected from citrus fields. Based on lesion length on detached C. medica “Lia Kritis” shoots, N. parvum caused long necrotic lesions (58 mm in length) in comparison with a length of 12–21 mm lesions caused by D. foeniculina isolates. Pathogenicity trials on nine Citrus spp., which had been inoculated with D. foeniculina and N. parvum, revealed different levels of susceptibility, indicating a host‐dependent infection effect, with Poncirus trifoliate × C. paradisi (“Citrumelo Swingle”) being the most resistant citrus genotype. Lack of host specificity suggests that their pathogen–host association could be attributed to ecological rather to co‐evolutionary factors. This work represents the first report, accompanied with pathogenicity tests, on botryosphaeriaceous and diaporthaceous pathogens associated with twig and shoot blight and branch canker of citrus in Greece.  相似文献   

Die‐back disease caused by Phomopsis (Diaporthe) azadirachtae is the devastating disease of Azadirachta indica. Accurate identification of P. azadirachtae is always problematic due to morphological plasticity and delayed appearance of conidia. A species‐specific PCR‐based assay was developed for rapid and reliable identification of P. azadirachtae by designing a species‐specific primer‐targeting ITS region of P. azadirachtae isolates. The assay was validated with DNA isolated from different Phomopsis species and other fungal isolates. The PCR assay amplified 313‐bp product from all the isolates of P. azadirachtae and not from any other Phomopsis species or any genera indicating its specificity. The assay successfully detected the pathogen DNA in naturally and artificially infected neem seeds and twigs indicating its applicability in seed quarantine and seed health testing. The sensitivity of the assay was 100 fg when genomic DNA of all isolates was analysed. The PCR‐based assay was 92% effective in comparison with seed plating technique in detecting the pathogen. This is the first report on the development of species‐specific PCR assay for identification and detection of P. azadirachtae. Thus, PCR‐based assay developed is very specific, rapid, confirmatory and sensitive tool for detection of pathogen P. azadirachtae at early stages.  相似文献   

Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis (FOM) is a devastating disease of melon worldwide. Pathogenicity tests performed with F. oxysporum isolates obtained from Italian melon‐growing areas allowed to identify thirty‐four FOM isolates and the presence of all four races. The aims of this work were to examine genetic relatedness among FOM isolates by race determination and to perform phylogenetic analyses of identified FOM races including also other formae speciales of F. oxysporum of cucurbits. Results showed that FOM race 1,2 was the most numerous with a total of eighteen isolates, while six and nine isolates were identified as race 0 and 1, respectively, and just one isolate was assigned to race 2. Phylogenetic analysis was performed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiling and by translation elongation factor‐1α (TEF‐1α) sequencing. The analysis of RAPD profiles separated FOM races into two distinct clades. Clade 1, which included races 0, 1 and 1,2, was further divided into ‘subclade a’ which grouped almost all race 1,2 isolates, and into ‘subclade b’ which included race 0 and 1 isolates. Clade 2 comprised only race 2 isolates. The phylogenetic analysis based on TEF‐1α separated FOM from the other formae speciales of F. oxysporum. Also with TEF‐1α analysis, FOM races 0, 1 and 1,2 isolates grouped in one single clade clearly separated from FOM race 2 isolates which grouped closer to F. oxysporum f.sp. cucumerinum. RAPD technique was more effective than TEF‐1α in differentiating FOM race 1,2 isolates from those belonging to the closely related races 0 and 1. Both phylogenetic analyses supported the close relationship between the three different FOM races which might imply the derivation from one another and the different origin of FOM race 2.  相似文献   

Atractylodes japonica is a perennial herb in Compositae family, which is used for stomach disorders as a traditional Chinese medicine (Guo et al. 2006 ). In 2013, a leaf spot disease was first observed on plants of A. japonica in a production field of Fushun County, Liaoning Province, China. The disease had a speckled appearance initially. Lesions with grey–white centre and brown margin gradually developed and enlarged. Eventually, infections usually caused yellowing of the leaves and premature defoliation. The causal agent of infection on plants was identified as Paraphoma chrysanthemicola based on morphological and cultural characteristics, pathogenicity tests and phylogenetic analysis. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a leaf spot disease on A. japonica caused by P. chrysanthemicola in China.  相似文献   

A stem blight disease was observed on the lower portions of Brassica juncea stems during the cropping season (2010–2011). In advanced stages, the lesions were up to 120 cm in length on the stems and also spread to petioles and midribs of leaves. The purified fungus was identified as Nigrospora oryzae (Berk. & Br.) Petch (teleomorph Khuskia oryzae), which produced similar symptoms when healthy B. juncea plants were inoculated, thus proving Koch's postulates. This is the first report of the occurrence of N. oryzae on B. juncea.  相似文献   

During the year 2008 to 2009, a new disease of stem canker was noticed in most red‐fleshed dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) plantations in Malaysia. The symptoms observed were small circular sunken orange spot, black pycnidia and rotted stem. This study was conducted to determine the occurrence of the stem canker on H. polyrhizus in Malaysia, subsequently to isolate, identify and characterize the fungal pathogen based on morphology and molecular characteristics and pathogenicity test. From the surveyed 20 plantations in Malaysia, stem canker was detected in all the plantations. A total of 40 isolates of Scytalidium‐like fungus were isolated and identified as Neoscytalidium dimidiatum based on morphological characteristics and ITS region sequences, which showed 99% similarity to N. dimidiatum (FJ648577). From the phylogenetic analysis using maximum‐likelihood tree, isolates of N. dimidiatum from stem canker of H. polyrhizus were grouped together and did not show any sequence variation. From pathogenicity test, all 40 isolates of N. dimidiatum were pathogenic causing stem canker on H. polyrhizus. To our knowledge, this is the first report of stem canker of H. polyrhizus caused by N. dimidiatum in Malaysia.  相似文献   

Lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum) grown in screenhouses in Taiwan showed ringspots and concentric line patterns on leaves. A virus having isometric particles approximately 30–32 nm in diameter was isolated from affected lisianthus. Combined results of biological, cytological, serological, molecular and phylogenetic analyses show that the virus can be identified as Pothos latent virus (PoLV), genus Aureusvirus, family Tombusviridae. Inoculating the virus on non‐infected lisianthus plants reproduced the symptoms previously observed in the field. So, this is the first report of PoLV causing disease in lisianthus and the first report of the virus in Taiwan.  相似文献   

During 2011, Fusarium rot of stored garlic was detected on bulbs of ‘Aglio Bianco’ (white garlic) in Piacenza, Ferrara and Rovigo districts. Bulbs, harvested in July, were asymptomatic. During conservation in the drying sheds, approximately thirty percent of bulbs appeared emptied and softened. Fusarium proliferatum was consistently recovered from infected bulbs. The morphological identification was confirmed by Translation Elongation Factor 1‐alpha gene sequencing. Koch postulates were checked through pathogenicity tests. The disease has already been reported in Serbia, Germany, Spain, United States, China and India, but to our knowledge, this is the first report of F. proliferatum garlic bulb rot in Italy.  相似文献   

  • Oxalic acid is widely distributed in biological systems and known to play functional roles in plants. The gene AAE3 was recently identified to encode an oxalyl‐CoA synthetase (OCS) in Arabidopsis that catalyses the conversion of oxalate and CoA into oxalyl‐CoA. It will be particularly important to characterise the homologous gene in rice since rice is not only a monocotyledonous model plant, but also a staple food crop.
  • Various enzymatic and biological methods have been used to characterise the homologous gene.
  • We first defined that AAE3 in the rice genome (OsAAE3) also encodes an OCS enzyme. Its Km for oxalate is 1.73 ± 0.12 mm , and Vm is 6824.9 ± 410.29 U·min?1·mg protein?1. Chemical modification and site‐directed mutagenesis analyses identified thiols as the active site residues for rice OCS catalysis, suggesting that the enzyme might be regulated by redox state. Subcellular localisation assay showed that the enzyme is located in the cytosol and predominantly distributed in leaf epidermal cells. As expected, oxalate levels increased when OCS was suppressed in RNAi transgenic plants. More interestingly, OCS‐suppressed plants were more susceptible to bacterial blight but more resistant to Al toxicity.
  • The results demonstrate that the OsAAE3‐encoded protein also acts as an OCS in rice, and may play different roles in coping with stresses. These molecular, enzymatic and functional data provide first‐hand information to further clarify the function and mechanism of OCS in rice plants.

Vine decline of kiwifruit was observed in an orchard in Bart?n province of Turkey. Affected vines exhibited poor terminal growth, leaf discoloration and various degrees of dieback, including complete vine death. Symptoms were observed in the field on roots, crowns and stems. Two Phytophthora species were isolated from decayed cortical roots and lower stems of kiwifruits. They were identified as Phytophthora cryptogea and Phytophthora megasperma by their morphological characteristics and the analysis of sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the rDNA. Pathogenicity of the isolates was tested by stem inoculation on kiwifruit seedlings. After 4 weeks, cankers developed in the plants inoculated with P. cryptogea, while no cankers formed in those inoculated with P. megasperma and in control plants. This is the first report of P. cryptogea causing root and stem rot of kiwifruit in Turkey.  相似文献   

Forests dominated by oak, beech, hornbeam, and boreal conifers are characterized by resource pulses. Contemporary eastern U.S. oak forests may exhibit dramatic resource pulses in part because of the loss of American chestnut, which comprised 25–50% of the canopy throughout its range. Chestnut loss may have reduced mast resources for wildlife. A newly developed, blight‐resistant hybrid makes reintroduction feasible within several years. We use historical data to model the effects of American chestnut mast on consumer populations, illuminating the potential ecological effects of a successful restoration. We parameterized a stochastic population growth model with mast production data to compare consumer population dynamics both pre‐ and post‐blight. We explored the effect of maximum intrinsic population growth rate, degree of density dependence, and reliance upon mast on consumer response to chestnut loss. We parameterized the models for white‐footed mouse, eastern chipmunk, gray squirrel, and white‐tailed deer. At a northern site 14 years post‐blight, simulated annual mast production decreased 80% and the coefficient of variation (CV) increased 60%. At a southern site 35 years post‐blight, annual mast production decreased by 35% and the CV increased by 76%. Smaller, more variable mast crops translated to reduced abundance and increased variability in simulated consumer populations. White‐footed mice were the most responsive, exhibiting a 48% decrease in population size and 57% increase in interannual variation post‐blight. The reintroduction of blight‐resistant chestnut may fundamentally alter predator–prey interactions, gypsy moth outbreaks, and Lyme disease hot spots through its effect on the character of resource pulses that drive consumer dynamics.  相似文献   

We have explored the fungal diversity in asymptomatic twigs of apple, peach, pear and blueberry trees, with the objective of discerning between true endophytes and latent pathogens. Several fungal genera containing known bark pathogens were found. Seven Diaporthe species—D. oxe, D. infecunda, D. serafiniae, D. phaseolorum, D. terebinthifolii, Dfoeniculina and D. brasiliensis—were identified, along with Botryosphaeria dothidea, Neofusicoccum parvum, Neofusicoccum australe, Cytospora sp., Cytospora acaciae and Pestalotiopsis spp. A pathogenicity trial was undertaken to determine the role of these species on apple, pear, blueberry and peach shoots. Diaporthe brasiliensis, D. foeniculina, Diaporthe inconspicua, D. terebinthifolii, Diaporthe sp.1, Cytospora‐like isolates and Pestalotiopsis spp. isolates produced no lesions on inoculated shoots, suggesting that they could be considered true endophytes on their respective hosts. Meanwhile, some of the isolates of Diaporthe—D. oxe, Diaporthe sp.2, D. infecunda and D. serafiniae, B. dothidea, N. parvum and N. australe could be regarded as latent pathogens in their respective hosts as they produced sunken cankers and necrosis on inoculated shoots. These results demonstrate that apple, pear, blueberry and peach healthy shoots can host many known endophytic fungi along with potential wood disease‐causing fungi that should be regarded as latent pathogens.  相似文献   

Modern metabolomic approaches that generate more comprehensive phytochemical profiles than were previously available are providing new opportunities for understanding plant‐animal interactions. Specifically, we can characterize the phytochemical landscape by asking how a larger number of individual compounds affect herbivores and how compounds covary among plants. Here we use the recent colonization of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) by the Melissa blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa) to investigate the effects of indivdiual compounds and suites of covarying phytochemicals on caterpillar performance. We find that survival, development time, and adult weight are all associated with variation in nutrition and toxicity, including biomolecules associated with plant cell function as well as putative anti‐herbivore action. The plant‐insect interface is complex, with clusters of covarying compounds in many cases encompassing divergent effects on different aspects of caterpillar performance. Individual compounds with the strongest associations are largely specialized metabolites, including alkaloids, phenolic glycosides, and saponins. The saponins are represented in our data by more than 25 individual compounds with beneficial and detrimental effects on L. melissa caterpillars, which highlights the value of metabolomic data as opposed to approaches that rely on total concentrations within broad defensive classes.  相似文献   

A new severe disease on Anthurium andraeanum Lind. was observed in the summer of 2011 in Beijing, China. The fungus was isolated from symptomatic leaves, and its pathogenicity was confirmed. Based on the morphological characteristics and molecular analysis, the pathogen was identified as Myrothecium roridum Tode ex Fr. This is the first report of M. roridum causing leaf spot on A. andraeanum in China.  相似文献   

Symptoms of bitter rot were observed on apple and pear fruits in the field and in storage in Croatia between 2009 and 2011. Fifteen Colletotrichum isolates from apple and two from pear were collected and identified by sequencing of the ITS1 and ITS2 regions of the ribosomal DNA. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that ten isolates from apple and two isolates from pear could be identified as Colletotrichum fioriniae, five isolates from apple were clustered in Colletotrichum clavatum, while one isolate was in the Colletotrichum acutatum A7 group. All isolates caused typical bitter rot symptoms when inoculated on apple and pear fruits.  相似文献   

Gummy stem blight (GSB) is one of the most destructive foliar diseases of cucurbits, worldwide. To identify and characterize the pathogen which causes GSB on watermelon and muskmelon in East China, morphological characteristics, pathogenicity assays as well as sequence characterization of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) were performed on 41 isolates collected from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces. The mycelia of all the isolates were white on top and olivaceous green to black with concentric circles at the bottom on potato‐dextrose agar medium. The isolates differed significantly on aggressiveness based on pathogenicity assays. rDNA‐ITS sequences and phylogenetic analysis confirmed the isolates as Didymella bryoniae. The isolates were found to be highly identical with the exception of 13 isolates, which had a guanine substitution instead of adenine at position 131 of the ITS.  相似文献   

Species of Lasiodiplodia are important pathogens of a wide variety of plants covering a wide geographical distribution. These fungi can be associated with different symptoms such as stem cankers, shoot blights, fruit rots, dieback and gummosis. Diseases caused by Lasiodiplodia were surveyed on Eucalyptus urophylla × grandis, Polyscias balfouriana and Bougainvillea spectabilis in a nursery in southern China. Based on morphology characteristics and phylogenetic analyses of ITS rDNA sequences and translation elongation factor 1‐alpha (TEF‐1α) gene regions, four species of Lasiodiplodia were identified. Lasiodiplodia theobromae was identified from E. urophylla × grandis, P. balfouriana and B. spectabilis. L. hormozganensis, L. iraniensis and L. pseudotheobromae were identified from B. spectabilis. To our knowledge, with the exception of L. theobromae on E. urophylla × grandis, this study represents the first report of these fungi on the host plants. Pathogenicity tests showed that all Lasiodiplodia spp. obtained in this study are virulent to E. urophylla × grandis and B. spectabilis, and L. theobromae was virulent to P. balfouriana.  相似文献   

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