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Ants are among the most successful species at invading new environments. Their success undeniably comes from their various modes of reproduction and colony breeding structures, which influence their dispersal ability, reproductive potential, and foraging strategies. Almost all invasive ant species studied so far form supercolonies, a dense network of interconnected nests comprising numerous queens, without aggression toward non‐nestmates. This strategy results in invasive colonies that are able to grow extremely fast and large while avoiding intraspecific competition, allowing them to monopolize environmental resources and outcompete native species. Here, we developed and used 10 microsatellite markers to investigate the population structure and breeding system of the dark rover ant Brachymyrmex patagonicus Mayr in its introduced range. We determined whether this species exhibits a supercolonial structure by assessing whether different nests belonged to the same genetic colony. We inferred its dispersal ability by investigating isolation by distance and estimated the numbers of queens per colonies and mating per queen through parent‐offspring inferences. We found that most of the colonies of B. patagonicus were comprised of a single nest, headed by a single queen. Each nest was distinct from one another, without isolation by distance, which suggests strong dispersal ability through nuptial flights. These features are commonly observed in noninvasive and native ant species, but they are surprising for a successful invasive ant, as they strongly differ from other invasive ants. Overall, we discuss how this seemingly unfavorable strategy for an invasive ant might favor the invasive success of the dark rover ant in the United States.  相似文献   

The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, is a widespread invasive species characterized by reduced intraspecific aggression within introduced populations. To illuminate the mechanisms underlying nestmate recognition in Argentine ants, we studied the spatial and temporal fidelity of intraspecific aggression in an introduced population of Argentine ants within which intraspecific aggression does occur. We quantified variation in the presence or absence of intraspecific aggression among nests over time both in the field and under controlled laboratory conditions to gain insight into the role of environmental factors as determinants of nestmate discriminatory ability. In addition, we compared levels of intraspecific aggression between nest pairs to the similarity of their cuticular hydrocarbons to determine the potential role of these compounds as labels for nestmate discrimination. In both field and laboratory comparisons, nest pairs behaved in a consistent manner throughout the course of the experiment: pairs that fought did so for an entire year, and pairs that did not fight remained nonaggressive. Moreover, we found a negative relationship between cuticular hydrocarbon similarity and the degree of aggression between nests, suggesting that these hydrocarbons play a role in nestmate discriminatory ability. In contrast to the prevailing pattern, ants from one site showed a marked change in behaviour during the course of this study. A concomitant change was also seen in the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of ants from this site. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   



Territorial boundaries between conspecific social insect colonies are maintained through nestmate recognition systems. However, in supercolony-forming ants, which have developed an extraordinary social organization style known as unicoloniality, a single supercolony extends across large geographic distance. The underlying mechanism is considered to involve less frequent occurrence of intraspecific aggressive behaviors, while maintaining interspecific competition. Thus, we examined whether the supercolony-forming species, Formica yessensis has a nestmate recognition system similar to that of the multicolonial species, Camponotus japonicus with respect to the cuticular hydrocarbon-sensitive sensillum (CHC sensillum), which responds only to non-nestmate CHCs. We further investigated whether the sensory system reflects on the apparent reduced aggression between non-nestmates typical to unicolonial species.

Methodology/Principal Findings

F. yessensis constructs supercolonies comprising numerous nests and constitutes the largest supercolonies in Japan. We compared the within-colony or between-colonies’ (1) similarity in CHC profiles, the nestmate recognition cues, (2) levels of the CHC sensillar response, (3) levels of aggression between workers, as correlated with geographic distances between nests, and (4) their genetic relatedness. Workers from nests within the supercolony revealed a greater similarity of CHC profiles compared to workers from colonies outside it. Total response of the active CHC sensilla stimulated with conspecific alien CHCs did not increase as much as in case of C. japonicus, suggesting that discrimination of conspecific workers at the peripheral system is limited. It was particularly limited among workers within a supercolony, but was fully expressed for allospecific workers.


We demonstrate that chemical discrimination between nestmates and non-nestmates in F. yessensis was not clear cut, probably because this species has only subtle intraspecific differences in the CHC pattern that typify within a supercolony. Such an incomplete chemical discrimination via the CHC sensilla is thus an important factor contributing to decreased occurrence of intraspecific aggressive behavior especially within a supercolony.  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition is a key feature of social insects, as it preserves colony integrity. However, discrimination of non‐nestmates and nestmate recognition mechanisms are highly variable according to species and social systems. Here, we investigated the intraspecific level of aggression in the facultative polygynous and polydomous ant, Ectatomma tuberculatum Olivier (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ectatomminae), in a population with a strong genetic structure. We found that the intraspecific level of aggression was generally low in this population of E. tuberculatum. However, the level of aggression was significantly correlated with the geographical distance, suggesting that both genetic and environmental cues could be involved in nestmate recognition and discrimination mechanisms. Moreover, polydomy was confirmed by the absence of aggression between workers from nests at a distance of 3 m, while the level of aggression was significantly higher between workers from nests separated by a distance of 10 or 1300 m. Field experiments showed that the low level of aggression between neighbouring colonies was associated with shared foraging areas, which could suggest that familiarization processes may occur in this species. We propose that the particular social organization of this species, with secondary polygyny, polydomy, and budding, may have favoured a high acceptance threshold, because of the low probability of interactions with unrelated conspecifics, the high cost of erroneously rejecting nestmates, and the low cost of accepting non‐nestmate workers. The resulting open recognition system can thus allow privileged relationships between neighbouring colonies and promote the ecological dominance of E. tuberculatum in the mosaic of arboreal ants.  相似文献   



Ants typically distinguish nestmates from non-nestmates based on the perception of colony-specific chemicals, particularly cuticular hydrocarbons present on the surface of the ants' exoskeleton. These recognition cues are believed to play an important role in the formation of vast so-called supercolonies that have been described for some invasive ant species, but general conclusions about the role of these cues are hampered by only few species being studied. Here we use data on cuticular hydrocarbons, aggression and microsatellite genetic markers to investigate the interdependence of chemical recognition cues, genetic distance and nestmate discrimination in the pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis), a widespread pest species, and ask whether introduced populations of this species are genetically differentiated and exhibit intraspecific aggression.


Microsatellite analyses of a total of 35 colonies from four continents revealed extremely high levels of genetic differentiation between almost all colonies (F ST = 0.751 ± 0.006 SE) and very low within-colony diversity. This implies that at least 34 and likely hundreds more independent lineages of this ant have spread worldwide. Aggression tests involving workers from 14 different colonies showed only low levels of aggression, even between colonies that were geographically and/or genetically very distant. Chemical analyses of groups of worker ants showed that all colonies had the same cuticular compounds, which varied only quantitatively among colonies. There was a positive correlation between geographical and genetic distance, but no other significant relationships were detected between aggression, chemical profile, genetic distance and geographical distance.


The pharaoh ant has a global invasion history of numerous independent introductions resulting in genetically highly differentiated colonies typically displaying surprisingly low levels of intraspecific aggression, a behaviour that may have evolved in the native range or by lineage selection in the introduced range.  相似文献   

When ants from alien colonies encounter each other the stereotypic reaction is usually one of aggressive behavior. It has been shown that factors such as queen-derived cues or nest-odors modulate this reaction. Here we examined whether nest volatiles affect nestmate recognition by observing the reaction of nestmates towards individual workers under one of four regimes: completely isolated; isolated but receiving a constant airflow from the mother colony; as previous but with the passage of nest volatiles towards the isolated ants blocked by adsorption on a SuperQ column; or reversed airflow direction-from the isolated ants to the nest interior. Ants that had been completely isolated for three weeks were subjected to aggressive behavior, but not those that had continued to receive airflow from the mother colony. Adsorbing the nest volatiles from the airflow by SuperQ abolished this difference, with these ants now also being subjected to aggression, indicating that nest volatiles can modulate nestmate recognition. Reverse airflow also reduced the level of aggression but to a lesser extent than airflow directed from the mother colony. In queenless colonies the overall aggression was reduced under all regimes, and there was no effect of flow, suggesting that the volatiles involved are queen-borne. The SuperQ adsorbed volatiles originated from Dufour's gland secretions of both workers and queen, implicating them in the process. Cuticular hydrocarbon profiles were not affected by exposure to nest volatiles, suggesting that the latter either constitute part of the recognition cues or affect worker behavior via a different, as yet elusive mechanism.  相似文献   

Social organisms rank among the most abundant and ecologically dominant species on Earth, in part due to exclusive recognition systems that allow cooperators to be distinguished from exploiters. Exploiters, such as social parasites, manipulate their hosts’ recognition systems, whereas cooperators are expected to minimize interference with their partner’s recognition abilities. Despite our wealth of knowledge about recognition in single-species social nests, less is known of the recognition systems in multi-species nests, particularly involving cooperators. One uncommon type of nesting symbiosis, called parabiosis, involves two species of ants sharing a nest and foraging trails in ostensible cooperation. Here, we investigated recognition cues (cuticular hydrocarbons) and recognition behaviors in the parabiotic mixed-species ant nests of Camponotus femoratus and Crematogaster levior in North-Eastern Amazonia. We found two sympatric, cryptic Cr. levior chemotypes in the population, with one type in each parabiotic colony. Although they share a nest, very few hydrocarbons were shared between Ca. femoratus and either Cr. levior chemotype. The Ca. femoratus hydrocarbons were also unusually long–chained branched alkenes and dienes, compounds not commonly found amongst ants. Despite minimal overlap in hydrocarbon profile, there was evidence of potential interspecific nestmate recognition –Cr. levior ants were more aggressive toward Ca. femoratus non-nestmates than Ca. femoratus nestmates. In contrast to the prediction that sharing a nest could weaken conspecific recognition, each parabiotic species also maintains its own aggressive recognition behaviors to exclude conspecific non-nestmates. This suggests that, despite cohabitation, parabiotic ants maintain their own species-specific colony odors and recognition mechanisms. It is possible that such social symbioses are enabled by the two species each using their own separate recognition cues, and that interspecific nestmate recognition may enable this multi-species cooperative nesting.  相似文献   

Two models have been proposed for the transfer of genetically determined colony odour pheromones in social insects. The ‘Gestalt’ model suggests a complete transfer of pheromones amongst all nestmates whereas the ‘Individualistic’ model suggests no significant odour transfer with nestmates bearing individually distinct odours. In experiments with the ant Rhytidoponera confusa, colonies showed significantly more aggression (12% aggression) towards nestmates that had been kept in cages with non-nestmates than they did to nestmate controls (0% aggression). Colonies also showed significantly less aggression against non-nestmates that had been kept with nestmates in a separate cage (84% aggression) than they did to non-nestmate controls (100% aggression). A second experiment indicated that workers can absorb colony-specific odours from the nest materials of other colonies. However, whilst both experiments indicated a partial Gestalt component to the colony odour (ca. 28%), the Individualistic component seemed to be more important (ca. 72%).  相似文献   

Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) in their native South American range, like most other ant species, form spatially restricted colonies that display high levels of aggression toward other such colonies. In their introduced range, Argentine ants are unicolonial and form massive supercolonies composed of numerous nests among which territorial boundaries are absent. Here we examine the role of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) in nestmate recognition of this highly damaging invasive ant using three supercolonies from its introduced range. We conducted behavioral assays to test the response of Argentine ants to workers treated with colonymate or non-colonymate CHCs. Additionally, we quantified the amount of hydrocarbons transferred to individual ants and performed gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) to qualitatively characterize our manipulation of CHC profiles. The GC/MS data revealed marked differences in the hydrocarbon profiles across supercolonies and indicated that our treatment effectively masked the original chemical profile of the treated ants with the profile belonging to the foreign individuals. We found that individual workers treated with foreign CHCs were aggressively rejected by their colonymates and this behavior appears to be concentration-dependent: larger quantities of foreign CHCs triggered higher levels of aggression. Moreover, this response was not simply due to an increase in the amount of CHCs applied to the cuticle since treatment with high concentrations of nestmate CHCs did not trigger aggression.The results of this study bolster the findings of previous studies on social insects that have implicated CHCs as nestmate recognition cues and provide insight into the mechanisms of nestmate recognition in the invasive Argentine ant. Received 6 February 2007; revised 31 May and 27 July 2007; accepted 16 August 2007.  相似文献   

Highly social ants, bees and wasps employ sophisticated recognition systems to identify colony members and deny foreign individuals access to their nest. For ants, cuticular hydrocarbons serve as the labels used to ascertain nest membership. Social parasites, however, are capable of breaking the recognition code so that they can thrive unopposed within the colonies of their hosts. Here we examine the influence of the socially parasitic slave-making ant, Polyergus breviceps on the nestmate recognition system of its slaves, Formica altipetens. We compared the chemical, genetic, and behavioral characteristics of colonies of enslaved and free-living F. altipetens. We found that enslaved Formica colonies were more genetically and chemically diverse than their free-living counterparts. These differences are likely caused by the hallmark of slave-making ant ecology: seasonal raids in which pupa are stolen from several adjacent host colonies. The different social environments of enslaved and free-living Formica appear to affect their recognition behaviors: enslaved Formica workers were less aggressive towards non-nestmates than were free-living Formica. Our findings indicate that parasitism by P. breviceps dramatically alters both the chemical and genetic context in which their kidnapped hosts develop, leading to changes in how they recognize nestmates.  相似文献   

During colony relocation, the selection of a new nest involves exploration and assessment of potential sites followed by colony movement on the basis of a collective decision making process. Hygiene and pathogen load of the potential nest sites are factors worker scouts might evaluate, given the high risk of epidemics in group-living animals. Choosing nest sites free of pathogens is hypothesized to be highly efficient in invasive ants as each of their introduced populations is often an open network of nests exchanging individuals (unicolonial) with frequent relocation into new nest sites and low genetic diversity, likely making these species particularly vulnerable to parasites and diseases. We investigated the nest site preference of the invasive pharaoh ant, Monomorium pharaonis, through binary choice tests between three nest types: nests containing dead nestmates overgrown with sporulating mycelium of the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium brunneum (infected nests), nests containing nestmates killed by freezing (uninfected nests), and empty nests. In contrast to the expectation pharaoh ant colonies preferentially (84%) moved into the infected nest when presented with the choice of an infected and an uninfected nest. The ants had an intermediate preference for empty nests. Pharaoh ants display an overall preference for infected nests during colony relocation. While we cannot rule out that the ants are actually manipulated by the pathogen, we propose that this preference might be an adaptive strategy by the host to “immunize” the colony against future exposure to the same pathogenic fungus.  相似文献   

Discriminating between group members and strangers is a key feature of social life. Nestmate recognition is very effective in social insects and is manifested by aggression and rejection of alien individuals, which are prohibited to enter the nest. Nestmate recognition is based on the quantitative variation in cuticular hydrocarbons, which can include heritable cues from the workers, as well as acquired cues from the environment or queen-derived cues. We tracked the profile of six colonies of the ant Camponotus aethiops for a year under homogeneous laboratory conditions. We performed chemical and behavioral analyses. We show that nestmate recognition was not impaired by constant environment, even though cuticular hydrocarbon profiles changed over time and were slightly converging among colonies. Linear hydrocarbons increased over time, especially in queenless colonies, but appeared to have weak diagnostic power between colonies. The presence of a queen had little influence on nestmate discrimination abilities. Our results suggest that heritable cues of workers are the dominant factor influencing nestmate discrimination in these carpenter ants and highlight the importance of colony kin structure for the evolution of eusociality.  相似文献   

In geographic regions with warm winters, invasive yellowjacket wasp colonies (genus Vespula) often exhibit polygyny (multiple queens) and persist for multiple years, despite these phenomena being rare in the native range. Here, we test the hypothesis that polygyny, caused by foreign queens being accepted into an existing colony, is the result of relaxed nestmate recognition in the invasive range, as has been observed in some supercolonial invasive ants. In bioassays with wild colonies in the field, we found that nestmate discrimination was weak in both invasive (Hawaii) and native (California) populations of Vespula pensylvanica, with significant nestmate discrimination in only ~?30% of trials. We also found that the diversity and variability of cuticular hydrocarbons, chemical compounds that mediate nestmate recognition, were not reduced in introduced populations, unlike several supercolonial invasive ant species. Our findings suggest that ancestral weak nestmate discrimination behavior of V. pensylvanica may make this species pre-adapted to transition to polygyny and extended colony lifespans when introduced into environments with benign winters that facilitate foreign queens joining existing colonies in late season.  相似文献   

Brown WD  Liautard C  Keller L 《Oecologia》2003,134(1):12-17
Formica exsecta has become an important model system for studying intraspecific variation in sex ratios. Patterns of sex allocation in polygynous (multiple queen per nest) populations of F. exsecta are generally consistent with the queen-replenishment hypothesis. This hypothesis states that colonies produce gynes (reproductive females) in order to increase queen number and enhance colony survival and/or productivity when the number of resident queens is low. However, the small proportion of colonies that raise gynes produce more than necessary for simple queen replenishment. It has been hypothesized that excess production of gynes may occur to reduce the frequency of accepting foreign unrelated gynes into the colony when workers cannot distinguish nestmate from non-nestmate queens. This explanation for excess gynes requires weak or no aggression between non-nestmates and is expected to lead to the selective execution of new queens by colonies that do not invest in the production of gynes. Experimental studies where gynes were introduced into natal and foreign colonies indeed suggested that polygynous populations of F. exsecta have a poor nestmate recognition system. Although gynes were significantly more likely to be accepted in their parental colony compared to another foreign female-producing colony, the difference was small. Moreover, encounters between workers from different colonies within the population showed very little aggression and were no more aggressive than encounters between nestmates, again suggesting a weak capacity for nestmate recognition. Our experiment also showed that colonies that produced only males executed most of the gynes that were experimentally introduced into the colony, whereas female-producing colonies accepted most gynes. This is consistent with ants using a simple rule of thumb to decrease parasitism by unrelated queens, whereby colonies selectively destroy gynes whenever gynes are not produced in the colonies.  相似文献   

Parabiotic ants—ants that share their nest with another ant species—need to tolerate not only conspecific nestmates, but also nestmates of a foreign species. The parabiotic ants Camponotus rufifemur and Crematogaster modiglianii display high interspecific tolerance, which exceeds their respective partner colony and extends to alien colonies of the partner species. The tolerance appears to be related to unusual cuticular substances in both species. Both species possess hydrocarbons of unusually high chain lengths. In addition, Cr. modiglianii carries high quantities of hereto unknown compounds on its cuticle. These unusual features of the cuticular profiles may affect nestmate recognition within both respective species as well. In the present study, we therefore examined inter-colony discrimination within the two parabiotic species in relation to chemical differentiation. Cr. modiglianii was highly aggressive against workers from alien conspecific colonies in experimental confrontations. In spite of high inter-colony variation in the unknown compounds, however, Cr. modiglianii failed to differentiate between intracolonial and allocolonial unknown compounds. Instead, the cuticular hydrocarbons functioned as recognition cues despite low variation across colonies. Moreover, inter-colony aggression within Cr. modiglianii was significantly influenced by the presence of two methylbranched alkenes acquired from its Ca. rufifemur partner. Ca. rufifemur occurs in two varieties (‘red’ and ‘black’) with almost no overlap in their cuticular hydrocarbons. Workers of this species showed low aggression against conspecifics from foreign colonies of the same variety, but attacked workers from the respective other variety. The low inter-colony discrimination within a variety may be related to low chemical differentiation between the colonies. Ca. rufifemur majors elicited significantly more inter-colony aggression than medium-sized workers. This may be explained by the density of recognition cues: majors carried significantly higher quantities of cuticular hydrocarbons per body surface.  相似文献   

The ponerine ant Brachyponera chinensis was introduced to the USA, where it has become invasive. Although various ecological data have been collected for B. chinensis populations in the USA, most aspects concerning the biology and ecology of native populations in Japan, a presumed origin, remain unknown. Here we investigated the social structure and nestmate discrimination in native populations of B. chinensis and a closely related species, B. nakasujii. Both species showed functional polygyny over seasons. Only in B. nakasujii was there a seasonal change in the numbers of queens and workers per nest. In arena tests, workers of neither species showed aggressive behaviors to conspecific non‐nestmates from the same population, and the mean aggression score did not increase with the distance between nests. However, some differences in non‐aggressive responses were detected between nestmate and non‐nestmate pairs in both species. In an experiment to introduce a single worker into a nest, B. chinensis accepted non‐nestmates with a high probability just like nestmates, whereas in B. nakasujii non‐nestmates were less accepted than nestmates. These findings suggest that native populations of B. chinensis already possess some of the key characteristics shared by many invasive exotic ants in introduced ranges, such as stable polygyny, weak internest aggression and acceptance of non‐nestmates. These tendencies are remarkable in comparison to the closely related B. nakasujii.  相似文献   

Workers of most social insects can distinguish between nestmates and non-nestmates, and actively attack the latter if they attempt to intrude into the nest or surrounding territory. Nevertheless, there are many records of heterospecific organisms living within the nests of social insects, and they are thought to gain access through chemical mimicry. The salticid spider Cosmophasis bitaeniata lives within the leaf nests of the ant Oecophylla smaragdina, where it preys on the ant larvae. We investigated, using behavioural bioassays and chemical analyses, whether the previously reported resemblance of the cuticular hydrocarbons of ant and spider was colony-specific. Behavioural experiments revealed that the spiders can distinguish between nestmate and non-nestmate major workers and are less inclined to escape when confined with ants that are nestmates. More significantly, C. bitaeniata were more likely to capture ant larvae from nestmate minor workers than non-nestmate minor workers. The chemical analyses revealed that the cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of the spiders and the major workers of the ant colonies were colony-specific. However, the hydrocarbon profiles of C. bitaeniata do not match those of the major workers of O. smaragdina from the same colony. Perhaps the colony-specific cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of C. bitaeniata function to obtain prey from the minor workers rather than avoid eliciting aggression from the major workers.  相似文献   

In Polistes, nestmate recognition relies on the learning of recognition cues from the nest. When wasps recognize nestmates, they match the template learned with the odor of the encountered wasp. The social wasp Polistes biglumis use the homogeneous odor of their colony to recognize nestmates. When these colonies become host colonies of the social parasite P. atrimandibularis, colony odor is no longer homogeneous, as the parasite offspring have an odor that differs from that of their hosts. In trying to understand how the mechanism of nestmate recognition works in parasitized colonies and why parasite offspring are accepted by hosts, we tested the responses of resident Polistes biglumis wasps from parasitized and unparasitized colonies to newly emerged parasites and to nestmate and non-nestmate conspecifics. The experiments indicate that immediately upon eclosion both young parasites and young hosts lack a colony odor and that colony odor can be soon acquired from the accepting colony. In addition, while residents of nonparasitized colonies recognize only the odor of their species, resident hosts of parasitized colonies have learned a template that fits the odors of two species.  相似文献   

In unicolonial populations of ants, individuals can mix freelywithin large networks of nests that contain many queens. Ithas been proposed that the absence of aggression in unicolonialpopulations stems from a loss of nest mate recognition, butfew studies have tested this hypothesis. We investigated patternsof aggression and nest mate recognition in the unicolonial woodant, Formica paralugubris. Little aggression occurred, evenbetween workers from nests separated by up to 5 km. However,when aggression took place, it was directed toward non–nestmates rather than nest mates. Trophallaxis (exchange of liquidfood) occurred very frequently, and surprisingly, workers performedsignificantly more trophallaxis with non–nest mates thanwith nest mates (bias 2.4:1). Hence, workers are able to discriminatenest mates from non–nest mates. Higher rates of trophallaxisbetween non–nest mates may serve to homogenize the colonyodor or may be an appeasement mechanism. Trophallaxis rate andaggression level were not correlated with geographical distanceand did not differ within and between two populations separatedby several kilometers. Hence, these populations do not representdifferentiated supercolonies with clear-cut behavioral boundaries.Overall, the data demonstrate that unicoloniality can evolvedespite well-developed nest mate recognition. Reduced levelsof aggression might have been favored by the low rate of interactionswith foreign workers, high cost of erroneously rejecting nestmates, and low cost of accepting foreign workers.  相似文献   

Cooperative social groups rely on the ability to distinguishmembers from nonmembers. Accordingly, social insects have evolveda variety of systems that allow discrimination of nest matesfrom non–nest mates. In this study, we show that experiencecan modify patterns of intraspecific aggression in Argentineants (Linepithema humile). In laboratory experiments, we foundthat aggression between colonies was often asymmetrical, butin all five cases, this asymmetry shifted to symmetrical aggressionafter contact with a hostile colony. Moreover, in the field,aggression between workers collected from colony borders wassymmetrical, whereas polarized aggression occurred between workerscollected 500 m away from colony borders. Coinciding with thisshift in aggression symmetry, we also observed an increase inboth the overall level of aggression and the frequency of aggressionin both the field and laboratory bioassays. We found littleevidence for colony-level competitive asymmetries stemming frompolarities in aggression at the worker level, either in thelaboratory or in the field. These results illustrate that recognitionsystems in Argentine ants are surprisingly dynamic and provideexperimental evidence for how recognition can be adjusted inresponse to specific circumstances—in this case the presenceof intraspecific competitors.  相似文献   

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